A Slut For My Father’s Bachelor Party

My father was getting remarried after being a widower
for nearly 15 years. Both my brother and I were very
happy for him as he had finally found someone to spend
his time with. We had always been worried about him
both of us being married and busy with our own families
and all as we could not spend as much time with him
as we would have liked. Anyway, we wanted to make his
marriage an exciting affair for him and decided to
throw a bachelor’s party for him and his five close

Of course, both of us were involved as well. A stripper
or a dancer has been the show piece of any bachelor
party and we really wanted to surprise our father so we
hired a stripper and arranged for a large motel room to
have the party away from home. As luck would have it,
the stripper really fell sick on the day of the party
and called me to apologize.

I really had no clue what to do… and my brother was
busy with some plumbing job he had committed to (I am
sure you got it that he runs plumbing services). I
called several friends frantically to get a replacement
but how many strippers are out there in a remote town
like mine? Not many. So I told my wife about my
problem… and asked if she knew anyone who could humor
some old men for about one hour. But she could not
think of anyone.

My wife is about 30, same age as me, and she is hot.
Since we do not have any sons yet, and since she
follows a strict exercise regime, she has this super
hot body and a face to match. She is also a very good

So in the end I just begged her to be the dancer.
“Honey, please do this for me… it’s just a little bit
of wiggling your butt and tits… please darling just
think of it as an hour of aerobics…” Sighing and
whining, she agreed. The party was just a few hours
away so leaving her to rent a costume and wig, I rushed
to the motel to make the other arrangements.

My brother arrived just half and hour before the party
straight from his plumbing job and he really raised a
stink in his dirty overalls and grease and dirt
streaked body. But now there was no time for him to
change. Leaving him in-charge of arranging food and
drinks, I drove his mini-van to pick the oldies.

There were only three of them waiting for my brother in
my father’s house as arranged my father, looking fit
and athletic despite his 55 years of age; his best
buddy 60-year-old Kishore wearing his trademark baggy
pants and white shirt and his black skin shining like
it had been polished with wax; 70-year-old Rudra,
another of my father’s friend who is rather fat and
ugly he works in a tannery so he was stinking much
more than by brother.

Anyway, we reached the motel. My brother had
miraculously arranged everything (except cleaning
himself). We got the three main guests seated and once
two rounds of drinks had been served, my brother
changed the music to a sexy Latin beat and announced,
“And now… in the honor of the groom, I present to
you, Judy… and her thunder thighs… Judy? Judy?” Oh
gosh, in all the hurrying about, I had completely
forgotten that I had not told my brother about my wife
being the replacement.

Before I could even murmur anything, I looked at “Judy”
and was dumbstruck. Even if my wife’s own father was
here, he would have been fooled. My sexy wife was
wearing a short red leather skirt (so short that I
thought I could even see some of her pussy hair
sticking out) and a bright red top with a knot at the
back so tight that if she breathed hard, her boobs
would spill out. She fuck-me pumps were killing the
hard on I had suddenly got as was the slutty red
lipstick she was sprouting. The lifesaver was the red
wig she was wearing which changed her from her decent
pure, faithful wife looks.

My brother whispered in my ears, “Good choice bro…
but I think she is new… she has already gobbled down
like a full bottle of wine in nervousness.” Oh gosh,
this was bad news because once my wife is drunk, she
can get very uninhibited.

She stepped in and the three fuddy-duddies (if you can
discount my virile brother who was as excited as a 10-
year-old boy with his fast car toy) were clapping about
and cheering my pretty wife disguised as a stripper.
Soon she was gyrating to the music and shaking her
booty like she was a professional stripper. She even
circled around the oldies… and the three (I couldn’t
believe even my father was doing it) oldies started
pinching her bottom or groping her tits each time she
passed them.

Once when she was shaking her big fat tits in Rudra’s
face, the old fart opened the knot at the back, and
sure enough the whole garment came off, and so did the
twine beauties of my wife. Actually, the creamy white
boobs looked relieved that they were finally out of
their confinement. My wife must have been aroused
because her nipples were erect and sticking out just
a baby boy’s penis. They were rock hard and my father
extended his big calloused hand to tweak his own
daughter-in-law’s hard nipples.

I saw a wave of pleasure passed over my wife’s face as
she moved to my father and shook her breasts in his
face. I saw my father’s old tongue flicked out and
licked my wife’s nipple briefly.

“Drink some fresh milk, Shanta,” Kishore and Rudra
chimed to encourage my father, who got bold and grasped
my wife’s big breasts and started sucking on them like
a baby. I was slowly dying because I knew once my
wife’s nipples were sucked, she starts craving for a
cock like a mad woman like a cow in heat. Sure
enough, within two minutes of getting her nipples
sucked, she offered her other breast to Kishore who
started sucking the fleshy fruit like breast earnestly.

So there was my wife dressed as a stripper entertaining
her own father-in-law and his old smelly and horny
friends while I her husband watched helplessly. My
brother was not as helpless as he got turned on by my
wife. He moved ahead and started grinding his bulging
crotch in my wife’s sticking out ass. Rudra joined him
too and they alternated in dry fucking my sweet wife.

My wife was so drunk and so horny that she didn’t care
that she was only ACTING as a stripper. She pushed
everyone away and started a gentle gyrating sway like a
slut. Slowly she twisted her ass down and then moved up
again to the tune. Then, in a flash, she pulled the
skirt off and flung it in my father’s face. Now she was
there clad only in sexy lacy underwear.

My brother, big and strong as he is, plucked her up
from her waist and planted her on my father’s lap. He
pulled her down from her shoulders and intentionally
ground her crotch on my father’s crotch. “Fuck her
pussy, fuck her pussy,” chimed Kishore and Rudra
completely drunk and forgetting any kind of civil

My father was like a breeding bull and my wife was like
a cow in heat… I really don’t know how he managed,
but while my brother was grinding my wife’s pussy on
his crotch, he somehow managed to pull his cock out and
in all that motion, his cock jammed in my wife’s hairy
pussy from the side parting of her panty. Suddenly, she
stopped short; as she must have felt my father’s ageing
cock enter her chaste pussy.

A dreamy daze filled her eyes and she looked at me and
away. She pushed my brother away and pulled her up. My
eyes rolled as I saw the never-ending cock of my
father. My father is slightly dark, but his cock was
jet black and fatter than my wrist and it must have
been, it was, at least 10-inches long… My wife got up
and let the cock quiver in air before descending back
and sliding on that rampant rod slick with my father’s
pre-cum and her own pussy juices.

My wife rode my father’s black meat rod like she was
born to do so. Kishore, too, horny at such an erotic
sight, pulled out his own cock a perfect match for my
father’s cock. He moved in front of my wife and waved
his still soft cock in front of my wife’s mouth. Her
eyes were closed from the pleasure of being fucked by
my father’s fat pussy-beater, and her mouth was parted

Kishore aimed at her parted mouth and slowly, pinching
the root of his cock to increase the hardness, entered
the puckered mouth of his uncut black meat in my wife’s
parted mouth. This jolted my wife out of her fucking
reverie and she was shocked, truly shocked as she never
sucks me, at the meaty intrusion of her mouth. Either
Kishore’s cock tasted musky and tasty or she was too
gone too notice anything, but my wife sucked Kishore’s
cock like she had been sock starved for years.

Rudra stood by jerking his smelly brown uncut cock
every now and then touching its foreskinned tip with my
wife’s hard nipples. A stream of sticky precum made
rivulets all over my wife’s creamy white breasts as the
three smelly old men including my own father who was
going to get married in three days fucked her like
virile breeding bulls.

My father came first. And he came straight inside his
own daughter-in-laws fertile pussy. Once he had wiped
the last of his spooze on her hairy pussy, Kishore
pulled her onto his own black meat. He fucked her like
she was his first love gentle and slow. When she
started fucked her, Rudra offered his smelly leaking
cock in her mouth, she accepted the fat salami of a
tannery-workers cock and sucked it despite the strong
leathery smell.

Rudra came fast and coated my wife’s mouth with his
gooey, sticky white cum. I hadn’t noticed before, and
by the time I did it was too late for my brother,
having discarded his dirty overalls, was holding his
massive meaty cock (I must be the smallest dick in the
family) just behind Rudra.

Once Rudra moved out of his way, my brother pulled my
wife off Kishore’s lap and lay down on the floor. He
made Kishore uncle lie down in such a way that his and
Kishore uncle’s cock were aligned together. If you held
their two cocks together, you would have an awesome
girth of at least nine fat inches… but my brother was
hell bent on ruining my wife’s petite pussy. My wife
meanwhile was glugging alcohol straight from a whiskey
bottle I am glad she did that otherwise it would have
been too difficult to take the double penetration that
was being prepared for her.

As soon as she had finished the half bottle, my brother
pulled her down. He held her up by her thighs (I told
you he’s real strong) and as Kishore uncle held their
two cocks together, my brother slowly released my wife
on their double darts (some fat and long black darts).
My wife slid down slowly but helped some by the
lubrication provided by my father’s cum deposit
previously and some by gravity.

In seconds, she her extremely stretched pussy was
grounding on Kishore uncle and my brother’s pubic hair.
After giving her a few minutes to adjust to the size,
my brother lifted her up again and left her to slide
down by herself. He repeated this style of fucking
till, Kishore uncle couldn’t take it anymore and shot
his thick old smelly cum all over my brother’s cock and
inside my wife’s pussy. My brother pushed Kishore
uncle’s cum deep inside my wife’s pussy by his blunt-
ended thick cock but the heat of Kishore uncle’s
scalding hot cock cream and my wife’s moist pussy must
have egged my brother’s sperms and he too soon blasted
his nuts mixing it all together with my father and
Kishore uncle’s cum.

It had already been like three hours of party and all
the old men were really fatigued so my brother after
they had all made themselves presentable drove them
to their respective home leaving me to settle the motel
account. I went to the reception to clear the bill and
drove my car right up front to help my wife get in.

When I went to get my wife from the room, I was
horrified to find two old janitors helping themselves
with my wife’s holes. One smelly cleaner was filling my
wife’s flooded pussy with his gnarled old black cock
and the other one had pushed his uncut Mexican cock in
my wife’s mouth. My wife was just simply lying down
servicing their cocks. Once they were done they wiped
their dirty cocks on her face and hair and left.

When I bent down to thank my wife, she French-kissed
me, I could taste some smelly tangy bitter-sweet cum
left by the Spanish cleaners. Then slowly my wife
pushed my head down to her cream filled pussy and said,
“Better clean it up…and who else to do it but you
since it was your idea and since it was your family who
messed my pussy up.”

I was happily slurping on sperm from her freshly fucked
pussy when my brother came back to help. His mouth hung
open when he saw “Judy” without the wig and when he
realized it was my wife. But then it only lasted a
minute, the next minute he pulled his overalls down and
pushing me away plunged his rock hard fat, blunt-headed
cock in my wife’s pussy again. “Now that she has
already tasted it, I plan to get it more regularly. Do
you mind, you fucking cum-drinking faggot?”

As an answer, I simply bent down and slurped on my
wife’s pussy as my brother fucked her with his meaty