Julie my kinky mistress 1.

I followed them out the door. They walked arm in arm, tennis racquets under
their arms down the corridor while I followed a step behind.

Three women, laughing and talking were coming in the opposite direction.
They were wearing a t-shirt commemorating a conference in the hotel and they
had obviously enjoyed wine and drinks with their lunch.

Julie stopped, a wicked grin on her face. “Hannah,” she said, smiling, “I
think we’ve been too cruel on Roy. I think we should let him cum.” She
tilted her head at the three women walking towards us and Hannah laughed

I blushed. I had no idea what was going to happen but I knew I wouldn’t like
it and it was, probably, going to be very embarrassing.

“Hi, ladies,” Julie greeted the women in a cheery voice, smiling. “Enjoying
your conference?” A chorus of replies. “I wonder if I could ask your help?”
she said innocently. The three women looked at each other and stopped.

“What kind of help?” a black woman asked.

“It’ll be fun,” promised Julie. “I’m Julie, by the way, and this is Hannah.”

“Hi,” Hannah said.

The women smiled and nodded back and the black woman introduced her
companions. “I’m Serena. This is Wendy,” she said and a shorter woman

The last woman jumped in. “Hi, Lisa,” she introduced herself. They turned
and looked at me.

“That’s Roy,” Julie said dismissively, moving closer to the three women. “We
had a little bet on the tennis court. Roy here,” and the turned to look at
me, “bet we could not get 10 serves in a row in on the first serve.” They
looked questioningly at her. “If we couldn’t, we were supposed to do
everything he said. And I guess we all know what he would have got us to do.
I guessing he wanted to screw both of us at the same time. You know men!”

“Yeah, they all dream it,” said Serena. “but can’t do it.”

“Can’t satisfy one woman,” said Lisa. “Let alone two.” All the women
laughed, looking at me and I blushed again.

“Of course, we said if we did, he would have to do what we said!” Hannah

“And what happened?” Wendy impatiently asked.

“Can I ask you a question?” Julie said quietly with a mischievous smile on
her face and they all nodded, leaning forward to hear. “Have you ever seen a
man play with himself?” There was an instant of shock on the faces of the
three women and then suddenly, they all burst into laughter with Hannah and
Julie smiling.

Still, laughing all the women stared at me and I hung my head, blushing

“He lost?” Lisa asked between laughing. “You going to make him do that?”

Hannah and Julie nodded. “In front of as many women as possible. You in?”

“You bet,” Serena said, still giggling. Wendy and Lisa nodded.

“Where?” Lisa asked.

“He,” Julie said,meaning me, “got a room. It’s just down the hall.”

“He was pretty confident,” observed Wendy.

“The fool!” Serena said. I could tell she didn’t like me.

“Shall we go?” Julie asked, smiling, leading the way back to the room.

The five women walked down the corridor, giggling and stealing glances at me
as I reluctantly followed them into the room.

“Make yourselves comfortable,” Hannah said as Julie pulled a bottle from the

“Look, champagne!” She popped the cork and the women filled glasses and,
when they ran out of glasses, coffee cups with champagne. They settled into
the sofa and chairs then turned to me.

“Well, Roy,” said Hannah, smiling coldly at me. “Time to honour your bet.”

“But, Hannah,” I protested weakly, “I don’t….”

“Stop whining, Roy,” Julie interrupted. “A bet’s a bet. Now, get your
clothes off.” A chorus of giggles at that remark.

“Betcha he wouldn’t have listened to you girls if he won,” snapped Serena.

Slowly, I stripped off my clothes. “Look,” gasped Lisa as my bald groin slid
into view.

“Hmm,” murmured Wendy. “The bald look. That will get itchy.”

“Not if he keeps it shaved.” I kept my eyes lowered as I listened to the
giggles and the comments.

“No underwear,” said Julie, obviously enjoying the game. “He was prepared
for action.”

“Turn around,” commanded Hannah and, as I turned, a few gasps from the

“Why, Roy,” Julie asked innocently. “What happened there?”

“Mandy,” I mumbled.

“What?” Hannah demanded. “Speak up.”

“A woman spanked me.”

They all burst into loud laughter. “It’s not his day, is it,” laughed Lisa.

“Look,” Serana pointed at my cock. “He’s hard. He’s enjoying this!”

“Let’s get on with it,” Julie said in a business-like tone. Turning to the
others, she asked, “Do we want him standing or kneeling?”

“Standing,” Lisa called.

“Yeah,” Wendy agreed. “We can see better.” As Serena nodded her agreement,
Hannah caught my eye and I saw a slight flicker of concern in her eyes but
was quickly replaced by a cold look. No mercy there, I thought. They had me
and I could do nothing about it.

“I prefer kneeling,” Hannah said coldly, ” but not everyone would get a good
view, so let him stand.”

“Ok, then,” Julie said. “Start jerking off, Roy. But don’t cum until we say
so.” As if I could anyway, I thought as I slipped my hand around my hard
cock and started masturbating. There was a hush as I started jerking off but
soon, a few giggles were heard, followed by loud laughter and, finally, lewd

“Pump it, boy!” Wendy called.

“Jerk off!” Serena sneered.

“Look up, Roy,” called Julie and I raised my blushing face and was met by
five pairs of laughing eyes. Julie had the camera. Click! Click!

I was trembling on the edge again very quickly and I looked imploringly at
Hannah and Julie. Click!

“I thought they liked to jerk off with pictures?” Lisa said.

“He doesn’t need pictures,” laughed Wendy. “He’s got us!”

They all laughed at that and Serena hiked her skirt up a little and I stared
at her long black legs. “Like these, little boy?” she sneered and the women

“I think he’s close,” warned Lisa.

“It was these dam fine legs,” Serena said and they laughed again.

“Ok,” Julie took charge and wrote something on a piece of paper. “On the
count of three, we say this,” she said, passing the piece of paper around.
“Everybody got that?” They all nodded and leaned forward to watch me. I was
gasping as my hand flew up and down my sensitive cock. No longer caring
about the humiliation, I just wanted to cum.

“One,” Julie began. “Two. Three!!!”

Everybody shouted, “Cum, Roy!”

The sensation rolled through me and, because of the period of complete
denial, I erupted with a force that made me cry out. Eyes closed, head
tossed back, I pumped load after load of cum from my straining cock as sweat
rolled down my face and my chest. Click!

Finally, it was over and, as they hadn’t used any trigger words to make me
jerk off, I could stop by myself. I slowly removed my hand and hung my head
so I wouldn’t have to look at the laughing women. Humiliation swept over me
and I wished I could just fade away.

“Look, it’s starting shrink all ready,” Lisa broke the silence and there
were a few giggles.

“Go get a wet towel, Roy,” Hannah said, “and clean that mess up.”

“Remind me never to check into this room,” Serena said and they laughed.

“Unless they steam clean the carpets,” Wendy said. More laughter as I slunk
into the bathroom.

They said they’re good-byes as I knelt on the floor and wiped up my cum from
the carpet.

“Thanks, girls,” said Lisa. “This has got the conference off to a great

“Sure has,” agreed Wendy. “Here’s my card. Give us a call if you’ve got any
more fun ideas. We’re in town until Friday.”

“Ok,” Hannah said, smiling down at me as I knelt naked, cleaning the carpet.
“You never know.”

Finally, they left and Julie inspected my work. “That’ll do,” she said. “Get

“I have to go back to my surgery to check tomorrows lists, Julie,” Hannah
said. “Can you take a cab home?” She paused.” Wait a minute,” she said.
“Roy can take you home.”

“Fine,” said Julie and tenderly took Hannah’s hand. Gently, the kissed. “See
you soon?” Julie said huskily.

“Tomorrow,” promised Hannah in an equally husky voice and quickly slipped
out the door.”

“Come on, Roy, “Julie ordered. “You can check out of this dump.”