The Guy in the Aisle Seat

The place: a dark, crowded movie theatre. Alice and her husband Bob are
sitting together, two and three seats in. One empty seat remains between
Alice and the aisle. Alice’s handbag sits on the empty seat. The lights dim
and the seemingly endless stream of tell-all trailers begins.
Alice shivers..”Brr, Bob, are you chilly? I’m chilly.”
Bob just grunts his reply-his attention span, as it has been for the past
year or two, is short. His eyes are glued to the big screen.
Alice pulls her bulky sweater off of the chair where her purse sits and
drapes it over her lap. She’s wearing a short skirt-no hose-and
sandals…apparently she misjudged the potential for coolness inside the
air-conditioned theatre…a big difference from the sweltering desert night.
“Mmm. That’s a little better.”
“Scuse me…excuse me?”
A voice at her shoulder…she glanced over towards the aisle to see a man
standing there-“Is this seat taken?”
“Ummm…no…” She fumbles with her bag to free up the seat. It’s the last
free seat in the house, so she gives it up.
Bob sits munching his popcorn, enraptured with the previews.
Alice returns her attention to the screen and watches, slightly bored. A
Meg Ryan/Van Damme action teamup? What were they thinking? On it goes for
another 10 minutes until finally the Feature Presentation… some new flick
Bob had wanted to see starring James Spader in a romantic coupling with Rosie
O’Donnell. Alice rolls her eyes. The theatre darkens a little more and she
sips her overpriced, underflavored Pepsi.
Although the movie is predestined to be in the video stores within a
month, Bob watches almost in a trance, muttering to himself. Alice has
learned after all this time to tune him out. She tunes him out at the
theater, tunes him out at home, tunes him out in bed. The anatomy of a
relationship that’s swirling in the drain.
She glances sidelong at the guy sitting in the aisle seat. Her eyes roam
his profile-he looks the smallest bit weathered-his hair is short and dark,
with a little bit of grey-the closest she can come to compare is James
Woods…but with a much friendlier-looking way about him. He glances back at
her and smiles slightly, then puts his attention back up on the screen.
The movie starts its slow death and Alice suddenly feels a hand on her
thigh. Her right thigh-certainly it’s not Bob, suddenly deciding to get
frisky at this point in time. Impulsively she lets her knees fall a little
further apart. The sweater keeps her lap covered and warm, the chilly hand
almost burns into her skin. She continues to look straight ahead.
The man to her right moves his hand further up her thigh. His hands are
strong, with long fingers and knobby knuckles. She sucks in a breath-looks
quickly over to Bob, who’s not paying any attention at all. She glances then
to the man in the aisle seat-who looks at him out of the corner of his eye
and winks. She lets her eyes widen momentarily in response.
A few minutes pass and the hand gently strokes her thigh-a touch light,
barely there-subtle, so as not to disturb the sweater on Alice’s lap. He
inches his hand upwards and finally reaches his destination-another small
His fingers gently probe her clean-shaved mound. Another glance to her
right and she sees the slightest hint of a smile. His eyes-not looking at
her, but at the movie-are so alive, glisten with a life she hasn’t seen in
Bob’s eyes for months.
The man slides his finger down just a bit and comes in contact with
Alice’s clitoris. She tenses as the sensation runs down her legs-up her
torso-she feels flush immediately and she knows she’s getting wet. In the
dark theatre nothing is obvious-the man in the aisle seat is wearing black,
the sweater on her lap is black, everything blends together and Bob sits to
her left ignoring his wife-as usual.
She feels his finger flick quickly over her clit as he sits, seemingly
absorbed in the bad-and-getting-worse film. She tenses as she tries to watch
the movie herself-and his finger moves down to slide into her pussy. She
tries a strategic move and crosses her right leg over her left knee-thus
allowing for easier access. Again the man in the aisle seat smiles to
Her breaths are coming a little faster and she tries so hard to keep her
composure. The hand moves back to her clit and rubs her almost roughly
now-Alice is so turned on she feels a climax building fast. As she nears the
top she decides immediately how to ‘cover’ her orgasm and with a beet-red
face she comes with a quiet force and quickly starts into a small coughing
fit. The cough gives her some relief from the pent up screams she wishes she
could let loose with; Bob glances over at her for just a minute, then returns
to the movie.
The man on the aisle has moved his hand back to her thigh and strokes her
softly. Alice glances over as he looks back at her. She smiles, weakly, her
flush just barely starting to receed. The man’s eyes pierce hers and he
smiles back with mischief all over his face. The hand withdraws.
Alice rearranges the sweater and unfolds her legs. The man in the aisle
seat gets up without another glance and walks out of the theatre.
Alice watches the movie, glancing at her watch. Minutes pass and she
nudges Bob.
“I’m going to run to the bathroom, I’ll be back in a few minutes, ok?”
Bob grunts again.
Alice gets up and walks to the hallway, which is completely deserted since
it’s prime movie time….save for one man.
She walks up to where he’s leaning against the wall-her eyes meet his and
she’s engulfed once more by his piercing eyes and smile.
“Hey,” she says.
“Is that what you were talking about?” he replies.
He puts his arms on her shoulders and pulls her face to his and kisses
her, hard and fast.
“Oh Evan, that was incredible,” she replies.”It was exactly what I was
talking about….uh…what did you think?”
“It was almost too easy,” he says. “Did that bonehead have any idea?”
“No way….do you see now? I might as well be invisible.”
Evan strokes her face. “You sure aren’t invisible to me, Alice.”
“You are so cool, Evan…I’m so glad you decided to play along.”
“Well I’ll try anything once…I didn’t realize what a turn-on it would be
though-shall we do this again?”
Alice pulls in closer and brushes her hand over Evan’s bulging slacks.
“It looks like I wasn’t the only one getting turned on in there…I wish I
could do something about it.”
A devious look crosses Evan’s thin face. “Care to try?”
Without hesitation Alice nods quickly. “Go back in, I’ll come back in a
few minutes and I’ll see what we can do. Another quick kiss, and Alice
rushes now into the bathroom to tidy herself up. Evan walked back into the
A few minutes pass before Alice collects herself and heads back into the
dark, crowded room. She sits back down after sliding in past Evan, who’s
gone back to being the guy in the aisle seat.
Bob stirs, his eyes leave the screen for just a minute, long enough to ask
the stupid question. “Did you go to the bathroom?”
“Yeah” replies Alice. Just as quickly his attention moves back to the
Alice once again picks up the big black sweater and drapes it casually
over her legs. It conveniently falls partly into the lap of the man in the
aisle seat. He looks at her so briefly and tries to unobtrusively arrange
the sweater so it gives him some cover as well.
This time it’s Alice’s turn to snake her hand slowly into Evan’s lap. He
squirms the tiniest bit, obviously uncomfortable with the tightness in his
pants. With his own right hand he slides under the sweater and touches
Alice’s hand. He undoes the button and Alice moves in to pull down the
zipper of his dark slacks.
She glances to her left again at Bob, who’s oblivious, as usual.
She uses the spread of her fingers to open Evan’s pants a little more and
his rigid cock comes out to play with little provocation.
Alice looks briefly at Evan’s face-his eyes are still shining and she’s
never seen him look so alert as he tries to pretend he’s interested in the
She slowly strokes the length of his shaft-another thing she enjoys about
spending this illicit time with Evan is the size of his penis- she compares
it once more to Bob’s shrimpish member. She sighs and strokes Evan…she
hopes nobody’s noticing the minor tenting effect under the sweater.
Evan sighs and his eyes seem to lose a little bit of their alertness-she’s
seen this look in his eyes before-a blissful, contented look similar to the
one he wore just days prior as they fucked at his house while his wife was at
Bob continues to watch the movie.
Of course.
She picks up the pace, running the palm of her hand over the hot head of
Evan’s cock-picking up some of the pre-cum moisture to lubricate the process
a little bit. His penis is about 7″ long and rock hard. She’s so happy that
he’s getting so much pleasure himself out of this experience-Alice has long
been fascinated and turned on by the idea of cuckolding Bob right under his
nose-an experience she feels he deserves by his inattentiveness and general
apathetic nature. That Evan is enjoying it so much himself makes it all that
much better for her and she smiles to herself as she contemplates the nature
of the acts they are performing on each other even as Bob sits there, still
gobbling popcorn.
Evan’s hand is under the sweater as well and he tenses suddenly as she
strokes his pent-up frustration. He grabs her wrist to get her to slow down.
It’s too late, though, and she thrills in watching the changes on his
face-his eyelids flutter and his eyes roll up for just a split second-he
tries so hard to be subtle but under the sweater his cock is pushing out
white-hot semen, all over Alice’s hand and the knit of the sweater. Now it’s
his time to flush and out of the corner of her eye she sees his orgasm-face
slowly turn back into the Evan she’s come to know and…not love, but enjoy
an awful lot. Evan’s hand, still under the sweater, strokes the back of hers
as he lets out a single, pinched exhalation.
Alice freezes momentarily, her hand, wet with Evan’s cum still under the
sweater….Bob jostles a little and looks over at her. “Did you see that
part? Did you see Bob Denver shoot that guy?” “Uhh-yeah, I sure did!”
Bob (once again) returns to his movie.
Slowly Alice moves to wipe some of the cum onto the underside of the
sweater. A little bit remains on her finger as she pulls her hand out from
this dark, secret place.
She looks over at Evan briefly to make sure he’s paying attention and
moves her finger to her lips, sucking Evan’s semen into her mouth. Evan
can’t help but grin; fortunately everyone else in the theatre laughs at
something funny in the movie at that moment so it’s not in the least out of
place. Alice gives her eyebrows a wiggle as Evan tries to unobtrusively
readjust his pants. She slowly pulls the sweater into a ball and drops it
onto the floor; the movie reaches its end.
Evan “accidentally” pushes his shoulder and arm against Alice’s and they
exchange one final glance.
She mouths to him “Mail me” and knows there will be a steamy email waiting
in her box when she gets home. As plainly as he’d arrived, Evan
gets up and leaves the theatre as the credits roll. Alice picks up the
sweater now that Bob’s attention has left the screen….”Oh look at that, I
must have spilled some of my soda on the sweater!”
Bob grunts. “Ready to go? I’ve got to get to bed…”
Alice gathers her senses, her handbag and cum-wet sweater and follows Bob
out of the theatre. They pass out through the lobby and to the parking lot.
As they get into their car and get settled in, only Alice knows why the guy
in the car next to theirs is staring at her with a grin on his face.