A teen girl turns to her brother for entertainment

The late-June sun bore its weight down onto the parched
Arizona landscape. I let out a quiet sigh as I looked
around. Everything was hot and dry and boring and dull,
dull, dull. God, I hated this place. If it was under 90
degrees right now I’d be shocked. Hell, by the time
noon rolled around it would probably be over 115. We’d
top out at about 120, I figured, then maybe back down
to 100 by midnight.

I sighed again as I walked back inside the air-
conditioned trailer my family lived in. We’d moved out
here from New York a few months ago because my Dad got
a job offer as a county sheriff. He figured it was
better to be a sheriff in a small part of Nowhere,
Arizona, than it was to be a beat cop in NYC. I

My dad and mom were already at work. My little brother
was still sleeping, which left me with the place to
myself for a while. Oh, joy. For lack of anything
better to do, I booted up the computer and surfed over
to a couple of my favorite websites. Places I knew I
could find pretty boys to look at.

Soon teenage boys in various states of nakedness and
arousal were on the screen. I reached down into my
shorts and began rubbing at my vagina, fantasizing
about the pretty young things on display. I hadn’t had
real sex yet, but I’d come close a couple times. Hell,
just before I’d left NYC, I’d nearly lost my virginity
to my boyfriend, but we didn’t have any condoms, so we
didn’t go all the way. He did eat me out, though, which
had been quite delightful!

I managed to give myself an orgasm while thinking about
that night and looking at a pic of a boy who was about
thirteen, very naked, very erect and very cute. I
pictured him fucking me as my orgasm washed over me.
Oh, he was really nice!

When I finished cumming, I cleaned everything up,
turned off the computer and wandered back to my room,
looking for the next thing that might provide me with
some distraction from the boredom that gripped every
facet of my life.

My life had developed a routine since school had let
out two weeks ago. I’d wake up shortly after my parents
left for the day. I’d make up some coffee and drink it
while watching the sunrise. Then I’d go into the living
room where I’d usually download some porn and
masturbate. Then I’d retire to my room for a while
where I’d just hang out for a bit until my twelve-year-
old brother, Kris, woke up. Once he was awake we’d play
video games and watch TV and stuff. It was still pretty
dull, but at least it was boredom with someone else.

Then there’d be lunch, which we’d take turns making.
After that, more games, more TV, plenty of conversation
and lots more boredom until our parents got home. It
was not a fun way to live. The worst part of it was
that it meant my brother was my best friend by
default as he was the only person other than my parents
that I ever saw.

Our parents kept reassuring me that when I turned
eighteen next year, they’d get me a car, which would be
nice, cause it would mean that I’d be able to drive out
to the small, two-thousand person town we lived a half-
hour away from. That would be nice, but that wouldn’t
be until early next year, and I didn’t really want to
have to wait.

In short, life was sucky and not likely to get better
anytime soon.

Now Kris and I were sitting side-by-side on the couch,
taking turns playing “Katamari Damacy” and trying to
roll the biggest katamari. Currently I was in the lead
with a 741m katamari, but Kris was doing a decent job
of challenging me. He likely wouldn’t win, though. I
played the game obsessively. It was almost like it was
a form of rebellion against the way I was having to
live my life.

But today my mind wasn’t on the game. I’d had an email
a couple days ago from a friend who’d told me that my
old boyfriend had gotten his current girlfriend
pregnant. It was apparently quite the scandal and I was
missing it. What annoyed me the most was that there was
a huge part of me that didn’t care, and that worried
me. I’d cared a lot when he’d emailed me to say he had
a girlfriend, and cared when I heard they were having
sex. Now this, along with most of the events going on
with my friends in NYC, just didn’t really matter to me

“Huh?” I said, aware that Kris had said something.

“I said I almost did it. 738 meters.”

“Hey, cool,” I said, pulling myself to reality. “You’re
getting better.”


I looked at the clock. “I’m gonna make some lunch,” I
said, sighing a little as I stood up.

“Oh, ok.”

Kris followed me into the kitchen to talk with me while
I made up some mac and cheese for us to eat. He
nattered on about all sorts of things, which I largely
tuned out. Normally I’d participate more, but I really
wasn’t up for it right now.

“Megan?” he finally said. “Is something wrong?”

I sighed again and looked up from the pasta. “Do you
know what the word ennui means?”


“It’s what I’m having right now. It’s just an
accumulation of boredom and… boredom. Frustration.
Loneliness. Stuff like that.”



“Why are you lonely? You have me!”

I smiled a little. “Yeah, but you’re my brother. It’s
not the same as having a friend.”

“Why not? I think of you as a friend more than as my
sister these days.”

“Yeah. But there’s things you can’t do that at least a
couple of the boys back home were able to do.”

“Like what?”

I was about to tell him when I realized exactly who I
was talking to. I shook my head. “Nothing important.”

“Well, if it’s not important, why does it matter?” Kris

I smiled wanly again. “It just does.”

Kris looked puzzled, then looked a little grossed-out.
“You’re talking about sex, aren’t you?”

I laughed as I drained the pasta. “Sort of. Well,
mostly, yes.”


Kris and I had talked about a lot of things over the
last two weeks of being stuck alone together, but we’d
never discussed sex. I had limited experience with it,
only up to oral with my most recent boyfriend, as I
mentioned before, and I presumed that Kris had no
experience at all.

“So… you’ve had sex, then?” he asked as I began
stirring the cheese powder into the pasta.

“Well… sort of. Not all the way. Just some stuff.”


“Yep.” I put a plate of food in front of my brother and
sat down with him to eat.



“Do you mind… I mean… what stuff did you do?” he
asked, blushing a little.

I shrugged and, seeing no reason to lie, said, “I’ve
made out with a couple boys. With my last boyfriend I
gave him blowjobs a few times and he went down on me.
We almost had sex, but didn’t cause we didn’t have
condoms.” I rolled my eyes. “That apparently didn’t
stop him with his current girlfriend, cause he got her


“Yeah. He’s kind of a dumbass.”

Kris asked, “So why did you go out with him and do…
what you did?”

I shrugged again. “Cause he was kind of cute and he was
interested in me and willing to try some stuff without
a major romantic thing. We were basically just using
each other to fool around and learn about sex first
hand.” And mouth, I added silently.

“Oh, wow. Ok, that makes sense, I guess.” Kris took a
bite of his food and then into the quiet of the dinning
room said, “I had sex once.”

I froze, my food halfway to my mouth. “No, you didn’t,”
I finally managed to say.

“Yeah, I did,” my brother replied with a nod.

“Fuck you, you did not.”

“Yes, I did.”

“You mean like all the way?”


“Like you had your penis inside some girl’s vagina?”



Kris held up his right hand. “I swear to god!”

“Who with?” I asked, picking at my food, feeling a
little annoyed that my brother apparently wasn’t a
virgin but I still was.

“Darla Addams.”

I raised an eyebrow. She was a girl Kris had been
friends with for most of his life. If he was likely to
have fucked a girl it would’ve been her.

“How did that happen?” I asked.

Kris shrugged. “Like the day before we left she asked
me to come over to her place and took me to her room.
She said she wanted to try it with me ever since she’d
known about it and since we were moving, it was then or

Now it was my turn to say, “Oh.”

“We took off our clothes and got on her bed. We made
out and stuff and I fingered her and we did like oral
together. Then I got on top of her and it took me like
a few minutes to figure out how to get it in, but I
did. I got it all the way inside her and we fucked for
like three minutes before I came.”

“Oh… I hope you used a condom,” I said, my brain
catching up to events.

Kris shrugged. “I eleven then, and I wasn’t making any
sperm yet. I am now, though,” he added.


“We wanted to do it again a few minutes later, but her
mom came home and so we had to stop. It was cool to do
it that once, though.”

“Wow.” I sat back, trying to absorb everything. My
twelve-year-old brother wasn’t a virgin and I still was
at fifteen.

“She said it felt really good and she had a lot of fun,
especially when I used my tongue on her.”

“Yeah, I bet,” I muttered, taking a bite of my food.

“I was pretty happy we did it,” Kris said with a
giggle. “I just wish we’d gotten to do it more. It was
really sweet.”

“Hmph,” I grunted.

“Something wrong?” he asked.

I shook my head. “No, just the fact that you’re not a
virgin and I am.”

Kris shrugged. “Not much I can do about that. I mean,
if it’s really that big of a deal, just remember that I
only did it once.”

“That’s still one more than me,” I groused, annoyed
that I was jealous about this. I mean, it was my little
brother! Who cared what he did?

“You wanna go play some more games?” Kris asked as he
finished up his food.

“Maybe later. I think I’m going to go take a nap.”

“Oh, ok. I’ll practice some and maybe win next time,”
he said with an impish grin as he ran off to the living

I cleaned up my dishes and went to my bedroom where I
stripped naked and laid down on my bed. Kris wasn’t a
virgin. My brother had fucked a girl when he was
eleven. He wasn’t a virgin and I was. Life wasn’t fair.

I began to picture the image in my mind. Darla naked
and laying on her bed, much like I was, only she
wouldn’t have had much in the way of breasts and no
pubic hair. I pictured Kris eating her out and then
getting on top of her and slipping his penis, which I
visualized as also being hairless, into her vagina.

I could see his little butt rising and falling as they
fucked for the first time and the expression of
pleasure on both their faces. I remembered a video I’d
once downloaded of two kids about twelve or thirteen
who were fucking, so I had a fair idea of what was
going on in Darla’s bedroom.

Almost of itself, my right hand moved between my legs,
massaging my clitoris and then working a finger into my
vagina as I pictured my brother fucking for the first
time. I kept wondering what it had felt like for Darla
to have his penis inside her and began moving my finger
back and forth in time to the image of Kris thrusting.

I moved faster and faster as I pictured Kris fucking
Darla. My mind began to spin as the pleasure built
within my vagina and flushed out through my body as my
orgasm took hold of me. It was one of the best I’d ever

When I was done cumming, I cleaned up, feeling slightly
guilty about having an orgasm while thinking about my
brother fucking. But what the hell. It had lead to one
of the best orgasms of my life and that was a distinct
plus! Content with that thought, I settled down and
eventually drifted off to sleep.

* * *

Over the next week or so I kept up my routine, but with
some significant disruptions. Mostly this was due to
the fact that every time I masturbated, I was picturing
Kris fucking Darla. It was leading to some great
orgasms, but it was making me feel a little weird.

Then it got weirder when I started seeing him wandering
around without a shirt. He’d began doing it the day
after our conversation, and since it was really hot, I
didn’t blame him. It was just that every time I saw
him, I pictured him fucking lucky little Darla.

I knew most of this was simply caused by boredom.
During the weekend we’d driven out to town and gone
swimming at the community pool. I’d seen Kris in a
speedo then and hadn’t been distracted by that. I was
having too much fun with other things, including
flirting with some of the other boys there. When I got
home, however, and was in my bed, I had more details of
my brother’s body to add to the image I used when I

Then came the day it got really weird. Yesterday, to be
exact. Last night, when I was masturbating before bed.
I constructed my mental image of Kris naked, but when I
sent him off to get laid, I found myself picturing him
going down not on Darla but on me. Then fucking me. It
was an INCREDIBLY hot image and made me cum better than
I’d ever had in my life period. Even when my ex had
gone down on me, the orgasm hadn’t been as good.

It did leave me feeling REALLY mixed up, though. I
mean, it was bad enough that I was picturing my little
twelve-year-old brother fucking Darla, but now I was
getting off on the idea of him fucking me, and there
was no way I could ignore that.

So now I was sitting there with him, after lunch,
watching a movie on DVD and wanting to ask him a whole
slew of questions, but not knowing where to start.
Finally as I sat there, checking out his shirtless
body, I figured I’d just start asking.

“So, Kris?”


“Can I ask you a few things?”


“About Darla and you?”

Kris paused. “Uh… sure, if you want.”

“Ok. Well… when you went down on her, did you get her

“You mean like make her cum?”


He shrugged. “I don’t know. I don’t think so.”

“Did she cum when you fucked her?”

Kris nodded. “Yeah, she told me she did anyhow.”

“Not bad,” I said, somewhat impressed. “Most girls
don’t cum their first time. At least that’s what I

“Really? Cool that she did, then,” he said with a

“What did it… what did it feel like when you were
inside her?”

Kris smiled again and looked a little shy. “Oh, it was
better than anything. I hadn’t even… well, you
know… by myself… before I did it with her, so it
was really incredible. I had no idea it was going to be
that good.”

“Wow,” I said, shifting a little, acutely aware of how
wet my vagina was getting. “I assume she liked it?”

“Oh, yeah. She really wanted to do it again, but like I
said, her mom came home early.”

“How close were you guys to doing it again?”

“Uh… well, I was on top and about to stick it in,
that’s how close,” he said with a smile.

“Oh, ok.” I licked my lips. “Uh… can I ask a kind of
strange question?”


“Uhm… how big… is… your penis?” I managed to say.

Kris blinked and blushed. “Oh. I don’t know. Why?”

“Is it bigger than my finger?” I asked, holding up an
index finger.

He looked at it. “Uh… maybe. Probably not quite as
long, but a little thicker.”

“Do you have hair yet?”

“Yeah, some. Only a few strands, though.”


“Why did you wanna know?”

How could I tell him? I couldn’t say, “Because I wanted
to have a more accurate version of you to masturbate

“Oh, I’m just curious,” I said dismissively. Looking
down a little I saw a bulge in my brother’s shorts. “Is
that… it?” I asked.

He looked down and blushed again. “Yeah.”

“Are you… hard right now?”

“Yeah, from all the talking.”

Feeling my heart pounding in my chest, I said, “Can I
see it?”

Kris blinked and looked taken aback. “See it?”

“Yeah.” Before he could ask I said, “I mean… I know
what my boyfriend’s was like, but he was still a
virgin. I wanna see what one looks like when it’s on a
boy that’s not a virgin.”

“Oh. Well… I guess you can see it if you really want


Looking a little nervous, Kris sat up and unzipped his
shorts. He pulled them and his underwear down and up
popped his penis. It was beautiful! About four inches
long, a little thicker than my finger, as he’d said,
and just a few strands of hair. Lovely! So much nicer
than my boyfriend’s had been, I thought.

“It looks nice,” I said around the wall of arousal.

“Thanks,” Kris mumbled. “Can you see any difference?”

I shook my head. “Not really. I think yours is nicer
than my ex’s, though.”

Kris grinned. “Thanks.”

Taken by a whim, I said, “Well, since I saw you… do
you wanna see me?”

“Uhm… sure, if you want to show me.”

“Sure.” I stood up and dropped my shorts and panties,
kicking them aside. Then I laid back on the couch and
spread my legs to give my brother a good view of my

His eyebrows raised and his penis twitched. “Wow.
That’s a lot different from Darla.”

“How so?” I asked.

“Well… she didn’t have any hair for one thing.”

“Uh-huh… what else?”

Kris shrugged, his eyes still locked between my legs.
“Well, with her it looked like just a slit with a wet
spot where the hole was. With you it looks like a
more… like stuff. I can see the wet place, though,”
he added, pointing.

I laughed. “Yeah, it’s there alright. Do you see my
clitoris and everything?”

Kris nodded. “Yeah, and it’s bigger than Darla’s was.”

“You said you fingered her, right?”


“Was she really tight?”

Kris nodded again. “Yeah, I could barely get my finger
in her at first.”

Taking a breath and knowing I might scare him away, I
said, “Can you do me a favor?”


“Would you mind… well… putting your finger into me?
I wanna know if I’m any tighter or anything than she

My brother looked shocked. “You want me to finger you?”

“Well, just to see if there’s any difference, that’s
all. I’m a virgin just like she was, but I’m curious to
see if there’s any difference.”

“Uhm,” he said, his penis twitching. “Well, I guess if
you really want me to, I can. Just to see.”

“Ok, cool.” I spread my legs wide. “Whenever you’re

Kris shrugged and moved closer to me. He held out a
hand and slowly began slipping his middle finger into
my vagina. It was all I could do to keep from crying
out in bliss as it sank down into me.

Once he had it all the way inside, he worked it around
a little and in a slightly tense voice said, “Well…
yeah, there’s a difference. She was a little tighter
but I don’t think she’d ever done anything with anyone
else ever at all, and you said you’d done some things,
so maybe even though you haven’t been… well,
fucked… maybe that makes a difference.”

“Yeah, ok.”

“It’s nice, though,” he said with a grin.

I smiled back. “I think it’s pretty nice, too… you
got a good finger, Kris.”


“Just out of curiosity,” I said, as casual as I could,
“when you had your finger inside Darla, how did you
move it around?”

“Just back and forth mostly,” he said, moving his
finger within me to illustrate.

“Mmmm… that does feel pretty nice… but if you move
it in circles and around and stuff it feels even

“This way?” my brother asked, moving his finger some

“Oh, yes…”

Kris grinned. “Cool. This is a lot better than video

“Yeah,” I said with a laugh. Then I sat up a little and
pulled my shirt off. I wasn’t wearing a bra, so now I
was nude in front of my brother. “How do these

He stared at my breasts. “Uh… well, since she was
still flat, they’re much nicer.”

“You can touch ’em if you want.”

“Ok.” Keeping his finger inside my vagina, my brother
reached out with his other hand and rested it on my
right breast. “Wow… that feels cool.”

“Yeah, I like it,” I said with a smile. Looking down I
could see that my brother had scooted close enough that
I could reach out and take hold of his penis. I did so,
stroking it slowly.

“You don’t mind, do you?” I asked.

“N… no…”

“Good,” I whispered, happy to be touching the penis I’d
been dreaming about. It wasn’t nearly the same as my
ex’s, but it was everything I’d hoped for. What I
really wanted, deep down, was to have it inside me, but
I knew that couldn’t happen. At least not yet. It
would, though, as soon as I could pull it off. I’d lose
my virginity to my brother. What an erotic thought!

Meantime, as I was fondling him, Kris kept up the
movements within my vagina. “You’re getting good at


“Do you wanna try doing something else…?”


I took a breath. “Well… you said you went down on
Darla… if you wanna try that on me, I can give you
some lessons…”

“Oh… ok.”

“First move your face down there, but keep your finger
inside me!” I added hastily as he was about to pull it

“Ok, now what?” he asked once he was down there.

“First lick the area around my clitoris.”

“Like this?” he asked, doing so.

My eyes crossed and little fireworks went off in my
mind as my brother’s tongue scrapped across my
clitoris. Oh, dear god it was heavenly! Whatever Kris
had learned from Darla he’d learned it quite, quite
well! He was already much better at it then my ex had
been back in NYC.

“Am I doing ok?” Kris asked.

“Ah… you were until you stopped…”

“Oh, sorry… you weren’t saying anything, so I didn’t
know. I’ll go back to it.”

“No, wait,” I whispered.


“Move up here.”

My brother wiggled his way up until his chest was
rubbing against my breasts. “Ok, like this?”

“Yeah.” Swallowing a little I reached down and took his
penis in my hand, lining it up with the entrance to my
vagina. “Push it in,” I whispered.

Kris blinked. “Are you sure?”

“Yeah… fuck me, little brother… take my

“Ok, if you want me to.” Kris shifted his weight around
and I felt the tip of his penis nudge into me a little.
“Are you ready?”

“Yeah…” I whispered, closing my eyes, part of me
unable to believe this was really happening.

Nodding, Kris said, “Ok,” and then pushed forward with
his hips. At first nothing happened. I started, for a
moment, to wonder if I’d put him in the right place,
but then, slowly, wonderfully, incredibly, I felt my
younger brother’s twelve-year-old penis begin to sink
down into my fifteen-year-old virgin vagina. He pulled
back and pushed forward once, twice and then was
entirely inside of me.

“Oh, god,” I moaned as my brother took my virginity. It
felt soooo wonderful! So much better than just
masturbating or even having a boy go down on me. I was
actually being fucked! So what if it was with my little
brother? It felt incredible and that was all that

“Does it feel ok? Do you want me to pull out?” Kris
asked, looking a little concerned.

“Oh, god, no… keep it in…” I put my hands on my
brother’s butt and pulled him closer to me, just to
make the point.

“Ok… do you want me to start fucking…?”


“Ok…” Kris began moving slowly, sliding his penis
back and forth inside my vagina. He grinned a little.
“You feel much better than Darla…”


Kris closed his eyes at this point and started fucking
me a little harder. He slipped out a couple times but
guided himself back into me pretty easily. I was mute
with pleasure the whole time! I just couldn’t believe
how wonderful this all felt! Sure it was incest, but I
REALLY didn’t care right now.

“Oh… oh… Megan…? I’m gonna cum soon…” Kris

I hadn’t thought about what to do when Kris had his
orgasm. There was a lot about this I hadn’t really
thought through, but who cared?

When I hadn’t said anything in reply, Kris moaned,
“Oh… can I cum in you…?”

“Yeah…” I whispered.

“Oh… ok… oh… oh… OH! Oh, god!” Kris pushed deep
inside me and started shaking as his sperm began firing
off, filling my vagina. It was like nothing I’d ever
experienced before. I could feel his penis twitching as
he orgasmed inside me. It was soooo cool!

And just as my brother finished cumming, I started to,
my vagina contracting hard around his penis as I began
moaning and groaning, lost in a world of pleasure I’d
never before experienced as fully as I was now.

As we both came down from our orgasms I looked up at my
brother. He grinned down at me. Then we both began to

“Wow,” Kris said. “I can’t believe we fucked… that
was so cool…”

“Yeah.” I squeezed his butt.

“Did I do ok?”

“Best fuck I ever had,” I said with a smile.

Kris laughed. “Yeah, but it was the only fuck you’ve
ever had!”


“Ok, good point.” Kris backed up, his penis slipping
out of my vagina.

I sat up and stretched. “THAT was fun. We gotta do that
a lot more.”

“Really?” Kris grinned. “Cool!”

I placed a hand on my brother’s still hard penis and
kissed him. “Yeah… summer just got a lot less dull
for us.”

“Cool.” He kissed me back. “Can we fuck again?”


Soon I had laid my brother on his back and was
straddling his waist, ridding his penis to another
wonderful orgasm for us both. Then we went to him doing
me doggie-style. Then we fucked in his bed. Then in
mine. Then in the shower. Then in the kitchen. Then in
our parents bed. Then we stopped and got cleaned up.

Then the next day we fucked some more.

After that we fucked.

Then we fucked again.

You get the idea.

Summer was indeed a lot less dull.