My Aunt Teaches me

The crash when it occurred was total and catastrophic. I was staying with a school friend; whilst my parents were touring northern England on holiday and the truck that came round the bend on the wrong side of the road destroyed the car and killed both my parents outright. From being a happy only child, I was turned instantly into an orphan.

After the crash, the friends with whom I was staying were kindness itself and allowed me to remain with them until after the funeral. However, it was clear that I needed to find somewhere permanent to live and the solicitor who was looking after my parent’s affairs contacted all my mother’s relations to see if any would consider looking after me. I was assured that financially I would be more than well catered for, as both my parents had very large life insurance policies, which would provide a sizeable sum once all the formalities were taken care of. For some time I was fearful that I would end in an orphanage, for no one seemed willing to take me in, but then to my relief I was told that my Aunt Susan had made contact with the solicitors and had agreed that I should come and live with her.

I travelled down from the north of England by train, and I cannot remember anything eventful on the journey. Susan lived in the West Country, and she was there to meet me at the station. I well remember she was wearing a long coat over a thin tight sweater, and an incredibly short skirt. She seemed taller than I remember her, perhaps because she was wearing extremely high heels. I saw that she was heavily made-up for when we first met, she clasped me to her and gave me a long kiss on the cheek. I flushed with embarrassment, as I could see several of the men on the station staring at her. When I got to look at her, I saw that even though she had aged since I last saw her, but she still was a very good-looking lady. However, she was now a ‘heavy’ woman. Her legs, which had been long and tapering, were now still long, but had thickened. Her torso and particularly her breasts were large and heavy. However, her face was still beautiful, for she had clear brown eyes and long wavy hair, which she wore loose.

“So, my darling, how are you?” she cooed. I replied that I was fine and I mumbled that I was extremely grateful for her agreeing for me to come and live with her.

“We are both delighted that you can come to us”, she replied. “There are so many things that we want you to do with us, and now that you will be part of the family, we will have plenty of time to teach you these tasks”. The high heels clacked down the station platform and again I was aware of the men opposite staring at her. We arrived at her car, which was a sporty little saloon and having put my case into the car, we set off for her house. I did not think about the fact that she had used the word “we” when talking about living with her.

The drive to her house was uneventful and she chatted away easily to me about how lovely the countryside was at this time of the year. When we arrived at her house, I recognised it from the one time I had been there before. It was a large detached house with its own very secluded garden and gravel drive off the main road. She parked the car and I took my case from the back seat. My aunt led the way up to the front door, which she opened with her key.

“I want you to meet Maria,” she said as she led me into the house. “As you know Maria and I live together here and she is going to look after you while you are settling in. You will love her, I am sure”. We went into the sitting room and there seated on the sofa was one of the most powerful and strongest women I had ever seen. She stood well over 6 ft tall in her stockinged feet, she had dark hair and her skin shone with health. As she rose to meet me, she towered over me and I admired her powerful frame. She was wearing a turtle necked sweater and a long tight skirt and I could see that her legs were slender for so large a woman. Her waist was small compared with her wide shoulders and heavy hips. She had strong arms and the whole of her body rippled with well-toned muscles. I was sure she spent considerable time in the gym, for there was no spare flesh on her at all. She obviously looked after herself, for I could see she had lovely large hands with beautifully painted nails. Her hair was a mass of dark curls that framed her face and plunged down her back. She had wide set eyes and beautiful ruby lips. As her face was dark, her teeth were very prominent and I noticed how lovely and even they were. In all she was quite gorgeous, but it was her front that held my gaze, and I could not help but stare at her huge breasts. Vast globes of mammary flesh jutted out from her large chest, so that the sweater she was wearing strained to contain their bulk. As she rose, so they jiggled, sticking out in such a manner that they seemed to defy gravity. Under her sweater, I could see the straps of her brassier cutting into her shoulders as the heavy material supported the enormous weight of her breasts and her prominent nipples showed clearly through the thin sweater.

“So, this is Peter,” she said, as she came over to me. “Well, my darling, you and I are going to get to know each other very well aren’t we?” With that she wrapped me in her powerful arms and hugged me close to her huge bosom. I was overcome with her scent and the musky odour of her body, but was delighted that she seemed pleased to meet me. With introductions over my Aunt picked up my small case and we all went upstairs. Maria preceded me up the stairs and again I was impressed with the way she moved. Lithe and nimble, she bounded up the stairs ahead of my aunt, and the view I had was of her dark hair bobbing and tumbling as she took the stairs two at a time. I moved at a slower rate accompanying my aunt as we went towards my room.

“I have decided that you and Maria should share a room, in case you get upset during the night,” my aunt said as we mounted the stairs. “You don’t mind, do you”? I mumbled that I was sure it would be fine, but nothing could have prepared me for the shock when I entered the room, for to my horror there was only one bed. It was a huge double bed, covered in female attire, frilly covers and silky sheets – quite unlike anything I had slept in before. Looking around the room, it was definitely a female’s room. Powder, make-up and all sorts of lotions covered the dressing table and there were woman’s clothes all over the chairs and sofa. The room itself was large and well furnished, with a door which went off to what was obviously an en-suite bathroom.

“But, where am I to sleep?” I asked, as my aunt put my case onto the bed.

“In here silly, with Maria”, my aunt replied patting the big double bed. “We thought it would be better if you were together, so that she is on hand if you need her”. I tried not to show my embarrassment, but Maria saw anyway.

“Ooh look, he is blushing!” she said. “Don’t worry darling, I won’t eat you – not yet anyway!” By this time I had turned a furious colour of pink and my aunt, seeing my discomfort came over and wrapped me in her arms and gave me a hug.

The rest of the afternoon was spent settling me in and then after supper my aunt suggested I should go up to bed. I quickly agreed and my aunt said she would come up after I had bathed. Following a lovely wallow in the bath, I called down to my aunt and she came up. I was in bed and she sat on the edge looking down at me. I could see the fine wrinkles around her eyes under her make up which showed her age, but thought how really lovely she looked. Her brown eyes looked at me with what I felt were real affection. As she bent over me to hug me to her, her hair swept over my face and I could feel her big heavy breasts pressing into me through the bedclothes as she kissed me good night. As she left, she switched out the top light, leaving on only a small table lamp, which left the room in a suffused glow. The bed itself was very soft and comfortable. The sheets were silky and the big duvet covered both sides of the bed with ease. I kept strictly to my side, for I did not feel I knew Maria well enough to encroach into her side. As I lay in bed, I thought of what my mother would say if she knew I would be sharing a bed with this friend of my aunt’s. I was full of anticipation and I noticed my cock grew hard at the thought of sharing a bed with this powerful woman.

Some time later Maria came up to bed and I pretended to be asleep to avoid any embarrassment over our sharing the bed. Maria came over to the bed and looked down at me. I had my eyes shut and I could tell she thought I was asleep. She moved off to the dressing table and started to undress. Her dress came off over her head and I had a glimpse through my half-shut eyes of her huge breasts encased in a massive brassier. She wrapped a towel around herself before removing her panties and brassier, and then proceeded to go into the bathroom. I stole out of bed and went to look at her underwear. It was still warm from the heat of her body and I picked up the large heavy brassier and marvelled at the size of the cups. Her panties were small and made out of thin cotton, and I noticed that the area around the front was damp. I lifted the pants to my nose and sniffed the scent of womanhood. I then quickly replaced them and returned to the bed. After a time of splashing around it was obvious that Maria had got out of the bath and I could hear her drying herself. She re-appeared with the towel around her and her long dark hair swept up into another smaller towel. She took this off and her magnificent hair tumbled down over her back for she had obviously washed it. For some time she sat at her dressing table applying lotion to her face and upper body. She then stood and poured powder into the palm of her hand, which she then patted between her legs. She pulled an extremely short nighty over her head and removed the towel. I had just the briefest glimpse of her big breasts and her dark bush, which melded nicely into her thighs. She sat down on her side of the bed and for some time seemed to be lost in thought. Then she pulled back the bedclothes and swung her legs under the covers. As she did so, I got a further glimpse of the huge bush of black hair between her legs before she pulled the covers over both of us.

I turned and sighed, more to make her believe I was asleep than anything else. To my surprise she took this as a sign that I might need comforting and wrapped her strong arms around me, pushing me down into the bed so that I was totally enfolded into her smooth dark flesh.

“There there, darling. You sleep in Maria’s arms and I will take care of you if you are sad”, she cooed. Her long dark hair fell over my face and I breathed in the fresh smell of recently bathed woman. And so we slept, with my head cradled into her massive bosom. During the night I awoke on several occasions to find a breast had escaped from the confines of the nighty and on one occasion a fat nipple was resting against my cheek. Fearful of waking Maria, I moved away very slightly and was able to look at the dark puckered flesh of her aureoles, which peaked in what seemed to me to be a long rubbery nubbule of flesh, her nipple.

When we awoke the next morning, Maria unwound herself and eased herself out of the bed as if nothing had happened – as indeed it had not. I waited until she had left the room before I got up and washed. I dressed in shorts and a T-shirt and then went down to breakfast. My aunt was particularly interested to hear all about how I had slept and if Maria and I had got on during the night. It was quite clear to me that she was thoroughly enjoying my embarrassment at sleeping with such a beautiful dark lady as Maria. After breakfast Maria asked if I would like to be shown around the house. It was a lovely house, with three large bedrooms. My aunt’s also had an en-suite bathroom and there was a small shower room opposite the third bedroom. This room was sparsely furnished and was obviously not used very much. Downstairs, the sitting room was furnished with the best quality chairs and it was obvious to me that my aunt and Maria lived very well indeed. I noticed that during the day I was with Maria constantly. She fed me and looked after me as if I were a small child even to picking me up and carrying me at one point, which I found extremely embarrassing. She merely laughed and said that I would have to get used to this, as she liked to keep her body in good shape and lifting weights was an easy way of achieving this. I was thus able to marvel at her strong powerful body. It occurred to me that I would not want to wrestle with her, for she would surely overpower a slimly built lad like me.

Like my aunt she wore heavy make-up and she looked totally beautiful in my inexperienced eyes. But it was still her breasts that fascinated me. I could not believe that even this large woman could have such enormous tits. She obviously noted my fascination for she took every opportunity to brush her tits against me, as well as leaning right over me, so that I could look right into her massive cleavage. I was becoming familiar with these beautiful mounds of dark flesh, for during the night I had had the opportunity to inspect her nipples, which I knew to be large and pointed. In all they were her crowning feature, which it was impossible to ignore.

For the next few days and nights the system we had devised repeated itself. Each night I would see just a little more of my bed-companion, but nothing to alarm me and certainly she did nothing to make me believe she had any sexual desires on me. However as can be imagined it is not possible to sleep in the close confines of a double bed with a woman and not touch one another. During the second night on one occasion when I awoke, I was aware of one of Maria’s heavy legs straddling my body. I was concerned that she might feel my cock through my thin pyjamas and I was terrified that with the heavy musky perfume that she wore in bed coming into my dreams, I might actually have a ‘wet dream’. I did notice that my cock was rigid for most of the night, but as Maria made no mention of anything like this, even as a joke, I thought it best not to worry. I would press down on my cock whenever I could without anyone noticing, and so try and reduce it to its normal small size.

However it was on the fourth night that matters changed dramatically. During the night I awoke and felt one of Maria’s fat nipples pressed against my mouth. As I moved away to avoid awaking her, so I felt the nipple move with me. In the suffused light I could see her dark bulk against me clearly, so I moved away yet further. Again the nipple seemed to move with me, so that it was still pressing firmly against my mouth. At other times when I had done this, I had been able to study her strong features, her dark smooth cheeks, her long black hair tumbling around her shoulders and her beautiful ruby lips with perfect white teeth just visible between them. This time however, as I looked up into her face, so I saw her looking down at me with a wide smile playing on her lips. She pressed the nipple closer to my mouth.

“Suck, darling!” she commanded. “Suck Maria’s big nipple!” I opened my mouth to say that I did not think this a good idea, and she moved forward pushing the peaking nipple into my mouth. Her hand came round the back of my head pressing me further into the huge tit so that I almost choked.

“Go on, suckle on my breast”, she ordered. As there was little I could do, I sucked hard on the nipple and felt it expand hugely under the pressure from my mouth. The nipple extended, so that it seemed to fill my mouth on its own. The act of my sucking brought a snort from her mouth.

“Oh my God, that is good!!” she breathed. “Go on, suck harder!” I settled down to a rhythmic suckling, swapping one big fat nipple for the other, as Maria wanted. This went on for some time, and I marvelled at the taughtness of her big tits. They were not soft and ‘pillowy’ but rather firm and very hot to the touch. After some considerable time, when I felt that perhaps she just wanted me to suck her this once, I began to relax. After all, just sucking a tit could not be seen as wrong in the eyes of my aunt. However, I stiffened and stopped sucking when I felt Maria’s hand moving down between us and to my horror I felt it slowly brushing against my stomach until her fingers very slowly closed around the length of my rigid cock.

“Mmm, he’s nice!” Maria whispered. At this I stopped sucking and said in a low tone: “No Maria, we mustn’t; please do not touch me there. What would my aunt say if she knew? Please don’t touch me there!”

“Sshh darling”, she replied. “You let me worry about that.” With that she let go of my cock and placed her hand at the back of my head, so pushing me deeper into her breast. But she also took one of my hands in hers and guided it down to the area between her legs. I immediately felt the thick wiry bushiness of her pubic hair. She placed my hand over the mound of her crotch and pressed against the hard pubic bone. I could feel the heat pulsing from her crotch and I thought of the dampness of her panties, which I had smelt each evening. But she was not finished yet. Her hand came over mine, she took my middle finger and I felt her move it into the slit in the midst of her bush. I was surprised at the oily hot feeling and that my finger seemed to slip easily into her crack.

“Go on, push it further in”, she said. I obeyed and pressed my finger into her slippery crack until it was right in. It slid easily into her and then, as I wriggled it around inside the fleshy, oily area, I noticed that a series of little muscles were ‘milking’ at my finger and that her breathing was quickening into little gasps of delight.

“Mmmm that is really gorgeous,” she whispered. “Try and get your fingers as far up as possible.” She pressed my hand into her crotch and as I wriggled my fingers inside her, so she shuddered with the sensation of it all. By this time I had let go of her tit and my face was inches from hers.

“Now, my darling,” she breathed. “Do you know what I mean by making love?”

“I think so,” I answered. “But Maria, we really mustn’t do this, for what if my aunt finds out?”

“Don’t you worry about that and now I am going to teach you everything.”
“It’s quite easy”, she said. “All we have to do is to slide your lovely little cock (and with that she squeezed my cock), into my slit here. You lie quite still and let me do the work. First we had better get rid of these stupid clothes”. With that she stripped of my pyjamas and pulled her nighty over her head. This had the effect of allowing her breasts free movement and they slapped down, full weight onto my chest. At that moment real fear gripped me for I had no idea where all this was going to lead. I made a frantic move to leap out of bed and run. Quite where I would go I hade no idea, but I knew I must get away from this enveloping female. But Maria was too quick for me. As I left the bed, so she wrapped herself around my waist and hauled me back to the centre of the mattress. With her superior strength, she pinioned to the bed on my back and gazed down into my face. Her hair hung down almost to my chest and her big breasts were resting easily on my torso.

“That wasn’t very wise,” she said. “Darling, one thing you will have to learn and that is that both your aunt and I need to be obeyed. Now don’t let’s be silly. I know when I have taught you everything you need to know, you are going to love this.” At that I felt her heavy legs straddle me and her breasts were sliding up over my face as she struggled to get herself into the correct position. I could feel her wiry bush brushing against the hardness of my cock and she then licked her hand, getting as much saliva as possible into her palm. By reaching around behind her, she transferred the saliva to the head of my cock and then I could feel her moving my cock to the entrance of her slit. With the shaft of my cock in her grasp, she rubbed the head against her slit-lips and I could feel the warm oily feeling of her opening. Once she felt me in position, she sank down, full weight onto me and I felt my cock slide easily right up into her and then our two bushes were intermingling. My cock felt as if it was inserted into a red-hot tube, oozing moisture, which lubricated the whole length of my shaft. I was rigid with the expectation of what was to follow, but I could not have foreseen what was to come next. She was resting on her elbows, with her big breasts squashed onto my chest, gazing down at me. My cock was fully embedded into her and neither of us moved. But I could certainly feel her busy little cunt muscles beginning to work away at my cock, producing unspeakable sensations inside me.

“I bet you have never kissed a woman either”, she murmured.

“No, Maria, I haven’t, but we must stop this, for my aunt would throw me out if she knew what we were doing” I replied, struggling against her huge weight.

“Sshh silly,” she relied. “Now you let Maria lead you and when I kiss you, you open your mouth. I promise you will like it”.

With that her face slowly came down onto mine and with her mouth open, her soft lips engulfed mine. Obediently, I opened my mouth and her tongue invaded my mouth. It was enormous and she squashed her mouth fully over mine, so as to get her tongue as far into my mouth as possible. Her arms came around the back of my body, she lay full length on top of me, smothered my every move. On and on she went, with her tongue invading every crevice of my mouth. She slurped and sucked at my mouth and lips, eating me up in her passion. Her dark hair fell over us and all light was blotted out. I continued to struggle against her, but with her strength, I simply was not able to make any impression on her at all.

While all this was happening, her busy little cunt was working away at my cock, milking it in the most incredible way. As this went on, so I felt a new sensation building up inside me. Terrified, I made a tremendous effort to free myself of this demanding woman.

“Please Maria, something is happening to my cock! Please get off me, PLEASE!!” I pleaded.

The reply was exactly as I expected: “Sshh, darling, don’t be silly. Maria has everything under control. You just let me do the working and you lie still and enjoy yourself.” Again her lips came full down on mine and her tongue filled my mouth.

“NO please,” I begged. “Maria, something is going to come out of my cock if we go on like this!! Please get off me now!”

My pleadings had the complete opposite to the desired effect. She wound herself more tightly around me and started to grind her massive hips over me. Her cunt slithered up and down the length of my cock, producing the most incredible sensations inside me. Then slowly, I felt the tender head of my cock starting to bulge and there was a new churning sensation in my balls. She felt this too, for her movements slowed to a rhythmic grinding that had the whole length of my cock being embraced by the tube of her slippery cunt muscles. I struggled once more to free myself, but she had me trapped and there was no escape. The seed was rising in me and she was determined to have it.

“Oh my God, I’m coming!!” I wailed, and with that I was spurting. Huge gobs of seed roared out of my cock into her writhing cunt. She wound me so tightly into her embrace that I thought I was going to suffocate as her cunt moved to milk and milk me of every last drop. On and on I spurted until I was totally exhausted. Maria had evidently climaxed at the same time, for I could feel her oily love-juices running down my legs. Both our breathings were ragged and heavy and her huge bulk still lay fully over me as she slowly explored my mouth with her tongue.

We seemed to lie like this with her full-length on top of me for ages, and we drifted off to sleep for a while. But then she lifted the bulk of her chest off me and looked down at the wreckage she had made. Her breasts hung down and her nipples poked into my chest. She smiled down at me.

“So, darling, did you enjoy that? We will be doing that lots more I am sure.”

Before I could reply she lifted herself off me and with a mass of tissues clamped over her crotch, she disappeared into the bathroom. I shrank at the way events had turned. Suddenly my relation with Maria had changed in the most dramatic way and I was terrified at my aunt’s reaction, for I was sure she would find out what had occurred. I regretted agreeing to sleep in the same bed as Maria in the first place, for on thinking about it, events of this type were bound to happen.

I did not have long to wonder, for Maria re-appeared with her hair brushed and a towel dressing gown over her and went straight out of the door down the passage towards my aunt’s room. I shrank at the thought of what would come next. Would Maria say I had taken advantage of her? After all it was usually the men who were supposed to make all the moves. My aunt would most likely throw me out and I would end in an orphanage. Every type of horror came into my mind, but I knew I would never be believed. For some time I could hear the sound of low voices talking and then my worst fears were realised when I heard the sound of both footsteps coming back to our room. I shrank under the bedclothes waiting for the inevitable anger that was to come.

My aunt and Maria both came into the room together. I did notice my aunt had on a very short nighty only. The top was made only of lace and I could see the dark shadow of her aureoles tipping her heavy breasts. She sat down on the bed and bent right over me. My mind whirled as I waited for the rebuke that I knew was coming.

“Maria tells me that you have done rather well, Peter. She has told me that you spermed her extremely powerfully and that you are now ready for the training I mentioned earlier.”

I was so shocked and amazed that I could not take in what had been said. I looked from my aunt to Maria and they were both smiling down at me. Whatever, one thing was very clear, I was not to be thrown out. But then as I felt my aunt feeling under the bedclothes, I wondered exactly what type of household I had indeed entered. My fears returned when I felt her hand clamp around my tired and shrivelled cock. She threw back the bedclothes to expose my slender body, and looked down at my genitals. My wiry pubic hair as still matted from Maria’s love-juices but it was the state of my cock; tiny and shrivelled that seemed to concern her.

“We will have to something about that, won’t we?” she said and with that she gathered up my cock and balls and stuffed my limp cock into her mouth. I struggled and fought to get away, but Maria was onto me like a flash and crushed any movement out of me by lying full length over me. She pulled a tit from her dressing gown and with the nipple between her second and third finger, proceeded to stuff the rubbery teat into my mouth.

“Suck and no struggling!!” she ordered. “You concentrate on my nipple and also hardening up for your aunt.”

With the weight of these two powerful women on top of me, I could hardly move. I sucked hard on Maria’s nipple and felt the strange sensation in my cock and balls as my aunt sucked life back into them. Slowly I felt my cock hardening up as my aunt’s tongue slid over the tender head of my cock. She swirled her tongue over the tender head of my cock and as she worked, so my balls started to ache as the demand for further sperm was made on them. As I hardened, so I felt my aunt’s mouth leave my cock and the cold air wafted around my soaking cock. The bed moved as she re-positioned herself and I felt her thighs slide over mine. Then like my session with Maria, I felt the sensation of her wiry cunt hair against the head of my cock and the oily feeling as my cock nudged into the opening of her lips. The heat of her cunt radiated down over my cock as she sank down onto me. I slipped smoothly into her, my cock parting the oily folds of her labia and then penetrating more deeply into her tubes. Maria lifted my head up off her tit and pointed down to where my aunt sat straddling me.

“There, look Peter. Look at the way your pubic hair meshes completely with your aunt’s. Your cock has disappeared totally into your aunt’s cunt; isn’t that lovely, you being related to her anyway. I think this is really nice the way the two generations of one family are so well meshed together!”

It was not lost on me that I was making love to a woman who was easily old enough to be my mother and that she was a close relation.

“Please aunt, we mustn’t do this. I am sure it is wrong”, I pleaded. “Please get off me now.”

“You be quiet now and concentrate on producing good sperm for me”, she replied through gritted teeth. Her head was thrown back and her eyes tight shut, and it appeared she was verging on a massive climax.

“There, I knew you shouldn’t complain,” Maria said. “You come back to my breast and suckle. I am sure the act of suckling helps produce sperm.” She sank back down on me and fed a big dark rubbery nipple into my mouth. I could do nothing but comply and sucked greedily on the nipple. My aunt meanwhile had climaxed heavily, screaming in her ecstasy and was currently moving up and down on my bright red cock. I knew in the end I would sperm, but at this moment I had no idea from where the sperm would come, as I was so exhausted. Then slowly the sensation started to build in me. I started to pant through my mouth, leaving the nipple hanging loose.

“He’s not far off, Sue,” I heard Maria say.

“Good thing, for I am about to come a second time and I want him with me,” my aunt replied through gritted teeth.

“You hear that?” Maria said to me. You are to sperm when I say so, for I want you to climax at the same time as your aunt. I want you to give your aunt everything you have in those young balls of yours. We will help you, but the effort has to come from you.”

“Yes, OK,” I panted back, for I was getting close to shooting and was not sure if I was to hold back or shoot my sperm into my aunt as soon as possible.

“Oh my God, I’M THERE, I’M THERE AAAARGHH—EEEEE”, screamed my aunt as she climaxed violently for the second time.

Maria bent over me, so that her lovely dark face was inches from mine.

“NOW!” she ordered. “I want you to SPERM YOUR AUNT NOW!!. Go on! Sperm her NOW!”

As if it knew what was wanted, the head of my cock bulged and then I was shooting.

“Urgh! Urgh! Urgh!” I grunted as more streams of sperm frothed out of my cock into the slippery demanding cunt of my aunt. My body arched with the effort and I felt Maria’s hand around my balls, which she cupped and fondled to extract the maximum.

“Go on! Keep sperming! We will let you know when to stop”, she ordered.

I pumped and pumped until I felt that links of my spine were being drawn out of my cock.

“Please STOP!” I screamed, for my aunt’s cunt muscles were still working overtime on my cock, the nerves of which were screaming for release. At that my aunt collapsed over me, Maria withdrew her breast and my aunt’s tongue invaded my mouth as she kissed me and sucked the life out of me. My cock was still embedded deep inside her cunt, but I could feel it slackening and her little muscles were quietening down after their terrific effort.

“My God, that was marvellous!” my aunt sighed.

“I told you he was good,” replied Maria.

“Yes, but you didn’t say that he was that good,” my aunt said, as she looked at Maria, all shiny with sweat from her exertions. We were both panting with exertion and we stayed like that until our heartbeats slowed down to something like normal.

“So, my little darling, what are we going to do with you?” my aunt said, gazing down at me with love in her eyes. I was too exhausted and shocked to reply, but Maria did so for me.

“He is going to be our little sperm bank, isn’t he? We will also be able to use him for our pleasure. For a start I intend to teach him how to service a woman and bring her to such a climax that she will never want to come off him. I intend to train those balls so well that they will be able to produce huge quantities of sperm whenever we want it. Also I will have them so well trained that if I want them to shoot all day long, they will be able to do so”.

By this time my aunt had come off me and both women were standing over me looking down. Four big nipples gazed down at me. Two sets of wiry cunt hairs were right beside me, and I noticed gobs of sperm oozing out of my aunts cunt lips.

“Yes, that is right,” my aunt said. “You Peter are now our possession. We intend to keep you for our pleasure. All three of us are going to go to sleep now in this bed. Maria will be on one side of you and I will be on the other. In the morning we will probably want another good servicing and we will expect your balls to be ready for us. After all you are young, and the fact that your balls have only just started producing sperm is not our problem. In the morning we will decide exactly how you are going to pay us for your keep. So I suggest you sleep now and in the morning we can have more fun”.

With that Maria climbed onto the bed next to me and enfolded me into her bosom. My aunt went into the bathroom to wash off my sperm and reappeared shortly afterwards. She climbed in on the other side of me, snuggled up to my back and put both her hands around my cock and balls. Both women were soon asleep leaving me to ponder on where my life would go from now on. I wept quietly for the carefree days with my parents, but there was no going back now. I was in the grip of these two demanding women and it was clear they intended to use me for their sexual pleasure. I could do no more than try to keep up with their demands. As I drifted into an exhausted sleep, I could have never imagined how exhausting and varied those demands could be.