Slut Wife Fantasy (MF, slut-wife)

I turn from the sink as I hear you come in the back door.

“Hi Baby, did you have…”

Your fingers on my lips silence me. You pull a chair out from the
dining room table, placing one foot up on the seat, and take my hand.
Turning my palm, you guide my hand to the soft inside of your
thigh….then slowly push it upward, under your short skirt and
towards your cunt.

My fingers find a sticky wetness on the inside of your thighs, and
then liquid warmth as they come to rest on your cunt. You are
dripping, slick with cum.

Your hands pull my head down…our lips meet in a hot kiss, and you
whisper: “I’ve been a such a slut tonight, baby….”

My cock stiffens instantly, and I push my fingers up into your open,
wet cunt. You groan in my ear; I slowly pump my fingers, drawing more
of your lover’s cum out of your body, slippery and hot.

“Tell me!” I order.

“His cock felt sooooooo good, baby! I was SO hot for it…when I got
to his room I couldn’t wait…I had to have him in me right away! I
begged him to fuck me, begged him, baby……you like me to do that,
don’t you?”

“You know I do! I always want my slut wife begging for more cock!”

“I was so hot I just raised my skirt and lay back on the bed….I
spread my legs wide and opened the lips of my cunt for him…I was
still begging for his cock, baby…Imagine your slut wife like that
baby, still dressed but spreading her legs and arching her hips to
raise her cunt for her lover’s hard cock….”


“He couldn’t wait either baby…he was hot for me too! He barely got
his pants down before he was on me! He slammed that big cock of his
all the way into my body in one thrust….GOD that felt good….I was
so ready to be fucked hard!”

My fingers are moving faster, and my thumb brushes your hard clit.
Your eyes are closed as you feel the pleasure rising again, and your
mind drifts back to the hotel room, to your lover, to being the slut I
want you to be…

“ohgodyes….I was cumming hard right away baby – moaning
‘fuckmefuckme!’ Anyone could have heard me, but I didn’t care…I just
needed to be fucked!”

“Mmm, I love it when you’re that hot, baby! You wanted your hot cunt
filled with cum, didn’t you?

“I did baby!” you moan, “Your wife wanted his cum, baby…my hands
were on his ass, pulling him into my body…I felt him swelling…when
I told him I needed my slutty cunt filled, he did it…he slammed deep
into my body, lover, and filled me…..god he cums a lot! I could feel
his cum dripping out of me even while he was still pumping and

“His cum is *still* dripping out of you, baby…I love feeling my
wife’s cunt full of another man’s cum!”

You look up at me with an naughty smile. “Mmmmmm, and I love letting
men fill me…..for YOU and for me, baby!”

Our lips meet in a soft kiss, which quickly turns passionate and hot.
You break away, panting.

“But baby, what you’re feeling is from the second time he fucked
me…just before I came home!”

Your hands work at my belt, sliding into my pants to caress my stiff
cock as you continue your story.

“I was still so hot after he fucked me, and his cum felt so good
leaking out of me…god, I felt like such a slut, and I loved it! I
was lying on the bed stroking myself in his cum, spreading it over my
cunt…he got up to get undressed, but I couldn’t stop…I wanted to
cum for him, I needed to cum again! He came back and took over with
his fingers, and I came hard again…then he made me lick his fingers
clean, baby, he spread his cum and mine all over my lips…”

“Like this?” I pull my sticky, wet fingers out of your cunt, and slide
them into your mouth…suddenly, *I* can’t wait any longer either! I
seize your arm, and twist you around to face the table.

“Bend over the table, my slut, and show me your used cunt!”

You follow my orders, pushing the chair out of the way and bending.
Your hands reach back to raise your skirt.

“Look baby….look at my cunt! You like seeing it open, and used, and
full of cum, don’t you?”


“See how open I am?” Your fingers tease your cunt lips, still circled
as if filled with cock. “After I came, he wanted me again…he fucked
me for a LONG time, baby…god, he used your wife!! It just seemed to
go on forever, baby…”

I free my stiff cock from my pants, and stroke it slowly as I look at

“…he’d fuck me hard and get me close, and then slow down….I kept
crying out for more…I think I went crazy, baby…all I could feel
was his cock and his hands and his hips…I just wanted more and

I step up behind you, and run the head of my prick along your cunt

“Yes, Baby!! Slide your cock into my used cunt! I’m still so full of
his cum, baby….slide your cock into your slut and feel another man’s
cum there!! ohfuckyes…”

I thrust forward, my eyes locked on your open cunt and my invading
cock…it slides in easily, and I feel that slick warmth that I’ve
come to know so well…the slick warmth that tells me I’m fucking my
wife’s cum filled cunt! That knowledge alone is enough to drive me
over the edge instantly, but I stroke slowly and pace myself. I want
to hear the rest.

“Tell me how he came in you the second time!”

“ohgod, that’s it…fuck your slut, baby…just the way another man
fucked her…he made me get on all fours in front of him baby…made
me hold my cunt open for him to use…he was sooooooo deep in me like
that, and fucking me so hard, that I came again….I came all over his
cock, baby, just like you told me to!

My fingers leave red marks on your hips, and the table shakes at I
thrust hard at your body. Your hands grip the edge of the table, and
your arch your back, eager to give me your cunt, eager to have me add
my cum to your lovers.

“ungh…that’s it, baby…..fuck your naughty wife! God, I was so hot
that I did something really slutty, baby….something I know you’ll
like……ohgod, deeper…He was fucking me hard baby and I came and
then he started to cum again too…I wanted to taste his hot cum baby,
so I pulled myself off his cock and spun around and let him finish in
my mouth baby!! He was still spurting and it got on my face, and then
I got him in my mouth and GOD he tasted good! ohfuck, YES I can tell
you like that baby….think about me being a complete slut for
him….think about your wife fucking other men for you…fill my cunt
like they do!!

My cock explodes in your hot cunt, and I fill you…..fill you again,
just as you’ve already been filled this afternoon….just as you’ll be
filled again, soon, when another of your men uses your body!! You are
my slut and my wife, and we both love it that way….both NEED it that
way…I slip out of you, and you come into my arms…..our kisses
mixed with soft laughter, as we enjoy the aftermath of our passion and

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