Debbie gave me the first and last blow job of the rest of my life

“Time enough for that later, my love,” she whispered. “Soon. Soon
your little thing will stop rising altogether, and your nipples
will complete their growth, and you’ll find they more than
substitute for your penis as erectile erogenous centers. Two for
one! Another few weeks of milkshakes and they’ll reach full
plumpness. Then we can caress each other and suckle each other to
our heart’s content. And men can too if you wish! They’ll want to!

Her hand reached to stroke my hip, then to caress it, then to raise
the hem of my dress until it found the elastic at the top of my
panties. It squirreled its way underneath and took complete
possession of my prick, her hand wrapped tightly around it as it
plumped up. A little. Her other hand, I realized, had also
reached under my dress and also had hold of my panties, and was now
pulling them down. I returned one more lingering kiss,
passionately. I was completely hers!

And she whispered to me in an intense hiss, “Already this thing
doesn’t really harden any more! Soon you won’t care. Soon you’ll
want Sandra to give you something nicer down there for us to play
with. For your men and your women to play with. But now, while it
still matters to you, while you’re still a little bit responsive,
I want to keep my promise. Whenever you want it, while you still
want it, Samantha, just ask me!”

Debbie sank down in front of me, pulling my panties down as she
went. When she was on her knees and her beautiful head was just at
the level of my crotch, she inclined the whole of my slack penis
into her mouth and pulled on it with her lips. That was what I
had once wanted. Her tongue licked it. It felt warm and wet,
wonderful! That was all I had once wanted. But now? Slowly,
deliberately, with artful dexterity, her eyes calmly gazing into mine,
Debbie gave me the first and last blow job of the rest of my life.

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