How my sex started and made me what I am today

We went inside the mall. My step-mother always had both men and women looking at her when shopping. Men would drool over her and most women would smack their man for looking at her. We went to the men’s shop. Mom picked out some pants and had me try them on. I would go into

The Ancient Ruler

Princess mahalaxmi felt the earth crumble below her as she learned of the demise of her husband prince vinodpratap in an un fateful accident in the jungles of biligiranga. The soldiers couldn’t even recover the corpse of the prince as the horse on which vinod was astride jumped in to a deep valley on getting

Husband and wife stumble on a surprise at the end of their night that will shock them both

My name is Chaby and I’m a father of two and husband to an amazing women. My oldest step-daughter had just turned 18 and started dating. She was often leaving the house late and coming back early in the morning. Her mother and I spent many nights up worrying about her and if she was

Just A Bit Of Frigging Fun

Debbie and Jake felt okay the next morning, neither mentioning the incident last night. They felt no discomfort in one another’s presence and Jake spent the day washing the car, helping his mum with the housework and then, in the evening, going round to a friend’s house. In the house alone, Debbie had been working

BBW Aunty and Nephew

What happened after that I have no memory of until the following morning when I woke up in a strange bedroom. I looked around and seen an empty wine bottle and glass on the cabinet on my right and when I turned to my left I realised I wasnt alone in the bed and I

Donny’s hot mother

“Christ, I’m fuckin’ horny!” Laurel Hutton sighed softly, putting her finger suddenly and accurately upon the uneasy tension that had assaulted her all day. Laurel was standing beside the tiny swimming pool which graced her suburban home’s high-fenced, smallish backyard. It was early spring and a little cool to be dressed as she was, in

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