Sweets Stories: Charlie Reacts

When Charlie returned, he smelled of pizza and beer. He told Chuck to take off
for awhile and for Sweets to stick around. Chuck left and Charlie looked at
Sweets, then asked, what’s up Sweets, you look like got caught with your hand
in the cookie jar or something..your face is red.

Nothing, Charlie, Sweets said. Charlie said, come in the back, I will lock up
here and we can play for awhile. Maybe not today, Charlie, I should be getting
home soon. Charlie paused while locking the door…what’s that, he said, what
did I hear you say? Sweets repeated, maybe I should go home now? Charlie said,
no, Sweets, not today..we have some work to do, some pussy work to do. Go in
the room and take off those panties and lay down beside my big chair, I will be
right in.

Sweets went in the back room, took off her panties and lay down on the rug
beside Charlie’s chair. When Charlie came in, he told her to get that dress up
above her waist. She pulled it up slowly, Charlie seemed grouchy or something.

He came and stood above her facing down onto her little pink pussy which
quivered while he stared down at it. She could hear but could not see him
opening his zipper. She lay quietly waiting as he began to pee on her pussy and
used his feet to hold her still when she jumped at the first hot splash on her

Charlie said, open those lips, get that pussy open, Sweets, get it open for
me..wider, wider, that is a good girl, hold it open for Charlie, baby, I want
to warm you up.

He directed the stream toward where her lips were parted and the stream was hot
and sharp somehow. It made her want to move away from it falling so hard on her
pee hole. His legs and feet held her still until he finished and shook the last
few drops on her belly. Charlie spoke, this is what we have for the baby
pussies, honey, this is what we need to practice, so you hold still while we
spray your pussy, then if you do, we will suck your pee hole dry…got it?

Sweets was quiet and felt the hot urine sliding down to beneath her buttocks,
then it seemed to cool as she stayed on that rug. She felt like a dog peed on
her as if she were a lampost or something. She liked the hot part and the sharp
part a little, but did not like feeling it cool as it trickled down inside her
thighs to make her bum wet.

Charlie said, get up and take off that dress and that undershirt you are
wearing and go into that shower over there. She did as she was told and felt
his eyes watching her take off her dress or she tried to without untying the
belt and it got stuck.

Charlie came over to help pull it back down, untie the belt and then lift it up
again. His big penis was just hanging out of his pants and bounced while he
helped her. It was so much bigger than Chuck’s and had all these veins showing
on it.

Charlie said, I know what you are looking at Sweets, but that is not for you, I
do not fuck baby pussies, just cunts and you have no cunt and I have other
plans for that pussy of yours…now get that undershirt off…as she removed
it, the cold made her tiny nipples show, he reached over and pinched one so
hard, her knees buckled. He grabbed the other one and pinched again until she
cried out and he brought her to her knees. His big penis kept bouncing around
while he moved she could take her eyes off it.

It looked so different from Chuck’s. Charlie said, stop eyeing it, none of it
is for you, look at me, look at me now. Her nipples hurt and she was chilled by
the sound in his voice.

When I say get to the shower, I mean now, not next week, but now. As he
released her nipples, his penis touched her chest and face and she wished she
could just touch it, but he said, no, don’t even think about it, get to the

As she stood and turned he slapped her lightly on the buttocks, then followed
her to the shower. He tooked the spray handle from its rack, pushed her into
the corner and turned on the water. It went from cold to hot near her feet,
then he adjusted it to a fine spray, told her to open her legs and he pointed
the spray head at her pussy.

The spray stung at first because it was hot and had like little points on it.
He adjusted the head again until the points changed to one sharp fast stream
and told her to get the lips open, bend your knees, here it comes..and he
sprayed that little pussy while she jumped and he yelled, hold still!

She could not hold still, it hurt more than when he peed down on her. It just
kept coming and snapping at her pussy and she could not escape it.

He kept moving the spray handle to wherever she move in the corner. When she
stopped holding the walls and tried to cover her pussy, he slapped her hands
away and put his fingers onto her lips and held them apart so the spray beat on
her while she tried to move out of its range.

Charlie was strong and the spray was hard and fast and he kept doing it…

Sweets started to cry, Charlie, I will tell, I will tell you what happened
while you were gone, I will tell, please, this hurts, Charlie, I will tell.

He abruptly turned off the water, even as she kept saying, she would tell what
happened. He reached for a towel then covered her with it, picked her up and
carried her to his chair.

He laid her across his lap and began to dry her, all without saying a word. She
stopped sobbing and Charlie patted her hair and said, good girl, Sweets, tell
Charlie what happened while he was away….

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