The mechanic using my mouth to clean off his slick, cum-drenched cock

It was a pretty typical day for me….I was running errands and shopping for groceries, with plans to fix dinner for my husband and me for after he got home from work. I was halfway between the market and home when I saw the check-engine light start flashing on the dash, and I could hear a strange knocking sound coming from underneath the hood of my car.

I pulled over and saw wisps of smoke coming out of the grill in front, and around the edges of the hood, so figured I had a pretty significant problem. I called my husband on the phone, but when he answered he sounded annoyed and uninterested.

He snapped, “What, Emma? I’m busy here….today’s a big day for my company and I’m under a bunch of pressure.”

I knew he’d been struggling at work lately, and might even be at risk of losing his job. I stammered, “Uh…the car’s acting up. Something’s wrong with the engine.”

“Well, you’re a smart woman, Em…figure it out, for Christ’s sake…I haven’t got time for this.” Then he hung up on me.

I was a little startled by his reaction, but then….not really. I have to admit…my husband could be a dick.

Knowing our tight financial situation, I was hesitant to call a tow truck, but what choice did I have? I called AAA, explained my situation, and was told a tow truck would be there in 15 minutes. Sure enough, 15 minutes later, a tow truck arrived, and the driver started hooking up my car to be towed. He was a big guy, with a full beard…not bad looking…wearing dirty jeans and a flannel shirt. Pretty much the exact picture you have in your head when you conjure up the image of a tow truck driver.

As he worked on all the connections for towing my car, it became pretty obvious that he couldn’t keep his eyes off me, and…more specifically…my chest.

This made perfect sense, since I’m an attractive blonde, with long, straight hair, and a nice, curvy body….including big, natural 36D boobs and nipples that always seemed to be at least partially erect. Since I wasn’t wearing a bra that day, my nipples were making impressive bumps in my cotton tee shirt, and the poor driver nearly tripped all over himself trying to do his work, while ogling my wobbly tits at the same time.

Figuring I might have an advantage, I stood next to him as he made the final connections under my car and said, “I haven’t got much money….how much is this gonna cost?” I looked into his eyes, toyed with my hair, and wiggled my chest a little as I waited for his reply. He struggled to peel his eyes off my wobbling tits, but finally glanced up into my face and said, “Don’t worry, ma’am…I think we can figure something out.”

I did a small jump and clapped my hands, making my boobs bounce even more, then with a big smile I said, “That is soooo nice of you!”

He said, “You bet. Go ahead and jump into the cab. I’ll take you to Parsons’ Automotive, about twenty-five minutes away….he’ll take good care of you.”

I could feel him watching my ass jiggle as I skipped up to the front of the truck, opened the passenger door, and climbed up into cab. He climbed into the driver seat on the other side, took another long look at my boobs swaying beneath my shirt, then revved the engine and pulled away from the curb.

Glancing back and forth between the road and my tits, he said, “My name’s Chuck…what’s yours?”

“Hi, Chuck…I’m Emma. This car thing has really thrown me a curve….thanks for coming to my rescue.”

Still flicking his eyes over to my breasts every few seconds, Chuck said, “So, Emma……you said you don’t have much money….uh, how are you gonna pay for this tow?”

I smiled and said, “I don’t really know….maybe a payment plan?”

Chuck laughed and said, “Fuck that…” Then he spread his legs a bit, grabbed his crotch and said, “You can just give me a quick blowjob and we’ll call it even.”

I knew that’s where this was going, but I feigned surprise and looked down at his hand massaging what appeared to be an impressive cock running down one of his pant legs.

I stammered, “What?? B-b-but I’m married, Chuck…that just wouldn’t be right…”

Then, remembering my phone call with my husband, I smiled to myself, moved a little closer to him on the bench seat, and reached over to replace his hand with mine. Gently rubbing my fingers up and down the length of his growing shaft, I said, “Oh, what the hell….I guess it’d be OK.”

I unzipped his jeans, reached in and fished out his already semi-hard prick. It was bigger than I expected….nearly 9”….and almost fully erect. I guess watching my tits bounce around while he was hooking up my car really got him going. I ran my hand up and down his shaft, then spit on my hand and spent a few minutes just stroking the bulbous tip of his dick. He obviously really liked that, as he moaned and rocked his hips into my warm, slippery palm.

Driving with one hand, he reached over with the other and pulled my tee shirt up to my chin so he could take handfuls of my swaying boobs and tweak my nipples as he drove.

After a few minutes of jerking his now fully erect cock, I leaned over and sucked the head of his penis into my mouth and started bobbing my head up and down on his rigid pole. His moaning got louder, and he squeezed my tits harder as he reveled in my warm, wet mouth sliding back and forth on his impressive hard-on.

I kept at it for several miles and, with impeccable timing, Chuck grunted and exploded into my mouth, shooting rope after rope of hot, creamy jizzm against the back of my throat, just as we pulled into Parsons’ Automotive parking lot. Chuck pulled to the back of the lot and sat back, as he continued rocking his hips into my mouth. I sucked and stroked out the final spurts of cum from his softening cock, swallowed his entire load, then used my lips and tongue to clean off his spent dick before shoving it back into his jeans and pulling up the zipper.

Chuck sat there for a few minutes with his eyes closed and a huge smile on his face, then gave me a grateful look…grabbed my left tit for one final squeeze…then jumped out and began unhooking my car. I took a moment to pull my tee shirt back down over my boobs before jumping out of the cab to track down Mr. Parson.

I saw Mr. Parson in one of the mechanic bays, and watched as Chuck walked up to him to tell him about my car. He had a pretty big shit-eating grin on his face, so he may have been telling him about more than just the car. They both looked my way and nodded, then Chuck jumped into his tow truck and pulled out of the parking lot, honking and waving to me as he pulled onto the main road and drove away.

Mr. Parsons came over to me and we discussed my car situation while he poured me a cup of coffee. He was an older guy….maybe early 50’s….but nice looking and in decent shape. He said that, if I wanted, I could sit in his office rather than in the waiting room, while he checked out my car and got it fixed. Then he’d come get me to discuss the details.

As we talked, I noticed that he, too, had a tough time keeping his eyes off my wobbling breasts. With a silent smile, I realized that between sucking Chuck’s dick, and his hands fondling my boobs, my nipples had become even more erect than usual, and the bumps they were making in my tee shirt were extremely obvious.

I thanked Mr. Parsons as he left to deal with my car, then plopped down on the couch in his office and started reading a two-year old copy of Reader’s Digest.

I must have fallen asleep, because the next thing I remembered was waking up as Mr. Parsons came back into his office. I sat up, wiping at my eyes, as Mr. Parsons started explaining what they’d done to fix my car and get it running again.

He handed me an invoice and, with a sympathetic look on his face, said, “We had the part in stock, but it’s a bit pricey, and the repair took about two hours of labor.”

I saw the total at the bottom and said, “Holy shit…that’s a lot of money!” I looked up into his face and said, “I can’t really afford that….can we work out a payment plan, or something?”

Mr. Parsons glanced down at my nipples, sticking out prominently through the thin fabric of my tee shirt and, with a sly grin on his face, said, “I think we might be able to come up with a payment plan for you.”

I knew where this was going when he stood up in front of me and unzipped his pants, pulling out a pretty impressive cock…about 8” long, extremely thick, and already semi-hard. He put his hands on his hips, leaving his dick hanging out of the opening in his pants, with the shaft sticking out from his crotch in a soft arc and the mushroom-shaped head pointing straight at my boobs, as he said, “We can start with a blowjob, if you’re interested.”

His thick, nearly erect penis was swinging gently back and forth between his legs, about four inches from my face, and after a brief hesitation, I made my decision. I reached out with one hand and pulled him forward, sucking the tip of his prick into my mouth. As I began bobbing my head back and forth on his growing rod, I unbuckled his belt, unsnapped his pants and slid them down to his ankles, before grabbing his ass cheeks in both hands and pulling his cock all the way to the back of my throat.

He stood with his hands on his hips for a few minutes, enjoying my warm, wet mouth gliding along the entire length of his now fully erect penis, as I used one hand to stroke his shaft, and the other one to fondle his ball sack.

After a few minutes with his hands on his hips, Mr. Parsons reached over and pulled my tee shirt off over my head, tossing it onto the sofa cushion next to me, then slapped and squeezed both of my tits as I continued sucking his thick rod.

It didn’t take long before his breathing quickened, and he grabbed the back of my head, pulling me hard against his groin and shoving his engorged prick as deep into my mouth as it would go. Suddenly, he erupted, spewing stream after stream of cum down my throat, as I kept bobbing my head back and forth on his schlong. I kept gliding my mouth along the shaft of his rigid pole until he finally finished cumming, then swallowed his entire load. With my lips still wrapped around his bulbous head, I stroked out the last few drops of spunk from his stiff boner and licked them off the tip of his cock.

Still slowly pumping his shaft with my hand, I smiled up at him and said, “So, how’d I do?”

Catching his breath, he said, “That was great, Emma…but this was an expensive repair. I’m going to need to see a lot more of you if you don’t plan to pay me for my work.”

I dropped my eyes to the floor and nodded slightly….”OK, what did you have in mind?”

Mr. Parsons took his now flaccid cock and gently slapped it against my cheek…”Go ahead and clean this off while I think about it.”

I sucked his dick back into my mouth and used my lips and tongue to clean off his glistening shaft, while he continued squeezing and fondling my boobs as they dangled between us.

“Aaahhhh…that feels great, Em….OK, here’s what we’ll do.” He grabbed a tit in each hand, giving them both a firm squeeze, and said, “I want to see these boobs in my office every week for six months. After that, we’ll consider this repair paid off….sound good?”

I nodded my agreement, still gently stroking his flaccid dick.

“Good…now put me away and zip me up.”

I did what he asked, then put my shirt back on, pulled it down over my breasts, and walked out to my car with Mr. Parsons. He handed me the keys, gave my tits a final squeeze, then said, “See you next week, Em.”

When I showed up the following week, Mr. Parsons took me into his office, locked the door, and immediately removed my shirt and grabbed hold of my boobs. In no time, I was bent over his desk, with my panties tossed aside, my skirt pushed up to my lower back, and Mr. Parsons’ pants around his ankles. He stood between my spread legs and plowed his thick hard-on into me from behind, as he reached around to slap and fondle my swinging tits.

After he erupted inside my cunt, he had me turn around and squat between his legs, using my mouth to clean off his slick, cum-drenched cock, while he stood in front of me with his hands on his hips.

The week after that he had me completely naked, laying on his couch, with my legs spread wide…hammering his stiff penis in and out of my pussy like a piston, as he watched my tits bounce around like crazy. When he came, he pulled his prick out of my cunt, then jerked a huge load of cum all over my face and tits. Fortunately he had a private bathroom just off his office so I could clean up before going home….that would have been tough to explain to my husband.

This went on for six months, per my agreement with Mr. Parsons. After that, I always took my car to his automobile shop for any work I needed done, visiting with Mr. Parsons in his office after each repair. I even offered to take my husband’s car into the shop whenever he had problems with it, which he really appreciated. So far it’s been working quite well….I haven’t had to pay for any repairs made to our cars for the past four years.