A dog loving lady gets almost too much dog

When I first loved, was loved by, a dog, it was a
novelty. My favorite. Then, two dogs, got my neighbor
involved and soon she too had a dog which I learned to
enjoy. It had been weeks now and we would invite each
other to our respective houses for a bit of dog fun…
but then I started choosing.

My dog was better than hers and so on. One time we had
both our dogs involved, switched dogs — a kind of dog
swinging — watched each other with our dogs and then,
in a sea change, I went out looking for the “Great
Dog.” Those two dogs weren’t enough for me. I never
told my neighbor. What would she think!

But it happened unexpectedly. I was returning from our
local store. It was afternoon and I was walking with a
small bag of things. We have a lake near our house and
I detoured to walk beside it. Then sat on a bench and
watched some geese come in for a landing.

First they were dots in the sky and then began to
circle into a glide path finally honking and landing
like small planes onto the surface fluttering to a
stop, splashing the water with their feet. I was intent
on the birds and hadn’t noticed an animal had come to
the bench. He had a white spash in the middle of his
face and on his throat. The rest of him black. His
tongue was out as he panted and looked up at me as
though I might have some morsel.

I patted his head. “Nice doggy,” and he licked my hand.
I gave him no thought and watched the geese paddle
around and he licked my hand again letting me know he
was there. He had longing eyes and I looked through my
groceries for a treat. I broke open some sandwich meat
and gave him bits of ham which he gobbled and licked me

Being a serious dog lover, that licking told my body to
respond even though I wasn’t interested at all. Nature
was taking over my body. It was a dog and my body ached
for dogs, got wet for dogs. It wasn’t a conscious thing
and, there in the park, come on. In a public park!
You’re kidding. But my body wasn’t kidding so I crossed
my legs to hide my scent from this strange, hungry dog.
My ears were filling though and I was instantly wet, as
a dog bitch’s body was want to do.

At this point in my dog lust days, my body was in
charge and common sense had no control. I looked down
at him. He was a strapping fellow, a big dog as dogs
go. Being curious I checked how he was hung. I had no
interest in a little mutt but this was a fine animal
and his dick peeked from its sheath. Dripping as he
licked at my hand.

I looked around on this warm afternoon and saw that,
except for the geese and some guy asleep under a tree
some distance from me, I was alone. I patted this
animal’s head and chuckled his mouth. He sniffed and
panted, as a dog will, and I could tell he already had
me on his radar as he pushed at my hand and his dick
protruded more. Dogs are all the same. Like men. They
grow lusty with a start. His dick kept growing and I
reached down to play with it, encouraging it more and
glanced about again. Still safe.

I uncrossed my legs and the panting was intent now. His
nose lifted my dress. His tongue was licking toward me
and I felt wet all over. I felt pulsing in my ears and
knew I would be raped there in the park by this
handsome dog. When he licked my panties I reached and
pulled them aside, opening wider for the good stuff and
he licked again with more force. God! I wanted to lie
on my back but didn’t dare. I looked around and saw the
sleeping man was gone.

Where had he gone? I didn’t know and didn’t care. I was
here with this animal. Wanted ravishing right there.
But I stood up instead, gathered my groceries and
walked the short distance to my house. No one was home,
we could be private, I could be open and completely
lusty. I walked, with the dog following, and got to my
door in a few minutes.

The dog was hesitant and I got another bit of ham,
holding it out at the doorway and he came in and ate
it. I was ready to be eaten, put down the package, went
to our living room and laid back on the couch. This
dog, this stupid damned dog, then sat in the kitchen,
looking at me, his dick recoiling into the sleeve. I
was terribly horny and the dog had lost the scent.

Now it was my turn to take charge. Patting the couch,
the dog came over and we started our seduction anew.
Petting his head, working at his dick-sleeve and soon
we were back on track. I removed my underwear, lifted
my dress and he was at me with that delicious tongue
which got me hot and dripping even before the first
stroke. I watched him lick my hair and cunt and spread
it for him, watching his red dick come out again.

I rested my head now. He didn’t need to be told. His
body was in charge of my body and I let out a groan as
the first wave of sensation went through me. I lifted
my hips for him. His cold nose gave me shudders and I
lost it. The endless desparate licking needing my
flavors, eating my spend with such eagerness. My breath
it was that was panting in short gasps. A new dog. A
new tongue. I was a promiscuous dog’s bitch and lifting
to each sensation.

I was jolted because I heard something else, not the
dog or me, there was a loud knocking on our front door.
Not now!! Please! Please!! Not just now when I was so
close…It was a demanding knock and I had to collect
myself, push down the dog, push down the dress, calm
myself for the fucking door.

I opened it. It was the man in the park. He had that
look on his face. Like he knew. My face was flush and
he saw it. There was no hiding. No denial. I was a
dog’s bitch in heat and my face told a story. He
reached for my hand and took it. Pushing me back,
closing the door, pushing me into the living room where
he, I and dog now were a threesome.

He picked my underwear from the floor and smiled. He
held me close and kissed my lips. His hands were busy
on my wet parts. I was shocked and hot and hadn’t
really come because of this terrible interruption as
his tongue was in my mouth, milking my tongue and his
hands were on my body, milking me with long fingers,
and his long stiff finger was stroking my clit and
dipping into me. I was ready and couldn’t stand the

I slipped out of his grip onto the couch and he was at
my knees, spreading me. The air was cold where I was
dripping wet. I waited for him to take me. “Come on
boy,” he said. And I felt hairy paws on my hips and a
huge stiff dog cock poking at me. “I knew what you were
about,” he said to me. “One cock’s like another to
some. Am I right?” he asked. I just nodded. “Except
there are cocks and then there are really long, knotted
dog cocks. Tell me it’s so!”

I just nodded again. I was too hot to say anything,
waiting for more, needing more. I needed this now and
felt the dog’s cock poking at me and then the man took
charge, directing that cock into my hole. It was a
surging thing, entering me with his guidance,
retreating and surging again. Then it kind of stopped
and I was spread wide by this slick hot cock as the
huge knot tore at me, stretching and entering. I cried
out some animal-like sound. The man was petting my
head, wiping my sweat away, soothing me.

We were all suspended, me stretched to the breaking,
sweat on my cheeks, his hand guiding the monster,
petting me and my legs and cunt relaxed and enveloped
this thing which was lodged in me and I felt the hairy
legs clutch on my sides and the churning began again. I
was so wide open and so controlled and I could feel the
tip inside and the dog rocked and pushed and I released
every bit of me and cried out again, this time in an
ecstacy of pleasure. An aching, arching sound from my
mouth as though my whole being was responding to
sensations and then I was still.

We were all still.

The sweat dripped off my cheeks and along my neck. He
was petting my thighs and the dog was panting on my
chest. He had worked hard and worked me hard. We all
rested there on the couch as I felt wet on my face and
oozing down my legs. Now I was more cool than hot and
his knot came out and was like a pool of fluids with
the dog licking up the spend. I couldn’t open my eyes
and they lifted from the couch. He put a blanket over
me. I heard the door close.

I remembered the geese lifting on the waters of our
lake, bobbing on the blue of the surface, and my own
fluids cooling, my body becalmed. I wondered of my next
walk home from the market, planning another detour
along the lake edge and if there might again be that
man resting and that dog.

Surely it was a dream. Surely…

I opened my eyes and there was no dog, no man, but I
saw my underwear on the arm of the couch and some green
beneath — green? — $100 bill in green! I got up and
locked the door, leaned against it, smiled to myself,
felt warm all over again.