I ditched the last two periods that day because I knew that with the pep rally going on, there would be plenty of opportunities to disappear without getting caught. I had no use for pep rallies; if they weren’t going to teach me anything, then they had no business keeping me. I figured I had
Buddy Fuck
Andrea worked for an economic development company that traveled with business leaders to different cities to entice companies to move to our city. On one of these trips she was with two fellows who we actually knew pretty well. Andrea and these guys had done these trips before and always had a great time. They
Hubby gets his wish
I went down to our basement where my hubby mark and his best friend Steve were watching a movie. I walked straight over to Steve and straddled his lap, I leaned over and asked him if he wanted to give me a hand. He had a very confused look on his face. I asked Mark
My first black lover
I had been fucking other guys for some time when hubby said I should try black. I had been thinking about it but wasn’t sure how to bring it up, or if I should. I was raised in the South where there is nothing more taboo then being with a blackman. I told Hubby that
My hubby, Frank, and I had moved back to the small town I grew up in. It maybe had 400 to 500 people. Back then I loved to party and have a good time and Frank, my husband, loved to party as much as me. I had met some guys in town I hadn’t seen