A slut girl tries to help out friends on a goat farm

The July morning sun was warm and very muggy. It would
prove to be hot by the end of the day and it would
probably rain. Fourteen year old Catherine was walking up
the road heading to her home away from home. She had
stumbled across Sunnyridge goat farm six years ago while
exploring her new neighborhood.

Her engineer father and doctor mother had found a new
home for them. They both had fulfilling jobs which was
something that had not happened before. It was either her
Dad was happy or her mom was happy never both. This
almost caused a split but then her mom was offered a
surgery position at the County Medical Center.

Her mom Barbara was real excited and accepted the
position even if it meant a separation. Her dad David
came home that very evening with paperwork for a transfer
to a ceramics plant in the same area. He had been waiting
for an opening in that plant for two years. The research
facility was known worldwide at least in ceramic
engineering circles.

All of the tension left the Murray house that evening in
the span of an hour. Catherine could see the lights go on
in her mother’s eyes as her dad explained the location of
his new job. They even flirted a little. Bedtime came
early that night.

The move went without a hitch. Her dads company hired a
mover to pack everything into a truck and they even
unpacked on the other end. Catherine had to leave her
friends and her school behind. She was sad to leave but
excited to have a significant change in her life.

The old house was a condo in the city. Lots of noise and
lots of people. The house that her mother fell in love
with was out of town on a ten acre plot. There was a barn
with stables that were rented to people with horses and
no place to keep them. The house was large. It had two
stories. The center of the house was a huge room which
had a wood stove in the center.

All of the rooms radiated around the great room on both
stories. The master bedroom was on the opposite side of
the house from the room that would become Catherine’s.
Getting settled in took almost three days with all of the
property to explore. There was a married couple that
lived on the property to manage the ranch and do the
cooking and housecleaning. Catherine’s dad and mom both
started work so that left Catherine the rest of the
summer to become familiar with the area.

The first time she walked up this road she saw three
large white goats with long hair wandering loose. At
first she was scared but after the noses touched her she
felt foolish for being so timid. The goats were sweet and
seemed to like following her. Up the road the four of
them went. Around the curve in the road was the sign.
Sunnyridge Goat Farm, it made sense to her now. She
walked the goats onto the property. The goats ran ahead
and in through an open gate. Catherine closed the gate
behind them and walked up to the small house.

She knocked at the wooden screen. A woman approached from
inside the house. Catherine could tell that this woman
was older than her mother, but not by much. “Hello, My
name is Catherine Murray.” She was suddenly nervous. “We
live down the road and I think some of your goats got
out, I found them on the road.”

The woman said thank you and asked how many she had

“There were three of them,” Catherine answered now
following the woman across the yard. “Must have been the
does,” the woman said, more to herself than Catherine.
The woman opened the gate latch and marched into the
small barn with Catherine right on her heals. “You found
three and there are seven in here that makes four more
missing. Luckily the buck didn’t get out or we would
really have a time of it.”

Catherine was happy to be included in the search. They
found one of the goats happily munching maple leaves off
a tree and two more were down by the brook and the last
had turned right on the road and was a short way up the

All the goats were present and accounted for. “Thank you
for your help Catherine. My name is Becky, my husband Tom
and I own this farm. My daughter Bonnie and her dad went
into town to get some hay. I am the guilty one that left
the gate latch loose. Those goats will pick at anything.”
A large young dog, a German Shepherd mix came up to
Catherine and poked his nose into her crotch wagging his
tail. “Looks like you have found a friend. That’s Bugs,
Bonnie’s dog. Come in and lets get some iced tea and get

That was the first visit of many to the goat farm. Tom
and Bonnie came back around lunch and got a good laugh
over the adventure. It seems that Becky was always
preaching to Bonnie about the gate latch. Catherine
enjoyed the good natured exchange. Bonnie was Two years
older than Catherine but that didn’t seem to matter. The
two girls were destined to become good friends.

There were not many kids around worth walking the
distance so the two of them became inseparable. Catherine
was at the goat farm or Bonnie was at the ranch depending
on what adventure the girls sought on that particular
day. Bonnie of course had chores around the farm and
Catherine’s mom kept a list of things for Catherine to
do, but the girls worked well together and chores that
used to take hours were done in minutes. Talking and
giggling made the work seem like fun.

Knowing Bonnie was a huge leg up when school started.
There were only fifteen kids in her grade and Bonnie made
sure that Catherine was well received. Catherine loved
her new home and her new friend.

As Catherine approached the now familiar sign announcing
the start of the farm property she her thoughts sobered.
Tom’s Parents had been killed in an auto accident. Tom
was the oldest of five children and his family lived
outside of Pittsburgh. That was a hard full days drive.
There were arrangements to be made, funerals to attend,
legal problems to attend to, the siblings to take care
of. Tom left as soon as they got the call last night.
Becky and Bonnie were going to leave that morning. They
expected to be gone for two weeks. Catherine volunteered
to watch over the goat farm.

“Remember to keep the gate between the buck and the does
closed and double check the latch.” Becky had given this
same speech to both girls so many times the girls used to
imitate her. “Double check the latch.” One of the girls
would say for no reason and both of them would laugh at
the inside joke.

“Are you sure you will be ok honey?” Becky asked for the
fourth time.

“I know the farm routine and I have more than enough
supplies with what you picked up this morning. Don’t
worry about a thing, me and Bugsie will be fine,”
Catherine reassured Becky as she walked them to their

“You have the numbers by the phone. Please call if there
is anything you have a question about.” Bonnie looked
like she had been rung through a ringer. Her brown eyes
were swelled from crying and they were still wet.
Catherine kissed and hugged her friend. Becky had been
crying also. They had been real close to Tom’s family and
were devastated by the loss.

Becky squeezed some cash into Catherine’s hand and said
“Catherine I don’t know how we can repay you for doing
this. “Don’t worry about that. Catherine answered. “Just
go and tell everyone that I am sorry for the loss.
Catherine had met everyone in Tom’s family on numerous
occasions. Tom had two sisters, Bonnie, and a little
older so Catherine just fit into the mix.

The dust rose from the driveway as the car drove off and
turned towards the highway. Bugs gave Catherine a poke in
her crotch with his cold nose. This was the greeting she
always got from him. The girls called him horndog when no
one was around. That got Catherine into gear. She went in
to check the water on the doe’s side. She peeked over the
fence into “Killer’s” side and saw the water was fine.
Killer was a good name for him.

Becky had named him when they first got him and they had
trouble getting him into his pen. He was mean and
everyone, even Bugs, was afraid of him. He had an
excellent bloodline though and brought a lot of income
into the farm. There were only three bucks of this type
in the tristate area so Killer was always in demand. He
was large. on all fours he came up to Catherine’s waist.
He had long horns and a beard. He looked like a grandpa.
Killer used to bleat when ever Catherine, Bonnie or Becky
walked by his pen. It was like he had a name for each of
them. She went into the house to do some chores, then the
day was hers until milking time.

After the inside chores were done to her satisfaction
Catherine grabbed her book and went up to the spot where
the brook crossed the property. This was a secluded glen
with the bubbling brook. It was hers and Bonnie’s
favorite place. There was a small pool the girls had gone
skinny dipping in. It was always cold but it was clean
and fun. They came here often to sit and chat or even do
homework, just relaxing.

Catherine read several chapters in her book. It was of
all things a mystery. She was a little scared when she
heard a twig snap. Bugs was around as usual but he was
around behind the rocks. Catherine reasoned that it was a
deer. The deer often drank out of the brook and there
were places where the bucks had rubbed to bark off the
trees with their horns. Catherine looked around. The sun
had passed high noon and started its inevitable slide to
the west. There were heavy clouds coming in from the
north and it must be close to milking time.

She closed her book and got up. She heard the sound of a
large animal running off when she rose. That was a large
buck. She got a glimpse of his rack as he disappeared
into the forest. The goat farm backed up to a natural
preserve so Tom was the only one that hunted it. The deer
herd was large but not a nuisance. Sightings were common.

Catherine noticed the herd of does were getting fidgety
as she walked up. She slipped on the farm boots and went
into the barn. The anxious does followed her to be
milked. She heard Killer call out to her and she looked
in his direction. He was watching her every move. She was
glad the fence was there as she set about the task of
milking the does.

By the time the last doe had been milked and the milk
stowed in the refrigerator in the garage the sky had
opened. The rain was coming down in torrents. Catherine
had just made it into the garage. She knew she would be
soaked running to the house. Tomorrow she would go back
home for more clothes of her own. She wasn’t worried.
Bonnie’s clothes were large for her but Becky was close
to her size, she knew she would find something to change

Sure enough she thought as she ran into the mud room of
the farm house. She was soaked to the skin. She kicked
off the boots, pulled off her wet blouse and jeans. She
had to take off her underwear to it was also soaked.
Standing naked in the mudroom, pushing Bugs away from her
now exposed crotch. She looked around and saw Becky’s
flowered housedress hanging on a nail. She pulled it over
her head. She ran her fingers through her wet hair. She
now knew why Becky always had on one of these dresses.
They were very comfortable. It fit a little loose but who
was going to know. With the boots it would be a perfect
outfit for working with the animals.

Catherine fixed herself something to eat. She called her
mother and they chatted for a time. Both of her parents
worked a lot of hours. Barbara and Dave had been to the
goat farm once each. They wanted to meet Tom and Becky.
Any fears they harbored about Catherine’s welfare
evaporated. Tom and Becky were wonderful people and loved
Catherine like they loved Bonnie.

The phone rang. Catherine grabbed it on the second ring.
It was Becky. She wanted to make sure that Catherine was
ok. Catherine told her about the rain and what she was
now wearing.

Becky laughed and promised to tell Bonnie about that.
Catherine went upstairs, took a shower and watched some
TV before going to bed. She was sleepy. The milking was
easy work with Bonnie and Becky helping, but for one
person it was a tiring chore. She had waited to long and
the does were jittery and hard to calm until the milk
pressure was relieved. She curled up on the bed in
Bonnie’s room and fell fast asleep.

The storm was raging outside. It had been raining for
hours the wind was blowing something fierce. Bang, Bang.
Catherine was sleeping and dreaming. Bug was sleeping on
the floor next to the bed. Bang, Bang, the wind
was….Catherine bolted upright in the bed. The banging
was not right. She shook the sleep from her head. The
damn gate was banging. If the goats got out she would
never get them back in this rain.

She jumped up grabbing the house dress. She was naked
underneath. Just as well she thought to herself, she was
going to get soaked again. She ran down the stairs and
out through the mud room. She looked for the boots but
failed to notice them in the corner where she had kicked
them earlier. Bang, Bang the gate was distracting her she
had to get it shut.

She ran out barefoot. She was drenched before she took
ten steps. It was pouring. Her long red hair was
plastered to the side of her face. She approached the
barn and the gate was closed. She opened it being very
careful to close it behind her. Bang, bang. That was the
gate to Killer’s side. She ran over to close it. She
heard him bleat at her. Good he was still on his side.

How did it get opened? She had not even been on that
side. Her eyes focused on the farm yard. She saw Killer
approaching her. She rushed to get the gate closed. It
was stuck on something. Shit, she cursed as she pulled.
Her bare feet slipped in the mud and excrement. She
remembered going down and then the lights went out.

Ouch, that hurt. The fog was thick in her head. She was
wet and felt nauseous. She felt something inside her.
Then she felt the front legs around her hips. Her pussy
was burning. She had her face in the water, mud and goat
crap. She raised her head and was pushed back down. she
could feel the hairy haunch bump against her butt. The
knife repeatedly stabbed her loins. What was happening to
her. She couldn’t move, there was something….Bang,
bang. The gate. She remembered now the gate was stuck and
she fell trying to close it. Bang, bang.

She was in with Killer and he had her. He was fucking
her. She had seen him in action before. She, Bonnie and
Becky used to joke about his large penis as he was mated
with a doe. The smell of a rutting buck is not something
you can forget. The clouds formed in Catherine’s mind
again. She lost consciousness a second time. She could
still feel the knife in her loins but it wasn’t as
painful. Bang, bang. Catherine stirred a second time.
this time she had more of her wits about her.

Killer noticed she was stirring and decided to mount her
again. Catherine felt the dress stuck around her hips in
a bunch. The forelegs grabbed her and she was pulled like
a rag doll on to the hard penis. It stabbed into her. She
screamed out in pain and surprise. She felt him pulling
her onto his massive erection. He bleated and she passed
out again. She heard him bleating over her. Her face was
still in the mud. She could hear the does milling around.

It was daylight. Killer decided to mate with her again.
She didn’t struggle. He mounted her back and pulled her
on to his erection and he humped her like she had seen
him to before only this time it was her that he was
ramming into. She remembered the horns and how mean he
was to any doe that refused him. This time she felt him
shoot his seed into her. It was warm anyway. He stayed in
her after he came. She stayed still until he finished
with her.

The dress she had on was torn, wet and might as well not
have been there. A kid came up to her and pulled at her
nipple. This was surreal. It couldn’t be happening.
Killer slid out of her and went to eat some hay from the
manger. Catherine felt the herd of does around her and
all of them watched Killer. Catherine pushed the kid away
from her breast and tried to straighten her dress. She
ended up shucking it off in the mud. She tried to rise,
but she was dizzy and her pussy was raw She could feel
the liquid running down the back of her thighs. She
didn’t want to even think about that. Killer it seems was
ready for more.

She heard the now familiar bleat as he walked up behind
her and mounted her. She knew what to expect. She knew
how far he would pull her back before they would be
coupled. She knew how far the penis would penetrate her
and she knew it would not hurt this time. The sperm shot
into her. She remembered laughing at his stamina. How he
was able to mount a doe repeatedly without a break. She
had no idea how many time he had mounted her.

The movement of the hard shaft was arousing her. She
could feel his beard drag across her back. She could
remember four times. She had seen him go eight times
without a break. She stayed still under the rutting buck.
If she could stand this he would not hurt her. Tom and
Bugs usually separated Killer from the doe if he got to
mean. Bugs was shut in the house. He shot into her womb
again, but he kept rutting her. He jumped off her and
seemed to be rutting the air. He ran around the pen.
Catherine could still see his hard penis protruding from
under his belly. She stayed down and still.

He approached her again and mounted her. She felt him
enter her and the rutting. He didn’t finish this time. He
jumped off her and walked around the front of her. The
smell was a physical presence. His penis was inches from
her nose. Her mind raced, what was he after now. She
remembered seeing different does lick him in this
situation. Catherine gagged at the thought. Killer pushed
against her. She lowered her head and licked his still
erect penis.

He turned when she was licking him a second time and
forced his penis down her throat. He shot into her mouth.
It tasted worse than it smelt. Catherine retched and
retched. The does were back around her and that pesky kid
was at her nipple again. She was part of the herd now.

Killer came back and started to bump the does away from
her. When there was a space around her he bleated again
and mounted her. This time he took longer and he didn’t
come in the huge volume. He pushed off her, he sniffed
her sex, bumped her ass, knocking her into the mud and
walked away.

Well I guess that I have been dismissed thought Catherine
as she pushed herself out of the muck. Her hips were
sore, her pussy was on fire, her head hurt, she was naked
and covered in mud and goat shit. She stood. She was very
unsteady on her feet. The does were on their side except
for two and that pesky kid. She herded them through the
gate and had to chase the kid. What a sight that must
have been. This time the gate was shut and latched
properly. Catherine didn’t know what to do. She pulled
some more hay into the manger walked from the pen,
latched the outside gate and walked towards the house.

She knew she smelt like a rutted doe. She stopped at the
hose and rinsed herself off. The cold water seemed to put
out the fire in her pussy. She directed the gentle stream
into her. She stayed like that for a time, then started
at the top of her head and rinsed down to the tips of her
pink toenails.

When she finished getting the top layer off she went into
the house dripping. Bugs was on her in a flash. He smelt
her and got excited, but luckily he was more anxious to
get out of the house. Catherine limped up stairs and drew
herself a hot bath and got in. She woke when the water

She found another of Becky’s dresses and slipped it on.
She really needed to get her own clothes today. She went
into the farm yard to do the morning milking.

She didn’t bother with boots this time. She got the does
milked and the milk put away. Killer was watching her
every move again. This time she didn’t shiver. She knew
what he was all about. The herd of does were milling
around her and stayed around her legs. She looked into
the next pen at Killer. He bleated when he saw her look
at him. The herd started to move, taking her with them.
She found herself at the gate to Killers pen. She could
see he was erect. His eyes locked on hers.

A million thoughts passed through her mind but opening
the gate was not one of them. That she did by instinct.
She shut it behind her and walked into the center of the
pasture. She bunched up her dress and got down on all
fours while Killer waited. Their eyes remained locked.
The dress was removed and tossed into the drying grass.
Killer walked around behind the girl while Catherine
waited to be mated. He mounted her and pulled her back
onto his waiting penis. Catherine spent the rest of the
morning on all fours in Killers pen with the buck rutting
into her.

Catherine was dismissed like she was early this morning.
She pushed herself up out of the grass, retrieved the
dress and went out the gate. She could feel Killer’s eyes
following her. The does crowed around her again. She had
a time getting out the second gate. She pulled the dress
over her head and headed up to the brook.

The brook was running fast after the huge storm last
night. Catherine still had a headache. She pulled the
dress off and laid it across a branch and lowered herself
into the pool. The cold water felt great. She rubbed the
semen off her legs and off her poor vagina. Yesterday at
this time she had been a virgin. Bonnie and her used to
talk of the hunky guys that would ravish them on their
wedding nights. So much for that.

She heard Bugs crashing through the bushes. He stood at
the waters edge before disappearing again chasing
something. Catherine settled back on the rock she was
perched on, letting the water sooth her battered body.
She must have dozed off because she woke with a start.
She looked up and gasped. The largest buck she had ever
seen was standing, in the open watching her. She could
see his nose twitching. He had six points on his rack. He
was huge.

Catherine started to edge out of the water anxious to get
back to the farm. She got slowly out of the water and was
walking very slowly out of the glen. The buck lowered his
head and charged. Catherine dropped down and hugged
herself into a ball waiting for the impact. It never
happened. She opened her eyes and saw the buck bumping
into a tree, rubbing his horns up and down against the
bark. Catherine glanced toward the opening and thought
about calling for Bugs.

The buck came over to Catherine’s shivering form. He
sniffed her sex. Catherine knew what she smelt like. She
knew that cold water would not wash that scent off her.
The buck pawed at her. She knew what was going to happen.
Without thinking she raised her bottom. The buck pulled
her onto him. The suddenness of the penetration startled
her but it didn’t hurt. She knew she had to be still
until he was done rutting her. After he left the clearing
she crawled back into the brook.

Bugs came out of no where. “Now you show up.” Catherine
thought to herself. She was out of the brook and had air
dried enough to get the shift over her head. She walked
toward the farm with Bugs trying to get his nose into her
crotch. She knew she smelt awful, and the dog was much
more insistent that he usually was. He came at her from
the left, then from the right, then the front. Catherine
tripped over him. Down she went. She had picked up speed
and was walking very fast when she tripped so it was more
than a fall. She rolled a few times and came to a halt.

She got to her knees and took stock of herself. The
pasture was soft and she wasn’t hurt. She was pushed down
again. “Damn Bugs, stop it.” She screamed. To late. The
dog had her, She tried to get up but he was way to heavy
and soon she was on all fours again. She tried to fall
flat but he grabbed the back of her neck with his teeth.
She felt his furry belly on her back them he started to
hump. First she felt his cock hit the inside of her
thigh, close. Then there was no question. He penetrated
the poor abused girl and was humping into her as fast as
he could.

Catherine was in tears. “Why is this happening to me?”
She cried. The dog was like a machine pumping into her.
She could feel him slamming into her and stretching her.
The slamming she knew but the stretching was new. She was
stretched so much it hurt. She screamed it hurt so much.
She knew he was tearing her. Then it stopped stretching
and she felt extremely full. The humping slowed and she
could feel him shooting inside her. He kept shooting. It
felt almost hot. Catherine started to shake. Then this
great feeling washed over her entire being. “That is what
it feels like.” she thought”

The dog started to get off her but he couldn’t pull out.
They were stuck. He jumped around, pulling the hapless
girl as she screamed. Finally the two of them were butt
to butt in the pasture. It seemed like forever but he
finally popped out of her.

Bugs was sitting not far off licking himself, Catherine
stood and straightened her dress and finished her journey
to the farmhouse unmolested.

Catherine could hear Killer bleating at her. She had to
get the does milked and put down for the night. The
bleating was distracting. She yelled at Killer to “wait a
minute would you.”

It didn’t help. She finally got the milking done and put
up. She opened the gate to Killers pen, disrobed and got
into position. Their eyes locked as soon as she
approached the gate. He looked into her eyes until she
was on all fours waiting for him. He broke the stare and
leisurely walked around behind her and mounted her. It
was dark when she was dismissed. She opened a bale of
straw and slept with the does that night.

Killer woke her with his bleating. Catherine knew what
she had to do. She submitted to her humiliation again. He
mounted her five times then she had to lick him clean.
She went over into the doe’s pen when he dismissed her
and got the morning milking done. She found her dress and
slipped it over head.

Bugs caught her halfway to the house. He hit her at a
dead run. She went down. He was between her legs licking
her and biting her. All Catherine wanted was a bath and
some clean clothes. She got on her knees and let the dog
mount her. He didn’t get stuck this time.

Catherine made it into the house. She hit the shower. She
found another dress of Becky’s. I need to buy Becky some
new dresses she thought to her self. She outsmarted the
dog with the open door. He ran in, she ran out. She
headed for home.

Her mother’s housekeeper was the only one that got close
to her. Miss Catherine, we were worried about you with
the storm.” Catherine thanked her for her concern but
assured her that everything was all right. “I can see you
are all right, but you need a bath I think.” She gestured
waving her hand under her nose. “You smell like a goat
girl.” Catherine blushed bright red. “OMG, I thought I
was clean” she thought to herself. “I know those goats
smell.” She grabbed a quick sandwich and left with clean
clothes to change into.

When Catherine passed the sign on the road she could hear
Killer bleating. The milk service was picking up the new
supply. Tom sold the milk to people that were allergic to
cows milk. Catherine had seen the truck a million times.
She waved as they drove out. She found the receipt,
checked it and put it in the house on Tom’s desk.

Bugs ran out of the house. Catherine was able to avoid
his greeting. No more brook for her she thought. She
started to do chores around the house.

The phone rang. Becky was calling to find out how she was
doing. “We heard about the storm, was there any damage.”
Catherine told Becky about the gate banging. “You ran out
in the storm to shut it.”

“I am sorry Catherine. I had it opened before you came
over and I didn’t latch it tight. Did Killer get at any
of the does?”

“No, I kept him from getting in with them.” Catherine
answered. It wasn’t a lie.

“I don’t know how you did that, I never could.” Becky
complimented the young girl.

“Sure you could,” Catherine had an evil vision pass
through her mind. She giggled.

“Well sounds like you are doing fine. Tom has things just
about wrapped up here. The partners bought out the
business and we are bringing Karen home to live with us.”
Karen was Bonnie’s young aunt. “We should be driving in
late Sunday night. Tom has a few more loose ends to
settle with the house so he will be back by Wednesday.”

“Catherine, I know that the farm isn’t easy to handle. I
also know that you have done as good a job of it as
anyone. I can’t put into words how much that means to Tom
and myself. I know Bonnie is thankful but she doesn’t
understand the scope of your responsibility as much as
Tom and I do.”

Catherine was starting to cry. She knew if this kept up
much longer she would be blubbering. “That OK Becky. I
know that you would do the same for me.”

“You are right honey, anytime and don’t you forget it.”

Catherine called her mom. She wanted to assure her that
all was fine before Barbra spoke with the housekeeper.
She filled her mom in on what Becky had told her. “Three
more days.” Catherine thought to herself as she left the
house. Bugs was jumping on her, the does were heavy with
milk and Killer was calling her. She knew she could make

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