Matt likes his porn with big boobs, but his sister Maddie, shows him that real is better

You never know where things will lead in life. That
sounds all grown-up and I’m only eighteen but that is
sixteen years of life, too.

So here are the facts: My name in Madigan (Maddie to
just about everybody), five foot, three and a half
inches tall, “dirty” blond, brown eyes, considered
“cute” by most and “hot” by my boyfriend, I weigh-in at
one hundred and seven pounds, my boyfriend’s name is
Jordan and we’ve been together for seven months now, my
Mom is Rebecca (Becca, to friends) and she is an
account broker for a financial company, my brother is
stupid (Ha, ha, no, really his name is Matthew or Matt
to all) and he’s just turned thirteen, Dad is gone and
that’s about it.

Oh, for you guy’s out there, yes, Jordan and I are
“doing it” and for any moms reading this, yes, I’m on
the pill. My mom is one of those that thinks that its
better to have little daughter on the pill than it is
to become a young grandmother by surprise. Oh, also for
you guys, I’m a 36 C cup; more than a mouthful. Happy
now? OK, they also stand straight out, no droop, and
have reddish-brown nipples (very sensitive to licking
and sucking) and they get very hard very quickly. You
guys happy now?

You’ll probably also want to know that I shave down
there and have a very pretty little “kitty-box.” I
think so and so does Jordan. You would too. (If I let
you see it.)

Well, what I want to tell you is about my stupid
brother. To be honest, he was a great pain the butt
when younger but recently he’s becoming a little more
tolerable. Especially after the incident I’m about to
tell you.

It was a Tuesday afternoon and I’d been home from
school for about a half hour. I’d changed into comfy
clothes (after running to take a pee, its the second
thing I do when I get home) and had come downstairs. I
was passing by the dining room, when I noticed Matt
sitting in front of the computer (yeah, Mom has it in
the dining room, don’t ask me why) and his arm is
moving in a way highly suggestive of jacking-off.

Now, I’ve never seen a guy masturbate before (Jason and
I have better things to do, like each other) but there
wasn’t much doubt. I quietly walked up behind him (yes,
he was engrossed) and looked at the monitor.

Humongus boobs bouncing up and down on this bleached
blond as she’s attempting to do a strip tease. Oh,
spare me, I thought.

“What are you watching, you idiot?” Holy crap, he
lurched and tried to tuck himself back into his pants.
“Goddam, Maddie, you scared the shit out of me. Get the
fuck out and leave me alone!” “Not until I see what
you’re watching.” I leaned over to see and said, “Why
don’t you watch real girls instead of this inflated-
boob bimbo? Real women have beautiful breasts even when
they’re small or a bit saggy, better that those fake
watermelons. Geez.”

“Well, do you have any suggestions?” “Yeah, type this
in: www-dot-ratemyrack-dot-com.” “Rack? What’s that?”
“Boobs, dummy, tits, knockers, hooters, jugs, melons,
get it?” The website came up on the screen.

“OK, there’s some real ones for you. Nice, huh? Look at
her. Really nice. Small but nice puffy nipples. Or her,
big boobs and big nips, little sag but nice. The next
girl, hers look right at you but this pair look
sideways. Aren’t these nice? Better than ‘Miss Hyper-
Boobs’ you were drooling over.”

“Yeah, thanks, sis. This is great.” “Well, at least
it’s real. Look at her, they’re just like mine.”
“Really, just like those? Oh Maddie, those are the
prettiest I’ve seen so far. I saw you in a bikini last
summer but if you look like this, you’re the best.”

“Thanks little brother. Real ones are nice, huh? How
did you get around the pornsite blockers Mom set up?”
“Oh, I have friends who’ve figured it all out. Its not
that hard to do.”

Pointing at the screen, he says, “So yours look like
this. I think I’ll bookmark this page. Just like
Maddie’s, yeah.” “You mean your sister turns you on?
You’re a pervert.” “Maybe but those boobs are to die
for and you have them right under your shirt.”

“You wanna see’em, don’t you?” “Oh, Mads, who wouldn’t?
If they look like these (pointing to the screen),
they’re perfect. And I know you’re proud of them.

“What’s it worth, little bro? A month of doing the
dishwasher? And I get to see your little weenie?” “Oh
come on Maddie, it’s a deal with the dishwasher and its
fair to see mine if I see yours. OK.” “You first,

My brother stood up, pushed the chair back and pulled
his shorts down. He had a big bulge in his jockeys and
when he pulled them off, this rather large penis comes
flopping down along with my jaw.

“Wow, for thirteen, you’ve got quite a dick there,
buddy. Face me so I can get a good look.” “You can take
a good lick, if you want.” “Ha, ha, you should live so
long. But I’ll bet you’ll make a lot of girls happy
with that. It used to be such a little weenie but its
gone and grown up.”

Matt’s cock was nice and long and pink with a chubby
tip that would make girls feel really good going in and
out. He had a lot of dark brown hair around it (Jason
shaves, if you must know. I like it that way.) ”

Mind if I take a feel?” “You’re not expecting “No,” are

I reach over and take his cock in my hand, heft it up
(this kid’s no ‘lightweight’) and give it a gentle
squeeze. “Nice, Matt. You really get hard.” I slide my
grip up and down a few times and he closes his eyes and
lets out a little moan. He says that I have forever to
stop but I figure I’d better quit while I’m ahead here.

He looks a bit disappointed but then says, “Your turn,
sis.” Well, I made a deal, right? So I cross my arms
and pull my tee off over my head.

He stares wide-eyed at my white lacy bra. “Nice, Mad,
really nice.” I turn and ask him if he’s ever unhooked
a bra before. “No but I’ll bet I can figure it out,”
and, presto, my bra opens and I shrug it off and turn
toward him.

“Beautiful, Maddie, beautiful. I knew you had great
boobs but these are perfect. Can I touch them?” Well,
fair play (with the emphasis on ‘play’) and all that, I
say, “Sure, have fun. I might just enjoy it, too.”

He reached out with both hands and began kneading and
rubbing my breasts. “Oh, Maddie, you’re so soft and
smooth. Really nice.” He then begins to lightly pinch
my nipples and circle them with his fingers. I looked
down at his quivering cock and said, “I can tell you
like them, little brother, you have a speedometer down
there.” I was enjoying the attention and could feel my
panties getting wet. “Geez, this is my brother,” I

“Can I kiss them?” “Just don’t bite. Have fun, I’m
enjoying it, too.” He bent and lifted a breast to his
mouth, kissed the nipple and began to lightly suck. Oh,
the wetness began to soak me through. “Mmm, that’s
nice, Matt. Don’t stop.” As if I thought he would.

He’s sucking one boob and rubbing the other and my eyes
are closed enjoying it. By now, I’m reaching down
rubbing his cock with both hands. He’s naked from the
waist down and I’m naked from the waist up. Together,
we’re one naked and one clothed. Weird thought.

“Let’s turn off the computer and go upstairs,” he says
and almost without thinking I agree. “My room, I’ve got
a queen-size bed,” I add and we go up. I’m thinking,
‘this is going to end in us fucking, I’m sure of it.’

By the time we’re in my room, he’s got his shirt off
and I’ve dropped my shorts and and panties, the ones
that said “Kiss the Kitty.” “Oh, Maddie, just let me
look at you. You are beautiful, perfect. I didn’t know
you shaved there,” pointing to my pussy.

“I did that when I was about your age. I like it bare
there. I don’t want to scratch any guy’s lips or
cheeks.” “I’d give anything to kiss you there, Maddie.”
So, I laid down on the edge of my bed and spread my
legs. “I’m all yours, little brother. I’ll bet you’ll
enjoy this. I will.”

As I lay there, I was wondering if I really wanted to
start fucking my brother. I know that if it happened,
it would be a beginning and not just a one-time thing.
I had to be prepared for us to be in each other’s pants
often and not just once in a while. Did I really want
that? He was making it hard for me to think clearly as
his tongue flitted in and out of my wet lips.

On the other hand, boyfriends may not last forever and
they’re not always handy. He did have one great looking
cock and he was giving me a very nice oral job. Well,
except for one thing. She leaned forward and said,
“Matt, you know about a girl’s clit? Where it is?” “I
know the word but not where. Is it inside?” “No, right
here,” as I spread the top of my pussy lips for him.
“See this? Right there? Lick and suck that.”

Oh, yeah, he went right for it. I moaned as he sucked
my little love knob. Oh, what the hell, I thought, I’m
fucking him and I’m fucking him this afternoon. Right

“Matt, this has to be just between us. Nobody else. You
can never tell anybody.” “Don’t worry, sis, I’d never
do that to you. You’re my sister and I love you. Boy,
I’ve seen parts of you that I love more than ever.”
“Well, if you can keep this secret, then I want you to
fuck me. Have you ever done it before?”

“No, I’ve hardly had any dates, you know that. I mean I
know where to put it and all that but, no, I haven’t
done it before.” “Oh, we’ve got a lot to cover then.
You are right, though, it goes right in here,” as I
pointed to my pussy. I scooted up into the middle of
the bed, put my knees up , spread my legs, and said,
“Let’s get started, Matt, lesson number one, missionary
position, it’s basic but hard to beat.”

He climbed between my legs and started to put his
cocktip on my slit. “What about protection? I don’t
have a rubber.” “It’s OK, I’ve been on the pill for a
while, not to worry. Just rub your dick around on me
before you put it in. Get it wet on the tip first. Mmm,
yeah, that’s nice.”

Soon, he had it well inside and was doing what guys
always do, sliding it in and out. And I was doing what
girls always do, moving my hips around and around.

“Oh, Maddie, this feels sooo good. You’re so warm and
smooth inside. I knew it would be great but this is
feels better than I ever thought. I want to do this
forever. And I want to do it with you forever. I
think…ooooh, ooooh, ooooh.” Well, my little brother
was cumming into his big sister’s love box. I used to
hate this kid and now he’s got his dick in me and he’s
unloading his cum load.

“Oh, I’m sorry, Mads, I didn’t mean to cum so quick.
You didn’t get yours did you?” I told him that, no, I
didn’t but he could do me with his tongue if he
couldn’t get hard again. “You don’t mind tasting a
little of your own cum with my love juices do you?” He
didn’t even answer, he was down licking me as I swung
my legs up over his shoulders.

I was leaning on my elbows as he started licking my
clit and running his tongue around it. “Mmmm, right
there and suck there.” He proved great at following my
suggestions (well, truth be told, not all guys do) and
I was getting wound pretty tight. He kept licking and
sucking me as he put a finger in my pussy and massaged
around and around. For a beginner, he was pretty good.

“Put two fingers in, Matt. Yeah, like that. Oooo, good,
good. Mmmm, just keep doing that. I’m almost ready…
Ooooh, ooooh, ungh, oooh, Matt, OOOh.” As my orgasm
hit, an electric feeling shot through me, the tension
in my body relaxed and I flopped back and felt engulfed
with bliss. My whole pelvic area was flooded with this
wonderful warm feeling. He brought me off faster than
Jordan does; maybe its the fact that its my brother
that seems extra exciting.

“Did you like what I was doing, Maddie?” “Oh, Matt,
keep that up and you’ll make a lot of girls very happy.
I sure am; it was a great orgasm.” “Yeah, I thought you
were in pain for a minute but it was great, huh?” “Yes,
Matt, great.”

“I wasn’t sure if I’d like licking you down there but
it was great and you sure seemed to like it.” “Here’s a
tip from your big sister, Matt, if you want girls to go
crazy for you, giving them great oral orgasms like you
did me will make you a star. Every girl I know loves a
guy’s tongue in their pussy.”

“I’m glad you caught me looking at porn, sis, you’ve
taught me a lot and you’ve been my first lover. I’m
getting hard again, can I put it in you again?” All of
a sudden, my little brother is looking like its nice to
have him around. I open my legs and tell him, “You know
where to put it. We still have time before Mom gets

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