My wife Kathy Began Swinging

I met Kathy at a college football game. Beth, a mutual
friend who worked with Kathy, introduced us. Beth is a
buxom brunette with a great face and smile. She stands
a well endowed 5’6″, 130 pounds, with a tight little
behind. Kathy on the other hand, has light brown hair,
almost strawberry blond. She also has a great face, but
smaller breasts and a great butt.

Beth had been married for a few years before Kathy and
I were married, but her husband was a gambler and a
philanderer. It was only a matter of time before they
divorced and the end came sooner, rather than later.
This story happened after they had been divorced about
18 months.

Kathy approached me one night after a wild night of
love. “I have to ask you a favor.”

“Anything love.”

“It involves Beth.” I expected Kathy to ask for me to
hook up Beth with a friend, as she seemed a little down
after the divorce. She had gone through two loser
boyfriends quickly and I had several available friends.
“Beth wants to have a baby before it gets too late.”

“Beth is only 28, she has plenty of time,” I said.

“She wants you to father her child.”

Although I had come twice in short order, I instantly
became hard. Beth and I had been platonic friends, but
I had lusted after her for a long time. The thought of
getting to see Beth naked was something I found very
exciting. She had breasts Kathy could only dream about.

“I take it that the way you’re hardening is an
affirmative?” Kathy playfully squeezed my cock and we
made it a third time, a first for me.

We set the date to a Friday night. Beth was going to
join us for dinner, and then Kathy was going to spend
the night at her sister’s. About 4:00 PM, Kathy and I
took a shower together and Kathy had to keep me away
from her. I was hard just thinking about the evening,
but Kathy wouldn’t let me waste my semen on anyone but

Beth arrived at 5:00 PM, right on schedule. Both Kathy
and Beth wore bluejean shorts and button down short
sleeve shirts. Kathy’s was maroon while Beth’s was
white. The buttons seemed strained and Beth’s white bra
was somewhat visible underneath.

We had a great dinner of fish and salad with fresh
bread. Between the three of us, two bottles of
chardonnay had been consumed and another had been
opened. All of us were feeling no pain and had loosened
up, which was good. None of us had any experience with
this sort of thing. We retired to the living room after
dinner, each with a glass of wine and Norah Jones
playing soft in the background.

I sat in a recliner while the girls sat on the couch.
Kathy took another sip of her wine, but then set it
down. “I better slow down.” Beth moved back to Kathy’s
side of the couch and handed her back the wine glass,
saying, “Relax and enjoy, we don’t get together

It wasn’t lost on me that Beth didn’t move back. Kathy
moved as if to get up. “I really should leave so you
two can…” But Beth put her hands on Kathy’s
shoulders. “You don’t have to leave on account of me,”
said Beth softly.

I watched in amazement as Beth slowly began to massage
Kathy’s shoulders and neck. Kathy downed her wine in
one gulp, set down her empty glass and shifted on the
couch so her back was to Beth and was facing me. Beth
continued massaging Kathy’s shoulders, but had scooted
closer so her front was molded against Kathy’s back.
Kathy’s eyes were closed and she hummed “mmmmmm” under
her breath. She loved getting her shoulders and back
rubbed by me under any circumstances, but especially
when she drank wine.

I noticed Beth’s hands had moved down to rub my wife’s
upper arms and she kissed the back of her neck softly.
She nuzzled up to Kathy’s ear and kissed the lobe while
her hands moved to the inside part of the arms, the
back of Beth’s hands “inadvertently” brushing the sides
of Kathy’s breasts. I had to shift in the chair as my
erection was becoming uncomfortable, but was afraid to
break the moment.

I suddenly saw pink, as Beth’s tongue snaked out of her
mouth and danced on Kathy’s ear. She softly nibbled on
the lobe while at the same time, her hands moved
directly over Kathy’s breasts. Kathy sighed audibly and
tilted her head so Beth could nibble her neck. Beth’s
hands rubbed the front of my wife and danced down her
stomach, fluttering on her thighs for a moment before
moving up to her neck. She stroked Kathy’s throat for a
moment, then moved down to the blouse unbuttoning as
she went.

Once completely unbuttoned, Beth pulled the shirt tails
out and began to rub each cup of Kathy’s bra. Her mouth
nibbled on Kathy’s neck, but her body was not still.
She rubbed against Kathy’s back and made a humming
sound herself. She rubbed her large, sensitive breasts
against my wife’s back while massaging Kathy’s smaller

Beth was now pinching Kathy’s nipples through the bra;
something I knew would get Kathy going further. The bra
was a front clasp type and I held my breath as Beth
quickly undid the clasp and freed Kathy’s 34B breasts.
The nipples were pink and hard as erasers. Beth pinched
them between her knuckles and looked over Kathy’s
shoulder at her chest. She squeezed the whole breast,
and then would lightly rub her fingernail over the
nipple, causing Kathy to moan.

“What does Kathy like?” For the first time, Beth
acknowledged me and Kathy opened her eyes, as if she
had forgotten I was in the room. “She likes her nipples
pinched and bit. Bite them with your teeth.” Kathy
moaned and closed her eyes just hearing me say it. Beth
pulled Kathy back on the couch and moved her head over
Kathy’s shoulder, nibbling the front of her neck, her
chest and finally her breasts. Nibbling on the nipples,
Kathy’s back arched as Beth’s hands moved down her
body, playing in the navel before unsnapping and
unzipping the shorts.

My wife, who had only had sex once before she met me
and had never shown any bisexual tendencies, was
moaning like I’d never seen. Her hands were on the back
of Beth’s head, stroking and pushing the head into her
bosom. Beth sat up and I could see the spittle shining
on each breast. Both women stood up and kissed, their
tongues plainly visibly sliding into each other’s

Kathy moved her hands from Beth’s head, down her arms
and onto the breasts I’d been thinking about for a long
time. She stopped kissing and moved around behind Beth,
both of them facing me. Kathy’s hands unbuttoned Beth’s
blouse and pulled it off. The breasts seemed to swell
in the lacy bra before Kathy undid the front clasp and
revealed them, finally, to me.

Each breast stood firm and perfectly proportioned to
her body. The nipples were brown and at least a half
inch long. When Kathy pinched the nipples between her
finger tips, Beth moaned and her knees buckled
slightly. Beth turned around and kissed Kathy again.
Both women rubbed their breasts against the other. Beth
lowered her head and bit Kathy’s nipples, her hands
pulling down my wife’s shorts and panties. I clearly
saw how wet the slit was and could now smell the
unmistakable odor of sex.

Beth’s finger knuckled the slit and twirled Kathy’s
clit. The moan’s escaping Kathy’s mouth were continuous
now. Beth pulled off her own shorts and panties before
moving her head back up and kissing my wife, my sweet
innocent wife, right on the lips. Each girl humped the
other’s thigh, rubbing their vulvas over the smooth,
creamy skin. Beth looked over at me and said, “Are you
gonna join us or what?” I looked to Kathy, who gave me
a wink before doing something I’ll never forget.

She lowered her head and began licking and sucking on
Beth’s nipples. Turning Beth so both of were sideways
to me, she suckled the nipples with her teeth, pulling
them away from the body. The effect was instantaneous.
Beth moaned loudly and again her knees buckled. Kathy
moved her hands to Beth’s vulva, opening up that pink
flower and moving her finger up and down the slit. One
finger disappeared while at the same time, Kathy bit
down sharply on Beth’s left nipple. Beth began to cum,
her pelvis gyrating with my wife’s finger.

I stood up and removed my clothes. My cock was so hard,
it hurt. The head was red and inflamed. I was afraid to
touch it, for fear I would come on the spot. Before I
could join in on the fun, Beth admonished me. “Not yet
big boy, it’s her turn first.” Kathy lay down on the
couch. My wife, who in the past was the most modest
person I knew, was naked in my living room with an
equally beautiful woman.

“Kathy, have you ever tasted pussy?” To my surprise,
Kathy nodded yes demurely. “I’ve tasted myself once and
awhile.” She looked embarrassed for the first time this
whole evening.

Beth kneeled on the floor next to Kathy and pinched her
wonderfully sensitive pink nipples. She lowered her
head and licked them, biting occasionally. One hand
inched its way up Kathy’s thigh, finally settling on
the light brown mound. Beth moved to the other nipple,
which forced her breasts to dangle over Kathy’s navel.
Kathy adjusted her pelvis, so Beth’s chest now made
contact with her mound. Raising her right knee, Kathy
humped up towards one 38D breast. Beth took the hint
and climbed on the couch, lying between Kathy’s thighs.

Beth rose up on her elbows, rubbing first one and then
the other breast into Kathy’s cunt. As Kathy became
more and more excited, Beth started thrusting into
Kathy, actually fucking with her breasts. One hard,
brown nipple would enter and then the other, back and
forth. Both girls were breathing heavy, moaning under
there breath, when suddenly Kathy started humping up
wildly, cumming harder than I’d ever seen. She locked
her ankles behind Beth’s back and pulled Beth’s breasts
into her pussy.

She groaned “Oh my, oh my, oh FUCK, aaaarrrgghhh!” and
came, rotating her hips into her good friends chest.

Beth kept biting Kathy’s nipples, groaning herself.
Once Kathy unlocked her ankles, Beth moved up and
dangled her breasts into Kathy’s face. “Taste it! Taste
your pussy on my tits!”

Kathy wildly licked and sucked not only the nipples,
but the whole breast, covering Beth’s chest in spittle.
Beth moaned, grinding her nipples into my wife’s, face.

I moved towards them, unable to stand anymore. My penis
stood up against my belly, the head wet with pre-cum.
My own nipples were hard as rocks. Beth’s ass was in
the air and her pussy was dribbling juice down her
thighs. I planned on entering her from behind, but
Kathy stopped me. “Your turn,” was all she said, but
that was enough. “Fuck her tit’s, that’s what you

It was too. I knew it. Kathy knew it. Beth knew it and
lay on her back, squeezing her nipples. I straddled
Beth’s stomach, looking down at her breasts shimmering
with my wife’s juices. “Do it!” was all Beth could say.

Her eyes were half closed and a slight smile crossed
her lips. I moved my cock to one breast, scooping up
Kathy’s pussy juice with my cock head and rubbing it
into one brown, erect nipple. Beth moaned and looked
down at my penis pricking her nipple. She grabbed it
and guided me between both breasts, mashing both of
them around my shaft. I moaned and threw my head back.
Titty-fucking was something I had only been able to do
with Kathy once or twice, but something I never failed
to get off on.

Kathy kneeled next to us, fingering her slit with one
hand and pinching her nipple with the other. She then
moved towards the two of us. “Pinch his nipples Beth,
he loves to have his nipples pinched.”

I did too and when Beth pinched hard with her knuckles,
Kathy squeezed Beth’s breasts together and I thrust
forward once wildly, my cock head sliding between her
well lubricated breasts to emerge under her chin. Beth
moved her head down, licking the purple head of my dick
with her pink tongue, groaning the whole time. Beth
squeezed my nipples and a body buzz tingled from my
nipples to my groin. My balls shifted involuntarily,
making me groan again.

Beth looked at Kathy and said, “I can taste you Kathy.
I can taste your juice on your husband’s penis.”

Kathy and I both groaned and I pulled back, my penis
sliding down through Beth’s cleavage. The backstroke
was amazing, as the friction from her tits almost made
me cum. My penis quivered and pre-cum oozed out onto
the left breast. “He’s almost ready to come. Can you
see Beth?” There was a line of pre-cum between the
breasts, mixing with the pussy juice and saliva to
create a warm, oozing lubricant.

“Do you want him to come in my mouth, or on my chest?”
asked Beth to Kathy, breathing heavy. “I’ve never seen
a guy come.”

“I don’t know, what do you want?” Both girls looked to
me expectantly. I stroked forward again and Beth took
just the tip in her mouth, swirling her tongue around
and around, frenching the tip. I pulled back again,
groaning as the fullness of her breasts squeezed my
penis like liquid velvet. Another thrust forward, this
time across one nipple, Beth’s eyes fluttering as I did
it, but opening her mouth for the first inch or two of
my penis.

I pushed farther into her mouth and my balls scraped
across her erect nipple. Beth groaned around my penis
as I pulled back out, again loving the feeling of my
head as it slid between her breasts.

Kathy moved her head down to Beth’s crotch for a
moment. I could see in the mirror on the wall next to
us, Kathy tonguing Beth’s pussy. Beth moaned and moved
her hands from my chest to my wife’s head, pushing it
into her vulva.

Kathy licked at the clit, one lone stroke up and down.
Beth shuddered from head to toe, causing her breasts to
jiggle around my penis.

I stroked forward again, twirling my balls against her
nipples, loving the feeling of those hard little points
against my scrotum. I rubbed the head of my penis
against first one and then the other breast while at
the same time, Kathy lightly nibbled Beth’s clit,
sending Beth into her second orgasm.

Kathy moved back to Beth’s face and kissed her, just
inches from me. Both tongues thrust and caressed the
other. “Have you ever tasted pussy before?” Kathy
asked, but Beth shook her head negatively. They kissed
again, this time more sweetly, Beth’s lips pulling at
Kathy’s and licking slightly, tasting her own juices on
Kathy’s lips. “Are you ready to cum now?” Kathy asked

“Mouth or chest?” asked Beth.

I stroked forward while Beth held her breasts together.
The bottom of my head rubbed against the soft skin
between her breasts. Her breasts rubbed all along my
shaft until my balls encountered the warm softness and
again, Beth took me into her mouth. Kathy’s hand
reached under my butt and stroked my nuts with her
fingers, rolling them very softly back and forth. As I
pulled back, the resistance of all that breast meat
against my penis was too much.

I started to cum, a white rope of it spraying across
one breast and Beth’s neck. As I thrust forward, my
come preceded the thrust, squirting between the breasts
and onto Beth’s lips as I entered her mouth. The warmth
of that mouth and her tongue licking the head made me
stream again, this time into her mouth. I pulled out
and through the slippery cleavage, sending another rope
onto Beth’s chest. Kathy pulled me towards her and
rubbed my head into the rock hard nipple of her right
breast. I sprayed another spasm of semen.

Kathy pulled my hips forward and placed her lips over
my penis while Beth pinched my nipples. I let loose
with a final torrent, surprised Kathy would keep me in
her mouth, but she milked my penis with her tongue,
moaning all the while.

“Lay down hon.” And I did. Both girls moved as I lay on
the floor. Two sets of hands fluttered over my body,
and we began again…

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