My Cousin’s Cum Diet

“I’m sorry. I just can’t fuck you anymore.”

Not the sort of thing any male wants to hear, eh? Even when coming from
one’s sister. I had been expecting this for weeks, but it was still a
jolt, especially since it was delivered in the midst of one of those
adolescent moments when you simply have to get off or die in the

I groaned.

“This is about Jake?”

Kim nodded.

“I’m sorry. I just don’t feel right dating him and still doing it with

She was standing there in one of her “fuck me” outfits (though the
message was probably unintentional)–tight scoop-neck baby T-shirt
showcasing her 36DD chest, with cut-off denim shorts under it.
Unfortunately, she also wore that familiar “vulnerable little sister”
look on her face that made it impossible for me to be mean to her. Kim
and I certainly had our share of sibling spats, even since we started
getting it on last year, but when she gave me that look, I was putty in
her hands. It was a good thing she was just too good-natured to really
realize it, or she could have gotten a lot more out of me over the

I groaned again.

“I understand. I guess.”

“I’m sorry. I wish there was something I could do.”

“It’s all right.”

“It’s not that I don’t like it or anything, it just doesn’t feel right

I waved her off. I couldn’t stand having this conversation go on any
longer. Beside which, if Kim and I were not going to fuck, I had to get
her out of my room so I could beat off. My balls felt like they were
caught in a vise.

She gave me another helpless look and left. As soon as she was gone, I
ran into my closet to find a “Penthouse.”

Kim had begun seeing this guy about a month ago. She had gotten a lot
more attention from the freshman guys since getting her tits, but she
hadn’t dated anyone seriously until recently. Jake was a
sophomore-soon-to-be-junior, and when he asked her to the Prom that
Spring, it was clear that our days of furtive incest were numbered. I
had graduated a few weeks before, and unless I found someone else, I was
now faced with a summer without pussy while I waited for college to
start that fall. Granted, most guys my age were in the same boat, but I
had gotten spoiled after having Kim two or three times a day for nearly
a year.

After a few days, I was ready to go nuts. I tried calling up a few of
the girls I knew but got nowhere. My urgent desire to get laid was
probably too transparent.

And that’s when my summer took a decidedly twisted turn.

“What would you guys say to having your cousin Julie stay with us this

Kim and I looked up from our dinner.

“Why?” Kim asked.

Mom sighed.

“Polly is going backpacking through Mexico with her boyfriend, and they
don’t want to take Julie. She asked if we could take her for the

Our Aunt Polly lived a couple of states away. Polly was Mom’s sister,
and she had divorced her husband about the same time our dad took off.
Julie was sixteen, a few months older than Kim, and we saw them a couple
of times a year. I briefly considered the possibility of trying to
boink Julie somehow, but discarded it. She was nice enough to be
around, and certainly not unattractive, but she was also about thirty
pounds overweight and after nine months of Kim (who had all of her
excess body fat on her chest), she didn’t really interest me.

“Where would she sleep?” Kim asked.

Mom gave her a look of sympathy.

“She’d have to share your room. We’d have to get the spare bed out of
the attic.”

Kim whimpered in disappointment.

“Does she have to?”

“I’m sorry, honey. There’s nowhere else for her to go.”

Kim’s eyes dropped to the table. I could see she wanted to protest, but
Mom was right. There really wasn’t anywhere else for Julie to sleep.

“When would she be here?” I asked.

“Polly is leaving in about a week. They won’t be back until late

Kim whimpered again. I gave her a look of commiseration, but it seemed
the issue was closed.

Julie arrived the next week. She was about Kim’s height but quite a bit
heavier. She resembled Kim somewhat, though she had long dark red hair
and hazel eyes. Mom and I set up the extra bed in Kim’s room, and Kim
and Julie spent the rest of the night reorganizing things.

I was in the bathroom taking a leak later that night, after all the
lights were out, when I heard the two of them talking.

“How do you stay so thin with your boobs?” Julie asked quietly.

“Uh . . . I don’t really do anything.”

I could hear the nervousness in Kim’s voice, and I knew why it was
there, since she thought she had gotten her big tits from three months
of swallowing my cum.

“Nothing? I mean, you must do something.”

“I guess I try to eat right. But I don’t really play any sports besides

“God. I wish I had a body like yours. I swear, I’d do anything.”

Something went click in my head. The same devilish corner of my mind
that had come up with the “cum makes your tits grow” story began
hatching something else.

“Have you tried dieting?” Kim asked.

“Nothing seems to work. I keep thinking there has to be some way to do
it. I just haven’t figured it out yet.”

Another click. _Oh my, God_, I thought. _I cannot do something like
this_. But the idea latched on to me immediately.

I listened for more, but the girls seemed to have called it a night. I
scurried back to my room and began plotting.

It took me a few days to work up the guts to confront Kim with this
idea. In the mean time, the three of us had largely hung out together,
and Kim seemed to have adjusted to Julie’s presence. That afternoon,
while Mom was still at work and Julie was down in the living room
watching television, I cornered Kim in her bedroom.

She immediately misinterpreted my presence.

“Jimmy, no. I told you we can’t do it anymore, and we really can’t do
it with Julie around.”

I held up my hands.

“That’s not what I want. I just need your help with something.”


“I can deal with your thing with Jake, but if you could help me get
someone else, it would help me get over it.”

She looked at me warily.

“Well . . . who?”

I checked the hallway.


Her eyes bulged.

“_Julie_? How? And _why_? Can’t you find someone you’re not related

“I had an idea. I just need your help.”

“What idea?”

I explained. Her face went pale as she realized what I was asking.

“No way,” she said. “No damn way. I am not telling Julie anything
about what we did.”

“You don’t have to tell her who it was. Just tell her it was an old

“But I’d have to tell her I was sucking some guy off for months and

I rolled my eyes.

“Well, you _were_.”

“Yeah, well . . .”

“Kim, you’re sixteen, almost. It’s not exactly going to make her flip
out if you tell her you’re not a virgin anymore.”

“But everything about your cum and all that?”

“Just tell her it was a side effect you figured out later. Not that you
were doing it deliberately.”

She began to waver.

“Kim, come on. Just help me out here, and you won’t have to worry about
me bugging you anymore.”

She whimpered.


She let out a sigh. “Okay. Just give me some time to work up to it.”

“Whatever you need. Thanks.”

She nodded, groaning in frustration.

Nothing happened for a few days. Every night, I snuck into the bathroom
to eavesdrop on them, but Kim still seemed to be working up her courage.
I was about to decide she had chickened out when, three days later, I
heard her begin the spiel I had given her.

Julie had again been complaining about her inability to lose weight.

“You remember when you asked me what I did to look like this?” Kim


“There was actually something. But you have to swear not to tell

I heard Julie’s bed squeak as she sat up.

“What? Like drugs or something?”

“No. Something else.”


“Um. Sex. Sort of.”

Nothing but silence for a few seconds, then Julie, her voice noticeably

“You’ve had sex?”



“Yeah. I had a boyfriend last year.”

“And sex made you lose weight?”

“Not exactly. But . . . don’t gross out or anything . . . his cum
seemed to make my tits grow.”

More silence.

“No way.”

“I gave him blow jobs for a long time before we did it. When I started
doing that, all of a sudden my tits began growing. You know how much
bigger I am than my mom. I don’t know how else to explain it. They
stopped growing about the time I broke up with him.”


“So maybe that might help you. If you, like, went on a cum diet.”

Julie burst out laughing, though she seemed to try to restrain it.

“God. But how would that help me lose weight? I mean, I wouldn’t mind
having bigger tits, but what I really want is a smaller ass.”

“Maybe if you just ate cum for a while. I read somewhere that it has a
lot of nutrients and vitamins and stuff. Protein.”

That was part of the story I had worked up and fed to Kim a few days

“Protein,” Julie repeated. The mirth seemed to have left her voice.

“Yeah. So you wouldn’t starve. Your tits would grow, and you would
lose weight.”

Neither of them said anything for a while.

“You’re serious? All those bj’s really made your tits get bigger?”

“Yeah. I don’t know what else could have done it.”

“Well . . . shit. Where am I supposed to get that much cum? It’s not
like I have boyfriend like you did. Any I’m not going to start dating
someone around here just so I can suck him off.”

“I don’t know. It’s just an idea.”

As I had instructed, Kim was not pushing my participation immediately.

Julie laughed weakly.

“If only we could get a guy to just give me his cum.”

“Somebody who wouldn’t blab about it,” Kim said.

“Somebody I could just up and ask. Except I know nobody here.”

“Well–” Kim began “–but no. That would never work.”

“What? Who?”

“I was thinking of, you know, Jimmy. But that might be too gross for

Julie said nothing for a few seconds.



“Do you really think he would do it?”

“If we just asked for his cum?”


“Well, he–” Kim began giggling. “He has enough of it. I hear him
beating off all the time.”

You might think that remark would make me blush, but it didn’t. It was
precisely what I told Kim to tell her.

Julie laughed with her.

“Oh, God. We could, like, ask him to save me some.”

Both of them dissolved into fits of giggling. It went on for nearly a
minute. When Julie spoke up again, she had become serious again.

“I need to think about this.”

“It was just an idea.”

“But you said it worked for you.”


“Do you think Jimmy would freak? If I came on to him somehow? I can’t
just ask him to give me his cum.”

“What are you going to do? Just start giving him bj’s?”

“What else can I do?”

“Have you ever given one before?”

“Once. It didn’t go so well.”

“I could show you what to do.”

“Could you? That would be really cool.”


There was nothing else after that. Eventually, I went back to my room
and went to sleep.

To say that I was in a lather of anticipation the next few days would be
a colossal understatement. Although I noticed Julie giving me some
weird looks now and then, nothing seemed to happen. Kim just told me to
“be patient” and refused to say anything else.

That Friday night, when Mom went out with some of her friends, Kim and
Julie suggested we stay home for a “movie night.” We went to the video
store, where they convinced me to rent some chick flick. I sensed
something was up and went along with it.

Halfway though the movie, Julie stopped the tape.

“This is lame. Do you guys want to do something else?”

“Like what?” I asked.

“There’s not much to do around here,” Kim said.

“I was thinking we could do something weird. Have you guys ever played
strip poker?”

I forced myself to laugh.


“Do you wanna?”

I looked at Kim. She seemed to know what was up.

“Sure,” she said.

We scurried up to Kim’s room and shut the door. I found a deck of

“So what are the rules?” Kim asked.

“We should just play low hand loses a piece of clothing,” I said.
“Betting with clothes would be hard with just three of us.”

Both of the girls nodded.

“Okay,” Julie said. “You deal.”

I dealt, and we played a hand of five card draw. Julie discarded three
cards and ended up with nothing, ten high. Grinning at me and Kim, she
pulled her T-shirt over her head. Underneath she wore a simple white
bra. Her tits were nice enough, but far smaller than Kim’s despite her

I passed the card to Kim, and we played another round. I got two pair,
and though Julie seemed to try to tank this round too, she got a pair of
sevens to Kim’s Ace. Off came Kim’s blouse. She passed the cards to

“What happens when we run out of clothes?” Kim asked.

“We could start betting with the clothes then, maybe,” I said. I
watched for the concern in Julie’s eyes, and it came.

“Or,” she said, “we could just do, like, the loser has to do something
that the winner says.”

“Like what?”

She shrugged.


Julie dealt and lost again. She wriggled out of her jeans, leaving
herself in bra, panties, and socks. I tried not to stare too obviously,
but I could see her bright red pubes under the fabric of her drawers.

The cards came back to me. Though Julie again appeared to discard her
high cards, I somehow ended up with a hand of trash and lost. I took
off my shirt.

On we went for about fifteen minutes. Kim got down to bra-and-panties
while I was still in my jeans. Julie lost her socks and then her bra.
Blushing nervously, she unhooked it and let it fall off. She looked at
me as she undressed, and since–as near as I could tell–she was
expecting me to do it, I spent a few seconds checking her out. She had
big, bright red, protuberant nipples, almost out of proportion to the
rest of her tits. She seemed to fight a momentary impulse to cover
herself, then sat up straight to give me a better look.

It was my deal now, and I passed out the cards. Julie turned in four
cards and promptly lost her panties. Kim looked at me, then her, in
mild amazement, as if she couldn’t believe she had let herself get mixed
up in this.

Julie stood up and slid down her shorts. Naked, she was not bad
looking, and not really fat–just amply endowed in every direction. Her
pubes, in contrast to the dark red hair on her head, were almost orange.
She was blushing again but showed no signs of wanting to stop. She sat
down on her feet, not brave enough to expose herself by sitting

“Now what?” Kim asked.

“We keep playing,” Julie said.

Kim glanced at me again. I tried not to grin.

Kim dealt and lost her bra. Julie gave her a jealous look, and her envy
seemed to be enough to distract her from wondering why I was not more
interested in seeing my sister’s tits.

Now it was Julie’s deal. I got two kings in the first hand and turned
in the rest. In return, Julie somehow dealt me a full house. Kim got a
pair of Jacks, and Julie had nothing.

I showed my cards. Kim’s face paled a little, and she glanced at Julie,
who took a deep breath.

“Okay,” she said.

I tried to play dumb.

“Well, like what am I supposed to tell you to do?”

She shrugged.


Kim stood up.

“How about if I go out of the room, and you guys decide?”

Julie nodded.

Kim moved for the door, then grabbed a robe out of her closet, not
wanting to run around the house topless. When the door was shut, Julie
and I looked at each other.

“So . . . ?” I asked.

She took another deep breath.

“This spring, I went to a college party with some friends of mine.”
Something in the tone of her voice made me think she had made this up
and rehearsed it beforehand. “Some of the guys played strip poker like
this, and when somebody lost all their clothes, they had to do oral sex
on the winner. We could do that.”

I tried to look shocked.

“Like a blow job?”

“Do you want me to?”

“Uh. Okay.”

She crawled over to me, and I sat on the edge of Kim’s bed. Julie
unbuttoned my jeans and helped me pull them down. I had had an erection
ever since the two girls lost their tops, and it now sprang forth, ready
for action. Julie looked at it a little nervously, then took it in her
right hand.

“I’ve only done this once before. I don’t know if it will be any good.”

“It’s okay.”

She lowered her head and took me in her mouth. She sucked it the back
of her throat and then began massaging her tongue against me. I closed
my eyes, sighing at the feel of moist flesh around my cock after all the
recent deprivation. I recognized Kim’s handiwork in her technique
immediately–it was what she had always done to me. Julie withdrew and
began bobbing slowly over me, rubbing her tongue against the underside.

Normally, I would have lasted several minutes, but I had gone without
pussy for almost two weeks now, and even beating off every day was not
relieving the pressure. I felt my cum boiling in my balls very quickly,
and groped at Julie’s head. She responded by sucking harder, and that
was all it took. With a grunt, I squirted off in her mouth.

During the months with Kim, my balls had gotten used to a habit of two
or three loads a day, and they had not yet gotten the message that
things had changed. So when Julie got me off, she got a lot more than
she had bargained for–more than she could take at once. She squeaked
as my cum flooded her mouth, slurping and trying to swallow, but a big
blob of it squirted around her lips. She struggled with it for a few
seconds before withdrawing.

“I’m sorry. I’m not very good at this.”

“It was good,” I gasped.

She bent back down and slurped up the cum she had lost. She licked
around my cock until she had it all. Then she wiped her mouth and
resumed her place across the room. I pulled up my pants and let Kim
back into the room. She gave me a smirk and dropped the robe on her

“Whose deal is it?”

“Jimmy’s,” Julie said. She gave me the cards, smiling shyly at me.

I dealt another hand and finally lost my jeans. The next hand cost Kim
her panties, leaving both girls naked. She gave me a nervous look,
which I interpreted to mean, “Don’t even think of beating me.” In any
case, it was unnecessary, as Julie lost the next hand to me again. Kim
stood up and left the room. Julie watched her leave and then smiled
shyly at me.

“Do you want me to do it again?”


I dropped my shorts and returned to Kim’s bed. Julie knelt in front of
me and took me back in her mouth. It had been only about ten minutes
since the last one, and it took her a minute or so to get me hard. But
once she did, I lay backwards and let her suck me off, grinning to
myself at how beautifully this plan had turned out.

Julie sucked on the head of my cock like a calf at a teat, just like Kim
had always done. I just _had_ to ask my sister what she had told Julie
about cocksucking. She kept a tight grip on my cock, slurping and
bobbing and rubbing her tongue against me. After a few minutes of this
treatment, I felt myself beginning to swell and ache as my second orgasm
approached. As I grunted and squirmed on Kim’s bed, Julie bobbed even
faster. It was too much, and finally deposited another load down her
throat. This one was more modest, and she had no trouble swallowing it.
She pumped out the last bits with her fist and sat back.

“How was that?”

“Great,” I gasped.

We let Kim back into the room. It was her deal. Julie tanked another
round, but this time she lost to Kim.

We all exchanged a look. I got to my feet without saying anything.

I had no idea what the two of them were doing in there, but I didn’t
hear much besides quiet whispering. They let me back in after a few

Two more rounds cost me the remainder of my clothes, leaving the three
of us naked.

“That’s it,” Kim said. “This is enough for me.”

“Yeah,” I said. Julie nodded.

We got dressed, not discussing what had just happened. Mom returned
about an hour later, and we all went to sleep.

The next morning after breakfast, Kim appeared in my room through the
bathroom. I heard the shower going and realized it was probably Julie.


Kim rolled her eyes.

“‘What?’ Right. You got what you wanted. From here on out, she’s your
problem. I’m not doing anything else.”

“That’s cool. You don’t need to.”

“I’m not going to.”

“Did she tell you anything?”

“Just that she had sucked you off twice. I tried to act surprised.”

“Did you tell her anything about it? Like what to do?”

She looked a little shocked.


“Because she was doing it just like you.”

She blushed slightly.

“She asked. Like what to do. She’d only done it once.”

“Huh. Thanks, sis. I won’t make you do anything else.”

She rolled her eyes again and left.

That day, I watched Julie carefully, and I noticed a couple of things.
She was much more flirty with me than she had been, and she was now
eating next to nothing. She skipped breakfast, picked at her lunch, and
ate maybe a third of her dinner.

That night, she stayed up with me in my room after Kim went to bed,
looking through my CD collection.

Finally she looked up at me, eyes nervous and vulnerable.

“That was pretty wild last night, huh?” she asked.


“Have you ever done anything like that before?”

“Strip poker? No.”

“Me neither.” She caught herself a second later. “Except for that time
I told you about. But I didn’t really play that time. I just watched.”

I nodded.

“Have you ever done, you know, that . . . with a girl before?”

“Yeah. Lots of times.”

“Really? Have you had sex?”

“Yeah. With three girls.”

“I haven’t yet. Last night was kind of the first time for me, except
for one night with my ex-boyfriend this spring.”

“It was pretty good.”

She smiled.

“Would you . . . do you want me to do it again?”

“Do you want to?”

She nodded.

I wasn’t sure what to do at first, so I slid down beside her and scooted
closer. She looked up at me, waiting all signals flashing “go” but not
moving. So I leaned forward and kissed her.

We made out for about ten minutes, and she let me play with her tits,
then her twat (over her panties) before sitting up and digging out my
cock. She swallowed me up and went to work like she had the night
before. I lay back on my bed and wallowed in my good fortune. Julie
wasn’t as hot as Kim, but she was at least very willing.

She got me off in a few minutes, slurping up my cum and gulping it down.
Then she lay on my bed beside me.

“Do you have a girlfriend?” she asked me a bit later.

“Not really. I mean, I did, but we broke up.”

“Could I, you know, be your girlfriend this summer? Not like out in the
open or anything, but just between the three of us?”

“Sure. I guess so.”

She snuggled against me, and we lay there for a while, not talking. She
sucked me off again about fifteen minutes later and then went to bed.

For a couple of weeks, things followed that schedule. Julie starved
herself during the day, then stayed up with me. We would make out for a
while, and she would blow me twice before going back to Kim’s room.

I wasn’t sure what was going through Kim’s head, but she did not seem
very comfortable about this arrangement. She spent more and more time
out of the house with Jake and generally avoided me and Julie. That
left the two of us to get it on with more frequency.

One afternoon, with Mom at work and Kim out with Jake, Julie and I were
playing around in my bed, me naked and her down her panties. Despite a
lot of fooling around and oral sex on her part, that was as far as we
had ever gone.

She had just sucked me off, and I lay beside her stroking her body. She
seemed a little firmer than she had first been. Her tits were a bit
smaller, and her hips were definitely not as broad.

“You’ve lost some weight.”


“Are you on a diet?”

She giggled.

“Uh-huh. A cum diet.”

She pushed herself against me at that moment, which coincidentally
forced my hand further into her drawers. I felt around, slipping a
finger into her wetness. Her hymen was taut around me, open enough to
let my finger in but no more than that. I buried my face in her mass of
red hair and kissed her.




“We’ve never really talked about this . . . but do you ever want to, you
know, go all the way?”

She went still.

“I don’t know. Part of me really wants to, but . . . wouldn’t it be
wrong? Since we’re cousins?”

“We’ve gone so far already, though.”

“I know. And, I really do want to do it with you. I’m just scared.”

“Of what?”

“Everything. And I don’t want to get pregnant.”

“I have rubbers. A lot of them.”

“Really? You mean right here?”


I rolled over and opened the nightstand to display my collection. I had
been plundering the school health office (which gave them away for free)
during my months with Kim, and I still had a big supply. Julie looked
them over, eyes wide.

She bit her lower lip for a moment, then looked up at me.

“Do you promise you would be really gentle? And understand that I don’t
know anything?”

“I promise.”

She looked up at me for a few seconds longer, then lay back on the bed.
She reached under herself and slid off her panties.

“Okay. Then I want to do it.”

“Are you sure?”

She nodded.

I lay back down beside her and took her in my arms. We kissed and
played with each for a few minutes until I got another erection. Then I
found a condom and rolled it on. Julie watched nervously, face pale. I
rolled over her, and she spread her legs, putting her hands on my waist.

I pushed forward slowly, finding her pussy with the head of my cock. As
wet as she was, it took little effort to get into her. Her stretched
around me, then split as I slipped inside. She squeezed my waist and
quivered slightly.

“Oh, God.”

I kissed her, and she grinned.

“You’re fucking me. You’re in me.”


She pulled me down to kiss her again, and I made love to her as slowly
as I could. Since she had blown me only about fifteen minutes earlier,
it was not too tough. Julie just lay still under me, stroking my back
or hugging me when I pushed in deeply. I didn’t know her reactions well
enough to try to make her come, and I sensed she didn’t really expect
it. I lifted off her once to look down at myself, to watch my cock
sliding in and out of her orange twat. She laughed at me and pulled me
down again, and another minute or so was enough to get me off.

As we lay together afterward, I noticed her eyeing the spent rubber on
my cock. _My cum_, I thought. _After all this, she’s still after my
cum_. Well, I wasn’t going to complain. I pulled it off and laid on my
nightstand, then sat up, mumbling something about needing to pee.

When I got back, the rubber had mysteriously lost its contents.

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