I cheated my husband

I came across this sex – story website and I thought I d share my experiences about how I cheated on my husband Chuck with our neighbor, Jacinto; I can’t say I’m proud of it, but on the other hand I’m really not ashamed of it, as it was really hot and felt absolutely natural; it s also kind of fun and naughty to write about it. First a little about myself; I m not a grammar nazi or even close to being a skilled writer; I even had to go online and read a bunch of erotica just to get a feel for how I wanted to write about my experiences without sounding like an illiterate jerk, so that s what I m doing, with “names changed to protect the guilty”, (lol) and things changed around just a bit so in case Chuck (or anyone else who knows us) doesn t recognise anyone or anything. My name is Alexis, but everyone calls me “Lexi” and I m a cute, petite brunette, 5 4″ with shoulder length light brown hair, big, bright green eyes and a nice trim figure with a firm, heart – shaped little butt (I actually won a “Perfect Ass” award in high school), and I have very nice “B” cup (almost “C”) breasts with puffy nipples; as for the rest of my body, well, my husband Chuck calls my vagina a “little rose bud with delicate petals, ” I know, a little weird, but kinda sweet at the same time. I have a very high sex drive and when I told my OBGYN about it she suggested medication to “throttle it back”a bit, but more about that later. In spite of my high sex drive I m relatively (or should I say “was”) relatively inexperienced sexually; my husband Chuck is a little older than I, and ours is his second marriage, but it’s my first at the ripe old age of 19 (tho I m 22 as of this writing). When we were first married, Chuck had a lot more sexual experience than I, and admittedly I was a little envious and a lot curious. So, there’s my “intro” and now I’ll tell my tale of love and lust. My story begins one cool summer morning in sunny Southern California; it was a Saturday and we had plans to go to the beach with our neighbors, a couple we were just getting to know, Nicolette and Jacinto. Nicolette works as an office manager for a doctor and is a stunning redhead with big boobs and an hour – glass figure; she has these huge brown eyes with eyelashes that just won t quit; she flutters those things and men just fall all over themselves (including my husband Chuck). Jacinto is a handsome, hunky, tanned and muscular 6 2″ fireman with a VERY nice body, and he and Nicolette

(we call her Jo) had moved into the house next door a few months ago, and the four of us hit it off right away and started doing BBQ and swim parties, going to the beach, concerts, out to eat etc. Something worth mentioning at this point is that when Jacinto and Nicolette were moving in Chuck and I went over and offered to help them, and they graciously accepted, with introductions all around. Jacinto looked sexy as hell in his jeans and old – fashioned white t – shirt with the little straps that showed off all his muscles; at one point Jacinto was coming one way down a hallway jammed with boxes, and unbeknownest to one another I was coming down the hallway from the other way, and as luck would have it we got “stuck” together in the middle; I said, “OMG, we re stuck together! NOW what are we going to do?” Jacinto let out a little chuckle and grabbed my hips and moved me forceably but gently to the side, but paused for just a second as his midsection met mine; by this time I was holding his muscular arms in both hands as an excuse, as if to guide us, and as we pressed together oh – so – tightly as we squeezed past each other I gave my hips a litle wiggle like I was trying to help free us, and oh MY(!) did I get a good “sense” of his manliness! As we got “unstuck” we both laughed a little, and he winked at me as I careessed his arm and slowly walked away. It was an brief but amazing moment, and we both knew “what was up, ” as they say. A little later I saw Chuck helping Nicolette , and he briedly Anyway, it s about 11:00 o clock Saturday morning, and Jo and Jacinto come over to the house, we re all chatting back and forth, and I ask Jo if she remembered the tequila; now, this isn t just ANY tequila, this is the tequila that a celebrity discovered down in Old Mexico and then brought it to market in the U. S. where it s sale flourished quite nicely, as it s not only superb blue agave tequila, it supposedly has “special” properties due to the particular blue agave that’s used and the original “recipe”; it s expensive and hard to find, but surprisingly smooth and tasty, and worth every penny. Anyway, Nicolette FORGOT to bring the tequila, the ditz! Since the Chuckster is practically in love with Nicolette (they get along very well, maybe a little too well) Chuck then volunteers to run to the other end of town to get a bottle, as he says he knows for a fact a liquor store, “Mazzotti s” that carries it, and he and Jo are going to get it since Jacinto and I are “boring and he wants “interesting” company for the hour round trip. Chuck and Jo are always doing this kind of thing since they love to mess with Jacinto and I, so we humor them as to give the appearance we don’t give a damn, so Jacinto and I are like, “whatever”, just hurry the hell up, the clock is ticking, it s a beautiful day and I for one want to get to the beach as I m a total beach – bunny – windsurfing – nut and I have a new thong I want to show off and so does Nicolette (I know this because Jo and I went swimsuit shopping together). Finally, after a seemingly endless amount of trash – talking, Chuck and Jo get their butts in gear and out the door, and as Chuck closes the door behind him he gives me a little wink and says, it COULD take longer than an hour, so “don t get any funny ideas. ” Now, at this point I have to divulge that Chuck and I haven’t been friends with Jo and Jacinto for all that long, but we have really clicked with them and we are all very comfortable in our relationships with one another; like I said, we really haven’t known them for very long, but we hot tub, party, and even went to the nude beach with them once where I got a good look at Jacinto’s near perfect body (and wonderfully large penis). We all just take things in stride, just the SoCal lifestyle I guess! However, the sexual tension had been growing between Jacinto and I, and Jo and Chuck seemed like they were becoming a little “friendlier” as well, but nothing to worry about; no one was becoming jealous or anything, Like I said, we were all becoming good friends and also becoming very comfortable with one another. I had been giving little hugs to Jacinto here and there over the past few weeks, and the last time we were all hanging out Jacinto and I were alone in the kitchen making drinks and I gave him a nice sexy kiss on the neck and when he laughed and flexibly pulled back a little, I quickly leaned in and planted another nice wet one right on his lips, then let out a giggle as if stealing a kiss from him was the most innocent thing in the world, but deep within I was hot for Jacinto and I wanted him to know it. It s worth mentioning that up to this point I had only three lovers (including my husband Chuck); one in high school, one after high school, and then when I was nineteen I met and within a year wed Chuck, but both of those pre – Chuck relationships were old – school, old – fashioned “romantic” monogamous relationships; I never had wild, hot, erotic, spontaneous just – for – the – hell – of – it sex (except with my former “official boyfriends” and Chuck) but now an opportunity was presenting itself with Jacinto, and I was seriously considering doing something about it. I know, what a little whore, right? But I knew Jacinto really liked me too, and you would have to see Jacinto before you could judge me, besides, Chuck and Nicolette were having a “thing” and lord knows how far they had gone, but I digress. Something worth mentioning at this point is that when Jacinto and Nicolette were moving in Chuck and I went over and offeredto help them, and they graciously accepted, with introductions all around. Jacinto looked sexy as hell in his jeans and old – fashioned t – shirt with the little straps that showed off all his muscles; at one point Jacinto was coming down a hallway jammed with boxes from one direction, and unbeknownest to one another I was coming down the hallway from the other direction, and as luck would have it we got stuck in the middle together; I said, “OMG, we re stuck together! NOW what are we going to do?” Jacinto let out a little chuckle and grabbed my hips and moved me forceably but gently to the side, but paused for just a second as his midsection met mine; by this time I was holding his muscular arms in both hands and as we pressed together oh – so – tightly as we we squeezed past each other I gave my hips a litle wiggle like I was trying to help free us, and oh MY(!) did I get a good “sense” of his manliness! As we got “unstuck” we both laughed a little, and he winked at me as I careessed his arm and slowly walked away. It was an brief but amazing moment, and we both knew “what was up” as they say. A little later I saw Chuck helping Nicolette , and he briedly held her by the hips, then her arm as he guided himself around her to grab the other side of a smal table she needed help with; they were laughing and joking the whole time, and I could see they were establishing their own “connection”. That was when we first met and things progressed from there to Chuck taking off occasionally with Nicolette to run small errands, etc (including ones like buying tequila). Anyways, finally we hear Chuck s jeep pull out of the front drive and roar off into the distance; I went to the fridge and grabbed a couple of beers, popped the tops and didn t ask Jacinto if he wanted a beer or not, I simply handed him one and told him to “drink”. He remarked that it was kind of early to start drinking (ever the fireman) but he accepted and guzzled down half a bottle to my two little sips. We joked about forgetting the tequila, and Jacinto wondered aloud just how long it would take them to return; I replied, “why, are you afraid to be alone with me?” Jacinto said of course he was, me being the “wild little minx” that I was! We both got a laugh out of that and I said, “look, I want to show you something, but first I need to close the drapes. ” We were in the living room and I didn t feel like giving some kid or delivery guy a free live show; Jacinto was like, “Just WHAT are you going to show me, Lexi?” I crossed the room and with a few quick yanks I quickly closed the drapes. I told Jacinto, “Now watch closely! I dropped my beach shorts and slipped off my tank top all in one motion; Jacinto let out a low whistle while ogling my body, me in the middle of the living room in my new thong, which totally flattered my ass, and with my swim top BARELY containing my boobs, my nipples hard as glass; Jacinto s mouth fell open, and I won t say his eyes literally bugged out, but I definitely got his attention(!) It was pretty chilly that morning as we lived near the beach and the fog had not yet lifted; I was glad of that as my nipples were very cold and Jacinto couldn t take his eyes off them, and as I turned and modeled my thong, I noticed he was eyeing my ass BIGTIME. “Like what you see Jacintoy?” I coyly asked. Jacinto nodded silently then with a couple of quick chugs finished his beer. I finished my beer also and asked Jacinto if he wanted another; Jacinto said that yes, he thought he could really use one more, but he said he needed to “get rid of the first one”, and headed toward the bathroom; I glanced down at Jacinto’s crotch and could see a significant bulge in Jacinto s shorts that told me all I needed to know… “Oh hey, you know what, I think I ll get into my swim suit while I m at it” Jacinto said nervously as he grabbed his gym bag off the kitchen counter. I waited until Jacinto closed the bathroom door and began peeing before I crept up and put my ear to the door; he was pissing like the ever proverbial race horse; a loud thundering stream, and that may not turn on some girls but it sure did me(!) I didn’t have to imagine his size, as like I said before, Chuck and I had hot tubbed and been to the nude beach with he and Jo, and now I was more than curious about how it felt, rather than how it looked. I listened intently and could hear the slight rustle of clothing and his belt buckle clanking about; I figured he was probably naked by now (and he hadn t locked the door) so I flung the door open and quickly stepped in before he could stop me; there he stood, naked as the day he was born; “Lexi!” He exclaimed, “What the HELL?!” “Oh, quiet! I commanded. “I know you want me” I quickly lifted my top over my breasts and dropped my bottoms; Again Jacinto s eyes were just about to pop out of his adorable head, but I didn t give him any time to retreat; I dropped to my knees and quickly took his big cock in my mouth, and began to suck greedily; “Oh my GAWD Lexi, we can t DO this!” Jacinto wailed… As I caressed his lean, muscular buns, I said, “it’s way too late, the wheels are already in motion. ” With that I took his entire semi – hard dick all the way into my mouth while fondling his balls with my left hand and rubbing his ass with my right; Jacinto s cock was growing larger and I was finding it difficult to “contain” him. I stood up quickly and facing him, hopped up on the vanity next to the basin with my butt hanging off the edge and my legs spread wide, toes gripping the edges of the marble vanity; while balancing myself I pulled Jacinto to me and guided his mostly hard dick to my pussy. “Lexi, we can t! What if we re caught!” Jacinto whined; I told him to relax, we had plenty of time, that is, if we didn t waste it; Jacinto was saying “NO NO!” but his body was saying “GO GO!” “Look Jacinto” I began, “If you want me you’re just going to have to trust me, NOW is the time, so, do you trust me, yes or no?” Jacinto was puzzled; “What do you mean, Lexi?” “I mean, we’re good friends and I’m going to do right by you and I trust you to do right by me, so DO YOU TRUST ME?” Jacinto said that he did, and I know it was just because he wanted my body real bad, and that was fine, we would talk later, but right now was thr time for ACTION. With that, I guided his big dick to the entrance of my moist pussy and braced myself on the vanity with one hand while holding Jacinto s firm butt – cheek in the other; “C’mon Jacinto, you like me, I know you do” I implored; Jacinto finally got with the program and with one large hand grabbed my left butt cheek and with me still holding his cock, Jacinto took over and with a single deft motion he forced the head of his big prick into my horny, wet vagina; I gasped from the pain and began quivering, but was exited more than anything; It was easy to tell Jacinto was well – practiced, and I knew right then our tryst was going to be fucking HOT; I shivered in anticipation and thrust my hips forward; I grasped Jacinto’s tight buns in both hands and pulled him in as he quickly penetrated me ; I had never done anything like this in my life, and it was wildly lustful and exciting, almost overwhelming…. I began thrusting my hips, working Jacinto s cock deeper into my pussy and Jacinto began reciprocating… Within a couple of minutes of me barging in on him, I was atop the sink vanity, legs spread wide with Jacinto balls – deep in my innocent pussy… even though I was very wet, as Jacinto fucked me I found I could barely take him; he was stretching my pussy far beyond any cock (or vibrator) I’d ever had, but there was nothing I could do… his cock was fully inside me now and he began pumping rapidly, his big balls spanking my ass …. suddenly Jacinto pulled out, pulled me down off the sink, spun me around facing the mirror, bent me over the basin and entered me from behind, his big hands cupping my butt – cheeks, pulling them up and apart while he sunk his big meat deep into my naughty, wet pussy; I imagined he had quite the view as he could see my face, tummy and breasts in the mirror, and of course from the rear he had an unobstructed view of my horny little ass and beaver taking his big cock ; after a several deep strokes Jacinto lifted my right leg and placed it up on the edge of the sink; he began going faster, slapping his big balls into my pelt, me crying out in ecstasy…. Jacinto was moaning with pleasure, pausing now and then, his right arm wrapped around me, his thick fingers working my pussy while his left hand fondled my breasts all the while fucking me steadily and deeply… Chuck and I had done it many times in this position, but Jacinto’s thick cock, long muscular arms and big hands were able to reach places simultaneously in a way, a very good way, that I had never experienced before, and yes, I was becoming excited, very excited; Jacinto began to moan loudly, I knew he was going to cum, but I briefly broke out of my sex – stupor and pulled away; Jacintos cock made a loud “THOCK” sound as it pulled free of my vagina;

I quickly spun around and again jumped up atop the sink, my legs spread akimbo; I implored Jacinto to make me cum; I promised would play “porn star” with him if he did; He nodded slightly not knowing what I meant, but he would soon find out; I slid way out to the very edge of the vanity and was barely holding on; I wanted my butt as far out as possible for the deepest penetration, and with Jacinto s thick 9″ cock the penetration was going to be considerable, and I eagerly anticipated the torrid ball slapping my ass was going to take in this new position, but suddenly I had an idea; “Jacinto; carry me just like this (as I wrapped my legs around him) out to the couch” I instructed; Jacinto did so, and as we made our way to the sectional his cock buried deep in my pussy my legs wrapped tightly around his waist, all the while thinking must be the cheater’s version of carrying your new cheating – slut – wife over the threshold; I ordered Jacinto to go over to our new leather sectional, and I climbed down off his big dick and got on all fours in front of Jacinto; “C mon baby, give it to me like this” Jacinto came up behind me and pushed the head of his cock against my warm, wet pussy lips;

Jacinto slid his big dick all the way in, and after several deep strokes with Jacintos ball sack spanking my naked bottom I was DONE; I heard myself cry out and my body began to jolt out of control; I had NEVER had such an intense orgasm…. I humped Jacintos huge dick until I was fully satisfied; once I stopped quivering I remembered my promise to Jacinto; I slid down in true porn – star – fashion and began sucking his thick, juicy cock; I know what you re thinking, but I was still in the throes of the best orgasm I d ever had (in fact, I was still cuming a little bit) and besides, I didn t taste too bad actually; I didn t gag or anything, and Jacinto was definitely enjoying himself; he started to cum and I pulled his cock out of my throat and began jacking him wildly while rubbing his cock on my face and sucking and tonguing his swollen, purple dick head; Jacinto finally let out a deep groan and cut loose a huge stream of hot, thick cum that shot across my lips and cheek and who – knows – where – else; I kept jacking and tonging Jacinto s spasming cock until I figured he was almost finished, then I took his whole length into my throat and jacked the very base of his cock; Jacinto groaned loudly and I felt his dick throbbing between my lips as he finished cumming ; I kept going until Jacinto begged me to stop, and through a dense fog of lust I realized that it would be a good idea to maybe get cleaned up, as Chuck and Nicolette would soon be returning(!) I got some wash cloths out of the hall closet and doused them with hot water, and Jacinto and I quickly “neatened up”. We hurriedly pulled on our swim suits and over clothes and retreated to the living room. We sat on the couch in silence for a few minutes and I asked Jacinto if he wanted a beer after our “workout” and Jacinto said yes, that sounded great. As I got up to walk to the fridge, my cell phone rang and it was Chuck who exclaimed that Mazzoti s was out of the tequila, they were going to have to drive to the next town over to get it at another specialty liquor store; I started to tell Chuck to forget it, but then I had an idea; “Ok Chuck go ahead, the fog hasn t burned off anyway (which was true, I didn t care to go to the beach just to sit in the gloom and shiver from the cold ocean breeze). I asked Chuck how much longer he thought they would be, and he said it would probably take another hour, as they were already at the far end of town and now heading even further north. I told Chuck that would be fine, but if they didn t have the tequila to just pick up some regular tequila and we would make do. Chuck agreed, and we hung up. Now, you may be thinking, “Why didn t Chuck just call ahead and save himself all those trips?” Well, for one, we tried that before and both liquor stores would say they had the tequila when they didn t or vice – versa; also, I KNEW Chuck was enjoying his alone time with Nicolette (and I was definitely enjoying my time alone with Michael) so why split hairs? Chuck was happy driving all over creation with Nicolette , and I was happy for him (and me too, lol). After I hung up, I nuzzled up next to Jacinto and holding my beer in one hand I held the back of his neck firmly, drew him to me, and gave him a deep, passionate kiss; Jacinto responded in kind and we had quite a nice “moment”. “Lexi, that was absolutely wonderful, you are truly an amazing, beautiful and awesomely sensuous young lady” Jacinto proclaimed. “Thanks! You re not so bad yourself!” I replied, and leaned in for another kiss. “What do you think Jacinto? It looks like time is on our side. ” Jacinto knew exactly what I meant and said he needed a few more minutes, but that yes, he was would definitely be “up” for some more hijinks(!) We drank our beers and chatted like nothing had happened between us, but we were making plenty of eye contact, Jacinto s hazel eyes were twinkling, and we were both smiling slyly, almost trying not to, as we chatted and kissed. finally able to reach his mouth; I began lapping at his lips and he returned the favor, sucking and licking the tip of my tongue; It was ecstasy, lust in its purest form; as he continued to stroke my clit, I took Jacinto’s hand and showed him how I liked my pussy stroked even more; MFinally, the time was right and I told Jacinto to sit back; I took his beer and set it on the coffee table, he protested but I scolded, “SIT BACK!” and shoved him backward on the couch, both hands on his muscular chest; I was already straddling him with my arms around his neck, boobs in his face, and laughing like I d just played the best trick in the world; I told Jacinto that I thought he might like another “close up” of my breasts and I pulled my top up and off; Jacinto didn’t need any coaching and began caressing my ass cheeks while sucking and kissing my nipples; I was becoming more and more excited, nipples hardening, areolas swollen; it became very obvious that I was once again fully aroused and this was NOT lost on Jacinto, as he reacted immediately and squeezed my nipples while he held me tight to his crotch where I felt his cock growing bigger; I starting dry humping Jacinto; I whispered to him that I had never before had casual sex with a friend, let alone twice – in – a – row with a friend, but here we were; Jacinto remarked, “Well there s a first time for everything”, as we chuckled together; Jacinto suckled my left breast; I put my right breast in his face; he grabbed it and eagerly pressed my boobs together and went wild on my nipples… I was LOVING it and was very moist, ready to make love again and not shy about showing Jacinto how I felt; I slid my left hand down and began rubbing his big bulge which was now VERY thick and LONG; “Oh my goodness, I said as I stroked him firmly over his shorts; Jacinto moaned, clutched my ass tight and went after my nipples with renewed vigor; he was going wild and it hurt, but oh, it felt SO good and I certainly wasn t going to stop him(!) I began unzipping his shorts but remembered underneath he had on his swim trunks; I stood up and said, “Hurry, let’s get naked”. That s all I had to say; as I got up off the sectional, Jacinto pulled firmly on my thong, and off it came; I stood there, naked as the day I was born, except for the bra top dangling loosely around my waist; I ignored it and instructed Jacinto to stand up; I yanked his shorts down, then gently bit his big tool through his trunks; he groaned and I untied the drawstring and quickly pulled his trunks down; his big dick sprang free and I began sucking it greedily while playing with his balls; Jacinto groaned loudly as his cock throbbed a couple of times and he came in my mouth a bit; I swallowed eagerly then started taking his length; I almost choked, but it was just TOO good and oh, SO naughty… I fingered myself as my head bobbed up and down on his cock and I inadvertently made some loud slobbering noises that made Jacinto even harder; he grunted something about “Nicolette not doing this” and suddenly shoved me back, roughly spreading my legs while pulling me forward on the sectional, my butt cheeks on the edge, Jacinto kneeling between my legs spread wide while pushing his big dick forcefully into my wet pussy; “I TOLD you I liked a lot of foreplay, Jacinto!” I scolded, but I wasn t angry, and oh, how our juices were mingling! I felt like the world’s biggest slut, fucking my husband’s best friend behind his back, not just once, but TWICE. It was all so unbelievably hot; Jacinto began gently pumping in and out, pushing in just the head of his cock, then pulling out, then in and out again and again and again; I was VERY wet now; suddenly Jacinto pulled back, let out a moan and shot a thick jet of white cum across my tummy and pussy fur; “Oh, damn, I m sorry Lexi!” Jacinto whispered; “Are you ok?” I assured him I was better than ok; it turned me a LOT actually, as occasionally Chuck and I would watch porn together, and in one video the same thing happened between a very hot couple; the guy had a big dick (like Jacinto) the girl was a cute little brunette (like me) and now I was she, the slutty little porn star, cum glazing her little bush, and well… . the very thought of that scene DID it for me, I thrust my hips forward and pulled Jacinto’s buns in until he was deep in my turgid, wet pussy; Jacinto grabbed my buns and began thrusting more fully now, penetrating me repeatedly, deeply…. I cried out in pain and pleasure; I was beside myself with lust and began reciprocating his thrusts; I was eager to take all he could give; Jacinto was eager himself, and stroked strongly and persistently until most of his cock filled my pussy, and almost by serendipity we strongly thrust as one and Jacinto forced his big, throbbing prick deep into my aching cunt; as I felt our silky pubic patches mesh, I writhed in pleasure beneath him; I heard myself say, “Fuck me Jacinto, oh yes, please FUCK ME!”; Jacinto did just that, thrusting slowly at first as if to test my limits, then at my urging, faster and faster, his big balls slapping my ass repeatedly in a lustful cadence; I raised my legs, wrapping them around his waist then reached up and grabbed his balls; as Jacinto paused for a breath, I massaged my ass crack with them ; it felt so good to have his big balls on my wet, naked ass… I finally let loose and spread my legs wide; Jacinto began pumping until his thick cock was repeatedly and fully penetrating me; he was pulling his cock all the way out except for the very tip then re – entering me again and again, each time his enormous prick stretching my pussy until I could take no more; like some lust – crazed porn slut I cried out, “You fuck SO good! I LOVE YOUR COCK SO MUCH!” Jacinto seemed to get a second wind and thrusted SO me passionately with the lust only he could provide in our adulterous morning tryst; suddenly I had a wild urge and told Jacinto to spin me around and take me from behind; he began to position me for doggy – style, but I had other ideas and leaned back into him ; he got the picture, and with Jacinto in a semi – lying position leaning back into our sectional, I spooned with him, spread my legs wide and from behind helped him insert his thick penis into my eager wet hole; I then pushed into him and his huge pole penetrated me roughly and in true porn – star fashion; Jacinto held my legs open by raising my left thigh up with his left hand, and with his right hand holding my waist he had me locked in place and began thrusting at a very different angle, that was stimulating my clit and my G spot simultaneously; Mmmm….. I was enjoying this new position! Jacinto s cock satisfied me in a way I had never dreamed of; all of a sudden I spasmed from the intense stimulation and let out a little fart; Jacinto chuckled and with his right hand began massaging my clit; I moaned and craned my neck to an extreme angle and tongued Jacintos neck and was ike must’ve really liked this as he suddenly let out a loud moan; I felt his cock jerk and he thrust it deep; as he came, he thrust and rotated his hips while he rubbed my tingling clit; I had never experienced such intense sex… I would say intense love – making, but there was no love in our hook – up, only raw LUST… I was experiencing new sensations in my vagina and my body; I began mewling loudly, almost uncontrollably, as I finally gave in to a mind – shattering orgasm; I thrashed and bobbed wildly, but Jacinto was holding me firmly by the waist and thigh and controlled the action so I wouldn’t “slip off” ; …. suddenly he began ejaculating, and in the excitement he slipped out and a thick stream of hot ejaculate found its way across my tummy and breasts, completely coating my left areola; I immediately guided my tit to my mouth and gobbled Jacinto s love cream off my nipple; Jacinto excitedly guided himself back in and continued fucking me; as his cock spasmed over and over I could feel his warm cum fill my pussy; our mingled juices were all over my wiggy and ass, also the sectional… .. , and that s the last thing I remembered; a series of sharp jolts surged from deep within my vagina, up through my body and finally my vision clouded over… .. suddenly I awoke to Jacinto urgently asking “Are you ok Lexi, are you ok?! I laughed weakly and replied, “yes, I m fine, just a “petite mort” is all”. Jacinto looked puzzled and wondered aloud what “Petite Mort” meant(?) “The little death” I

finally able to reach his mouth; I began lapping at his lips and he returned the favor, sucking and licking the tip of my tongue; It was ecstasy, lust in its purest form; as he continued to stroke my clit, I took Jacinto’s hand and showed him how I liked my pussy stroked even more; MFinally, the time was right and I told Jacinto to sit back; I took his beer and set it on the coffee table, he protested but I scolded, “SIT BACK!” and shoved him backward on the couch, both hands on his muscular chest; I was already straddling him with my arms around his neck, boobs in his face, and laughing like I d just played the best trick in the world; I told Jacinto that I thought he might like another “close up” of my breasts and I pulled my top up and off; Jacinto didn’t need any coaching and began caressing my ass cheeks while sucking and kissing my nipples; I was becoming more and more excited, nipples hardening, areolas swollen; it became very obvious that I was once again fully aroused and this was NOT lost on Jacinto, as he reacted immediately and squeezed my nipples while he held me tight to his crotch where I felt his cock growing bigger; I starting dry humping Jacinto; I whispered to him that I had never before had casual sex with a friend, let alone twice – in – a – row with a friend, but here we were; Jacinto remarked, “Well there s a first time for everything”, as we chuckled together; Jacinto suckled my left breast; I put my right breast in his face; he grabbed it and eagerly pressed my boobs together and went wild on my nipples… I was LOVING it and was very moist, ready to make love again and not shy about showing Jacinto how I felt; I slid my left hand down and began rubbing his big bulge which was now VERY thick and LONG; “Oh my goodness, I said as I stroked him firmly over his shorts; Jacinto moaned, clutched my ass tight and went after my nipples with renewed vigor; he was going wild and it hurt, but oh, it felt SO good and I certainly wasn t going to stop him(!) I began unzipping his shorts but remembered underneath he had on his swim trunks; I stood up and said, “Hurry, let’s get naked”. That s all I had to say; as I got up off the sectional, Jacinto pulled firmly on my thong, and off it came; I stood there, naked as the day I was born, except for the bra top dangling loosely around my waist; I ignored it and instructed Jacinto to stand up; I yanked his shorts down, then gently bit his big tool through his trunks; he groaned and I untied the drawstring and quickly pulled his trunks down; his big dick sprang free and I began sucking it greedily while playing with his balls; Jacinto groaned loudly as his cock throbbed a couple of times and he came in my mouth a bit; I swallowed eagerly then started taking his length; I almost choked, but it was just TOO good and oh, SO naughty… I fingered myself as my head bobbed up and down on his cock and I inadvertently made some loud slobbering noises that made Jacinto even harder; he grunted something about “Nicolette not doing this” and suddenly shoved me back, roughly spreading my legs while pulling me forward on the sectional, my butt cheeks on the edge, Jacinto kneeling between my legs spread wide while pushing his big dick forcefully into my wet pussy; “I TOLD you I liked a lot of foreplay, Jacinto!” I scolded, but I wasn t angry, and oh, how our juices were mingling! I felt like the world’s biggest slut, fucking my husband’s best friend behind his back, not just once, but TWICE. It was all so unbelievably hot; Jacinto began gently pumping in and out, pushing in just the head of his cock, then pulling out, then in and out again and again and again; I was VERY wet now; suddenly Jacinto pulled back, let out a moan and shot a thick jet of white cum across my tummy and pussy fur; “Oh, damn, I m sorry Lexi!” Jacinto whispered; “Are you ok?” I assured him I was better than ok; it turned me a LOT actually, as occasionally Chuck and I would watch porn together, and in one video the same thing happened between a very hot couple; the guy had a big dick (like Jacinto) the girl was a cute little brunette (like me) and now I was she, the slutty little porn star, cum glazing her little bush, and well… . the very thought of that scene DID it for me, I thrust my hips forward and pulled Jacinto’s buns in until he was deep in my turgid, wet pussy; Jacinto grabbed my buns and began thrusting more fully now, penetrating me repeatedly, deeply…. I cried out in pain and pleasure; I was beside myself with lust and began reciprocating his thrusts; I was eager to take all he could give; Jacinto was eager himself, and stroked strongly and persistently until most of his cock filled my pussy, and almost by serendipity we strongly thrust as one and Jacinto forced his big, throbbing prick deep into my aching cunt; as I felt our silky pubic patches mesh, I writhed in pleasure beneath him; I heard myself say, “Fuck me Jacinto, oh yes, please FUCK ME!”; Jacinto did just that, thrusting slowly at first as if to test my limits, then at my urging, faster and faster, his big balls slapping my ass repeatedly in a lustful cadence; I raised my legs, wrapping them around his waist then reached up and grabbed his balls; as Jacinto paused for a breath, I massaged my ass crack with them ; it felt so good to have his big balls on my wet, naked ass… I finally let loose and spread my legs wide; Jacinto began pumping until his thick cock was repeatedly and fully penetrating me; he was pulling his cock all the way out except for the very tip then re – entering me again and again, each time his enormous prick stretching my pussy until I could take no more; like some lust – crazed porn slut I cried out, “You fuck SO good! I LOVE YOUR COCK SO MUCH!” Jacinto seemed to get a second wind and thrusted SO me passionately with the lust only he could provide in our adulterous morning tryst; suddenly I had a wild urge and told Jacinto to spin me around and take me from behind; he began to position me for doggy – style, but I had other ideas and leaned back into him ; he got the picture, and with Jacinto in a semi – lying position leaning back into our sectional, I spooned with him, spread my legs wide and from behind helped him insert his thick penis into my eager wet hole; I then pushed into him and his huge pole penetrated me roughly and in true porn – star fashion; Jacinto held my legs open by raising my left thigh up with his left hand, and with his right hand holding my waist he had me locked in place and began thrusting at a very different angle, that was stimulating my clit and my G spot simultaneously; Mmmm….. I was enjoying this new position! Jacinto s cock satisfied me in a way I had never dreamed of; all of a sudden I spasmed from the intense stimulation and let out a little fart; Jacinto chuckled and with his right hand began massaging my clit; I moaned and craned my neck to an extreme angle and tongued Jacintos neck and Jacinto must’ve really liked this as he suddenly let out a loud moan; I felt his cock jerk and he fucked it deep; as he came he thrust and rotated his hips while he rubbed my tingling clit; I had never experienced such intense sex… I would say intense love – making, but there was no love in our hook – up, only LUST… I was experiencing new sensations in my vagina and my body; I began mewling loudly, almost uncontrollably, as I finally gave in to a mind – shattering orgasm; I thrashed and bobbed wildly, but Jacinto was holding me firmly by the waist and thigh and controlled the action so I wouldn’t “slip off” …. suddenly he began ejaculating, and in the excitement he slipped out and a thick ribbon of ejaculate found its way across my tummy and breasts, completely coating my left areola; I immediately guided my tit to my mouth and gobbled Jacinto s spunk from my nipple; Jacinto excitedly guided himself back in and continued fucking; as his cock spasmed over and over I could feel his warm cum fill my pussy; our mingled juices were all over my wiggy and ass, also the sectional… .. , and that s the last thing I remembered; a series of sharp jolts surged from deep within my vagina, up through my body and finally my vision clouded over… .. suddenly I awoke to Jacinto urgently asking “Are you ok Lexi, are you ok?! I laughed weakly and replied, “yes, I m fine, just a “petite mort” is all”. Jacinto looked puzzled and wondered aloud what “Petite Mort” meant(?) “The little death” I explained, it s what the French call an intense orgasm that causes a woman to temporarily black out… Jacinto said that had never happened to Nicolette when they made love, and I lied that it had happened a couple of times with Chuck when in fact it had not, I just didn t want Jacinto to get too “cocky”, this was a first for me as well; I was both overwhelmed and fulfilled, if you will. We held each other for a few seconds, marveling at the incredible sex we had just experienced together, when I cooed in Jacinto s ear that it looked like he now had a new girlfriend on his hands, and Jacinto chuckled a little and replied, “I guess I DO have a new girlfriend and you have a new boyfriend, too!”. We kissed deeply as if to “seal the deal”, then suddenly I remembered something; Lorenzo s specialty foods was on the way to the liquor store where Chuck and Nicolette were going to get the tequila and they just MIGHT have stopped there instead, and if Lorenzo s had the right tequila, well sir, then they would just about be right down the block and rounding the corner for home! I hurriedly told Jacinto to make it look like we had been waiting around doing nothing; I had him turn on the TV and he found “Casa Blanca”; I told Jacinto, “THAT is what we have been doing, watching Casa Blanca!” then I told Jacinto to get out some more beer, light some incense and that we had better VERY quickly get ourselves cleaned up and together(!) Jacinto got me a hot wash cloth and a towel and I cleaned up on the spot while he did likewise in the bathroom. The sectional’s cushions were totally slimed, but luckily Chuck and I had sprung for a leather sectional, and it was a relatively easy clean up, considering the volume of cum – and – pussy juice. I went into our second bathroom and quickly finished cleaning up and collected Jacintos washcloth and towel along with mine and stashed them in the garage under a stack of old towels and shop rags. We got our swim suits and over shorts on and waited, nervously sipping our beers. Jacinto began getting nervous about our hook up, you know, getting caught, feeling guilty and all, but I told him to keep his mouth shut and let me handle everything; I laid out the story that we both had to stick to no matter what, and Jacinto readily agreed; I also told Jacinto when he and Nicolette got home that evening for him to make mad passionate love to her, but don t pamper her TOO much, as women have that suspicion gene, you know? It was looking like Chuck and Nicolette did go to the more distant liquor store “Mazzotti s” as it had now been a full hour, so Jacinto and I looked around and made sure there was no more “evidence” of our hook – up. Suddenly Jacinto licked his fingers and began giving me a spit – bath; I HATE spit baths(!) so I asked “just what the hell are you doing?” Jacinto pointed to my cheek and said, “Well Lexi, you d better go clean that up”. I wondered what he was talking about so I went into the bathroom, looked in the mirror and had a “Something About M@ry” moment. My right hoop earring, cheek and hair above my ear had some now half – dried spunk congealing there, and again I thanked the gods for our good luck and the extra time we were afforded as I cleaned Jacinto s luv cream from my face and hair. Just then we heard Chucks jeep pull into the driveway; I told Jacinto, “Now, watch the master at work and don t worry about a thing. ” Jacinto nodded his agreement, and at that moment in walked Chuck and Nicolette with the specialty tequila, Chuck making a big deal out of how terrible traffic was, the clerk couldn t find the right tequila, (Nicolette nodding and playing along all the while) how a UFO had landed right in front of them on the freeway(!) etc, etc, etc. Anyway, I could tell Chuck was bullshitting as he always WAS a terrible liar; they had parked somewhere and made out for a while, I was sure of it, while Jacinto and I (ahem) did just a TAD more than make out. We mixed up a pitcher of margaritas and I had to admit they were very good and just what Jacinto and I needed to take the edge off and cool down “afterward”. Nicolette mixed up a big plastic jug full using the rest of the tequila, and as I cleaned up I saw a receipt from Lorenzo s; They HAD gone to the closer store! This meant that they had indeed parked, and for a good forty five minutes at least; this was all I needed to distract from anything that Jacinto and I did. We finished our margaritas and we all went outside and Chuck and I strapped the windsurfer to the top of our jeep, we all piled in and off we went to the beach; We had a great time; I put my windsurfer to sea and as I sailed across the waves, the warm summer breeze in my hair and the sun on my body, I felt absolutely glorious; windsurfing was my life, and right now it was just what I needed to clear my head; I realized how good life had been to me, was being to me: it felt amazing, alone on my sail board out on the Pacific; freshly bedded, my libido sated…. As the salty spray misted my face I reminded myself, it wasn’t the first salty spray I got that day! As far as Jacinto, he and I never let on a thing, as I told Jacinto to just follow my lead and for the rest of the day we flirted like we always did, just enough so that it pissed Nicolette off a little, but too bad, that s what she got for making out with Chuck. Later that evening, I asked Chuck what had taken so long, as they had bought the tequila at Lorenzo s which was no longer than a 45 minute max round trip, but it took them at LEAST an hour and twenty minutes total; I accused him of diddling Nicolette , and red faced, he finally admitted that he and Jo had a little make – out session, but swore that was IT and to please let it go, and that he loved me and would make it up to me; I suddenly had a brainstorm; I told Chuck that he was one lucky SOB, that I had been having fantasies about him and Nicolette “together”, so it “actually kind of turns me on, ” I lied. Chuck was incredulous but I convinced him a little making out between he and Nicolette was not really a huge deal, “especially considering what I have in mind”. Chuck couldn t believe his ears and he kept probing and cajoling me in regard to getting with Nicolette , but I just tossed off his questions with a casual, “Yeah, I really don t think it s a huge deal, especially between good friends, as long as both parties involved keep their heads on straight, blah, blah, blah. ” I also told him that all this talk about he and Nicolette was getting me hot and now he knew how to really make me horny. With that I proceeded to give Chuck the best blowjob he d ever had. Now, you might ask, “How do you know it was the best blowjob Chuck ever had?” Because I made damn sure of it, that s how. I was well – prepared for this moment; I had douched and pleasured my asshole with my well – lubed, thick 9” vibrator (the one Chuck didn’t know about). I almost fainted from the girth of the big dildo stretching my asshole so wide, but after several attempts I inserted it all the way. In fact, I went ahead and buzzed myself pretty thoroughly while I was at it; I mean, why go thru all that pain without getting a little pleasure from it? Besides, I needed to be ready for Chuck…. to give him a night of love he would never forget; our sex lives were never going to be the same, of that I was sure, but I digress. Anyway, I told Chuck, “Hey listen, why don t we do a little doggy style?” Chuck loved dog style and was quick to agree, especially after getting himself all worked up with Nicolette . After his cock was good and slick with my saliva (and a little of his cum) I got on all fours and stuck my butt up in the air and wiggled seductively until I felt Chuck grab my hips, his hard cock probing my pussy; I let him enter me; it was SO hot; I let Chuck fuck me while I moved my ass back and forth seductively and OH YES, he fucked me like a wild man, but before he could cum, I moved forward a little and his hard dick popped out with a loud “phuck” sound. I backed up to him, grabbed his cock and guided it to my asshole; his dick was nice and slippery and even tho it didn’t look it, after taking the big vibrator my butt – hole was all set for some naughty anal. “Babe, are you sure you wanna DO that?” Chuck exclaimed; “Sure I m sure Chucky, don t you?” I replied. “Yeah, I LOVE your sweet, beautiful ass!” His voice broke he was so excited; I guided Chuck s hard, slippery prick to my asshole and pushed back to accommodate him; Chuck groaned with lusty pleasure as he entered me; “Oh, FUCK sugar plum, you are SO fucking HOT. ” “I TOLD you I was horny”, I fibbed, but actually it was only a little fib, and I enjoyed the anal just fine; I m not really a big anal fan, but the situation called for it considering I had just fucked his best friend’s brains out, so I figured he deserved some special attention. Besides, the whole situation turned me on to no end; I was rapidly transitioning from a relatively innocent, young married woman to a raging nympho and loving every minute of it; Oh WHAT I had been MISSING. I told you at the beginning of my story that I had a very high sex drive and it s the truth; I explained to my Doctor that I was practically a nymphomaniac and she told me she could put me on medication to curb my sex drive, but Chuck would have none of it, so Chuck and I had discussed me taking on a lover to satisy my insatiable sex drive rather than being on some unnatural medication (if it came to that) and as long as we were honest with each other, we could work it out, and I was to just do “what came naturally” and to let Chuck know what was going on as it transpired. Well, the time had “cum” and I would let Chuck know in due time, but in my own way; in the meantime, I would treat Chuck like a king, a sex king if you will, with me as his sex slave. Anyway, where were we? Oh yes, Chuck continued probing my asshole. pulling his cock almost all the way out, then plunging his fat, dog – red dick back in, over and over; he marveled at the view, and wondered aloud if he could cum in my ass; “better than that babe, I want to play porn star” I managed to groan out. Chuck stopped pumping and exclaimed, Oh my gawd baby, CAN WE?” We had played ” porn star” a couple of times in the past, once when Chuck gave me my engagement ring and once on our wedding night, oh, and once on his 25th birthday (I almost forgot about that one!) I told Chuck to let me know when he was ready; I let him know he was in for something really special. “I m ready NOW Lexi” he grunted. With that I pulled free of his cock, jumped off the bed and knelt on the floor in front of him; “I m ready baby, give it to me” I begged, but before Chuck could do anything I grabbed his balls in my left hand, and his slippery shaft, fresh from my ass in my right, and started sucking and jacking his cock; Chuck was beside himself; he was both delighted and intrigued but most of all he was simply loving the hot anal and blow job… He could not believe what was happening; I told him to take over when he started to cum, that I wanted his load all over my face and mouth; that did it; Chuck pulled free of my grasp and began furiously wanking his big slippery dick and it didn t take but a few seconds before he began spurting furiously; I didn t flinch and close my eyes like those dumb porn stars; I let Chuck cum all over my face, hair, lips and in my mouth; Chuck was incredible! I couldn t believe the amount of cum that he was glazing me with; my face, hair shoulders and tits, were all coated with hot spunk, with Chuck all the while moaning and grunting like some wild animal. When he was finally finished but before his cock could go down, I told him to feed me the rest of his cum; I grabbed his dick, wiped the cum from my cheeks, forehead and chin; I guided all that gooey, yummy cum into my mouth using his dick as the world’s naughtiest squee – gee. As I gobbled his cream, I paused here and there to suck and kiss his tender cockhead and tongue his pee – hole and helmet; he winced a couple of times, but allowed the naughty game to continue. When we were finished he brought me a warm wash cloth and I cleaned up and also wiped Chuck down. After a second warm wash cloth we were all nice and clean and we got into bed and cuddled. Chuck was beside himself; “OMG babe, I will do ANYTHING for you, ANYTHING at all, just say the word. ” I was tempted to say, “Ok, fuck Nicolette for me. ” But I held off; best not to tempt fate so quickly… In the following evenings Chuck and I spoke or should I say communicated more intimately than we had in a long time; he told me he was totally hot for Nicolette , but would NEVER cheat on me or hurt me in the LEAST. The time was “ripe” as they say. I told Chuck that I wanted him to fuck Nicolette , and eventually I wanted to watch, maybe even have a three way, and Chuck was all for it, but worried how to fit Jacinto into the picture. “He s my best friend, we can t just leave him out, Lexi” He exclaimed. I told Chuck that if it had to be that way, yes, we could include Jacinto; he and I would play while he and Nicolette hooked up, and I thought it would be ok, but I fibbed that I had always thought of Jacinto mostly as a “big brother” and of course this arrangement would have to be ok with everyone, so we had better have a talk with the two of them next weekend. Chuck said that would be fine, he and Jacinto could talk after they golfed, over a couple of beers and “You and Nicolette can talk after your womanly shopping”. So, it was SET and with a minimum of fuss; I made sure that I played the concerned wife; “Gee Chuck, I m good with you and Nicolette , you guys have a natural affection between you and I really AM ok with you guys hooking up, but Jacinto and I… I m just not… . SURE, you know? By that Friday Chuck was practically BEGGING me to bang Jacinto and I finally agreed with the caveat that if ANYONE had the least compunction about ANYTHING, we would “pull out” so to speak. Saturday arrived and I went shopping with Nicolette and Chuck went golfing with Jacinto. It was a piece of cake talking Nicolette into swapping hubbies since she had the hots for Chuck already, but she wondered aloud if Jacinto would want to “do it with you” as he had his “fireman image to worry about”, and “he can be kind of shy sometimes” and “He thinks of you as a little sister”, etc, etc. I could see from Nicolette s response that she and Chuck were perhaps a little closer than I realized, but by the same token it showed that she and Jacinto weren’t as close as I believed, and that s when I decided that it would be a good time for “seconds” with Jacinto, as if anyone chickened out Jacinto and I would get in another “lovemaking” session regardless, and besides, it looked as if everything were falling into place, so why not take advantage of the situation? The next day I texted Jacinto at the firehouse and asked him if he wanted me to pick him up the following morning which was his day off; he texted me back right away and said that would be great, as Nicolette had to work and his truck was in the shop anyway, but he wondered what I was going to do about work? I texted him that I would take the day off and we could spend it together in a cheap hotel somewhere, but I had to know in advance so I could plan. Jacinto texted back that he would LUV to do that, but what about Chuck and Nicolette ? I texted Jacinto back to not worry so much, everything was going to be fantastic. I took the day off work and told Chuck I would be out delivering legal docs (as I m a Registered Paralegal) so if he wanted to get hold of me to call my cell; I didn t want to fuck up and drop the ball at this point in our relationship(s), so I left nothing to chance. Jacintos day off arrived and I picked him up about a block from the firestation so none of his firefighter buddies would rib him (or bust us) and he would tell Nicolette he just got ride home from one of the guys. Our little tryst came off very nicely, and I did a little repeat of what I had done for Chucky, less the anal, as nobody gets my little anal ring except my husband Chuck. I know, I know, the little slut all – of – a – sudden gets a conscience, right? Well, as a matter – of – fact, I did tell Jacinto this had to be the last time we “snuck one in” because I was feeling pretty guilt lately, and even if our four – way arrangement worked out beautifully, there would be NO more sneaking around as far as I was concerned, unless we all agreed on something like that as a group, but that would reamain to be seen. Jacinto was fine with it as he was an easy going guy, and he also knew I meant what I said. I dropped Jacinto off a block from home as I didn t want the neighbors mentioning anything to each other or especially to Chuck, then I weant shopping for some sexy new lengerie to wear for “the boys”.

The days rolled by and Jacinto continued to play his cards close to his chest not letting anything slip as Nicolette seemed perfectly naive and oblivious to any “monkey business. ” Everything was going great… To make a long story short I spoke with Nicolette , and Chuck spoke with Jacinto and Jacinto played it perfectly; Chuck kept after him for a WEEK (I was SO proud of Jacinto) until he finally “capitulated. ” Jacinto told me later that Nicolette was even pushing him to hook up, but I sould tell that she was being very careful not to overstep her bounds and seem too eager, but I think maybe this was just Jo being Jo, she was a very mannerly person and not at all pushy; I chuckled to myself imagining her trying to get Jacinto to agree to the swap; “It will be ok, all four of us will be doing it, and Lexi really likes you” etc, etc. At any rate, after poor Jacinto finally “gave in”, we arranged a get – together BBQ with Margaritas of course, and the four of us talked it over; the pluses and minuses, any concerns or gut feelings, health concerns etc, (there were none) and we all took a turn talking about how we felt about the whole “thing”. Surprisingly (or maybe NOT so surprisingly, as maybe he was still playing his cards close to his chest) Jacinto was the least enthusiastic, but said that he “loved us all and would be willing to give it a go” but if ANYTHING bad happened or ANYONE was the LEAST BIT uncomfortable, before, during or after, THAT would be IT, NO MORE sex romps(!) Finally we came “to terms” then we had a nice surf and turf BBQ and arranged our get – together for the following Friday; The girls would “host” at their own home so as to be completely comfortable, and the guys would “travel”; we would spend 4 hrs together and the guys would come home no later than 1:30 am; The following Friday came pretty fast ( so to speak) and everyone had MAJOR butterflies, and we were ALL pretty hyped at the thought of having sex with each other’s spouse (YIKES) but no one seemed weirded out in the least, just eager and kind of giddy. Once Chuck was at Jo’s house and Jacinto was with me at our place, Jacinto and I went to our guest room, turned the lights down low, and began caressing and kissing affectionately, starting off pretty slowly as we had plenty of time for lots of hot foreplay and were both super excited at knowing we would be “immersed” in each other in a very short time; I told Jacinto I wanted us to strip each other and just enjoy being naked for a while; we did just that and we both got SO worked up it was insane; I think that Friday evening we did just about everything lovers could do together; after LOTS of foreplay we sixty – nined then Jacinto entered me and he stayed buried in my pussy for over half an hour only changing positions when I mentioned that I wanted to switch to cowgirl; Jacinto was able to hold me in place and smoothly execute a snap – flip and viola! Just like that I was a baloney – pony – riding – cowgirl – slut! Straddling him with my boobs in his face, I told Jacinto to close his legs and I started riding him hard, slapping my butt cheeks into his balls over and over again; our guest room smelled of sex and sweat as I furiously rode Jacinto’s thick cock; Jacinto grabbed my buns firmly and spread my cheeks wide so he could drive his big meat deep, and drive it deep he did; again I envisioned a slutty, hot porn girl performing at her utmost, so I imitated another move of hers and remembering the mirror on our guest room closet door, glanced backward and OMG, did I ever get an eyeful; my cute, heart – shaped ass split by Jacinto’s over – sized tool; I clasped its thick root with my wet, horny twat as I reached around to play with his balls, then I leaned forward and rode his cock even harder, spanking my butt down repeatedly on his balls at delicious angles, my breasts with their hard nipples bouncing up and down and swinging all around; meantime Jacinto doing some turgid thrusting and grinding of his own; along with all the deep kissing I felt like the biggest whore in the world but loved every second of it; I hated to admit to myself I was as intimate and giving with Jacinto as I was with Chuck, and the sex was nothing if not phenomenal, porn stars had nothing on us. We finished with a bang, and I thought we broke the bed, but a quick check later proved it to be ok, so go figure? I asked Jacinto how he liked having a girlfriend now, and I could tell the thought of it took him back a bit; “I guess I DO have a girlfriend now, and YOU have a new boyfriend as well! Wow, I never thought about it that way, Lexi, that is incredible HOT!” I told Jacinto that “Yes, it s pretty fucking hot, all right” and that it was now our duty to make our significant others BF and GF and Jacinto readily agreed. At any rate our hookup came off without a hitch, and Jacinto left about 1:10 am after lots of deep kissing and fondling at the front door; I quickly “freshened up” with Chuck’s favorite strawberry douche, and Chuck walked in around 1:15 am; I was waiting for him in a very sheer and naughty pink negligee with matching stockings but NO panties; as soon as he came in the front door he practically attacked me; we made love for over an hour, and that s when I knew our “arrangement” was going to work out (at least for Chuck and I). After we finished making love, Chuck asked if I was ok, and I told him “I m a lot better than ok” I explained to Chuck that having two hunky, hot studs in one evening was simply mind – blowing, and something that a lot of women would never get to experience; I also told him he was easily the sexiest, best – looking and hottest lover in the world, and it was to HIS credit my life was so good; he ate it up with a spoon, but heck, I really wasn t fudging by much, I truly love my husband (he really is a good lover). We had a restful night s sleep and late that morning as Chuck and I were having coffee, my phone rang and it was Nicolette ; she wanted to do lunch and talk about “things”; I took that to mean about our hubby swapping and I was correct; When it was almost lunchtime I called back and asked Jo where she wanted to meet, and she said to just come over to her place, she had some fresh bread from the Italian bakery down the block, and some good wine, cheese and fresh fruit and we could just have lunch by the pool, kick it, and talk. I loved these casual lunches with Nicolette ; she is absolutely the “hostesss with the mostest” who prepares the best refreshments, and you don t DARE lift a finger when she hosts. As soon as I showed up, Nicolette insisted we go for a swim; I had my teeny bikini on already under my clothes, so we headed for the backyard, stripped down and jumped right in; the water was cold but invigorating; we swam for a little while and Nicolette was particularly frisky, grabbing and trying to dunk me etc, but she s smaller than me (a true petite) and I easily overpowered her. We had a blast, and at one point her top came off, which was pretty sexy as her breasts are quite ample and damn near perfect. After the swimming and some spirited horseplay, we toweled off and laid out in the warm early afternoon sun, and Nicolette asked if I would put suntan lotion on her shoulders and back; I told her of course(!) and began applying the lotion all over her silky shoulders and back, and what the heck, I went ahead and did her arms while I was at it, then she did me, and gave me a little mini shoulder – massage while she was at it, which felt AMAZING. After 45 minutes of sunning, Nicolette asked if I was getting hungry (I was) and we went inside to grab a glass of wine and some lunch. Nicolette poured out two glasses of some kind of German white wine which was really good, and after we each finished our glass, she asked if I d like another massage, and of course I replied that I would LOVE another massage, and she said that we should go in the bedroom where she could give me a full body massage; my antennae went up; hmmm… Just WHAT did she have in mind? “Well, there s one way to find out”, I thought to myself. “let me brush your hair Lexi” Jo purred in my ear; Nicolette ordered me to sit on the bed and when I did so, she straddled me from behind and began gently, even lovingly, brushing my hair. When she was almost finished, she said that my swimsuit top straps were in the way, and slid them both down past my shoulders and continued with the gentle brushing, which was both relaxing and mesmerizing; Nicolette said that now she would be giving me a full body massage, and gently pulled both my bra cups off and began fondling and squeezing my breasts, pausing just long enough now and again to kiss my neck while she gently pinched my nipples, the way only a woman can. Do you like your full body massage? Do you want me to stop? Nicolette cooed in my ear; I then noticed her top was off as well; I hadn t noticed her slip it off, her being behind me and all, but her full breasts were now pressing lightly into me and I could feel her hard nipples drawing patterns on my back as she squirmed around. squeezing and caressing my breasts; “You don t think I m a lesbian, do you”? She purred; Heck no! I replied, do you think I m a lesbian for enjoying it? “Of course not!” Jo replied; Listen; I just wanted to see what Jacinto has been so mesmerized about for myself, and when I invited you over I thought we could both enjoy each other while getting a little insight into our hubbies behavior; is that so terrible? “I think it s a fabulous Idea”, I replied. Nicolette then backed up on the bed and urged me gently backward; she didn t have to work too hard at it, I ll tell you that much. Once she got me back to the headboard she had pillows stacked there and she got me propped up just a bit, then pulled out a large yellow vibrator and deftly pulled my thong bottoms off.

Inside I was freaking out, but I didn t let it show; I can be a pretty cool customer, and this was getting more and more kinky, but also erotic and intriguing. I told Nicolette that she had to take her bottoms off too, and with a sly little grin she remarked “how rude of me, treating a guest like that!” Jo quickly slipped off her bottoms and now we were both totally nude; Nicolette licked the tip of the big vibrator and inserted it into my moist pussy. She worked the tip of the big plastic dick up and down my wet slit then without warning turned it on high; I jumped with a start and Nicolette thought it was the funniest thing she had ever seen; she cackled like a hyena, but I wasn t amused and I told her she was going to have to REALLY make up with me for that little stunt; she said that she was sorry, and is this a little better(?) as she turned the vibrator down to low, reinserted the tip, then went down on me and began licking and sucking my clit and labia while slipping the tip of the big dildo in and out of my pussy; Talk about “making up” with me(!) I hadn t figured on oral, I thought Nicolette would just tease me a little with the vibrator, then we d break into a pillow fight or something, but no, Nicolette kept working the big vibrator into my eager wet cunny, twisting and turning it as she could feel me becoming wetter; she took my hand and placed it on the grip of the vibrator and whispered “Show me how you like it” I told her “I want you to kiss me” and we locked lips, her mouth tasting of my vaginal juices; her tongue probed in and out and in and out again, gently licking my lips, then down to my swollen nipples and back up again, all the while working the big plastic cock deep into my wet pussy; I took over and slid the big dildo – vibrator even deeper, then she held my hand in place as we both worked the laboring sex – toy to and fro, up and down and all around; Jo went down on me again and continued her licking and sucking; all of a sudden I started to cum, so I pulled the dildo out and my vagina made a loud sucking noise; I moaned loudly and shoved Nicolette s head roughly into my crotch and ordered her to eat my pussy; Nicolette didn t hesitate at all(!)and buried her tongue deep in my cunt while sucking wildly and lapping up my pussy juices… I orgasmed HARD while holding her head with both hands firmly in place, I was going just as wild as she was; in between the intense jolts of my orgasm I was moaning and yelling, saying things like, “eat me baby, I love your tongue SO much, oh, gawd I love your lips!” Finally my orgasm was complete and I retrieved the vibrator and before Jo could protest I shoved it into her pussy; she was very wet and it went in easily, right up to its ribbed grip; Nicolette jumped a bit, but there was nowhere to go as I was on top of her, pinning her down; she begged for mercy, but I wasn t hurting her, it was just her style, probably from being so petite and taking it from that well – hung, big fireman husband of hers; (actually, I think I begged Jacinto myself a couple of times). It wasn t long before Nicolette came HARD, what with the big vibrator turned on high, me grinding it in deep while sucking her nipples; Afterwards we lay in each other s arms giggling and caressing each other, and Nicolette told me she loved me. “You mean as a friend” I said, “not as in LESBIAN, right?” “No, just as a very dear friend, er, well, maybe a little bit of lesbi… . , I mean, OH SHIT, I don t know WHAT I mean! I just know that I want you, and well, this is really awkward, but, I want to be… . well, I want us to be lovers. ” I figured Jo was still in a sex stupor (the way I was after being with Jacinto) so I told her that I d love to hook up with her a couple of times a month, but we had to keep it to a friendly relationship, and if she REALLY loved me, she d respect my wishes and she said, of course, yes, and that she admired and respected me, and thought the way I had “engineered” everything was masterful, spectacular even, and that s when she KNEW she had to be with me. Jo took me totally by surprise with this “revelation” and I asked her “just exactly WHAT are you talking about?” Jo replied that she saw what was happening from the get – go, that she knew that Jacinto and I had sex the day her and Chuck went to get the tequila, and she “let it slide” because she knew that eventually either her and Chuck or Jacinto and I were going to “do it anyway”, it was simply a matter of time, and that she could tell from the way that Jacinto acted on the “tequila day” that something significant had occurred, but “I just watched and waited, and saw everything unfold perfectly. “But tell me this, how did you get Chuck to admit he wanted me, and how did you get him eager to be with me yet you and Jacinto were so, so… . “low key” even RELUCTANT to be together?” I said that I was dumbfounded that she had seen through me, but I admitted that she was 100% correct, and to please not tell Chuck; she laughed and said, “Are you kidding me? Chuck and Jacinto are both CLUELESS! All they know is that they re getting some great extra – curricular booty!” “Besides” Jo continued, “everybody s happy with the outcome and how smoothly everything worked out, so there s nothing to worry about anyways. ” I volunteered to Jo how I got Chuck to admit he liked her and then how I convinced him with a little anal sex that I wanted him to fuck her and how I played it coy once I mentioned it, letting Chuck “swallow the bait and run with it” for a while before I “set the hook” and “reeled him in”. As far as Jacinto was concerned, I explained that I played that coy as well, and since Chuck respected and trusted Jacinto already that piece of the puzzle fell in place easily. Jo asked if I felt guilty at all about manipulating everyone; I feigned indignance but then laughed and told her that we ALL wanted to get together so I just “helped things along a little bit. ” Nicolette jokingly remarked that I should have been an “Event Planner”; I told her I thought everything was working out beautifully and we began “comparing notes. ” Jo agreed all was well, “actually, a LOT better than just “well” she remarked, and mentioned that she thought Jacinto was hung a little better, but that Chuck stayed harder and had better stamina, but that Jacinto had big hanging balls that would spank your bottom at the hottest, naughtiest moments, but Chuck was a little better – looking and had lots of very hot moves, but that Jacinto was a little more macho, then there were the all – important hands; we both agreed Chuck had better hands, but Jacinto is no slouch coming in at a very close second place, and so on and so on. We both agreed that they were pretty damned equal when it came right down to it, and that it was to our good fortune (and pleasure) that we both ended up with a lover who not only was hot, sexy and good in bed, but whom we also “clicked” and not only could talk and laugh with but also cuddle with. Men don t seem to realize it, but we women are complex and practical creatures; a woman considers a good lover not just a guy with a big unit, but also a man who can satisfy her from beginning to end of the lovemaking “process”, including kissing, massaging, foreplay, the actual act of intercourse, then also the kissing and cuddling afterward. (And a good back massage can help a young lady’s outlook, oh – so – much). Now, on TOP of our husband – swapping, we also had “girl love” to satisfy us when we were in that “special mood. ” I couldn t believe my good fortune; my career as a paralegal was good and getting better all the time; the firm was asking me if I would like to become an lawyer, and they said they would pay for everything while I continued to work for the firm part – time; they believed I would, in time, become a good defense attorney, and I was ready to take them up on it (as of this wring I can tell you I did take them up on it, and so far it has been a lot of work, but fabulous nonetheless). But again, I digress. the lightbulb came on again and I had another naughty idea; I told Nicolette that there was one condition for me becoming her lover, and that was for her to help me convince the boys to have a four – way sex party; I figured the time was right, and besides, Chuck had been “prodding” me about letting him watch while Jacinto made love to me, and maybe taking some sex pics when Jacinto and I were together, etc. I figured the sex party would satisfy him (and me too!) Nicolette was all for the idea and she said we should casually mention the idea of how sex orgies seemd SO wild, and how it was kind of a turn on, then let the boys take it from there, like it was originally their idea. Nicolette comes up with some brilliant ideas sometimes, and this was one of them. That evening when Chuck and I were getting ready for bed, I metnioned a porno we had watched a couple of times that featured a four – way, and I said, “If it were a porno, that s just fine as the actors are being paid, but, could people really do that in real life and be comfortable with it before, during and afterward(?) Chuck was interested right away, and started imagtining all kinds of scenarios, and supposing how and what would happen if this girl did this, and that guy did that, and on and on. By the time he fell asleep, Chuck convinced himself it would be great fun to have a four – way. On top of that, Chuck s business was really starting to grow, my sex life (OUR sex lives) were unbelievably satisfying (mind – blowing actually) and our circle of friends was awesome; we would literally do anything for one another. In fact, we all recently had a talk and decided we d maybe like to “expand our sphere of sexxxuality” so the four of us joined an adult sex – partner website, and we turned down a lot of couples (and a ton of singles) but found some ” diamonds in the rough”; we met a couple who were dedicated nudists and they said they d like for us to join them this summer at their getaway as their guests, no strings attached, and meet ALL their “naughty but nice” friends (OMG) At any rate Chuck and I are seriously considering visiting the nudist colony, and we are discussing ways to get together (we haven t swapped as yet). Jo and Michael also met a young newlywed couple who were very open – minded and want to try “swinging”, (they are also very hot). Chuck and I are going to throw a “get – to – know – you” BBQ, pool and hot tub party (swimsuits optional) and hopefully a lot of “naughty but nice” activity will occur. Both new couples are adorable and hot and I m practically peeing myself thinking of making love to some new hunky guys, and if everything works out, maybe, just MAYBE, I ll eventually get to experience four guys in one evening(!) but I will post that after I ve lived it.. . As I wrap up my tale of love and lust, I encourage couples to NOT be shy about what they need or want, as your husband, wife or partner just might surprise you!