As I feel my skin welcome the morning sun a smile plays across my lips. This smile due to the fact that I feel your breath against my cheek and your arm across my stomach. I just lay there for a moment thikning thwe situation through and then have an idea. As quietly as possible
Slut of the truckstop
I work a sucky job. I am a waitress at a truckstop. Every day I have to put up with the hundreds of perverted, frustrated truckers. I swear, as soon as I get through college I am out of here. My boss is probably the most sexist man in the world. I should have quit
Bridge Jack Off
Joey and I were sitting in the front seat of his van, the bridge was up, and we were stuck in traffic. As I looked around I saw we were stopped next to an eighteen wheeler and the driver was looking very intently down at my body. I like to tease old perverts so I