Cash for fuck

Strapped for money a couple answers an ad for ‘Body
Models’ knowing full well that it was probably an
unsavory job. But being stranded in Budapest with no
money and no way to get home, what choice did they have?
(MMFF, bi, exh, orgy, oral, anal, fisting)


“No, I’m not going to call,” said Christie emphatically.

“Then what are we going to do?” asked Oliver.

“We’ll just have to think of something else,” she said.

“We’ve been thinking for five days now,” he said. “We
have enough food money for three more days, and then
we’ll starve.”

“It’s only two weeks until our flight,” she pleaded.
“There’s got to be a way to change our tickets.”

“We went through all that, Christie. Sure, we can change
our tickets, but we don’t have the money to pay the
penalty. Our charge cards are maxed out. Our parents are
angry that we stole money from them to come over here
and get wasted. Remember how they warned us that if we
did something like this again, they were going to be all
tough love and wouldn’t help us until we proved they
could trust us? I don’t have any friends who can wire us
money, and you don’t either. Did I cover everything?”

“I don’t think our parents would want us to sell our
bodies on the street,” Christie said.

“First of all, if we could call them, they wouldn’t
believe us,” said Oliver. “Secondly, we’re not selling
our bodies. The ad doesn’t say ‘escort.’ It says
‘Couples wanted, figure modeling.’

“That means porno,” she said.

“I know,” he said. “But it says couples. That means they
want us together. We would be doing what we do anyway,
just in front of the cameras.”

“And then all our friends and family and employers would
get to watch us,” she said.

“I know, but there are ways to hide who you are, even in
a porno. For instance, they can cover up your ankle
tattoo with makeup. This is a huge industry in Budapest,
and I’m sure there’s a way to do this so it would be
hard to tell who we are.”

“If we broke up, you’d probably tell everyone where they
could see the video,” she said, almost crying. “I know
you would.”

“I swear, Christie,” he said. “No matter what happens, I
will never tell anyone.”

“Even if you don’t, I will always know, and I couldn’t
handle the humiliation,” she said.

“What about the humiliation of sitting in this squat and
smelling like crap because we haven’t bathed in a week?”
he said. “What about looking so disgusting that people
rush by us when we’re begging on the street? What about
living on greasy cheap sausages because we’re out of

She began crying, and he put his arms around her. “I’m
sorry, Christie,” he said. “We were really stupid when
we ran away to Budapest after graduation and spent all
our money on dope. But we can’t do anything about that
now. We need to figure out a way to survive until we get
on that plane and go home to clean up and start working
70 hours a week making all that money. We thought we
could run away from it, but we can’t. I just want to go

“So do I,” said Christie through her tears.

“Here’s what I suggest,” he said. “Let’s go down to a
pay phone and see if we can go there and ask them
questions before we agree to anything. If it’s really
bad, we’ll just walk out.” I don’t know what we would do
then, he thought to himself, but Christie appeared to be
comforted a little.

“OK,” she said. “But I know I’m not going to do it, no
matter what they say.”

“Fine,” he said angrily and rolled over. His back was to
her, and he moved away from her on the pile of rags they
were lying on. As he fell asleep with his stomach
hurting, she was still crying.


The woman who answered the phone had a friendly,
soothing voice when she responded after Christie blurted
out that she was calling for friends and could her
friends come in without any commitment and ask questions
and what about if her friends were nervous and hadn’t
done anything like figure modeling before and what if
they didn’t have money for the trolley?

“Don’t worry,” the woman said and gave her the address.
“If that is too far for your friends, we’d be glad to
send a car. And whether you — uh, they — decide to do
any modeling or not, we will bring them back for free.
We will explain everything, and if they aren’t
completely agreeable with what we tell them, we don’t
want them modeling for us.”

It turned out the address was only a few blocks away, so
Christie and Oliver walked over after their morning
sausage. Oliver’s mind was a blank, except for him
hoping his stomach wouldn’t growl during the interview.
Christie was feeling trapped.

The receptionist behind the counter wrinkled her nose a
little when they stood in front of her, but otherwise
she seemed not at all surprised by their matted hair and
dirty skin or the filthy preppy clothes they wore.

“Follow me,” she said and opened a gate next to her and
walked quickly down a dark hall out into a small
courtyard where there was a rusty garden table with a
few rusty chairs around it. “Please have a seat,” she
said and then turned and walked quickly back inside.

A few minutes later, a pudgy man in a turtleneck walked
out of the door and sat down in a chair facing them with
a pad of paper and a pen. He sniffed the air and then
pushed his chair back from the table, putting more
distance between him and the couple. He looked them over
for a minute before he spoke.

“Hello,” he said, “my name is Karel.” He didn’t offer to
shake hands, but Christie and Oliver were used to that.
They were painfully aware of their appearance and aroma.

When they didn’t reply, he said, “May I ask to whom I’m

Christie looked at Oliver and said, “Uhhhhh,” but the
man interrupted.

“Just first names,” he said. “It’s easier to remember
your real names until you get your stage names, but it’s
up to you what you want to tell me. I am going to have
to see your working papers.”

“We don’t have working papers,” said Oliver. “We’re
American.” He felt stupid.

“I see,” said Karel. “Do you know that working in
Budapest would be a visa violation?”

“I didn’t think of that,” said Oliver and began to get

“Please sit down,” said Karel. “We can talk about that
later. There are ways to deal with that problem if we
have to.” It sounded as though he had plenty of
experience with visa violations.

“We just wanted to find out about the figure modeling,”
said Christie with a catch in her voice. “We’ve never
done modeling before.”

“I see,” said Karel. “Well, I can explain everything
quickly. Basically, we work with the operators of
several websites. The most popular is We supply them with videos
according to their specifications. They are interested
in amateurs. That’s what we call people like you in the
business. It just means you have little or no
experience. You still get paid. In fact, the demand for
fresh faces is strong, and amateurs often get more money
than some big-name veterans. Of course, after a few
videos, they are no longer amateurs.”

“What would we have to do?” said Christie. Oliver was
listening silently.

“Nothing that you don’t agree to do,” said Karel. “I’m
not being evasive. Before you sign any contract, I will
make sure you know exactly what’s expected and exactly
how much money you will get. For safety reasons, we even
make a video of you listening to me explaining and your
agreement. If there is any body language or voice
intonation that could sound like you are being
pressured, we will tear up the contract and you will

“Right now we are looking for couples for our most
popular site, but we realize that it’s a bit extreme for
amateurs to start with, so we have a three-part

“Part one is straightforward sex, lots of positions and
very vigorous, but nothing unusual. Part two is an anal
scene, and part three is the girl fisting her boyfriend.

“I have to tell you that many couples do Part 1 but then
the girls don’t want to do Part 2. And many of those who
do the first two parts don’t go on to Part 3, of course,
because it’s what in the industry we call extreme sex.

“Our pay scale reflects those realities. For Part 1, you
would get $300. For Part 2, you would get an additional
$700, so the total would be $1,000. And for Part 3,
you’d get another $9,000 for a total of $10,000.”

“What if we stopped after Part 1, Oliver said. The
figures were running around his head, and he was trying
to calculate in his mind.”

“That’s fine,” said Karel, “but it’s a problem in your

“What do you mean?” said Christie in a frightened voice.

“Well, I don’t want to seem impolite, but let me put it
this way, if you were me and sitting across the table
looking at you, would you hire yourselves? The website
members enjoy watching healthy, good-looking bodies.”

“What is that supposed to mean?” said Christie.

“Rather than answer that, let me give you my offer. It’s
the same money as I’ve already told you, with one
requirement. You need to give us four days before the
session and cooperate with us to get you cleaned up. We
will feed you, wash you, groom you, get you some fresh
clothes and have you looking like the sexiest couple in
Budapest in four days.” He smiled. “I guarantee you.”

“We’re taking a chance on you. Even if you sign the
contract, you could walk out in four days, and we
couldn’t do much about it. Of course, you won’t get any
money. In fact, you will owe us $300 for all our
efforts. Even if you do Part 1, you’d still get no money
until you finished Part 2. But I think we can trust you,
because if you do Part 2, we wipe out your debt and you
get the entire $1,000. And then we do Part 3.”

His voice was firm but kind, and Christie began warming
up to him. “Karel, I’m scared that our friends and
family will see the videos and we’ll be humiliated,” she
said. “Oh, you can call me Christie.”

“Don’t worry, Christie. We know how to handle that. Part
of our cleanup process is changing your entire look. We
do everything short of plastic surgery to disguise you.
From your teeth to wigs, makeup, everything. Anything on
your naked body that would give someone a clue will be
disguised, and we’ll even add some moles and skin tones
that will wash off later. Before we begin shooting,
you’ll have a chance to look at every inch of yourself
and inspect our work. You will be amazed.”


Five days later, Christie stepped out of the shower and
looked at herself in the full-length bathroom mirror. I
am amazed, she said to herself. All she could recognize
was her medium-sized breasts with the puffy nipples and
her perky small round rear. All the scabs and sores were
gone from her arms and legs, and her face felt fresh.
She felt healthy for the first time in months. She
smiled until she started thinking about what she would
be doing that day.

A half-hour later she was standing in front of another
mirror where two giggly young women were adding little
things to her body and covering other things up. When
they finished, Christie didn’t see much difference until
she looked closely at various patches of skin and
noticed the artificial enhancements.

Now she was given a simple cotton bra and white cotton
panties and covered with a sheet as she sat in front of
the makeup mirror while they worked on her face and
hair. Her face was turned darker and received some
blemishes and moles, and her hair was wound up around
her head and flattened, then covered it with a wig that
gave her a close-cropped flapper look, solid black.
Until she raised an eyebrow, she couldn’t tell it was
her in the mirror. Yesterday, they had dyed her eyebrows
and thick pubic hair the same black color as the wig.

When she had disrobed the first time for Karel, he
whistled. “You are what we call a natural,” he said,
“and you’re going to get millions of clicks. Don’t touch
that bush.” She was flattered until she thought more
about what his words meant.

She got dressed in the teenage outfit hanging from the
pipe and put on some knee-high socks and maryjanes. It
was an outfit she might have worn in high school or as a
new freshman before she got her wardrobe lecture at the

One of the girls took her by the hand and led her down
the hall to a brightly lit room. In it was a queen-sized
bed, Karel, two cameramen and another girl who was
holding onto a rolling boom mike. Oliver was sitting in
the bed with his pants on but barefoot and without a
shirt. He had a magazine in his hand.

Karel was the director, and as soon as he saw her, he
began directing. “Here’s the scene, Oliver and Christie.
Oliver is lounging in bed reading a magazine, and
Christie comes in and sees him. She sits down next to
him and pulls the magazine out of his hands and throws
it across the room. Then she starts stroking Oliver’s
chest while he just smiles and enjoys it. She leans over
and gives him a passionate kiss.

“When that’s done, she slides her mouth slowly down his
chest and over his stomach until she reaches his belt.
She undoes his belt and unzips his fly and tries to pull
his pants down, but he’s too heavy. She looks at him and
turns her right hand palm up and makes a couple of up
and down gestures. He finally gets the idea and raises
his ass.

“She pulls his pants and shorts down to his thighs, but
no further, grabs his dick with one hand and his balls
with the other and gets to work immediately. Hopefully,
you can get him hard, Christie, but if it’s not
happening, we will stop the filming and bring in someone
who will do the job. In the editing room, we will cut
away to his face, and when we cut back to you, he will
be hard.

“Once he’s hard, you’ll pull his pants all the way down.
Then he’ll sit up and start unzipping and unbuttoning
you. You’ll get impatient and push his hands away and
quickly finish taking off all your clothes. Then you’ll
start going between his legs, but he will stop you and
pull your legs back and over him until you are in the 69
position, with Christie on top.

“Christie, you must spread your legs wide when you are
over Oliver and lower yourself just enough so his mouth
can reach your pussy. He will spread your bush apart
with his hands so we can see your lips open when he
starts eating you. When you are sucking him, try to go
straight up and down while looking forward. I know
that’s not natural and a bit of a strain, but we want to
see your face as much as we can.

“Use your hands on his balls, and to stroke between his
legs. Do whatever you know that turns him on. We want
him really aroused. If you’ve never tried it, one thing
that we’ve found very effective is to stick your finger
into your mouth — sit up and face the camera while you
do it — and slide it in slowly three or four times,
then cover it with as much saliva as you can and slowly
push it in and out of his asshole. That gets them hard
almost every time.

“After you’ve eaten each other a little while, Christie
will get up and turn around and sit on Oliver. Move up
and down slowly at first but then we want you to slam
your ass up and down as fast as possible. Lean forward –
– you can even kiss him while you’re doing this — and
spread your legs, so the camera can see his dick
disappearing in you. While you’re doing that, turn your
head back and look at the camera.

“After that, you’ll turn around and do what we call a
reverse cowgirl. It’s the same as before, except you’ll
be facing his feet and supporting yourself on your hands
while you slam up and down. It’s an odd position and not
a comfortable one for the girl, but the guys like it
when they can see the girl’s face at the same time as
the dick goes in and out.

“Your arms will get tired of holding yourself up pretty
fast, and when they do, just stop and sit on Oliver’s
dick. This will be his cue to lift you up by the thighs
as high as he can. Christie, you just keep your legs
wide and lean back on him while he does this. You don’t
need to move. Oliver will use his midsection to slam his
dick in and out of you from below.

“When he gets tired of holding you up, he will lower you
and hug you tightly from behind and slowly roll with you
until you’re on your stomach and he’s above you. He’ll
pull out for a moment while you get on your hands and
knees and then he’s going to pound you doggy style from
behind. During this part, one of the cameramen is going
to crawl under and shoot right into Christie’s pussy
from below as Oliver slams into her.

“After that, comes the last part. Oliver will get off
Christie, and she’ll lie on her back. He’ll face her and
lift her legs onto his shoulders. Then he’ll push
forward with his shoulders so her thighs are pushed into
her chest. This will lift her ass off the bed into the

“He’ll stick his dick in and again speed up after
starting slowly. We’ll have a camera right behind the
two of you, and we want Christie’s ass to bounce so fast
between the bedsprings and Oliver’s thighs that it’s a
blur. It’s not fun for the girl, but usually it doesn’t
take long before the guy is ready to come.

“Oliver, if you find you aren’t ready to come after a
few minutes, stop and we’ll bring in one of our experts
to get you close. Once you are on the verge of coming,
you’ll get off Christie and sit at the edge of the bed.
Christie will jump off the bed and kneel on the carpet
and start sucking your dick as hard as possible while
going back and forth on it. As soon as you feel you are
ready to come, pull your dick out. She’ll open her mouth
and you pump your dick while you place it right in front
of her mouth. There will be a camera right next to her
face to catch the come as you spurt. Don’t worry if some
of it gets on her face and in her hair. The guys love
that. Christie, wait until he’s finished, and then use
your lips and tongue to push the stuff out of your mouth
so it’s running down your face and dripping from your
chin. They love that, too.

“After that, we want you both to smile and wave to the
camera, and then the girls will clean both of you up.

“See those large posters that the redhead over there is
holding. They have all the instructions I’ve just given
you written in English in large letters. She will be
right behind the closest cameraman to you, so if you
forget what you’re supposed to be doing, just look up
toward the camera and you can read them.

“We want you to be looking at each other most of the
time, but don’t worry about looking at the camera. It
makes the video seem more amateur and natural.

“Also, don’t say a single word. You can make all the
sounds you want. We love that. But we’ve made you look
European, because you don’t want to anyone to know
you’re American. As for any other sounds, do whatever
you feel like. Some couples are almost completely
silent, and others are really vocal. Don’t worry about

“While you’re acting, I want you to think of one word,
and only one word: energetic. We get more clicks than
any of our competition because our amateurs look like
they’re enjoying themselves. Often the competitors’
girls look bored out of their minds while the guys are
slamming away at them.”

“OK. Any questions?”

“No,” said Oliver.


“I think I can handle this,” said Christie in a
frightened voice, “but what if I can’t.”

“You can stop the whole thing anytime you want,” said
Karel. “Just get up and walk away. You won’t get any
money, and I might be angry because I’ve paid for the
last four days, and I’m paying for all the assistants
and the crew today. But I took a chance that you would
honor your commitment, and I knew what the risk was.”

For some reason, Christie was embarrassed. “Oh, I’m sure
I can handle it,” she said brightly, and then she fell

“Let’s get started,” Karel said. “I’m not going to say
another word in a few seconds. Just keep going and
following the cue boards as best you can. OK, Oliver,
you’re lying back, and Christie, you’re walking into the


It was over in 40 minutes, and Oliver and Christie were
lying exhausted next to each other in the bed. After
conferring for a second with the crew, Karel came over
to them.

“You guys were great,” he said. “You really got into it
or at least you looked like you did. You are great
actors. I’m guessing you both are secret exhibitionists,
and we gave you a chance to show that side of you. We
got some great footage to edit. Usually, our videos are
about 15 minutes, but you gave us so much good stuff
that I think yours will be longer.”

“We’re taking a break now, before Part 2. And even
though you signed the contract and committed to it, I
want both of you to talk about it during the break and
then we’ll get a video of you agreeing to do it one more
time. I’ll leave you alone now.”

The second he left the room, Christie started getting
scared. “That was so easy that I wasn’t even thinking
about Part 2, Oliver,” she said. “I’ve never had you in
my ass, and those things I was playing with the last few
days aren’t the same as a real person. They told me to
move them in and out fast, but I was too tight and
disgusted to do it.”

Oliver was thinking hard. If they didn’t do Part 2, they
wouldn’t get any money at all and they’d be back in the
squat tonight, maybe a little cleaner and a little less
hungry. But in a couple of days, it would be exactly the
same again. Christie was too scared to think straight,
so he had to do the thinking for both of them. He had to
persuade her to do Part 2. How could he do that? He
decided to attack from a different angle.

“Come on Christie. How do you think I feel? For Part 3,
you’re going to put your hand up my ass. Whatever
happens to you in Part 2, it’s not going to be anything
like that. That’s so extreme, there’s no way to even
practice it. They told me that they know how to handle
it, but what does that mean?

“As for disgusting, have you ever seen anyone fisted in
the ass. I’ve seen a couple of videos, and it’s about
the grossest, most embarrassing thing you could ever
imagine. What you’re doing for us is nothing compared to
what I’ll have to do.”

Oliver saw his words were having an effect. It didn’t
matter that he already had decided that he would never
agree to Part 3. After they finished Part 2, they would
have all the money they needed to stay fed and clean
until the flight. Christie might be angry at him at
first for lying to her, but in the end, she would
understand he did it for the right reasons.

“I never thought about what you have to do, Oliver,” she
said. “I guess I’ve been avoiding it. You’re right, when
I watched one preview on the site, I couldn’t stand it
and turned it off right before she even stuck her whole
hand in. It must be agony for the guy.

“I love you for your courage. I don’t think I could ever
do that, not in my vagina and for sure not in my ass. I
guess I’m being stupid and selfish. I’m just so scared.
Please be as gentle with me as you can.”

When Karel came back, she spoke first. “We’re ready to
agree on the video again,” she said. “But let’s do it
fast and get it over with.”

After the short contract video was done, Karel said,
“First each of you is going with two of the girls who
will clean you out thoroughly inside. We don’t want a
single spot during the filming. You’ll be doing a lot of
scenes similar to Part 1, except this time they will be

“Wait a minute,” said Oliver. “I thought you said that
only Christie would be doing anal in Part 2.”

“That’s right, Oliver, but we don’t want to waste any
time. We’re just taking a short break after Part 2
before we start Part 3. So we’re taking care of all the
cleaning now.”

Oliver started to say something else, but then he saw
Christie looking at him and kept his mouth shut. He’d
have to play along until Part 2 was done.

While one girl was giving him the first of two warm
soapy enemas, the second came over and showed him a tiny
round metallic bud. “I’m going to stick this into your
ear,” she said. “It’s a wireless earphone receiver. For
Part 2, there won’t be any boards. You’ll be hearing
Karel giving you instructions. And I’m putting a small
sound deadening earplug in your other ear so you won’t
be distracted by Christie. Sometimes Part 2 can get very
loud. You might hear her just a little in the earphone,
but she should be mostly drowned out by Karel’s voice.”

While Christie was being given the same treatment in
another bathroom, the second girl showed her another
tiny wireless earphone. “I’m putting this into your ear,
Christie. There won’t be any boards, and Karel will give
Oliver all the instructions on how to place you and what
to do. You don’t even have to think or respond in any
way, just follow Oliver’s lead. I’ll be speaking into
your ear when I think you need to hear something from

When Christie and Oliver were brought back into the
room, she looked at him with frightened eyes. He looked
away. Then he heard Karel speaking into his ear.

“Go over and kiss her, Oliver. Take her in your arms and
stroke her back and as you keep stroking her, slowly
move your hand down until you’re also stroking her ass.
Good. That’s it. On the next up stroke, take a finger
and pull it gently between her ass cheeks. Don’t push.
Keep doing that. Great work.

“Now kiss her neck so we can see her face, and just
leave your hand on her ass and stroke only there with
your finger in her crack. Press your finger in a little.
Great. We got a wonderful expression on her face when
you did that. Keep pushing it in as you stroke, but no
further. We want to make her comfortable with it.

“OK, now break the clinch and take her hand and sit down
on the bed and pull her down beside you. Give her
another kiss and lay her gently on her stomach. Get on
your knees between her legs and start massaging her
cheeks. Pull them wide apart and let them spring back
together. Keep doing that. Do you see how greasy the
hair is around her asshole? The second enema was mostly
lubricant so she’s really slimy inside, and some of the
grease came out on her hair.

“I see that got you aroused, Oliver. Great. Even though
you already came once, you’re young enough that I don’t
think you’ll need any blue pills. You’re enjoying this.
OK, now run your finger up and down between her cheeks
again and slowly push it between them harder and harder.

“Now, lift her rear up in the air. Leave her head on the
pillow for now. Spread her legs as you lift them until
she has them wide apart and is on her knees. Can you see
her hairy hole now? It’s ready for your finger, but
first just touch the edge. Did you feel her body jump?
She’s still a little nervous.

“OK, put just the tip of the finger in slowly and pull
it out. Now put it back again, just a little deeper.
That’s it. Easy does it. No hurry at all. You’ve worked
the whole finger in now. Excellent. Do you feel all the
lubricant around it. Is she clenching it sometimes? She
doesn’t do that on purpose. It’s because she’s nervous.

“Good, I see it’s going in and out more smoothly now.
She’s finally relaxing a little. Time to add a second
finger. Good. She flinched again, but not as much. It
looks like there’s not as much resistance to the second
finger as the first. You’re doing great. OK, speed it up
just a little, not much. Fine. Now slowly pull the
fingers out.

“I see you’re as hard as a rock, Oliver.
Congratulations. Take the end of your dick and bring it
gently to her hole, touching it just lightly so she
thinks it’s only your fingers again. Now start pushing,
but just a little. The secret is to barely push but
never stop pushing. Eventually, she will make room for
you, even as large as you are.

“Good, you’re listening well. She’s raised her head and
her upper body, so she’s now on her hands and knees. We
can see from her face that she’s straining because she
realizes it’s the real thing now and she probably
remembers how big you can get. She can’t help trying to
keep it out and even moving away from you a little.
That’s fine. The camera loves her and her cute,
frightened expression. You don’t have to do anything but
keep up the same pressure. No more.

“I can see some give. I think you are about to go in.
When you do, there will be a sudden jolt forward, but
try not to get carried away and stop as soon as you can.
There it is. You’re in. You should have seen her
expression change as you went in. It was fantastic. Her
eyes even rolled back.

“Maybe you can hear her in my microphone. She’s really a
loud one and very expressive with her sounds. I hope we
can keep her from speaking, but she might lose control
and start saying things. Don’t worry. We’ll cover it up
with music, so people will hear her emotions but not any
words or voice that they can recognize.

“OK, she’s calmed down a little. Start pushing again,
but no harder. You’ll see that there’s a lot less
resistance now and you’re going in smoothly. Do you feel
the lack of friction? That lubricant is amazing.

“OK, slow, slow, you’re almost all the way in. Now your
balls are hitting her ass. Touchdown, you say in

“She’s very loud again. Can you feel her body moving?
She’s moving her legs around and she’s moving her head
from side to side. I think we’re ready to start. Pull
back slowly, just a little faster than you went in. See,
she stopped moving and is holding perfectly still while
you do that. She must really be feeling you and trying
to relax her muscles to let that big thing through.

“OK, you’re almost all the way out. You don’t need to
pull out completely yet. Start pushing back just a
little faster than before. She’s still trying to be a
statue, but I think the increased speed is causing those
little jerks. OK, out again, just a little faster. Oh,
you’re already at the end. Back a little faster. Good.

“Now, just a tiny bit faster going in and then stick
with that speed. You’ve got a rhythm going now, and
she’s reacting to it. A lot more vocals, but still no
words. She’s great. Wait until you see all the
expressions going across her face. What an amazing

“OK, we’re done in this position. I want you to slow
down just a little on the next few thrusts and then pull
all the way out. I’ll be quiet so you can hear the pop.
Did you hear that? Wasn’t it sexy? Oh, by the way, if
you feel yourself starting to come, I want you to nod
your head up and down.

“Let’s let Christie rest for a moment. OK, now I want
you to get up off your knees and stand on the bed.
Christie slouched down a little when you pulled out so
fast, so reach down grab her around the waist and lift
her back on her hands and knees. There. Now spread your
legs wide and move them until they are on either side of
her. Reach down and pull her thighs wide until you can
see her anus. There. It looks beautiful, all slimy and I
think a little more open than before.

“Now slowly lower yourself as if you’re doing squats in
the gym and guide your dick right into the hole. Try to
just aim it because it looks better that way, but use
your hands if you need to. When you get there just keep
going down into it. It shouldn’t hold you back like

“There. You did it perfectly. That was beautiful. Did
you feel her whole body jump to meet you. It probably
was involuntary, but it looked great. OK, now I want you
to go in and out a little just using your pelvis for now
and pick up some speed.

“Great. Now use your legs and go straight up and out of
her. Perfect. You got a nice gap. Hold it one more
second. Now, back down all the way in. Now back up all
the way out. Hold it. Now back. Do you have the rhythm,
in-out-hold-in. OK, you’re on your own.

“Terrific. Now let’s finish this part with some real
energetic action. This time I don’t want you to use your
pelvis. You’ve got some strong leg muscles, and you’re
going to do squats right into Christie. When you come
down, your ass will bump her ass. At first, it will be a
little bump, but as you move your ass up and down faster
and faster, you’re going to slam into her with enough
force that it will push her body hard into the mattress
springs. They will shoot her right back up at you, and
you’ll bump her right back.

“As you increase the pace, her whole body will look like
she’s bouncing on a trampoline, and your dick will be
going in and out of her fast. OK, ready to start the ass
bumping. Slow, slow, OK, now faster. Now, put the pedal
down. Wow, look at you! She’s jerking up and down like
she just did a bungee jump.

“You should see her face now. She’s found some more ways
to twist it. Each time you collide, there’s a high-
pitched vocal expression, too. She’s really great.

“OK, I think she’s getting tired. Her tongue is hanging
out of her mouth and she’s panting like a dog. Slow down
but don’t pull out. Now get down on your hands and knees
right on top of her. Put your knees between her knees,
press against her ass with your dick all the way in and
hug her tightly around the waist. I think your dick is
long enough for this next maneuver.

“It looks like you’re in position. OK, while holding her
tight, roll your body, taking her with you, until you’re
on your back. Ready? Roll. That was perfect because your
dick came out a little but it’s still mostly inside her.
Now wait just a minute while some assistants arrange the
pillows against the headboard.

“We’re ready now, and I want you to slide back, with her
on top of you, until you reach the pillows. Lift
yourself up onto them until you are sitting, but not
straight up and down. You should be at a 45-degre angle,
and Christie will be sitting on your lap. Try to stay
inside her.

“Good. Keep sliding. OK, now lift up. Back a little
more. A little higher. Perfect. And you never fell out
of her. You’re a pro.

“OK, there are two things we do in this position, and
we’re going to alternate them. First, take her feet in
each of your hands and lift them onto your thighs. Now
reach forward and grab each leg behind her knees and
pull back. Lean back a little at the same time. We want
to get Christie’s ass high in the air. That’s it.
Beautiful. Your dick came out a little, but not too

“Now while you’re holding her like that, slowly push
your pelvis up at her from below and push yourself all
the way in again. Now pull out slowly. Now back in a
little faster. That’s it. Work that speed up faster and
faster. Whoa! You’re flying.

“Now, the next time you pull down, pull all the way out
as fast as you can. At the same time, pull back on her
legs so you fly out of her even faster. I’ll stop
talking so you can hear what happens. Did you hear that?
It was like a firecracker as you wrenched your dick out
of her. Keep holding her in the air. We have a giant
gape, a huge black hole in space. Mission control is
pleased, and Christie is giving us a lot of emotion. OK
the hole seems to be closing up. Lower her and roll her
forward right back onto your dick. Now in and out, in
and out, even faster if you can. Ready. Back! That was
even louder than before.”

While Oliver was enthusiastically following Karel’s
instructions, Christie was getting frantic. From the
moment, Oliver entered her, she was in pain. As he
stretched her and reamed her and pounded her in the
different positions she screamed and sobbed and tried
breathing different ways and even holding her breath.
Nothing helped with the horrible burning feeling in her
rear, the agonizing stabbing pains and the utter
degradation she was feeling. She thought she would go
mad. She wondered why Oliver didn’t stop when he heard
her screaming?

“Hi Christie.” There was a soft soothing voice in her
ear. She strained to listen as Oliver kept pulling out
and popping her faster and faster, causing her to lose
control of her face muscles and even her eyeballs.

“It’s Lenka,” said the voice. “I’m the girl who put the
speaker in your ear. Christie, it looks like you’re
having a hard time. Nod, if I’m right.”

Christie nodded so hard her head looked like a wobble

“That’s what I thought,” said the girl. “If you want,
you can tell him to stop.”

Christie heard her and tried to control herself. Then
she heard another loud pop and felt again like her colon
was being pulled out of her body. She strained to speak
and finally said, “Oliver, stop. I can’t take it
anymore. You’re killing me.” Her voice was a shriek, but
Oliver barely heard it. Instead, he heard Karel’s

“Uh oh, Christie just started talking. I think we need
to speed this up because we still have one more position
to go. Let’s give her two more fast pops.

“Great. She’s really talking away now. You can probably
hear her emotion. OK, now number two. There. That was
the best one yet. It really got her body moving, and it
stopped her talking.

“OK let’s move to the final position. Lift her off of
you and lay her down on her back.”

As Oliver lifted her up and lay her gently down,
Christie sighed. He must have heard her. But then
Christie felt her legs being lifted up over Oliver’s big
shoulders, and his body pressed against her. He leaned
forward and pushed her legs back until her thighs were
pressed against her breasts and her feet were back by
her ears.

Like in the previous session, it forced her rear off the
bed and into the air, only now she felt his long, thick
penis sliding back into her anus. Even though there was
no resistance and the lubricant inside her squirted out
her anus as he pushed in, she was so sore now that it
was still agonizing.

When he began moving in and out of her, she moaned.

“Don’t give up, Christie,” said Lenka. “Sometimes it
helps to get really angry at your partner. Let your
anger get you through this last part. You’re almost
done. You can do it.”

Now he was moving faster and starting to collide with
her rear. This was the most painful position of all. As
he increased his speed, she was slammed into the bed,
which slammed her back at him. Faster and faster she
bounced back and forth, like a rubber ball. Sometimes
her rear came at him while he was coming at her, and the
pain of the collision went all through her body. Other
times he was wrenching himself out of her as she was
bouncing away, and she felt like her insides were

With each collision she was shrieking louder. But with a
big effort, she tried to talk between the cries. “No-no-
stop-you’re-tearing-me-up. Please-Oliver-don’t-do-this.

But the pounding went on. She looked at him. He wasn’t
even looking at her. He was lost in pleasure, and at
that moment she did become angry. She hated him. She saw
his face getting redder and redder as he pounded her
harder and harder, and then he opened his mouth and
howled. She felt him release inside her and she
screamed, not from pain this time, but because her
ordeal was finally over.


When Oliver got off of her, he didn’t say a word and
didn’t look at her. She was sobbing uncontrollably, and
he was startled to hear how loud she was as he took out
the things in his ears. They were led away by the girls
and washed up. Christie could barely walk.

Lenka began talking to her, asking her about herself,
where she grew up, what she was doing in Budapest, where
she was going from there. Christy felt like a broken
doll and didn’t hold back. She told her entire story,
all the horrible things she had done to her parents, the
money she stole, the drug parties in Budapest, the squat
with no running water or electricity where they were
staying until they could fly home. The girl listened
intently. “I’ll be right back,” she said and left the

When she came back, she said, “Christy, I hate to tell
you this, but I want you to be prepared because this
happens a lot of times. After the girl has gone through
all the things the boy does to her in Part 2, very often
the boy refuses to do Part 3. Even though they agreed to
everything and signed the contracts, he backs out,
because he’s scared.

“I know you were strong and went through with Part 2,
but don’t be surprised if Oliver doesn’t want to do Part
3 since you now have enough money to make it until you
fly home.

“I talked to Karel about this. We would very much like
for the two of you to do Part 3. You told me that you
stole $8,000 from your parents and Oliver stole $6,000
from his. Karel has agreed to increase your payment to
$16,000 total. That’s enough for you to live on until
your flight, with enough left over so you can pay both
your parents back what you owe them and maybe start in a
better direction. I have a feeling today has changed you
and you won’t throw the money away on more drugs.”

Christie burst into tears again. “No, no,” she said.
“You’re right. We already decided that we were going
clean. That’s so nice of Karel. I can’t believe he would
do that for us. I know Oliver isn’t like the guys you
talked about. He made a promise, and he’ll keep it.
You’ll see.”

“I hope you’re right,” said Lenka. “For Part 3, you’re
going to play the part of a sister in training, and I’m
your teacher. We’re going to wear uniforms. Don’t be
nervous. I’ve done this many times. You’ll do fine.

“Sister?” said Christie.

“Oh, I forgot,” said Lenka. “In America, you call them

They put on the uniforms. Christie was still shaking and
occasionally sobbing, but she tried hard to get hold of
herself and smiled at Lenka when she gently helped her
with the uniform adjustments. She looked into the mirror
and saw that, except for her red eyes, she looked quite

Lenka led her to the small courtyard, where a fully
dressed Oliver and Karel were already sitting. They
weren’t saying anything and weren’t looking at each
other. When Oliver saw her in the uniform, he jerked in
the chair. Then he got up and came over to her. “Are you
all right,” he said. He took her hand. She looked at
him. There was a strange expression on his face that she
hadn’t seen before.

“Fine,” she said quietly as she removed her hand from
his and sat down.

Karel began immediately. “Now we come to Part 3,” he
said. “Just like Part 2, we’re first going to do a short
video where I repeat what’s in the contract and you both
agree. Then we’ll film, give you the money in cash or
however you want it, and you’ll be out of here.”

Paul fidgeted and spoke. “Karel, I’ve been thinking. I
know I signed the contract, but I’ve realized that I
can’t do Part 3. I watched a couple of the videos on the
site, and they were horrifying to me. I know some guys
can handle fisting, but they’re gay or they have a
different kind of personality. I just can’t do it. I
think I might lose my mind.”

He looked at Christie staring at him as he continued.
“The thousand dollars we’ve already earned is plenty for
a nice room in one of those old hotels and for some good
food until we take our plane home. We’ll be able to heal
a little and feel like human beings when we get home.
There’s no need to go through any more pain and
degradation. I think the best thing for us would be to
work on ourselves in quiet now.”

He tried to sound as logical and reasonable as he could.
The speech was mostly for Christie, not Karel. He had
rehearsed it several times in his mind while he was
waiting for Christie. But an occasional quaver betrayed
the raw fear inside him, and he cursed himself for his
lack of control. He looked at Christie’s face. She
didn’t seem upset. In fact, he even noticed a slight
smile come across her lips. When she spoke, he was
startled, because her voice was warm and comforting.

Ignoring completely what he had just said, she said,
“Oliver, I don’t think Karel has told you yet what he’s
doing for us. Can you believe it? He’s going to change
our contract so that when we’re done with Part 3, we’ll
get $16,000, enough to pay back my parents and yours for
what we took. Isn’t that wonderful? They’ll still be
angry, but this will really speed up the reconciliation
that we need.”

A look of surprise and shock came across Oliver’s face.
How did Karel know about the stolen money? What kind of
scheme was this? Didn’t Christie hear a word he said? He
looked around frantically, as if he were a rat trapped
in a cage. But then he relaxed. No, he wasn’t trapped.
Nobody could force him to do anything he didn’t want to
do. Karel had promised them.

“I’m sorry, Christie,” he said. “I think Karel is
playing games with us. I figured out that he had both my
ears plugged so I couldn’t hear you. He probably thought
it would make you think I didn’t care what you were
going through and turn you against me. His offer doesn’t
change my mind. You don’t understand because you’re a
woman. I can’t handle that Part 3. I would go out of my
mind. Try to understand.”

Christie was quiet. She looked straight ahead with no
expression on her face. She was thinking. That was no
good, thought Oliver. I want her emotional, not
thinking. She’s smart, smarter than me, and when she’s
thinking, nothing matters to her except solving the
problem. That’s why she got a bigger salary offer than

Finally, she turned to Karel and Lenka and calmly said,
“Would you please leave us alone out here for a few
minutes again. As you can see, we have a disagreement
that we need to work out. Then we’ll give you our
decision. Is that all right?”

“Of course, Christie,” said Karel as he and Lenka got

“Before you go, Karel,” said Christie, “please tell us,
how long does Part 2 take?”

“All in all, maybe 30 minutes, but that includes a
little bit of drama at the start, so there’s no more
than 20 minutes of, uh, action, maximum. I guarantee

“Thanks,” said Christie. “I’m sorry about this.”

“Don’t be sorry,” said Karel. “Take all the time you
want.” He and Lenka disappeared inside the building.

When they were gone, Oliver spoke first. “I know what
you’re thinking, Christie, but you can’t change my mind.
Look at me. I’m not faking. Can’t you see that I’m
scared to death. This would kill me.”

He didn’t like what he saw on her face. There wasn’t a
trace of sympathy. It was a composed face. She was all
business, and her voice was soft and modulated.

“Grow up, Oliver. Of course, you’re scared, but no more
than I was. Yes, you’re a man, so take it like a man,
not like a frightened child. You are so self-centered
and narcissistic. Yes, I know, I am, too, but I’m
changing that. I knew I couldn’t handle Part 2, but I
did it anyway, because it had to be done. Even with your
earplugs, you must have heard me screaming at you to
stop, but you kept right on going. I looked at your
face. You were totally self-absorbed in your pleasure.
It was disgusting.”

“I’m sorry, Christie,” he said. “I could barely hear,
but yes, I did see your face, and I knew you were in
pain.” He stopped as he heard her make a loud snorting
sound, followed by a sob. She was losing her composure.
He was talking into the air in front of him at first,
but now he turned to her. Her head was turned away from
him, and he couldn’t see her face.

“Yes, I knew I was hurting you, but with Karel speaking
in my ear, I couldn’t concentrate on anything else. It
was like he was controlling my body like a puppet. You
must believe me. I didn’t want to hurt you.”

“Of course, I believe you, Oliver,” she said. Now her
faced was turned to him. Her voice was still soft, but
steely and determined. He knew that look, and it made
him even more frightened. But he wasn’t giving in. He
couldn’t go through with it. She could speak softly or
scream and yell. He wasn’t changing his mind.

“I believe what you just told me,” she said, “but I
don’t believe you now. The bottom line is that I
couldn’t do it, but I did, and you can’t do it, but
you’re going to anyway. That’s all there is to it. Or
else you and I are finished.”

She saw right away that her threat didn’t work. “I’m
sorry if it has to be that way,” said Oliver. “You know
how I feel about you. I’ll do anything I can to win you
back, and someday I hope you’ll forgive me.” He tried to
inject emotion into his words, but inside he was
overwhelmed with relief.

Christie was silent again while Oliver fidgeted. She was
thinking again. A minute went by, then another minute.
Finally, she spoke.

“Oliver, I think you are going to do Part 3. I guess you
won’t do it for me, but I think you will do it anyway,
and I’ll tell you why. I’ve decided that I’ve been hurt
and humiliated so badly that there isn’t anything worse
that could happen to me.

“I think I’m now where my parents and that tough love
guy were talking about. I’ve hit that point where I’m
willing to do what it takes to get out of the pit, even
subject myself to the contempt of my parents and whoever
else I need to tell about this. Because if you don’t
keep your promise, I’m not going to lie to them. I’m
going to tell them everything about Budapest, including

“I’m not going to embellish and tell them that you
forced me to do Part 2. If fact, I won’t tell them the
lie you told me to persuade me. I don’t want anything to
be on my conscience, although I know I’ll feel guilty

“When I come clean, I’m also going to show them the
website and the videos of us. They’ve disguised us
pretty well, but not enough so my parents won’t
recognize me — and you. Even though I tell them it was
my choice, they are going to blame you, and they are
going to hate you like no one has ever hated anyone

“I don’t know what they’ll do. But I think they’ll make
sure your parents see the website, and your HR person at
Touche Ross. They might even show it to the police,
although I’m 18, so you can’t be prosecuted for a sex
crime. I could lie, and they could get you for white
slavery, but I’m not going to do that. Even if the
police don’t come up with anything to charge you with,
their report and the link to the website will be in
their records forever, and it will turn up whenever you
apply for a job and someone is checking your background.

“You’ll probably have to accept a job that pays so
little they don’t bother checking your background. If I
know your parents and your sister, they are going to
stay as far from you as possible, so you might not get
much financial help from them.

“All the girls you date, unless they are so stupid they
don’t Google you, will see the police record and the
link to the videos. Though we’re disguised, that will
tell them who it is. I wonder what they’ll think of you
after they see what you did to me in Part 2? Maybe
you’ll find some poor girl who likes that kind of sex.

“We’ve been clean and sober for two weeks now, Oliver,
and I plan to continue. But I’m being honest when I tell
you that the thought just came to me that what happens
to you might send you back to drugs, or that you would
take your own life. For a moment, I thought that would
make me happy, but just for a moment, and I want to
apologize for even that moment.

“We’ve gone through a lot, and I’ll always remember what
we had. It was wonderful, and I thought of us going on
to a wonderful life together. Maybe that had something
to do with me agreeing to Part 2. So I’m not wishing
anything bad to happen to you.

“I’m going to tell my parents that I will be working on
forgiving you, so I can move on with my life, and that’s
also the truth. It will take time, but I feel I can do
it. I’m even thinking that someday, if I find out you’re
in bad shape, I would be glad to pay for a place where
you’re off the street and have enough to eat. I’d be
happy to do that, because of what we once had.

“So I’m being honest, Oliver. That’s what’s been running
through my mind as I sit here looking at you. I’m
thinking, 20 minutes, only 20 minutes of pain and
degradation. I endured nearly 30 minutes. But you can’t
take 20 minutes so that we can finish this disgusting
phase of our lives the best way possible and start
building something better together. It would mean so
much to me to return the money I stole from my parents,
and I think you love your parents, too.

“Right now, you might be thinking, yeah, Christie is
really upset, but she’ll get over it. She’s as self-
centered as I am, and she’s no martyr.

“You might be right, Oliver. But look into my eyes. I
don’t think I’ve ever been as determined as I am now. I
don’t really care who knows about my video now and who
sees it. I’m past that. Maybe I even want them to see it
so I really know that there’s no way left for me but to
own up and do what I have to do.

“So are you going to take the chance that I’ll become a
coward again, or are you going to man up for 20 minutes?
Is throwing away your entire life worth avoiding that 20
minutes. The Oliver I’ve loved would do it. Am I wrong?
Is that Oliver nonexistent? What do you say?”

As she spoke, Oliver became more and more frantic. Even
though they were in the open air, he felt like someone
was smothering him. His eyes were darting around as if
pleading for someone, anyone to save him from the
monster Christie had become. He had trouble breathing.
He was squirming like crazy in the rusty lawn chair
while watching Christie’s smiling face and listening to
her soft, modulated voice saying those terrible things.

When she finished, he put his head down and began
crying. He looked up in time to see her quickly wipe a
broad smile off her face and attempt to be serious. She
knew he would do Part 3, and he could tell she was

“Please be as gentle with me as you can,” was all he

“Why Oliver, those were the exact words I said to you
before Part 2,” she replied, and he froze.


Back in the dressing room, Lenka explained a little
about Part 3 while putting another mini-speaker into
Christie’s ear. “I will be talking to you through the
whole thing,” she said, “but I will be speaking in
Hungarian, so Karel will translate for you through this.
Just follow his translation of my instructions. Act as
naturally as you want. You can be surprised or shocked
or upset or happy, whatever you feel like. Only don’t
say a word. You may be curious about something and want
to ask a question. Try to pantomime the question. I’ll
probably understand. If not, I’ll signal for the crew to
stop filming so you can ask your question. Don’t say
anything until you’re sure the cameras are off. We still
want to pretend you’re Hungarian. Do you understand?”

“Yes, I think so,” said Christie.

“The first thing that will happen when we go in is we
will all sit on a couch. Oliver will already be naked. I
will talk to the camera and introduce you and him with
fake Hungarian names and tell the camera that you are a
young student nurse who was interested in learning how
to fist her boyfriend, and that I will be teaching you.
Then I will turn to you and you will both nod and smile.
I hope Oliver will be able to smile. We might have to do
several takes of me turning to the two of you and
getting the nods and smiles right.

“Then, we will go over to the bed and Oliver will crawl
onto it, with you pretending to help him up. It’s a
little bit higher than most beds. Then you’re going to
stroke him a little and even give him a few playful tugs
on his dick. Then you’re going to stand on your tiptoes
and lean over and give him a big kiss. When you finish
and turn around, we want a big smile on your face.

“After that, all you need to do is follow my
instructions. Got it?”

“Yes,” said Christie. “It doesn’t sound too

“It will be easy,” said Lenka. “I’m sure you’re just
going to fly through it, and the two of you will be on
your way out of here with your money in less than an
hour.” She took Christie’s hand and led her down the
hall to a different room from the one where Part 2 was

The only furniture in this one was a large couch, a
couple of small but comfortable looking chairs and what
looked like a hospital bed. Hanging from the ceiling
were a couple of rings like the kind gymnasts use.
Oliver was naked and already sitting on the couch.

Christie heard a voice in her ear. It was Karel.

“Hi Christie,” he said. “Before you and Lenka sit down
and the cameras start rolling, I want to make sure you
can hear me. Can you?”

“Yes,” said Christie.

“I’m not going to translate what Lenka says word for
word because I want it to look like you understand her.
So I will be summarizing her words. That way you can
respond faster and it will seem like you know what she’s
telling you to do. Now you can go sit down, and the
cameras will start. Please don’t say a word anymore.”

It took five takes until Karel was satisfied with
Oliver’s smile and nod. Even in the fifth one, he still
looked like a beaten animal, Christie thought as she
smiled broadly at the camera.

“OK, the cameras are off and you can talk if you want
to,” said Karel in her ear. She looked over by the bed
and saw the rings being lowered from the ceiling and two
girls attaching something to each one. Lenka said,
“These are something Karel invented. He’s a genius. They
are thick, padded leather sheaths and they go on like
gloves. They can be adjusted up and down and in any
direction and they don’t cut off circulation. They are
actually very comfortable.” She giggled, and Christie
wondered if Lenka had ever worn them.

“What are they used for?” asked Christie.

“You’ll see,” said Lenka. “We want everything to be a
surprise for you and Oliver.”

Oliver was listening to Lenka and staring at the rings
and the leather sheaths.

“OK, everything’s ready,” said Karel as the girls walked
away. “Let’s roll them.”

Lenka took both of them by the hands and stood up
slowly, waiting for them to follow. Then she led them
over to the bed. It was an adjustable hospital bed, but
it was waist level high, and Oliver had to climb up into
it. As he did so, Christie pretended to push and help
him along. She patted his rear as it was sticking out.
Once he was lying there, she stroked his body and played
with his penis for a few seconds and then leaned over
and gave him a deep, long kiss, with lots of tongue
action. As she broke away, she whispered softly to him,
“I love you, Oliver. You are very brave. Please forgive
me for what I said before.”

Then she quickly turned and gave a big smile to the

Lenka had pulled the two chairs to the foot of the bed
and motioned her to sit down. The chairs were facing
each other but turned slightly toward the bed. Bright
spotlights shone on them, and in the dark outside of the
lighted area, Christie saw a camera behind Lenka aimed
at her and another camera between them only two feet
back, aimed straight at the both of them and the bed.

Lenka didn’t say anything as the bed was lowered to the
point where Oliver’s legs were facing them just below
their shoulders as they were seated. Karel’s voice began
speaking in her ear as Lenka began talking to her in

“We are lowering your boyfriend to a comfortable level
for you,” he said. Lenka got up and walked to the head
of the bed and leaned over.

“I am putting a little device into your boyfriend’s
mouth,” said Karel, confusing Christie until she
realized that he was speaking as Lenka. “It is a thick,
wide, soft rubber thing that fills up his whole mouth,
and now I’m running the strap behind his head and
tightening it. Now I’m wrapping these wide soft plastic
bands around him from below his armpits to his waist.
He’ll be able to move only his ass and his legs.
Sometimes boyfriends really get active when they’re
responding, and we don’t want him falling off the bed
and hurting himself.”

Lenka was sitting down opposite her in an instant.
Christie wondered if Oliver was as surprised as she was
at how quickly Lenka had gagged and restrained him.

She began talking to Christie again, and Christie heard
Karel’s voice in her ear. “It’s not really a gag, dear,
because we want your boyfriend to be able to breathe
comfortably. So there’s a big hole in the middle of it
with a device that’s like a bird whistle. He can easily
breathe in and out, and depending on what he does, the
whistle will sound louder or softer and higher or lower.
It’s a very pleasing sound. Can you hear? There’s a
little microphone attached to the device, too, which we
can adjust so we can hear him without things getting too

Christie was hearing some quick soft little chirps from
the direction of Oliver’s head. From the rhythm, she
figured Oliver must be panting. Gradually the sounds
slowed and got deeper, like a warble. What an ingenious
device, she thought.

She looked up and saw the leather devices hanging from
ceiling were slowly being lowered. Lenka stood up and
reached for them and put each of Oliver’s legs into one
even though he was resisting and kicking at her.
Christie was surprised how quickly and smoothly Lenka
accomplished this. She must have a lot of experience
with them, Christie thought.

Still standing, Lenka started talking to her again and
Karel’s voice was once more in her ear. “See how these
things come from just above the knee down to mid-calf,”
he said. “They are really very comfortable. Now we’re
going to adjust them. First we will pull them toward us
so they gently slide Oliver closer to us and past the
end of the bed until his ass is hanging over the edge.

“That’s not comfortable for him, but he won’t be that
way for long. See, now I’m lifting his legs up with the
sheaths so his ass is being pulled higher. And now I’m
pulling his legs back so his thighs are pressed into his
chest and his feet are past his ears. Now I’m pulling
his legs out sideways, away from his body. See what has
happened. His ass is pushed forward and his buttocks
have been pulled wide apart. Now I’m lowering him back
on the bed. He’s ready for your lesson.”

Christie looked on in wonder as Lenka manipulated
Oliver. She had only glanced at the website for a few
seconds, so she had no idea about all of this. She
thought it was really interesting.

She noticed that even though Oliver was supposed to be
comfortable now, he apparently didn’t know it because he
was twisting his lower body around wildly and moving it
from side to side. The bird calls had become loud and
high pitched.

Her face was only a few inches from his pulled-apart
buttocks, and she could see his puckered hole surrounded
by lots of matted hair. He was either sweating a lot
down there or it was the lubricant, but it looked really
gross, she thought.

Lenka pulled a rolling stand to her and pointed to a pan
with what looked like five sticks of butter. But maybe
it was some kind of Hungarian margarine, because the
sticks were bright yellow, almost Day-Glo bright. “First
we need to lubricate him,” said Karel’s voice in her

Christie looked quizzically at Lenka and tried to
pantomime. She didn’t know how to ask “Why?” except by
mouthing the word silently. Lenka tried to understand
her but finally gave up and raised her hand.

“Stop the cameras,” Karel said. “What’s the problem?”

“Nothing,” said Christie. “I just don’t understand about
the butter. I thought Oliver was already cleaned inside
with enemas and then lubricated.”

“But the audience doesn’t know that,” said Lenka with a
smile. “They love to see the girlfriends push the butter
into their boyfriends. So we pretend that he’s not
already prepared.”

“Oh,” said Christie. “I’m sorry.”

“No problem,” said Karel. “Roll them.”

His voice was soft in her ear again as Lenka began
speaking. “We use this frozen butter to make things nice
and smooth,” he said, talking as Lenka again, “but as
you can see, this butter is square, so it will be hard
to push it in. That’s why I have this scalpel. I’m
carving the end of the first stick of frozen butter to
make it smooth and round, and I’m making it tapered so
the end is no wider than a finger and it gradually gets
wider until halfway down it’s at full width. It’s a very
sharp scalpel.”

Christie looked at her and saw she was smiling at her,
and she smiled back. “It’s the same one we use when we
have to cut a man’s balls off because they are diseased.
Why don’t you lift up your boyfriends balls and let me
look at them while I do this. Move them around a little,

“They don’t look too healthy. Maybe when we’re done,
we’ll need to cut them off. You don’t think so? Too
bad.” Lenka was smiling and pretending to sound
disappointed. It was a joke.

“Ok. The first stick of butter is ready. I’m going to
start, and then you’re going to continue. See, I’m
pushing it very gently at his wrinkly hole. I could open
it wider by moving his legs further back and wider
apart, but that’s not really necessary. See how the tip
is going in. It’s starting to melt inside him and that
will let more of the butter go in. I’m not pushing hard
at all, but see how it’s starting to go in a little more
smoothly even though he’s squirming around. Now I’ve
finished inserting the part that I carved and we’re to
the square part, which should be harder because it’s so
thick and not round. But see how easy it’s going in.

“Now you must take the next stick of frozen butter and
push it against the end of my stick, so that his hole
doesn’t close up when I reach the end. It should be like
one long continuous stick. Good, you’re in position.
Don’t push so hard. Just hard enough to keep the front
part of yours firmly against the back part of mine.
That’s it.

“OK, now mine’s almost all the way in. Push just a
little harder to make sure you go right in. Great. You
did it. Now slow down your pushing. See if you can feel
the butter melting inside him and go with the flow.
That’s it. We have five sticks of butter just in case,
but usually it doesn’t take that many to fill a
boyfriend up.

“You’re wondering how you’ll know when he’s filled. It’s
a surprise and really cute. You’re almost at the end of
your stick. I’m coming up behind you with my next stick.
Steady, steady. That’s it. There seems to be a little
more resistance. I think I’m pushing some of the pieces
around in him sideways. That’s why he’s breathing so
hard. But soon they’ll all be melted and he’ll be
comfortable and just feeling really filled up.

“I think we can get at least one more in him. Are you
ready with the next stick? Good. Get it back behind mine
and start pushing. I’m almost in. OK, push harder. Good,
you’re in. Now softer again. Great. Steady. Hear that
sound. Don’t stop, but look right at where the butter is
going in. You’ll start hearing a squishy sound. Hear
that. Now look. Do you see the bright yellow melted
butter squeezing out of him while you’re pushing.
Doesn’t it look great. That means he’s full.

“Just for fun, give your butter a hard push and look at
the yellow stuff squirting out like crazy. You’re
giggling. I can tell you’re having fun, aren’t you? OK,
now pull the rest of your butter out. You’ve just lubed
your boyfriend. You’re going to see a lot more of that
bright yellow butter before we’re done.”

As Christie pulled her hand away, she saw Oliver’s hole
expanded and full of butter. It made her excited, and
then she saw it slowly closing up to a wrinkle again, a
wrinkle covered in lots of melted butter.

Lenka pushed the tray with the butter away and began
talking again. “Now we’re ready to begin,” said Karel’s
voice in her ear.

“First, I’m going to put my index finger into him. See.
I push it in slowly until it’s all the way in. I wiggle
it a little for fun. Keep it light. Sometimes you can
feel his ass muscles start to grab it. That usually
doesn’t happen until later, but it’s an exquisite

“Now I’m pulling my finger out and you put yours in. See
how easy it goes with all that lubrication. Hey, you’re
having a great time. What a wonderful smile you have.
That’s it. Wiggle. OK, now pull it out, slowly, slowly.
Now put two fingers together and do the same thing.
Slowly, slowly. Are you ready for three? Good, I think
your boyfriend is, too. He’s not shifting around as much
as he did for one finger. He’s probably trying to relax
so the stretching doesn’t hurt as much, and that’s a
good thing.

“See how easy three went in. OK, wiggle just a little
and then move them slowly in and out. Pretend your
fingers are a penis. No, don’t go fast now. Maybe that
was the wrong suggestion. Let’s slow it way down and get
a nice rhythm. That’s it.

“Now, we’re ready for four. Good. You’ve got them going
in just past your first knuckle. Now I want you to
slowly speed up and as you do, push a little harder each
time until you’re all the way to the second knuckle and
you can’t go further because your thumb is sticking out
and stopping you.

“Good. You’re all the way in with four. Now faster.
Pretend your hand is a vibrator and it’s vibrating in
and out of Oliver so fast that you can’t see it. I want
to see nothing but a blur of your four fingers. Faster.
That’s it.

“Now don’t slow down if you can while you tuck your
thumb in behind your fingers. Perfect. See it wasn’t
hard to get all the fingers in because the thumb is
squeezed in. You’re really vibrating, Christie.
Beautiful. Are you getting tired yet? No? Great. Let’s
move ahead then.

“Keep vibrating, but add just a slight bit if pressure
as you do. Don’t force anything. You’re just the
vibrator. The soft, firm pressure is coming from
someplace else, outside of you. You have nothing to do
with it. You’re just looking at your vibrator and
wondering what’s going to happen with that extra

“Good, Christie. This is Karel speaking now. Is your arm
starting to get tired? No? Good. When it does, let us
know by pantomime, and we’ll stop for a while. We’re
shooting Oliver’s face at the same time, and we’ll just
cut away to him when we’re editing and cut back to you
as if you never stopped. OK, now I’m Lenka again.

“Don’t slow down. Do you see any change as you’re
vibrating? Do you feel a little more resistance? We’re
going in the right direction. I can tell. Look at that
butter squirting out. Doesn’t it look delicious? Are you
wrinkling your nose at me? You’re funny.

“Don’t slow the vibrations down. I think we’re almost
there. Get ready. It won’t be long now. When it happens,
it will happen fast. The thumb knuckle will join the
other knuckles going inside and also the fleshy part of
your palm below your thumb. This is the widest part of
your hand, and once it goes through you’ll push right
into him until your wrist is covered. As soon as you
feel this happening, I want you to stop the vibration as
quickly as you can.

“Do you hear Oliver? It sounds like he’s getting ready
to open. Steady, steady. There, we’re through. Stop!
Stop! Did you see the butter squirting out? Wasn’t that
wild. Let’s rest for a second and let Oliver catch his
breath. Look at your wrist. You’ve got a new glove for
your hand, and it’s Oliver. I love your giggle. Isn’t
this wild?

“OK, back to work. No more vibrating now, just slowly
pushing straight ahead. Do you feel how smoothly his
insides are gliding over the back of your hand as you go
further? You are doing great, Christie, You aren’t going
to be a student nurse for long. You learn really fast.
Did you feel how your boyfriend’s body is squirming
while you push your arm up inside of him. Don’t worry,
your hand and arm aren’t that large. I’d say they’re
just normal size. And anyway, we all know, size doesn’t
matter. You’re laughing. Isn’t this fun?”

“Open your hand and move it around a little inside your
boyfriend and feel the lubricant and the organs moving
around as you do. It’s an amazing feeling, isn’t it?
Keep pushing. If you feel some resistance, try to make
your hand as small as possible and then pull out a
little and push back while you wiggle a bit to get past
what’s blocking you. Don’t push hard, because we don’t
want to cause any internal damage. We need to be very
careful. I see you’re not getting any resistance at all.
That looks great.

“There, you passed the elbow. Not every boyfriend can
take this much, but you have such slim arms, I think you
can go all the way. Stop for a second and let him rest.
OK, now, push gently, even more gently than before. It
should look like your arm isn’t even moving, but it is.
I can see his asshole sucking your bicep into it, and
there, you’ve done it. You can’t go any further. You
should see the expression on his face. When you see the
video, you’ll be amazed.”

As Lenka chattered on, Christie was indeed amazed. What
a feeling to have her entire arm up to the shoulder
buried inside Oliver! Though her rear was still in pain,
she felt a stirring between her legs. Was she getting
turned on by this? Was it the kinkiness? Was it the
power? Why was she feeling happy in a strange way?

She heard Karel in her ear, “Are you there, Christie?
Have you been listening to me? It seemed for a second
like you were in a different world. Don’t worry.
Everything will be fine.” She wanted to tell him she
didn’t need his assurances anymore, but she wasn’t
allowed to speak.

“OK, I’m Lenka again,” he said. Lenka was quietly
looking at her with a slight smile and waited while
Karel repeated what she had just said. Then she started
speaking again.

“It’s time to pull out now,” said Karel’s voice. “We’re
going to go much slower than when we went in. This is
where it’s easy for someone to get hurt if you’re not
careful. So pull very gently. That’s the girl. You are
doing great. Keep it up and you’ll get a top score for
this lesson.

“It’s coming out, slowly, slowly. Look at your arm, all
yellow, coated with butter. Would you like to lick it
off. Ha ha. OK, we’re almost out. Now if your hand
inside him is compressed, loosen it up and make it into
a big fist and turn it sideways. The cameras are in slo-
mo mode and we want to see that big fist coming out
sideways slowly, making his asshole as wide as possible
and holding it there before it plops through. This is
how it will look when you are assisting patients having
a baby. We don’t want to tear anything, so go very slow.

“That’s it. I see the fist now. Slow slow. Great. You’re
out. Did you feel how fast the rest of your hand flew
out once the widest part was outside? Were you
surprised? That was terrific.

“OK, that didn’t take much effort, so let’s move right
on. Don’t worry about the butter dripping off your arm.
It’s not doing any harm. Now I want you to move your
chair so you face him directly lift your arms up so they
are pointing straight at him.” Christie heard the
cameras moving around behind her as she changed

“Now we’re going to start that vibration again, this
time with two fingers of your right hand. See how easy
they go in now. Good. Just a little faster. That’s
perfect. Now bring your left arm forward and put the
same two fingers from the left hand in and vibrate the
four fingers together. A little faster. See how easy
that was. You’ve really prepared him well.

“Now let’s go with three fingers from each hand. In and
out, in and out. Same rhythm. Perfect. Your boyfriend is
starting to move again, and I can hear his bird call
getting louder.

“Now four fingers. Keep your thumbs straight up as your
hands move in and out together. Good, you’re going in to
the second knuckle. He’s really moving now. He’s still
got a lot of energy left. That’s good. Wow! Listen to
how loud and how high the bird is singing.

“Stay with four fingers, but instead of keeping your
hands together, pull them wider apart as you go in and
out. Let’s gets some space between those hands. Don’t do
it quickly. The vibration is fast but the pulling apart
is slow. Good. I see the opening between your hands
getting bigger and bigger. The butter is pouring out.
You are doing fantastic.

“Stay just like that, but now tuck your thumbs in behind
your fingers as you go in and out. He won’t even feel
them because you’ve pulled him so wide open. Perfect.
Keep the vibration going and the stretching. In and out,
wider and wider.

“OK, we’re ready. Now stay in rhythm but push your right
hand in all the way to the wrist. That’s it. Your whole
right hand and four fingers of your left hand are now
vibrating. Are you tired? No. Great.

“See how easy the hand went in this time. That’s because
of the stretching. OK. Keep those two vibrators going,
your four fingers and your whole hand.

Christie was amazed to see her whole right hand and four
fingers of her left hand crazily going in and out of
what now seemed a huge hole. How could he open that wide
without splitting in two? she thought. What is he
feeling? She had some idea from the loud bird sounds she
heard. They were almost continuous now, except when he
stopped to take a breath. Lenka began speaking again.

“Now we’re ready to finish this part,” said Karel’s
voice in her ear. “Is your arm tired yet? No? Good. Keep
up the vibration and keep pulling wide with your left
hand. There’s still a little space in the middle and we
need that space. When you’re ready, push the left hand
all the way in, staying in that vibration rhythm.

“Wow! You got that fast. Now don’t worry about
stretching him, just pump those hands together in and
out. He’s wide enough for both of them. This looks so
great. Are you excited that you have two hands going
into your boyfriend at the same time? I can see you’re
getting red in the face? Do you think you might actually
come in your panties while you’re doing this? Wouldn’t
that be naughty! Don’t worry, I’m just kidding. That
happens to a lot of my student nurses. It’s only normal.

“OK, now let’s try a variation. Keep the rhythm going
with the right hand but stop inside him with the left
hand. OK, when you’re ready, I want you to start up
again with the left hand, but this time, I want you to
pull it out when the right hand is pushing in and then
push it in when the right hand is pulling out. Same
rhythm but hands going in opposite directions.

“This is the hardest thing you’ll do today, and many of
my students need two or three tries before they get it
right, so don’t be upset if you can’t do it right away.
OK, whenever you’re ready. Amazing, you got it right
away. Did you feel your boyfriend jerk? I don’t think he
expected that. He’s whistling away. He sure has a lot of
lung power, but I think he’s starting to get winded.
We’ll check in a few minutes.

“OK, in and out, in and out. You’re coming and going in
him at the same time, so he doesn’t really know how to
respond when he tries to adjust. It must be frustrating
for him. Hear how his bird is warbling softer and lower
now. That means he’s just about exhausted from all his
efforts. Keep going, I’m going to talk to him.”

Karel’s voice stopped as Lenka got up and went to where
Oliver’s head was lying. She leaned over and spoke
softly to him. Christie couldn’t hear what he was
saying. Then she saw Lenka’s hands go to his mouth and
move around there.

Lenka came back and sat down next to her and began
speaking. Karel’s voice said, “OK, slow down the rhythm,
slower and slower. Now get both hands going in and out
together again. That’s it. Now faster, faster, faster,
forget about the rhythm, see how fast you can go. OK,
when you are ready, I want you to push hard into him
with both hands and then pull out as fast as you can.
Remember when he was popping you. We want to hear a loud
pop and see lots of butter flying out.”

Lenka was silent as Christie speeded up. The sloshing
from Oliver’s hole grew louder and louder, and she heard
something else, too, a low moan. When she suddenly
ripped both hand from him, the loud pop was followed by
an agonized scream, but a soft scream.

“That was great,” said Karel in her ear as Lenka spoke
in Hungarian. “You must have heard that I took the
device out of his mouth. I attached it to his bed next
to his head so that we can still hear him through the
microphone. He promised not to yell loudly anymore, but
I don’t think he could do it even if he tried. His voice
is hoarse and he hardly has any breath. This way we get
more natural sounds from him for the last part. Now rest
your arms.”

Last part? thought Christie. What else could she
possibly do to Oliver. She was tired, and her
imagination failed her. So she just waited and wondered.

The sound of the bed motor startled her. She looked up
to see Oliver’s back moving up with the back of the
hospital bed. The bed stopped when he was at a 45-degree
angle. She looked at him and looked away with a tear in
her eye. He was a mess. His mouth was hanging loose. His
eyes were darting in every direction. At times his body
twitched. Maybe he was right, and this was too much for

She felt bad for him, but she steeled herself. They had
come too far to turn back now. Only one more part and
they would be done. Lenka wheeled a low platform over to
the side of the bed with a small machine. The cord of
the machine was attached to an electrical extension cord
on the floor, and Christie saw Lenka flip a switch. At
first she heard nothing, but when she listened hard she
thought she heard a faint hum.

Lenka took a long tube from the machine and lifted it
into the air and began talking. Christie heard Karel in
her ear again.

“You’re probably familiar with this breast pump from
your work in the maternity ward, sister. We’re going to
use it in a different way today. We want to give your
boyfriend some pleasure, and this will help us. Watch as
I put the little suction cup on the end of his penis.”

Christie watched, but she saw nothing at first. Oliver’s
big tool was hanging down and limp as a noodle. She saw
the end of it gently pulled into the suction cup and
gently released. She had never seen a machine like that
before. The cup goes over the nipple, she thought, but
Oliver doesn’t have a nipple there. That little tiny
sucking is not going to do anything.

In a minute, she saw that she was wrong. The first thing
that happened was that Oliver’s ass started moving
again. She looked up at his face and saw it was
frightened. He was looking at his limp penis and the
suction cup, but he still couldn’t understand what was
happening. Then she saw the penis stirring, and slowly
it got firmer and firmer. After five minutes, it was
standing straight the way it was when he was really
horny. But she looked at his face and saw no horniness,
just bewilderment.

Lenka removed the suction cup and turned the machine
off. Gradually Roger’s tool sank down into limpness.
Then she turned the machine on again and placed the
suction cup back at the tip. This time it didn’t take as
long for him to get hard. She didn’t say a word, but
Christie heard Karel in her ear. “This is Karel
speaking. She’s going to do this to him a few more times
until he’s dying to come. Then we’ll be ready for the
last part.”

Christy watched as Lenka dipped her hands into the
butter lying in puddles on the bed and began stroking
Oliver’s penis and manipulating his testes after a
breast pump session. He responded a little to her, but
his penis didn’t manage to get far. She went back to the
pump. When she turned it off the next time, Oliver’s
body was thrusting forward as if he were trying to have
sex with the suction cup. He gave a little cry when it
was taken away. This time Lenka’s hands got him a lot
more worked up, but not as hard as the suction cup.

After one more suction session, though, he rose quickly
in her hands and she started pumping him hard as he
thrust his body at her hands and began panting hard.
Suddenly, she took her hands away, and he groaned loudly
in frustration. Lenka spoke to Christie.

“He’s ready now,” said Karel’s soft voice in her ear as
he spoke for Lenka. “I’m going to stay here by him and
direct you from here. I want you to start with four
fingers from each hand with the thumb tucked behind
them. It will be a lot easier this time.

“Then get the rhythm going like before and when I signal
you, get both your hands going all the way in and out
together. Once that’s going well, I’ll signal you to
stop with both hands inside. Then you’re going to slowly
push your right hand all the way in, like before. The
only difference is that you’ll have to do that while the
left hand is in him, too. Don’t worry. I’ll guide you.
It will be easy.

“When you are all the way in, I’ll have you start
pushing your left arm in. Yes, we’re going to get both
arms inside all the way to the shoulder. It will be
exciting. Meanwhile, I’m going to be working on him up
here with my hands.”

Within five minutes, Christie had succeeded in getting
both arms all the way in. She could barely move them
when Lenka told her to twist them a little. It was like
they were in a vise.

She looked up at Oliver’s face during the process and
saw it twist and move and grimace. His mouth was wide
open. Sometimes he blew out in quick pants. Other times
he was sucking for air. He seemed to be trying to find a
way to deal with the pain, but nothing was working. His
face muscles never stopped moving.

The sounds weren’t loud. They varied, from screams to
short shrieks to moans to cries to sobs. It was amazing
to watch and listen to him. She realized she was
observing him as she would an animal in a biology
experiment, not like he was Oliver, her boyfriend.

Lenka began speaking again. “OK,” said Karel in her ear.
“We’re almost done. I want you to keep your arms all the
way in but use your body to move your chair a little to
the side, so that you can turn and look at the camera
and we can also see your arms inside him at the same
time and above that see my hands working on his dick and
above his face. We want to get all of that in one frame.
Are you ready?”

Christie moved her body to shift her chair. Lenka
stopped speaking, but Christie heard her breathing
heavily. She looked up and saw her bend down and take
Oliver in her mouth and suck him. He thrust wildly at
her head, but she raised up and removed her mouth and
smiled at Christie while he moaned. She went back to
work with her hands, breathing even harder. Christie was
breathing hard, too, watching her. Who’s going to come
first? she thought, “Oliver, Lenka or me.” A second
later she knew as she screamed and her body shook while
she watched Lenka pumping Oliver. Her hands inside of
Oliver lurched out of control, and he screamed from the

When she had calmed down, she looked back. Lenka was
still pumping hard and then pulling off. Her breasts
were heaving and she was panting. Oliver was in agony as
his body pressed against her trying to get off.

“That was great, Christie,” said Karel. “We usually
don’t get that kind of orgasm from the girlfriends.
You’re getting a thousand dollar bonus for that. You are
one amazing woman. Now please turn and look at the
camera and smile with your arms inside Oliver while
Lenka brings herself, I mean brings Oliver off.”

Christie turned to face forward and gave a tired smile.
She was so exhausted that she felt like she didn’t even
have a brain anymore. But for some reason she found
herself smiling gamely at the camera while the noises
behind her grew louder and louder.

They sounded like animal noises, guttural growls,
shrieks, heavy panting, getting ever more urgent. They
were so depraved that she shuddered for a moment. She
couldn’t even tell who was making what noise. Oliver and
Lenka blended in a symphony of pure animal lust mixed
with pain. Suddenly the two joined in one deafening
harmony of screams and moans and she felt Oliver’s body
jerking wildly.

At the same time it began to rain. How could it be
raining on me? she thought. We’re inside. She felt the
rain falling on her wig, and some fell on her forehead
and her arms. She looked at her arms. The rain was thick
and white.

Karel’s voice in her ear was ecstatic. “I think this is
the best video we’ve ever shot,” he said. “Wait until
you see Lenka’s face when she’s coming. I don’t know how
she did it while she was coming, but she got Oliver to
spray high into the air and all around the room like a
hose. I’ve never seen anything like it. Even though it’s
his third time today, he had a tremendous amount of
semen left. His stuff is on all our equipment, but I
don’t care, because our cameraman got it all. What a
shoot! Thank you so much, Christie, and give Oliver our
sincere thanks, too, when you can. We hope everything
turns out well for the two of you.”

Christie smiled a tired smile. For a moment she thought
about herself and Oliver. Would this bring them closer
together or would it drive them apart? She had hated him
an hour ago, but now she loved him again. And she was
proud of him. Would he hate her? Her insides were
burning, and her anus was still in incredible pain. He
must be feeling something similar. Could he get over
that and love her again?

Finally, she stopped thinking. Right now she just wanted
to sleep. She sank from her chair into a heap onto the

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