The Sinner Auntie

“Delayed!” Mom said, disgustedly while scanning the arrival board.
“Just like her to make me have to wait around longer.”

“I don’t think Auntie Sin did that, Mom,” I told her from my spot on the
end of the bench.

Peering around dad, she pointed at me, “Your aunt’s name is Sinclair”.

“She always says to call her Sin.” I explained.

“Because she doesn’t like to admit she’s an aunt and a woman in her late
thirties. Sin is her slut name.”

“Carol.” Dad shook his head, “You shouldn’t say things like that.”

“She’s my sister, and I call a spade a spade.” She crossed her arms over
her chest and gave her blonde hair an indignant toss.

“She’s Jake’s aunt and she’s always been good to him so at least keep
your cattiness to yourself.”

“Do I tell you how to talk about your sister, Paul?”

“I don’t call my sister a slut.”

“Because she’s not one.”

“Hey, mom what did aunt Sin…Sinclair,” I corrected myself “Do that was
so bad?”

“You don’t need to know the details, just know she’s not a role model as
an aunt or a woman.”

I started to speak, but dad had shot her a look and rolling her eyes,
mom got up. “I’m going to grab a coffee.”

She walked away in a huff and dad leaned back on the bench.

“It’s going to be a long week.”

“Why does mom hate auntie?”

“She doesn’t hate her, she just…” he put his hands up, “They’re
sisters and they’re very different. They were raised kind of old fashioned
and mom stayed that way, your aunt?” Dad laughed, “Not so much.”

“That’s no reason to say she’s a slut.” I frowned, “Auntie’s always been
good to me.”

“She has.” Dad agreed, “And that’s why I bought her a ticket to your
graduation and told your mother that she’s not only coming, but staying
with us.”

“Bet she was thrilled with that.” I grinned.

“It…” he laughed, “Let’s say it was cold showers for me for week.”

“Whoa, I don’t need to know about that stuff.” I looked around to find
mom and saw there were a few people in line ahead of her and figured it was
safe for a few more minutes.

“So dad, what really happened with mom and Aunt Sin?”

“At least for this week it’s Sinclair, okay? Your mother never liked
that nickname, especially since they had that argument.”

“What about?”

“Why the twenty questions, Jake?” Dad asked, “Your mother’s blow out
with Sinclair was two year ago. Why are you just now bringing it up so

“Honestly” I smiled, “Because you told me when I became a man we would
talk a lot more and there wouldn’t be anymore, ‘you’re not old enough’.

“True.” Dad nodded, “So how about you don’t need to know?”

“I just think it kind of sucks.” I kept going, “Auntie used to be around
a lot. I’d sleep over on the weekends and she would always watch me when
you guys went away. Now she’s never around.”

“She also moved to Florida not too long after the argument when she
bought the club down there. So it’s not like she’d be around a lot
anyway.” Dad reminded me.

“I know, but last two summers she’s offered to fly me down for a couple
of weeks and mom says no.” When he didn’t answer, I simply said, “I just
miss her is all.”

“I understand” Dad sighed, “Jake it’s just something you really
shouldn’t know.” He put his hand on my shoulder, “I know that’s a shitty
answer. You’re a man now and I know you think you should know everything.”

“Exactly.” I told him with a smile.

“But it’s kind of dicey and I think mom’s right for keeping her issues
with your aunt from you.”


“Let’s just say it might change how you look at her.”

“Oh.” I frowned, “She’s not into drugs or…”

“Nothing like that.” Dad said quickly, “She’s not a bad person and your
mother might be over reacting, but… There might be something to it.”


“Important thing is Jake I’m on your side with this. I insisted
Sinclair stay with us for a few days before your graduation and maybe her
and your mom can work things out. So how about you let it go at that?”

“Okay, I get it” I flicked my wrist and made the sound of a snapping

“You’re going to get it smartass.” Dad said, but couldn’t help laughing.

I winked, and turning around, scanned the lobby of T.F. Green. I
enjoyed people watching; well more specifically girl watching. Being a
warm June day there was some pretty good eye candy wandering by in shorts,
short dresses and tight little tops. While watching a tall slender
brunette walk by in a pair of fuck me sandals and shorts that exposed the
tips of her ass cheeks I wondered what Auntie would be wearing.

I knew that wasn’t a normal thought for a nephew to have about his aunt,
but she sure as hell wasn’t a typical aunt. Aunt Sin-who she would always
be to me- had originally earned that nickname back in college when she had
decided not to work with mom at their parent’s diner.

Instead she went to work as a cocktail waitress at a strip club and
eventually became one of the dancers. Going by the name of Nikki Sin,
Auntie had become the clubs most requested dancer and unlike the other
strippers who were into the drug scene, Auntie banked most of the money she

Once she’d finished college, she kept dancing and eventually managed a
club before buying one with three other women down in Florida. At this
point she still stripped, but very rarely and by special request and for
ridiculous amounts of money.

My parents had no idea Auntie had told me this nor did they know I had
once over heard mom make a crack to auntie she knew she did a lot more than
dance for that money. Auntie’s reply had been, “I had it, and they were
willing to pay for it, why not?”

That comment had never ceased to turn me on and once I’d heard it, the
already occasional dirty thought about my hot aunt had led to some all out
taboo fantasies. I’d overheard another conversation once when I was at her
house during which auntie had told someone those days were over and she was
a business woman.

She’d then added any fucking she did now was purely recreational and had
laughed. Just hearing her say that in the slightly raspy phone sex purr
she spoke in had caused a sea of images a nephew shouldn’t have about his
mom’s younger sister.

Especially seeing that even in her mid thirties when I last saw her,
Auntie still looked as if she could swing from a pole and make top dollar.
To say she was good looking was like saying Donald Trump had a couple of
bucks to spare. I stopped thinking of auntie long enough to return the
smile of a cute redhead who had slowed up when she walked past me. She
gave me a pretty long look followed by a playful wink.

I started to get up to see if I could start some small talk, when a guy
who had been walking behind her, caught up with her and took her hand. I
sat back down and heard dad say, “That could have been interesting.”

I glanced over to see him grinning at me and shrugged. It sounded like
a bad thing to say, but looks ran in the family. Auntie was smoking hot
and my mother was a lot prettier than she put herself out there as.

Mom dressed and acted conservative, but got more than her share of looks
on the beach and had the same long light brown hair and smoldering brown
eyes as her sister. Of course, Aunties smoldered with a come hither look,
while mom’s was usually because she was pissed at someone.

I had the same big dark eyes, but had dad’s thick black hair. I worked
out as much as I could and was told I had a great smile and good sense of
humor. I couldn’t be too bad looking as I could usually find a date
without too much trouble, but so far hadn’t met anyone that I’d really
clicked with.

Sitting back on the bench and watching for auntie, I let my mind wander
back to when I used to stay at her house when I was younger. Auntie was
always a lot of fun. As high strung as mom was, auntie was that laid back.
She would take me to whatever movie or sometimes concert I wanted to; never
telling my parents. She’d feed me cold pizza for breakfast and take me
shopping where she bought me whatever my parents said I couldn’t have.

But as much fun as she was, Auntie was serious about one thing and that
was school; always asking what my grades were and once refusing to take me
for the weekend because I failed to study for a test and did poorly on it.
She said education was everything. I once brought up how she made her
money and with a smile she said, “Education taught me how to manipulate and
get what I needed with what I had.”

Auntie had a lot that was for sure and was never shy with showing it. I
could never admit it to my parents, but once I hit the age of knowing what
I was looking at, the trips to auntie’s house were even better than before.
Not only would she generally wear revealing outfits while out and about,
but when home she would walk around in slinky little tank tops or silky
camisoles with satin shorts that looked like they should be underwear.

I used to have to struggle not to let her catch me looking because
whenever she bent over my eyes would be glued to her ass or her impressive
tits that looked ready to fall out of her little shirt.

Maybe it was because I was her nephew and she figured I didn’t look, but
Auntie saw no need for a bra at night and her nipples were always visible
through her flimsy attire. Glancing at dad as if I was afraid he could
read my mind; I thought back to the best part of those last few months of
weekends spent with Auntie Sin.

From the time I was a kid, Auntie always had a huge TV in her room,
first a big one on the bureau then a nice flat screen. Auntie loved to
watch movies in bed and eat popcorn and used to let me sleep in her bed and
watch silly comedies or cheesy horror movies to all hours of the night into
the morning.

As I got older she continued this tradition and I never thought anything
of it. That was until she would shut the TV off and go to sleep and I
would lay there staring at her scantily clad body. There was not a lot to
Auntie’s night attire; usually the same type of skimpy shorts and tops she
paraded around in at night.

She always slept with a candle lit; saying the flickering light helped
her sleep. So I had a pretty good view of her lust inducing form. Many
weekends I lay there at night, hard as a rock staring at the curve of her
breasts, her long legs poking from under the sheet and if she were warm I
would get a good look at her perfect ass.

It would get to the point that at first I would slip into the bathroom
and jerk off for relief. Envisioning the unnatural act of my Aunt letting
me play with her body or better yet take her nephew between her full red
lips and into her experienced mouth. That became a routine until one
memorable night when Auntie had rolled over and draped her long leg over

I lay there feeling her warm thigh over mine and swore I could feel the
heat of her pussy through her shorts. My hard cock was inches from her
thigh and grabbing it; I rubbed until I squirted in my underwear while
wishing to hell it was all over the soft swelling of her breasts which had
been pressed against me.

Even now I wondered if Auntie ever knew. There had been a couple of
times she had rolled over against me and pressed her leg and once; her ass,
into my raging hard on. In my fantasies she not only knew, but would tell
me she loved it. In reality if she did know she chalked it up to me being
a horny kid and probably laughed to herself about it.

“Goddamn, Pete, check her out!”

The voices came from behind me and I glanced over my shoulder to see a
couple of guys my age leaning against the wall, both smiling. I followed
their gaze and felt both my heart leap and my jaw drop; Auntie Sin was
walking towards us. My aunt was dressed to kill even by her standards.
Her sleeveless black top was low cut and skin tight, propping up her
already large breasts and the middle of the shirt was black lace leaving
the skin between her breasts visible.

The shirt was short, leaving her flat tan stomach exposed and even from
several feet away I noticed the silver pendent hanging from her pierced
naval. Her skirt was long, the hem flowing well past her knees, but there
were slits up each side showing off her leg almost to her hips. I could
hear her shoes clicking on the tiled floor and looking down, I took in the
black stilettos, noticing how the straps wrapped around her calves to tie
at the knees.

With an act of will I forced my eyes to find her face and noticed that
despite the warm weather, her long light brown hair was down and she was
wearing her trademark deep red lipstick. I was so excited to see her, I
hadn’t realized I had stood up and was already heading towards her. She
was looking towards the other side of the lobby and I called out,

“Hey Auntie!”

She turned to look at me and removing her sunglasses, exclaimed, “Jake!”

She ran the last few feet to meet me and I wondered how the hell she
could walk in those heels, let alone run. Then again she’d spent years
dancing in them on a stage. Auntie reached me and throwing her arms around
my shoulders, said, “I missed you so much!”

She pulled me close to her and as I returned her hug, It struck me how
much I had missed her. Forgetting about her stunning appearance, I hugged
her tightly against me.

“I missed you too!” I kissed her cheek, “It’s been a long time!”

“Two years.” Keeping her hands on my shoulders, she stepped back and
gave me a quick look up and down, “Look at you! Even in these heels you’re
taller than me!”

“Yeah, I finally grew.” I laughed.

“And not just taller,” giving my bicep a squeeze she winked, “Filled out
quite a bit didn’t we?”

“I’ve been working out.” I told her, then wanted to kick myself for
sounding like a dufus. This was my aunt, not some girl I was trying to

“It shows.” She gave me another look, her large dark eyes working their
way up and down my body.

She seemed to linger at my chest and arms and with an odd smile, she
said, “Wow, last time I saw you, you were a skinny kid, now look at you.”
She ran her long red tipped fingers through my hair, “You’re a man now and
a good looking one at that!”

I felt myself beginning to blush, “You look amazing, Auntie.” I told
her, and then added, “As usual.”

“And smooth.” She laughed, then pulling me close once more, gave me a
kiss on the cheek. “Honey, I am so looking forward to spending time with
you this week.”

That had come out in a sexy purr that caused my eyes to widen. Auntie
followed those words with a quick peck on my neck, just below my ear. Not
quite the place an aunt would kiss her nephew, but it sent a shiver through
me. Auntie leaned back again and her eyes staring into mine she whispered,
“You and I are going to have a lot of fun, Jake.” She winked, “A lot of

“Uh..sure.” I said nervously as her fingers trailed down my arm.

“Sinclair!” I heard dad behind me. “It’s been a long time!”

Pulling away from me, Auntie gave dad a big smile and as he embraced her
said, “My favorite brother in law!”

“I’m your only brother in law,” Dad said with a grin, playing his part
in their ritual.

“Right! Like I said; my favorite!” Auntie laughed.

“We were expecting you at the other gate.” Dad said, releasing her, but
keeping his arm around her shoulders.

“I ended up on another flight.” She sighed, “Whole thing was a cluster

“You look…” Dad paused, “Hell, Sinclair you look good, but I think you
know that.”

“Always good to hear from a couple of good looking men though!”

She put her other arm around me and pulled us both close to her, “I
missed the men in my life.”

“Oh, well look at this.” Mom said coming up from behind us. “What, you
have to walk around advertising your business?”

Auntie stepped out from between us and stepping towards mom, shrugged,
“There were investors at the club today and I was…”

“Showing them the product I’m sure.” Mom crossed her arms over her
chest, “You couldn’t change?”

“If you need to know I come on stage to introduce each dancer. I told
you, I don’t perform anymore, but I still need to dress…”

“Like a whore.” Mom stated.

“Carol.” Dad stepped between them. “This is the first time you’ve seen
your sister in two years and besides, Jake is standing…”

“Jake knows what his aunt does for work, Paul. I don’t need to keep it
a secret. Besides it’s not like he couldn’t figure it out now that he’s

Dad frowned and looked at auntie, “You told Jake what you used to do?”

“I’m not ashamed of my choices.” Auntie waved her hand disgustedly, “I
made a choice, made a lot of money and make a damn good living now because
of it. But the two of you are ashamed for me it seems. Perhaps I’ll just
find a hotel and see you at the graduation.”

“Hey!” I exclaimed, “Can’t we just forget about things like that? I
mean we’re supposed to be family.” I put my hand on auntie’s bare shoulder.
“And I want her to stay with us.”

“I like the hotel idea, personally.” Mom muttered.

“Jake’s right.” Dad said. “We’re family. We all make our own way in
life and all that should matter is we take care of each other.” Turning to
auntie he said, “Sinclair, I would like it if you stayed with us the way we

“What about you big sis?” Auntie asked, “You okay with your slut sister
lowering your property values?”

Mom frowned as she faced auntie, their identical brown eyes locked onto
each other. Mom glanced briefly over at me and I mouthed the word,

Mom’s shoulders slumped in resignation, “I’m sorry about the way I’m
acting and I would love for my little sister to stay with my family to
celebrate Jake’s big day.”

“Aww,” Auntie smiled, “You haven’t called me your little sister in

“Because honestly, Sinclair, it always seemed as if you were older than

“Nah,” Auntie laughed, “Just more experienced.”

Stepping forward she hugged mom and to my delight mom returned the hug
and gave her a kiss on the cheek. “Welcome home Sinclair.” She said
softly, “I hope we can start over.”

“That’s up to you big sis.” Auntie replied, while stroking mom’s hair,
“You’re the one that’s upset.” Leaning back she held up mom’s hair,
“Speaking of starting over, Carol, you have to let me help you with a new
look, you’re far too young to be this plain.”

“Gee thanks.”

“I’m sure Paul would enjoy seeing what I could do for you.”

“What size is that dress?” Dad laughed.

“I would never wear that in public.” Mom declared.

“Okay, how about around the house?” Dad asked, hopefully.

“We’ll see.” Mom replied, her face turning red, “I don’t quite have my
sister’s assets shall we say.”

“You have plenty for me, honey!” Dad gave mom a playful spank on the ass
causing her to blush even more.”

“Whoa! TMI guys!” I put my hands over my ears.

“Jake, I’ll get the car, how about you go with auntie and grab her


As mom and dad headed across the lobby to the car, I walked with auntie
towards the luggage pick up. Auntie took my hand in hers and when I looked
at her she squeezed it, “I really am looking forward to spending time with
you Jake.”

“Me too.” I told her.

As we stood and waited for her bags to come around I noticed the looks
auntie was getting. Not a guy of any age walked past her without either
blatantly staring or in some cases doing a double take. I found it to be a
strange turn on to see guys checking out my aunt, to know they desired her.
More of a turn on was the tall blond who not only stared, but walked over
and told auntie,

“I love that dress on you.” That comment was followed by her giving
auntie a long look up and down and even with me standing there, making a
show of licking her lips.

“Thank you,” Auntie replied and to my surprise just as obviously checked
out the blond who was wearing a miniskirt I doubt she could bend over in
without giving the entire lobby a show. “And I love how little of that
skirt is on you.”

“Oh.” The blond smiled, and producing a card from her wallet, handed it
to auntie. “Then maybe you can give me a call and we can talk fashion at a
great club I know.”

“If it’s the Butterfly, I not only know it, but worked there for
awhile.” Auntie replied tucking the card into her exposed bra.

“Really?” The blond smiled, “I was talking about the Butterfly! Now you
have to call me!”

“I’m only here for a week, but I think I’ll find the time.” Auntie told
her, “But right now,” she lifted her hand, taking my arm with it, “This is
my nephew so I’ll have to cut this short.”

“Oh, I’m sorry.” The blond said, but then with a wink added, “I just
thought you were into young guys and was going to say bring him along!”

“Holy shit.” I said aloud then blushed when they both started laughing.

“How adorable.” The blond laughed, “I’m Mandy, please call.”

“You can call me Sin” Auntie replied and reaching into her small purse
produced a card and handed it to her, “That’s my club so if we have some
fun up here, you’re going to have to come down my way.”

“Nikki Sin.” The blond purred, “I do remember that name! Maybe I’ll get
a private show?”

“Nephew.” Auntie reminded her.

With a mischievous giggle, Mandy winked, then blew auntie a kiss before
turning and walking away. I couldn’t help watching her, taking in her long
legs and the way her ass swung back and forth beneath the tight skirt.

“She’s a hot little thing, isn’t she?” Auntie asked.

“Yeah.” I agreed. “Damn.”

“My thoughts exactly.”

Turning to her, I asked, “Are you…you know, really into women?”

Putting her arm around my shoulders, auntie pulled me into a hug and in
her sultry voice said, “They don’t call me Sin because its short for
Sinclair, I’ve earned that name because, honey, you’d be surprised what
your aunt is into.”


It was going to be a long week. Correct that, I thought staring out the
window of my finished room in the basement, it was going to be a long, hard
week. I’d arrived home from school to see Auntie lying by the pool in a
short robe. The robe was open to reveal her red bathing suit, which left
very little to the imagination from what I could see.

She asked if I wanted to change and come out for a swim with her and I
was about to say yes, when Dad had pulled in from work. He was home at
least two hours early and after saying hello to auntie asked me to go
inside and talk with him.

Dad told me he really didn’t want me by the pool with auntie and when I
asked why, he had become vague and pretty much handed me “Because I said
so.” further pressing got me an exasperated, “Because it would piss off
your mother and that’s all you need to know.”

I’d rolled my eyes, but promised I wouldn’t go for a swim, but needed to
go tell her I wasn’t coming out so I wouldn’t look rude. Dad told me he
would go tell her I was studying. I pointed out finals were over and
auntie knew that because she had sent me two hundred dollar check for acing
them. He shot me a dirty look and told me to go downstairs and make myself
scarce until later on.

I spent some time surfing the net, but kept looking over towards the
window. Giving in to temptation I pulled aside the curtain and stared at
auntie who was stretched out in a lounge chair not a dozen feet away from
me. She must have given up on swimming and was now putting tanning oil on
her body.

“Goddamn.” I whispered, watching her lift her long leg and massage the
oil into it.

Auntie already had a hell of a tan and the site of her bronzed skin
glistening as her slender fingers caressed her leg caused my cock to swell.
Auntie leaned back in the chair and bending her leg started to rub the oil
into her inner thigh. My cock was already straining against my jeans and I
unsnapped them for some relief.

My aunt was now working the oil into her other leg and I swallowed hard,
imagining my hands working the oil into her warm, toned legs. Auntie
stretched both her long legs out, angling her toes downward and causing the
muscles to bulge in her calves. My eyes wandered up and down those
incredible legs. Kim, the last girl I had dated was a cheerleader and
close to half auntie’s age and even her legs couldn’t compare to what I was
looking at right now.

Then again I could at least touch Kim’s legs and get between them.
Right now I was not only teasing myself, but really had no right staring at
my aunt like this. But damn she was smoking. Auntie lay back in the chair
and my cock jumped when she poured lotion into her hand and rubbed it onto
her chest. Her hand glided over her large breasts and then between them,
leaving a shiny trail of oil.

When she started rubbing the oil into the exposed tops and sides of her
breasts, I knew there was no fighting it. Pushing my shorts and underwear
down, I grabbed my swollen cock and started stroking it while watching
auntie now rub her flat stomach. Her hands were sliding up and down, her
fingers fanned out and I moaned as they reached the top of the bikini
bottom and slid past it and onto her thighs.

Her hands were moving slowly and sensually and I noticed her back
arching as she did it. I continued stroking my aching cock and my eyes
widened when her hands went back to her breasts and this time cupped them
while sliding her thumbs up and down the exposed inner half of them. Her
hips were moving, slowly thrusting up and down, and to my surprise, she
lifted her right leg straight up, hooked her hand behind it and pulled it
back to her head.

My eyes widened at the sight of the thin red strip of material that
barely covered her pussy, then blinked when letting go of her leg, Auntie
spun around in the chair in one smooth motion, ending up on her knees with
her hands over the back of the chair. My hand sped up on my cock as I was
now staring at her incredible, and barely covered, ass which she began to
shake back and forth.

Leaning back, she extended her legs beyond the back of the chair and
holding the top tightly, let her head fall back and thrust her hips,
grinding her thighs and pussy against the chair while her legs kicked up
and down. I was beginning to wonder if I was seeing things, but if I was
hallucinating or dreaming didn’t care.

Auntie sat up, placed her feet on the deck and standing, whipped one
long leg up and over the chair until she was now facing the front again,
leaning against it, she tossed her head back while grinding her hips in
slow seductive circles.

I gasped as my cock exploded, sending a long stream of cum splashing
against the wall in front of me. I pumped my cock furiously, imagining it
plunging between my aunt’s thighs as she worked her hips the way she was

I sighed as the last of my cum dribbled down my cock and froze when
Auntie stopped moving and sitting back on the chair, waved to someone I
couldn’t see and blew a kiss.

Pulling my shorts over my still dripping cock I crossed my room and
looking out the other window that faced next door saw my friend Jack
standing on his back porch with two of his friends. All three of them were
staring dumbstruck down into my yard. Auntie had been putting on a show
for them. Goddamn she was fucking hot! I could just imagine Jack asking
me who she was when I saw him at school.

Walking back over to the other window, I looked out to see Auntie was
now laying on her stomach and stared at the curve of her amazing ass. My
gaze fell to the wall and with a disgusted sigh I grabbed a shirt off the
chair in front of my desk and wiped off the cum that was oozing down the
wall. I knew it was pretty sick to have blown a load to my aunt, but
whoever said you shouldn’t didn’t have a relative who looked and acted like

The fact she was into women would no doubt add an entire round of new
fantasies involving her. I jumped when my phone buzzed and picking it up
saw dad had sent a text to come upstairs, because mom was due home any
minute and he had ordered Chinese food. I took a minute to change out of
my sticky underwear and donning a pair of jeans went upstairs.

Dad was on the phone in the dining room so I wandered into the living
room and sat down on the couch.

“Hey, Sinclair!” I heard dad call out from the other room, “Come on in,
food will be here soon!”

I sat back on the couch debating whether or not it would be worth
putting the television on before dinner arrived. Instead I closed my eyes,
then opened them at the sound of the auntie saying, “Hey you never came out
for a swim.”

“Sorry.” I began, pissed that dad must not have talked to her, “I was

I stopped when she walked over to stand in front of me. Auntie was
wearing her short white robe, but it was wide open exposing her barely
contained tits and the bottom that was little more than a thong. Her skin
was still glistening from the oil and I couldn’t tear my eyes from her

“Just” Auntie prodded.

“I, uh, ended up on the phone with someone.”

“Ohh, is she a pretty someone?”

Auntie stepped up between my legs and I swallowed nervously. “No, just
a guy from school.”

“A guy?” What about that cute little cheerleader you were seeing.” She
gave me wink, “She was a sexy little thing, nice legs in that picture sent
me of her.”

“Yeah, uh, well we broke up.”

“Aww, my handsome nephew is all alone?” she shook her head, “Honey, you
are too good looking to be sitting home and…” glancing into the other
room to see where dad was, she leaned over, placing her hands on the couch
behind me, “Playing with your cock.”

Her tits were directly in my face as she leaned over and she’d whispered
that last part directly in my ear. Hearing her say cock in her phone sex
voice, and the sight of her perfect breasts almost spilling out of her top,
had me beginning to sweat.

“No, honey, you should be out there playing with the girls.” Auntie put
her knees on the couch so she was now kneeling over me. “They don’t all
have to be serious, Jake. Find some girls who just want to have fun and go
for it.”

She tapped my cheek with her finger, “Always be nice to them and never
kiss and tell. Brag and they’ll get pissed off, but keep it quiet and
they’ll give you more. Got it?”

“Y…yes Auntie.” I stammered.

“Besides its more fun to be the only one who knows.” With a nasty little
giggle that had my cock swelling as if I’d never gotten off minutes ago,
she added, “Dirty little secrets are more fun when they stay secret.”

“Okay, um,” I looked away from her tits. “Could, uh you maybe, move?”

“You don’t like me close to you?” she widened her big brown eyes and
pushed her lips into a pout, “You too old to be close to your Auntie?”

“No, I…oh.”

Auntie let her weight go so she was now straddling my thighs and had
slid forward enough that her tits were pressed against my chest. More
noticeable was her pussy which was now pushing down onto my hard cock. I
felt my face flush and began to panic. There was no way she couldn’t feel
my hard on pressed against her.

“You okay, Jake? You look flushed.”

“, yeah I’m feeling kind of hot.”

“Me too.” She winked, “Than again I’m always running hot so to speak.”

She put her arms around my neck and slid closer. That caused her pussy
to slide against my cock and it took everything I had not to moan at the
contact. Auntie’s dark eyes were looking into mine and she had a slight
smile on her face.

It dawned on me she knew she was teasing me and was enjoying it. My
first thought was that was pretty twisted, but seeing I had just blown a
load to her and was hard as a rock again for her, I guess I was no better.

Auntie leaned forward, “I did miss you, honey. Missed all the fun we
had and all the fun we could have had.”

Could have had? What did she…?

My thoughts trailed off when Auntie kissed me on the lips. It was just
a soft brief peck, but directly on my lips. My cock was throbbing against
her and I sat there totally helpless. I had no idea what to say or do.
Unfortunately I had no need to as I heard the living room door open and mom

“What the hell is this?”

Auntie had leaned back away from me at the sound of the door and had
gotten her feet on the floor, but was still hugging me closely. Rolling
her eyes, Auntie calmly stood up and turned to face mom who had stormed
over to us her brown eyes blazing.

“Get the hell off my son!” Mom shouted at her.

“I’m off your son.” Auntie remained calm, “What, I can’t give my nephew
a hug?”

“You were all over him and look at you!” Mom pointed at her open robe,
“You’re barely fucking dressed!”

“It’s my bathing suit.” Auntie put her hands out, “Shall I swim in jeans
and a t-shirt?”

“It’s inappropriate in a house with a young boy!”

“He’s eighteen, not eight.” Auntie declared, “And I’m his aunt, not some
cute girl at the beach, he’s not checking me out.”

“Yeah mom.” I lied through my teeth, “Aunties was just giving me a hug
and like she said, she’s my aunt.”

An aunt that had caused a raging hard on that I was careful to keep my
hand over until mom’s anger sufficiently shrank the bulge in my shorts.

“What the hell’s going on here?” Dad came into the room.

“This slut was all but giving our son a damn lap dance!”

“Come on Carol!” Dad shook his head, “Do you hear yourself?”

“Look at her? Her tits were just about slapping him in the face and she
may as well be a in a thong!”

“Like you’d know what a thong is.” Auntie smirked.

“She’s wearing a robe, Carol.” Dad said as he walked over to us.

When he reached mom’s side he looked at auntie and frowned, “Um, well
okay, a uh, open robe.”

I held back a laugh as my father’s eyes lingered on auntie’s body for a
few moments, before looking away.

‘That, um, is a little much Sinclair.”

“Not enough is more like it.” Mom pointed out.

“Fine.” Auntie tied her robe tightly, “I will go out and find a one
piece bathing suit at a store for old ladies would that be okay?”

“What would be okay is if you kept your slutty hands off my son.” Mom

“Really, Carol?” Auntie waved disgustedly at her, “You really think I
would tease my nephew?”

“You’d tease our father if you could.” Mom said.

“Damn, mom!” I gasped.

“I don’t have to take this.” Auntie began to walk towards the stairs
that led up to her room. “I’ll pack and be gone in a half hour.”

“Sinclair, you’re going to stay.” Dad told her. “We’re all going to
calm down then talk later.”

“Let her go.” Mom said.

Auntie gave her a dirty look then headed up stairs.

The doorbell rang and dad said, “Foods here.”

“Whatever, I’m not hungry!” Mom turned and left the room, heading for
their bedroom.

“Shit.” Tossing a couple of twenties on the coffee table, dad said,
“Jake, pay for the food and help yourself; I have to go talk to your

He followed mom and jumping off the couch, I quickly paid for the food,
letting the driver keep the six dollars so I wouldn’t have to wait for him
to dig out change. I put the bags on the dining room table and ran down
into my room. What dad never realized when he’d converted half the
basement into my room was I could hear anything that went on from any room
on the first floor through the vents that helped heat the house.

Of course I had learned the hard way not to listen at night under my
parent’s room. I might have a thing for my aunt, but hearing mom moan and
yelp when dad was fucking her wasn’t anything I needed to hear. I went
over to the corner and standing on my weight bench listened.

“I’m telling you, I saw her through the window before I walked in and
she looked like she was trying to make out with him!” Mom yelled.

“Carol, she was just being affectionate. It’s not her fault she looks
like that.”

“Yeah I bet you have no complaints about how she looks.” Mom snapped,
“Don’t think I forgot about how she used to flirt with you!”

“That was twenty years ago for Christ’s sakes.” Dad was getting pissed
now. “Sinclair is an attractive woman and yeah, she shows more than she
should, but it’s not on purpose. The woman stripped for years, she
considers herself modest when she has clothes on.” Dad laughed.

“That’s not funny, but forget the outfits, Paul she was all over him!
And Jake looked nervous as hell! She’s cock teasing our son!”

“No she’s not. Jake is her nephew and even he said he doesn’t look at
her like that.”

“He’s lying to cover for her. He’s eighteen and she’s a damn porn star
to him. Mrs. fucking Robinson.”

“You’re over reacting, but I’ll have a talk with her. She just thinks
you hate her, she’ll listen to me.”

“Paul, have you forgotten about that fucking video she sent me by

Video? My ears perked up, now we were getting somewhere.

“Yes Carol, you showed it to me,” he laughed, “Well sort of, you made me
close my eyes and just listen.”

Holy shit! Auntie had sent mom a sex video! I immediately started
wondering if it was still on her computer somewhere.

“And what did you hear, Paul?” Mom asked, “What was she saying to that
kid she was screwing? What was she calling him?”

“He wasn’t a kid, Carol, you make it sound like…”

“If he was twenty I’d be surprised.”

“So what? So your sister likes young guys, big deal. She likes women
too, that’s her business.”

“What she was calling that boy is my business.” Mom told him. “Then
right after I see that video and I ask Jake what they do when he sleeps
over and he told me he’s in her bed with her?”

“Oh, for Christ’s sake they ate popcorn and watched movies! It was

“Nothing about Nikki Sin is harmless.” Mom snapped. “She started
stripping at eighteen and she was turning tricks in the back of those clubs
right after that. She bragged to me that two guys gave her five hundred if
they could both fuck her at the same time. She’s a fucking pig! She
didn’t need the money, my parents had plenty, she fucked and stripped and
sucked cock for money because she’s a fucking whore and she loved it!”

I closed my eyes and let my mind race with the image of my aunt on her
hands and knees taking a cock in her pussy and one in her mouth. Did they
fuck her in the ass too? I thought of her on her knees sucking cock while
a guy shoved money in her bra. I shook off an image of auntie with cum
dripping from her lips and focused on the conversation above me.

“That was years ago,” Dad said, “She was young and wild and she never
wanted your father’s money. She does well on her own and she doesn’t do
any of that anymore. Carol I know she was a disappointment to you and your
folks, but she’s not out to molest our son. She loves Jake.”

“That wasn’t love on Jake’s face. And that video Paul, that was why I
told her to never come around here again and you invite her back and look
what she does.”

“She’s your sister and you two need to get along. I think after dinner
we’ll tell Jake to make himself scarce and the three of us will talk this
out once and for all. Life is too short to hate your only sibling.”

“Maybe I should play that fucking video for her.”

“Tell me you still don’t have that?”

“Its in my e-mails. I’ve never looked at the damn thing since that
night, but I want it as proof as to why I don’t like her near my son.” Mom
made a disgusted sound. “Lying in bed barely dressed with a young boy,
then I see that?”

“We’ll discuss it, okay?”

“Okay.” Mom sounded calmer. “Maybe I over reacted, but you didn’t see
what I saw.”

“And you may have seen what you wanted to see. We’ll figure it out.
After dinner we’ll talk about it. Now come on, I’m starving.”

I hopped off the bench and as I headed towards the stairs to have dinner
with my parents, I glanced at my lap top and smiled. Mom had me help her
with computer stuff as she called it all the time and I had the password to
her e-mails. While mom and dad talked with Auntie I was going to find and
watch my aunt’s dirty home movies.


When dinner was over, I raced downstairs and had barely had my ass
plopped into the seat of my chair when I brought up a browser and went to
Yahoo. I typed in mom’s e-mail and hoping she hadn’t changed her password
since the last time I helped her set something up, typed in my name and the
date of my upcoming graduation.

I smiled when it worked and scrolling down through the folders I had set
up for mom to store her e-mails found the one for Auntie, assuming she
would have put the video there.

There were hundreds of e-mails going back several years, but I noticed
they slowed down quite a bit over the last four. I went back to the
January of my senior year in high school which is when the shit had hit the
fan. I looked for anything with attachments and went by the subject. I
saw a bunch marked vacation photos, family pics and ‘my new club’ and kept
skimming. My heart skipped a beat when I saw one marked ‘video tour of my
new house!’

I opened it up and frowned when I saw a camera moving around what
appeared to be a large bedroom. I saw a woman’s bureau that featured
several lit candles as well as rows of perfume bottles and make up. The
camera panned around to show some artwork on the walls and I was getting
ready to click off when Auntie came into view of the camera.

“Hey, honey, you waiting for me?”

She was wearing a short red robe and her long hair was down and had been
teased out, giving her a wild appearance.

“You told me to wait for you.” A deep voice said.

“Are you happy to see me?”


“Show me.”

The camera lowered and a hand appeared and pulled the sheet away to
expose a huge hard cock standing at attention.

“Jeez.” I whispered, “That’s a big fucking dick.”

“Hmm, look at that?” Auntie purred, “All for me?”

“Oh, yeah.”

“I suppose I should show you something now, no?”

“Yes please.”

“Hmm I like a boy with manners.” Auntie pulled the tie of her robe and
began to open it. “Ask again.”

“Please Sin?”The voice begged, “Please show me your…”

“That’s not how I told you to ask.” Auntie snapped, “I told you the game
I want to play.”

She pulled the robe tighter and the unseen man pleaded,

“Please Auntie? Please let me see your beautiful body!”

Auntie? Oh my god! No wonder my mother was acting the way she did!
Aunt Sin was role playing about seducing her…

“Here you go, baby.” On the screen Auntie opened her robe and let it
fall to the floor.

“Holy fucking shit.” I murmured my trail of thought broken by the visual
before me.

Under the robe Auntie was completely naked. Her large round tits were
more amazing than I had imagined. Despite their size they were still
sitting high and proud and the tan lines on the outer half of her breasts
made them look even better.

Her nipples were a shade of deep pink and were as hard as the massive
cock before her. My eyes trailed down to the smooth pink cleft between her
legs and as if she knew I was watching she spread her legs apart and slid
her fingers through her pussy.

“You like seeing your Aunt naked?”

“I..I love it. My God Sin you’re fucking hot!”

“If you don’t remember what to call me I’ll find someone else to play
with.” She told him, “Now, would my sexy nephew like his Auntie to get in
bed with him?”

“Please come to bed ,Auntie.”

“Hmm seeing you asked so nice.”

The camera focused on my naked aunt crawling up onto the bed and I began
rubbing my cock through my shorts at the sight of her large tits dangling,
her nipples just barely touching the man’s thigh. She made her way up
between his legs and sliding onto her stomach grabbed his dick and rubbed
it along her face.

“Look how hard you are for your Auntie!” she gave his cock a quick kiss,
“You’re a bad boy aren’t you?”

“A bad boy who wants his hot Auntie.”

“You do don’t you?” Auntie stroked his cock and I saw a thick stream of
pre cum ooze from it. “You’re always hard for me. Lying next to me at
night, stroking your dick and thinking of me.”

That answered my question. Auntie had known all along I was hard in bed
with her and…and was into it!

“Tell me what you want.”

“Auntie Sin, will you suck my cock?”

“This cock? You want me to suck my nephew’s big cock? What kind of
aunt would that make me?”

“My favorite one!”

Auntie laughed, “Oh, that was perfect! Just like this fucking cock is
perfect. Here you go, baby, you lay back and watch Auntie treat her nephew

“Fuck me.” I whispered watching Auntie open wide and take his huge dick
effortlessly down her throat until her lips were around his shaft.

I heard the man moan and the camera shook as she began bobbing her head,
sliding his long hard shaft between her amazing lips.

“Oh that feels so good Auntie!” he groaned, “You look so good sucking my

Auntie moaned around him and sucked him faster, taking him balls deep
each time.

“Oh, fuck!” he moaned, “Jesus you can suck cock, Sin!”

Pulling his coke from her mouth, she winked, “I used to be a
professional you know!”

“Fuck it shows, Oh Auntie!” he cried out when she began sucking his

“Oh Auntie,” I repeated rubbing my cock faster.

Auntie took his huge dick back in her mouth and sucked on it fast and
hard as he moaned “Auntie Sin” over and over again. His hips started
moving, thrusting his dick into her mouth. He was moaning louder and I
held my breath in anticipation of watching my aunt get a mouthful of cum.

Instead she pulled her mouth from him leaving a long sloppy trail of
spit oozing from her mouth and said, “I’ll suck you off later, right now
your nasty aunt needs this big dick in her hot wet pussy!”

She backed off the bed standing, pointed, “Put the camera there.”

The camera followed the floor then panned around to show aunty standing
in front of the bed. She crawled up on her hands and knees and said, “Come
over here and fuck your slutty aunt!”

I saw the guy come into view and saw what Mom had meant. The guy looked
as if he would fit right in at school, he couldn’t be much older than me if
he was at all. He had dark brown hair and his body was built as big as his
cock. He got on his knees behind auntie, grabbed her hips and drove his
cock deep between her thighs.

“Fuck yeah!” Auntie screamed, “That’s it, honey fuck your nasty aunt!
Give her that big fucking dick!”

The guy was pounding her hard and fast and Auntie was squealing like a
porn star. The guy gave her ass a sharp slap

“You like your nephews cock, you nasty pig? You like fucking your
sister’s son, you sick bitch?”

“Yes! I’m a dirty fucking bitch!” Auntie cried out, “I’m a dirty pig
that loves being fucked by her hot nephew! I want him to fuck me and lick
me make me cum!” she yelped as he dealt her two hard slaps to each side of
her ass, turning her cheeks red.

“I want to suck his cock and swallow his cum!”

“You’re a dirty whore, Auntie!” he moaned

“I’m your whore!” she called out, “I’m my nephew’s dirty cock slut! I
even want you to fuck your aunt in the ass! I’ll let you do anything to
me, just keep fucking me! Just, oh yes!”

The guy had pulled out and grabbing his cock stood up on the bed.
Auntie spun around and getting on her knees opened wide. Even from the
distance the camera was filming from I could see a long thick stream of cum
spray from his cock and directly into her waiting mouth. The guy cried out
when Auntie grabbed his cock and shoving it in her mouth began to suck on
it like it was an Olympic sporting event.

She was moaning and gurgling and my cock felt ready to explode watching
her suck that huge dick dry. It dawned on me that it might very well be my
cock she was thinking of and unsnapped my pants, prepared to blow the
second load of the day dedicated to my aunt who had obviously done some
thinking about me.

“That was a nice big load for your auntie!” she moaned wiping the cum
that had dripped from her mouth and sucking on her fingers, “Now that I
took care of my horny nephew, how about I lay back and you suck on aunties
pussy and make her cum nice and hard for…”

I jumped as my phone rang. I swore when I saw it was dad, but closed
the video and answered.

“Hey, Jake, things got taken care of between your mom and your aunt and
we thought it would be fun to play some Yahtzee like we used to, why don’t
you come on up?”

“Um, yeah I guess.”

“Oh come on, I know you think you’re too cool for that, but come on up,
it’ll be fun playing games with your aunt.”

“Okay, I’ll be up.”

Ending the call, I looked down at my hard dripping cock and thinking of
the video thought; yes it would be fun to play a game with my aunt, but
certainly not the ones my dad was talking about.

I gratefully crawled into bed, taking my lap top with me. It was after
ten o’clock and after almost five hours of playing first Yahtzee, then
Scrabble, mom and dad had decided to call it a night. I had to admit it
was fun. The talk must have gone well because mom and Auntie had not only
gotten along, but were laughing and busting each other up over the games.
It was good to see them getting along. Hopefully that meant being able to
see more of Auntie, maybe even being able to go see her place down in
Florida this summer.

Of course I had just seen a whole lot of Auntie on that video. All
during the night any time I did not have to roll dice or think about the
game all I could think of was that video. I would look across the table at
Auntie and imagine that big cock in her mouth or her bare nipples. I
especially kept envisioning her on her knees calling herself a slut while
getting fucked and spanked.

Auntie was dressed in a pink Red Sox T-shirt and a pair of jeans, but
was barefoot and more than once I’d felt her soft foot graze my ankle under
the table. Each time I would look at her and she would wink at me. Before
the video the furthest my mind would have gone was that she was screwing
with me, but after the video? I was really starting to wonder if she
wanted to fuck me. One thing was for sure I had to admit I could
understand mom being upset; that video was pretty direct.

Dad had made the excuse it was a harmless role play and maybe it was,
but wasn’t there always truth behind a fantasy? I spent half the time at
the table with a raging hard on and my aching cock dripping down my thigh
as I couldn’t keep my eyes or mind off my aunt. Thankfully they always
went to bed by ten thirty and Auntie had declared she was tired from too
much sun and had headed upstairs after giving me a harmless peck on the
cheek and telling me good night.

Now at last I could give my tortured cock some relief! Normally I would
go to a free porn site and find a fun video to spank it to, but for
tonight, and I am sure many nights to follow, there was a hot home video to
watch. Stripping off my shorts and underwear I kicked them off and slid
naked under the sheet. I opened the lap top and placing it on the bed next
to me, got into mom’s e-mails and brought up the video which I planned on
saving to my computer when I was done.

When Auntie crawled onto the bed and began sucking her ‘nephew’s cock I
stroked mine wishing to hell it was her wet mouth not my hand on my shaft.
I thought about giving Jen a call tomorrow and see what she was up to. We
had hooked up for sex once a couple of weeks ago and she seemed open to
having a little friends with benefits action while neither of us were
seeing anyone.

Not that Jen could compare with a woman like my Aunt, but she was fun
and did enjoy sucking cock providing I got her off first. Watching my aunt
suck her lucky stud’s balls I decided that was a call I had to make,
whacking off wasn’t going to be enough to keep me sane while Auntie was
here. I froze at the sound of soft footsteps and turning my head saw a
pair of long bare legs descending the stairs.

No way were those legs my mothers and I quickly fumbled with the mouse
to shut off the video. Auntie came into sight wearing what looked like a
man’s black dress shirt that hung down to her mid thigh and looking around
spotted me lying on the bed.

“Hey, sweetie!” she said as she walked across the large room and over to
my bed, “Watcha doing?”

“I…uh, just getting ready to go to sleep.”

“You sleepy? Its only ten thirty!” she looked down at me and I tried to
causally move the lap top over the tent my cock had pitched under the

“Yeah, long day.” I told her.

“Hmm, a long hard day I’ll bet.” She winked.

“What, um, did you need something?”

“Yes.” She nodded, “I need some time alone with my nephew and what I was
thinking of is how about I hop in your bed and we’ll watch something fun,
like when you were younger?”

“I…I’m not a kid anymore.”

“Oh, I’ve noticed.” She said and leaning over ran her nails across my
chest. “You’ve filled out quite a bit.”


“Thanks?” she laughed, “Not too smooth yet, are you?”

“Should I be, with my aunt?”

“Nope.” She shook her head, causing her long hair to drift across her
face, “I like you being a good boy. So how about you find something fun on
demand and we’ll order it?”

“Well I…hey!”

Auntie had lifted the sheet and I pulled it back down.

“Why so shy?” she asked, then grinned, “Are you just in your underwear?”

“Uh, yeah.”

“Well then I don’t want to make you feel uncomfortable.”

“Good, because I…” I stopped in mid sentence when Auntie started
unbuttoning the black shirt. “W…what are you doing?”

“Making us even.”

She got to the last button and slipped the shirt from her shoulders,
letting it drop on the floor. Oh, fuck me, I thought. She was wearing a
pair of black lace shorts that hugged her thighs and except for a patch
between her legs was transparent. The top was a black bra that barely
covered the lower half of her tits and as I stared at them I felt my cock
trying to lift the lap top.

“See? Now I’m in my undies!”

Auntie lifted the sheet again and this time I slid over to the side and
she slipped under the sheet. She immediately moved over next to me and
sitting up against the pillows, put her arm around my shoulders.

“So what were you watching on your lap top?”

“Oh, uh, just some dumb you tube thing.”

I tried to keep my voice steady. Auntie was directly next to me and I
could feel the length of her warm soft leg against mine. I fought to keep
my eyes on the blank lap top and not look over at her breasts.

“Can I watch?” She asked

“No, it was stupid and…”

“Because you weren’t watching you tube were you?” she grinned, “I heard
the distinct sound of moaning as I came down the stairs.” She poked my arm,
“You were watching porn weren’t you?”

“I…you got me.” I looked away, embarrassed.

“Hey don’t worry I watch porn all the time!” she laughed, “I don’t use
my hand though I just go through a lot of batteries!”

“TMI Auntie.”

“Really?” she turned so she was now leaning against the head board and I
gasped when her leg draped over mine. “I don’t think you mind me telling
you dirty things about me.”

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