
Moria liked sex and she knew she was good in bed. So
why did her boyfriend cheat on her with the slut
assistant from work? How could the bastard do that to

It was a drizzly night. But for Moria it was exciting.
She had never done anything like this before, but it
was time break out, quit playing it safe and go out and
have some fun. Fuck her boyfriend, the sleazy bastard.

Moria had been with Bob since their senior year in high
school. She had never even given a thought about
straying away from Bob. But last night was the
clincher, he had confessed all about his affair. The
little shit even had the balls to ask for her
forgiveness, like then everything would be alright.

Well, she made up her mind that she was going forgive
him, then she needed to at least punish him and this
was the way she’d decided to do it. The night was full
of possibilities, the air was electric and tonight, she
would cheat on her boyfriend.

She decided to start the evening out by going to a
place she’d hear of from a friend at work, a kind of
swinger’s bar. She had never even thought about going
to a place like that before. She had driven by it many
times, but tonight she was going to go in.


The bouncer at front door asked her for her ID and then
made her pay the $10 cover charge. ‘Geez,’ she thought.
‘A cover charge to get in, what a joke.’ But she paid
her money and walked through the door.

It was smoky and loud. The music was playing and people
were dancing and everybody looked intent of making a
connection at hooking up, as the saying goes. Moria was
nervous, almost to the point of leaving, she thought
about just walking out and saying to hell with it. But
something made her walk to the bar. She really wanted
this and she was going to have it, even if it killed

Finding a seat was more difficult that she realized.
The place was so packed. But a man who looked like he
was in his mid-thirties noticed that she was standing
there looking for some place to sit and offered his
place. She declined at first, but after he insisted,
she finally took the chair.

He introduced himself and offered to buy her a drink.
Moria looked into his eyes and silently wondered if he
would be the one. He had sparkling green eyes and a
smoothly-shaven face. She thought he was quite

The drink came and he said, “Are you here all by your

Moria giggled nervously and said that yes she was.

His eyes lit up and they talked for while, then when he
noticed that she’d finished her drink, he offered to
buy her another one.

She looked down at her empty glass, and then said,
“What the fuck. I am here for a good time, why not.”

After the second drink, she began to feel a little buzz
and became a little bolder. “What do you think of
having sex on a first date? She asked.

“I’m all for it,” the guy replied.

Moria looked the guy in the eye and asked, “Do you
think I’m sexy?”

“Yes, I do,” he said.

“Then buy me another drink,” she teased.

He laughed. He has a nice laugh she thought. Not too
deep and not too high, just right. She giggled because
she thought that at least he didn’t sound like Michael

She finished her third drink and she realized that she
was more than just buzzed; she was starting to feel a
bit drunk. That’s when she decided that he was going to
be the one. “Why don’t we go to your place,” she
couldn’t believe how brave she was acting, but then she
was a little numb from the alcohol.

She gave the guy a leer, and continued, “I want to go a
little wild.”

“Okay,” he said. “Tonight I feel like doing the exact
same thing,” he responded.

“Tonight,” Moria said, “I feel like fucking your brains


When they arrived, Moria looked around his luxurious
apartment and thought to herself that this guy must be
rich. Rich and handsome, not a bad combination. A far
cry from football watching, beer drinking boyfriend

He poured two glasses of wine and went over to the
stereo and turned on some soft music. They sat on the
couch together and began some small talk. They sat very
close to each other and they looked into each other’s
eyes as they talked. Their heads felt as if they were
magnets attracted to one another. Him the north. Her
the south.

Soon their lips met and they exchanged a long hard
passionate kiss. Then breaking away, Moria noticed the
sound system was playing Phil Collin’s “In the Air
Tonight” and she jumped up from the couch and began to
dance in front of him. His eyes were dancing along with
her. His eyes were devouring her and she had never felt
as sexy as she did at that moment. It was nice to be
lusted after, to have a man you knew wanted you more
than anything at that moment in time.

Feeling euphoric, Moria slowly undid her blouse.
Watching at him, Moria realized that his pants were
tremendously tented. This just drove her onward and
made her hotter than she had been in a long, long time.
Next came her skirt and as she took it off she minced
her long legs like some king of stripper.

Moria was proud of her alabaster skin and her shapely
and smooth legs. She now danced to the music clad only
in her panties and bra. Then she turned away from him
and began the slow tantalizing trip from her calves up
to the curve of her ass and ending up to the clasp of
her bra. After a long moment she slipped out of the bra
and let it fall to the floor and then she turned toward
him to let him see her pert breasts.

He gasped in happy surprise, for they were a sight to

Putting her fingers to her lips, Moria wetted them and
brought them down to her nipples. Her fingers began
their erotic play on her nipples, tweaking them and
circling her fingers around them in small circular
strokes, ending up below her tits and moving down her
flat tummy and stopping at her outer thighs.

Moria kept her eyes on his and she gently massaging her
thighs, making small circular movements, then her
fingers moved downward to the inside of her velvety
thighs and finally cupped her pubic mound and she began
to play with her cunt for him.

It was an erotic show, he could tell that she was
enjoying her exhibitionism, that she was horny and wet,
and he knew he was in for a fantastic time that

Then suddenly Moria gripped her delicate lace panties
and ripped them off in one violent movement. She could
stand it no longer, she told him to stand up and to
take his clothes off.

He needed no further urging and eagerly did as she
asked. He looked even sexier with his clothes off. Much
nicer looking than her ex-boyfriend, much cleaner
lines, more muscley.

Moria looked down between them and saw his eagerness
thrusting up toward her, so she moved close and griped
his strong proud shaft in her soft warm hands and they
both groaned into each other’s mouths as they kissed
again deeply.

Moria, pulled away and knelt down before in front of
her lover and took his stiff manhood in her mouth.
Eagerly feeding it to the back of her throat. First
going slow then building momentum, she used her tongue
and gripped tightly with her full lips just like she
had dome with her fat sloppy ex-boyfriend a hundred
times before.

But this time she was performing on a really
appreciative audience, he groaned as she sank down on
him to the root, over and over again. She savored the
taste and the texture of his wonderful cock. She loved
giving head and began to bob in an ever increasing
rhythm, faster and faster. She could hear his moans of
pleasure and that made her feel powerful as she sucked
his throbbing phallus. She felt this hands on her head,
stroking her long blond hair as her head moved

Then taking his stiff cock out of his mouth, she told
him to lie on his back. She said that she was going to
ride him like had never ridden before. Eagerly did as
she asked and no sooner than you could say the word
fuck, she was on top of him, gyrating her hips grinding
down onto his throbbing cock.

This was the act that was going to wash away the last
grubby essence of her ex-boyfriend, she would never let
him inside her again, that relationship was over.

They rode each other until Moria began to gasp for
breath. Her orgasm was in her throat and her heart was
pounding between her legs and her mind was numb with
pleasure as her lover’s hot stick essence filled her,
washing away the last vestiges of her old life and into
sweet oblivion.