Ginger Davis, watching her husband Tom climb out of the swimming pool, wondered for the hundredth time how such an exciting-looking, sexy guy could be such a dud in bed. It just wasn’t fair to be married to a man who turned her on like crazy and then failed her when they fucked.
“What are you looking so solemn about?” Tom asked as he padded toward the diving board.
“I’m wondering if I left the roast in the oven too long,” Ginger lied. “I better go check.”
She took one last look at her husband — tall, deeply tanned, tautly muscled, a dizzyingly attractive man with classical features and the body of an athlete — and then turned away with a deep sigh. No, dammit, it really wasn’t fair. Her poor pussy was steamy-hot and wet with longing for Tom, but she knew after three years of marriage that going to bed with him wouldn’t take care of her need.
As Ginger walked toward the house she happened to glance into the neighbors’ back yard, and she saw something that made her stop still. The neighbors, Jerry and June Thomas, were sunbathing on the lawn, but Ginger had eyes only for Jerry. My God, she thought, what a stud.
Jerry, a tall black-haired man in his late twenties, was lying on his back, eyes closed, wearing the smallest pair of bathing trunks Ginger had ever seen in her life. Her eyes swept hungrily over Jerry’s deeply tanned and heavily muscled body, the thick hair mats on his chest, the flat belly. She found herself staring longingly at the large soft lump of his cock and balls clearly outlined beneath the tight suit.
Ginger licked her lips, then sighed, wondering if Jerry was any good in bed. She was sure that all men weren’t as inept and unimaginative as her husband when it came to balling. Well, she’d never know. All she could do was look and wonder, because in spite of Tom’s lackluster love-making, she loved him and didn’t intend to be unfaithful to him.
Sighing, Ginger stepped into the house. She didn’t know that Tom had been watching her carefully. He was seeing his wife as other men saw her, a gorgeous statuesque redhead with long lovely legs and a fantastic pair of boobs. In her tiny yellow bikini, Ginger was really a knockout.
Why, then, was she so lousy in bed?
Tom wistfully watched his wife’s pert round little butt as she walked away from him. Everything about her was sexy and enticing, yet in the sack it was like making love to a statue. He was proud of Ginger for being a lady, but, dammit, why did she have to be a lady when they fucked? He wanted her to be a tigress then, a wild wanton slut, but after three years of marriage she hardly moved when they made love.
Still a guy could try. Ginger’s fantastic body still turned Tom on like crazy, and he felt the stirring of interest in his cock as he watched his pretty red-haired wife cross the patio. There was time for a quickie before dinner. Tom got up and began to follow Ginger into the house, his horny excitement increasing by the second.
Then he stopped and stared into the neighbors’ yard. Just as Ginger was staring at Jerry, Tom’s hungry eyes locked on June, a slim but shapely black-haired girl in a tiny red bikini. June was lying on her belly, cute little round ass tightly encased in the skimpy bathing suit. As Tom eyed her, she lazily reached around and untied her bra.
Tom swallowed hard. He saw June’s little bra drop down on the towel beneath her, saw the pale round side of her left breast. He wasn’t sure, but he thought he could also see her nipple, dark red and pointed. He wondered what kind of lover she was. Did she bite, scratch, howl, and show all the other signs of excitement, which Ginger lacked? God, he’d like to find out.
Tom quickly put the idea out of his mind. He loved Ginger and didn’t intend to cheat on her. Somehow they’d find a way to liven up their sex life. Maybe today he’d get lucky and break through that ladylike reserve of hers. Quickly he followed her into the house.
Ginger was checking the oven, leaning over, her big full breasts making a tight deep cleavage in the tiny bikini bra. She pushed her long flame-colored hair back out of the way, and with that gesture her large tits jiggled gently. With a horny grin, Tom crept upon her from behind, eying the pert rounds of her firm little butt. Just as she was closing the oven, he pounced, grabbing her around the waist, lifting her high.
“Tom,” Ginger squeaked. “My God, you scared me. I almost wet my pants.”
“Sorry about that,” Tom chuckled. “I didn’t mean to scare you. I had something else in mind.”
He spun her around and kissed her, thrusting his tongue deep into her mouth. Ginger responded warmly, and her little slick tongue snaked across his in a tempting dance. She pressed her tall lush body against him, her big boobs flattening warmly against his bare chest. She made horny little murmuring noises and rubbed her belly against his crotch.
If only she’d go on being like that! Eagerly Tom broke the kiss, lifted Ginger in his arms, and started for the bedroom. He wanted to catch her while she was lusty and interested. Ginger clung to him, using the wet tip of her tongue to tickle his neck. Maybe, just maybe, today she’d break through her inhibitions and make love like a real woman.
Ginger was excited, all right, but she also had the feeling that she was going to be disappointed again. It was maddening the way Tom could get her so horny and then leave her unfulfilled. Maybe today it would be different. She certainly hoped so. She needed a good long fuck, needed it urgently. Her pussy was hot and swollen and wet with need.
“I watched you walking away from the pool,” Tom said, “and suddenly I just had to have you.” He didn’t mention gawking at June Thomas, watching her remove her bra.
“I know,” Ginger murmured. “I wanted you, too, darling.” She didn’t add that she’d stared at Jerry Thomas so lustily, stared at the big soft lump of his prick.
Tom kicked open the bedroom door and deposited Ginger on their king-size bed. Impatiently he started tugging dawn his wet swimming trunks, but it wasn’t easy to get that tight clinging garment off over his swelling erection. He wasn’t sure just when he’d gotten hard, looking at Ginger’s bouncing little butt or spying on June’s naked tits, but he sure as hell had a hard-on.
“Son of abitch,” he muttered, tugging at his stubborn trunks.
Ginger giggled, seeing the difficulty. She was content to wait. Their love-making sessions were never long enough to suit her. Tom was usually in such a damned hurry, she hardly got to watch him undress, which was one of her very favorite things. Now she lounged on the bed like a big lazy cat and watched lustily as Tom pried down his trunks.
He was shaped like a man ought to be, with broad strong shoulders, small waist, trim hips. Ginger appreciated that, but her main interest was his crotch. She couldn’t get enough of staring at his cock. Here she was an old mated lady of twenty-five, and she still felt like a guilty little kid when Tom took off his pants, dying to sneak a look.
“Jesus, it might be Christmas before I get these damned trunks off,” Tom said, joking to cover his mounting irritation.
“That’s all right, dear,” Ginger laughed. “I’ll get something to read or maybe knit a sweater while I wait.”
“Oh, hell,” Tom sighed, “give me a hand, will you?”
Ginger felt a hot quickening of excitement. Tom had never asked her to help him undress before, though she’d longed to do it. She crawled over to him and seized his wet trunks, deftly rolling them down. She felt a burst of hot cream in her aroused cunt as the big hard rosy head of his cock peeked out.
That swollen cock-head looked big as a doorknob to her. The little dark slit mouth was oozing big glistening drops of juice. Eagerly, hands trembling with excitement, Ginger rolled the trunks down more, uncovering the long thick white stalk of his erect dick. Her pussy swelled and flamed with need, it always did when she saw Tom’s cock.
Another inch, and she had the trunks down over the taut curve of his ass, down below his rosy swollen nut sacs with their fine thatch of brown hairs. His hugely swollen prick, six inches of fat throbbing meat, weaved heavily before her lusty eyes. Ginger felt a hot rush of saliva to her mouth, and she blushed beet red.
There it was again, that wicked urge to kiss his cock, to lick and taste it. She’d read quite a bit, and she knew that whores did things like that, but she was sure Tom would be shocked and angry if she confessed her secret urge to use her mouth and tongue on his prick. Yet it happened every time she saw him naked.
“There, darling,” she said shakily, “I think you can get them off now.” She didn’t trust herself to go on touching him like that. She felt the insane urge to bring her mouth right down on that swollen red cock-head, to take it deep in her mouth and taste his juices.
“Thank you,” Tom said briskly.
He let the trunks slither down his leg and stepped out of them. He crawled onto the bed beside Ginger and eyed her tall curvy body lustily. “Honey,” he said disapprovingly, “you haven’t even started to undress.”
“Sorry,” Ginger sighed.
She’d wanted to prolong the delicious building of excitement, to have a long, long time with him, but Tom was in a hurry as usual. Ginger reached around and untied the top of liar bikini. As she flung the little bra away, her large firm breasts wobbled into their natural shape, solid and pointing. Her ripe round creamy-pale boobs were capped with dainty little light pink nipples.
“Dammit, you’re beautiful,” Tom said huskily.
He reached out and slipped his hands under his wife’s heavy hot breasts, gently lifting and cupping. He loved fondling Ginger’s fantastic knockers, but lately he was having the craziest urges. Fondling didn’t seem to be enough any more. His mouth grew wet as he fought back the urge to suck her sweet pink nipples like a hungry baby.
“Ummmm, that feels nice,” Ginger purred.
She lay back on the bed blushing with arousal while Tom molded and caressed her large sensitive breasts. It was practically their only form of foreplay, the only attention he showed her before fucking, and she loved it. He moved his thumbs back and forth over her soft little nipples, rubbing them into erection. Bolts of excitement ran through her body, from nipples to pussy, and she wished he’d go on and on touching her like that.
But not Tom. He always made love like he had a plane to catch. After fondling her big soft tits for just a moment, he took his hands away. “How about those panties?” he said eagerly.
Sighing, Ginger started casing down the skimpy panties of her bikini. What was Tom’s hurry, anyhow? If only he’d spend more time touching her all over, she’d get really hot for him. But her modesty kept her from telling him, and she was sure he wouldn’t want to hear it anyway. Tom liked to be boss in their marriage.
Tom was watching lustily as his wife slowly down her tiny yellow panties and the first copper-colored curls popped into view at the base of her belly. Her dainty little triangular muff was the same bright red as her head. As the pretty little fur patch came into view, Tom experienced another of the crazy urges he was getting lately. He wanted to bury his face in her fragrant red bush, kiss her there, maybe even we his tongue.
But, no, that was perverted. Plain old-fashioned fucking was good enough for him. He just wondered why in hell he was getting such nutty ideas lately. Ginger would probably have been horrified to know that he wanted to go down on her. She was so modest and uptight she might not even have heard of giving head.
Ginger supped her panties off over the pert firm rounds of her ass and kicked the little garment away. As she did so, Tom had a brief and tantalizing glimpse of her ripe red pussy with its dainty fringe of red curls. Again he kit a hot rush of saliva to his mouth, again he experienced the wild urge to press his face to her slit and lick her there. What the hell was wrong with him, anyhow?
Naked, husband and wife rolled into each other’s arms, kissing and caressing, saying nothing about the wild and kinky urges they were having. Tom could practically taste her lush fragrant pussy, but he controlled himself. Ginger longed to dive for his crotch and take his big tasty cock into her mouth and suck on it like crazy, but she wouldn’t have dreamed of confessing that urge to Tom.
“Oh, baby, do I want you,” Tom moaned.
“Ummmm, and I want you,” Ginger sighed.
He was caressing her hotly, and her small soft hands were running over his hard-muscled body, but they didn’t touch each other’s crotches. It was very polite and unexciting love-making. Finally Tom felt like his cock was going to burst with its load, and he rolled Ginger onto her back and gently separated her long lovely legs. He stared for a moment at her delicious-looking scarlet slit, then put pussy-eating out of his mind and crawled between her legs.
“Oh, Tom, ahhhh,” Ginger murmured.
She always felt her hottest excitement just as his huge hard cock-head pressed against the wet mouth of her eager little cunt. He grunted and pushed, and she felt his great big sausage of a prick slowly entering her tight little pussy, stuffing it deliciously full. She couldn’t suppress a squeal of excitement, and she creamed furiously, hotly, around his invading dick.
“Oh, darling, yes,” she panted, “YES!”
Tom was moaning softly as he slowly penetrated her. She still had the tightest little box he’d ever fucked, and he’d had quite a few girls before Ginger. But she was the best in that respect, exquisitely mug, boiling hot, and very juicy. He spun out the delicious moment of putting his cock into her, feeling the velvety hot walls of her cunt slowly around his swollen meat.
“Oh, Christ,” he panted, “so damned tight.”
Ginger heard the hoarse excitement in his voice and realized that she’d better stop luxuriating and get to work if she wanted to come before he did. She drew his hands down to her pert little ass, and Tom knew what she wanted, slipping his hands under her butt and lifting her so that the hard stalk of his cock rubbed her sensitive little clit. Then he began to ball her hard and fast.
“Ooooooo,” Ginger squealed, “OOOOOOO.”
Tom had such a great cock, long and thick and hard, and she loved the way he used it, almost like a pile driver in its speed and force. She liked the way their bellies smacked loudly together with each hard thrust of his prick, the way his swolen nuts pounded her ass with each lunge. His erect cock rubbed deliciously back and forth over the hot eager button of her clit, giving her sharp bunts of pleasure.
The trouble was, it never lasted long enough to suit her. She could have gone on balling all night, but Tom rushed their fucking like he rushed their foreplay. He humped furiously over her, breaking into a lusty sweat, moaning, and Ginger could tell from his hoarse excited sounds that he was about to come.
“Just a little longer, darling,” she groaned. It was the first time she’d ever asked him that.
“Can’t,” Tom gasped, “gonna come right NOW.” Ginger felt the first fiery blast of jism from his cock, and she quickly tensed her cunt muscles around his straining meat, doubling the hot friction, and just managed to bring herself to orgasm, a dizzying explosion of pleasure that made her writhe and moan.
“OOOOHHHHH, GOD, YES!” she wailed.
Not a moment too soon her spasms were still going on as Tom’s limp wet prick slipped from her cunt. She could have wept with frustration. She still wanted him inside her cunt, wanting to go on fucking and have more and more orgasms, as her healthy young female body was equipped to do. Tom must have felt that if one came was enough for him, it was enough for her, too.
“Ahhhhh, that was nice,” he sighed, rolling off her.
Like hell it was, Ginger thought bitterly.
She eyed his wet shriveled cock, wishing that some magic would make it hard again. She didn’t even begin to feel like she’d had enough fucking. But she’d been raised to be a lady, a nice girl, and she felt too embarrassed to talk to her husband about her sexual needs. That was also why she didn’t let herself go or move around a lot when they balled. It would have been unladylike.
Tom wiled to his feet and went to find some clothes. It had been a nice fuck but not a great one, and he was wishing there was some way he could tell Ginger what he wanted from her — more fire, more passion, more action. But his strict religious parents had taught him not to speak of that dirty and evil subject, sex, and he found it impossible to say anything to Ginger.
“I’m gonna catch the news,” he said, leaving for the living room and the TV.
Ginger pounded her fists on the bed and wept with frustration. She was still achingly horny, but her damned modesty prevented her from telling Tom how she felt. Moaning with need, she reached down and rubbed the soft fur of her mound, as if consoling herself. To her surprise, she felt instant sharp pleasure.
Succumbing to horny curiosity, Ginger parted the copper-furred lips of her mound and touched the hot pea-sized lump of her cunt. She rubbed the little nub gently a few times, and it felt so good, slit gasped with pleasure and surprise. Then she blushed as she realized what she was doing — playing with herself, masturbating like a naughty little kid.
She drew her hand away, but her pear cheated pussy was so hot and swollen and needy that she couldn’t resist touching herself again. Blushing and ashamed, she pressed her finger against the hot wet button of her cunt and rubbed again, faster this time. It felt fantastic. Suddenly she knew she wasn’t going to resist, that she was going to bring herself off with her own fingers. She’d never even tried that before.
“Ummmmm,” Ginger murmured.
She knew that only bad girls frigged themselves, but now her need was so powerful that she simply didn’t give a damn. She just had to come again, it was killing her not to. If Tom wouldn’t satisfy her in bed, then, by God, she’d take care of herself. She rubbed faster and faster over the hot greedy little bump of her cunt, her pleasure mounting by the second.
“Ahhhhhhh, so good,” she murmured.
Over her own excited panting and sighing she could hear Tom opening the fridge, unsnapping a beer can, turning on the TV, then the voice of Walter Cronkite. Let him have his damned beer and news. The silly bastard didn’t know what he was missing. They could have fucked again and again, and to hell with dinner and the rest of the world.
“Ohhhhhhh, God!” Ginger gasped.
Her fingers were soaked with her steamy sticky pussy cream, her cunt red-hot with arousal. Why in God’s name hadn’t she tried frigging herself before? She could go on and on, have as many orgasms as she wanted. Of course it wasn’t as good as fucking, but it sure as hell was nice. It beat going around horny and frustrated all the time.
“AHHHHHHH,” Ginger gasped as a powerful climax suddenly shook her body.
She had to stifle her cries of delight as the orgasm spun on and on. She didn’t stop playing with herself when the pleasant spasms died down. She just went on rubbing her erect hot clit, curious to see if she could come again. She was wickedly pleased with her new game.
Ginger was astonished and delighted when she managed to bring herself off again in just a few seconds. She frigged happily on, and she was just coming down from her fifth climax when she heard Tom hurrying down the hall. Blushing hotly she whipped her hand out of her flaming-hot crotch and bid her cream-soaked fingers beneath her.
“Honey,” Tom called, “did you fall asleep? I think the roast is burning.”
“Oh, shit,” Ginger cried.
Well, at least she’d discovered something that she could come five times in rapid succession with no trouble at all. She wished she had the courage to tell Tom that, to ask him to fuck her longer. Her husband just wasn’t giving her what she needed in bed.
Maybe, she thought rebelliously, she’d have to find what she needed somewhere else.
The next day, Saturday, Tom and Ginger were going to clean up their back yard, but they’d no sooner gotten started when one of their neighbors, a stunning blonde divorcee named Stacy Ames, came wandering over.
“Oh, I see you two are hard at work,” Stacy cooed.
Ginger was thinking: What a phony bitch. She must be thirty if she’s a day, and she acts like a love-sick teenager, wiggling her boobs and her ass all over the neighborhood.
Tom was thinking: Jesus, what a sexy broad. I wonder what she’s like in bed?
Stacy in fad had just turned thirty, but she didn’t look it. Tall and slim, she had little curvy hips, little round butt, and pert firm tits the size of large apples. She was wearing bright red shorts that hugged her saucy little ass and a skimpy red and white polka dot halter that didn’t conceal the slight tantalizing jiggling of her breasts. Hex platinum blonde hair was long and curly.
“I’m sorry to interrupt,” she went on, “but I wonder if I could borrow Tom for awhile? My kitchen sink’s clogged, and I just can’t seem to fix it.”
Ginger was going to suggest that she climb down the drain and blow bubbles, but before she could open her mouth, Tom had dropped his gardening tools and hurried over to the hedge behind which Stacy was standing. He vaulted the hedge in one eager leap.
“I’d be glad to help, Stacy,” he said. “I’ll get my plumbing gem and be right over.”
“Tom,” Ginger said indignantly, “what about the yard? I can’t do all this by myself.”
“Call up that neighbor kid,” Tom suggested.
“He’ll help for a few bucks. What’s his name? Oh, yeah, Sonny. See you later, hon.”
Ginger stood fuming while Tom walked off with Stacy, who was practically rubbing against him and purring. Then she conquered her irritation and went inside to phone Sonny Jackson, a teenage neighbor boy who did odd jobs. There was no point in ruining her whole day with anger. She just hoped Stacy’s sink was a real mess and that Tom had tons of problems with it!
Fifteen minutes later Sonny arrived to help. He’d turned sixteen that summer, and Ginger hadn’t noticed till now how much he’d grown. He was a couple of inches taller than she was, his shoulders broadening, his strong young body taking on an adult appearance. He wasn’t a bad-looking kid, with his thick black hair and ready smile. In fact Ginger bet there was quite a few girls at school who had the hots for Sonny.
“Morning, Mrs. Davis,” the boy said politely. “What do we do first?”
“Sonny, after all the years you ye worked for us, you can call me Ginger,” she said warmly. “We’ll start by pruning that pear tree at the back of the lot.”
“Okay, Ginger,” Sonny said with a grin.
He really was a nice kid. And this summer he was more than nice. Ginger had to admit that something about the boy really turned her on. As he climbed high into the pear tree, she couldn’t help admiring his lithe young body, and she found her eyes straying to the obvious lump of his crotch. A boy this young might very well have a man-size cock.
Ginger, come off it, she told herself. Surely she wasn’t so hard up that she could get horny for the neighbor kid, who was nearly ten years younger than she was. Yet she couldn’t stop thinking of sex, cocks, fucking, the whole time she worked with Sonny. She seemed to have sex on the brain. Obviously Tom wasn’t taking care of her in bed.
Around noon it started to get very hot, and Ginger said, “Let’s take a break, Sonny, and have some lemonade by the pool.”
“Sounds neat,” Sonny said, climbing out of the pear tree and wiping his forehead. “Man, it’s gonna be a scorcher. I’m soaked through.”
“Take off your shirt and let it dry,” Ginger suggested as they strolled over to the pool.
“Good idea,” said Sonny.
He took off his sweat-soaked t-shirt and spread it out on the hot concrete by the pool. He didn’t have a hair on his chest yet, but his chest was strong and tanned, his arm muscles well-defined. Again Ginger felt a little burst of horny interest — and hurried into the house to get the lemonade. My God, what was the matter with her, leeching for a mere teenager?
When she returned, Sonny was sitting at the edge of the pool dangling his feet in the water. “A swim would really be great,” he said wistfully.
“GO ahead,” said Ginger. “I’ll get you a pair of Tom’s trunks.”
“Aw, don’t bother,” Sonny said. “Ill just skinny dip. With that hedge around the place, nobody’ll notice.”
Ginger’s face flamed. She supposed she shouldn’t be so uptight and old-fashioned, but the idea of the neighbor boy swimming naked in their pool really embarrassed and shocked her. Before she could speak or even turn away, Sonny was standing, unzipping the fly of his jeans.
“Sonny,” she said nervously.
“Why don’t you join me?” he said. “I bet you could use a swim, too.”
He opened his jeans and let them fall. He wasn’t wearing any shorts. Ginger, blushing furiously, found herself gawking at the kid’s cock. He had a small bush of brown curls, dangling rosy-red balls, and a pale limp dick which was clearly adult-size. Ginger just couldn’t stop staring.
Sonny’s handsome clean white cock waggled gaily as he stepped out of his jeans, and his pretty red nut sacs flapped and bounced. Ginger felt a rush of hot horny juice in her pussy. Sonny turned to dive into the pool, and her hungry eyes locked onto the tightly-muscled rows of his small trim ass. Another flood of hot cunt juice nearly soaked through her shorts.
“Here goes,” Sonny cried.
He dived cleanly into the water and came up laughing. “Hey, it’s great,” he called. “You oughta come in, Ginger.”
“All right,” she said hoarsely. “I will.”
It was high time she got over her ridiculous modesty. There was nothing evil or dirty about the naked human body. She had no reason to be ashamed of taking her clothes off. She could be just as natural and casual about it as Sonny. Ginger told herself all these things as she began to undress but she still couldn’t stop blushing.
Sonny swam several laps, apparently wrapped up in what he was doing, but in fact he kept taking pecks at Ginger when she wasn’t looking. Christ, she was beautiful. He’d had a crush on her ever since he was twelve. To Sonny, Ginger Davis was the mast beautiful and desirable woman in the whole world.
And now he’d get to see her naked.
Ginger kicked off her sandals and then more hesitantly untied her skimpy cotton halter and drew it away from her big pointed tits. Her gorgeous breasts, the size and shape of large grapefruits, tumbled from their confinement and assumed their natural uplift. Sonny secretly ogled those fantastic creamy-pale boobs with their dainty pink nipples, and he got so excited, he swam into the wall of the pool.
“Oh, Christ,” he muttered, rubbing his head. He quickly resumed swimming his laps, not wanting Ginger to know he’d been peeking at her.
Ginger started lowering her skin-tight shorts, her face beet red. She was determined to overcome her ridiculous modesty about her body, but after twenty-five years of old-fashioned prudery, it wasn’t easy. She finally got the shorts off and stood there wearing only a tiny pair of pink bikini panties.
By this time Sonny was having trouble remembering when to breathe, and he damned near swallowed half the pool. But he managed to keep on swimming, to act casual and uninterested, as the statuesque redhead began tugging down her panties. Sonny wasn’t without experience, being the most popular with the girls at school, but Ginger was just out of their league, so stunningly gorgeous he could hardly believe she was real. She was more like a giant doll or something put of his fantasies.
Ginger blushed deeply as she slowly lowered her panties. Once she thought for sure that Sonny had taken a glance at her, but she told herself that was only natural. She’d looked at him, hadn’t she? Forcing herself to be bold, she jerked her panties down fast, revealing the flame-red triangle of her bush. In her nervousness she almost tripped stepping out of her panties, her big breasts wobbling crazily. Then she rushed to the edge of the pool and dived in.
Meanwhile Sonny had had to grab the side of the pool and just hang there to get his breath back and control his horny panting. He’d never seen anything so incredibly sexy as Ginger standing stark naked at the edge of the pool, gorgeous big breasts painting straight ahead, little orange muff fully revealing the pout of her mons.
“Oh, man,” he moaned softly, “I gotta watch it.”
But it was too much to ask himself not to look. Ginger started doing laps, and he had to gawk each time she turned to breathe and one big shining white tit emerged from the water. He couldn’t help thinking that he’d had a few girls, but they were just ordinary girls, and that balling Ginger would be like having a Goddess.
But that was ridiculous. Mrs. Ginger Davis, a respectable housewife in her twenties, wouldn’t have any interest in a teenage boy. She probably thought of him as just a funny little kid. He’d have to content himself with just looking.
Meanwhile Ginger was doing her share of peeking. Each time she passed Sonny in her laps, she glanced down into the clear water and saw the blurred outline of his brown bush, rosy floating balls, and pale waving prick. She wandered if Sonny felt any attraction for her at all. No, probably not. She probably seemed old and used-up to a boy his age. But at least she could look.
Ginger finally grabbed the side of the pool to rest, and Sonny swam over to her as casually as possible and rested within a foot of her. Those super boobs were floating just under the surface of the water, pretty pink nipples pointed and hard. Lower down he could just make out the wet red curls of her muff.
“The water sure feels great, doesn’t it?” he said, managing not to stutter.
“Ummmm, yes,” Ginger sighed. “I’m glad you thought of having a swim.”
She surprised herself by not stuttering, too. Sonny was so close to her, young and clean and naked and sexy as hell. She snuck glances at his milky-white limp cock as it floated on the current. She wondered how big it would be if it was hard — then told herself to stop being a dirty old woman.
“Hold still,” Sonny suddenly commanded. “There’s a big old bug caught in your hair. I’ll get it.”
“Oh, yucch,” Ginger gasped, “please do.”
Thank God for that bug. It allowed Sonny to move right over against her as he fished in her long red hair and extracted the struggling insect. Her big firm breasts flattened slightly against his chest, the nipples hard and tickling. Even better, he felt his free-floating peter come up against her wet silky bush and press there. He wished it was hard, slipping between her thighs, rubbing her cunt.
In fact it was a miracle he didn’t have a cock-stand already. He seemed to have them all the time. Maybe he was just nervous with this fantastically attractive older woman. Anyhow, he was glad his prick hadn’t embarrassed him yet. She’d probably have a fit if he went hard against her.
Ginger was close to panting with excitement as she felt her naked sensitive tits against the boy’s hard chest, felt his soft tickling cock nestling against her soaked muff and pressing the swelling of her mons. Oh, God, how she wished his prick was rock-hard and pushing into her. Those thoughts were terribly wicked, but she couldn’t help it.
“There,” Sonny said hoarsely, tossing the bug up in the air where it flew away. He didn’t move, still pressed against Ginger’s sleek curvy body.
Ginger felt dizzy with lust, and she suddenly knew that if she stayed pressed against the naked boy, she’d do something scandalous. She had to control herself, NOW.
“A sun bath would be nice,” she said shakily.
“Yeah, sure,” Sonny said reluctantly. His little moment of glory was over, Ginger moving away from him and swimming for the ladder.
But his disappointment changed to glee as she climbed the ladder right above him and gave him a full, if brief, view of her pussy. Sonny’s eyes widened and grew hot with lust. She had the most beautiful snatch, as beautiful as the rest of her, ripe scarlet flesh fringed with delicate copper curls. He saw the tiny shadowed mouth of her cunt and almost moaned aloud with longing.
It wasn’t till Ginger was halfway up the ladder that she realized what she was doing. In her haste to get out of the pool and away from that dizzying temptation, she allowed Sonny an unrestricted view of her whole pussy. Face burning with embarrassment, she rushed the rest of the way up the ladder, hurried over to a beach towel and flung herself face-down on it.
Sonny followed, pale blue-veined cock wagging, rosy-red balls flopping. Ginger couldn’t help looking at that. He lay down right beside her, but face-up. She wanted to go on staring at his adorable boy-cock, but she forced herself to close her eyes and pretend to be sunbathing.
“Ahhh, that was neat,” Sonny sighed. “You know, Ginger, I really like you. Not many people would let a guy stop in the middle of a job and take a swim.”
“Oh, it was nothing, Sonny,” Ginger said gratefully, “you deserved the rest.”
She reached out to pat his hand, and Sonny seized her hand and held it. He moved her hand, spreading the fingers, and brought it down on something wet and silky-soft. He held it there a full second before Ginger realized that he’d put her hand on his cock.
“I really like you, Ginger,” he repeated, this time in a horny hoarse voice.
Ginger just lay there as if paralyzed, but her mind was racing. He shouldn’t have done that. She should move her hand. She should scold him, send him away. Instead she just lay there with her hotly aroused cunt leaking juice like a lava flow. She loved touching his cock, even if it was a scandalous thing to do, but she really had, to stop this wicked scene. Do something, dummy, she told herself.
She did. She gently closed her fingers around Sonny’s moist limp dick and gave it a little squeeze.
“I like you, too, Sonny,” she said huskily.
Sonny breathed a sigh of relief. He’d taken a helluva risk, putting her hand on his cock, but she seemed to be taking it okay. In fact she enclosed his limp wet meat in her soft little list and started pumping it gently. It felt great. Sonny tried to stay cool, contain his excitement, but it was no go. To his embarrassment, his cock started to grow hard in her hand.
“Oh, wow,” he gasped.
Ginger said nothing, just lay there and creamed furiously as Sonny’s boy-prick went erect in her fin. She felt it grow from a sleepy wrinkled little nub into a long hard thick pole of flesh. The head ballooned and popped out of her fist, the stalk throbbed and stiffened. She couldn’t resist looking. She opened her eyes, glanced down, and saw a magnificent hard pale cock just the size of her husband’s.
“Sorry about that,” Sonny croaked, red-faced.
“Uh, it was only natural,” Ginger said lamely.
Neither of them could think what else to say. They lay there aching with hornyess, Ginger’s fist tightly enclosing Sonny’s erect and straining cock. Little bubbles of juice started oozing from the slit mouth of his cock-head. Ginger told herself over and over to let go of the kid’s prick, send him home, before they went too far, but she just couldn’t release that silky, hot, throbbing erection.
Suddenly, with a horny moan, Sonny rolled her onto her side, facing him, and buried his face against her big swelling tits. He started to kiss her huge ripe tits all over, his mouth hot and moist. Then Ginger felt his tongue flick out, wet and snake-like, to tickle the sensitive tips of her little pink nipples. Hot excitement shot through her body, overpowering her, wiping out all common sense.
“Ohhhhhh,” she moaned.
Sonny was licking her nipples, darting back and forth between them, his tongue slick and hot and busy. It felt wonderful. In all their courtship and marriage Tom had never kissed or licked her breasts, never used his mouth there. Damn him! He’d cheated her of a delicious thing. Helpless to control her mounting lust, Ginger began to pump Sonny’s stiff hot dick.
“Ummmm, yeah,” the boy sighed, “yeah, that feels great.”
Ginger knew she should stop, but Sonny kept her in a state of senseless excitement, his tongue flicking eagerly over her nipples. Then he drew her left nipple right into his mouth and started sucking on it fast and eagerly. Hot pleasure streaked right down to her pussy. Why had Tom never sucked her tits? She loved it.
“Oooooooo,” Ginger crooned, “so nice.”
Encouraged, Sonny sucked with more pressure, drawing her whole hot tender nipple into his mouth, bathing it with his boiling saliva, tickling it with his tongue. Ginger creamed hugely, soaking the towel beneath her, and her hot little hand pumped faster and faster on Sonny’s stiff drooling prick.
With her last ounce of self-control, Ginger moaned hoarsely, “Oh, Sonny, this feels lovely, but we’ve got to stop. You know it’s not right.”
“No,” Sonny gasped, releasing her nipple for a second, “It’s cool, we’re just playing a little. Please, Ginger, let me just show you one more thing.”
She didn’t have a chance to reply before she felt his hand creeping between her thighs to touch her soaked red-hot pussy. He damped his mouth down on her sensitive nipple again, sucking it loudly and hungrily, distracting her, while his probing fingers found the hot little pea-size lump of her clit. He began to stroke her fat little joy button with the tip of his finger, and Ginger was almost blasted apart with pleasure.
“Aahhhhh,” she moaned, “oohh, Sonny, that’s SOOO nice, but you must stop. You m-m-m…” She broke off stuttering, unable to make another coherent sound. The pleasure was just too great. Having her nipples sucked and her cunt stroked at the same time was incredibly delicious.
Where in hell had a youngster learned all this fantastic foreplay? Kids were sure growing up fast lately. Tom was like something out of the Stone Age compared to Sonny, Ginger creamed and creamed over Sonny’s stroking, tickling fingers, and her soft pink nipples grew hard and erect and supersensitive in his mouth. It was scandalous and wicked to let the teenage neighbor boy diddle her like that, but she loved it too much to stop him.
With her free hand she reached down and cupped his hot swollen balls. Still briskly and eagerly pumping his erect dick with one hand, she began gently massaging his silky round balls with the other. Tom never allowed her to touch him like that. She was digging her first chance to play with a man’s prick and nuts. Sonny responded to her touch with moans and snorts of excitement.
Finally the boy was aroused beyond self-control, and he raised his flushed face from her spit-soaked nipple and moaned, “Oh, Ginger, my cock’s about to burst. I just gotta ball you. Please.”
Ginger was so tempted, she could have screamed — but frigging was one thing, fucking another. She was married, she loved her husband, and this boy was young. It was unthinkable to go all the way with him.
“Sonny, no, I just couldn’t,” she panted. “I couldn’t do that to Tom.”
Sonny suppressed his deep disappointment. He had a feeling he’d get another chance with Ginger, and she was sure worth waiting for. “All right,” he sighed, “but let’s jack each other off anyway.”
He seized her little wet cunt and began kneading it fast, making her moan loudly with pleasure. She started to pump his swollen meat furiously, and his juice trickled down to wet her fingers. Suddenly she was coming, Sonny’s expert clit-kneading sending her into a delicious explosion of pleasure.
“Ohhhhhh, Sonny, darling, you’re bringing me off,” she groaned, “OOOOOOO!”
Dizzily she heard Sonny give a yelp of pleasure and saw his purple swollen prick-head shooting jets of jism into the air. She felt his pumping cock going into spasms in her fist as he came.
Then from beyond the hedge, they heard Tom calling, “Ginger? I’m back. Where are you, honey?”
No two people had ever dressed faster, Ginger was sure of that. She and Sonny were sitting beside the pool fully clothed and innocently drinking lemonade when Tom strolled into the yard. Ginger’s heart pounded with excitement and guilt. That little romp with Sonny had been so much fun, but she’d almost been unfaithful to the husband she loved.
“Hi, honey,” she said brightly, “did you get Stacy’s sink fixed?”
Tom had a strange look on his face, a kind of dopey smile. “Huh?” he said. “Sink. Oh, yeah. Yeah, I did. What’s for dinner?”
“I haven’t decided yet,” Ginger said. “I’ll be right in.”
She and Sonny exchanged lingering glances, and she could toil that the boy wanted to be invited back again — not for yard work, either. But Ginger didn’t say anything. She was feeling overcome with guilt, anxious to be with Tom, and she hurried into the house.
He was sitting in front of the TV, watching the news, a beer in his hand, perfectly normal except for that ridiculous grin on his face. As Ginger went into the kitchen to start dinner, she wondered what was the matter with him. Then she happened to catch a glimpse of herself in the hall mirror. She had that same silly smile on her face.
Tom wouldn’t have told her in a million years what was making him grin like that. Much earlier in the day when he’d gone over to Stacy’s, his idea was just to get a chance to ogle the lovely blonde divorcee close-up. He’d never dreamed it would go farther than that.
Stacy had preceded him across the lawn to her house, and Tom’s eyes were glued to her saucily twitching little butt, tightly encased in snug red shorts. Her long light blonde hair bounced as she walked, and he thought again what a sexy broad she was. Stacy led him into her kitchen and indicated the sink, which was full of soapy water.
“It wouldn’t drain after I washed the dishes,” she said. “I don’t know what’s the matter.”
“We’ll soon find out,” Tom said confidently.
He’d much rather be fooling around with Stacy than with that damned sink, but after all, he was a married man and he was only here to do a favor for a neighbor. He got out his drain cleaner and plunger and went to work. It wasn’t a bad clog, and he had it fixed in a matter of minutes.
“There you go,” he said, “working okay again.”
Stacy acted like he’d just given her a bucket of diamonds. She threw her arms around his neck, gave him a big moist kiss on the cheek, and squealed, “Oh, Tom, you’re wonderful.”
“It was nothing,” Tom said, aching to hug her back.
While Stacy embraced him for that brief moment, he could feel her soft pointed breasts against his chest, and he realized she wasn’t wearing a bra. The soft pout of her mons pressed his crotch. She smelled of some light perfume like flowers. Damn, she had a nice curvy little body.
“As long as you’re here, let me make you some coffee,” Stacy said, moving away from him. “I haven’t had a chance to talk to you in ages. Isn’t it strange how people can live right next door to each other and never say hello?”
Tom was wanting to do considerably more than say hello to her, and his horny interest led him to bang around. He took a chair at the kitchen table and ogled Stacy’s delectable slim body as she moved around getting the coffee things. He tried to remember how long she’d been divorced, wondering if she, too, was horny.
“How’s it been going for you, Stacy?” he asked. “You getting along okay without Bill?” Bill Ames, Stacy’s ex-husband, had been a mean drunk, and she’d finally gotten fed up and kicked him out.
“Oh, yes and no,” Stacy answered. “I mean, I have a good job, enough money, and I can manage the house alone, but sometimes I get lonely.”
That was just what Tom wanted to hear. He just wondered how lonely the beautiful divorcee was. He reminded himself that that kind of thinking was crazy, that he was married and loved his wife very much, and that he didn’t believe in adultery. Somehow, though, it didn’t stop him from getting more and more turned on by Stacy.
“I can understand how you’d get lonely,” he said as she set the coffee pot on the table.
Stacy, standing close beside him, looked down with moist sad eyes. “Oh, Tom,” she said, starting to cry, “you really can’t imagine how lonely I get.”
Tom instantly pulled her onto his lap. He told himself that it was just a gesture of comfort and friendship, but as her warm little ass settled right over his cock, he felt a lurch of excitement. Stacy snuggled against him, and he put his arm around her shoulders and started kissing her hair.
“There, there,” he babbled, “it’ll be all right.”
“Oh, Tom,” she said, “you’re so sweet.”
She turned her face up and kissed him on the mouth. Her mouth was all soft and glossy and good-tasting. Tom tried to keep it an innocent kiss, but in seconds his excitement overpowered him and he was snaking his long wet tongue into her mouth.
“Ummmmm,” Stacy murmured.
She trembled for a moment, and then she started working her slick little tongue over his. Their tongues tickled each other, darted back and forth, and he felt Stacy’s little round ass wiggling deeply and comfortably into his lap, rubbing right over his cock.
Watch it, fella, he told himself.
But it was damned hard to exercise any self-control with a gorgeous blonde purring in his arms, stroking his tongue with her tongue, and rubbing her adorable little butt back and forth over his prick. He tightened his hold on her, and she didn’t protest.
“Ohhhh, that was nice,” Stacy murmured.
She was looking him in the eye, her face very close, and he took in her long long eyelashes, big blue eyes, and turned-up nose and moist pink lips. He felt almost giddy with horniness for this woman. He tried to make himself think of Ginger, of their marriage, but that was hard to do with Stacy right there in his lap.
“DO it again,” she said huskily. “I need it.”
Oh, Christ, Tom thought.
She seemed to be inviting him to make love to her, and he was powerfully excited by the idea. Well, a kiss wouldn’t hurt, and then he’d better get the hell out of here. He kissed her again. It started to be just a friendly smack, but Stacy quickly converted it into a deep thrusting of tongues and a hot horny meshing of mouths.
Her little warm hands started roaming over his body, inside his shirt to pet the thick mat of chest hair. Tom knew he was in real trouble if he stuck around, but dammit it was hard to leave. He should be firm, put Little Miss Hot Pants off his lap, and go home to his wife. Instead he found his hand creeping inside her halter.
“Ummmm,” Stacy murmured.
Tom slipped his hand down in the low neck of her halter and touched the silky soft skin of her pert boobs. Stacy was digging her slick little tongue deep in his mouth, exciting hell out of him, and he thrust his hand deeper inside her clothing and cupped one firm apple-size tit. He gave it a gentle squeeze, and Stacy purred and wiggled her ass again.
Sure, her boobs weren’t nearly as big as Ginger’s, but they were damned nice, soft and warm to touch, just right for a handful. He got his hand firmly around her silky mound and began molding and squeezing it. Stacy used the tip of her finger to tickle his nipples. Then she broke the kiss and looked at him, her eyes hot and wide.
“Tom, darling,” she purred, “you’re almost tearing my halter. Don’t you think you ought to take it off?”
Yes, by God, she really was inviting him to get it on with her. He still couldn’t conceive of being unfaithful to Ginger, but just a little more play couldn’t hurt. He wouldn’t go all the way, he assured himself as he untied Stacy’s halter and drew it off.
He knew she was around thirty, but her tits were perfectly firm and flawless, sticking straight out, capped with rather large rose-colored nipples. Her pretty boobs quivered slightly as Tom drew her halter off and dropped it on the floor. Then he gawkd at her delicious little knockers. He felt that same rush of saliva as when he looked at Ginger’s naked breasts.
“You’ve really got pretty tits,” he said hornily. Stacy wrinkled her nose. “They’re not very big,” she said, “not nearly as big as your wife’s.”
“That doesn’t matter,” said Tom, reaching out to cup her naked breasts.
They fit his hands perfectly, and he fondled them eagerly, running his palms over the satiny hot flesh, moving his thumbs back and forth over the cone-shaped red nipples. Stacy’s eyes got hotter and hotter, and after a moment her soft nipples went erect and pointed under his massaging thumbs.
“Oh, God, Tom,” she murmured huskily, “you’re making me so excited. Let’s lie down somewhere.”
Tom knew it was decision time, that he ought to make his escape now before he did something he’d really regret. He didn’t want to hurt Ginger, ever, in any way. He didn’t believe in stepping out on his wife. Then, dammit, why couldn’t he get up and walk out like a decent man should?
Instead he found himself just sitting there ogling Stacy’s lovely body, her adorable round pert tits, her tiny firm waist, and the suggestive pout of her crotch. He found himself thinking what a perfect opportunity this was to get a little strange stuff, a horny divorcee who obviously wanted to get balled. Maybe in bed she’d be the tigress he secretly wanted, the wild woman who’d throw aside all modesty and restraint, unlike Ginger who stayed so cool and unmoving.
No, dammit, it just wasn’t right, he couldn’t do it. He forced himself to stand up, dumping Stacy off his lap. Her cute little tits jiggled as she stumbled and then found her footing. Tom started to speak, but his voice came out in a horny squawk. He tried again.
“S-Stacy,” he stammered, “I’m very attracted to you. Very. But I couldn’t hurt Ginger. I think it’d be best if I left now.”
Stacy burst into tears. “Oh, Tom,” she said, “I’m sorry. It was all my fault. But all these months without a man — well, I’m ashamed to admit it, but it’s driving me up the walls. I can’t control myself.”
That’s exactly what he wanted, a woman who couldn’t control herself. It was killing him to walk away from a chance like this. He could just imagine Stacy going crazy in bed, shrieking with pleasure as he thrust his cock into her, begging for more and more. He knew he should turn and walk out the door, but his feet seemed glued to the spot.
“Just hold me a little while,” Stacy cooed. “That would be so nice. We won’t do anything wrong.”
“Okay,” Tom said hoarsely.
Her tears disappeared instantly. With a big smile she took his hand and led him to the big wide sofa in the living room. They laid down side by side and put their arms around each other, Stacy’s lovely bait breasts pressing against his cheat. She opened his shirt and rubbed her erect rosy nipple against the thick thatch of brown hairs.
“I’m shameless, I know,” she purred, “but with an attractive man like you, it’s hard to control myself. Sometimes I look at you across the lawn, and I get sooooo excited.”
Get out of here! Tom’s conscience screamed. He’d never received a more open, blatant sexual invitation from a woman. She might as well have stripped and spread her legs for him. If I didn’t leave now, he was in terrible danger of doing just what she wanted, peeling off her clothes and fucking her.
Instead he cupped her pretty breasts again and fondled them, unable to resist. Stacy mailed and purred, “Use your mouth on my till, darling. I really enjoy that.”
Tom blushed slightly. He’d never used his mouth anywhere on a woman’s body, his old-fashioned morality forbidding it. But more and more lately he’d wanted to do it. Hell, why not? He pressed his face against her hot silky tits, kissed them all over, and found it exciting and fun. He stuck out his tongue and pressed the wet tip against her erect left nipple. As he started to tongue and tickle the rosy nub, Stacy gave a squeal of excitement.
“Oooooo, yes, darling,” she cried, “lick my nipples. That feels soooo gopd.”
Tom had never licked a woman’s tits before, but once he was started, he found it addictive. More hot saliva rushed to his mouth as he tongued and lashed her pert little nipples. Lately he’d had this crazy urge to suck Ginger’s tits like a baby, but was afraid she’d be shocked. With Stacy he gave way to the urge, feeling she’d accept it.
He was right. As he sucked one rosy hard nipple into his mouth, Stacy squealed and dug her nails into his shoulders. “Ohhhh, my God, yesss,” she sighed, “yes, suck me, Tom. I love that.”
Tom got off on it, sucking briskly and loudly, arousing her tasty red nipple into a hard throbbing nub. Then he sucked the other one, increasing its heat and erection. All the while Stacy clung to him, gasping and squealing with pleasure. Why couldn’t Ginger react that way to his love-making? Why couldn’t she let herself go like Stacy did?
“Oh, my God, Tom,” she said, half laughing and half sobbing, “you’re getting me so turned on, I can’t believe it. You wicked thing, you.”
Tom’s response was to suck harder and louder on her breast. He needed time to think, but he found it very hard to have a logical thought under the circumstances. He was getting so damned horny for this wanton blonde divorcee, he couldn’t stop thinking about how her box would be — wet and fiery-hot and hungrily clinging. Dammit, he just had to control himself.
But Stacy spoiled all chance of self-control when she suddenly reached down and unzipped his fly.
Sucking her hard sweet nipple, Tom felt that wicked little hand creeping down his body, fumbling around and finding his fly, tugging at the zipper. He looked at Stacy in alarm, but she just stuck out the moist pink tip of her tongue and wiggled it lewdly at him. He felt her hot little hand creeping inside his open fly, tickling his cock.
“Uh, Stacy, honey, we better not do that,” Tom said hoarsely. “We don’t wanta go too far.”
“Oh, I won’t,” Stacy cooed. “I just want to touch. No harm in that, is there?”
Before Tom could reply, she’d gently lifted his limp pale cock out into the light. It looked wrinkled and puny to him, and he was glad. He didn’t want to give her any ideas. She left his dick lying on her palm for a moment, just looking at it, and then with her other hand she began to pet it, softly and gently. But even that feathery-light touch excited him sharply.
“Is it big when it’s hard?” she purred.
“Oh, God, Stacy,” Tom muttered. “Damn you, Stacy, stop that. You know I can’t get it on with you. I have to think of Ginger.”
“I didn’t say anything about getting it on,” Stacy replied in false innocence. “I just want to touch you a little, darling. And I want you to touch me.”
Tom knew by now that he was being conned, that she was deliberately arousing him right out of his skull, but it was a very pleasant con, very hard to resist. He just lay there paralyzed with horny pleasure while Stacy smiled and purred and petted his limp warm prick. He’d never approved of this kind of kinky foreplay, but now that it was happening to him, he found he really dug it.
“Here, let me take your pants down so I can touch you better,” Stacy said.
He couldn’t even make his mouth work now to protest. She quickly tugged his pants and shorts down to his knees, exposing his thick brown bush and rosy wrinkled nut sacs. She trailed her fingers teasingly through his bush and lightly tickled his limp balls, but eventually she returned to his cock, folding her fingers around it, starting to pump it.
“Stacy, for God’s sake, stop before it’s too late,” Tom moaned.
“Oh, don’t be silly,” she said. “We’re just having a little innocent fun. We won’t do anything wicked. I don’t know what you’re afraid of, Tom.”
What he was afraid of happened almost the moment she finished speaking — his aroused cock lurched into life, growing long and thick and rock-hard in her tight pumping fist. Tom moaned with embarrassment and lust as he felt his meat going stiff, saw the purple knobby head emerging from her fist.
“Why, Tom, you devil,” Stacy giggled.
She started pumping harder and faster on his erect meat, filling him with horny excitement. Damn the woman, anyhow, she was doing this on purpose getting him so frantically turned on that he was forgetting his marriage, his wife, his morality. But her hot little hand felt so damned good around his swollen dick.
“Darling,” she murmured, “I’d like you to touch me, too. Take down my shorts, please.”
Like a robot, Tom obeyed. He was lousing all will to resist. He unzipped her little red shorts and pulled them down to her knees, only to rind that she wasn’t wearing panties. He ogled her pretty blonde puff of mans fur. He saw that her lust wasn’t faked, either — the crotch of her shorts was sooked with pussy juice.
“Touch me,” she sighed “make me feel good.”
Tom slipped his hand between her silky thighs and felt blazing heat of her pussy. Stacy, panting, opened her legs wide for him, and he gawked at the moist pink flesh of her gash, the little circle of blonde curls around the fat ripe lips of her cunt. He began to trail his fingers back and forth over her horny little pussy, tickling and massaging.
“OHHHHHH!” Stacy gasped. “Oh, my God, yes, play with meeee.”
A scalding burst of cream from her cunt soaked his hand. No, she definitely wasn’t faking it. Stacy Ames was achingly horny for huh, juicing all over his fingers. If only Ginger could be so natural, so unashamedly eager! Tom massaged more eagerly over the slick hot flesh of her gash.
Meanwhile Stacy was pumping his dick. Curiously, and he felt her other hand creep down and cup his swollen tails, giving them a hot teasing message. His cock felt ready to burst, and he couldn’t help thinking how great it would be just to climb on her and stick it in her. He knew by now she wouldn’t last.
“My cunt, darling,” she gasped. “Play with my cunt. That’s the best place.”
He’d hardly touched a woman down there before, but he had a vague idea where her clit was. He searched between, the blonde-furred lips of her mons and found a wet little lump of red flesh. As he seized it between thumb and forefinger and started to knead it, he knew he’d found the right place Stacy gave a screech and practically rose off the couch.
“OOOOOOO!” she wailed, “YES!”
He kneaded her throbbing hot little clit and she pumped his achingly swollen cock for a few minutes, till they were both so excited that their breath came in gasps. Then Stacy pressed herself hard against him, urgently, and spoke in a voice hoarse with lust.
“Fuck me, Tom,” she gasped, “put your cock in me. Oh, please, I’ve got to have it.”
It was the toughest decision he’d ever made in his life, but by thinking of Ginger, he managed to resist, ignoring Stacy’s frantic request, he kneaded her squirting little clit faster and harder, ever faster, till suddenly she was coming.
“AHHHHHHH!” Stacy wailed.
In her helpless spasms of pleasure she squeezed his cock hard, and Tom felt himself coming, shooting thick white jets of jism practically to the ceiling. They writhed and moaned together for a moment, then fell exhausted into each other’s arms.
“There,” Stacy purred, “I told you we wouldn’t do anything serious.”
“We damned near did,” Tom said worriedly. “Really, Stacy, I don’t think I’d better not over here any more.”
She lust smiled and petted his limp exhausted cock. “Oh, you’ll be back, lover,” she said. “I’m sure of that.”
At least he didn’t think so.
On Sunday afternoon Ginger and Tom started working on their back yard, neither of them saying much. Both were filled with guilt over their little adventures of Saturday, yet they couldn’t get their new partners out of their minds. Tom kept thinking of Stacy’s little yet curvy body and how he’d passed up the chance to ball her. Ginger kept thinking of Sonny’s handsome erect cock and how she’d refused it out of loyalty to Tom.
“Did Sonny get that tree pretty well pruned yesterday?” Tom asked.
“Yes,” said Ginger, “but that’s ail he had time for. We’ve got a full day ahead of us cleaning up this yard.”
“Okay,” Tom said, “I’ll get the rake and — oh, here comes Stacy.”
Ginger looked up and glared. Sure enough, that brazen blonde divorcee was crossing from her yard to theirs, a big smile on her face, wiggling her ass like crazy. Stacy didn’t even look, at Ginger. She had eyes only for Tom as she walked into their yard wearing skin-tight pink shorts and a matching jersey that hugged her pretty bouncing breasts.
“Oh, there you are,” she cooed. “I need you again, Tom. I’ve got some very heavy furniture to move, and I just can’t lift it alone.”
“Now, wait a minute,” Ginger began.
But Tom interrupted her. “I’ll be right over, Stacy,” he said eagerly. “Glad to help.”
“Tom,” Ginger said angrily, “what about our yard? You didn’t get to it yesterday.”
Tom shrugged and said absently, “Oh, get Sonny again, hon. He can do the work.”
As he walked off with Stacy, Ginger suppressed the urge to brain them both with her shovel. Of all the nerve! That wanton bitch had no right to come over here and steal Tom from right under Ginger’s nose. And Tom was acting like a sap, that stupid smile on his face again as he accompanied Stacy to her house.
“Well, to hell with him, then!” Ginger sputtered.
She’d manage all right with Sonny. In fact she’d manage damn well. If Tom could treat her like this, then she just might repeat some of those little games she and Sonny had played. It wasn’t as if she was sneaking around to do it, either. Tom himself had told her to hire Sonny.
Still frowning, Ginger marched into the house and called Sonny. He said he’d be right over, and it seemed like she’d hardly hung up the phone before he was vaulting the hedge and standing before her with an eager smile. Ginger felt a rush of excitement, but she told herself to watch it. She was only going to fool around a little, not commit adultery.
“Hi, Ginger,” Sonny said. “I’m sure glad you asked me to work again. I was afraid you were be mad about yesterday.”
Ginger blushed and said quickly, “Let’s just forget about that, okay, Sonny? We made a mistake, but it won’t happen again. Now let’s get to work on this yard.”
“Okay,” Sonny said, trying to hide his disappointment.
He’d spent practically the whole damned night jacking off and thinking of Ginger. After his amazing success with her yesterday, he’d hoped she’d want to take up where they left off, maybe even ball. He should have known better. She was a respectable married woman, not interested in having an affair with the neighbor kid.
Still he found it hard to keep his eyes off her as they worked. Ginger was wearing a skimpy pair of blue shorts that hugged her round little butt checks emphasized its crease. She had on one of Tom’s t-shirts, too big for her, apparently trying to hide her big breasts, but the material was almost sheer and Sonny could see through to her little lace bra. It was agonizing to work beside her and not, be able to touch her.
Ginger meanwhile was having trouble keeping her eyes — and hands — off Sonny. He was wearing the same tight jeans, and she could see the soft lump of his crotch. He took off his shirt to work, showing his hard tan chest and rippling arm muscles. Ginger knew that if she hadn’t been married, she’d have said to hell with yard work and just gotten it on with this sexy young guy.
They worked for about an hour in the hot sun, digging and raking and hauling, before Ginger stopped, wiped her forehead, and said, “Time for a break, Sonny. This heat is murder.”
“It sure is,” Sonny eagerly agreed. “Should we have a swim, Ginger?”
Ginger blushed beet red, recalling how their naked swim had turned out yesterday. “I don’t think that’d be a very good idea, Sonny,” she said nervously. “Let’s just sit in the shade, and I’ll get us something cold to drink.”
Disappointed again, Sonny went to sit under a big shady tree, and Ginger brought out two cold bottles of Coke. They sipped quietly, trying not to sneak glances at each other, both hotly excited by sitting so close. It was hell, and finally Sonny couldn’t stand it any longer. Gathering his nerve, he suddenly scooted right up against Ginger, grabbed her, and kissed her.
“UMPTI!” Ginger protested.
She hadn’t been expecting that move. Sonny caught her off guard, she lost her balance, and they went rolling in the grass, his mouth glued to hers. Sonny landed on top of her and took advantage of his superior weight, keeping her pinned while he kissed her. He could feel her big hot tits pressed against his chest, the soft pout of her mons against his crotch.
Ginger felt the hard hot weight of his handsome young body pressing down on her, and her starved pussy began to heat and grow wet with need. For a crazy moment she wanted to just rip off her shorts and let Sonny ball her. It would be so neat. She’d never had any other man beside Tom. But the thought of Tom kept her from surrendering.
At least she didn’t surrender totally. But it was hard to ignore Sonny’s slick hot tongue probing in her mouth, and pretty soon her tongue was in action, too, slithering and tickling over his. Her pussy grew boiling hot. Damn, she wanted this boy so badly! She remembered holding his hard cock yesterday, pumping it, and her famished cunt leaked another hot flood of cream.
“Ginger,” Sonny gasped, coming up for air, “there wasn’t anything wrong with what we did. You weren’t unfaithful to your husband. Please, let’s do it again.”
Ginger was Tom. She knew damned well that it wasn’t right even to make out with this kid, but her body ached for some decent love-making. Maybe Sonny was right, a little foreplay wasn’t really “cheating”. It would be so pleasant. And of course she wouldn’t go all the way. She wouldn’t dream of doing that.
“All right, Sonny,” she said, “but just for a little. There’s no telling when Tom will be back.”
“Far out,” Sonny sighed gratefully.
The big spreading tree concealed them from all the neighbors. Lying on the soft warm grass, they kissed and fondled each other, but that gentle play wasn’t enough for Sonny. Spurred by his perpetual adolescent lust, he was soon slipping his hands underneath Ginger’s t-shirt, touching the firm cones of her breasts encased in the tight bra. He squeezed and fondled, her big ripe tits, wishing she didn’t have that damned bra on.
“Ginger,” he panted, “let me take your bra off, I want to touch the real thing. Please?”
Ginger blushed and said, “I thought we were just going to neck for awhile, Sonny. We shouldn’t go too far.”
“Oh, this won’t hurt anything,” Sonny said, already reaching under her and ripping the hook of her bra.
Secretly Ginger was dying for him to play with her naked tits, and she stopped protesting. Sonny fumbled with the catch and finally got her bra unhooked. He pushed it up over her silky hot tits which now tented her t-shirt with their natural thrust. Sighing hastily, he brought his hands down to cup the fishy globes. As he began caressing her sensitive tits, Ginger gave a little sigh of pleasure.
“I wish Tom would do that,” she sighed.
Sonny gawked at her. “He doesn’t play with your tits? Your own husband?”
Ginger blushed, wishing she hadn’t said it. The words had just popped out. “He’s a little old-fashioned in his thinking,” she said. “He doesn’t belieec in forcpay.”
“He’s nuts,” said Sonny.
He pushed her rumpled t-shirt up over her breasts and sated at the superb grapefruit-size globes with their little pink nipples. Tom Davis had to be crazy to ignore a pair of boobs like that. Sonny sure as hell couldn’t ignore them. He pressed his face against the hot soft flesh, kissed her nipples.
“Ummmm. That’s so nice,” Ginger sighed.
Encouraged, Sonny stuck out his gleaming red tongue and started licking her pretty little light pink nipples, darting from one to the other. Ginger suppressed a squeal of delight. She had to watch herself, not get the kid too excited. But she was getting damned excited herself. His slick hot tongue felt great on her sensitive nipples.
“Would you like me to suck your tits, Ginger?” he asked hoarsely.
Ginger’s face went red. Yes, dammit, she’d love to have him suck her, but, it seemed so wicked and wanton to ask him. On the other hand, what the hell? She deserved some fun in life, and this wasn’t going to lead to anything serious. They’d just fool around for a few minutes. Why deny herself what she wanted?
“All right, Sonny,” she said shyly.
Sonny flashed her an eager grin, then bent his head down over her thrusting big tits. His mouth zeroed in on her right nipple, a sweet strawberry nub, and he sucked it hungrily into his mouth. Ginger felt the heat and wetness around her sensitive nipple, felt his tickling tongue and his strong eager sucking. Her aroused cunt released a hot flood of juice that soaked right through her panties.
“Ohhhhhh, yes,” she sighed, “yes.” Sonny sucked like he was famished for her tits, making a loud wet slurping noise. Ginger lay beneath him with an ecstatic expression on her face, her blue eyes getting hot and horny. Each time he sucked on her tender nipple, she felt a rush of pleasure that streaked right down to her pussy. Why hadn’t Tom done this to her? He’d kept her from so much pleasure.
Sonny sucked her pretty pink nipple from softness into throbbing erection, then released it and sucked in the other nipple to give it the same treatment. He took his time, needing time to think and plot. He sure as hell wasn’t going to be content with kid games, with just necking. He had to figure out some way to get Ginger to fuck.
He thought back about some of the girls he’d dated and what they liked best, what got them really hot. Ginger was already enjoying herself, and if he worked it right, he might get her so hot for him that she’d go all the way. He’d use some of the tricks he’d learned with other girls. His hand crept down toward Ginger’s crotch.
“Oh, Sonny, no, don’t do that,” she said in alarm.
Sonny suppressed a curse. Damn it, did she expect him to be content with just touching her above the waist? He was only human. Besides, be had to get to ha pussy if he was really going to turn her on. He knew a few tricks that usually drove girls wild.
“Ginger,” he said as patiently as he could, “I just wanta touch you. Touching can’t hurt anything. Please, just for a minute or so?”
She wavered, torn between morality and lust. She sighed aid said, “All right, but just for a minute, and you can’t do anything but touch.”
She’d hardly finished speaking before Sonny had his hand inside her pants. She was amazed how fast the kid could move. She felt his eager sweaty hand on her belly and then on her soft curly muff. One finger sneaked inside the fat furry lips of her morn and began to rub her hot sensitive little clit.
“Oooooo,” Ginger squealed.
She hadn’t meant to show her excitement, but she couldn’t help it. Sonny’s expert finger flicked and rubbed her eager little joy button, sending melting pleasure through her loins. Tom never touched her pussy, so she was just finding out how great it felt to have a man play with her there. She creamed another flood of hot juice and moaned.
Sonny, busily working over her cunt, felt that hot rush of pussy juice and knew he was on the right track. Every girl he’d been out with loved to have her cunt touched, and Ginger was no different. He just had to keep at it, get her more and more aroused, till she was so anxious to ball, she wouldn’t be able to say no.
“Let me just slip your pants down,” Sonny whispered. “Then I can touch you better.”
Ginger was already having trouble saying no. She knew she shouldn’t go this far, but she loved that naughty finger play on her clit, couldn’t even think straight while he was doing it. When she didn’t answer him, Sonny quickly slipped down her shorts and panties, uncovering her flaming-red bush and her juicy swollen pussy.
“Here’s something I think you’ll really like. Ginger,” he panted.
The next thing Ginger knew, he was crawling between her legs. Thinking he was going to try to fuck her, she gave a screech of protest and started to sit up. She saw he didn’t even have his pants unzipped, and she was puzzled. Then to her astonishment, Sonny dropped to his belly between her legs and pressed his flushed hot face into her crotch.
“SONNY!” she gasped, “what are you — OHHHHHH.”
She almost fainted from the most stunning blast of pleasure she’d ever felt in her life. Something delicious and wonderful was happening down there in her pussy, something slick and wet and mobile moving over her creaming cunt mouth, her swollen pussylips, and her horny little nub of a clit.
“Ohhhhh,” she moaned, “Ohhhhh, God, OHHH!”
Dizzily she realized that Sonny was licking her pussy, using his tongue on all her most private and sensitive parts. Her face flamed. She’d read about oral sex, but of course with an uptight husband like Tom, she’d never experienced it. She’d decided it must be wicked and dirty and repugnant. Now she changed her opinion quickly. It was GREAT.
“Ohhhh, Sonny, yes, YES,” she gasped.
Ginger fell back onto the pass and wantonly opened her legs for him, unable to resist the exquisite pleasure of having her pussy eaten. She drew her long leg wide apart and bent her knees, opening her pussy to him fully. Sonny thanked her by zeroing in on the tasty little red nub of her clit, licking and lashing and rimming it. Ginger’s whole body seemed to melt with pleasure.
“Eeeeeee!” she screeched, “YESSSS!”
She knew she was making a spectacle of herself, screaming with pleasure, creaming all over the kid’s face, but she just couldn’t help herself. After three years of balling Tom, she hadn’t dreamed that sex could be so much fun, that anything could feel so wonderful. She’d have been happy to lie there forever with Sonny’s slick hot tongue doing its fantastic number on her clit.
But Sonny had other ideas. He knew other places to use his tongue, ways to get the beautiful red-haired housewife even more hotly aroused. It had worked with the girls he’d dated, and it ought to work with Ginger. He trailed his tongue slowly and tantalizingly from her cunt, between the swollen red lips of her pussy, till he was rimming the little recessed mouth of her cunt. He felt Ginger shaking with excitement, and then she creamed hugely all over his tongue.
“Oh, Sonny,” she moaned, “ohhhhh, my God.” She felt his tongue snaking into her cunt, and she thought she’d pass out with the stunning pleasure of it. The fat slick wiggling tongue pressed in deeper and deeper, stuffing her tight hungry box, while she juiced helplessly around it. She’d never felt anything so good in her life. She couldn’t stop moaning and squealing as Sonny worked his tongue all the way to the root in her boiling little twat.
“Yes, yes, YES,” she wailed, “put your tongue in my cunt, darling. OHHHHHH, YES!”
Sonny began to suck her with his tongue, jerking it up and down like a miniature cock. He felt how fiery hot and deliciously tight her cunt was, and he prayed his tricks would work, that he’d soon have his cock in there. Ginger was going out of her head with pleasure, bucking and howling and creaming floods of tasty hot juice. She was hot, all right, but would she fuck him?
“Oh, darling, let me touch you, too,” she gasped.
Sonny was up for that. Still hungrily licking her wet red gash, he maneuvered around till he was kneeling over Ginger, his head in her crotch, his crotch right over her face. He started sucking her plump red pussylips, leaving the next mow to her.
Feverishly eager, Ginger fumbled with his fly, got his jeans open, and drew out his stiffly erect young cock. It was just as handsome as she’d remembered it, clean and white and silky. She’d never before used her mouth on a man’s cock, but that didn’t stop her. She drew it down till the knob-like purple head was in reach, stuck out her little pink tongue, and started licking his dick.
“Oh, hey, YEAH,” Sonny gasped. “Lick, Ginger, lick my cock. Man, I love that.”
He hadn’t expected anything that good, Ginger’s slick satiny tongue lapped on the sensitive head of his prick, and he trembled with pleasure. His cock juice started bubbling out, and to his delight she lapped it up and ate it, making greedy little gurgling noises. Sonny rewarded her by nuzzling into her bush and starting to suck hot and hard on her juicy little clit.
Ginger gasped with pleasure when he began sucking her horny little button, but she didn’t stop licking his big hard cock-head. In just a matter of seconds she’d discovered that she loved licking his cock, loved eating his juice. To get more of it, she opened her mouth wide and stuffed the swollen prick-head between her lips, sucking ravenously.
Sonny just about rose off the grass when he felt her taking his meat in her hot wet little mouth. It felt great — too great. A few seconds of her greedy sucking, and he’d sure as hell shoot his load right in her mouth. He didn’t want that. He wanted to save his hard-on for her cunt. He’d better act before it was too late.
“Ginger,” he gasped, “that’s great, but please stop now.”
Thinking she was hurting him, Ginger abruptly released his cock. Freed, Sonny scrambled around, knelt between her widely-parted legs, and hurled himself onto her. Ginger gasped as she felt the hot hard head of his prick pushing hungrily against the wet pulp of her pussy, seeking out her cunt.
Sonny, no, she gasped. “You said we wouldn’t go all the way. You promised.”
“Can’t help it,” the frantically horny teenager panted, “I gotta ball you, Ginger, I just gotta.”
Ginger stuggled and protested for only a second, and then she felt Sonny’s wonderfully thick hard cock slamming into her achingly lusty little cunt. Pleasure overwhelmed her, and she sank back, moaning, letting him push his fiercely erect young cock all the way to her womb.
“Oh, oh, OH,” she panted, “no, Sonny, yes, OHHHHH!”
She knew she wasn’t going to fight it. She had to have it, no matter what the consequences. Sonny fucked her in deep powerful strokes, taking his time, not rushing it the way Tom did. Tom always came in less than a minute, but now minutes passed, ten minutes passed, and Sonny kept fucking away, not at all tired.
Meanwhile Ginger was coming — again and again. It was a dream come true, the chance to have all the orgasms she wanted. This crazy kid was a far better lover than her own husband. Wild horses couldn’t have pulled her away from him now.
“Ohhhh, Sonny,” she moaned, “it’s wonderful.”
“I love fucking you, Ginger,” he panted.
He wasn’t kidding. Her little box was wonderfully tight and clinging, yet slick and wet and deliciously hot. It was a fantastic pleasure to work his swollen meat in there. He held out as long as he could, swelling with pride each time he made her come. It was like all his horny fantasies, a gorgeous older woman writhing in his arms, creaming all around his jerking dick, telling him how she loved his fucking.
“Oh darling. YES,” Ginger wailed, “keep fucking me please, I LOVE IT!”
Just briefly, once, she wondered what was keeping Tom so long at Stacy’s house but then she realized it was a blessing. It let her and Sonny go on and on with this fantastic fuck. And right now, that was all she cared about.
Tom saw the stricken look on Ginger’s face when he abandoned the yard work and went off with Stacy. He felt like a heel, knew he should have stayed there and helped his wife, but after one look at Stacy in that deliciously tight outfit, he just couldn’t resist.
Not that he was going to do anything serious, of course.
He figured they might fool around a lime bit, like yesterday, but he was still very much committed to his marriage, very much in love with his wife, and he didn’t intend to be unfaithful. He’d make sure things didn’t get out of hand.
He watched the flirtatious bounce of Stacy’s pert little butt in those tight pink shorts as she led the way to her house. She was a sexy bitch, that was for sure. If he weren’t a married man, he’d be on her the minute they got in the door. He imagined, briefly, what her cunt would be like — fiery-hot, juicy, and tight — then told himself to forget it. Nothing was going to happen.
He followed Stacy into her kitchen, and the next thing he knew, she was throwing her arms around him, rubbing her warm curvy body against him, and kissing him, her little slick tongue wriggling into his mouth. Tom stumbled back against the wall, feeling the soft pout of her mons against his cock, struggling with the hot lust he felt for her.
“Hey, there,” he laughed, turning his face aside, “what’s all that about?”
Stacy wasn’t laughing. Ma blue eyes were hot with longing, her full lips pink and pouting. “Oh, Tom,” she said huskily, “surely you know why I really asked you over here. Darling, I want you.”
Tom forced himself to stay cool, though it was a damned hard thing to do, what with a sexy, horny blonde literally throwing herself at him. He took her arms and gently moved her back away from him. He tried to look stem.
“Stacy, I’m sorry,” he said. “You’re a helluva good-looking chick, and I really wish I could get it on with you, but I love my wife. You have to understand that. I’m not gonna be unfaithful to Ginger.”
Tears rose briefly to Stacy’s eyes, but then she gave up. “All right, Tom,” she said sadly. “If that’s how it is, I guess there’s nothing I can do.”
One part of Tom felt proud because he’d done the right thing and resisted temptation, but another pelt was cursing because of this lost chance. It would have been so great to go to bed with this beautiful woman. He wasn’t out of danger yet. It might be smart to get the hell out of there, away from Stacy, before she did something else to tempt him.
“Well, maybe I better run along then,” he said, “if that’s all you wanted.”
“Oh, no, wait,” Stacy said. “I really do have some furniture to move. I’m sorry, Tom. I promise to behave myself now, if you’ll just lend me a hand with this stuff.”
“Sure,” Tom said with a smile. “Where is it?”
For an hour Tom helped Stacy move heavy pieces of furniture around her living room, till it was all rearranged to her satisfaction. By then they were both hot and tired, and Stacy declared a rest period and made them some iced tea. They sat on the couch to drink it.
“Thanks so much, Tom,” Stacy said. “I couldn’t have done this alone.”
“Oh, it was nothing,” he said. “Glad to help.”
He was having a hard time keeping his hungry glance off Stacy. In fact all the time they’d been moving furniture, he kept sneaking looks at her. The way those adorable boobs of hers jiggled and bounced with each movement, it was plain that she wasn’t wearing a bra. He guessed she wasn’t wearing panties, either, because he could see no outline beneath those skin-tight shorts.
She might as well have been wearing a sign that said: “Ball Me”. And Tom was having a very hard time dismissing that thought. It would be so easy, laughably easy, to get into her pants. She’d already begged him to do it. The only thing holding him back was the thought of Ginger.
“I’m so glad you could help,” Stacy said, moving a little closer to him. “I wish I could give you some kind of reward.”
Tom felt the heat of her body and smelled her faint flowery perfume. He knew just the reward he wanted, if only he could accept it. “Oh, that isn’t necessary,” he sighed.
Stacy had an impish grin on her face. “Oh, just a little reward,” she said, “okay?”
Before he could answer, she was kissing him. This time Tom didn’t resist. She was just thanking him, after all, and he shouldn’t be rude. He leaned back against the couch and felt her warm moist mouth pressing his, the soft points of her tits just brushing his arm. Then her slick little tongue was wriggling into his mouth.
He knew he should call a halt right then and there. It was changing from a friendly light-hearted kiss to a hungry, lusty one. But, damnmit, just one kiss wasn’t all that serious. He could allow himself just a little fun. He slid his tongue over hers, into her mouth, and probed around. Stacy purred and snuggled closer against him.
Tom felt his lust returning in full force. He wanted urgently just to throw her down on the couch, pull off her shorts, and fuck her silly. Of course he wouldn’t, but just the thought of it made him wiggle his tongue faster in her mouth. Stacy returned the favor, tickling deeper with her slippery little tongue, pressing her soft warm tits against his chest. When they finally broke for air, they were both flushed with lust.
“Why, Tom, you naughty thing,” Stacy giggled, “you really got me excited.”
Tom reddened. “I-I didn’t mean to, Stacy,” he stammered. “I just got carried away.”
“Oh, well,” she grinned, “no harm done. We can just neck for a little, before you go home. Just a little innocent fun.”
Innocent, my ass, Tom thought. With those lust-hot eyes and jiggling bra-less tits and wicked little tongue, Stacy was about as innocent as a cobra. He was sure of it, but somehow he didn’t resist as she snuggled up to him again, ran her fingers through his hair, and started kissing him hungrily.
“Just a little fun,” she murmured, “before you go home to your darling wife.”
Tom’s conscience shrieked at him to stop, to get out of there before it was too late, but some other pert of him had taken over. AS he slipped his arms around Stacy and wriggled his tongue into her hot slick mouth, he realized how starved he was for this hot and exciting sex-play, for a responsive woman who didn’t deny her own needs. Ginger was like a statue of ice compared to Stacy.
“Ummmmmm, that’s nice,” Stacy cooed.
It sure as hell was. Holding Stacy, fondling her soft cuddly body, was the most fun he’d had in ages. Unable to resist, he slipped his hand under her tight t-shirt and cupped one hot silky tit. He gave it a little squeeze, and Stacy sighed happily.
“Oh, yes, darling,” she murmured, “play with my tits. I like that so much.”
Tom told himself that it was nothing serious, that as long as they didn’t ball, he still wasn’t guilty of adultery. He eased Stacy down on the couch, onto her back, and lay beside her. He pushed her pink t-shirt up over her bare tits and ogled the snowy globes with their large berry-pink nipples. Stacy was giving him a mischievous grin.
“Touch me,” she whispered. “Go ahead — I won’t bite.”
Tom slipped his hands under her adorable firm boobs and cupped them, squeezing, releasing, while Stacy purred contentedly. It was so great the way she let him know she liked it. Ginger would just lie there, expressionless, without a word. But Stacy sighed and purred and giggled and patted, obviously enjoying his touch.
“Kiss my tits, darling,” she urged, “use your mouth on them. Please, Tom, I’d like that so much.”
Tom just didn’t have the strength to refuse. He bent low over her cute pointed boobs and kissed the soft red nipples. Stacy gasped with passion. He stuck out his wet red tongue and flicked her nipples with the slick tip. She squirmed with pleasure.
“Ummmmmm, yeses,” she sighed, “yes, lick my nipples darling, suck them.”
Tom brought his mouth gently down on her left nipple and slowly enclosed it sucking the soft red flesh into the fierce heat and wetness of his mouth. He sucked the whole thing inside, tickling rapidly with his tongue, and then he started sucking fast and hungrily on her delicate cone-shaped nipple.
“Oh, God, YES!” Stacy gasped.
Her eyes fluttered, and a lusty little grin showed her little white teeth. With one hand she curled her fingers in his hair, and with the other she clawed his shoulder. She was hotly excited, and she wasn’t ashamed to show it. As he sucked, he felt her soft nipple going erect and hard in his mouth. When he finally released it, it stood stiff and nub-like next to her other soft unaroused nipple.
“Hey, I’m lopsided now,” Stacy giggled. “You better do the other one.”
“Glad to, ma’am,” Tom laughed.
He brought his mouth down on her other nipple and sucked it in.
Stacy moaning and clawing in her excitement. It didn’t take much of his hot hungry sucking to make the nipple erect and pointed like its twin. In fact her whole tit was swelling up firm and hot with arousal. Tom knew he was going too far, getting her too horny, but he just couldn’t bear to stop. Not now, not, yet.
“You bad boy,” Stacy teased, “look what you’ve done.”
They looked down at her wet red nipples, erect and bumpy globe-like jugs all swollen and taut. Tom felt sheepish, knowing he’d gotten Stacy hotly horny when he didn’t intend to do anything about it. It would hive been kinder if hed just left.
It was as if she read his thoughts. “You can’t leave me like this, you naughty tiling,” she said. “I won’t be able to stand it. Here, maybe you could do what unit did yesterday.”
She took his hand and set it down on the plump rise of her mons. Through her tight shorts Tom could feel the fierce heat or her body and the springy curls of her bush. He remembered how he’d brought her off yesterday, fiddling with her cunt. Well, all right, he owed her that much — and technically it wasn’t adultery.
“Take my shorts off,” she said huskily. “Then you can touch me better.”
Tom didn’t need much urging. He wanted another look at her pretty little blonde muff and her ripe scarlet tit. Stacy grinned and raised her butt off the couch while he unzipped her shorts and tugged thorn off. Sure enough, she wasn’t wearing panties. Tom’s mouth watered as he looked at the pretty platinum puff of curls over her mona.
“There,” Stacy purred, “now you can play warn my pussy.”
Tom eagerly laid his hand on the warm springy curls of her bush and wiggled a finger inside till he found the fat little button of her clit. He started to finger the slick hot lump, and Stacy moaned and spread her legs wider, letting him see the moist red of her pussy.
“Ummmmm, yes, darling,” she sighed, “rub my clit. Ohhhhh, I love that.”
Again be thought of the contrast to his wife. Ginger would never have said such a thing, new told him she liked it. But then he’d never touched Ginger’s pussy. He was afraid she’d be shocked and angry. He had no such fears with Stacy. She as creaming all over his hand.
“Oh, Tom, that’s sooo nice,” she pouted. “But, darling, it’d be better if you’d use your mouth instead of your hand.”
Tom blushed beet red. He had never gone down on a woman in his life. He’d considered it unnatural and evil, but at this moment he felt a strong urge to lick and taste her pretty rod pay. Also, he was ashamed to tell her that he didn’t know how to give head. He could just bull his way through it maybe.
“All right,” he said.
Stacy grinned delightedly and opened her legs wantonly wide, putting one leg up over the back of the couch and letting the other dangle off the edge. Tom got between her legs and looked eagerly at the rich red flesh of her gash, her fat pussylips, little dot of a clit, and the small recessed mouth of her cunt. It was all encircled with a delicate fringe of light blonde curls. He felt no hesitation. She looked delicious to him.
Tom plunged his face into her steamy fragrant crotch, stuck out his tongue, and began licking back and forth over her pussy, from the moist little mouth of her snatch up to the hot wet button of her clit. Stacy gasped and arched her body upward to increase the friction, and her voice came out hoarse and horny.
“Ohhhhh, God, YES,” she moaned, “yes, eat me, darling, eat meeee.”
She started to cream heavily, uncontrollably, as Tom tickled and licked and lashed all over her hot ripe slit. He really got turned on by it, not just getting her so aroused, but the idea of licking a woman in so intimate a place. She obviously loved it, too, her whole body flushing pink with lusty excitement.
“Oh, darling, that’s so GOOD,” she whimpered, “Ijust love your tongue on my pussy. Don’t stop.”
Tom had no intention of stopping. He was learning a brand-new skill, and he wanted to rind out just what she liked best. He zeroed in on her plump pink pussylips and lashed them with his slick wet tongue. He was rewarded with a hot burst of cream from her little cunt mouth. He slid his thick moist tongue over to her snatch itself, running the tip around the squirting little mouth.
“OHHHHH, YES!” Stacy shrieked. “Yes. Tom, put your tongue up my box!”
Tom obeyed, wanting to do whatever excited her most. He slipped the tip of his tongue inside her soaked little hole, tasted her fragrant cream, pushed farther. Slowly he eased his long thick tongue all the way up her wonderfully tight hot cunt, and all the while Stacy shivered and moaned with pleasure.
“Ohhhh, darling,” she whined, “you can’t imagine how wonderful that feels. I love your tongue inside me, Tom. Fuck me with it, use it like a cock.”
He was glad Stacy didn’t hesitate to say what she liked, because he didn’t know the first thing about giving head. He started to tonguefuck her, jerking his thick tongue briskly up and down her creamy hot little hole. Stacy went wild, screaming with pleasure, clawing the couch. Her tight little snatch got hot as a blast furnace, gripping his tongue greedily.
“Eeeeeee!” she squealed. “Eeeeeeee! You’re making me come, EEEEEEE!”
He felt the frantic convulsions of her cunt around his tongue. He wished his cock was in there instead, but he did his duty to Ginger. And he’d done his duty to Stacy, too, bringing her off. Now he’d better go home and try to forget the whole thing. He raised his head from her hot steamy pussy and wiped her cream off his face.
“Feel better?” he grinned.
“Much better,” Stacy sighed. She was purring with contentment, grinning without shame. “That was lovely, Tom, just lowly.”
“Well, I better go now,” he said.
“Oh, no,” Stacy said, grabbing his arm, “we’re not finished yet. I have to do something for you, otherwise it’s not fair.”
“Oh, that’s not necessary,” Tom said.
Stacy paid no attention. She pushed him down on his back and quickly unzipped his jeans and tugged them off. His shorts went the same way. Tom knew he shouldn’t allow it, but he couldn’t bring himself to stop her. It would probably be very pleasant, whatever she had in mind. And they couldn’t fuck, not with that limp cock.
Stacy eyed his pale wrinkled prick and said, “Why, Tom, I’m surprised. You don’t even have a hard-on. But I’ll take care of that in a hurry.”
Just try, lady. Tom thought smugly. He’d prevented an erection by thinking of Ginger. And if he’d managed to stay soft through all the excitement of eating Stacy’s pussy, then tere wasn’t much she could do to out wit him.
He figured wrong.
Stacy’s blonde head dipped into his lap and then he fetl a stunning blast of pleasure as she sucked his whole limp dick into her mouth. He gasped and damn near rose off the couch. He’d never had his cock sucked before and he hadn’t prepared for how it would feel. He fell back limp and moaning, loving it.
“Ummmm,” Stacy murmured, “YUMMMMMY!”
She had his meat lying on her hot wet tongue, his furry balls rubbing her chin. She started to suck his cock like she was starving for it. Fast and hard and greedy. Her mouth felt wonderfully wet and hot around his prick, and her powerful sucking was wickedly exciting.
“Oh, Christ,” Tom groaned, “that’s great!”
Stacy’s reply was to suck even faster and harder on his soft small cock. She’d obviously had some experience giving blow jobs. Tom tried — and failed — to resist the dizzy lust he felt as she gobbled his meat. Moaning, he felt his cock going hard and ready in her mouth.
“UMMMMMM!” Stacy moaned.
He didn’t know how she kept the whole thing in her mouth, but she did. From the feel of something slick and firm closing around his swollen wet-head, he figured she must have taken his meat right into her throat. He panted with pleasure, while Stacy gurgled hungrily and swallowed his bubbling cock-juice. He was very close to coming wondering what to do about it, when she suddenly raised her head and let his erect swollen dick pop from her mouth.
“There,” she said, “now we have a nice hard-on. Let’s use it. It’d be a shame to let it go to waste.”
She hopped right up over him, straddling his belly, and brought her soaked hot cunt mouth down on the knobby purple head of his stiff-standing cock. Tom opened his mouth to say no, tiled to summon the will to roll out from wider her, but it killed him to make the effort. He wanted to fuck her so damned bad.
Again Stacy read his thought. “It’s all right, darling,” she grinned. “You can say it was rape.”
It damned near was. He wasn’t trying to put his cock in her, but she suddenly slammed her hot soaked pussy down on his rock-hard dick, getting his swollen meat halfway into her clinging steamy box. She gasped with pleasure, then slammed again, bringing the big hard head of his dick right to her womb. She looked down at him with hot hungry eyes.
“Oh. Tom,” she said hoarsely, “your cock feels heavenly inside me. Please, darling, let’s fuck, please.”
Tom gave up the tight. Her snug hot juicy box felt so good, and he was already in her anyhow. He just couldn’t resist. He started to work his meat in her flaming-hot clinging cunt, jerking swiftly up and down. Stacy let out a squeal of delight and creamed all around his poking dick. Her cunt gripped him possessively.
“Ohhhhhh, YES!” she wailed. “Yes, fuck me, ball me, don’t stop! Make me come again and again! Tom, I’ve been months without a man. This is BEAUTIFUL!”
Tom was surprised at how long he could hold out. He never even tried with Ginger, but it was so rewarding to watch Stacy that he kept fucking her as long as he could. She sqialed, creamed, howled, clawed, and kept telling him how much she loved his fucking — all those wild and wanton things he secretly wished his wife would do.
“Oh, God, TOM,” Stacy wailed, “I love it, I LOVE IT!”
But there came a time when her gripping red-hot box excited him so much that he just couldn’t hold out any longer. Stacy must have come half a dozen times by then, anyhow, so he didn’t feel too guilty as he yelped and shot his load against the slick hot mouth of her womb.
“Yes, yes, darling,” she panted, “come in me. Oh, Tom, I’m coming again, too. OHHHHHHH!”
She wasn’t kidding. Her flew little twat gripped his squirting meat like a velvet vise. They writhed and moaned together for long delicious moments before his prick finally went limp inside her. Tom sighed and started to lift her off him, but Stacy grinned, and held his arms back.
“Darling,” she said, “just relax for a moment and you’ll get hard again, I promise. We’re just getting started.”
Tom laughed helplessly. He knew he should be getting home, but what the hell? If she could make him hard again, he would stick around a while longer. Maybe Ginger wouldn’t notice how long he was staying away.
Ginger didn’t seem to notice how long Tom had been gone. When he finally walked in the house, she was busy in the kitchen, a funny smile on her face, humming to herself. If Tom hadn’t been so full of his own thoughts, he might have noticed she was acting strangely.
Ginger didn’t notice Tom’s odd expression, either. All that evening they were wrapped up in their own musings, torn between guilt and excitement. Both wore thinking that the illicit affair must stop, that adultery is wrong, yet neither could bear the idea. When they got into bed that night, they carefully kept to their own sides. Not that they didn’t love each other. They were simply afraid of giving away their guilty thoughts.
By the next morning lust had won for both of them. They had to see their lovers one more time.
Tom knew where Stacy worked, and he called her from his office, arranging for them to get together that evening at her place. He’d think of some excuse to tell Ginger. Meanwhile, late that afternoon, Ginger was standing in her front yard, pretending to rake the lawn, but actually watching the kids come home from school. Her heart started to pound when she saw Sonny coming down the street. He was pretty excited. He walked up to her and looked her intently in the eye.
“Hi, Mrs. Davis,” he said loudly, in case any neighbors were listening, “you need any more help with this yard?”
Ginger’s voice trembled a little as she replied, “Yes, Sonny, I do. Could you come over after dinner?”
“Yes, ma’am!” Sonny said happily.
Ginger went in the house feeling like a guilty sex fiend. She just couldn’t keep her hands off that sexy teenager. But she also felt hot excitement at the thought of fucking Sonny again. Just one more time, she told herself, then she’d quit. The only problem was how to get Tom out of the house so she and Sonny could make love. As it turned out, Tom solved that problem for her.
“Honey,” he said right after dinner, “I’ve gotta go back to the office for a couple hours. A lot of stuff piled up over the weekend.”
“Oh, all right, dear,” Ginger said, flying to sound disappointed. “Don’t work too hard.”
Tom was hardly out of the house before Sonny rang the doorbell. Ginger hurried to let him in. He was grinning from ear to ear.
“Boy, what luck,” he said. “I just saw your husband leave.”
“Yes, he’ll be gone a few hours,” Ginger said.
Then they stared at each other and blushed. Sonny still couldn’t believe that this gorgeous red-haired older woman was his mistress. Ginger couldn’t believe that a mere adolescent could turn her on so much. Finally Sonny gathered his courage, waked up to her, and kissed her. Ginger responded stiffly at first, then with increasing warmth, working her tongue wickedly over his.
“Oh, wow,” Sonny sighed. “I’ve had a hard-on all day, just thinking about you.”
“I’ve been pretty anxious myself,” Ginger chuckled. “Come on, Sonny, we’ve got a real treat tonight. We can actually make love in a real bed.”
She knew she should be more modest and ladylike, but she just couldn’t wait to be with him. She grabbed his hand and led him down the hall to the bedroom. They undressed quickly and clumsily and then climbed onto the bed, Sonny hungrily ogling Ginger’s big full bouncing breasts.
Sonny was on her in a minute, kissing her wetly, fondling her big soft tits, while Ginger panted in her eagerness and ran her hands over his smooth hard young body. She started with his shoulders and worked downward, slowly and deliciously, feeling his rippling muscles and warm silky skin. Then she finally touched his cock and got a surprise.
“Why, Sonny,” she said, “you don’t have a hard-on now.”
Sonny blushed right down to his toes. “I guess I’m just nervous,” he said.
Ginger considered the situation, and then said shyly, “Maybe I can do something about it, Sonny. If you don’t mind, I’d really like to do what I did yesterday. I-I’d like to suck your cock.”
Sanity brightened immediately. “Oh, hey, sure,” he said. “That’d be great, Ginger.”
She knew she was being an outrageous hussy even to mention it, but she couldn’t resist. For years she’d wanted to play with Tom’s cock, use her mouth on it, taste it, but he’d never asked her to. Yesterday she’d had just a few moments with Sonny’s cock in her mouth, and she’d really gotten off on it. Now they had lots of time.
Sonny rolled onto his back, and Ginger crouched over him, her full pink-nippled boobs almost brushing his belly. She eyed the pale wrinkled stub of his prick. It looked adorable to her, young and clean and handsome. Her mouth started to water. She dipped her head down, stuck out her little pink tongue, and started to lap the milky-white soft appendage.
“Ummmnun, yeah,” Sonny answered blissfully.
Ginger wanted to lick and taste him everywhere at once. Her wet gleaming tongue tickled and played on his soft little cock making it flop and bounce, running up and down in greedy licks. Then she was tickling down through his crisp black bush and onto his rosy wrinkled nut sacs. Sonny gave a snort of pleasure.
“Oh, man, YEAH!” he gasped. “Lick my balls. Man, that feels great.”
After all those years with no foreplay, Ginger wanted to take her time and experiment, to do all the naughty and exciting things of her fantasies. She bent low over the boy and lapped and lashed his warm flaccid balls, making them jiggle and flop. But soon just licking wasn’t enough. Not knowing what gave her such a crazy urge, she bent even lower and sucked one tasty little bag into her mouth.
“AWWWWW!” Sonny yelped. “Aw, Christ, YEAH!”
He was surprised and delighted. He’d been with some pretty uninhibited girls, but nobody had sucked his balls before. Ginger, of all people! The modest, shy housewife, the respectable married woman, had figured out that wicked little trick all by herself Sonny felt his sensitive nut bathed in the fiery wetness of her mouth, and he moaned a hoarse moan of pleasure.
Ginger was getting hotly excited herself, her pussy starting to swell and cream as she sucked loudly and hungrily on the silky little bag. She felt it swelling up in her mouth till it was almost too big to hold, and she let it go, wet and plunp and rosy. She sucked in the other ball and gave it the same treatment, sucking it full of hot jisin. All the while Sonny moaned and writhed with pleasure.
“Awwwww, Christ, that’s good,” he whined. “Nobody, ever did that to me before, Ginger. It’s fantastic.”
Ginger blushed at his remark, but that didn’t stop her from releasing his swollen wet nut and tickling upward again, through his crisp pubic curls to the sleepy little worm of his cock. Saliva rushed to her mouth as she gently fed his floppy little prick between her lips. Greedily she sucked it all in, till his moist fat balls rested against her chin. She started sucking fast and hard and ravenously on Sonny’s good-tasting meat, making a loud lewd slurping noise.
“Oh, wowwwwww!” Sonny howled.
With that kind of encouragement, it didn’t take him long to overcome his nervousness and get hard as a rock. Her hot slick sucking mouth felt great around his dick, and the sight of her flying red hair and great jiggling breasts did the rest. Sonny sighed with pleasure as he felt his cock growing long and thick and stiff on her busy little tongue.
“Ummmmm,” Ginger muttered.
She wanted to keep all of that silky hot meat in her mouth, so she opened her throat and took in the fat head. His prick began to leak big bubbles of salty juice, and she gurgled lustily and swallowed it as fast as it came. Her sucking got faster, harder, more juicy and loud. If only Tom would let her do this to him!
Sonny was red-faced with horny excitement by now, panting, starting to move his swollen cock helplessly back and forth over her tongue. Her sucking felt wonderful, but he was beginning to worry that he wouldn’t be able to control himself, that he’d shoot his load right into her mouth. She was pretty inexperienced, he knew. She might not like a mouthful of come.
“Hey, Ginger,” he gasped, “look out. I think I’m gonna come. Can’t help it.”
Ginger imagined getting a mouthful of his hot creamy jism. She already liked the taste of his dripping juices. She nodded her head vigorously, her mouth still full of his thick hard meat, and began to suck him even faster. Sonny, unable to hold back, wailed with pleasure and started to shot his load right into her silky throat.
“Ahhh, CHRIST!” he moaned.
Ginger swallowed eagerly, loving the sensation of eating his steamy boy-come. At last his exhausted wet prick slipped from her mouth, and she sighed with satisfaction. She’d given her first blow job and loved it. Sonny, red-faced, with a silly grin, looked as if he’d enjoyed it, too.
“Man,” he sighed, “that was super. But now I’m gonna do something for you, Ginger. Just lie back and relax.”
Ginger obeyed, flopping onto her back, wondering what nice surprise she had in store Sonny gently opened her long legs and bent the knees back, fully exposing her rich red gash with its fringe of coppery curls. Ginger didn’t feel ashamed any more to have him see her pussy. All she felt was horny excitement, wondering what he was going to do.
Sonny flopped belly-down between her legs and thrust his face into her steamy-wet crotch.
“Ohhhhhh, God,” Ginger gasped, “YES!”
He was eating her pussy, running his slick hot mobile tongue back and forth over the swollen moist flesh, sending delicious shivers through her body. He’d eaten her a little yesterday, and it was the greatest thing she’d ever felt. It was just as good tonight.
“I love that, darling,” Ginger crooned. “My God, yes, lick me, eat me. Don’t stop.”
Sonny had no intention of stopping till he paid her back deliciously for sucking him off. He dammed his mouth onto the hot red button of her cunt and started sucking like mad on the sensitive little organ. Ginger gasped, held her breath a moment, then broke into a shrill sustained moan of pleasure. Sonny felt her hot cream flooding over his face.
“Yessssss,” Ginger gasped, “oh, darling yes, suck my cunt. I love that.”
She pushed her coppery little muff up against his forehead, increasing the sweet fiery friction of his tongue on her horny little clit-nub. He licked, lashed, and sucked, giving her exquisite pleasure. But Sonny wasn’t content. He wanted it to be really great for her, so while he went on sucking her hot little clit, he wriggled his little finger into the tight-clenched mouth of her asshole.
“AHHHHHHHH!” Ginger wailed.
For a fleeting second she was shocked to feel the boy’s stiff finger sliding up her bumhole, but then she was overcome with the wicked pleasure of it. He pumped his finger in her tight steamy brownie, sucked hotly on her clit, and in a matter of seconds she was coming like crazy. She’d never had such a gigantic mind-blowing orgasm before.
Afterwards they gently fondled and kissed each other, waiting for Sonny’s cock to get hard again. They still had time for some fucking, and they were both intent on making the most of that night. As Ginger sighed with contentment and stroked Sonny’s hard smooth young body, she thought wistfully. Poor Tom, stuck at the office…
“Poor Tom” hadn’t gone to his office at all. After driving away tram his house, he simply turned the corner, perked in the next block, and snuck through yards till he got to Stacy’s house.
She was there waiting for him at the kitchen door, opening it before he even had to knock. They fell into each other’s arms, kissing hungrily.
In a way Tom felt like a rat. But a horny rat. He told himself he’d see Stacy just this time, have one more evening of hot fun, and then he’d behave himself and stay faithful to his wife. But he just couldn’t resist the chance to ball Stacy one more time.
“Oh, Tom, darling,” Stacy sighed, “I’m so glad you could make it. I was afraid you wouldn’t be able to get over on a week night.”
“I told Ginger I had to go back to the office,” Tom said a little sheepishly. “That gives us a couple hours.”
“Marvelous,” Stacy said with a big bright smile. “And this time we don’t have to do it on the ouch. We can use my bed.”
So just about the time Ginger was shyly but eagerly leading Sonny towards the bed, Stacy was grabbing Tom’s hand and taking him down the hall to her bedroom. When they got there, Tom started fumbling out of his clothes as fast as he could, but Stacy maddeningly took her time, sitting down to remove her shoes and stockings, slowly pulling her dress off over her head.
Tom, already naked, flopped onto the bed and watched her with hot hungry eyes. She grinned naughtily at him as she reached around and unhooked her pink lacy bra. She drew it away slowly, and her pert pointed tits wobbled out. She dropped the bra on the floor and hooked her thumbs under the waistband of her matching lacy panties. She began inching them down.
“Stacy, for Christ’s sake,” Tom panted, “we haven’t got all night.”
“We’ve got plenty of time, darling,” Stacy said calmly. “it’s no fun when you hurry.”
Her panties were halfway down, the first light blonde curls of her muff popping into view. She turned a little and Tom next saw the saucy firm little globes of her ass. Around she came, now showing her whole platinum bush. It seemed to take forever, but finally the panties slithered down her legs and she stepped out of them.
She walked over to the bed, and Tom grabbed her and pulled her down beside him, pawing her hungrily. He’d been thinking about her all day, about her fiery-hot juicy little snatch, and he could hardly wait to get his cock into her. After a brief moment of kissing and caressing, he wiled her onto her back and started to push her legs apart.
Then to his annoyance she clamped her legs shut. “What the hell?” he panted. “Don’t you want to get it on?”
“Of course, darling,” she purred, “but getting it on is more than just fucking. There are so many nice things we can do to each other first. For instance, I could suck your cock.”
That suggestion made his anger go away, replaced by hot wicked lust. Secretly he’d always wished Ginger would go down on him, but he was ashamed to ask. Stacy had sucked his meat a little yesterday, and it’d been great. Yes, he’d definitely like to try it again.
“Okay,” he said, “but be careful. I’m so damned horny, I could easily come in your mouth.”
“Let me worry about that,” Stacy said with a mischievous grin. “Now just bend over me and sit. Yes, like that.”
Tom was straddling her chest, sitting lightly on the pilky swelling of her boobs. His cock was already stiffly erect, a long thick pole of white flesh capped with a big purple knob-like head. He looked at Stacy’s tiny pink-glossed mouth and wondered how the hell she was going to take that huge hard-on inside.
But Stacy had no trouble. Gentle and expert, she bent his stiff cock down, opened her lips, got the fat purple cock-head firmly inside, and then gave a powerful sustained suck. Tom felt his sensitive swollen prick suddenly enclosed by her juicy red-hot mouth, sinking in all the way to his taut full nut sacs. The pleasure was sharp and dizzying.
“Awwwwww, Christ, YES!” he gasped.
Stacy took the fat head of his prick right into her slick hot throat. She made little excited humming and gurgling noises as she started to suck his dick. Her sucking was fast and powerful and it made an obscene slurping noise that excited hell out of Tom. Often in his fantasies he’d imagined a beautiful woman sucking loud and fast on his cock like she was starved for it. Now it was happening.
“Jesus, that’s good, Stacy,” he whined. “Oh, Christ, yes, yes. Suck my meat, baby, don’t stop.”
Stacy wickedly winked at him and made her sucking even faster and harder. Tom couldn’t understand how she kept his whole swollen dick in her tiny mouth, but it sure felt great. He loved the sliding juicy action of her mouth and tongue around his sensitive prick. The only trouble was, he was getting so roused that he might not be able to control himself.
“Hey, honey,” he panted, “you better quit now. I might come in your mouth.”
Stacy briefly released his pole-like spit soaked cock and said huskily, “But, darling, I WANT you to come in my mouth. I want to taste your come.”
Her words made Tom so wickedly excited that she’d hardly sucked his meat back into her steamy little mouth before he started to shoot. He yelped, moaned, and felt his jism jetting out. Instinctively he pumped his cock jamming the squirting head down her throat, but Stacy took it calmly. She gurgled hungrily and swallowed his salty come as fast as it shot from his cock. When his limp prick finally slipped from her mouth, she licked her lips and grinned.
“Holy shit,” Tom panted, “that was great. I never got off like that before. You deserve a reward. You name it, baby, you got it.”
Stacy gave him a wicked grin and said, “Eat my pussy.”
“You bet,” Tom laughed.
He scooted down and opened her legs, spreading them wide, bending her knees back. Stacy cooperated, still grinning. He looked hungrily at her dainty pink slit, the fringe of light blond curls, the little wet mouth of her box. He opened the furry lips of her mons and ogled the fat pink button of her cunt. Stacy just lay there grinning, not ashamed to show him everything. If only Ginger could be like that! “Any special thing you’d like?” Tom asked.
“I’ll let you know,” Stacy grinned. “You could start by licking my clit.”
Tom instantly flopped down, stuck out his tongue, and applied the slick hot tip to the pea-size lump of her cunt. He licked and lashed the little pink nub, and Stacy squealed with delight, her hot cunt cream flooding out to wet his chin. He licked her tasty little button until it was erect and throbbing.
“Lovely, darling,” Stacy purred. “Now stick your tongue up my cunt.”
Tom was ready to do anything for her after that terrific blow job she’d given him. He pressed his face farther down in her steamy little pussy, tickled around with his tongue, and found the slick tight hole of her cunt mouth. He started to snake his thick tongue inside.
“OOOOOOOOO,” Stacy squealed, “YES! I love that, darling. Put your tongue in as far as it will go.”
Tow obeyed, thrusting his tongue clear to the root in her fiery-hot, cream-filled little hole. He remembered what she’d liked yesterday and began using his tongue like a cock, jerking hard and fast thinking he’d bring her off this way. Stacy mooned with delight and creamed furiously around his jerking tongue, but presently she pushed his head away.
“Now my ass,” she panted. “Stick your tongue in my asshole, Tom.”
He thought it was kind of a weird request, but also kind of exciting. He pressed the tip of his tongue to the little brown wrinkled mouth of her bumhole and started to go in. The opening was very very tight, but he managed to get inside, thrusting his long thick tongue as deep as he could in the gripping pungent passage.
“AHHHHHHH, GOD!” Stacy gasped. “Darling, that’s wonderful. Move your tongue in my ass lover, make me come.”
Tom began the swift hard cock stabbing motion of his tongue, and Stacy kept up a continuous hoarse moan of pleasure. She was bucking and creaming all over his face. Then suddenly she arched her body, gasped, and began to come. Tom felt her tighy hot bumhole squeezing his tongue.
“AHHHHHHH!” Stacy wailed. “YES, I’M COMNNNN!”
When her spasms had finally died down, she giggled and pushed Tom off her. Bending low over his belly, eyeing his limp moist cock, she said, “See, I told you it was more fun when we don’t hurry. We did all those nice things to each other, and now we’re ready to ball.”
Tom couldn’t help laughing. “Sure, lady,” he chuckled, “we’re ready to ball. With a limp dick?”
“Oh, don’t worry about that,” Stacy purred. “I’ll get you hard in no time.”
As her blonde head dipped into his lap, he thought about poor Ginger, stuck at home, while he was out having all this wild fun! Well, it couldn’t be helped, not now, not tonight. Not with Stacy’s red-hot mouth closing around his prick, se that he couldn’t think of anything else.
Ginger was in bed, asleep, when Tom got home, and the next day they didn’t ask each other how they’d spent the evening. Then came the hard part. Tom and Ginger were secretly trying to give up their lovers and stay faithful to each other. Several days passed, and by Friday they were both so uptight, horny, and irritable, they could hardly eat.
When Tom got home from work on Friday, he grabbed a beer, flopped into his favorite chair, and sighed loudly, “Man, I’m beat.”
“OHHH, I hope you’re not too tired,” Ginger said. “Jerry and June Thomas have invited us over for dinner.”
“Shit!” Tom exclaimed. “All I wanta do is rest.”
“Oh, I’m sure we’ll have a nice time,” Ginger said. “They’re nice people. But if you’re really too tired, I’ll call and cancel.”
Tom thought it over. Getting out might help distract him from his nagging lust for Stacy. He felt so irritable from not fucking her that he’d probably pick a fight with Ginger if they stayed home. Add like Ginger said, the Thomases were fun to be with.
“That’s okay, honey,” he said, “We’ll go.”
Ginger was secretly relieved. She was climbing the walls being without Sonny, and she hoped that tonight at least she wouldn’t think constantly of how great it had been making love to him.
June and Jerry Thomas lived next door. They were a bright and attractive couple in their late twenties. When Ginger and Tom walked into their house later that evening, they were suddenly very glad they’d come. Preoccupied with Stacy and Sonny, they’d forgotten just how attractive the Thomases were.
“Hi, Tom,” June said, hurrying up to give him a quick hug and a peck on the cheek. “It’s been ages since we got together.”
Tom grinned and ogled her as she stepped back. June was a slim but curvy girl of average height, her long black hair straight and gleaming. She had a tiny firm waist, round but slim hips, great long legs. Her deep tan set off a flashing white smile. Her clinging red jumpsuit showed her figure deliciously, and her round ripe orange-size tits jiggled bra-less behind a low-cut neckline.
Christ, Tom thought, what a sexy little chick.
Meanwhile Jerry was giving Ginger the same sort of greeting, the quick hug and kiss. “Ginger,” he said, “you’re looking great. Not just great, spectacular.”
“Why, thank you, Jerry,” Ginger said with a blush.
She found it hard not to stare at Jerry Thomas. She’d forgotten how devilishly sexy he was. Tall, with thick black hair, he wasn’t as squarely-built as her husband, but his lanky body was hard and graceful and deeply tanned. His cotton shirt was open at the neck, showing the top of the thick black mat of hair on his chest. He had a grin that automatically made Ginger feel horny.
Boy, she thought, would I like to make it with him.
After dinner the drinking began in earnest, with Jerry’s excellent dry martinis keeping everyone mellow and laughing. Ginger and Tom were losing their inhibitions fast under the influence of the alcohol. After so many days without sex, thinking constantly of the lovers they’d given up, it was a potentially dangerous scene.
June got up and went into the kitchen for some snacks, and Tom impulsively followed her. Ginger and Jerry were having a hot conversation, and he hoped they wouldn’t notice what he was doing. Quite frankly he was hoping to make some time with June. He was so horny by now, he wouldn’t be cautious about it.
“This has been a great party, June,” he said as they walked into the kitchen.
“Oh, it’s just beginning,” June smiled. “Hope you’re not thinking of going home yet.”
“Oh, no,” Tom said. “I just wanted to tell you what a great job you’re doing.”
He pretended to be only playful as he leaned down and gave her a quick kiss on the mouth. June just stood there and accepted it, smiling, and Tom got bold enough to try again. He slipped his arm around her and kissed her lingeringly, working his mouth back and forth over hers. Again June stayed cool, didn’t protest, and Tom took another chance, wriggling his tongue into her mouth.
“Ummmmmm,” June murmured.
Her little slick tongue tickled his, played with it. Tom felt a burst of lusty excitement. He pressed June against the wall, rubbing the soft lump of his crotch against the springy mound of her bush. June didn’t rub back, didn’t put her arms around him, but that naughty tongue-play was still going on, June fully engaged.
“Why, Tom,” she laughed when they broke the kiss, “I didn’t know you were such a sexy kisser.”
She seemed completely undisturbed by the incident, regarding it as some kind of game. Tom’s eyes swept hungrily up and down her slim but deliciously curved body. In that tight red jumpsuit, she looked good enough to eat. He was positive she wasn’t wearing a bra, either. He could see the little hard points of her nipples.
“Oh, I’m a real sexy kisser,” he replied. “Want another demonstration?”
June laughed and said, “I bet you can’t improve over the last one.”
“Oh, yes, I can,” said Tom, grabbing her again. This time he didn’t play any games, wasn’t gentle. With his hard aggressive kiss and the deep thrust of his tongue, he jet June know how badly he wanted her. But it was hard to tell how June felt. She kissed him back, tickling his tongue with hers, and she didn’t try to squirm away when he rubbed loins with her, but she seemed to be just teasing, no real passion in her kiss.
“June, dammit, you’re really turning me on,” Tom muttered.
She just laughed and started to move away, but Tom, too horny to be careful, scooped her up in his arms and carried her over to a chair. He sat down with June on his lap, one arm firmly around her, and used his free hand to reach down the low-cut neck of her jumpsuit and capture one silky hot tit. He’d been right, she wasn’t wearing a bra.
“Tom!” she laughed. “Are you nuts? I hope you don’t intend to rape me right here in my kitchen.”
“I just thought we’d have a little fun,” Tom said huskily, squeezing her warm soft boob. “Jerry and Ginger are busy talking. They won’t notice.”
June stretched and peered around the corner into the living room. “They’re not even there any more,” she said. “They must have gone out on the patio.”
“Great,” said Tom.
He rapidly unbuttoned the front of her jumpsuit, opened it, and gawked at her naked breasts. She had lovely boobs, just about the size of Stacy’s, round and perfectly firm and silky-soft. But in contrast to Stacy’s rather large red cone-shaped nipples, June’s were small and bud-like and dark red. Tom moaned with horny excitement and cupped her satiny tits. They just fit his hands.
“You’ve got a fantastic body, June,” he sighed.
“My husband thinks so,” she said pointedly.
Tom blushed, but he was in too much need to quit now. He felt a little ashamed of himself but he knew June would practically have to hit him over the head with a brick to get him to stop his advances. Giving up Stacy had been hell. He needed a woman to ball, needed one urgently. And that did not include his cool, unresponsive wife.
“I’m sorry,” he painted, “but I just can’t seem to keep my hands off you.”
June didn’t say anything, just smiled. Tom ran his hand eagerly over her soft hot tits, rubbing the pretty little nipples with his thumbs, urging them into taut erection. He bent down and sucked one bud-like nipple into his mouth, lashing it with his tongue. He could feel the little red nub throbbing in his mouth as he began to suck it fast and hard. “Ummmmmm, nice,” June murmured.
Her attitude puzzled him. She didn’t get angry, didn’t tell him to quit, but on the other hand, she showed only mild interest in his attentions. He was determined to get more response out of her. While he went on sucking her hard little nipple, he unbuttoned more of her jumpsuit, down to where he could see the top of her white lacy panties.
Quickly he slipped his hand inside her panties and cupped the springly warm puff of her mons. He pressed down, flattening her pubic curls, and wriggled a finger inside the fat mons lips. He touched the firm little bump of her clit. It was moist but not hot.
“Tom, you rascal,” June chuckled.
He was tired of her calm cool amusement. He wanted to really get a rise out of her. He pressd his fingertip firmly against her moist little clit and began to rub, in just the way that always drove Stacy wild. The results weren’t long in coming. June went limp against him, sighing, and suddenly he felt a scalding blast of cream wetting his finger.
“Tom,” she said huskily, “do you really want to get it on with me?”
“Christ, yes,” he panted. “YES. Now.”
“All right,” she said, slipping off his lap. “Just come with me.”
Meanwhile Ginger and Jerry, deep in conversation, had taken their drinks and wandered out to the patio. Ginger knew she was a little drunk, and she felt daring and excited and terrifically horny. It seemed like her pussy had been hot and swollen with need for days on end. Yes, it had, ever since she’d made herself give up Sonny.
She knew she’d done the right thing, that she loved Tom and ought to be faithful to him, but it was killing her to be without decent sex. Tom’s quick unadorned balling just wouldn’t take care of the need she felt for long, delicious sessions of kinky play and prolonged fucking. She felt she was going to wither up and die without it.
So when she found herself alone with Jerry, that incredibly sexy neighbor of hers, she couldn’t help the horny, wicked impulses that coursed through her body. If Jerry made even the slightest pass at her, by God, she was going to respond. She just hoped they wouldn’t be disturbed for awhile. She looked back anxiously into the lighted living room.
“What happened to Tom and June?” she said. “They’re in the kitchen,” Jerry said. “I think he’s helping her with the snacks. We’ll just have to amuse each other for a while.”
“Fine by me,” Ginger purred.
As they strolled by the edge of the pool, Ginger contrived several times to “accidentally” bump against Jerry. From there she went on to rubbing herself against him in a gentle friendly way. She felt a little embarrassed, but, Christ, she needed some attention so badly. If Jerry was at all interested, he’d take the hint.
After about the fourth time she rubbed against him, he reached down without a word and slipped his arm around her. Ginger felt sharp excitement as they walked like that, hips rubbing, and she could feel the heat of his body and smell his good natural male scent. Jerry walked her over to a comfortable lounge, and they sat down, his arm still around her. In unspoken agreement they set their drinks aside.
“You’r a beautiful woman, Ginger,” Jerry said with a friendly smile.
She turned her face up, practically inviting his kiss, and he pressed his mouth against hers, lightly at first and then with increasing pressure. Ginger was so horny that her cunt started to leak hot juice, soaking the crotch of her panties, and her lips opened eagerly. Jerry’s slippery hot tongue snaked into her mouth.
“UMMMMM,” Ginger murmured.
He held her tighter, drew her closer, till her big firm brests pressed against his chest. Ginger was quivering with need by then, unable to control her response to his kiss. She wantonly tickling her tongue into his mouth, lashing it back and forth over ha tongue. She knew she was being shameless, but she just couldn’t help it.
“Very interesting,” Jerry chuckled as he broke the kiss. “I never knew you were attracted to me, Ginger.”
“I-I’m afraid I am, Jerry,” she stammered, blushing right down to her toes.
“Nothing to be ashamed of,” he replied. “We can have a little fun before they join us.”
Ginger was wearing matching blue sequined pants and sweater which hugged her dazzling figure, the sweater buttoning down the front. Jerry’s deft fingers quickly undid the buttons and exposed Ginger’s skimpy blue lace bra. Just as deftly he reached around and unhooked her bra and pushed it up over the great thrusting mountains of her tits. He gazed in awe at her big round boobs and their dainty light pink nipples.
“Great tits,” he muttered, “really great.”
“You-You can touch them if you want,” Ginger stammered, amazed at her own boldness.
Jerry chuckled, “I fully intend to, my dear.”
Then Ginger fell back limp and breathless with excitement as his firm warm hands closed on her sensitive breasts. She was in so much need that at his very touch her big tits swelled up firm and taut, ultra sensitive to his slightest movement. He lightly tickled one nipple with his fingertip, and, the naughty little bud immediately went erect and hard.
“Oh, my God, Jerry,” she gasped, “you’re making me so excited.”
He just laughed, as mild and friendly as ever. He was interested in her, all right, but he didn’t seem as excited as she was. Ginger wondered how he could remain so cool. She was certainly no dog. She knew she was a very attractive woman, and here she was practically throwing herself at him, but Jerry seemed to regard it as just a mild little game.
He held her big swollen breasts, which nearly overflowed his hands, and rubbed her nipples with his thumbs, sending sharp bursts of pleasure right down to her pussy. Ginger blushed, knowing that both her panties and slacks must be wet with her horny juice by now. Then she felt Jerry’s hand creeping down under the elastic waist of her slacks, over her smooth flat belly, inside her panties.
“Yes,” Ginger gasped, “YES!”
Oh, she was being shameless, but she didn’t seem to be able to control herself. She just lay back and let Jerry put his hand down her pants, let him press and squeeze the soft curly puff of her mon. Now she was creaming steadily, hotly, and he must have felt her wetness, the searing heat of her pussy.
He snaked a finger through her bush and between the fat slick lips of her mans, to touch the tiny hot button of her clit. He began to tickle and rub her horny little nub, and Ginger felt her whole body melting with pleasure. Helplessly she creamed all over his deliciously stroking finger.
Jerry felt the hot rush of cream, and he chuckled, “You liked that.”
“Oh, yes,” Ginger gasped, “yes, very much.”
He tickled her hot little button again, and the same thing happened. Ginger gasped with pleasure and juiced all over his finger. She was ashamed of her wanton response to his frigging, but she had no control over it. Her body missed Sonny’s expert love-making so much. She was overdue for some attention.
Jerry went on rubbing her waked erect clit, making her moan with delight, and in her horny need, she reached out, fumbled around, and found his crotch. Wickedly she cased her hand over the soft lump of his cock and pressed down. There couldn’t be any doubt now about what she wanted from him. She might as well have asked him to fuck her.
“Listen, Ginger,” he said huskily, “you really want me to make love to you? I mean, go all the way?”
Ginger blushed beet red but managed to stammer, “Y-Yes, Jerry, yes, I really do. Oh, God, the sooner the better.”
“Okay,” he said, taking her hand and pulling her to her feet, “just come along with me.”
“But what about Tom and June?” Ginger said anxiously.
“No sweat,” Jerry said. “You’ll see.”
They walked into the flying room just as Tom and June were coming out of the kitchen, June flashed them a big smile, which, made Ginger feel guilty as hell. Here she’d been out on the patio necking with this woman’s husband, seducing him, and June was being innocently friendly. Or was she? Just then Ginger noticed that Tom and June were holding hands.
“Guess what, darling?” June chirped to Jerry. “Tom wants to fuck me.”
Ginger and Tom went white with shock at her words. They became even more shocked when Jerry smilingly replied, “Great. Ginger wants me to ball her.”
Tom and Ginger stared at each other, then mouths hanging open. Pale shock was succeeded by red-laced blushing. Both felt guilty and angry at the same time, guilty over their own behavior, angry at the other’s treachery. Tom recovered first, striding furiously toward Ginger.
“You mean you’ve been out there making love to Jerry?” he demanded. “You slut.”
“I’m no worse than you,” Ginger replied hotly. “You were doing the same thing in the kitchen with June.”
“Now, now, you two.” Jerry said mildly, “there’s no need for that. We all want you to get it on, and we can. What could be better?”
“W-What do you mean?” said Tom.
June said calmly, “Look, you guys, you must know, that when people have, been married awhile, they get a little bored with each other. They still love each other, but they dig getting it on with other partners now and then. Jerry and I have agreed that it’s ok.”
Ginger gasped and said, “You mean, you’re swingers?”
“That’s right,” Jerry grinned, “and it’s sure saved our marriage from being dull. Matter of fact, that’s why we invited you two over tonight. We were hoping you’d want to swing. It’s turning out just like we hoped.”
“Like hell,” said Tom. “I’m not sharing my wife with anybody.”
“But you were ready to make it with me,” June reminded him.
Tom blushed and shut up. There was nothing he or Ginger could say without sounding like hypocrites. They were shocked at the idea of swinging, and yet both obviously had been ready to sneak around about it. Jerry and June were at least out in the oven about making it with other people.
“Well,” Jerry said briskly, “now that that’s settled, why don’t we get started?”
“Right on,” June agreed.
Before Tom and Ginger’s wide shocked eyes, the Thomases began to undress.
“Come on, you two,” June laughed. “Don’t hold up the party. Get your clothes off.”
But for a long time Tom and Ginger could only stare, not believing it was really happening. Tom watched June as she skinned out of her tight red jumpsuit and stood wearing just her skimpy white undies.
“More fun that way,” June said. “It’s a kick to wear lace panties and high heels.” Smiling, she kicked off her shoes, her pretty little tits bouncing. With no shame at all, she hooked her thumbs under her panties and pulled them down, revealing a sweet blue-black triangle of morn curls.
Tom swallowed hard and felt his cock twitching with interest. June had a terrific body, slim yet sexy, firm and silky. He wanted her so badly, he could have howled with horny need. June grinned at him, and as she stepped out of her panties, he could see a glimpse of her pretty scarlet pussy.
“Oh, Christ,” Tom muttered hoarsely.
Meanwhile Ginger was gawking open-mouthed at Jerry while he quickly undressed. He was down to his shorts in no time, and like his wife he showed not a trace of embarrassment. He pulled down his shorts, and Ginger saw his coal-black bush, his long pale flopping dick, his rosy black-thatched swinging balls. In spite of her shock, she felt a sudden rush of hot juice from her cunt.
“Oh, my God,” she mumbled.
“Well, come on, come on,” Jerry said, grinning, “let’s get with it, you guys. Are you gonna join in or not?”
Tom said homely, “You mean change partnrs?”
“Yep,” Jerry grinned.
“Right here in front of each other?” Ginger gaped.
Tom and Ginger stared at each other. They weren’t angry any more, just bewildered. They didn’t know what to do. The Thomases made the decision for them. Jerry walked up to Ginger and started unbuttoning her sweater. June strolled over to Tom and started opening his shirt.
Tom decided they’d have to walk out, get away from this wickedness, but he didn’t wove. He was looking at June’s enticingly bouncing tits and sweet little black muff as she smilingly undressed him. Slowly he could think of nothing but how much he wanted her. Meanwhile she’d stripped him right down to his shorts.
“Hey,” he stammered as she started tugging his shorts down, “maybe we better not do this.”
“Nonsense,” June laughed, “we’re going to have a wonderful time.”
The next thing he knew, his shorts were down around his ankles, June helping him to step out of them. She was eyeing his fat limp dick with no modesty at all. She grabbed his hand and led him out to the center of the room, urging him down onto the soft gold tug.
“This looks like a good place,” she said. She dived for his cock. “AHHHHHH!” Tom gasped, bent over him. He was lying on his back, June her pert little red nipples tickling his belly. He felt the fierce heat and delicious wetness of her mouth around his limp cock. He felt her powerful expert sucking, saw her gleaming black head bouncing up and down. Out of blurred eyes he also saw his wife staring at him, but he was fast succumbing to the exquisite pleasure of having his cock sucked.
No, he wasn’t going to fight. This was too damned much fun. Tom lay back on the rug, a horny grin spreading over his face, while June noisily and briskly sucked his limp soft dick. The sensation was fantastic, and it wasn’t long before he felt his meat swelling up and going had in her mouth.
“Yeah, baby, yeah,” he panted, “suck my cock. Christ, that’s great.”
Ginger must have heard him, of course, but too bad. They could argue later. Right now he intended to have all the fun he could. His cock-juice started bubbling out, and June ate it greedily, gurgling and salivating all around his stiffened prick. She reached down and cupped his balls in her hot little hand, giving them a brisk massage. Tom moaned loudly with pleasure.
Meanwhile Ginger had blushed hotter and hotter as Jerry quickly and deftly took off her clothes. Like Tom, she felt they should walk out on this depraved scene, yet she couldn’t seem to move or protest. Off went her shoes, slacks, sweater, and bra, till she was standing there in just her panties, Jerry grinning and ogling her big quivering breasts.
When he grabbed her panties and started tugging them dawn, Ginger gave a squeal of alarm.
“Oh, no, Jerry,” she cried, “that’s enough. We can’t do this.”
“Hell, why not?” Jerry laughed. “They are.”
Ginger looked past him and saw Tom and June lying on the rug, Tom on his back, June bent over him. June had Tom’s cock inter mouth, sucking on it like crazy. Ginger could hear the obscene slurping noise all the way across the room. Tom had a big grin on his face and was moaning with pleasure. Ginger’s face flamed.
Well, by God, if Tom had given in that easily, there was nothing to hold her back. She was still modest about having an audience, but she blushingly allowed Jerry to pull down her panties and slip them off over her feet. He ogled her flaming-red bush and licked his lips.
“Come on,” he said, taking her hand.
Jerry led her out to the center of the room, not five feet from the other couple, and eased her down onto her back. Ginger was blushing furiously, yet determined to have all the fun Tom was having. Jerry gently opened hre legs, revealing her lush red gash with its fringe of delicate orange curls. He flattened out between her legs and rubbed his face against her fluffy copper-colored muff.
“You’re uptight,” he said gently. “That’s natural, it’s your first time at this. Here’s something to relax you.”
Then Ginger felt his slick hot tongue snaking between the furry lips of her mons and tickling the highly sensitive bud of her clit. Dizzying pleasure washed over her. Jerry pressed his tongue harder against her hot little button and licked fast.
“Ohhhhhh,” Ginger moaned, “OHHHHHHHH!” Although her husband was only five feet away from her and staring at her now, she just couldn’t resist the joy of having her pussy eaten. She opened her legs as wide as she could, giving Jerry plenty of room to work, and drifted off on a tide of hot pleasure. She and Tom might fight later about this, but, by God, she was going to enjoy herself now.
“Ummmmm, Jerry, that’s so NICE,” she moaned.
Tom blinked and watched his beautiful redhaired wife, hardly believing she was the same cool unresponsive woman he’d known in bed. She had her legs spread wantonly wide, and she was grinning and moaning unashamedly as Jerry licked her ripe red pussy. Tom could see the hot cream spurting from her cunt, telling him how hotly aroused she was. Ginger quivered with pleasure and didn’t hesitate to let Jerry know how much fun she was having.
“Oooooooo!” she squealed. “I LOVE that, Jerry. Ummmmmm, yes, eat me!”
Tom was a little bewildered, but his attention wandered when June suddenly released his rock-hard spit-soaked cock from her mouth and leaped up to straddle him. She brought her red-hot wet cunt mouth down to touch the swollen purple head of his dick.
“I think you’re ready now, lover,” she laughed. “Go ahead, put it in me.”
Tom eagerly complied, thrusting his great knobby cock-head into her wonderfully tight slick box. June helped him, sliding down the stiff impalement till his hard cock-head touched her womb.
“Oooooooo!” June squealed, “GREAT! Baby, you are really hung.”
Meanwhile Jerry had licked Ginger’s bright red pussy till it was creamy and swollen and seethingly hot. “I think you’re ready, too,” he told her with a chuckle.
He quickly fitted the bulbous hard head of his cock to the snug wet mouth of her cunt, then pushed in. Ginger screamed with pleasure as his thick meat deliciously stuffed her horny little box. He began to ball her deep and hard and fast.
“Yes!” she wailed. “Oh, YES! FUCK ME!”
Her shrill cry of pleasure made Tom turn his head and look at her. For a moment husband wife locked eyes and recognized each other’s hot uncontrolled pleasure. But it was clearly not the moment for a domestic argument. In silent agreement they turned away to enjoy their new partners.
Soon everyone was howling and coming, June bouncing furiously up and dawn the hard pole of Tom’s squirting cock while delicious spasms shook her body, Ginger cream-like floods of juice around Jerry’s deep-thrusting gushing prick. When they’d all caught their breath, Jerry spoke.
“Fantastic,” he said with a grin. “How about a little rest, some drinks, and then another round?”
Tom glanced briefly at Ginger and saw her blush hotly. He knew what that meant. She was feeling the same secret excitement he was.
“Sure,” he said, “why not?”
Much later that night Ginger and Tom lay in their own bed, deliciously exhausted but still feeling the need to talk. Ginger turned nervously to her husband and said, “Tom, I hope you’re not angry about tonight?”
“Hell, no,” he said, “I think it was good for us.” June and Jerry are right — swinging could save our marriage.
“I’m glad you feel that way,” Ginger said, “because I have a confession to make. I was unfaithful to you last week, Tom. I just couldn’t seem to help myself. It was with Sonny.”
There was a long silence, and then Tom sighed and said, “Well, I can’t get angry with you for that, honey, because I cheated, too. With Stacy.”
Another long silence, till Ginger said, “Well, I guess we were really ready for swinging, then. Should we go on doing it?”
“I want to,” Tom admitted. “What about you?”
“Me, too,” Ginger confessed.
They didn’t say anything more that night, but the next morning Ginger said brightly to Tom at breakfast, “Honey, I have an idea. Why don’t we throw a party tonight and invite all our lovers? I mean June and Jerry and Stacy and Sonny.”
Tom stared at her a moment, then grinned. “That’s a great idea,” he said. “We ought to get everything out in the open. No more sneaking around with Sonny and Stacy, right?”
Ginger agreed and got to work calling people and arranging things for the party. It was to be a barbecue beside the pool, with drinks afterwards. She was excited about it, but also a little worried. She wondered if Jerry and June really were right, or that swinging could save a boring marriage. Or would Tom find another girl he liked better?
Secretly Tom was wondering the same thing. He was afraid that if they went on swinging, Ginger might leave him for a more attractive guy. But be figured they’d have to take the chance. Something had to be done about their dull sex life. He just hoped the Thomases weren’t kidding about how swinging had helped their marriage.
Everybody arrived promptly for the party, but of course Sonny and Stacy still had no idea of its purpose. They thought it was just a regular party. Tom gathered all his guests together to make an announcement, a mischievous grin on his face.
“It’s gonna take awhile for these coals to get hot, folks,” he said, “so why do’t we all have a swim first?”
“Oh, damn,” Stacy said, “I didn’t bring a bathing suit.”
“That’s all right, Stacy,” said Ginger, “we don’t need suits.”
“You mean?” Stacy gasped, blushing.
“Sure, why not?” Tom said. “We’re all friends. And none of the other neighbors can see us behind the hedge.”
Jerry and June agreed, seeing where Tom was leading, and the two couples started to take off their clothes. But Stacy and Sonny hung back. Stacy was embarrassed about going naked in front of a crowd, and Sonny was afraid his physique wouldn’t compare very well with the adult males. But they both felt a tingle of excitement as they watched the others strip.
Stacy had been six months without sex until she seduced Tom, and then he’d only balled her twice. It was damned hard on her, because she was a normal healthy woman with full blooded sexual drives. Now it was driving her crazy to watch both Tom and Jerry running around in the buff, their long pale cocks wagging. She felt an eager moistening in her pussy, but her modesty held her back from joining the group.
“Hey, come on, Stacy,” Tom laughed, grabbing her hand and pulling her toward the pool. “We want everybody in on this swim.”
“Oh, Tom, I couldn’t,” she blushed. “I never skinny dipped before.”
“Nothing to worry about,” Tom said. “You’ve got a fantastic body.”
Before she could say another word, Tom started stripping off her clothes, and Jerry rushed over to help him. Stacy blushed even deeper and glanced at the men’s wives — but June and Ginger, already naked, just grinned. Stacy was hustled out of her evening dress, bra and panties well before she knew what was happening. Stricken with embarrassment, she stood there trying to cover her pretty blonde muff and her quivering round tits.
“Now into the pool!” Tom laughed. He and Jerry took Stacy between them and leaped into the water, Stacy shrieking. But once in the pool, she began to laugh. If their wives didn’t mind, what the hell?
Meanwhile Sonny was standing back in the shadows going absolutely wild with horny excitement but too shy to join the group. He ogled Ginger’s enormous pale tits, June’s slim but curvy figure, and Stacy’s lovely blonde bush. He’d sure as hell like to be in the water next to all that great stuff, but he figured his body would look adolescent and puny next to Jerry and Tom.
“Sonny,” Ginger laughed, “you’re holding up the party. Come on, get your clothes off.”
“Aw, naw,” he said shyly, “I think I’ll just sit it out.”
“Not a chance,” said June. “We won’t let you. Let’s get him, Ginger!”
The two women came running at him, tits bouncing, hair flying, and Sonny was too astounded to move. In a flash they had him out of his jeans and t-shirt and sneakers. Sonny turned beet red and stammered in protest as they each took an arm and dragged him toward the pool. Too late — they all stumbled aver the side and into the water, Sonny sputtered and starting to laugh.
“That’s better,” said Tom. “We don’t want anybody to be left out.”
Sonny glanced at Tom and Jerry with their broad shoulders and wide hairy chests, and he felt like a skinny little kid. Then Ginger, paddling next to him, reached down and caught his floating cock in her hand and gave it a playful little squeeze. He gawked at her, and she winked. Sonny brightened up right away. At least there was one woman in the pool who thought he was sexy.
Somebody got a ball and started tossing it around, and they got into a wild game with it, everybody bumping into each other, shouting, and laughing. Sonny was dazzled by all those bouncing, jiggling breasts and the brief glimpses of wet curly muffs. And every time he bumped into Ginger, she pinched his ass or tickled his balls or squeezed his dick. He was a little afraid Tom might notice, but he was still having a great time.
Stacy was having much the same experience, wildly turned on by all the naked male bodies and pale floating cocks. Every time she happened to bump into Tom, he’d grin and reach down under the water to pet her pussy or squeeze her tits. Ginger seemed to pay no attention to his antics. In spite of her modesty and nervousness, Stacy was starting to have a really good time.
Presently they got out of the pool and had a round of powerful drinks, except for Sonny who settled for a beer. Nobody got dressed. The late afternoon sun was strong enough to keep them warm. They ate naked, too, then had more drinks. Then Tom walked to the center of the group, grinning, his long limp cock waggling.
“Time for some games,” he said. “June, you wana be my partner?”
“Sure,” June said, leaping to her feet and joining him. Every male in the group hungrily ogled her luscious slim figure. “Where do we start?”
Tom looked down at his milky-white, blue-veined cock, which was flaccid and drooping. “I guess you ought to get me hard,” he said.
June instantly dropped to her knees in front of him and stuffed his cock in her mouth.
Stacy clapped a hand to her mouth, stifling a cry of shock. This just couldn’t be happening! Right there in front of everybody — Tom’s wife, June’s husband — June was giving Tom a blow job. Stacy squinted, not believing her eyes, but it was true. June, head thrust back, had taken Tom’s fat pale prick all the way into her mouth and was sucking on it like mad.
“Yeah, go, baby, go,” Tom panted, a big lusty grin on his face, “suck my meat.”
Stacy glanced around to see how the others were taking it. Ginger and Jerry were just sipping their drinks and smiling, almost as if watching a good TV show. They didn’t seem upset at all. Sonny seemed frozen with amazement, his eyes huge, his mouth hanging open. Stacy didn’t blame him. That was just how she felt.
Blushing, she moved her eyes back to the performing couple. Tom stood with hand on hips, belly thrust forward, feeding his big white cock to June. Her red-glossed lips were widely stretched, her cheeks sucked in, as she sucked furiously on his cock, drawing it in till his brawn-furred balls rubbed her chin. Her sucking was so lewdly loud and slurpy that Stacy could hear it ten feet away.
“Yeah, get me hard, baby,” Tom chanted, “keep suckin’ that meat.”
In spite of her shock, Stacy began to feel a naughty tingle of lust in her starved little pussy. It really was exciting to watch another couple getting it on. She could put herself in June’s place, imagine sucking hard and hot on Tom’s tasty fat prick, and the idea turned her on even more. But what in hell was going on here? What kind of party was this, anyhow?
“Ahhhh, yeah, that’s it,” Tom gasped, “I’m getting hard now. Christ, Jerry, your wife sure knows how to suck cock.”
“I should know,” Jerry laughed.
Stacy blushed again. So that was it — the two couples were swingers, freely changing partners, snowing each other total sexual freedom. She’d read about the practice but of course never tried it. She felt shocked and excited at the same time. Glancing at Sonny again, she saw him still staring open-mouthed, his face now flushed with arousal or outrage?
Suddenly June released Tom’s prick. Now stiff and swollen and wet from her mouth, it snapped up to hug his belly, the head enormous and purple and drooling big bright drops of juice. The sight of that hugely thick hard dick made Stacy cream right onto the pass. My God, she could really use that.
“Okay,” June laughed, “on with the show.”
She flipped over onto her hands and knees, poking her saucy little butt up in the air. Tom dropped to his knees behind her and eagerly wedged the fat swollen head of his cock into her little cunt mouth. Stacy and Sonny gawked, wide-eyed and open-mouthed, not believing that these two were actually fucking right in front of them.
“Ohhhhhhh!” June squealed. “YEAH! Oh, God, yeah, put it in me, Tom. God, it’s a big one.”
Before Stacy’s astounded eyes, Tom grunted and worked his thick pale prick slowly up June’s black-fringed little twat mouth. Stacy could see the swollen meat slowly disappearing between June’s plump moist pussylips. In spite of her shock, she felt another hot burst of cream from her hungry pussy and thought how much she’d like to be in June’s place, taking that wonderfully stiff cock into her body. June squealed with pleasure as Tom completed his penetration and then began to ball her in short hard jabs.
“Yeah, YEAH!” June gasped. “Ball meeee!”
“You bet I will, doll,” Tom panted, a big horny grin splitting his face. “You’ve got a real nice tight box.” Stacy pinched herself to see if she was dreaming.
But, no, it was really happening, Tom fucking his neighbor’s wife right there in the back yard, in full daylight, in front of an audience. Nobody seemed to see anything unusual about it except her and Sonny. The kid was still staring popeyed, still deeply flushed.
Then as Stacy watched the boy, Ginger crept over next to him, an impish grin on her face, she curled her fingers around his limp pale cock.
“Hey, Sonny,” Ginger said, “you wana play that game with me?”
Sonny slowly looked down at her little hand curled around his prick, then blushed deep red.
Like Stacy, he simply couldn’t believe his eyes when Tom suddenly started getting it on with June right in front of everybody. He’d gawked for a few minutes, till he was sure it was really happening, till he was sure that Ginger and Jerry weren’t upset. He remembered hearing about swingers, and then he understood what was going on. That was when he started to get horny.
It really was a kick watching another couple do it, only he kept wishing he was in Tom’s place. June looked really fun to ball, with her sexy slim body and delighted squeals and hungrily pumping pussy. Sonny tried to stay cool as he watched, but his flushed face betrayed his longing and last. And then Ginger had snuck up and grabbed his dick and invited him to join the “game” with her.
Sonny gave it about two seconds serious thought, then said, “Yes, why not?”
“Good for you, Sonny,” Ginger laughed. “You’re a good sport.”
Good sport, shit, thought Sonny, I’m HORNY. Ginger led him to a spot very close to where Tom was furiously humping June. Ginger dropped to her knees and fed his limp peter between her moist hot lips and started to suck loudly and hungrily. For a brief moment Sonny felt embarrassed, but as his cock was tuned clear to the balls into the fiery-hot nest of her mouth, he was carried away in lusty excitement.
“Oh, wow, YEAH!” he yelped. “Suck my cock, Ginger!”
He glanced aver at her husband to see if he was pissed off about it, but Tom just grinned, nodded, and went back to balling June. Sonny gave himself up to the supreme joy of having his prick sucked in Ginger’s slick busy mouth. Adults could be pretty weird at times, he decided, but some of the stuff they did was really fun.
Meanwhile Stacy had had another round of shock and disbelief as she watched Ginger wantonly seducing that boy. The brazen red-haired pussy had led him, right out on the grass and started giving him a blow job. Sonny was obviously enjoying it, sure, but it still seemed a wicked and depraved thing to do.
Still as Stacy watched the two happy, excited couples, she couldn’t help her mounting arousal her anguished wish that she was getting some action, too. Her pussy was achingly swollen and wet with need. She still felt it was evil to have group sex. Yet the scene was turning her on in some perverse way, making her horny as hell.
Stacy was so intent on watching the two couples that she didn’t notice Jerry creeping up on her. Suddenly he grabbed her from behind, his strong warm hands deftly cupping her pretty little tits giving them a playful squeeze. Stacy gasped and jumped.
“Hey, Stacy,” Jerry said with a grin, “how about you and me joining the game?”
He was pressed up against her, his erect and throbbing cock settled right in the crease of her ass. Stacy felt burning lust at the touch of that nice hard prick, but her feelings of modesty were still strong.
“Oh, Jerry, I couldn’t,” she stammered, “not in front of other people.”
“Sure, you could,” he laughed, “if you get hot enough. I’ll help out.”
He scooped Stacy up in his arms and carried her to within a few feet of Ginger and Sonny. Stacy saw that Ginger was still sucking loudly and happily on Sonny’s prick, Sonny grinning like mad, while just beyond them Tom was relentlessly working his big thick cock in June’s juicy little cunt, both of them gasping with pleasure. Then Jerry set Stacy down on the grass and scrambled between her legs.
“Jerry, NO,” she shrieked, “for God’s sake!”
Too late. Grinning wickedly, Jerry thrust his face into her seething pussy, stuck out his tongue, and started to lick. Stacy gasped with powerful unexpected pleasure. This guy was an expert! His thick slippery tongue seemed to be everywhere at once, tickling her clit, rimming her cunt mouth, probing naughtily at the sensitive mouth of her bumhole.
“Noooooo!” she wailed feebly.
“Aw, come on, Stacy, be a sport,” Ginger encouraged.
“Yeah, don’t spoil the party,” June panted.
By that time Stacy didn’t need much encouragement. She’d never had her pussy eaten like that before. Jerry’s deliciously thick tongue was snaking right up her tight pungent little asshole, and the pleasure was overwhelming. She wailed and threw her legs wide apart, creaming hotly all over his face.
“OOOOOOO!” she moaned. “YES, lick my ass. OHHHHH!”
“I knew she’d change her mind,” Ginger chuckled.
By this time Ginger had sucked Sonny’s handsome slim cock into rampant stiffness, and she didn’t have to tell him what to do with it. She wiled onto her back, and Sonny was right with her, scrambling between her legs, jamming the hard wet head of his cock into her boiling wet cunt. He started fucking her furiously in deep hard thrusts, groaning with excitement.
“Ohhhhh, YEAH,” Ginger squealed, “do it to me, Sonny. Yeah, that’s great.”
Stacy gawked at them, and while she was staring, Jerry whipped his tongue out of her asshole and plunged his cock up her soaked and ready cunt. Stacy gasped with pleasure as she felt the stiff thick meat snaking clear to her womb. She wailed and threw her legs up around Jerry’s waist as he began to hump her, loving the fast and almost savage movements of his iron-hard prick.
“Yes, yes, YES!” she shrieked. “Fuck me, Jerry!”
Just then Tom bellowed and came, his cock pounding furiously in June’s velvety gushing box. She came along with him, clawing the grass and wailing. They were closely followed by Ginger, who shrieked her pleasure and creamed hugely around Sonny’s hard-driving cock. Only Sonny was still going, fucking away as if he could go forever.
That gave Ginger an idea. She was really fond of Sonny, and she knew he must be perpetually horny, being a teenager. She knew he must have all kinds of fantasies, too, about making it with glamorous grown-up women. She decided to do him a favor.
“Hold it, Sonny,” she gasped. “I’ve had it. June, could you please take my place? I think Sonny here is gonna go all night.”
“Glad to,” June said with a naughty giggle.
The next thing Sonny knew, Ginger had slipped off his cock and June was on her hands and knees in front of him, presenting her pert round butt and her little wet cunt mouth. It was like all his horny fantasies come true, one woman after another. Panting with excitement, he thrust his still hard and ready cock into June’s flaming-hot little cunt.
“WOW!” June gasped. “This kid can really fuck.”
Sonny glowed with pride. It didn’t matter if his body wasn’t fully matured, that his physique couldn’t compare with the adult males. The women seemed to find his performance more than satisfactory. June howled with pleasure and creamed heavily as she took the quick furious thrusts of his cock. Within a minute she was coming.
Meanwhile Jerry moaned and shot his load into Stacy’s silky clinging cunt, but as he rolled off her, she still wasn’t satisfied. June glanced over at her and could tell from her expression what the problem was. Her own orgasm finished, June crawled away from Sonny, whose cock was as hard and ready as ever.
“No more for me,” June panted. “I’m all fucked out. Stacy, you take over.”
Stacy glanced up at Sonny’s handsome young prick, so stiff that it hugged his belly, and all her remaining modesty vanished in a wave of hot lust. She ran over to the kid, wrestled him down onto his back, and climbed aboard, stuffing his swollen meat into her greedy little box. She started slamming her soaked cunt up and down the delicious impalement, her cunt tight and juicy and red-hot.
“Oh, wow,” Sonny moaned blissfully, deciding he was the luckiest teenager in the world.
A couple of hours and a few more rounds later, Sonny heard his mother calling him. “Shit,” he said, “I gotta leave. But what am I gonna say when she asks me about the party?”
From a nearby table Ginger grabbed a box of candy tied up with a fancy ribbon. She handed it to Sonny and said wickedly, “Here, tell her we played musical chairs, and you won.”
Later that evening, after all their guests had gone, Tom and Ginger cleaned up the debris of the party and then decided on one last drink before going to bed. They flopped exhaustedly into chairs in the living room.
“Man, that was some party,” Tom said. “I’m bushed.”
“But it was a successful party,” Ginger sighed. “I think everyone had a wonderful time.”
“Especially Sonny,” Tom said. They bath laughed. Then he said, more seriously, “I just hope you don’t end up wanting some other guy instead of me. That’s been worrying me a lot, Ginger.”
“Oh, Tom, I’d never do that,” she said earnestly. “I love you. I’ve been worrying about that, too — you leaving me for somebody else.”
“Never,” said Tom. “You’re my wife, and I intend to keep it that way. Only…” He trailed off, not wanting to hurt her feelings by referring to their lousy sex life. But to his surprise, Ginger seemed to read his mind.
“Only we’re not so hot in bed together,” she said unhappily. “I know, Tom. What are we going to do?”
“I really don’t know, honey,” Tom sighed. “I’m so tired right now, I can’t think. Why don’t we take a hot bath and go to bed, talk about it tomorrow?”
“Whatever you say,” Ginger replied.
She felt they ought to talk about it, but she didn’t want to be a nag. They went to the bedroom, undressed, and headed for the bathroom. They’d been taking showers together ever since they married, and it used to be quite a turn-on, but lately they’d hardly noticed each other’s presence. Ginger turned on the water and they stepped into the big shower stall.
As they began showering, Ginger noticed for the first time in months how really attractive Tom was, with his deep tan and rippling muscles and hair-matted chest. She wondered sadly why he couldn’t make love to her like he did the other women, with lots of groovy foreplay and long ecstatic fucking. Why did it always have to be so plain with her?
Tom noticed his wife’s lush big-breasted body for the first time in ages, realizing that of the three women at the party, Ginger was easily the most attractive. But why did she have to behave like a zombie in bed? Why couldn’t she let herself go and be passionate, like June and Stacy? Maybe it was just him. She’d seemed wild enough with Jerry and Sonny.
“Soap my back, will you, darling?” Ginger said.
“Sure,” Tom said, lathering up his hands.
He rubbed the lather into Ginger’s silky-soft skin. She didn’t have a wrinkle, not a single flaw, on her whole gorgeous body. He loved to touch her. He soaped not only her back, but her cute firm round ass, then moved around to lather her immense ripe tits. Ginger leaned back against him and sighed.
“Ummmm, that feels nice,” she said.
Tom’s limp wet cock was waggling against her bare butt, a mischievous tickling sensation. Impulsively she rubbed her slippery ass against his soft dick. His hands moved more eagerly as he soaped and nabbed and squeezed her big ripe boobs. Then he began to move lower, lathering her flat belly, then the waked mat of her bush.
“Ummmmm,” Ginger murmured, “I’m certainly going to be clean?”
“I intend to do a thorough job,” Tom said, slipping his hand into her cunt.
Ginger felt hot excitement as his soap-slick hand began rubbing her ripe red pussy. This was the kind of teasing foreplay to loved. She felt the delicious tickling of her cunt, her plump pussylips, and even the little mouth of her hole. He soaped one fingertip and inserted it in her snug cunt mouth, twirling and pumping.
“Tom, you devil,” Ginger giggled.
“Just doing my job,” he said solemnly.
That wicked probing finger felt so great in her tight little cunt mouth. She began to cream around it, hoping Tom might do something daring and crazy like bringing her off in the shower. But after just a few tantalizing strokes of his finger, he quit. Damn it, it was always like that with him.
Tom withdrew his hand from Ginger’s crotch, thinking how cold she was, how she never responded hotly to his touch. That was why he never spent much time in the act of making love to her. It wasn’t worth it.
“Hew, darling,” Ginger said, “let me soap you.” She took the soap from him, hoping to get a rise out of him as she began briskly lathering his body. She worked down from his broad shoulders and through the soaked jungle of chest hair, down over his taut belly, till she got to his limp dangling cock and balls. She captured them between he slick soapy hands and gave them a brisk rub his rosy balls jiggling, his long limp cock flopping. She even whriled a fingertip up his asshole and pumped teasingly.
“Nice,” Tom moumed.
Ginger gave up in disappointment. He just never seemed interested in foreplay.
What she didn’t know was that Tom had been so stunned with horny pleasure, he couldn’t speak. He loved it when she wickedly soaped his cock and nuts, hoped she’d go on doing it. But she quit too soon, confirming his belief that she was cold. At least she was cold with him, damn it.
They rinsed off without another word, then stepped out of the shower to dry themselves. Both were feeling frustrated and disappointed. Tom remembered Ginger squealing with joy as Sonny fucked her, and he wondered jealously why she didn’t respond like that for her husband. Ginger remembered Tom going down on June, eating her pussy expertly, and wondered angrily why he never did such things for his wife.
They marched off to the bedroom, sullen and silent, and climbed into bed. By now they were both pretty horny, in spite of all the action they’d had at the party. That little bit of naughty play in the shower had aroused them both. Finally Ginger decided that it was ridiculous to go to sleep horny and frustrated when she had a man with her. She’d give their marriage one more try.
“Tom,” she said, “I don’t mean to hurt your feelings, but I just have to tell you what I don’t like about our sex life. There’s never any foreplay, and it’s over too fast. You don’t do anything to arouse me, you just jump on me and ball me, and I’m lucky if I can even come once. Why can’t you take your time, really turn me on, like you do with June and Stacy?”
There, she’d said it. Silence from Tom. Ginger trembled, wondering if he was angry, wondering if it had been a mistake to speak up. Finally Tom turned on the bedside light and looked at her. She couldn’t tell if he was angry or not.
“Ginger,” he said, “since you’re being frank, I will be, too. I wasn’t aware that you could be aroused. You’ve always seemed so cold in bed — no movement, no noises. I didn’t see the point in going all out for somebody who didn’t seem to like it.”
“Oh, Tom,” she sighed, “it’s just because you never turned me on enough. If only we’d talked about this long ago! The solution is so easy.”
“Okay, smarty pants,” Tom said grimly, “if it’s so easy, tell me what to do.”
“Play with me,” Ginger said, blushing but eager. “Just take your time and play with me — all over. You could start with my tits.”
Tom certainly didn’t mind that assignment. Ginger had the biggest, most beautiful jugs he’d ever seen, huge and ripe and full, creamy-pale, capped with those dainty little light pink nipples. He cupped her breasts eagerly and began to fondle them.
“Do more than that,” Ginger said. “You only touch. I want your mouth and your tongue, Tom, like you do with the other women.”
Tom really didn’t think it would do much for his cold wife, but he obeyed, kissing her hot ripe boobs all over, then bringing out his long wet red tongue to tickle her pretty little nipples. To his surprise, Ginger flinched and gasped with sudden pleasure, showing that her nipples were plenty sensitive enough.
“Yes, that’s it,” she panted. “Lick my nipples, Tom, suck them.”
Encouraged, Tom brought his mouth down around her soft pink left nipple and sucked it slowly in. It was the sweetest little nub he’d ever tasted, petal-soft and fragrant. He began to suck hotly and hungrily on it, soaking it with his steamy saliva, lashing it with his tongue.
“Oooaooo, yes,” Ginger squealed, “yes, darling, that’s very nice.”
He thought maybe she was just faking it — until suddenly her soft little nub went erect and throbbing between his lips. That reaction couldn’t be faked. His mouth watered with excitement as he released the stiff little bud and sucked in her other nipple. More hot sucking got it hard and bumpy in no time. Meanwhile Ginger was panting and sighing as if she really enjoyed having her tits sucked.
“Ohhhhh, Tom, that was really nice,” she sighed. “That’s the kind of thing I like, not just a quick fuck. It takes time to get a woman aroused.”
“What else should I do?” Tom asked.
Ginger gave him a wicked look. “Let me do something to you first,” she said. “That helpes turn me on too.”
“Sure, go ahead,” Tom said doubtfully.
Ginger had hardly even touched hits in their whole sexual scene together. He figured it was because she didn’t want to, that it was pert of her coldness. He didn’t believe her now when she said it would help turn her on.
Ginger was delighted to get Tom’s permission to touch him. She’d waited so long for that. She looked down hungrily at his crisp brown bush, rosy brown-thatched balls, and pale blue-veined prick. Saliva rushed to her mouth. It all looked so exciting. She didn’t know where to begin. Eagerly she bent over him, thrusting her face into his lap.
She laid his limp warm cock on her upturned palm, stuck out her shining pink tongue, and began to lap the soft silky meat. She’d always wanted to lick Tom’s cock, and it was even more fun than she’d dreamed. She tickled her tongue around and around the satiny flaccid meat, making it gleam with her saliva, making it flop and bounce.
Tom gave a snort of surprise and pleasure. “Ginger, honey,” he gasped, “I really dig that. How come you never did it before?”
“You never asked me to,” Ginger replied simply.
Then she went back to noisily licking his cock.
Tom clapped a hand to his forchead. Of course!
He’d never asked her to go down on him, and Ginger, a good wife, knew he liked to call the shots. She wouldn’t do anything without his permission. He’d been a Goddamned idiot. He looked down it her happily licking his soft wrinkled cock, her saliva flowing eagerly. By God, she LIKED it. She really did.
“Ummmm,” Ginger murmured, “this is fun.”
But licking wasn’t enough. She wanted to do a lot more than that. Hoping Tom would approve, but too eager to wait for permission, she nosed down through his clean brown bush and applied her pretty pink tongue to his flaccid nut sacs, eagerly lapping, making them flop and bounce.
“Awww, Christ, yes!” Tom gasped. “Yes, lick my balls, honey. I really like that.”
He lay back and watched in amazement as his “frigid” wife licked and lashed and tasted his balls like a real pro. Her slick hot tongue seemed to be all over at once, bathing his sensitive balls in fiery saliva, tickling into every fold and crease, giving him hot bunts of pleasure. He thought again what a fool he’d been not to ask her to go down on him before. But, then, he’d thought she’d be shocked and angry.
But far from that, Ginger was drooling all over his rosy soft nuts, licking and tonguing them furiously. Her flaming-red head dipped even lower, and he felt his nuts being sucked right into her boiling-hot wet mouth, both of them at once. The pleasure was dizzying.
“AWWWWW!” Tom yelped. “Yeah, oh, yeah, baby, suck my balls. Man, that’s great.”
Ginger was glad he’d approved of her little surprise. It seemed a kind of crazy thing to do, sucking his balls right into her mouth, but the impulse was so strong, she had to obey. She mouthed the fat warm sacs, sucked them gently but steadily, stroking them with her tongue. Tom seemed to love it, moaning and sighing as she sucked.
“Oh, Jesus,” he whined, “that’s fantastic.”
She thought maybe he was just saying that to make her feel good, but then she felt his spit-drenched balls slowly swelling up in her mouth, growing fat and taut, a reaction he couldn’t fake. Soon the throbbing globes were too big to hold in her mouth, and she reluctantly released them. She dived instead for his cock.
“AHHHHHH!” Tom gasped.
His beautiful red-haired wife had never sucked his cock before, hardly even touched it, so hewn taken by surprise when Ginger suddenly seized the soft head of his prick between her lips mid hungrily sucked the whole thing into her hot slick mouth. His dick seemed to shoot into blazing heat and soothing wetness, all the way to his swollen gleaming balls.
“UMMMM,” Ginger said, her mouth stuffed with his soft throbbing meat.
It was a moment she’d dreamed of, being allowed to take her husband’s handsome clean cock into her mouth, and she couldn’t control her horny urge to suck like crazy. She loved the light salty taste of his prick. She drooled uncontrollably all around the soft meat and gurgled greedily as she sucked.
“Oh, Christ,” Tom moaned, “that’s great. Baby, I didn’t know you could do that. I love it.”
If only he’d had the nerve to ask her years ago to give him a blow job. All this time his modest obedient wife had been secretly dying to suck his cock, but he’d been too blind, to see it Ginger obviously wasn’t faking her excitement. As her red head bounced up and down over his lap, he could feel her pooling saliva, see her lovely body flushing pink all over with arousal.
“UMMMMMM,” Ginger moaned.
She got very excited when she felt Tom’s cock starting to grow in her mouth. Hot cream spurted from her cunt as his little wrinkled prick suddenly twitched and lurched on her tongue, then grew long and thick and stiff. The big bulb-like head went right into her throat, but she took it eagerly, and as his cock started juicing, she greedily tasted and swallowed each drop.
“Oh, Jesus, baby, that’s good,” Tom gasped.
He could hardly believe it was his modest quiet wife who was taking his erect prick right down her throat, sucking his fat long cock in till his swollen balls rubbed her chin. She was every bit as good a cocksucker as Stacy and June, even better. Her boiling mouth and powerful sucking action threatened to bring him off.
“Ginger, you better quit,” he panted. “I’m gonna come.”
Ginger wouldn’t have minded a blasting mouthful of his delicious come, but she wanted to save that beautiful hard-on for something even better, so she let his stiff gleaming cock out of her mouth, leaving it to point lewdly at the ceiling. She tongued and tickled even lower in his crotch till the pink wet tip of her tongue was running his tight asshole.
“Ginger, baby,” Tom gasped, “you don’t have to do that. You — AWWWWW!”
He felt her burning-hot slippery little tongue creeping right up his asshole. It felt so fantastically good, he almost shot his load. She thrust her greedy wet tongue clear to the root in his seething bumhole, tickled around, teased him, and then withdrew, grinning.
“Jesus, woman,” Tom panted, “you almost brought me off. You know, honey, I always wanted you to go down on me, but I was afraid to ask.”
“I was afraid to mention it, too,” Ginger sighed. “We’ve got a lot of lout time to make up for, Tom — but it’s going to be a lot of fun.”
“You better believe it,” Tom laughed. “Now it’s my turn to do something for you, and I bet I don’t even have to ask what you want. Let’s see if this is it.”
He eased her onto her back and drew her long shapely legs wide apart. Ginger trembled with anticipation, knowing he’d guessed what she wanted most of all. She’d waited three long years for this moment, for that delicious time when Tom would thrust his face right into her red-hot eager pussy and use his tongue on her most sensitive pans.
His thick brown hair met her copper-colored muff, and then she felt his scalding tongue snaking out to tickle the hot little bump of her clit. He did it just like she’d hoped, lashing and rimming and tonguing fast and hard. The pleasure was dizzying, and she couldn’t control the burst of hot cream that gushed from her twat and soaked his face. Then his wet tickling tongue seemed to be all over her excited pussy, licking and lapping everywhere.
“Oooooooo, Tom, YES!” she wailed. “Yes, I love it! This is what I’ve always wanted you to do, darling. Oh, God, yes, eat my pussy!”
So it was that simple. If he’d just bothered to go down on her before they balled, he could have had the wild woman of his dreams. Tom proceeded to make up for lost time, eagerly tonguing her little red clit, her fat pink pussylips, and the gushing little mouth of her box. Ginger reacted just like he’d hoped, screaming with delight, clawing the bed, and juicing helplessly all over his face.
Then he remembered the wicked wonderful thing she’d done to him, and he wriggled his slick long tongue right up her tight pungent little asshole. Ginger shrieked and rose up in the air, crashing down again with a hoarse moan of delight. She kept moaning as he worked his tongue clear to the root in her clinging hot brownie.
“Oh, oh,” Ginger wailed. “Lick my ass, yes, YESSSS!”
This was the Ginger of his fantasies, a completely wanton, lusty woman who writhed and moaned and creamed helplessly, who let him know in blunt words how much she liked what he was doing to her. And Tom was the lover Ginger had always wanted him to be, teasing and arousing her with a whole bag of kinky fucks till she was wild to fuck him.
“Oh, darling,” she gasped, “that’s enough. It’s wonderful, but it’s enough. I just have to have your cock in me — NOW!”
Tom emerged from her steamy little crotch grinning, wiping her sticky cream from his face. He easily flipped her over onto her hands and knees and urged her cute little round butt into the air. Kneeling behind her, he wedged the thick purple head of his cock into her tiny wet cunt mouth. As he pushed into her, Ginger wailed with pleasure.
“Oooooo, fuck me, yes, YES!” she shrieked.
“You bet I will, baby,” Tom said gleefully. “You were telling me I never balled you long enough. Well, this time you won’t walk for a week. You better settle in for a long, long session, woman.”
“Great,” Ginger sighed.
He wasn’t kidding. He balled her steadily, hard and fast and deep, bringing her off again and again. It was just the way she’d always wanted him to fuck her, using her whole female capacity, exhausting her with pleasure. She felt he deserved a big reward, so after about her sixth orgasm she thought of a naughty surprise.
“Tom, darling,” she panted, “I have an idea. Why don’t you put it in my ass?”
“WHAT?” Tom gasped.
“My asshole,” Ginger panted, “fuck me in the ass.”
She’d hit on his most secret fantasy, and although he feared it might hurt her, he couldn’t resist trying. He whipped his cream-slick cock out of her boiling little cunt and pressed the swollen head against the tiny wrinkled mouth of her asshole. He pushed, and Ginger relaxed the little mouth, letting his thick hard prick ease slowly up her gripping-tight bumhole.
“Ohhhhh, Christ,” Tom whined, “it’s so tight. I really love it, baby. Okay with you?”
“More than okay,” Ginger sighed.
The slow stuffing of her greedy little asshole by Tom’s long slick cock was the most delicious thing she’d ever felt in her life. She laughed to think that just a week ago her marriage was in trouble, her husband a complete dud in bed. Now she had the hottest lover in town. There’d be others, of course she and Tom would go on swinging. But now she knew who was the best, who’d really been the best all along.