Amanda is making a movie with her two dog’s who bring home a friend

Dog, camera, action!

Her cunt was stretched beyond any limit it had been
before. The dog’s knot had at last been pushed into
her, past her tight lips and beyond the muscle of her
opening. The slightest movement of either her or the
dog sent new waves of pleasurable thrill through her
system and made sure she climaxed over and over.

The dog heaved one last time and, if it was at all
possible, shoved the huge purple weapon further into
her and through the neck of her womb. A deep pain
immediately told her that he had gone further than
anything else before.

It subsided only to be replaced by the sudden hot rush
of canine cum as it flooded her. Locked as they were,
she could do nothing about it, but then, she didn’t
want to. Her desire was to accept his whole seed into
her body and let it stay there for as long as she could
keep it.

She glanced down between her tits and could see her
belly, visibly extend as the hot cum pumped into her.
She relaxed and lowered her head so that it rested on
her arms that supported her on the carpeted floor. The
effect was to raise her lower body and make it even
easier for the dogs cock to slide even further. She
guessed that the whole ten or so inches had slipped
into her with the knot buried so far up her that she
wondered if it would ever come out, but at the time,
could care less.

Prince sensed her ease and gave one more shove that
pushed her forward and his balls slapped on her clit.
He had no more to give, but made sure she got it all.
Instinct told him he had to stay like this for a while
to allow his seed to take root. He paddled his hind
legs to make sure the connection was made as deeply as

She could take no more. Her stomach was so distended
now, that she looked as if she were already four months
pregnant. She thanked her god that it was not possible
for humans and dogs to conceive, because if they could,
she would have a gut full of puppies right now.

Slowly, her muscles relaxed and his knot slackened
enough for the bond to break. He pulled out of her and
retired to a corner of the room. She felt as if a hose
was being taken out of her body. But she was determined
not to allow any of the creamy thick cum to escape her.
She had plans for it and wanted it to be added to. She
clenched her muscles to prevent the loss of his seed.

The camera clicked and stopped. As her body absorbed
his fluids.

Jack seemed to revive his interest in her. She had
sucked him off pretty good, but the fucking she got
from Prince had distracted her. Jack had shot some of
his dog seed over her face and only a little in her
mouth. Amanda loved the taste, but had been too
occupied by prince to be able to really get the
experience this time around.

She hit the record button on the remote and the camera
whirred into action.

Jack’s nose pushed against her bruised cunt and his
tongue stroked her labia, soothing the soreness and
arousing her once more. Clenching her muscles was
becoming uncomfortable, but she wanted to hold onto
Prince’s cum until it was all absorbed or solidified in
her. She pushed Jack away from her mound, but pulled
his hindquarters to her mouth. Jack actually seemed to
prefer being sucked off by her. Only occasionally could
he be persuaded to hump her and even then, never really
got right into it.

Jack’s cock poked out from its sheath. The pink tip
protruded and dripped a little of the clear pre-cum
lubricant that Amanda had tasted so often. He knew the
drill and lay down at a convenient position at her
head, allowing her access to his still semi-sheathed

Her fingers coaxed the sheath back a little and eased
his tool from its furry haven. Gradually, he hardened
and more of him poked out, demanding her attentions.
Amanda licked the pointed end and ran her tongue around
the tip and tasted him for the second time today. She
then slid him into her mouth and manipulated him,
trapping the hardening cock between her tongue and the
roof of her mouth before starting to suck him in
earnest. His cock continued to grow until she could
feel his knot ball in her hand. This was how he liked
it, being sucked to hardness, then having his knot
gripped behind until he shot his load.

She worked her throat and began to pump him into her.
The tip was now at the back of her throat and slipping
in and out of her gullet while she grasped him behind
his knot, preventing him from thrusting or drawing out.
She began the rhythmic clasping of her fist as she
swallowed his cock. It was always this way that she
could bring him off and the method the dog liked best.

Suddenly, she felt the familiar pulsing of hardness in
his knot, which told her he was about to come in a big
way. Anticipation building, she increased her tempo
until he suddenly erupted, shooting thick wads of his
seed into her throat and down into her guts. She was
always amazed at the force of this dog’s cum as it
jetted from him, she always managed to catch it all and
she always managed to swallow the lot.

It had taken a long time for her to be able to
accommodate the whole of his dick and be able to let
him fuck her throat, but she was glad that she had
persevered and practiced, because the reward was worth
the effort and sent her boyfriends into delirium when
they saw their cocks disappear.

The camera clicked off again as she hit the pause
button on the remote.

Languidly, she thought about getting up to pee. It
wasn’t a pressing need just yet, and she wanted
Prince’s seed to stay within her. Once, when she had
managed to keep one of Jacks loads inside her, it had
solidified into a glutinous mass that rested in her
cunt. The thrill when she walked just took her away.

For some unknown reason, it acted like one of those
Chinese love eggs that have a heavy ball inside them.
The thrill she got from this ball of dog come had sent
her over the edge. Another time, her body had absorbed
the animal’s fluid. When she discovered this, she
became so excited that she hit a climatic high that
lasted for hours and hardly subsided after she had
frigged herself senseless.

Jack had gone to lie down as he usually did. She
watched as the brindle coated greyhound relaxed into
sleep. Prince looked up briefly, but then returned to
resting his head on his paws. Amanda was pleased with
the way Prince had adopted her advances. She knew the
dog, but only slightly until yesterday. He belonged to
a girlfriend who was going off for a dirty weekend with
her married boyfriend and had asked Amanda to take care
of him. He had taken care of her and she had the
hardening cum inside her to prove it. A thrill went
through her at the thought.

She slept for an hour or two, a light, but satisfying
nap, dreamless and totally relaxing. Amanda had no
plans for today apart from making this film and having
the seeing too of her life. John, her current
boyfriend, had gone away for the weekend with his mates
paint balling. It was understood that he would also be
balling someone else. It didn’t bother Amanda at all;
after all, she had the dogs and would be enjoying
herself very much more than he.

To be honest, it was not going to last very much
longer. Already, she found herself waiting impatiently
for the time he would leave to return to his own
apartment. All the better if they had fucked, because
Jack loved to clean her of what he must have thought to
be a rival. It usually meant that she would really cum,
unlike the poor imitations of John and his weenie dick.

She surfaced from her sleep and relieved her bladder.
Already, the dogs cum had begun to coalesce inside her
and her movement had a beautiful effect. It felt as if
it was still lodged in her womb rather than her cunt.
The sensation was like having butterflies in her
stomach, only lower down. A rising passion warmed her
and ignited in her loins, but she needed to eat and
quelled the feeling.

She heated a TV dinner and fed the two dogs. The radio
was on, playing some old eighties hits, Amanda only
heard it as background noise while she ate. It was time
to review the tape she had made. Dishes washed, she
settled down with the remote and pressed play.

Instantly, the TV screen had a close up of her sucking
Jack while Prince was trying to penetrate her. Viewed
as a third person, she was amazed at the size of
Princes cock. Even before he had managed to find her
entrance, he probably measured eight or nine inches.
Jack could only boast six or seven at best.

Prince suddenly found the right place and she gasped as
she watched the huge cock slide into her body. Aware of
the need to concentrate, she desisted from fingering
herself, but it was extremely difficult not to spread
her long legs and stuff her hand up her cunt.

The scene played out before her with Prince, ramming
his purple shaft into her willing cunt. It had been an
inspired move to position the camera just as she had,
because the view was fantastic and nothing was obscured
from view.

She had an involuntary climax as she watched the dog’s
ultimate moments and saw just how much she had
accommodated within her body. Oh Wow! She thought; that
was fantastic and would be the pride of her collection.
The scene clicked off and then restarted with her
sucking of Jack. She could see as well as remember the
pleasure it gave her and could almost taste him. The
tape closed as she swallowed and licked off all of
jacks cum.

Now she was ready for a repeat performance, but the
dogs had to go out to relieve themselves and have a
run. Putting on her raincoat over her nakedness, Amanda
opened the door and walked through the patio onto the
communal lawn. It must have rained during the day
because the grass was wet and a chill had crept into
the air.

The effect to her nipples was immediate and they
stiffened under the coat and rasped against the fabric.
This, coupled with the effects of the hardening dog
come inside her had Amanda quivering and desperate to
fuck the dogs senseless, but she had to allow them some
time to be dogs and not lovers.

Trying to calm down, Amanda slowly walked around the
edge of the lawn. It was holiday weekend and most of
her neighbours had vacated to the country or family.
Only ‘Old Joe’ was out enjoying the coolness of the
afternoon. He waved and went back to studying the paper
in his hands. She liked the privacy her home afforded,
she liked it that most everyone kept themselves to
themselves and didn’t pry.

The dogs had found a ball and were mock fighting over
it. Amanda watched for a little while appreciating the
lithe and supple strength of the animals in their play.
Going back through the patio doors, Amanda planned her
next camera angles and set about adjusting the tripods
and lighting. Anticipation was mounting, fuelled by the
constant knocking of the solid ball of cum as it
slopped around inside her.

Pretty soon, she had arranged everything so that her
cushion and the matting where in just the right place.
She had placed a sausage shaped cushion to support her
lower abdomen on the rush matting. She had found from
experience that, if she got fucked with a hard lump of
cum in her, the action of a hard cock loosened it and
eventually, it fell out or became a blockage.

She found that, by lying with the cushion under her
stomach, it stopped the ball from being dislodged and
even felt like an extra inch or two being shoved into

Her cunt became wet with the mounting excitement she
was feeling. Her imagination described a picture of
Prince with his knot rammed up her arse. Oh fuck! She
said aloud and instantly her cunt flooded.

At last, the dogs tired of play and came back into the
apartment. Amanda was more than ready for them.

Dog day afternoon – Part two.

They had brought a friend home. Maisie, a large black
poodle had joined in the action outside. Jack knew the
bitch very well and had tried to jump her when she was
in season. Maisie’s owner though, had other ideas and
had shooed him away. She belonged to a blonde silly
woman who lived on the first floor. A succession of
suitors had almost worn a path to the woman’s
apartment, but all left in vain, because the blonde was
quite gay, but loved teasing men.

Amanda thought that it might be something to do with
her history or that she disliked men so much, she
wanted to cause as much distress as possible to them.
Either way, Amanda thought it a recipe for disaster,
sooner or later; one of these guys was going to exact
revenge on her. Whatever, Amanda didn’t like the woman
very much and was content to leave it at a nodding

Maisie inspected the room and paused at the place where
Amanda and the guys had been earlier. Her nose picked
up the unmistakable scent of sex and licked at the
dried residue left by them. Amanda had no fear of the
dog. She had always been very friendly when their paths
crossed. She came to Amanda who had arranged herself on
the floor next to the cushion and checked out Amanda’s
sex by smelling her groin.

Unexpectedly, she gave Amanda a long and luscious lick,
pushing her tongue between her lips and expertly
finding Amanda’s clit. You’re no angel, are you? Amanda
said to the dog, so that’s what you and your mistress
get up to is it? The dog either didn’t hear, or didn’t
understand that she was being spoken to, instead, she
insinuated herself between Amanda’s legs and licked her
deeply, pushing her tongue right into Amanda and then
over her clit.

Amanda creamed herself right there and then. The
boldness of the bitch added to her pleasure and she
found herself holding her cunt wide open with her
fingertips so that Maisie had better access. She had
forgotten to hit the record button and desperately felt
for the remote while trying not to scream.

At last, she found it and punched the red button just
as Maisie found her button and licked the shit out of
it. Amanda almost wept from the attentions of this dog
and flooded its mouth with her cum. Maisie went to work
then, having been rewarded with a mouthful of girl
cream, she set to licking Amanda for real.

Her hip rose and thrust to meet Maisie’s tongue as it
rasped over her lips and clit. And then, it was too
much. Amanda had to stop the crestfallen poodle from
killing her with affection for her sex and taste. She
pushed Maisie away and sat up to prevent the dog
getting at her. All in all, it had been one of the most
intense orgasms she had ever experienced and one she
would remember forever.

She hit the pause button and the camera stopped

Jack and Prince had politely, sat and watched from the
vantage point of the patio doors. Sat side by side,
their interest had been taking by the sight of Amanda
getting the tonguing of a lifetime. Both of them had
become fairly aroused and this condition was announced
by the appearance of their pink cocks semi-hard.

Prince, being the bolder of the two, thought he would
mount the poodle and without preamble jumped her back.
He yelped when she turned on him and almost had his
nose in her mouth. He backed off and then tried to
ingratiate himself on her by sidling up with his head
down. She was having none of it and let him know in no
uncertain tones, that his advances were not welcome.

She’s just like her mistress Prince, announced Amanda
with a laugh, hates the men and loves the girls.

How right you are. Maisie’s owner stood at the patio
doors dressed as usual in an immaculate suit. Would you
mind if I took my two timing bitch back home now? That
is of course, if you have finished with her.

Amanda thought about covering her nakedness up and
then, in the next micro-second thought, fuck it, I am
in my own home, she can just fuck off and take her dog
with her. She said instead, Oh course and thank you for
the loan. She has an amazing tongue I must say.

Oh course she has dear, I trained her. With that, the
haughty suit and her dog left Amanda alone. She got up
and closed the patio doors, berating herself for being
so stupid and leaving them open. As she walked back to
the cushion, the ball of cum shifted and pushed against
the walls of her womb. The sensation rocked Amanda and
she forgot about the woman and her poodle in an instant
while she tried to keep her knees from buckling.

Once she had sat back down, she pointed at a spot in
one corner of the room and told Jack to go there and
stay. Jack did as he was told, it seemed as if they had
an empathetic understanding which had been between the
girl and the dog ever since they met for the first time
three years earlier when Jack was still a puppy and a
present from her Mother for Graduating from University
with a BSc in Animal husbandry.

Prince, come! Prince recognised his name and padded
over to the prone girl who smelt just wonderful.
Slowly, Amanda caressed his body and worked her way
down to his organ. It needed little encouragement and
sprang to life outside of its sheath.

The camera began to record once she had pressed the

Her deft touch soon had Prince panting and doing mini-
humps into her soft hands. Amanda knew what she was
doing, her experience with a dogs cock told, she kept
him on the verge of going over the top and fucking her
hand. She had a reason. It wasn’t to tease the poor
animal, but if she could get him to unload a bit, it
made for a longer session with the dog lasting almost
twice as long, also, when it did come to getting
linked, his knot would have already diminished a little
and be easier to control. Amanda really did now what
she was doing.

Prince whined and couldn’t help an ejaculation in her
hand. Carefully, she cupped the glutinous fluid and
massaged it into her cunt and arse for two reasons.
Firstly, the dog will always clean up after himself and
having her arse licked by a dog was just one heaven she
liked to visit, the other was that it helped lubricate
her tight anus, ready for a large dogs cock to slip
straight into. Prince obliged and cleaned his cum from
her arse while she lay on her back with her knees

Amanda was ready, as ready as she ever would be to
receive this animals throbbing purple shaft. She spun
over and presented her arse to the dogs questing nose.
With a little encouragement, she got him to mount her
and grasped his rock hard cock with her hand. Prince
started to hump and she controlled his thrust with her

When his needs became urgent, she guided him into her
tight bud and let him sink his massive shaft right into
her sphincter. The first part was easy, already
lubricated; the tip penetrated her with no effort. The
next step was to control him so he didn’t ram into her
too deeply until her muscles had got used to the idea.
Then, when everything was right, she removed her hand
and pushed back against one of his thrusts.

The effect was electric. His knot found home and passed
her opening. She clenched and held the dog tightly
within her and her head reeled from the sheer pleasure
that flooded her brain. Prince reacted in a typical
way. His cock had gone home and now it was time to
seriously fuck this bitch. His hips thrust in rapid
motion, driving him deeper and deeper. His knot had
embedded its self all the way inside her and had become
swollen to the size of a tennis ball.

Amanda shrieked her orgasm; wave upon wave of sheer
bliss coursed through her and overloaded her synaptic
senses. She humped him right back and fucked his huge
cock as if her life depended on it. It lasted very much
longer than usual. Making him cum before fucking her
had done the trick. But, Amanda still had a design for
this session.

She eased forward which put pressure on Princes cock.
Unlike Humans, their cocks are not quite so supple and
don’t bend too well. Prince’s cock flew out of her
gaping arse hole like a jet-propelled snake.
Immediately, Amanda knelt back up and grasping him
again, guided him into her yawning cunt. Prince started
all over again and quickly found himself buried as far
as it is possible to go up this beautiful bitch.

His cock found its way through her relaxed defences and
nudged the opening of her womb. This is what she
wanted. With the hard ball of dog come in her already,
his cock would find the opening with little trouble and
then knock the ball around inside her, sending her to
oblivion. It worked just as she planned. Oh it worked
all right and she fucked him back so hard that she
split one of her labia lips meeting one of his thrusts.
She hardly felt it as the ball of cum bounced around
and she exploded over and over again.

Suddenly, Prince could not take anymore. A huge spray
of Fuck juice jetted into her abdomen, filling it once
more and causing her stomach to expand. He thrust one
last time and howled the release at the top of his
lungs with his head thrown back in the classic wolf
stance. His balls emptied into her and he pulled away
to collapse in the corner of the room.

Amanda reached a place she had never been before.
Thousands of orgasms and climaxes had wracked her body
in the past. Hundreds of times, she had been so
exhausted that thinking was too much of an effort, but
this time, she had entered another plane of pleasure.

Synapses shut down and caused her to slump forward,
almost comatose. She had orgasmed until her brain had
got to the point of shutting down all nonessential
parts and just concentrating on supply of oxygen to the
vital organs. She was all but unconscious. She didn’t
feel Jack licking her and cleaning her blood away from
the split lip.

She didn’t feel him gently fuck her arse while she lay
prostrate over the cushion. She didn’t have any
knowledge of Princes painful cock and how Jack eased
that for him with his tongue. Amanda didn’t realise
that her dog Jack, had a sympathetic nature for her and
Prince and was quite happy to just keep them safe while
they recovered.

The tape ran out and the camera stopped automatically.

Amanda came too after a couple of hours. She needed the
toilet badly and felt ashamed in some way that she had
lost control of the situation. Her memory had shut out
some of the details of just how far she had gone with
these two dogs. She wasn’t ashamed that she had fucked
with them, she loved to do that, no, she was ashamed
that her instincts had taken over and she had become no
more than a wild animal herself and had become lost to
the primal urge to mate until she was filled with

She had to work the ball of cum from her body. Usually,
she could just insert a couple of fingers and work it
out and get off on the experience, but not this time.
This time, it was wedged so far inside her that it was
beyond reach. In the end, she took the head off the
shower attachment and shoved it inside her battered
cunt and washed it out. It was almost like giving birth
being the size of a soft ball.

Later, when she was sitting in the lounge eating her
supper, she watched the tape. Her shame dissipated
rapidly and was replaced but a feeling of pride. Pride,
in having made the best film of a sex session between
human and canine counterparts. Pride that she had
fucked the dog senseless and in turn had been fucked to
oblivion. Pride in how her lover Jack had taken care of
business afterwards.

Her tapes had fetched good prices on the market in the
past. Each film, making as much as a couple of hundred
thousand dollars on the net as a pay per view item. She
knew that the tape she had running in her machine now
would set her for life. She wasn’t wrong.

Amanda’s film grossed two million in the first year.
She didn’t make another, why should she anyway. Prince
was returned after a day or two and was never to make a
reappearance. Jack died aged eleven. Amanda didn’t get
another dog. She could never find one that shared the
empathetic link as she had with Jack. She did however,
buy a string of horses and became a very successful

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