Cum for your grandmother part 1.

“Jerry, grandma is coming to stay with us,” Teri informed her
19-year-old son at dinner that evening.

“She hasn’t visited us in a while,” Jerry replied.

“She’s not coming to visit, Jerry, she’s coming to live with us,” Teri
explained, inwardly wincing as she saw the look on her son’s face.

“But why?” Jerry asked.

“Because she’s almost 60,” Teri explained. “She’s alone. And she’s my
mother. I love her.”

“Grandma doesn’t need other people,” Jerry snorted. “She lives in her
own strange world.”

“Yes, she does,” Teri agreed. “But she wouldn’t hurt a fly and she’s a
lot of fun. It’s not her fault that she’s old. I don’t even want to
contemplate the alternative.”

“I know,” Jerry sighed. “It’s not that I don’t like her, I do, it’s
just that…well, I guess I’ve gotten used to it just being you and me, and
she is strange.”

“She’s a good kind of strange,” Teri laughed. “Just think, you’ll have
two of us to wait on you hand and foot.”

“I’m sure it’ll be okay,” Jerry said.

Teri sighed as she watched her son leave after eating. At 6’5″ and
220lbs., he was an inch taller than his father with the same blonde hair
and blue eyes, a testament to his Nordic heritage. It had been terrible
when Kevin had been killed in an accident with a drunk driver almost 5
years ago. Her greatest and best friend, her partner, the love and lust of
her life, her soul mate, the father of her son, was gone, for nothing, and
she couldn’t even grieve properly because she had had to be strong for
Jerry, then already in the confusion that accompanied the transition of

Teri cursed herself for feeling grateful that Kevin had insisted on the
expensive life insurance policy. The $5 million had paid off the house,
cleared their debts, and left them in a position to not worry about

Jerry’s grades in high school were good enough to make admission to the
university of his choice a real possibility, but he hadn’t wanted to leave
home, opting instead to study physics at the local college with his
ultimate goal to be an astrophysicist. She was pleased that in spite of
fitting the definition of being a nerd, Jerry dated fairly regularly,
though never with the same girl for long, like herself, she reflected. She
had begun dating after a couple of years, but never more than a few times
with the same guy, never wanting to build that kind of a relationship,
investing her entire emotional self in her son.

“Well, that’s certainly not the look I expected from my grandson,”
Gloria said when Jerry entered the kitchen later that day as she sat and
caught up with her daughter.

“Grandma!” Jerry said, smiling as he came and lifted her from her seat
to hug her, feeling her tiny body — she was only 5′ tall — which seemed
so frail to him. “I was just surprised is all,” he explained. “I’d never
really noticed how much you and mom were alike.

“Well, your mother’s a couple of inches taller than me,” Gloria laughed,
reaching up to pat her grandson’s cheek.

“But her hair will never be as long as yours,” Jerry said, admiring the
red braid which hung down to her ass, something which had fascinated him
his whole life, while his mother’s red cap of curls settled evenly around
her head to go with her flashing green eyes, the same as her mother’s.

“You don’t mind that I’ve come to live with you?” Gloria asked.

“No, of course not,” Jerry replied. “We’ve got plenty of room. I’m
sure it will work out.”

“I hope so,” Gloria said with a smile. “I’m not sure if I’m capable of
living with other people anymore.”

“Nonsense, mom,” Teri said. “It’s going to be fine. You’ll see.”

They put Gloria in the guest room which shared a bathroom with Jerry’s
room, each of them having a private entrance from the bedroom. There was a
nice patio with a Japanese garden and a koi pond outside the two rooms,
while the swimming pool was just outside of Teri’s room across the hall.

“Your mother tells me that you’re a star student at college,” Gloria
said as they ate dinner that evening.

“I don’t know about that,” Jerry demurred. “I enjoy the classes. The
professors are good.”

“And you’re interested in astrophysics?” Gloria asked.

“Yeah,” Jerry replied with a sigh. “My head feels like it’s going to
explode sometimes as I try to picture the things that I’m learning.”

“For example?” Gloria asked.

“Well, today we talked about redshift,” Jerry replied.

“Doppler or Hubble?” Gloria asked.

“You know about redshift?” Jerry asked, the astonishment in his voice
and on his face obvious.

“I’ve been around for quite a while,” Gloria laughed. “Many things
interest me.”

“We were discussing Hubble,” Jerry said.

“So you’re dealing with light, not sound,” Gloria said, nodding.

“You really understand?” Jerry asked, shocked.

“Not the mathematics, but the ideas, the theory,” Gloria replied.
“You’re surprised?”

“Well, yeah,” Jerry admitted.

“Why, because I’m old?” Gloria asked, a glint in her eyes.

“No, no, it’s just that, well, I never thought of you being interested
in anything…” Jerry replied.

“So normal, not weird?” Gloria asked, bursting into laughter at the
red-faced, chagrined look on his face. “You need to always remember,
Jerry, that old people were young once, too. If you’re very lucky, you
will also get to be an old man and one thing you’re going to discover, if
you’re lucky, is that while your body gets older and older, your mind will
stay young. Sometimes it’s very hard to reconcile the physical reality of
life with the mental picture you have of it.”

“I agree, even at my comparatively young age,” Teri said with a smile.
“It’s easy to forget that your body isn’t as young as your thoughts

“At your age, it’s the opposite,” Gloria said.

“So how do you deal with it?” Jerry asked.

“I never tell myself that I can’t or shouldn’t because of my age,”
Gloria replied. “I’m as young as I feel and as long as I take care of my
body as well as I can, then I’ll be young. Life is far more mental than
physical. You just manifest your life more in a physical way, but the
mental, the mind is what matters.”

“I wish we were evolutionarily advanced enough that our PSI abilities
were developed,” Jerry sighed.

“Yes, then we could use the power of thought to manifest physical
reality,” Gloria agreed. “‘Have faith in God! If you have faith in God
and don’t doubt, you can tell this mountain to get up and jump into the
sea, and it will. Everything you ask for in prayer will be yours, if you
only have faith.’ That’s from Mark 11:22-24. I think that there’s a lot of
truth to that.”

“I’m not really into anything religious,” Jerry said.

“I’m not talking about religion,” Gloria said. “The very concept of
religion is enough to make me sick. But that doesn’t mean that there
aren’t some very basic truths that all religions are built upon. It’s just
that they pervert and twist them to perpetuate their hegemony over people,
their pseudo-governmental oppression of people. The idea is that if your
mind is strong, your thought pure, then there is nothing that you can’t
make manifest.”

“We’re just not there evolutionarily yet,” Jerry said.

“But that doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t strive,” Gloria said. “Nothing
ventured, nothing gained. What do you have to lose by trying?”

“Okay, okay, I think that’s enough heavy talk for dinner, especially
your first night here, mom,” Teri said.

“We’ll talk more,” Gloria said, her green eyes sparkling with

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

When Jerry awoke the next morning, he was just about to step out the
sliding glass doors to the patio as he did every morning when he noticed
his grandmother sitting in front of the koi pond on the ground, her long,
red hair unbraided and hanging down her back like a wavy quilt to brush the
ground. With the soft, dawn light — Jerry was very diurnal, waking before
sunrise every day — it was an incredibly serene setting, one of the
reasons that Jerry liked to go out every morning to center himself.

He wasn’t terribly surprised when he saw her legs extend to the sides in
a perfect split as she leaned forward, her arms extended above her head
until her nose was pressed on the ground in front of her.

Jerry knew that his mother had been doing yoga since she was a girl.
Even the death of his father and the insurance money hadn’t stopped her
from continuing to teach yoga and Pilates, which she still did at Muscle’s
Gym downtown. Teri had introduced Jerry to yoga when he was 5, and even
though he wasn’t as dedicated as his mother, he still did it several
mornings a week, knowing that being so limber all his life is what had
spared him any serious injuries throughout high school where he played
football, baseball, and basketball. Pickleball was his new sports passion
and he played several times a week after school.

Jerry nodded, impressed as he watched his grandmother lean over to the
left, stretching out over her leg and grabbing her foot, then doing the
same to the right side, repeating it on each side three times before once
again stretching out forward to press her nose against the ground. His
mouth dropped open when she transitioned to a Dhanurasana, or Bow Pose,
reaching back to grab her ankles and pulling her feet forward towards her
ass at the same time that she arched the front of her body up to form the
shape of a box.

It wasn’t so much the Bow Pose that surprised him, but the fact that she
was naked, her full breasts hanging down but with large, thick ruby
nipples. He could see that she was still very slender, something that he
had felt when he hugged her the previous day, and that even though her skin
was a bit wrinkled, she didn’t really look her age.

Gloria finished her Dhanurasana and relaxed, releasing her legs and
bringing them out to the sides once again as she lay forward, stretching
her upper body, her nose pressed to the ground. She then transitioned to
the Kapotasana, the King Pigeon Pose, returning to the Dhanurasana, then
continuing to stretch over backwards until her face was pressed into her
feet, her lower legs flat on the ground.

That was when she noticed Jerry watching her from his room. She didn’t
react, just continued her morning exercise, finishing with the
Padangusthasana, the Big Toe Pose, bending over straight-legged and
grasping her big toes, her face pressed against her legs, before standing
up and turning, stretching her arms over her head once more before
continuing back into her bedroom.

Jerry had gotten uncomfortable watching, though he didn’t stop, noticing
that his grandmother’s big, thick nipples hardened into large knots when
she moved into the Kapotasana, a very difficult pose that had taken him a
long, long time to be able to do comfortably. When she did the
Padangusthasana, he saw her naked ass with her pussy peeking out from
between her legs, her long pussy lips clearly visible. His cock had
stirred uncomfortably when he saw this, then again when she turned and
stretched, revealing her pussy was shaved with only a brush of fiery red
hair above it, her long pussy lips once again easily visible before she
disappeared into her bedroom.

“So, how was your first day?” Teri asked when they all sat down for

“Relaxing,” Gloria replied. “Just getting used to the place, the

“How was school?” Teri asked.

“Good,” Jerry said, nodding. “Talked about how redshift was the impetus
for a lot of wave theory.”

“Almost the foundation of quantum physics,” Gloria said.

“Damn, grandma! How do you know about this stuff?” Jerry asked, a big
smile on his face as he looked at the diminutive woman and tried to
reconcile everything that he knew about her and came up with an empty set.

“I’ve always had a thing about scientific journals,” Gloria explained.
“I got it from my father. I’ve always read them. Understanding the
universe, ourselves, that’s always interested me.”

“Exactly!” Jerry said, his face glowing. “I feel as though I’ll
understand myself better if I can understand how I came to be here.”

“I’d like to go to the beach tomorrow,” Gloria said.

“Well, I have to work, but Jerry doesn’t have any classes on the
weekend,” Teri said.

“You think you could survive the embarrassment of taking your
grandmother to the beach tomorrow?” Gloria asked, a twinkle in her eyes.

“Somehow I’ll manage,” Jerry replied with a grin.

“I appreciate you being so helpful getting your grandmother settled in,
Jerry,” Teri said when Gloria went to her room.

“It’s okay,” Jerry replied. “She’s more interesting than I realized,
but she’s still weird.”

“Well, you know better than to judge a book by its cover,” Teri reminded
him. “I always thought that she was normal. She was my mom. It wasn’t
until you were about 3 that I started to learn just how different she was
and by then it didn’t matter. I loved her and respected her and I still

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

The next morning Jerry witnessed his grandmother’s morning yoga workout
again, wondering just who she was. They said good-bye to Teri when she
left for the gym and Jerry put a big cooler full of fruit and drinks in the
back of the pickup.

“So, any particular beach you want to go to?” he asked as they pulled

“It should be one that doesn’t require a bathing suit,” Gloria replied,
laughing at Jerry’s reaction.

“Why?” he asked, totally unprepared for her request.

“Because I don’t own one,” Gloria replied. “Is that a problem?”

“No, no, just…unexpected,” Jerry replied, shaking his
head. Definitely weird, he thought.

“Do you have those type of beaches here?” she asked.

“Oh, yeah, a few of them,” Jerry replied.

“Do you have a favorite one?” Gloria asked, smiling as he fidgeted
behind the wheel.

“Well, there is one that has giant boulders at either end,” he replied.
“They help block the wind when it blows, which is helpful. The beach
itself is pretty much rock free, so it’s nice for swimming.”

“That sounds nice,” Gloria said. “I won’t embarrass you by making you
sit with me. I’ll be just fine by myself. I just want to lay in the sun.”

“You’re not going to embarrass me,” Jerry replied, knowing that that was
exactly what he was thinking.

There were only a dozen or so other people at the beach Jerry stopped at
and they were able to put the big cooler down with plenty of space between
them and anyone else. Gloria unrolled a tatami mat, then slipped out of
her mid-thigh length sun dress to stand naked before running down to the
water and diving in, her long, red braid flying behind her.

“You’re right, this is a nice place to swim,” she said when she came
back 10 minutes later dripping wet, her large, ruby nipples knurled knots
on the ends of her sagging, full breasts, the sunlight glinting off of the
droplets of water clinging to her long, furled pussy lips. “I don’t want
to burn,” she said, bending over and reaching into her back, practically
sticking her ass and pussy into Jerry’s face. “Do you mind?” she asked as
she turned around, offering him a bottle of sunblock.

“No,” Jerry replied. “Lay down.”

“Do you always wear a bathing suit when you come to this beach?” Gloria
asked as she knelt down on her tatami mat, looking pointedly at Jerry. “Or
is that in my honor?”

“No, I don’t usually wear a suit,” Jerry replied, “but I’ve also never
been here with my grandmother, as you point out.”

“Well, if you don’t want to attract attention, I’d suggest you lose the
suit,” Gloria said as she lay on her stomach. “Otherwise, I’d imagine
people are going to stare and wonder why I’m naked and you’re not.”

“Are you always so direct?” Jerry asked.

“Yes,” Gloria replied, propping up on her elbows to look at him, her
full breasts hanging pendulously beneath her. “Does that bother you?”

“A little, yeah,” Jerry admitted. “Most people aren’t so…so…”

“Open?” Gloria ventured. “I have nothing to hide. I am not embarrassed
nor ashamed of anything about myself. The only opinion that really matters
to me is my own and then my loved ones, my family to a lesser degree.”

“Easier for you to be that way,” Jerry said, hesitating, then slipping
out of his shorts as his grandmother lay back down, her head on her hands.

“Perhaps,” she said, sighing when she felt his big hands spreading
sunblock on her back. “Such big, strong hands.”

“Lots of sports,” Jerry replied as he spread the sunblock lower, down to
the small of her back, hesitating at the slope of her ass.

“I don’t want my ass to burn,” she said when she felt him hesitate.
“Just pretend I’m some girl who you’ve always wanted to get your hands on
and now you get a free chance to touch her,” she said, laughing when she
heard him sputter. “I promise that I won’t be embarrassed. I might even
enjoy it,” she said with a laugh as she felt his big, firm hands slide down
onto her ass, spreading the sunblock, then working down to her upper
thighs. “Thank you,” she said when he finished, turning her head to see him
dropping onto his beach towel, but not before noticing his large cock

“No problem,” Jerry said, flushing with embarrassment that his cock had
begun to grow at the sight of his grandmother’s pussy right in front of
him, his fingers almost brushing her long, furled pussy lips as she spread
the sunblock on her upper thighs, that and her comments to goad him, which
had succeeded.

“I used to always think of you as wicked somehow,” Jerry said after a
while, “the way I’d hear people whispering sometimes, always with
disapproving tones. And you were so different.”

“Well, I am different, as we all are,” Gloria replied, turning on her
side to face him. “My experience is that most people like to criticize
anything that doesn’t fit into their idea of what things should be like;
people, art, music. It results in a total polarization of societal
relationships. Water is seeking its own level. As for being wicked, I
don’t think that that’s fair at all. Wickedness implies a sinister

“You know that sinister comes from the Italian, sinistra, for left?” she
suddenly segued. “Back when, they thought that if you were left-handed,
that you were evil, devil’s spawn. Same stupid thinking they applied to
red hair. They also gave us the word ghetto, from Venice, back in the
early 1500s.”

“Anyway, I don’t think that I’m wicked at all, as I don’t have any evil,
malevolent, or negative intentions towards anyone,” she continued. “I live
by my version of the Golden Rule. I try to always treat others the same
way I’d like to be treated if the situation were reversed.”

“That’s pretty cool,” Jerry said, “but maybe hard at times.”

“Very hard at times,” Gloria agreed, “but always the right way to be.
Naughty might be more correct.”

“What?” Jerry asked, missing the connection.

“Naughty, not wicked,” she said, smiling at the look on his face. “For
instance, I want to turn over, lay on my back, but I’m going to need
sunscreen. If I asked you to do it for me, that would be naughty, so I’ll
do it myself, because the front I can do for myself.”

“You are something else,” Jerry laughed as she sat up and began to cover
her front with sunscreen.

“I think I’ve had enough sun,” Gloria said sometime later. “Shall we

“Uh, sure,” Jerry agreed, turning to look at her as she settled her
dress down over her body as she knelt on the tatami mat, her pussy with its
long, furled lips right at eye level before the dress settled down onto her

“I’ve seen them before,” Gloria said after a minute when Jerry made no
effort to join her.

“What?” Jerry said, again not understanding her cryptic way of speaking.

“Cocks,” she replied with a straight face. “I’ve seen them before, many
times. Seeing one more, even if it’s yours, isn’t going to bother me. I
might even enjoy it,” she said, laughing at the look on his face.

“You’re not making it any easier,” Jerry complained.

“Oh, my, my own grandson turned on by the sight of this old body,” she
laughed. “Here, I’ll turn my back,” she said, and Jerry immediately used
the opportunity to pull his suit back on. “It’s normal,” she said as they
got into the pickup. “There’d be something wrong with you if you didn’t
react that way.”

“My own…grandmother!?” he sputtered. “Doesn’t that make me, I don’t
know, kind of sick or something?”

“I don’t see it that way at all,” Gloria replied as they drove home. “I
see it only as a compliment and I appreciate it more than I can show you
right now.”

Jerry wondered at the weirdness of that remark as they drove home. His
grandmother’s candidness was going to take some getting used to. Jerry was
no stranger to sex. Playing sports and his size and good looks made it
easy to find girls to date, and he seldom encountered any opposition to
taking a date to its final conclusion, which was usually his 8″ cock buried
in her mouth, pussy, and maybe ass, depending upon the girl.

Jerry hadn’t been one of those sex-crazed popular jocks, dating when he
felt like it and having sex when he felt like it, unlike some of the others
who just couldn’t ever get enough. He wasn’t conceited enough to not be
aware of the effects he had on girls, it was just that he wasn’t interested
in them as a primary focus of life the way most guys his age were.

“He’s actually very sweet, you know,” Gloria said to Teri as they shared
a glass of wine when Teri got home from work. “I think you’ve raised a
quality human being.”

“I can only hope,” Teri replied with a sigh. “You can only do your
best. I was lucky, I learned from the best mother a girl could have hoped

“He likes girls, right?” Gloria asked.

“Oh, he likes them well enough, he’s just not obsessed with them,” Teri
replied. “I think they like him a lot more than the other way around.
What I like the most is that I never see him with the so-called beauties,
he always seems to prefer the cute ones, the ones with real personalities.”

“He’s discerning,” Gloria said, nodding.

“I know you’ve just gotten here,” Teri said, “but have you given any
thought to what you want to do?”

“I think that I’d like to continue teaching, maybe having a very limited
personal clientele,” Gloria replied.

“Where would you do it?” Teri asked.

“Well, since I’d never have more than one student at a time or one
client a day, that Japanese garden would be a perfect place,” Gloria
replied. “It’s got such nice energy.”

“Yes, that’s Jerry’s favorite place, too,” Teri said.

“Oh! I didn’t know,” Gloria said. “I haven’t seen him out there and
I’ve been doing my morning yoga.”

“Maybe he’s respecting your privacy,” Teri suggested.

“It’s only been a couple of days,” Gloria said. “Let’s see how it goes
for a couple of weeks and we’ll know whether this is a good idea or not.”

“Oh, mom, of course it’s a good idea,” Teri said, hugging her mother.
“And I agree, once Jerry gets more used to you, he’ll like you even more
than he already does.”

“He told me today that he used to think of me as wicked,” Gloria said
with a laugh. “I told him that naughty might be the better word. You
should have seen his face.”

“Mom, he’s young,” Teri cautioned. “Please don’t steamroller him.”

“Don’t you worry,” Gloria said. “I won’t do anything more than serve as
a lightning rod so that he can learn to ground himself.”

“That’s exactly what I’m afraid of,” Teri said with a sigh.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

“Well, it’s been two weeks,” Gloria said at dinner. “How bad has it
been for you?”

“Mom, it’s been nothing but good,” Teri said. “I can’t imagine this
house without you now.”

“I agree,” Jerry said. “You may be a bit…different, but I don’t have
a problem with you living here. I enjoy talking with you.”

“Okay, then,” Gloria said. “Your mother tells me that you normally do
yoga several times a week.”

“Well, yeah,” Jerry replied.

“Where do you do it?” she asked. “In your bedroom?”

“No, I used to do it on the patio in the Japanese garden,” Jerry

“I haven’t seen you out there since I got here,” Gloria said. “Are you
not doing your yoga to give me privacy?”

“Yeah, I guess so,” Jerry agreed.

“Well, I don’t like that,” she said. “I think yoga is important and I
don’t want you avoiding it because of me. I can always do mine after you
or we can do it together. That might be nice. Okay?”

“Okay,” Jerry agreed.

“Would you mind taking me to the beach tomorrow after we do yoga?” she
asked. “I’m ready for my dose of sun and some swimming.”

“Sure,” Jerry agreed.

Jerry was nervous the next morning when he saw his grandmother come out
to the Japanese garden naked, her hair braided and hanging down her back
into the crack of her ass. She didn’t start her yoga routine, instead, she
walked directly to his sliding glass door and opened it.

“Well?” she asked, her hands on her hips, her full breasts hanging down.
“You’ve seen me before. There’s nothing to be afraid of.”

“I’m not afraid,” Jerry said as he stepped out onto the patio in his gym

Gloria turned and went to her spot and began her routine, while Jerry
initially hesitated, then joined her, quickly paying less attention to her
nakedness and more to his routine as its complexity increased, finally
finishing with the Padangusthasana and facing her, feeling relaxed.

“That’s better,” Gloria said, turning and going into her own room.
“Beach after a shower?” she asked.

“Sure,” Jerry agreed, not thinking as he returned to his room and
stripped off his gym shorts, walking into the common bathroom naked and
into the shower.

“I always thought that it was ladies first,” he heard his grandmother’s
voice say at his back as he stood under the cascade of water from the rain
head shower.

“Oh, shit!” Jerry gasped, unsuccessfully trying to cover his cock with
his hands as he stared at his grandmother.

“I don’t think that you’re going to be successful,” she said, her eyes
deliberately straying to his cock. “Since I’m here, turn around, I’ll do
your back and then you can do mine.”

Jerry was in total shock as he felt his grandmother’s hands on his back
soaping him.

“If you were any taller, I wouldn’t be able to reach,” she said, her
hands on his shoulders, her breasts pressing against his back. “My turn,”
she said, dropping her hands and turning around and placing them on the
wall, her feet spread.

Jerry was embarrassingly aware of his half-hard cock dangling in front
of him as he soaped his grandmother’s back, quickly turning his back to her
when she turned around as they finished showering.

“There’s nothing to be ashamed or embarrassed about,” Gloria said as she
exited the shower and went to her room.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

“Do you swim?” she asked when they arrived at the beach.

“Sure, all the time,” Jerry replied.

“Then come swim with me,” she said as she dropped her dress to stand
naked in the sand. “Come on,” she encouraged as Jerry took a deep breath
and pushed his bathing suit to the sand. “That’s much better,” she said,
when she saw his cock, then turned and walked towards the water, Jerry

Jerry swam back and forth, up and down the beach, 200m each way, several
times before finally pulling up next to his grandmother as she floated on
her back, her full breasts breaking the surface of the water, her large
ruby nipples hard knots.

“This really is a nice beach,” Gloria said, letting her legs down and
leaving the water with him. “Do me first, then I’ll do you?” she asked,
holding up the sunscreen when they got to their spot.

“Sure,” Jerry agreed, kneeling astraddle her as she lay down on her
stomach, spreading the sunscreen over her back, then down onto her ass,
then her legs.

“You should let me teach you massage,” Gloria said when he had finished
and she stood up. “You’ve got such good hands.”

Jerry lay down, happy to get his cock out of his grandmother’s view as
she began to spread the sunscreen on his back. He had to bite his lip to
avoid reacting to her making sure to get sunscreen into the crack of his
ass, her fingers gliding over his rosebud as she applied it before working
down to his legs where she let the back of her hand rub against his balls
as she worked her way down to his feet.

Jerry fell asleep, only to be awakened by drops of cold water on his
back. Quickly turning over, he looked up to see his grandmother standing
over him dripping wet.

“The water is wonderful,” she said, a big smile on her face as she
looked down at her grandson. “Now I need some sun on my front and I feel
naughty. Will you help?” she asked, holding out the sunscreen. “Do me and
then I’ll do you.”

“But you don’t need any help…are you sure?” Jerry asked, staring up at
her, unable to avoid looking at her pussy.

“Just pretend…” Gloria began.

“I know, that you’re some hot chick that I’ve been wanting to get my
hands on,” Jerry interrupted, smiling sheepishly at the look of pride that
he saw on her face.

Gloria lay down on her tatami mat, her arms and legs akimbo, as Jerry
knelt next to her, squirting sunscreen into his hand, then taking a deep
breath and smearing it all over his grandmother’s stomach, feeling the
softness of her as he smeared the sunscreen up to her rib cage and

“I’m being naughty,” Gloria said, laughing. “Just do it!”

“Mom would kill me,” Jerry said as he let his hands slide up over his
grandmother’s breasts, massaging them, pulling on them before sliding up
over her collar bones to her shoulders, then back down again, filling his
hands with her breasts as she smiled at him, then worked down over her
stomach to her hips, sliding his hands down either side of her pussy which
was now slightly spread apart due to Gloria’s splayed posture.

Jerry could now clearly see his grandmother’s clit for the first time as
her pussy lips gaped slightly apart, a fat nubbin glistening above her
furled pussy lips.

“You really should let me teach you massage,” Gloria said when Jerry
finished her legs and sat back, wishing his cock would just relax as it
dangled half hard between his legs. “Does that interest you at all?”

“It might,” Jerry replied.

“Do you like touching people?” Gloria asked as she got up, moving over
to Jerry as he sat back on his towel.

“Sure, depending on things,” he replied as she pushed him onto his back,
his cock laying on his stomach, pointed at his head.

“And you like being touched?” Gloria asked as she filled her hands with
sunscreen, then shocked Jerry by swinging a leg across his body and
straddling him, her pussy pressing down on the head of his cock as she
spread the sunscreen up across his chest, massaging his pecs, pinching his
nipples as her pussy moved minutely back and forth on his trapped cock,
which felt like it was growing to him, trapped beneath her.

“Yeah,” Jerry replied, suppressing a groan as his grandmother moved
down, sliding her pussy along the length of his cock as her hands spread
the sunscreen to his stomach as she straddled his legs, his cock now
standing up in the air in front of her. “Damn, grandma!” Jerry gasped when
he felt her spread the sunscreen onto his cock, both hands wrapped around
the shaft as she slid up to the head.

“Well, you wouldn’t want it to burn, would you?” she asked as her hands
slid back down, eliciting another groan when she cupped his balls, making
sure that they were well coated with sunscreen.

Jerry couldn’t believe that his grandmother had just spread sunscreen
all over his cock and balls. As if being nude together weren’t enough.

“You do have a nice cock, though,” she said as she lay down on her
tatami mat and closed her eyes.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Maybe this wasn’t going to be such a good idea, Jerry thought as he
showered when they got back to the house.

“Mind if I join you?” Gloria asked when she suddenly appeared and
stepped into the shower. “Since I’ve seen it all now, it shouldn’t matter,
right?” she asked, reaching for the soap as Jerry looked down at her in

“Grandma!” he exclaimed.

“Don’t you like having your back scrubbed?” she asked, turning him
around and doing just that. “I’ve always liked showering with someone,
washing them, being washed. It’s such a nice feeling, don’t you think?”
she asked as her hands moved down to his ass, both hands washing each
cheek, her fingers pressing deep into the crack.

“But you’re my grandmother!” he gasped when he felt her fingers on his

“Who better than family?” she asked, kneeling down and continuing with
his left leg, the back of her hand rubbing against his balls as she washed
the top of his thigh before proceeding down to his foot, then back up
again, eliciting a gasp when she worked her way back up to the top, gently
cupping his balls in her hand for a moment before working on his right leg.

“There, that wasn’t so bad, was it?” she asked when she had worked her
way back up to the top of his right leg and stood up, the water from the
shower cascading down upon them.

“Can you imagine what mom might say, or think?” he asked, turning around
and looking down at his diminutive grandmother, noticing that her nipples
were hard, large knots on the ends of her breasts.

“The only thing that matters is what you say, or think,” Gloria
admonished. “You’re an adult! Think and act for yourself. Quit using
anyone else as an excuse. Make choices and accept the consequences of
those choices with good grace.”

“Now wash my back for me,” she said, turning to face the wall.

Jerry picked up the soap, everything seeming like it was slow motion as
his grandmother’s words ran through his head. Quit using anyone else as an
excuse. Make choices and accept the consequences of those choices with
good grace.

Such poignant words he thought as he began to soap his grandmother’s
back, suddenly feeling her, not as an object like the last time he had
washed her back, but feeling her, the life in her, the frailness of her
small frame, the looseness of the skin under his hands which was the
inevitable result of gravity and time.

Not thinking, on autopilot as his mind whirled, Jerry’s hands slid
around his grandmother’s body to cup her breasts, kneading them before
realizing what he was doing and snatching them back.

“I…I’m sorry, grandma,” he stammered, acutely embarrassed. “I didn’t

“Well, the least you could do would be to mean it,” Gloria laughed.
“Keep going. I love the feeling of your big, strong hands on my body.”

Kneeling, Jerry washed her lower back, then slid down to her ass,
noticing that it drooped, but not that much as he emulated her, using both
hands on each cheek, soaping and massaging all at once, feeling his cock
responding as he soaped her upper thigh, his hand brushing her long pussy
lips before working his way down to her small foot and then back up again.

“Now my front,” Gloria said, turning around after Jerry had finished her
other leg and leaning back against the wall.

Jerry looked up at her, uncertain, conflicted six ways to Sunday as he
looked at his naked grandmother standing in front of him, her pussy right
in front of his face. Because she was so small compared to him, Jerry was
able to remain kneeling, reaching up with the soap and applying it to her
shoulders, then using his hands on her neck before sliding down, this time
meaning it when he got to her hanging breasts, filling his hands with them,
letting her big nipples squeeze through his fingers as his hands slid from
her breasts before soaping her stomach, the sagging skin most evident
around her navel.

Wrapping his hands around an upper thigh, Jerry looked at her pussy as
the back of his hand rubbed against her, seeing the water running off of
her long, furled pussy lips as he finished soaping her leg down to her
knee. Before he could bend further to do her lower leg, she lifted her foot
and placed it on his shoulder, making it easier for him but also spreading
her pussy open, giving him an unobstructed view of her pussy, the darkness
of her hole and the fat clit above.

“What are you thinking?” Gloria asked, running a hand through his blonde
hair. “Tell me the truth and I’ll tell you what I’m thinking.”

“I’m not sure that I want to know what you’re thinking,” Jerry said,
tearing his eyes from her pussy to look her in the eyes.

“I think it’s more likely that you already know,” she said, smiling at
him. “Now’s the time for one of those choices I told you about. Show me
what you’re thinking,” she said, gently pulling on his head, her eyes and
mouth wide as she watched her grandson lean forward, his tongue protruding
from his mouth to lead the way as she pulled him against her, moaning.

Jerry thought his head would explode when his tongue slid between his
grandmother’s pussy lips as he fastened his mouth on her, sucking, feeling
her long pussy lips unfurling as he continued to suck, his tongue probing,
tasting her nectar in spite of the running water from the shower. Then he
was using both hands to hold her pussy lips apart so that he could get his
tongue as deep into her as possible, drinking up the musky pussy juices
that flowed from her.

“Oh, yes, just like that,” Gloria panted, holding her grandson’s face
against her pussy, her body trembling when she felt his lips close on her
clit and his tongue begin to tease it. “Just like that,” she gasped,
collapsing against his mouth as she came, her juices flooding his tongue as
he drank her pussy. “Oh, my!” she gasped, finally pushing his face away
from her pussy. “You do that like you really like it.”

“Nothing I like more in this world,” Jerry said as he licked his lips,
not believing that he had just gone down on his grandmother and that her
pussy had tasted fantastic. “But what are we doing?” he asked.

“Taking a shower,” Gloria replied, putting her foot down on the floor
and lifting her other one and placing it on his other shoulder, then
pulling his face back into her pussy. “It’s been a while,” she said with a
sigh as her grandson began to eat her pussy once again. “I sort of need

Gloria finally had to push Jerry away from her pussy with a laugh after
he had made her cum several more times.

“Well, you certainly have a talented tongue,” she gasped as she stood on
two feet again.

“Your pussy really tastes great,” Jerry said. “God, I can’t believe I
just said that to my grandmother,” he groaned, then chuckled. “I’m right,
you are weird,” he said as she reached for the soap and then his cock.

“And have you decided whether weird is good or bad?” she asked as she
soaped his cock and balls, using both hands to massage and jack him in a
spiral fashion.

“G…grandma,” Jerry gasped as her hands worked his cock in a blur.
“I…I…I’m going to…”

At that moment Jerry cried out as his balls exploded, his eyes almost
popping out of his head when his grandmother leaned over and captured his
cock in her mouth just as the first blast of cum shot from the end. He
stood there in shock, his hands bracing him against the walls as his
grandmother continued to suck his spurting cock, not stopping until she had
totally sucked him off, standing up licking her lips.

“I’d say weird good,” Gloria said as she swallowed her last mouthful of
her grandson’s cum.

“Not wicked, but definitely nasty,” Jerry gasped. “I cannot believe
that you just…just…”

“Sucked your cock?” Gloria asked, smiling at him, then laughing. “As
much as you say you like eating pussy, that’s how I’ve always felt about
sucking cock. And it’s been a while. I’ve missed it, especially that
moment when cum starts gushing into my mouth. You’ve got a very nice cock
for sucking and I like it that you cum so much.”

“Jesus! My grandmother!” Jerry said, smacking himself in the head.

“Yes, and now that the ice is broken, I’ll be expecting more of the
same,” she said.

“Are you serious?” Jerry asked. “I mean, incest?”

“Oh, please,” Gloria laughed. “An antiquated, out-of-date taboo,
especially for someone my age who can’t conceive.”

“But if mom were to find out,” Jerry said when Gloria turned off the

“Then she’d find out and we’d deal with it then,” she replied. “But in
the meantime,” she said, reaching out and taking his cock into her hand,
then bending over, “you might just enjoy yourself,” she said, taking his
cock into her mouth again, but this time not stopping until she had his
entire cock in her mouth and down her throat as her nose pressed up against
his belly.

“Nobody’s ever done that to me,” Jerry gasped when Gloria stood back up
licking her lips.

“I have,” she said, turning and leaving the shower. “And will again,”
she added before entering her own bedroom.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

“Jerry, you’re not focused,” Gloria said to him the next morning at the
yoga session.

“I know,” Jerry replied, dropping out of his pose.

“Are you bothered by yesterday?” she asked, dropping out of her pose and
coming to sit on the low stone wall in front of him that surrounded the koi

“I can’t stop thinking about it,” he admitted.

“Is that good or bad?” Gloria asked, smiling up at her grandson, seeing
his eyes on her breasts. “Are you sorry that it happened?” she asked.

“No,” he replied immediately. “No, I’m not sorry.”

“Jerry, yesterday was wonderful,” Gloria said. “I loved taking a shower
with you and having you eat my pussy. I loved it even more because you are
my grandson. What grandmother could possibly ask for a better grandson
than one who would eat her pussy for her? Or let her suck his cock? Is
that what’s bothering you?”

“Sort of,” Jerry admitted.

“You’re thinking about me sucking your cock, doing it again,” Gloria
said, a statement, not a question. “Look, why don’t we get that out of
your head so that you can focus on your yoga.”

“How are you going to do that?” Jerry asked, looking down at her.

“I’ll just suck your cock for you so that you don’t need to think about
it,” she replied, covering his cock with her hand. “I’m thinking about it,
too. It would help me to calm down and focus if I could just get it out of
the way. I planned on finishing with it, but starting with it is good,

“Really?” Jerry asked, still astonished by the in-your-face directness
of his grandmother.

“Oh, Jerry!” Gloria laughed, reaching for his gym shorts and pulling on
them. “You shouldn’t be wearing these to do yoga anyway,” she said as she
dropped to her knees to pull them down his legs so that he could step out
of them.

“Oh, man!” Jerry gasped as he watched his grandmother take his cock into
her mouth, all the way in, her nose pressing up against his belly as she
milked him with her mouth and throat before beginning to face fuck herself
on him. “I…I…I’m going to cum,” he gasped several minutes later, his
hands locked in her hair as his balls exploded, cum gushing into her mouth
as she sucked and swallowed.

“Now, that’s much better,” Gloria said after she finished sucking him
off, licking her lips and wiping her mouth with the back of her hand.
“Let’s try the yoga now.”

“That seemed to work,” Gloria said 15 minutes later when they had
finished their yoga routine. “It looks like I’ll need to suck your cock
each morning before we do yoga,” she added, laughing at the astonished look
on his face.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Jerry was abruptly awakened the next morning, totally confused until he
realized that his grandmother’s pussy was plastered to his face and that
his morning woody was disappearing down her throat. His tongue became
immediately coated with her thick, syrupy, musky pussy juices as he once
again ate his grandmother’s pussy while she devoured his cock, with a lot
more energy and enthusiasm than a lot of the girls he knew, he realized.

Jerry realized that his grandmother’s pussy was great to eat with her
long, thick pussy lips that unfurled as he sucked on them, stretching a
couple of inches. Using his hands to hold them open and apart so that he
could suck on her big, fat clit, he could feel her respond, her juices
bathing his chin until he lowered his mouth to stick his tongue into her
and drink.

Teri noticed that Jerry’s door was open, so she stopped to say good
morning, stopping in the doorway, her mouth dropping open and her eyes
popping as she locked eyes with her mother whose mouth was full of Jerry’s
cock, cum dribbling down her chin. Teri was frozen to the spot, seeing her
mother’s throat convulse as she gulped down Jerry’s cum. She gasped when
her mother opened her mouth, clearly full of and coated with her son’s cum
which was still leaking copiously from the slit of his cock, Gloria’s
tongue scooping it up before she locked her lips around the head of his
cock and sucked, her cheeks hollowing as she finished draining him, then
pushed up, licking her lips as she continued swallowing, her eyes still
locked with her daughter’s as she pushed up to a kneeling position and Teri
could see her son’s tongue as it probed between his grandmother’s long,
unfurled pussy lips.

Finally regaining control, Teri turned and fled the room, her head
exploding, furious with her mother, though also furious with herself. She
knew her mother and she shouldn’t be surprised.

“Mom, how could you?” Teri raged at her mother after Jerry left for
class. “He’s your own grandson, for Christ’s sake.”

“It helps him to relax and focus when we do yoga,” Gloria replied,
ignoring her daughter’s outrage.

“Oh, does it?” Teri asked, staring at her mother’s calm demeanor in

“Me, too,” Gloria said. “He’s got a very talented tongue, eats pussy as
well as anyone I’ve ever met.”

“Mom, he’s your grandson!” Teri said, exasperated.

“And he’s got a very nice cock,” Gloria continued, ignoring Teri’s
outburst. “And he gives a proper mouthful when he cums, not like some

“Mom!” Teri said.

“Do you want me to leave, Teri?” Gloria asked, looking at her with calm
equanimity on her face.

“You know I don’t,” Teri said, slumping in her seat. “But your own

“Makes it all the better as far as I’m concerned,” Gloria replied.

“Have you fucked him yet, mom?” Teri asked anxiously.

“No, not yet, but I’m looking forward to it,” Gloria replied with a
smile. “Such a nice cock, maybe even a little bigger than Kevin’s.”

“Mom!” Teri said, color draining from her face.

“Teri, Kevin was a wonderful man,” Gloria said to her daughter
compassionately. “He was taken from us far too soon, but that doesn’t mean
that I’m going to forget him or the wonderful times we had together. I
will celebrate knowing him by remembering, as should you. I will miss him
and that delightful tongue and wonderful cock of his, but I will not

“I know, mom, it’s just…did you pressure him?” she asked.

“Not in the least,” Gloria laughed, “unless you call teasing him
unmercifully until he just couldn’t resist pressure. He had some problems
with the grandma part, my age, but once I got his tongue in my pussy and
his cock in my mouth…”

“God, mom,” Teri sighed.

“You’re still dating, aren’t you?” Gloria asked.

“Sometimes,” Teri replied. “When I start feeling horny and can’t put it
away, then I let some guy make a pass at me, take me out a few times if
he’s nice.”

“And how long has it been since the last time?” Gloria asked.

“I don’t know, a few weeks, a month,” Teri replied.

“Why don’t you let me massage you?” Gloria suggested.

“Oh, mom, I don’t know,” Teri said.

“Why not? Jerry’s at school and my guess is that you could really use
one,” Gloria said.

“I know you’re right,” Teri admitted. “I haven’t been able to relax.”

“Come on, then,” Gloria said, getting to her feet. “I’ll set up my
table out by the koi pond. I just love the energy out there.”

Teri gave in, knowing that her mother was right. She had always been
right and it used to be frustrating, infuriating, until Teri had slowly
learned that her mother was always right in a good way. Her mother’s mind
was so clear, so open, that you could never doubt her honesty or sincerity.

Teri shrugged out of her gym shorts and t-shirt, her usual sleep attire,
and lay down on the table her mother had set up, a massage-type table but
lower to the ground, the top of the table perhaps a meter off the ground.

“Oh, mom, I have so missed your hands,” Teri sighed when she felt them
on her back.

Gloria took her time, gently working on her daughter starting at the top
of her head, soothing tension, stimulating the Tantric points, feeling Teri
relax beneath her hands. By the time she got to her ass, Teri was limp,
totally accepting the work, sighing when Gloria worked each of her ass
cheeks with both hands, kneading and stretching them, smiling when Teri
sighed as she slid two fingers down between her ass cheeks, pausing to
gently press on the proper points around her starred rosebud before
continuing down the crack of her ass to slide her fingers between her long,
furled pussy lips, like her own, feeling the slickness as she briefly
rimmed her hole before finding and rubbing on her big, fat clit, larger
than her own, she knew, dragging her fingers back up through her crack as
Teri sighed, her whole body shuddering in a mini orgasm.

Gloria continued down Teri’s legs, taking special care to stimulate all
of the uterine Tantric points in the lower leg, seeing the results of her
stimulation as Teri’s pussy leaked, juices dripping onto the table beneath
her as her mother continued to work on her body, relaxing her, stimulating

Turning over, Teri smiled at the familiar feel and smell of the jasmine
eye pillow that her mother lay over her eyes before she began to work on
her head and face before getting to the front of her neck and then her

Gloria always enjoyed massaging her daughter’s breasts, like hers in
shape, but a bit smaller in size, with fantastically sensitive, large, ruby
nipples. Releasing her nipples when Teri gasped from how tightly she was
squeezing them, Gloria worked her way down Teri’s stomach to her upper
thighs, slowly and methodically working, touching everywhere except her
pussy, whose long, furled lips were beginning to unfurl as Gloria worked
around her pussy, touching just the right spots, then moved down her legs,
finishing with her feet and toes, smiling as she saw that her daughter’s
pussy lips had completely unfurled like huge butterfly’s wings, her pussy
open, the glistening carnelian interior with her huge clit visible as
Gloria worked her way back up her legs, stopping with both of her hands at
the juncture of Teri’s hips and legs, her gaping pussy framed between them.

“God, mom!” Teri gasped as her whole body vibrated.

“You clearly needed this,” Gloria commented, stepping over the massage
table straddling Teri’s face as she leaned forward and lifted her legs,
pulling them up towards her until she had them trapped beneath her arms.

“Oh, mom!” Teri sighed when Gloria bent over and dragged her tongue
through her daughter’s spread pussy lips before spearing it into her and
beginning to slurp up the juices that were flowing, at the same time
lowering her hips until she felt Teri’s tongue in her as she nestled on her

After many minutes of mutual orgasms, Gloria lifted her face from her
daughter’s pussy, licking her lips, almost freezing for a moment when she
realized that Jerry was in his room, looking out the sliding glass door at
them, Gloria’s table conveniently pointing right at him so that he had an
unobstructed view of his mother’s spread pussy.

Smiling to acknowledge that she had seen him, Gloria lowered Teri’s
legs, seeing Jerry’s eyes widen when he saw that his mother was eating her

“Feel better?” Gloria asked, dismounting Teri’s face and helping her to
sit up, seeing Jerry disappear from the window.

“Mom, if you didn’t make me feel so good, I’d swear you were the most
depraved person I’ve ever met,” Teri said.

“Such a compliment! Thank you,” Gloria said with a smile. “Your pussy
tasted wonderful, too.”

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Jerry staggered back from the sliding glass door, sitting down on his
bed when he felt it hit the backs of his legs. He just could not process
what he had just seen, his mother eating her mother’s pussy, his
grandmother. And his mother’s pussy! The sight of it was burned in his
brain, almost identical to his grandmother’s with long, thick pussy lips.
Maybe he had been right about her after all, maybe she was wicked. He felt
anger and embarrassment as he realized that his own cock was reacting, to
what he had just seen and also to the pictures floating through his head;
his grandmother sucking his cock, eating his grandmother’s pussy.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

“Jerry, you seem distracted,” Gloria said at dinner that evening.

“Uh, just something from school, grandma,” Jerry replied.

“Anything special? A look like that says girl trouble,” Gloria said.

“No, grandma, nothing like that,” Jerry said and laughed. “We had an
interesting class comparing Special and General Relativity.”

“Flat and curved space-time,” Gloria said, nodding. “I found it
confusing at first because I didn’t understand how we could have a
situation where there was an absence of gravity.”

“Yeah, it took me a moment to wrap my head around the idea, too,” Jerry
agreed, “until I understood that it was all really about acceleration.”

“That certainly makes it easier,” Gloria agreed.

“You two might as well be speaking Swahili for all I understand,” Teri
said, still flustered from the morning, unable to stop thinking about

“Half the people in my class would agree with you,” Jerry said with a
laugh. “It’s sort of counterintuitive thinking.”

“Something most people have a problem with,” Gloria said. “It requires
an open mind. I’m sure you’d understand it if you wanted to.”

Teri’s memory tripped when she heard her mother say ‘it requires an open
mind’, taking her back to that afternoon that she had impulsively stopped
by to visit after dropping 2-year-old Jerry off at the daycare center.

She had let herself in with her key, hearing voices from the living
room, which she thought was odd at that time of the morning. She
remembered looking at her watch and seeing that it was just after 10:00 in
the morning. She had been late getting Jerry to the daycare center.

She had been opening her mouth to say hello as she approached the
doorway to the living room when she stopped in her tracks, her eyes popping
open as she instinctively took a step back from the doorway into the
shadow, unnoticed, and stared at the unbelievable scene.

It was her mother and father and another couple that she didn’t
recognize, a black couple, and they were all naked on the floor, her mother
on her knees with the black man fucking her doggie with the biggest cock
Teri had ever seen. At the same time, her mother’s face was between the
legs of the black woman, clearly eating her pussy, while her father was
kneeling next to the black woman with his cock in her mouth.

She had gasped when the black man pulled back from her mother and she
saw her mother’s naked ass and pussy for the first time, her pussy like her
own with long, thick pussy lips which were now spread wide open, a torrent
of cum running from her gaping hole.

“I think we have company,” the black man had said in a deep voice,
turning when he heard Teri’s gasp to see her standing in the doorway.

“Oh! Teri! I…we didn’t realize that you were coming by,” Gloria had
said, getting to her feet.

Teri remembered how controlled and unflustered her mother had seemed.
The scene was indelibly imprinted on her memory, her father kneeling, a
stream of cum leaking from his cock to the floor, a good-sized cock, too,
almost as big as Kevin’s, she had automatically calculated. The black
woman had pushed up onto her elbows and Teri had seen the cum that had
leaked down her chin. Once her mother stood up, she could see the deep
vermillion interior of her pussy, contrasting with her dark ebony skin as
her legs remained spread, her feet flat on the floor.

The black man’s cock was dangling hugely in front of him, glistening
from having just been in her mother’s pussy, and Teri had been able to see
the cum running from her mother’s pussy, down the inside of her thighs as
she stepped towards her, dripping from her long pussy lips to the floor,
her big nipples hard knots on the ends of her full breasts, her mouth and
chin glistening from the black woman’s pussy that she had been eating.

“I think we need to talk,” Gloria had said, smiling wanly as she took
both of her daughter’s hands in hers. “It will require an open mind.”

“Earth to Teri, Earth to Teri,” Teri heard as though coming from a long
distance, then realized that it was her mother. “Where were you?”

“Oh! Just remembering…” Teri said, then blushed.

“Well, from your reaction, it must have been quite the memory,” Gloria
said. “Are you going to share it with us?”

“What? Oh, no, no,” Teri said, glancing towards Jerry who was looking
at her strangely. “I think that I’ll just clean up and then get a good
night’s sleep.”

“You’ll sleep better after the massage,” Gloria said, smiling at the
sudden flush of color to Jerry’s neck, something that Teri didn’t notice,
so caught up was she in her own head at the moment, though she would have
been shocked to know that she and Jerry were thinking about the exact same
thing at the moment.

Teri found it hard to get to sleep, caught up in her memories. Her
mother had taken her into her bedroom and sat on the bed with her and
explained that she and her father were essentially swingers, though she had
a long explanation instead of just saying it outright. They had met at a
free-love party and had been together ever since, though they had never
stopped their lifestyle of free love, which morphed into swinging as the
years went by.

She had been shocked to learn that her parents had been swinging her
whole life and that she had never had a clue. As they had talked, her
father had come into the room, still naked, his cock hanging in front of
him as he stood by the bed.

“We can’t put the genie back in the bottle,” he had said, a hand on
Gloria’s shoulder, “and I won’t apologize for how we live. You’re our
daughter and you know how much we love you and always have.”

“Besides, you’re a big girl now with a child of your own,” Gloria had
said, leaning back, taking her father’s hand with her, pulling him onto the
bed. “Sex is no secret to you anymore. It will be nice not to have to
hide anything from you,” she had said as she had pulled her father’s
smiling face down to her cummy pussy.

Teri came, shuddering as her fingers were soaked with her spend as she
remembered that night. She had sat frozen and watched as her father had
eaten her mother’s pussy clean, then licked up the cum from her thighs
before fucking her right in front of her. When he had been ready to cum,
he had pulled his glistening cock from her mother’s pussy and helped her to
sit up, sticking his cock into her open mouth as a stream of cum shot from
the end.

Teri remembered how she had cum watching her father cum in her mother’s
mouth, impressed by her mother’s ability to take her father’s entire cock
into her mouth and down her throat. She came again as she remembered how
her mother had so hungrily sucked her father off, finally falling asleep
with her hands trapped between her legs.

In the morning, Teri could not stop herself from looking across the
hall, once again seeing Jerry’s bedroom door open. Sighing inwardly,
knowing what she would find, she moved across the hall and looked into her
son’s bedroom, meeting her mother’s waiting eyes as she sucked her
grandson’s cock, her own pussy plastered on his mouth as she rode him in a

“Yes, right there, Jerry,” Gloria gasped, lifting her mouth off of his
cock. “Right there,” she said, going back down on him.

“I can’t believe how good your pussy tastes, grandma,” Teri heard her
son’s muffled voice say.

Teri couldn’t move away, standing transfixed as she watched her mother
sucking her son’s cock.

“Yes, that’s it,” Gloria gasped, jacking Jerry’s cock with both hands.
“A nice, big mouthful of cum for your grandmother,” she said as Jerry
groaned, a stream of cum shooting up in the air before Gloria leaned over
and captured his cock in her mouth.

Teri watched in morbid fascination as her mother sucked her son off,
milking and squeezing every last drop of cum from him before pushing up
onto her knees where Teri could see his tongue in her pussy, her long pussy
lips hanging down and spread apart.

“Okay, I think we’re ready for some yoga now,” Gloria said, dismounting
her grandson’s face as Teri scuttled back to her room, leaning against the
door shaking, feeling her pussy flooding as she pictured her son’s cock
spurting cum into her mother’s mouth.