Betty and Me – bestial intercourse

Back at the pond, Betty and Midge were still recuperating from their
love making. The experience had exhausted them both. Under the
warmth of the rays of the Sun, their bodies were now completely
dried off. Betty was debating whether to get dressed and head back
home or not when she turned to look over at Midge. She was
watching her, there on her back, with her chest heaving with each
breath that she took.

This was a mistake on Betty’s part. Seeing Midge’s naked body
started her juices going again.

‘Oh well! I guess it won’t hurt any to relieve myself again.’ Betty

With that, her fingers slipped down to her vaginal lips and started
playing with herself one more time. She would have preferred to
include Midge in it, but ever the nice person, she didn’t think it was

her place to impose it to her friend. As Betty started pleasuring
herself, her moans were getting louder and louder. Eventually, those
moans woke Midge who looked over towards where Betty was and a
smile crossed her lips.

“Mind if I join in?” She asked Betty.
Betty could only nod in the affirmative. With that, Midge got on her
hands and knees and buried her mouth on Betty’s pussy and started to
earnestly lick her.

“Want to try doing it in sixty-nine?” Midge asked.

“Sixty-nine? What’s that?” Betty responded.

“That’s when you are head to toe. That way you can lick me at the
same time that I do you.” Midge explained.

“That sounds like fun. OK let’s do it.” Betty said excitedly.

With that Midge turned herself around, so that her mound was now
right above betty’s head. In this position Betty need only raise her
head slightly and start licking Midge’s treasure box. The first
brought out a moan from Midge’s lips before she herself buried her
lips back to Betty’s pussy.

As the girls started up their lovemaking again, neither had noticed
heard the dogs running into the clearing.

As Hotdog stopped, so did his pack. The rest of the pack were
looking around with a puzzled look on their mutts.

Was Happy’s restless

Was Hotdog’s answer
pointing his snout towards Betty and Midge.

Goliath said in disgust.

Was Rex and King’s simultaneously response.

Questioned Happy.

Hotdog irritated response.

As the pack kept watching the girls, they all started sniffing the
The girls were putting out a strong sexual signal that the dogs
couldn’t help but react to. One after another their pricks started
peeking out of each of their furry sheaths.

This is something that Hotdog was expecting this time, from his
earlier experience with Betty. Other than Hotdog, the only others
with human sex experience were Mrs. Crenshaw’s great Danes, King
and Rex. These two knew exactly what was going on, but because of
their special training they remained still until called for.

Betty and Midge, still unaware of their canine audience were licking
up a storm. Their moans were getting louder as each minute passed.

The pack was still confused about what they should do. But their
keen sense of smell wouldn’t allow them to wander from the scene
before them. Hotdog, having gone through this earlier in the day
started approaching Betty for the second time today.

As he approached the human couple on the boulder, he headed
towards Betty’s head that was presently buried in Midge’s twat.
Looking up from her position caused Betty to gasp momentarily, but
she relaxed almost immediately once she realized that it was only
Hotdog. From her present position, she wasn’t yet aware of the rest
of the pack that was watching them.

As Betty continued licking Midge’s pussy, she couldn’t help but take
a peek at Hotdog juicy cock that was once more fully extended.
Thinking of their suck session earlier only excited her more. This
benefited Midge, as Betty started to nibble her clit hard.

“Oh fuck, yes!” Exclaimed Midge loudly.

Upon hearing the word ‘fuck’, King and Rex both confused this as the
command they’ve been trained to obey. So thinking this being ‘THE’
command, they both approached the groping human females.
Unfortunately, in their present position, only one of their pussies
accessible. But what did they care. After all, it was in the doggie

The rest of the pack just sat there and watched was about to happen.
As the great Danes approached Midge’s vulnerably exposed vagina.
Their hardons were pulsing in expectation of being buried in a human
cunt again.

Betty was the first to be aware of their presence. And seeing their
raging pricks heading for them, she started to panic. Midge confused
Betty’s panic as an orgasmic reaction and pushed her body down
harder on top of her friend, burying her pussy onto Betty’s mouth,
effectively gagging her. As Betty kept trashing, Midge found that she

actually had to pin her down or be thrown off.

Betty resigned herself to what was about to happen. After all, it
wasn’t so bad this morning with Hotdog. So what’s two more doggie
dicks to suck.

Oh Betty how innocent can you be. You’re not what these guys are
aiming for.

Hotdog watching the approach of King and Rex wanted first dibs on
Betty’s mouth, so he placed his front paws on the boulder next to
Betty’s head and presented her with his meat. The boulder’s height
was perfect so that his hard-on was just inches from her face.

Betty seeing the cock next to her face, reached out and pulled it into

her mouth one more time. Midge was somewhat confused as to why
Betty had stopped licking her pussy. So looking around she could
only gasp upon seeing her sucking on Jughead’s dog’s penis.

But rather than being repulsed by this scene, she was finding it
surprisingly erotic to watch. After a few seconds of observing the
bestial action she returned to nibbling on Betty’s clit and pussy lips

with even more fervor. To bad she didn’t look on the other side of
her body. There she would have been shocked to see two very big
great Danes stalking her upturned pussy.

King and Rex stopped briefly to observe Hotdog getting a blowjob,
then returned to their own goal, pussy. Rex was the first to reach
Midge’s pussy, and as his long doggie tongue reached out and slurped
deeply into her tunnel, right above Betty’s eyes.

Midge squealed in surprise at the contact, but then she thought that
was Betty reaching out again, going deeper than she would have
thought possible. From the corner of her eye, Betty found the scene
exhilarating and increased her suction on Hotdog while watching
Midge getting some doggie action herself. In her excitement she
started to hug Midge’s body closer and tighter to her own. Pressing
their nipples hard against each others bodies.

As Rex kept slurping deep into the diminutive Midge, his brother
King joined in. Giving Midge some double tongue action. Even in
her sexual fever, Midge came to the realization that someone other
than Betty was now servicing her pussy.

‘This could only mean that we’ve been discovered.’ She thought.

Building up her courage, she slowly turned her head to see who the
interloper could be. She nearly passed out seeing the two huge beasts

that were now snacking on her. In a panic, Midge was trying
desperately to escape their invasion, but found that she couldn’t.
was still being held tightly by Betty, who was busy herself sucking on

Hotdog’s monstrous cock.

King and Rex were alternating their tongue action from her pussy to
her anal passage, and back again. Each time going to the depths of
both her orifices. Understandably, it didn’t take Midge long to
appreciate their expertise in this field. As she became more and more

aroused, so she returned her attention to Betty’s neglected pussy.

The rest of the pack just sat, watched and learned. Hotdog, King and
Rex all seemed to be enjoying what they were doing they all observed.

And so did the human females it seemed.

>From underneath, Betty kept watching the two Danes servicing
Midge. Actually she was getting a bit jealous that her friend had two

tongues, to her one, in her pussy. Looking up, she was also shocked
to see their hardons.

‘God! I thought Hotdog’s was huge. These must be at least twelve
inches long, and just as wide as Hotdog’s.’ She was thinking to
herself as she kept the suction going to Hotdog’s prick.

Then suddenly, for no apparent reason, both of the Danes stopped
licking Midge’s pussy. This caused Midge to look around and
wonder why they stopped. That’s when one of them walked over to
her face and started licking it lovingly, even French kissing her
occasionally. This gave Midge a taste of her own juices that were
lingering on the doggy tongue now invading her mouth. Meanwhile
the other Dane, Rex to be precise, had leapt onto her back, wrapping
his forepaws tightly around her small waist.

The dog’s weight on her back brought Midge back to reality, and she
realized that his intention was to fuck her. This was going too far.

Trying to free herself from Betty’s hug, Midge was fidgeting in a
panic. Betty understanding her friends predicament released
immediately. Once Midge felt Betty’s grip loosen, she tried getting
up and away from the beast. But he was much to heavy for her small

>From underneath Betty could see Rex’s cock getting closer and closer
to poor little Midge’s tiny fuckhole. It was poking her rear end
repeatedly. Occasionally it would slide up Midge’s ass crack, leaving

a trail of doggy slime behind. In a desperate attempt to help her
friend Betty took hold of Rex’s shaft and tried to keep it away from
Midge’s vagina. But strangely the scene only excited her more as she
continued sucking on Hotdog’s cock.

As Midge continued to struggle against Rex’s attempted rape, King
leapt in front of her and wrapped his forelegs around her waist from
the front. Now Midge was trapped between two huge beast intent on
being serviced by her.

Just inches from her nose was King’s massive cock, all slimy and
smelly. Her nose twitched at the odor emanating from it. The more
she smelled it the more aroused she was getting. Then her mind
wandered to the scene of Betty sucking feverishly on Hotdog’s meat.

‘Maybe a small lick. Just to see what it’s like.’ She thought to

Sticking out her tongue hesitantly, she made contact with the bulbous
shaft, and pulled it back almost immediately. Her taste buds were
pleasantly surprised at what they encountered. As with Betty earlier
in the day, she didn’t find it distasteful at all.

So out came her tongue once again. This time she started to lick the
whole length of King’s cock, trying not to miss a spot. In her
excitement she was forgetting all about Rex clasped behind her.

Betty was having trouble keeping her grip on Rex’s slippery cock. It
kept sliding through her fingers and poking Midge on the ass. Then
suddenly, with no warning, his cock slipped free of her restricting
grasp. And as luck would have it found its mark in its forward
Rex entered Midge’s pussy in one powerful bestial lunge. Sinking
almost his full length deep into her vaginal tunnel. Unfortunately
Midge, this lunge occurred just as she had King’s cock head was at
her lips. Rex’s powerful lunge shoved King’s own cock past her lips,
deep into her mouth. Almost choking her.

Betty was shocked at the scene above her. But she also found herself
enjoying the unobstructed view that she had from under her friend.
As she kept sucking away at Hotdog’s own shaft, she noticed
Midge’s clit was protruding. So with her free hand she reached out
and started rubbing it excitedly.

Once the shock of the penetrations had dissipated, Midge found that
she was really enjoying this bestial intercourse. A gasp escaped her
lips, through the side of King’s prick which was plugging it, when she

felt Betty’s hand playing with her big engorged clit.

Never in a million years could she ever have believed she could get so

high on sex. King and Rex, from years of practice with their own
master were operating now in unison, as if one. Hotdog was himself
nearing his own climax and started humping hard into Betty’s
clutching lips.

Finally, with one last lunge Hotdog unloaded into Betty’s sucking
throat. Despite being new to it, Betty was sucking down his load like

a pro. Once emptied Hotdog hopped down and rejoined his canine pals.

Hotdog asked them.

Said Happy excitedly.

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