Girls Just Want to Have Cum

She couldn’t have stood closer to me if she were an Italian
businessman. The top of her blonde head came to my nose,
her sky blue eyes to my chin. I had to bend my head quite
a bit to really see her face. Perfect white teeth framed
by sexy pink lips smiled up at me. I smiled back.

“Hi,” her voice was not the high pitched parody of a voice
that many girls effect. It was natural, rich, and … sexy
for lack of a better word.

I was confused. Granted, there was more than a couple of
people in the place, but there was no need for her to be so
close. I tried to step back. For a moment, I could note
that she wore a short, logo tee shirt, cut short enough to
move over her tummy when she moved, but covered it to the
waist of her faded hip buggers when she stood still. Then,
she filled the gap with her body.

“Hi,” she said again, filling the gap in conversation.
After I didn’t respond, she added, “I’m Karen.”

Then, she giggled.

She also weaved a little as if the resulting body motions
disturbed her balance enough to need correction. This led
me to guess that Karen was now drunk. Corroborating
evidence existed in the form of our current place of
occupation being a college hang out, and her being a
college student.

“Hi,” she added after allowing me to make the response I
didn’t make. She, then, giggled, then steadied herself

Finally, I answered. “Hello, I’m Kenny.”

“Hi, Kenny.” She giggled again. “I’m drunk.”

“I see that.”

“You do?” Her surprise was clear. “You can tell?”


“What else can you tell about me?”

“You’re a student at the University.”

“Wow, you’re psychic.”

“Not really.”

“Oh,” she said with a hint of disappointment. Then she
perked up. “So, can you tell that I like cum.”

She picked a bad time to say that. I almost choked on a
swallow of beer, trying not to spray it all over her. She
laughed out loud, when she saw the shock register on my

“I’ve already have five loads. Do you want to be the

My confusion only grew. “What?”

“See those guys over there?” She pointed to three guys
near the window. “I blew them all under the table. Two
other guys left after I snuck them into the john. I want
to have all the guys here feed me their cum.”


She took my hand. “Come on, let’s go.”

She led me over to the restrooms and started for a second
to push the door to the ladies room. She stopped, formed
an evil grin, and turned to the men’s room door. Another
girl came behind us.

She said, “go ‘head and do it Karen. That’ll be so cool.
I’ll keep watch for you.”

Karen opened the door and shoved me inside in front of her.
The two stalls were doorless. Each had a single stainless
steel toilet. She guided me inside the far one, turning me
around to face her. With a little awkwardness, she sank to
her knees then shed her top.

“Don’t want that to get messy,” she said as she shucked her
bra as well. Crowned by smallish aureoles with gumdrop
nipples, her breasts were tiny, even on her small, thin
frame. I gawked at them while she massaged my growing
erection through my pants. “Wow, you got a big one.”

She moved a hand up to my zipper as she continued to feel
my penis through my slacks. With an easy motion, she
pulled it down and reached inside the fly of my
undershorts. She fought unsuccessfully for a moment to
pull my member through it (was that fly actually designed
to have a penis pulled through it?). Giving up the
struggle, she unbuckled my belt and unbuttoned my pants.
With a hard tug, she pulled them and my underwear to my
knees and exposed my erect penis.

“Mmmmmmmm,” she moaned in approval before covering the
glans with her mouth. She ran her tongue over it for only
a moment, before she began to violently bob her head over
the first couple of my eight inches. It became my turn to
moan while she fucked her face with my cock. I closed my
eyes from pleasure in the feeling and reopened them to find
her staring up at me with those blue eyes smiling at me in
place of her occupied lips.

It had been awhile for me since I lacked a girlfriend at
the moment. Also, she seemed uninterested in anything
other than forcing me to the quickest of orgasms. Soon,
she reached her goal, and gritting my teeth behind a low
groan, I exploded in her mouth.

As I caught my breath, I looked up from watching her
swallowing to see another guy standing behind her. He wore
a good copy of the confused look that I had myself at the
beginnings of this adventure. With my glans still in her
mouth, Karen turned around.

“Goodie!” she said letting my shrinking penis fall out. A
small stream of my ejaculate ran down her chin.

With just a moment’s hesitation, Karen turned around to
face the newcomer. She easily pulled his still mostly
flaccid penis out from his fly as I pulled up my pants.
She quickly took him into her mouth and started to play
with his testicles and scrotum. I pulled up my pants and
refastened them. Having completed this, I sat on the
toilet and kissed her on the top of the head.

“Thank you.”

She mumbled something like “You’re welcome” around the
growing erection. The other guy sucked in his breath when
she did this and placed his hands on her shoulders. I
squeezed past them. At the door, I turned around and took
one more look at her bobbing head and her perky young
breasts, before I stepped out of the restroom. Back in the
bar proper, I turned and ran like hell out of there before
the inevitable happened: she got caught, and I would never be
allowed to show my face there again.

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