Meeting madam Julie

I was coming back from work, when my master got me “We have some
guests tonight, it is useless to change your clothes. Come on,
I’ll introduce you to those who are already there.” Only one
couple was already there. My master introduced me to them simply
as “Katherine”, without saying that I was his slave. Then came a
couple I knew, and they knew what I was. Without instructions, I
was a little out of balance, wondering what my master expected
from me. As they all behaved as if I was free, I decided to play
that role, but I was anxious about what was in store for me. The
last guest raised my level of anxiousness. It was Julie, a
colleague. I didn’t work with her but I still knew as we where
both member of a small group of people which went usually out
together for lunch. I ended up sitting next to her for the meal.
Naturally we chatted a little.

— I didn’t expect to meet you here?

— Jean-Paul’s house is big and he rent a part of it as a flat.
After my father’s problems, I had to sell my apartement and ended
up to rent it. Now he sometimes invite me to his parties. But I
didn’t know you where acquaintance. I’ve never seen you here.

— I met Jean-Paul at a party organized by common friends.
Someone hinted that he had slaves and the conversation went that
way. At the end, he invited me today.

I didn’t want to continue about slavery, and she seemed relieved
also when I changed the topic of the conversation.

At the end of the meal, Max and Billie brought a dummy I had
learned to know well in the past weeks. It was a full dummy with
and head and arms and hands and legs and feet. And some other
features which made it quite a good sex toy for humiliating
slaves. The dummy was fully clothed and was seated in a sofa.
“Katherine, I see your friend has arrived. You probably want to
entertain him.” I knew now what my master had in mind…

So I went, sit next to the dummy and began to play the role of a
woman flirting with a lover. Speaking, looking him in the eyes,
smiling, taking his hand, putting it on my knee, moving so that
we where closer, caressing his other hand, moving his hand a
little higher on my thigh. That was a problem: the skirt I
usually wore when playing this role was looser than the one of my
business suit. I solved it by pushing the skirt upward to my
waist. When I raised to to that, I saw that Julie was looking at
me intensely. I felt totally silly. But that was the idea,
isn’t it? Make a slave make a fool of herself in front of
strangers and a colleague.

I had no choice but continuing. “There, you have more freedom”,
I said putting the hand of the dummy against my sex, tightening
it between my thigh and switching on the motor which made it
vibrate. I led the other hand on my breast and bent forward to
kiss the dummy. I began to undo his shirt and caressing his
torso. Then I undid my shirt, removed my bra and began to use
his hand to caress my breasts directly. “Wait, My love, you are
making me wetting my panty, I’ll remove them.” I said. I raised
and began to undress myself, making a show, pretendedly for the
dummy, in fact for my master and his guests. Making sure than
they could see that my nipples where erected, and my wetness
showed through the panty. I then went to sit on the knees of my
lover, began to kiss him passionately and pressing all my naked
body against his. “Ho, I feel you need me”. I began to undress
him. When he was nude, I spread his legs, kneed in front of him
and took his sex in my mouth. After a time, I moved the
mechanism which made it an erected cock.

I withdrawed and lied on my back, spreading my legs wide in front
the dummy. Then began to plea him. “My love, I need you. Come
and take me. Make me come. See how I’ve ready for you.” After
a time, Max and Billie took the dummy and placed it over me.
There where locking mechanism which prevented it to lie one me.
They adjusted it so that his torso was just touching my breast. I
began to move under the dummy, kissing him, raising my pelvis
against his, finally introducing his cock into my sex and began
to fuck. I heard my public raising up and coming around me. I
remembered where I was, that I was there lying on my back,
fucking a dummy and with people looking at me. I felt so silly.
I felt the total power loss than becoming a slave was. I came.

I knew it wasn’t enough for my master. I had to continue and
fuck the dummy until he was satisfied of my show. It was after
my third orgasm that he undid the locking mechanism, making the
dummy lie on me.

My master began to speak of other things with the guests. After
a time, Max and Billie came and took the dummy, probably on clue
of our master. I raised. I was brought into the conversation as
if nothing had happened. I felt so silly, being there, naked but
speaking of XIXth century painting. Then my master and the other
guests went to another room. I was clued up to stay there with
Julie. We continued to speak about painting when she asked
suddenly: “Would you obey if I gave you order?” I stopped to act
as a free person.

— As long as I don’t have standing order of my master against
what you demand, Madam.

— So masturbate yourself.

— Yes, Madam.

I began to move my finger in and out my sex.

— Not so, keep your hand motionless and move your pelvis.

— Yes, Madam.

— slower than that.

— Yes, Madam.

Then she began to question me about my live as a slave. The way
the questions where phrased, I guessed that she though that I
volunteered because of a sexual orientation. I didn’t correct
this misconception and that clued me to what my master was
expecting of me. So I played the willingly and happy sex slave
while stimulating myself enough that it was difficult to keep my
respiration straight and to concentrate on my answer but not
enough to even come near from orgasm.

My master came back. The other guests where absents.

— I see you took the opportunity to speak with my little thing?

— Yes, indeed.

— What do you think of her?

— Well trained apparently.

— And do you have made your mind?

— Not yet.

Then my master dismissed me, wondering if he intended to sell me
to Julie.

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