Bukkake Box of Infinite Glory

It was weird. I used to hate those women who were
always checking themselves in the mirror; inspecting
their hair; reviewing their make-up; examining their
curves and cleavage. Get the fuck over yourself, I’d
think. But on the day after we got back from vacation
I found myself doing the exactly same thing. Well, not
exactly the same thing. I was worse.

I had opened the closet door where Rick had mounted a
full length mirror so that it faced the big mirror by
the sink. Then I’d stripped down to my birthday suit
and stood between them, studying my bod from front and

Holy shit I looked good; my skin radiated the rich,
deep, copper splendor of the best tan I’d ever had, my
usually blandly brown hair was alive with natural
sunny highlights and my body was firm and tight from a
week of dancing, swimming and fucking.

It was a weird sensation, feeling good about my
appearance. I’d been such a frumpy dork as a teenager.
All through school I had awful braces, ugly glasses,
bad skin, lank hair and a wardrobe of oversized hand-
me-down sweaters and thrift store skirts my
obsessively thrifty mother foisted on me. I had gotten
my act together since then, but that kind of self-
doubt puts down deep roots.

Rick was always pushing me to wear skimpier, slinkier
outfits when we went out, but I just didn’t feel
comfortable in that slutty shit. So you can imagine
the fit I threw when I found out he had booked us in a
“clothing optional” resort in Mexico for our vacation.

Oh it was bad. Especially since I didn’t discover his
little trick until we were being shown to our room. I
demanded we leave immediately, but we were already
checked in so I agreed to stay one day. Then that
afternoon we were lounging by the salt water pool and
I saw a fat couple lolling around in the buff so I
worked up my courage and took off my top. Rick kept
bringing me daiquiris and my mood kept improving.
Pretty soon I was hanging out bare ass naked. Me!

It got really weird when this Canadian lawyer swam up
and started hitting on me. I was flattered, he was
pretty handsome, but I turned him away of course. When
I looked around to see where the hell Rick was, I saw
him lurking by the bar: watching. He immediately
brought me back to the room for some energetic, and
very imaginative, lovemaking. As we lay holding each
other afterwards, Rick admitted he gets really turned
on when other guys ogle me.

Now don’t get the impression that Rick is some
cuckold-wannabe. He’s a big, manly, good-ole-boy who
runs his dad’s successful custom glass and mirror
company. But for some reason he just likes it when
guys check me out. So, I spent the entire vacation
undressed or barely dressed as I strutted around and
flirted while Rick hung back and got hornier and
hornier. We’d fuck two or three times a day and I got
to feeling like quite a hot piece of ass.

And you know what? If felt frickin’ awesome.

So there I was, back at home, between those two
mirrors, checking out my body. I was lifting my boobs
up to check if my tan extended to the girls’ under-
crease when Rick walked in.

“Oh, that’s what a man likes to see when he comes home
from work,” he said.

“Hey studly,” I said with a big smile as I struck a
centerfold pose.

“How was your first day back?”

“It sucked,” he said glumly as he came over to take me
in his big powerful hands and lean in to kiss me.

“You should’ve taken an extra rest day like I did.”

“They knew I was back in town. They’d have been
calling me all day anyway.”

“Why, was the place a smoking ruin when you got back?”

“Not quite. We had an emergency with a weird custom
job. You know that place on the east side of town
called Swankies?”

“What, the nudie bar everyone calls Skankies?”

“Yeah. They had ordered a big box made of two way
mirrors with the mirror surfaces facing in, but
Murray, the stupid fuck, build it wrong way out. So
they had to rebuild it over the weekend and we were
late with the order. I had to go out there to smooth
things over.”

“My poor studly, he had to go to a strip club for work
today,” I said with more than a little sarcasm.

“Hey, the Monday afternoon talent isn’t exactly the
cream of womanhood.

I feel like my eyes got crabs looking at that bunch.”

I laughed, but a detail of his story was bugging me.
“Why would they need a two way mirror box with the
mirrors facing in?”

“‘Cause the guys can see in and from the outside it
looks like there are a zillion girls dancing. But it’s
real freaky from the inside. I got in there to test
the joins and it’s like being in a huge room full of
your own duplicates.” He looked at the two mirrors
facing each other in the bathroom, displaying a lined
up army of me-clones. “Like with these two mirrors,
but closer and on all four sides.”

“Wow,” I said, thinking it over. “So the girl in there
wouldn’t see the audience I guess.”

“Nope, just herself; lots and lots of herself.”

The idea of dancing nude in a small box among a sea of
my own duplicates while being watched by men I
couldn’t see caught in my brain like a barb. It would
certainly make it easier to do something like that if
you couldn’t see the perverts leering at you and you
knew they couldn’t lurch up and touch you.

“Hey, doesn’t Swankies have an amateur night?” I

“Yeah, their sign said every Monday nigh…” Rick’s
mouth dropped open as I stood grinning at him.


So there we were, in the parking lot of Swankies. We’d
decided to go after ten so there would be a bigger
crowd. The anticipation had been driving Rick nuts.
Rick kept asking me if I was sure I wanted to do this
in a tone of voice that left no doubt that he hoped I
was. I confirmed I was still willing, but I was
feeling really nervous. Swankies is in an iffy part
of town and the clientele I saw entering the place was
noticeably rough looking and “ethnic”, if you know
what I mean. I was glad I had a big guy like Rick with

“You seem nervous,” he said.

“Of course I am. It wouldn’t be a thrill if I wasn’t.”

“I got something that might help that,” he said and
pulled a joint out of his shirt pocket.

I’m not as fond of weed as Rick and his buddies, but I
like it for special occasions and I certainly
considered this occasion more special than most. We
smoked it down to a uselessly tiny roach and
unsteadily pulled ourselves from the acrid fog of the
car. As we moved in slow motion towards the entrance I
felt distinctly groovy and light headed.

Swankies was a cool place to be stoned. Neon lights,
strobes, mirrors and loud, loud music flooded through
me. I looked at the stage but didn’t see the mirror
box. I briefly wondered if the alleged box was one of
Rick’s tricks to get me there to strip; like his
little nudist resort stunt. But I just laughed at the
thought, mostly because I was so frickin’ high.

Rick guided me to the bar and started talking to the
bartender but I didn’t hear, or care about, a thing he
said. I was watching some Latina chick with a big ass,
droopy tits and a collection of homemade tattoos
strutting around on runway to an extra base-heavy
version of “Poker Face”. When I looked down at the
crowd I saw a lot of guys looking at me hopefully.

A slick looking white guy in a shiny suit came out and
spoke to Rick for a bit before escorting us through
the crowd to a hallway in back. A neon sign said “VIP
Rooms”. He showed us into a largish room where only
the base track from the music out front penetrated.
The room was dimly lit, painted red and floored in
scuffed and faded red linoleum. There were a few
chairs scattered about but on one side of the room
stood a glass box; seven feet tall and a yard square
at the base. It was dark, like a monolith.

“So your girl wants to do the Infinite Glory huh?” he
asked with a leer.

“Wow, Infinite Glory?” I asked, laughing like a stupid
stoner chick.


“We’ve discovered a… um, exhibitionist streak in our
relationship,” said Rick.

“Gettin’ hard core, huh?” said the manager gesturing
towards the box. “But I don’t judge. Just get her in
there and I’ll announce that we’re having a special
show.” Then he left.

“This is gonna be awesome,” I said with a spacey

“So you’re still into it?” Rick asked.

“Heck yeah. How do I get in there?”

Rick showed me how the back opened and how the colored
neon lights mounted into the corners worked. It blew
my mind. Standing in there with a multitude of me
stretching off in every direction lit in yellow, pink,
purple and blue, I felt like I was in a crazy dream. I
tried dancing, but it was a little tight for anything
more than just wiggling in place.

“Hey, what are these things?” I asked, indicating
three clear Lucite knobs inside the box. They were
attached to the inner mirror surfaces on either side
of the door as well as on the door itself. They were
about three feet off the ground and attached at the
center to three inch circular plugs of mirror mounted
to their panel in clear plastic flanges.

“I don’t know,” said Rick. “I know they pull out. I
think they must be for ventilation or something.”

“Oh, I have such a smart, studly man,” I said throwing
myself at him and kissing him deeply. I felt his hard-
on already uncoiling in his jeans. We made out for a
while. We probably would have ended up having sex
right there if the manager didn’t come back in.

“OK love-birds, break it up, it’s show time. Get in
there honey and I’ll let the guys in.” He was rushing
me like he was worried I’d change my mind.

I felt my knees go weak. I thought, Holy shit, I’m
actually doing this as I climbed inside.

“Hey, sweetie: ain’t room in that thing to strip. Just
take your clothes off now,” said the manager.

I looked at Rick who had that goggle-eyed, horny look
I’d gotten to know so well in Mexico. Taking that as
his final acquiescence I pulled off my tight yellow
dress and shed my bra and panties as they both
watched. Winking once at Rick, I climbed into the

The manager poked his head inside just before shutting
the door. “Just dance around in there until you get
good and hot. When you’re ready just open the holes
there and get to work,” he said before closing the
door and turning off the lights.

Perhaps it was because I was stoned; perhaps it was
because I was nervous and horny; but It didn’t occur
to me that the box had an odd ventilation system. Nor
did it occur to me what he meant by “get to work”
after I had opened the vents. I didn’t really have
time to consider it because within a few seconds the
neon lights came on and began flashing through blue,
pink, purple and yellow while music started up and
flooded the box with pulsing, thumping sound.

I started dancing.

As I said, there wasn’t a whole lot of room in there
so I didn’t really dance so much as writhe around in
time to the music. I twisted and stretched, ran my
hands all over my body, pushed my tits and ass up
against the glass and even played with my pussy and
boobs a little. All the while I watched a multitude of
me reflected off into the four corners of infinity;
looking sexy and awesome in the shifting colors of the
pulsating neon lights. I almost wished I could see the
guys out there looking in and lusting over me so I
could get confirmation I was looking as hot as I
thought I did.

And speaking of hot, it got really hot in there really
quickly as I danced around in that confined space.
Soon my skin was covered with a gloss of sweat that
started to run down my body and soak my hair. When the
second song ended, I decided it was time to get some
fresh air so I reached behind me, took hold of the
little Lucite knob in the door panel and popped out
the circular piece of mirror.

I thought I heard a noise over the start of the next
song but I ignored it as I popped the other two
circular plugs out of the holes in the side panels. I
was certain I heard a noise then; like a cheer or

These guys must really be into proper ventilation, I
thought to myself.

So, I started dancing again. Since I was so wet with
sweat I thought it would look awesome to my anonymous
audience if I slapped my tits against the front of the
booth and slid them down the glass. I was pushing back
from this move when I ran right into a dick. It was
poking through the hole in the back and aimed right at
my pussy. It actually slipped in a little before I
jumped up in surprise and looked down at my
ventilation holes. Plump, veiny cocks were sprouting
from each one. Those weren’t ventilation holes, they
were gloryholes.

Have you ever not gotten a really obvious joke and
then feel stupid when the punch line belatedly makes
sense to you? That’s how I felt when the phrase
“Infinite Glory” suddenly popped into my head as I
looked down at those proud penises reflected over and
over and over in the collection of parallel mirrors. I
turned around to stare into the front panel of the box
as if the power of my glare could melt through and set
Rick on fire. Damn it Rick, I thought. This is going
way too fucking far! He had tricked me again.

I turned back towards the door panel but those pricks
were still there pointing at me; two black, one white.
They sure looked eager; so hard; so enticing. I was
pissed at Rick for popping this crap on me
unexpectedly, but… If this kind of thing turned him
on… Well, I couldn’t deny being curious. Besides, I
was so fucking horny and that big, dusky center dick
was so long, thick and tempting. I mean, it was what
Rick wanted, right?

I turned around and pushed my ass towards the big
ebony shaft. I felt it slip up along the wet crease of
my pussy so I reached under and pushed it back towards
my vag. Good God, it was fat. I felt my lips get split
wide and my insides get stretched tight as it pushed
into me. I slid by ass back until I couldn’t take any
more cock and it started working in and out, fucking
me deep. I reached to each side and started stroking
the other two cocks.

When I looked at myself in the front mirror I saw a
sweaty, wild eyed slut with disembodied cocks in both
hands. When I turned towards the side I saw the same
slut with a big black dick fucking her from behind,
seemingly from out of nowhere. That’s when I came; the
first time anyway.

I started “dancing” again; moving back and forth on
that monster prick as I ran my fingers along the
underside of the other two in time with the music. My
left hand popped the first one off pretty quick and
long streamers of cum shot out to splat onto my feet.
It felt hot and slick. Soon after that, the huge
shaft inside me began to pump and I settled back onto
it to let it fill me.

When it withdrew I turned around to show off my
stretched out, gaping pussy to the front panel as
gooey torrents of white slime flowed from my hole to
run down my thighs and drip to the floor in long
strands. Watching in the mirrors, I felt my lust jump
to near feral intensity. Looking down I saw all of the
glory holes were full again. I sank to my knees and
eagerly got to work.

It wasn’t hard managing three gloryholes at once. I’d
suck one and jerk two, making sure to cycle around so
everyone got some mouth time. Some tasted nasty, some
were fresh, some where cut, some where not; but I was
in such a state of heat that I eagerly took them all.
I could tell when one was about to shoot because
slick, slimy flows of glossy pre-cum would squeeze out
onto my hand or across my tongue. When I knew it was
about to erupt I’d get in front of it and let it coat
my face or tits with pumping jets of spunk.

When presented with a cock I particularly liked I’d
get up to push my pussy back onto it and let him fuck
me as I fingered my clit. Once either I got off or he
did, I’d be back on my knees; milking and sucking;
milking and sucking.

I got filthy quickly. I enjoyed watching my progress
in the mirrors as I got coated in flows of dripping,
stretching strands of frothy viscous cum. I’d blow
bubbles of the stuff as layers of if flowed across my
lips. I’d play with it, stretching long filigrees
between my fingers, face, tits and a procession of
flush, twitching cocks. I’d push my sticky tits up to
slurp quantities of it from my flesh as I stared with
wicked eyes out into the musky mirrored universe of my
little box.

Time seemed to fade into a meaningless abstract as my
entire being became focused on penises and sperm,
sperm and penises. My only goal was provoking the next
eruption and feeling the hot splat of spunk on skin or
the salty overripe melon taste filling my mouth to
overflow with a burst of man seed. It was like I was
drunk on the stuff; high on pheromones. I grew greedy
for more as semen bathed my skin, filled my belly and
flooded my womb.

It was something of a surprise when, after an eternity
of sucking and jerking, a smallish black dick in the
back gloryhole withdrew after filling my mouth with a
heavy load and a replacement didn’t automatically pop
in to take its place. With relief, for my jaw and
hands were growing sore and my skin crusty, I realized
that I had taken care of the whole crowd. I turned to
face the front of the box and squatted with my thighs
wide as I slowly stroked the last two pricks.

I was barely recognizable under a blanket of the
doomed genetic effluvia of an unknown number of
strangers and my distended pussy dripped with a sick
slag of spent sperm. I knew Rick was out there looking
at me. I wondered what he thought. Did he get what he
wanted from his little trick? I hated to admit it, but
once again I was glad he’d lured me into his depraved
fantasy. I would never have agreed to something like
this if he’d leveled with me first.

The cock in my right hand suddenly threw its load out
in long streamers that hung on my tits and brought me
back from my thoughts. I decided I’d treat the last
cock to my pussy. I bent over and put my ass up
against the hole and let him slide easily inside me.
He didn’t last long.

Spent, I sagged onto the sperm soaked floor of the now
filthy Box of Infinite Glory as the lights turned off
again. I looked up as the door panel open and there
was Rick.

“Thanks for the surprise,” I said thickly through lips
sticky with cum.

But I noticed he wasn’t smiling. His face was white;
his eyes wide in shock. He opened his mouth to speak
but no words came out. He just looked at me blankly.

“Oh shit,” I said. Obviously this was all a surprise
for him too.

“I’m… I’m so… um, sorry?” he said.

Maybe it was because I was still high on weed; maybe
it was because I was drunk on the musky scent of the
pheromones; maybe it was merely because of the
comically wide-eyed look on my boyfriend; but whatever
the reason I just started laughing. “I thought this
was the next step in your little fantasy,” I was
finally able to say.

“No. No, it wasn’t. Not at all,” sighed Rick. He
stammered for a bit before finally spitting out, “But
the weird thing was that I got really fucking turned
on watching you in there. I don’t want to be into that
kind of shit. But that was so fucking sexy. ”

I laughed again. “How many guys did I do?”

“I counted twenty two, might’ve been more.”

“Wow,” I said as he pulled me up off the floor. “Hey,
since we’re both into this…”

“The manager said they always have a good crowd on
Friday,” said Rick quickly.

I smiled up at him and he blushed; embarrassed by his
transparent enthusiasm. I was already looking forward
to Friday.

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