Naked But Dangerous

“We’ve got a bad engine, Rollie.”

Rollie Weaver shot a glance over his shoulder out the window. “I hear
it.” The custom Curtis Freightking lurched to the left for a moment
before Eva O’Hara steadied it. Rollie checked the chart. “There’s an
island down there: Puago Island.”

“Has it got an airstrip?” asked the lady pilot. The starboard engine
gave a final stuttering gasp and quit altogether.

“I don’t think it matters,” Rollie said.

“Mayday! Mayday!” Eva shouted into the radio. “This is
Zero-Three-Niner cargo flight out of New Guinea in distress over Puago
Island. We have a starboard engine out–repeat, starboard engine out.
We are searching for a landing area.”

Down around two thousand feet, the freight haulers searched the little
island for a clearing they could land in. The beaches were narrow and
twisting, the jungle thick and forbidding; steep hills jutted out of
them like jagged shards of glass.

Suddenly, the sound of sharp metallic pings rang out around them and
the port engine of the Freightking coughed and began spewing black
smoke. “Damn it!” Eva cursed.

“I’ll get the ‘chutes,” Rollie said, already moving toward the back.
But it was too late; the hills loomed large in the front glass.

“We don’t have the altitude!” Eva shouted. “Buckle in!” Rollie
staggered back to his co-pilot seat just in time to see the jungle
fill the window. “Brace! Brace! Brace!” Eva shouted.

The crash was horrendous, but thankfully nothing caught fire. The
jungle palms and coconut trees broke their fall even as they tore the
plane to pieces. Eva awoke to silence, covered in hydraulic fluid from
the shredded lines. She looked around. Rollie had been thrown around
the cockpit like a doll. His head was a bloody mass of flesh and hair.
Eva unbuckled herself and went to him. Both his arms were bent at
unnatural angles. His breath clattered in his lungs. He couldn’t
speak. Eva let his head rest in her lap and whispered, “Oh, Rollie;
Rollie.” Her friend and co-pilot coughed weakly and breathed his last.

Lean and athletic Eva O’Hara crawled out of her plane and looked
around. The aircraft was broken into pieces, the tail still suspended
in the trees several yards off the ground. The wings lay like giant
playing cards, upright against tree trunks. The engines were nowhere
to be seen. The nose and main fuselage rested solidly on the ground
amid a mess of debris, scattered cargo, and the plane’s various vital

Her coveralls stained with hydraulic fluid and Rollie’s blood, Eva
stumbled away from the wreck, gathering up whatever seemed of use:
dried foodstuffs, some hand tools, rope. She laid these aside and went
back into the wreckage for more specific salvage: the radio was broken
to pieces, but Rollie’s bolt-action rifle and ammunition were intact.

Crawling out again, Eva noticed on the port side of the plane showed
curious holes–they looked a lot like…bullet holes. Had they been
shot out of the sky by gunners? Japs and pirates roamed these seas,
she knew, and a little island like this might harbor either. She
shouldered the rifle and kept a wary eye out.

Eva dragged the salvaged equipment away from the wreck site to be sure
she wouldn’t be in danger if the plane caught fire. Not far away, she
stumbled on a freshwater pool at the bottom of a steep embankment. Now
she began to formulate a plan.

The dark-haired beauty dragged some of the equipment up the embankment
where she could get a view of the surrounding area. She found a likely
spot in the underbrush where some rocks formed a good place to hold
the equipment, and she left it there. Then, if she needed it, she
could retreat up the embankment and still have some supplies,
including ammunition.

Down at the freshwater pool, Eva stripped off her boots and coveralls.
She wore no brassiere when she was flying: too restrictive. But she
did wear a man’s undershirt and shorts. They helped her to feel less
feminine when she was flying, and there are few things less feminine
than men’s undershorts.

However, once she had stripped them off, Eva O’Hara was as feminine as
a woman gets. She brushed back her long, dark hair and waded into the
pool, lithe and lovely, with smooth, pink skin dotted with hints of
freckles here and there from her Irish side. Her Italian side gave her
the dark hair and eyes a mile deep. She had shapely breasts, not large
but elegant, and hips that swayed when she walked, no matter how much
she tried to seem like one of the boys.

She washed the grime and the blood off her arms and face and let the
cool water wash away the horror seeing Rollie die in her arms. He was
a good man, a good copilot, and a friend; and she would miss him. She
caressed her body thinking of him, wishing she had let herself get
closer to him, feel his body against hers in a romantic embrace. But
now that was never to be.

Eva let her hand stroke the groove between her legs, gently coaxing a
relaxing feeling of gentle arousal from her weary body. She lay back
against a rock and let her legs dangle in the clear water, gazing up
occasionally at the thick jungle of this tropical paradise as she
massaged herself.

As she climbed out of the pool, Eva thought again about the holes in
the plane. They had seemed like bullet holes. And if they had been
shot down, then whoever it was that did the shooting was probably
already searching for the downed plane. She reached for her clothes to
get dressed again.

Just then, the aviatrix heard the sound of voices in the undergrowth:
Japanese voices. Naked, she rushed toward the trees. She caught
glimpses of men making their way through the vegetation toward the
plane. It wouldn’t be long before they found it. They appeared to be
Japanese soldiers–scouts probably, from a unit camped down by the
shore, no doubt. They carried rifles and machetes and spoke little.
Suddenly Eva’s heart sank: they weren’t going toward the plane–they
were following her trail from it!

Eva left her clothes in favor of the rifle and scrambled up the
embankment to the hidey hole she had prepared. Sharp branches in the
undergrowth scratched her bare skin, but she push past them and into
the safety of the hole. She brushed back her wet hair and checked the
rifle’s ammo.

Below, the Jap scouts picked over her clothes and salvaged equipment.
Maybe they would think it was part of the wreck. The crashed plane
wasn’t far away from her little camp by the freshwater pool.

But no. They looked all around, obviously searching for a survivor.
Eva peered through the brush. It wouldn’t be long before they called
more men up to pick over the plane and to search for the pilot.

Reluctantly, the naked woman took up the ration and ammo back and her
rifle and crawled out the back of the hidey hole. Naked and alone, she
would have to fend for herself now and only hope that her radio
distress call had been heard.

She could already hear the Jap scouts calling out to their comrades.
As she thought about the men examining her clothes, Eva was thankful
that she’d chosen to wear men’s underclothes. She only hoped they
wouldn’t be able to decipher her log or other personal effects and
discover she was a woman. They’d surely look all the harder for her
then. They would like nothing better than a gang rape every evening to
relieve the boredom of occupying this God-forsaken island.

The nude pilot picked her way through the brush and deeper into the
cruel jungle. She couldn’t hear the soldiers now, just the sounds of
the South Seas jungle. But just then, she came upon a moving figure.
She thought it might be an ape at first, an orangutan, but saw quickly
that it was a Japanese.

He was naked too.

He was young, compact, probably a soldier. But what was he doing here?
And why was he naked? It was too late to avoid him; he’d see her any
second. Eva raised her rifle. Now she’d have a prisoner of her own.

“You! Hands up!” The man spun around. He almost fell down backwards
when he saw her, stark naked as he was–and a Western woman! He
hesitated for a moment, caught between covering his nakedness and
surrendering to her rifle, but finally put his hands up. He even
started smiling.

Eva approached him and looked around. His uniform lay over a branch.
He must have been preparing to go down to the freshwater pool for a
swim–or coming back from it. He made gestures toward her, smiling all
the while, making her self-conscious of her nakedness. His
uncircumcised penis was small and shriveled, surrounded by a thick
mass of hair, with a small scrotum hanging underneath. But the rest of
his body seemed almost completely hairless; even his face was freshly

Suddenly, the Jap lunged and knocked the rifle barrel aside. Eva
struck at him with the butt, but he was skilled in hand-to-hand
combat. He tripped her up and knocked her to the leafy ground; he
stepped on the rifle, pinching her hand between it and the ground. The
feisty girl pilot kicked at her attacker, catching him in the chest
and shoving him back. But before she could bring the rifle up again,
he jumped on top of her. He kneeled over her and grappled with the
rifle; his limp penis pressed against her belly.

Eva fought the naked Jap ferociously, but it was to no avail. He
laughed as he knocked the rifle out of her hands; he laughed again as
he trapped her arms against her bare breasts. In a moment, he was
kneeling between her legs, pinning her arms down on the ground. Sticks
and leaves stuck scratched her back and legs; Eva struggled anyway,
grunting and thrashing, but the Japanese held her firmly, with the
same broad smile. The raven-haired female began to fear the worst from

Indeed, the slant-eyed man began to rub his pelvis against hers, his
penis growing gradually from a limp stub to a thick, stiff spike,
angry red and eager to stab into her. Eva threw back her head and
groaned in despair as he overpowered her with his smooth body, small
and compact, young and strong. Her vagina was still wet from her swim
and spread easily as he pushed the head of his prick inside her. Eva
gasped to feel his short, thick cock inside her, filling her up. Her
body flashed with hot bursts of fear and desperation. The yellow brute
penetrated her slowly, making her groan involuntarily, and pulled back
for a moment before pushing further. He did this again and again,
going ever deeper with each push, until he had shoved his manhood
firmly into her.

The Japanese soldier held Eva’s arms down firmly and clenched his
smooth, round buttocks again and again, thrusting his prick into her
powerfully. Eva gasped again as the eager Jap fucked her thoroughly.
Her arms ached from being pinned down roughly; her legs ached from
being forced apart by his fierce thrusts. At last, she relaxed and lay
back, letting him ravish her naked body and satisfy his foul lust.

The soldier’s pace quickened, his face becoming a savage mask of
hunger and contempt. He shoved hard into her, pushing her back along
the dirty ground, and clenched his buttocks hard. His balls pumped
thick streams of semen into her, filling her up, spilling out sloppily
as he pulled out and then gleefully jammed his prick back inside her.
Eva’s head spun dizzily; her pussy ached. She wanted to cry out,
scream and scratch at him, but she lay quietly, taking his hard, hot
fucking, and feeling helpless and lost.

At last, the savage finished with her. He pulled out of her with a wet
slop and sat back on his heels with a self-satisfied look. Eva turned
away, unable to bear his smug leer. She saw her rifle, a few feet
away. Summoning her strength, the fiery woman pulled her knees around
him, up to her chest, and kicked out, knocking him backwards into the

Then the violated woman rolled over and snatched up the rifle,
bringing it to bear in a flash. The Jap moved halted and dived to the
side, but Eva tracked him and fired a blast that caught him under the
arm at close range, knocking him back and rolling him over on his
back. He cried out in pain and shouted in Japanese, clutching his side
and crawling away toward cover. Eva sat up and chambered another
round; she fired again, shooting him in the buttock and knocking him
over again. He lay in the brush, calling out weakly in his strange
language, bleeding profusely, and panting heavily. His red prick was
shrunken again, wet and sticky. Leaves clung to his sex-smeared belly
and thighs.

Eva stood and worked the action of the rifle; the Jap’s eyes were
wide. The woman fired a final round into his chest. He coughed his
last and slumped over in the shadows of the jungle vegetation.

But before Eva could finish wiping the jism off her thigh and reach
for the dead man’s clothes, there came the sound of soldiers crashing
through the jungle. She could even hear their shouts already. The
woman tossed her black hair and grabbed the Japanese army rifle from
the tree it leaned against. She rushed through the trees, crouching
low and staying amongst the undergrowth.

Shots rang out behind her, and bark and leaved flew all around. They
had spotted her escape and were laying down a blanket off fire to stop
her, even though they didn’t know exactly where she was. Eva ducked
behind a thick, fork-trunked tree and caught her breath. The soldiers
called to one another and ceased their firing. Now, she knew, they
would start a methodical search.

Eva checked the ammunition in both weapons. They both had about ten
rounds, but she had no more bullets if she needed to reload. And for
all she knew, the whole Japanese marine corps was swarming the island.

Her heart pounded in her chest. Her hands shook. She threw the bolt on
both rifles and turned around. She could already see crouching Jap
soldiers coming through the foliage. Eva raised the rifle through the
fork in the tree trunk and opened fire on the nearest soldier. A red
plume exploded on his chest and knocked him flat on his back. She
cocked the gun again and fired at another, even as the group of them
dived for cover.

The plucky gal pilot wished she had a few Jap grenades to throw or a
machine gun to spray the bastards with lead. But she gave them hell
with both barrels, nevertheless. The closest men to her shot away big
chunks of bark, forcing Eva to duck. She started firing from one side
of the tree instead, and began looking for an escape route. When she
ran out of ammo in Rollie’s rifle, she dropped it and backed off. The
Japs pulverized her cover tree, but she crawled away on her belly
until she got to another tree, where she could stand and run.

The slender woman ducked through the heavy brush with nimble steps,
circling around the soldiers rather than running straight away, where
the terrain got steeper and steeper toward the hills. She knew it
would slow her down too much to try to run uphill. But even as she
went on flatter ground, she found her strength failing and her mind
becoming dull with fatigue.

Suddenly, Eva found herself face-to-face with another Jap soldier. She
leveled the captured rifle and blasted a hole in his chest that made
him stagger and drop to his knees. The woman fired again and blew off
part of his forehead, the blood and brains spattering a tree next to

But other soldiers were all around in a moment. She had run right into
their flank! She fired another round and another, but the panic made
her miss. Then the rifle jammed, leaving her helpless and surrounded.

The soldiers quickly advanced and slapped the gun out of her hands,
smiling broadly–wickedly–at her nudity, just like the first one had.

They dragged Eva back to their camp, down through the jungle to a
trail toward the seashore. They tied her wrists with a strip of cloth
from a dead soldier’s uniform but left her naked and barefoot, forcing
her to march over rough, rocky, and root-laden terrain that hurt her
feet and legs with every step.

In the Japanese camp, the soldiers brought her to their commander, an
even smaller man with small round glasses and a thin mustache and
scraggly beard. He ordered her to be tied down to stakes. She had
killed four of their soldiers total, she discovered, and wounded one.
They brought the wounded man forward to her. He was bigger than the
others, stripped to the waist so that a bandage could be put on his
upper arm. With sudden shock and horror, the vulnerable young woman
realized they were giving him the honor of raping her first.

Eva was laid down in the sand a little ways away from the seaside
camp. Her hands were tied over head to a single stake. Each of her
legs were tied to separate stakes spread wide apart. It made her legs
ache to have them stretched so far apart, opening her up to close and
crass inspection. They prodded her vagina and squeezed her breasts.
They even poked their filthy fingers into her anus, laughing at her
disgusted reaction, and then stuck their fingers under her nose.

Eva burned with shame and anger. She twisted and jerked at her bonds,
but they held firm. Then the wounded soldier pushed down his trousers
and revealed a frightful prick, stiff and ready. He knelt down between
her legs and took a small jar from an older man who had the look of a
doctor. It was lubricating jelly. Something inside Eva’s stomach
tightened and twisted.

The soldier slathered his prick generously with the creamy goo and
handed back the jar. Then he pressed the thick, red knob of his cock
against Eva’s already-tortured pussy and spread cold lube over her
labia. Then he leaned forward and forced himself inside her. The
dark-haired lovely cried out, gasping, thrashing back and forth,
feeling the Jap’s hard dick slide inside her easily and fill her
completely in one brutal push.

Other soldiers stood around massing their groins and commenting
approvingly. Eva’s body ached; her wrists and ankles burned with pain
from the tied bonds. She felt the soldier shove into eagerly again and
lay over her, fondling her breast and bending his head to run his
tongue up her face. She turned away, panting, groaning.

The others began to pull out their dicks and play with them openly.
Eva tried to look, but they quickly began to kneel around her and jerk
off right next to her, fondling her naked flesh and practically
drooling. They probably hadn’t seen a woman for weeks, even a
prostitute, and had enough come in their balls to fill a sea chest.

In only couple of minutes, the soldier between her legs pulled out,
having shot his creamy load, and wiped his dick on her belly. Others
around her still jacked their hard dicks in her face, over her
breasts, and over her legs, contorting their faces, staring wildly at
her trapped, naked form. Another man took the place of the first
between her legs and shoved his cock inside her roughly, without
lubricant. There was still enough of the gooey stuff inside her to
make him slip easily inside and pump her hard in and out.

Eva cried in despair and fear. She wished that they would merely kill
her, but they were clearly keen to use her roughly for their carnal
satisfaction before they would think about that. Some of the men
around her began to shoot their jism over her, spraying her body with
streams and globs of white come. Tears ran down her face and mixed
with the semen dripping down her cheek.

The second man was soon replaced by a third. Eva’s body hurt all over,
but her back and her arms were sorest of all. The men sucked her tits,
nibbling and squeezing roughly, and one shot off directly into her
mouth, loading her tongue with his sperm and spilling it over her red
lips. She spat it out and twisted back and forth, snapping at the
cocks closest to her head, hoping to put a savage bite into one of

But that only encouraged the men to jack their hard-ons even harder,
spilling her jism onto her face and breasts covering her body with
load after load of Jap come. At last, the bulk of the men had spent
themselves. Eva had lost count of the men who had knelt between her
legs and shoved their red cocks into her tender, throbbing pussy. And
she couldn’t count the ones who had spilled their spunk onto her body.
Only a few remained to rub their stiff pricks in the jism of their
compatriots or finger her pussy.

The one between her legs now even stuck his dick against her anus and
pushed. His cock was covered with other men’s come from her dripping
pussy, giving him the lubrication he needed to push into her tight
hole and violate the last frontier on her body. His penis shoved hard
into her, filling Eva up in a way she had never experienced. He forced
himself inside her painfully, roughly, sliding in and out with wicked
glee to see the pain and humiliation he caused her.

The prisoner writhed in despair. She tried to relax her body and let
him ravish her completely, so as to feel as little pain as possible,
but his thrusts were angry stabs, meant only to provide him the
release he desperately wanted. At last, the soldier stiffened and
grimaced, shooting hot jets of sperm into Eva’s asshole, making her
quiver and shake. To her shock and horror, a tremendous orgasm built
up inside her in spite of all the pain, degradation, and fear–or
perhaps because of it–and she gasped and shook, wracked with terrific
tremors of ecstasy and sexual release.

Now Eva burst into tears again, the shame becoming too much for her.
Her naked, bound body, covered in the jism of a score of men or more,
raped and sodomized, nonetheless succumbing to the instinct of carnal

But even as other men returned for another round of rape and
humiliation, calls of alarm went up all around. The soldiers quickly
stuffed their pricks back in their pants and scrambled for weapons and
cover. They left Eva in the sand, spread-eagle, naked and alone. She
twisted her head around, trying to see what the soldiers were reacting
to, but could only see that some of them were heading up the slope
toward higher ground, pointing out to sea and shouting excitedly. It
could only mean an enemy ship!

Eva’s heart leaped up, hope springing anew in her. Perhaps her
distress call had been heard! She prayed that the ship would spot the
Japanese encampment and start shelling or even invade. She hoped only
that she would be killed along with the Japs, and her nightmare
captivity would end.

But then, Eva found that, in her struggles earlier, the stake holding
her arms had worked loose. She though that if she could pull it out,
she might be able to untie her wrists and free herself. She summoned
up her strength and pulled with all her might. Her arms burned with
pain, but gradually, the stake moved a little more. She jerked it back
and forth, at last pulling it free completely and allowing her to
finally bring her hands back over her head and hold them in front of

The dark-haired woman quickly jerked and twisted at the bonds,
loosening the cord around the stake and, once she had shed it,
allowing her to free her hands completely. She knew she didn’t have
much time. The soldiers were occupied now looking at the ship, but it
wouldn’t last. She used the stake that had held her hands to strike at
the ones that held her legs. She rocked them back and forth, finally
loosening them enough as well that she could pull them out.

Eva leaped up, not bothering to untie the stakes attached her ankles,
and ran down toward the beach. Shouts erupted behind her, the sound of
gunfire. She ducked and weaved as best she could, half running, half
stumbling down the sandy clearing past Jap military equipment and
brush and toward the beach.

To her astonishment, even as Eva saw the Jap’s landing boat on the
beach, she passed a chest full of Jap hand grenades. The
quick-thinking woman stopped short and tumbled in the sand; she
crawled back quickly and grabbed a grenade in each hand. They were
heavy, solid things that weighed in her sore hands heavily as she
turned and ran again. Gunfire rang out around her from the higher
ground behind, but she ran all the harder.

Reaching the Jap boat, Eva tried to push it off the beach, but it was
grounded too high for her to move. She pulled the pin and dropped it
into the boat, then dashed away, down the beach and into the water.

The explosion blew a plume of fire and high into the sky and scattered
wood and metal fragments all over the beach and into the sea. Jap
soldiers had rushed down the beach and were firing at Eva desperately.
She ducked under the water and swam to one side, putting the remains
of the landing boat between her and the riflemen.

Poking her head up to catch her breath at last, the aviatrix saw it at
last: the ship in the distance. It was a small warship, a frigate, and
bristling with guns big enough to teach the Japs a lesson they would
never forget. She swam toward it slowly, glad to have the filthy jism
of Jap marines washed off her skin, barely hoping that the ship would
turn her way–but it did.

The crew apparently had seen the explosion in the landing boat and was
heading straight for them! Eva’s heart caught in her throat as she saw
the colors flying proudly over the bridge: the brilliant red field,
small British ensign, and shining Southern Cross stars of the flag of

The desperate woman hailed the ship, waving madly, heedless of the
gunfire still sending up plumes of water around her. After a
long–impossibly long–and desperate wait, she saw a small launch
speed away from the ship toward her. The gunfire from the shore
stopped even before Eva could see at last the starched white uniforms
of the Australian sailors speeding over the waves toward her. She
hailed them weakly and waved again and again, at last certain that
they could see her and were heading straight for her. In a few more
minutes, Eva finally heard the welcome voices of civilized,
English-speaking men.

“You were right, Lieutenant; that must be the pilot that went down!”

“Bloody hell! It’s a woman!”

“Pipe down, sailor, and– Bloody hell! She’s stark naked!”

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