Stable Orgy part 1.

Claire was feeling very satisfied that her long-term
plans were coming to fruition. It had taken quite some
time for her, and her business partner, Eric, to find a
suitable location for her stables. They were isolated
and private from prying eyes of neighbours and the
climate was warm. Both were necessities for the stabling
and training of both ponygirls and ponyboys who would be
kept naked, or near naked, at all times.

Eric and Claire had met while both were involved with
ponyplay activities in a BDSM club. They were not
lovers, but had often discussed how wonderful it would
be to establish their own human equine stables for their
fun, instead of being at the mercy of Club owners. They
became good friends and after repeated talks about the
same topic, they decided to form a partnership that
would be rewarding for them both � physically,
emotionally and financially.

It had taken over a year to make the necessary
alterations to the property. The stables originally
meant for horses had smaller stalls installed, with
rails between each stall, instead of walls. An old
European style toilet was fitted to the corner of each
stall. This had a square of concrete with a hole and a
lever flush mechanism which could be operated without

To accommodate live-in staff as well as paying guests,
it was necessary to build several 1 and 2-room bungalows
on the property. Paddocks close to the stable were
fenced into a quarter their original size. The back
paddocks on the property had their fences removed.
Extensive planting of already established, fast growing
eucalypts, plus other trees and shrubs, meant that these
former paddocks were rapidly becoming re-forested.
Several gravelled trails were built passing through the
old paddocks and into the new cul-de-sacs, as well as
through some of the original uncleared forest at the
very back of the property.

Using discrete advertisements in suitable magazines,
followed by careful interviewing, Claire had already
obtained and trained her first filly. This young woman,
known as Daisy, had been in her stable for a year now.
Claire had also recently begun training a ponyboy
stallion, called Storm. They both lived their ponygirl
and ponyboy life 24/7. Their hypnosis and the
thoroughness of their training meant that both of her
resident ponies showed fewer and fewer human


Eric was a very rich young man, who had made his fortune
with an Internet business sold to a foreign buyer. He
was infatuated with a beautiful young woman, Beth, who
was very successfully working as an Escort Girl. Eric
had hired her several times, including an expensive
overnight stay, but she was not interested in developing
a long-term relationship. So Eric tried another
approach, but despite the large amounts of money and the
apartment he offered her, she would not leave her party-
girl life to become his mistress.

After being contacted by his business partner, Claire,
letting him know that her ponygirl training ranch was
now set-up and ready to begin training, stabling and
even breeding ponygirls, the infatuated young
businessman planned his next move.

His plan was to have Beth kidnapped, transported to
Claire’s ranch, then trained as a compliant ponygirl to
satisfy all of his fantasies.

Eric booked an overnight escort session with Beth. She
was told that the extended booking was with a wealthy
new client from a nearby town who had included overnight
accommodation with her. She had no idea that the booking
was in a specially chosen Motel room. Unusually, this
room had a front and back entrance. Eric had paid cash
to avoid leaving a paper-trail and Beth had already been
sent the key for the room and didn’t need to check-in at
the Motel’s office.

Beth didn’t know that Eric was waiting for her in the
room. As soon as Beth entered, he surprised and
immediately overpowered the young woman with chloroform.
Beth had no way of suspecting how her life was about to
change. She was taken out the back door and placed in a
white van, her hands and feet were bound by cable ties,
while her mouth was covered by duct tape. Beth was gone
before her driver-pimp even knew that there was a

When Beth was delivered to Claire’s stables, her
training and conversion to a ponygirl began immediately.

Beth was still restrained and gagged. Now semi-conscious
after the effects of the chloroform had begun to wear
off. She was firmly strapped face-down onto a work-bench
with a strong leather belt around her waist. Her legs
were also tied wide apart to a vertical panel at the end
of the bench. Claire lifted Beth’s skirt and cut off her
knickers before saying, “This is the first step in a
series of permanent changes that will be made to you and
your lifestyle. Your future is to become a well-trained
ponygirl, serving your new Master.”

Claire began the same process that she had used on Daisy
and Storm to brand them with her mark. She started by
cleaning Beth’s skin, then rubbing Novocain cream onto
her right buttock. Increasing the amount of cream until
the flesh was quite numb. Claire quickly pushed a red-
hot branding iron onto the skin, permanently marking the
new ponygirl with her new Master’s brand. This was a

Daisy and Storm, who had consented to being made into
ponies, were branded after they had been hypnotised.
However, Beth was branded immediately to reinforce that
permanent changes were being made to her without her
consent. A pony does not have any say over what is done
to it.

Next, Claire similarly numbed the area between Beth’s
vagina and anus. She pinched the perineum flesh and
quickly pushed a needle through it. After removing the
needle, she fitted a gold ring with a short chain and
ring attached. This Guiche piercing in Beth’s sensitive
flesh would assist in the restraint and control of the
former party-girl.

Beth was released from the workbench and the restraints
taken off her feet, but her wrists were still bound
behind her. She was taken to a stall in Claire’s stable
where a chain on the wall was attached to the chain on
her Guiche piercing. Claire deliberately left her there,
then watched on a video monitor, until Beth had to
relieve herself using the hole in one corner of the
stall. This was the first step in reinforcing the idea
that an animal does not use a toilet seat.

Unlike Daisy and Storm who were at Claire’s stables
voluntarily, Beth was going to seriously resist being
hypnotised. After moving Daisy and Storm to another
barn, Claire began the process of wearing Beth down. By
playing loud music in her stall, then continually
disturbing Beth, she was not going to be able to get any
sleep for as long as it took for her to accept that she
could only sleep under Claire’s hypnosis.

As Beth became more tired and was napping, even with the
music and disturbances, Claire took her back to the
workbench, strapped her down again and attached
electrical leads. These leads on her nipples, ear-lobes,
labia and fingers would give Beth small electric shocks
of varying strength and at different time periods. While
Beth was being kept awake electrically, Claire was able
to get some sleep herself.

Next day, a refreshed Claire went to see the exhausted
Beth. She wore her Mistress Claire outfit consisting of
a white blouse, jodhpurs and calf-length boots. Claire
said, “I am your Mistress for now, until your new owner
comes to claim you as a fully-trained ponygirl. You will
learn to obey me! The only way that you are getting any
sleep is when you let me put you into a hypnotic
trance.” Beth was exhausted, but still she resisted for
a while longer. Claire started swaying a crystal in
front of Beth’s eyes until she saw her begin to respond
to her suggestions. Claire put her into progressively
deeper stages of sleep and relaxation, planting the
hypnotic key that would allow her to put Beth into a
trance at any time.

Beth was woken from her hypnotic trance, then Claire
said the keyword “Ponybeth”. It had the desired effect
as Beth immediately returned to her hypnotic state. Each
time that Claire used the keyword to put Beth into a
trance, she was taken into deeper relaxation and her
subjugation to Claire’s will was further reinforced.
Lastly for the day, while she was under Claire’s
hypnotic control, Beth was instructed that she could no
longer talk, but only make horse-like noises. Beth was
brought out of her trance and the duct tape was removed
from her mouth.

Immediately, Beth attempted to abuse Claire and demand
her freedom, but all she could produce was a series of
frantic whinnies, snorts and neighs. Beth was informed
of what had been done to her speech and that the process
would be irreversible. This was not true, but was a
deliberate part of Claire’s training process.

Satisfied with the progress made so far, Claire took
Beth back to her stall, attached her to the chain again
and allowed to sleep on a horse-blanket on the hay
spread over the stall floor. Tomorrow, Beth would have
her clothes removed and her tack fitted. As well, there
would be other changes to be made to the former Escort

In the morning, Beth awoke in her stall and saw that
there two other human equines in the stable. Although
she wished that all this was a nightmare from which she
could awake, there were too many reminders that this was
all real. She realized that she had slept on a blanket
and hay in a horse stall and was chained to the wall.
The brand on her buttock was aching and the Guiche
piercing stung if she pulled against the chain to a wall
ring. She thought back through all the things that had
happened to her so far and wondered what else was going
to be done. Beth was also puzzled about who had
organised her abduction and imprisonment.

Claire was watching Beth on a monitor. She waited until
Beth had to relieve herself. Beth held on as long as
possible, but eventually had to submit to the
inevitable. She was obviously embarrassed at having to
squat in a corner of her stall. Beth quickly realised
that she could use the flush lever with her elbow.

It was only after relieving herself that Beth was fed. A
bowl of water and a bowl of muesli and milk, with a
contraceptive pill and vitamins added, were placed in a
holder on the wall of the stall. Claire had deliberately
not given Beth any food or water since she was captured,
so she was very hungry and thirsty. Because Beth’s
wrists were still tied behind her, she had no choice but
to put her face into the bowls to eat and drink. When
she had finished, Beth was mortified to find herself
with food smeared over her face and dripping down onto
her dress. Now Claire could enter the stable and
continue changing Beth to a compliant ponygirl.

“Good Morning,” said Claire as she opened the stable
door. “Today I am going to do further work on you to
change you into a beautiful ponygirl.” She used the
chain on Beth’s Guiche piercing to pull the trainee
ponygirl into the centre of her stall, where her legs
were forced apart until each ankle was attached to a
ring in the floor. Beth’s wrists were then freed, but
after they had been tied for so long, she was unable to
use them to try to free herself, or attack Claire.

Before Beth could recover use of her arms, Claire
handcuffed her wrists in front of her and hooked them up
to a loop in a rope hanging from the stable rafters. The
rope ran over a pulley with the other end tied to the
wall of Beth’s stall. When Claire pulled on the end of
the rope and re-tied it, Beth was completely helpless
and stretched-out in an A-shape before a wash-cloth was
used to clean the food off Beth’s face.

The next step in Beth’s conversion was to start removing
her clothing, as she would have to become used to being
naked at all times. Claire opened the buttons at the
front of Beth’s dress, unclasped her front-opening bra,
cut both shoulder straps and removed it. She saw that
Beth had a beautiful pair of firm, pert size C tits. The
aureoles were large, but the nipples were not prominent.
Claire knew that she would fix that in the short term,
then more permanently, back in the workshop. Beth was
used to many men mauling her tits before and during her
fucking, but she was surprised at her body’s response to
Claire’s caresses.

Claire was gently running her hands over Beth’s tit
flesh, holding their weight and tenderly pulling on her
nipples. Beth felt her tits swell and the nipples became
erect. Claire then began to more seriously work on her
tits. She squeezed then more firmly, pulling and
twisting her nipples. Beth was shocked to find that this
gentle introduction to tit torture only aroused her

Claire changed her approach and began to soothe Beth’s
tortured tits by gently caressing them again, before
alternately licking and sucking each nipple in turn.
Beth totally lost control and exploded into a wonderful
orgasm. Although Beth had never considered herself to be
bi-sexual, she had never had such pleasure from just
having her tits manipulated and never by another woman.
Despite her total lack of control and the strangeness of
her current situation, Beth could not help wondering if
she was going to be introduced to a wonderful new world
of experiences.

After Beth had recovered from her orgasm, Claire said to
her, “You will learn that your new life has many
restrictions. I promise you that there will be pain, but
there will also be pleasure like you have never known

With her scissors, Claire went back to work on Beth’s
dress. She cut it down the middle below the buttons
until it was just hanging on Beth by the sleeves. Two
more quick cuts and the dress was a rag on the floor.
Beth had been naked with many men, but in her current
situation, tied up in the stables with Claire, she had
never felt so helpless or exposed.

Claire threw the remains of Beth’s dress in a bin and
said, “You will never need any clothing again. A pony
only wears its bridle and harness, with a blanket
provided for cooler weather.”

Beth did not have to wait long before Claire continued
with her ponygirl conversion. Claire ran her hand down
Beth’s flanks, then down her belly before tangling her
fingers in Beth’s natural blonde pussy hair. She took
the opportunity to give Beth a good 4-finger feel. The
helpless girl was unable to close her legs while Claire
played with her cunt lips.

Beth could feel herself becoming aroused and wetter,
until Claire was easily able to slip her middle finger
deep into her and finger-fuck her cunt. Claire was also
circling and rubbing her clit with her thumb, but much
to Beth’s frustration, before she could orgasm, Claire
stopped completely. She removed her hand, saying,
“Before you receive any more pleasure, almost all hair
will be removed from your body and you will have some of
the pain I promised you.”

Claire pinned Beth’s blonde hair up in a bun to allow
her to work further on Beth’s conversion. She put on a
pair of rubber gloves then took a jar of cream from a
shelf in Beth’s stall. Starting from her neck down,
Claire spread the foul-smelling stuff over almost all of
Beth’s body. The permanent depilatory cream was used
very carefully just above Beth’s cunt. Claire left a 2cm
wide strip of blonde hair in place.

After 15 minutes, Claire unhooked a hose from the wall
of the stall and used the spray nozzle to wash the cream
and hair from Beth’s body, then flush it away. The
narrow strip of remaining hair was cut with a small pair
of scissors, leaving a well-trimmed runway of fine
blonde cunt hair. Claire told Beth, “Apart from the
small runway strip, your body will never have any hair
again. When I have finished changing you into a
ponygirl, there is only one way to keep your head hair.
That will be in a ponytail, of course.”

The cool water from the hose had caused Beth to shiver
and her nipples to stand out from their aureoles. Claire
noted this and knew that Beth’s nipples were about to
become permanently erect. A large coarse towel was used
to dry Beth before she was prepared for moving back to
Claire’s workshop. One of Beth’s legs was released from
the ring in her stall floor and a 45cm leather strap was
attached between her ankles.

Claire released the rope holding Beth’s arms in the air.
She released one handcuff and quickly restrained Beth’s
arms behind her again. A leather collar with a metal
ring was then placed around the puzzled girl’s neck.
Claire attached a short lead to the collar ring before
releasing Beth’s other leg.

Beth realized that Claire had carefully changed her
restraint without giving her any chance to escape.
Claire gave the lead a tug and Beth was forced to waddle
along behind her or fall painfully flat on her face.
Beth was horrified to discover that they were going back
to the workshop where she had been branded and had her
Guiche piercing fitted. Thinking back to Claire saying
that she would experience pain before more pleasure,
Beth wondered what horrors were in store for her.

Again Claire went through a careful process of changing
Beth’s restraint while giving her no chance to escape.
Beth was backed-up against the same bench where she had
been branded. The ring on the end of the short chain in
her Guiche piercing was quickly clipped to the end of
the bench. This enabled Claire to remove the leather
strap from Beth’s ankles without her being able to go

With the Guiche piercing attached and Beth’s arms
handcuffed behind her, Claire was in no danger as she
pulled Beth’s legs wide apart and re-bound them to the
panel on the end of her workbench. Claire changed the
handcuffs so that Beth’s arms were restrained in front
of her again. Using the lead and collar around her neck,
Beth was pulled backwards onto the workbench until a
clip was attached to her collar.

Claire replaced the strong leather belt around Beth’s
midriff, holding her down to the bench. The handcuffed
arms were then pulled above Beth’s head and tied off.
Claire had one more move to complete the desired
positioning of the former party-girl. She unlatched the
vertical panel at the end of the workbench and swung it
on its hinges until it was horizontal. Beth was now flat
on her back, completely helpless, stretched out in an A-

Claire was now ready to work on Beth’s nipples. She
crawled up onto the workbench and knelt astride Beth’s
belly. Beth was shocked when Claire began to slap at her
right tit. Her tit mound quivered as she was hit left
and right until her nipple stood erect. Claire put on
rubber gloves before wiping the tortured tit and its
erect nipple with antiseptic. At first, Beth thought
that she was just in for a session of tit torture, but
when she smelt the antiseptic, she knew what was going
to be done to her tits. She struggled furiously to get
free, but Claire’s expert restraints gave her no way of
avoiding what was about to happen.

Claire grasped Beth’s right nipple and pulled it out
from her body, until Beth’s tit was cone shaped. Beth
screamed at the sharp pain as Claire pushed a large
diameter needle through the base of her nipple, but
nothing was going to stop Claire from completing her
task. After withdrawing the needle, a 2cm diameter
sterile gold ring was inserted through the new nipple

Beth was whimpering at the pain in her nipple, but it
was made worse by knowing that the other side was going
to soon suffer the same treatment. When Claire started
to slap her left tit, Beth wailed louder. It made no
difference. Claire similarly fitted a ring to the left
nipple. Claire got down off the workbench to light a
tiny butane torch. Using a heat shield and a little gold
solder, the ring fitting was made permanent. Not that
Beth would ever have the chance to remove the rings
anyway. Claire smeared some antiseptic cream on each tit
to prevent the slightest chance of infection from Beth’s
new piercings and jewellery.

Beth’s began to feel better and her wailing was reduced
to a sniffle as the pain in her tits eased a bit. She
knew that there were a lot worse things that could be
done to her. In her former life as an Escort Girl, Beth
had even considered getting nipple rings, but worried
that a rough customer might damage her tits while
vigorously fucking her.

However, Beth did not know that Claire had more work to
do on her body. As soon as Claire moved to the side of
the workbench and pinched Beth’s clit hood, Beth became
alarmed. She began to struggle, but it was useless,
Claire had her restrained too well. Beth knew that she
would just to submit to whatever Claire had planned for
her. Claire had judged the size of Beth’s clit and
selected a suitable size needle. She re-lit the small
flame to heat the needle red hot.

Holding Beth’s clit hood back, she pushed the glowing
needle through Beth’s clit. The effect on Beth was
immediate. She screamed a high-pitch whinny of pain.
Claire withdrew the needle and inserted a sterile ring.
More heat shielding and gold solder made the ring
placement permanent. When she had recovered, Beth was
going to find that almost any movement of her body was
going to cause the ring to stimulate her clit and keep
her cunt continuously wet.

After allowing Beth to recover for a short while, Claire
began more decoration of the former Escort Girl. It only
needed a common ear-piercing tool to make three holes
down each side of Beth’s cunt. Her cuntlips were then
permanently fitted with six gold rings. Beth had to
accept that they had been fitted without her having any
control over what was done to her body.

These rings had several uses. They could just be
adornment of the ponygirl, or used to open her cunt
completely for stimulation by her new master. In extreme
circumstances, they could be used to control a
rebellious ponygirl. Pulling on the rings through her
most sensitive flesh could force the ponygirl to follow,
or be restrained by her master. Some more antiseptic
solution was used to clean the blood off Beth’s cuntlips
before antiseptic cream was again used to prevent

Before completely releasing Beth from the workbench,
Claire took a special item from a nearby cupboard. This
was a butt plug with a blonde tail. After lubricating it
generously, Claire showed it to Beth and said, “You will
wear this each day and it will only be taken out at
night for you to empty your bowels.”

Beth’s legs were separated by a spacer-bar, then pulled
into the air by a rope over a pulley. Never had Beth had
a butt plug inserted into her, so she began a futile
struggle. She had carefully avoided having any lover, or
any of her Johns, fuck her in the arse. Claire realized
that she was an anal virgin, so she began to talk
soothingly to the ponygirl.

“This will be done with or without your cooperation. The
butt plug is not large and if you help, the insertion
will have minimal discomfort. Try to relax and push down
on your bowels.”

Claire placed the end of the butt plug against Beth’s
virgin hole before beginning to push. Beth realized she
would help herself by cooperating, so the end of the
well-lubricated plug easily slipped through the first
ring of muscle. Beth tried to keep herself relaxed as
Claire kept pushing the thickening part of the plug into
her until her arse was able to contract around the neck
of the butt plug. Beth was not in pain, but had an odd
full-feeling in her bowels.

Beth was restrained in the same way as before while
Claire walked her back to the stables. As they were
walking, despite her soreness, Beth could feel a string
of new sensations. The fullness in her bowels; her tail
swinging from side to side and brushing against the back
of her legs; the stimulation of her clit by its new
ring, the movement of the rings in her cunt lips and the
erect state of her newly pierced nipples. Beth would be
left to recover before Claire fitted her ponygirl tack.

Next morning, Beth was led to the tack area, where a
short chain was placed through each nipple ring and
attached to the stable wall. Beth had some freedom of
movement, but was not going anywhere without ripping the
rings out of her nipples. From a nearby table, Claire
picked up a small bundle of leather straps with rings
and showed them to Beth. They were obviously a bridle.

“You will always wear this whenever you are out of your
stall.” Claire said. “It does not have a bit, but if you
misbehave, two of your back teeth will be removed to fit
a bridle and bit.” Claire fitted the bridle over Beth’s
head while adjusting the straps for a firm fit. Her hair
was let down out of its bun, then pulled between the
straps and tied into a blonde ponytail. Beth noticed the
ring each side of the bridle which would be used to
attach reins in the future.

Before fitting any more tack to the ponygirl, Claire
took a bottle of oil and began to rub it all over Beth.
Starting from her neck and moving down her back. By the
time Claire got to rubbing the oil into Beth’s rump, the
ponygirl was quickly becoming aroused and began to move
herself into Claire’s hands. Again Beth was surprised at
her body’s response to Claire’s handling.

As Claire continued to rub the oil down Beth’s thighs
and feet before moving up between her legs, Beth moved
her feet apart to give Claire better access to her cunt.
Claire did want to rub some oil into Beth’s crotch, but
took time to further stimulate the ponygirl by giving a
teasing massage to her newly pierced cunt lips. The
massage continued up Beth’s belly until her tits were
receiving some attention. Beth was becoming frustrated
as Claire deliberately stimulated her, but not enough
for orgasm.

Once the oiling of Beth’s body was done, Claire
continued fitting the new ponygirl’s tack. She placed a
tight wide belt around her waist. This had four straps
attached and a ring each side. The rings would be used
to restrain Beth’s wrists, or later be used as part of a
ponycart harness. Two of the straps were crossed between
Beth’s tits before going over her shoulders and buckled
to the back of her waist belt.

The other two shorter straps went down each side of
Beth’s cunt lips, then over her rump, before also being
buckled to her waist belt.

A pony does not have hands or feet, so Claire fitted
long gloves to Beth’s arms. Her hand was in a fist
inside the glove, with a hoof at the end. A ring was
fitted at the wrists, so the arms could easily be
restrained whenever needed. Similarly, long boots with
hooves were fitted to Beth’s feet. These kept her feet
in the same way that they would be in a pair of high
heels. A ring was fitted at the ankles, so her legs
could also easily be restrained whenever needed. Beth
was returned to her stall to further get used to her new
life, before Claire began her rein training next day.
Claire had another job to complete.

Claire was interviewing an applicant for her
groom/stableboy position. With three ponies now in her
stables and more to come in the future, Claire knew that
she needed help with the grooming and strapping of her
ponyboy and ponygirls, as well as the mucking-out of the


The applicant, Adam, was a young man, 25 years old. When
his partly unbuttoned shit opened, Claire could see that
his well-muscled torso did not carry any excess fat. His
wide shoulders and upper arm muscles showed her that he
was strong and fit. The enticing bulge in his tight
jeans indicated that he could be carrying some other
useful equipment. Claire had him sit in a chair facing
her, with their knees almost touching.

After making an initial visual assessment of the
applicant, she began to question him, “From your resume,
I know that you are experienced with horses and stable
work, but my stables are a little different. Therefore,
I need to know some ‘non-politically correct’
information. What is your sexual orientation and have
you had any experience with B and D or hypnosis?”

Adam replied “I am bi-sexual, so I have no problems with
pleasuring of a man or woman. As for B and D, I have had
some experience of this with an older woman, who was my
fuck-buddy for two years. I have also been hypnotised
once during a stage show that I attended, which did not
cause me any problems.” Adam was puzzled how these
questions had any relevance to a stable position, but
Claire did say that her stables were different. “But
how?” he thought.

Claire continued “If you are suitable for the position,
as well as being paid far above the going rate, with
accommodation provided, there will be very pleasant
fringe benefits. However, there is one very unusual
requirement of this position. Before you begin work
here, I must be allowed to hypnotise you.” Claire told a
lie when she said, “There is only one command that I
will instill. It is a command that you must not reveal
the exact nature of these stables.”

Adam was further puzzled by Claire’s requirement. “What
sort of establishment was this?”

While Claire had been explaining her requirements to
Adam, she found herself becoming aroused by the sight,
sound and smell of the near-perfect male sitting so
close to her. Claire continued, “Perhaps I can give you
an indication of the fringe benefits you may have while
working here.”

As she said this, Claire was unbuttoning her white
blouse. Adam had seen that she was not wearing a bra, so
when her lovely full tits came into view, he had to
readjust his seating position to allow for his growing
cock. Claire leaned forward, undid his belt, slowly
lowered Adam’s zipper to free his cock. The promise of
the bulge in his jeans was confirmed. She saw that he
had a beautiful, thick, uncut, 8 inch cock.

Claire poured some oil on her hand and began to stroke
his wonderful man meat. Adam was able to reach Claire’s
tits and began to fondle them. Claire knew he was
experienced by the wonderful way he worked her nipples.
She orgasmed before Adam exploded. Claire had several
tissues ready to collect the copious quantities of man-
cream sprayed out of his cock.

As she re-buttoned her blouse, Claire said, “That was
just a sample of the fringe benefits available to you if
you accept my position and the hypnosis requirement.”

Adam was in a sexual haze. He had just been jacked-off
by an expert, mauled a lovely pair of tits and there was
more on offer. More what he didn’t exactly know, but
this job was looking better all the time. He said, “I
would like to accept the job and am willing for you to
hypnotise me.”

Claire picked up her usual hypnosis aide. The crystal
was swung in front of Adam, with Claire’s voice lulling
him into her desired sleeping state. When he was deeply
under her control, Claire instilled the keyword
“Ponygroom” into Adam’s subconscious, so that she could
readily put him back in his hypnotised state if the need

Claire slowly woke Adam, talked with him about his
former work places, then used the keyword to put him
under again. Satisfied that Adam was responding to her
hypnosis correctly, Claire began instilling the
instructions that would protect her privacy from the
outside world. Adam was instructed to never reveal what
type of ponies were kept in Claire’s stables. As far as
the outside world would know, he was a horse groom and
stablehand. Adam was again woken from his trance. Claire
said to him, “How do you feel?”

“I feel relaxed. Have you finished the hypnosis?” he

“Yes.” Said Claire. “Now it is time for you to see what
type of stables I have here.”

Adam was confused about his new job. “What was going on?
Why the extreme requirement for secrecy, reinforced by
hypnosis?” When his new boss took him to her stables, he
knew the answer. In one stall, Claire introduced him to
ponygirl Daisy. Adam was amazed to see a nude young
woman tethered in her stall by a chain from between her
legs. She had a ponytail, hooves on her feet and hands,
and a tail attached to a buttplug inserted in her arse.
There was only a thin landing-strip of hair above her
slit. Claire encouraged him to feed her a piece of
carrot. Daisy nuzzled his hand and snorted gently.

In the next stall, Adam was introduced to ponyboy Storm.
He was a strong young man, a bit older than himself,
also restrained in his stall by a chain between his
legs. Storm was wearing similar tack to Daisy, with the
same hooves and tail. The big difference was his
engorged cock. He seemed to have a permanent erection
and had no hair on his body or balls.

In the third stall, Adam was introduced to ponygirl
Beth, who mistakenly thought that he was the person
responsible for her abduction and training as a
ponygirl. When Adam tried to give her a piece of carrot,
she tried to bite him. Claire immediately whipped her
flanks and told Beth that Adam was going to be the
person looking after her, so she would need to behave or
her treatment could become worse.

Claire explained to Adam, “The first ponygirl and the
ponyboy belong to me. Beth has only just begun her
training and hasn’t met her new owner yet. Your job will
be to groom all three ponies, fit their tack each
morning, remove it each evening, as well as keeping them
and their stalls clean. Now for the true fringe benefits
of your job. Unless I tell you otherwise, for my own
reasons, Storm and Daisy will be available to you to
fuck in any way you wish, provided that you do not hurt
or injure my ponies. They do not know this yet, but a
pony has no say over how it is used. You may not fuck
Beth until given permission by her new owner, but you
may stimulate her in any way that amuses you. Be warned.
Do not let your cock near her mouth, or in her current
angry, untrained state, she may bite it off !”

Next morning, Adam arrived for work at daybreak. He
moved his bags into the cabin indicated by Claire before
she gave him a list of chores in the order they were to
be completed, then said, “The stables and their ponies
are yours.”

Adam went to Daisy’s stall first. He clipped her wrist
rings together and hooked her arms above her head before
tying her feet apart with her ankle rings. Daisy was
quite used to being cleaned in this position and offered
no resistance. Adam used a sponge and bucket of warm
water to wash her all over, getting a good feel of her
pierced tits and cunt. He worked her clit and cunt rings
until Daisy was completely aroused and swaying her cunt
forward into his hand. Although Adam had not planned
using the ponygirl on his first day, he could not

Adam dropped his jeans and let the restrained ponygirl
see his cock for the first time. It only increased her
need and Daisy pushed her cunt as far forward as
possible. Adam stepped up to her, took his cock in hand
and rubbed it through her wet slit. The labia rings gave
him an odd sensation, but not for long, as he pushed the
head of his cock into the willing ponygirl. He put his
arms around her and held her cheeks to lift her
slightly, Adam pushed completely into Daisy. She gave a
soft whinny and started to undulate on his cock.

Adam began to push so strongly while he pulled her
cheeks towards him, Daisy was almost rising off the
ground with each thrust. When Adam could not hold back
any more, he gave several powerful thrusts that
completely lifted Daisy as he poured his semen into her.
Daisy responded with waves of muscle spasms that milked
his cock completely. Her pleasure caused her to gently
neigh between soft snorts produced by her heavy

After finishing fucking the ponygirl, Adam cleaned
himself and Daisy with the sponge, then pulled up his
jeans. Daisy was rinsed-off with warm water from the
hose kept in the stall. He dried her and continued her
grooming by brushing her hair before tying it into a
ponytail. After oiling the ponygirl all over, Adam re-
fitted Daisy’s tack and inserted her butt-plug tail. The
ponygirl was released and led out of the stall only to
be tied to a wall ring. Now Adam had the more mundane
task of mucking out the stall and installing fresh
straw. Daisy was put back in her stall until Claire took
her out for exercise or training later that morning.

Storm’s stall was next. Adam went through a similar
procedure to restrain Storm before beginning to wash
him. Storm pushed his rampant cock into Adam’s hand when
it or the sponge touched him. Adam bent Storm forward to
clean his arse and thought that he would enjoy that
shortly. After rinsing and drying Strom, Adam began to
cover the ponyboy with oil. As he reached Storm’s cock,
the stallion’s need was obvious, so Adam began a lazy
stroking of his cock. The ponyboy whinnied louder as
Adam increased the speed of his stroking, until ropes of
stringy semen were sprayed on the hay. Adam said, “In
the days and weeks to come, I will have a lot more fun
with you.”

Beth was next after Adam had finished re-fitting Storm’s
tack and cleaning out his stall. Adam had left Storm
tied outside his stall, as instructed by Claire. When he
went into Beth’s stall, she tried to bite him again, but
Adam had no trouble stringing her up ready for washing
because the Guiche piercing and chain limited how far
she could move in the stall.

Adam carefully washed Beth, taking care not to hurt her
new piercings and gain her trust. He dried and combed
her before putting antiseptic cream on her new
jewellery. In the process, Adam had enjoyed gently
caressing Beth’s tits and cunt, but he knew that fucking
her would cost him his job. After re-oiling the ponygirl
and fitting her tack and butt-plug tail, Beth was led
out of her stall.

At the doorway to the stall, Beth seriously baulked when
she saw Storm. She could hear others in the stables, but
had not seen him or Daisy so closely before. It was his
erect cock that immediately caught her attention. Adam
gave a sharp pull on Beth’s Guiche chain. She gave a
high pitched neigh and was forced to move to the
position where Adam wished to tie her. In her aroused,
but unsatisfied state, Beth could look at nothing but
Storm’s engorged cock until her cunt actually began
dripping from her rings onto the tops of her inner
thighs. Adam said, “Beth, if you’re going to try to bite
me, I will leave you unsatisfied, but if you’re nice to
me, I will see what I can do for you tomorrow.

At the completion of his morning job list, the three
ponies had been cleaned, oiled and had their tack re-
fitted. Their stalls all had fresh straw. For the rest
of his working day, he would return to doing general
farmhand duties. He painted, re-stocked the hay from the
barn, weeded and did minor repairs as listed by Claire.

Adam was pleased with what he had been able to achieve
in his first day on the job. With high pay and his
choice of the extraordinarily pleasurable fringe
benefits, Adam thought that this could be an excellent
long-term position. Due to his hypnosis, he had no
thought of telling anyone else about the sort of stables
that Claire was operating. At the end of his first
working day, he would be able to arrange his few
belongings around the 1-room bungalow that was provided
for him as another fringe benefit of this most unusual


When Claire had finished her paperwork for the morning,
she went over to the stables to work with her ponies.
She was very pleased to see how well Adam had cleaned
the ponies and their stalls. She was sure that he had
taken the opportunity to fuck Daisy or Storm, or both,
but provided they were not hurt, she was unconcerned.
Claire unclipped Daisy from the wall of her stall, held
her by the bridle and walked her out. After unclipping
Storm, she walked both ponies out of the stable and over
to the exercise yards for a vigorous session of trotting
around the circular yard while attached to the exercise

One morning, as requested, Adam reported to Claire that
Daisy had her period. Claire then instructed Adam that
he was not to fuck Daisy in the cunt until he was told
otherwise, but he may use her arse, or fuck Storm, or
stimulate Beth, but not fuck her until further notice.

In the next 5 days, Claire took care of Daisy’s personal
hygiene needs, then gave Adam an instruction to take
Daisy’s temperature every morning.

In the last year, while Claire was very busy buying and
establishing her stables, she had no need of
contraception for herself or Daisy. There was no man on
the scene, except for the occasional workman, who held
no interest for herself and was not even allowed to see
Daisy. Claire and her vibrator had become very good
friends. Daisy’s needs were relieved by hand stimulation
from Claire, or even with a vibrator. Depending on
Claire’s preference that day, sometimes, she would even
fuck Daisy with a dildo. The built-in clit tickler also
allowed Claire to fully enjoy her ponygirl. Now that
hunky Adam was working for her, Claire was torn between
her needs and the risks of fucking an employee. She had
thought that Adam’s hypnotic keyword may be useful to
control Adam and his memories. Even having Storm fuck
her had crossed Claire’s mind.

Would that be classed as beastiality? Would Eric fuck
her when he came to visit his ponygirl, Beth, before she
was fully trained? While she was considering these
interesting options for the future, Claire decided to
put herself ‘on the pill’ for her own security. However,
Daisy’s future was another matter. Claire had decided to
breed her with Storm. Daisy did not know that she was
not being given a contraceptive in her food and it would
not have made a difference anyway. A mare does not
decide when she is mated to a stallion.

There were 10 stalls in Claire’s stables. Daisy was in
the first, Storm was in the second and Beth was kept in
the third. The fourth stall had an unusual looking
structure fitted to it. This was going to be used very
shortly. The fifth stall had a small supply of hay bales
transferred from the hayshed. Stalls 6 to 10 on the
other side of the walkway were for use by paying
customers and/or their ponygirl or ponyboy partner.

Daisy was led to the structure in the fourth stall. She
was stood against the upturned U-shape padded metal bar.
Her legs were spread and tied to each side of the bar
before her body was bent forward onto the shaped and
padded board. Her tits hung down through the cut-outs in
the board. A wide belt was strapped around her waist and
her wrists were tied to the smaller upturned metal bar.
Daisy was completely helpless and horrified that she was
in such an exposed position with Storm and his erect
cock so near.

When Claire began to rub lubricant into Daisy’s cunt,
the ponygirl knew what her Mistress had planned for her
and began to whinny in protest. Claire ignored her
protests and led Storm near to Daisy’s exposed cunt. She
released him and instinct took over. Storm moved forward
without being told. Although unable to use his arms
while they were restrained behind him, he had no trouble
lining-up his cock with Daisy’s cunt. He slid his
cockhead up and down between her wet cuntlips before
lodging the head in Daisy. Daisy tried in vain to
dislodge the stallion, but he only drove his cock deeper
into her.

When he was fully encased by her cunt, he began deeply
thrusting in and out of the ponygirl. It did not take
long for Daisy’s whinnies of protest to become snorts of
pleasure. Instead of trying to evade Storm’s cock, she
was pushing back against every thrust he made into her.
Daisy felt Storm’s cock swell and knew that he was about
to explode. Storm gave several violent thrusts and
whinnied loudly as he pumped his semen into Daisy. Now
it was Daisy’s turn. As soon as she felt Storm fill her
with semen, her body was racked with wonderful spasms of
sheer pleasure.

Claire left Daisy on the frame for 30 minutes to give
Storm’s sperm the maximum chance to find her egg without
any semen draining out of her. At the end of the 30
minutes, Claire untied the ponygirl before leading Storm
and Daisy out of the stable. She took them to a small,
well-grassed exercise paddock, before releasing them to
spend some time together. Claire was under no illusions
about what the stallion would again do to the mare.

At first, the ponies just trotted around in the
sunshine, feeling its warmth on their almost bare skin.
After a while, they rolled in the grass, luxuriating in
its soft feel. Storm rolled on top of Daisy, but she was
not interested and bucked him off her. Daisy got up and
galloped around the paddock. Storm galloped after her,
eventually herding her into a corner. With his hoof-
shaped gloves, he could not hold her, but he was able to
wrap his arms around her from behind, holding her so
that his cock was sliding up the crack of her arse, then
between her thighs and across her cuntlips.

Daisy began to struggle less and less. She parted her
legs to give Storm better access. He pushed against her
top with one hoof while holding her around the waist.
Daisy bent forward and his cock began to slip into her
cunt. However this position was not very comfortable for
Daisy, so she sank to her knees with her front hooves on
the ground. Storm whinnied with frustration as he
slipped from Daisy’s cunt when she moved down. However,
he gave a loud neigh when he found that he could kneel
behind to cover her and slip his cock completely inside
her cunt.

Now Daisy was really interested. She began pushing back
on Storm’s cock, so that he only had to make very little
movements to bring them both to a climax. As Storm
pumped more of his hot semen into Daisy’s welcoming
cunt, he was so sensitive that he felt her muscles
contracting on him while she gained her pleasure. Later,
Daisy and Storm drank from the provided trough, then
moved to a corner of the paddock to rest together under
the shady tree.

A few weeks later, a simple urine test confirmed that
Daisy was in foal. Now it was time for Claire to begin
another business based in her stables. Each morning for
three days, Daisy was given a hormone injection in each
tit. Her tits had already begun to swell in response to
her pregnancy, now they began to dribble a thin clear
fluid. In a few more days, Daisy was lactating fully.

A milking apparatus was moved into her stall and Claire
milked her twice a day. At first the thin milk was
discarded, but when Daisy’s milk had reached full flow,
the precious liquid was bottled and refrigerated. Claire
had made contacts with various people who wanted human
milk. Excess milk was given to milk banks for infant
feeding, but most of the milk went to people would pay
very good money for it. They drank it themselves or used
it in a variety of products sold on the black-market.
Claire wasn’t really concerned how it got used, as long
as they paid well for it.

Ponygirl training:

Claire had pulled Beth from her stall and had also taken
her out into the sunshine. Standing beside the stables,
Beth had a clear view of Claire’s other mare being well-
serviced by her stallion. Watching them had just added
to Beth’s increasing frustration. Claire was
deliberately building Beth’s sexual tension as a means
of further controlling her.

It took a while, but Beth eventually calmed down and
become more accepting of her role as a ponygirl. Her
brand had healed cleanly and she found that her clit
ring and cuntlip rings were a source of pleasure when
she moved. Claire was now able to begin more serious
training of the former Party Girl.

She walked Beth to a concrete yard with a circular
fence. In the centre of the yard was a steel frame like
a rotary clothesline, but with an electric motor. Beth
was attached to one of the four arms by light ropes
clipped to her nipple rings. When Claire turned the
electric motor on slowly, Beth was forced to walk in a
circle by the painful pull on her tits. Claire gave Beth
instructions on high-step walking in her hoof-boots.
After Beth had mastered that lesson, the ropes were
attached to the rings each side of her halter.

Claire increased the motor speed until Beth was forced
to trot or be pulled over onto her face. Sweat began to
run down Beth’s body as her forced exercise continued.
The coating of oil that Adam had rubbed all over her
body was preventing Beth’s leather tack chafing her
body. Finally, Claire increased the motor speed until
Beth was forced to run. Now Sweat was streaming down
Beth’s body. Finally, Claire slowed the apparatus to a
walking speed to allow Beth to cool down. Her breath was
coming in gasps as her tits moved up and down with each
tortured intake of air.

Claire said, “Your exercise will get easier as you get
fitter and you get better at moving in you new hoof-
boots Now stand still while I wash you down.” Claire
took a hose from the rail and began to wet Beth with a
cooling spray. Beth was then released into another
exercise paddock for a few hours until all three ponies
were put back into their stalls.

When Beth had improved her fitness and mastered the
different movement speeds in her ponyhoof boots, Claire
began a different type of ponygirl training. She fitted
two small bells to Beth’s tit rings. Beth was
blindfolded and taken out into the middle of the stable
yard. She was instructed to stand still while Claire
snapped light ropes to the rings each side of her

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