Swapping husbands to make baby’s

The day the Jones told us they were moving, I told
Laura, I hoped the new neighbors would be as much fun.
Laura sighed and said she was going to miss how horny I
got from staring at Joan’s huge nipples. I reminded her,
of how she teased Jack letting him peek at her panty-
covered pussy.

Wistfully she wondered out loud if Jack would have liked
her pussy if he had known about her clit. I assured her
pussy was almost perfect. Giving me a playful punch,
Laura asked what I meant by almost perfect. I told her
it lacks a big black cock to fill it. She told me Fred,
her black dildo was just fine and it was safe. The risk
of disease had stopped us from becoming swingers, except
for mild voyeurism and a little flashing on occasion.

Once at a party Laura and Joan had had too much to drink
and let us play with their bare boobs. The next day we
caught hell for giving them hickies.

Until the day we saw two British cars followed by a
moving van pull in their driveway, we had no idea who
our new neighbors were going to be. Peeking through the
open curtains, I told Laura to fix some cold drinks and
we would go over and meet our new neighbors.

Several minutes later, armed with frosty pitchers of ice
tea and lemonade Laura and I went next door.

A tall handsome black man set down the box he was
carrying and said, “You must be the Kings, the Jones’
spoke highly of you. I’m Gordon Kent.” Putting his arm
around a cute blond, he introduced us to Inga, his wife.
A minute later two cute girls came out of the house, the
oldest about four. Inga introduced them as Heidi and

Sitting in the shade we sipped our drinks and chatted.
Gordon’s rich baritone was seducing Laura and I couldn’t
keep my eyes off Inga’s huge nipples. Because her boobs
weren’t very big, her nipples were that much more
obvious. Inga noticed my interest and said, “Because Ann
can’t drink cows’ milk, she still nurses.”

Laura shot me an icy stare, which Inga noticed. Inga
told Laura she welcomed men staring at her breasts
because before her nipples got big, men never noticed
her. Grinning, Gordon told us they were also handy for
late night snacks. Inga poked him and called him a horny
old bloke. Gordon laughed.

The movers interrupted our conversation, however just
before we left we invited the Kent’s over for dinner.
Walking to our house, Laura started teasing me about
having a new pair of nipples to lust after. I told her I
noticed the way she was checking out the bulge in
Gordon’s pant leg.

Laura blushed and turned back to her work without
comment. Opening the door to greet the Kent’s for
dinner, I was a bit disappointed to see that she was
wearing a loose-fitting blouse that hid her nipples.
Noticing my gaze Inga gave me a wink that made me wonder
if I had a surprise coming.

Since I was cooking on our grill, Gordon chatted with me
as Laura and Inga chatted in the kitchen. When we sat to
eat, little Ann climbed into Inga’s lap and began
eating. At first I thought Ann was going to share her
mother’s lemonade, instead Ann’s little hand opened a
flap in the blouse exposing one of Inga’s nipples.

Without interrupting her conversation Inga adjusted her
blouse to leave her nipple exposed as Ann nursed. Ann
nursed for several minutes then went back to eating. All
during dinner, Ann drank from Inga’s nipples as if it
were the most natural thing to do. As interesting as
that was, I noticed Gordon’s charming manners and sexy
voice was seducing Laura.

When Ann had her, fill, she hopped from her mother’s lap
to check out our cat. Inga didn’t bother covering her
nipples and I watched with fascination as a drop of milk
formed on a nipple. Seeing me staring at Inga’s nipple,
Gordon told me that because of the girls’ frequent
nursing, Inga usually goes topless at home.

Curious, I asked what they did when they were eating in
a restaurant. Grinning, Gordon told me Inga has many
nursing blouses and loves to tease by showing off her
nipples. The conversation changed and we talked about
many subjects during that evening.

We quickly became frequent visitors in each other’s
homes and I got used to seeing Inga topless. Although I
became used to Inga’s nude boobs, I still had a secret
lust to taste her milk from the source. I was a bit
surprised to find out that all of the milk in their
house came from Inga’s boobs, even the milk in my
coffee. At home Laura wanted me to suck her nipples more
during sex play. One night I asked if she were going to
nurse when she had a baby. She stuffed a nipple in my
mouth and told me not to ask silly questions.

One fall afternoon Gordon and I were watching a football
game when Inga came to see if we wanted anything.
Gordon’s face lights up and he tells her I would like
some warm milk. Inga sat in my lap as she said that was
great because Heidi was playing at a friend’s house and
Ann was still taking a nap. Without giving me a chance
to protest, Inga stuffed a nipple in my mouth. The taste
of the first few drops of milk, were enough to make my
cock stiffen and press against Inga’s pussy.

Embarrassed, I tried to shift my position but Inga
wiggled her hips until she positioned her pussy right
over my cock. Holding my head to her breast, she made
several comments about the game. Gordon responded to
Inga’s comments then asked if I had drained that boob.
Inga stroked my head and said I was doing a great job.

A minute later Gordon was leaning over Inga’s shoulder
watching me nurse. Sliding a hand down to play with
Inga’s free nipple, Gordon whispered something in her
ear. Turning her head, Inga kissed him passionately as
she intensified her wiggling in my lap. A moment later
Gordon left and Inga spun in my lap. Somehow when she
changed positions, my cock was freed and pointed at her
wet pussy.

With a slight grunt she buried my cock in her pussy and
stuck her full nipple in my mouth. After kissing the top
of my head she asked if I wanted her husband to know
that I was fucking his wife bareback. Without legging go
of her nipple I shook my head no. Inga kissed my head
again and told me to be a good boy and drink my milk.

Although Inga wasn’t riding up and down my cock her
pussy was giving me one hell of a ride. When Gordon
returned, he commented about me switching nipples and
leaned over to kiss Inga. In spite of me being scared,
Inga kept my cock very interested, just using her
internal muscles.

After a few minutes of her pussy acting like a milking
machine, my cock kissed her cervix and I knew I was
getting close. Grabbing my hand, Inga guided it to her
pussy as she whispered for me to rub her clit. Caught up
in the fuck lust, I did as she asked though I knew
Gordon was just feet away. As my fingers began rubbing
her clit, Inga’s pussy went into overdrive.

I began to thrust in spite of me trying to stay still.
Oh shit! I was blasting my sperm deep in my neighbor’s
wife! I just knew I was going to die.

Inga shuddered and tried to pull my cock even deeper as
a soft moan escaped her lips. Sitting paralyzed with
fear, I waited for Gordon to jerk his wife from my lap
and expose my sperm-covered cock. Instead Inga asked
Gordon to get her a glass of water.

Turning to kiss Gordon and take the glass of water, Inga
bumped the glass spilling the water down my front and
wetting my lap. As she apologized for being clumsy,
Gordon went for a towel. Then Inga got up and announced
she was going to change as I hurriedly stuffed my cock
in my pants. A second later Gordon handed me a towel.

After making a show of drying myself I excused myself
and rushed home. Opening the door, I half expected to
see Laura standing there with divorce papers in her
hand. Instead Laura was talking on the phone and
laughing. Quietly I slipped into the bedroom and
changed. For what felt like an hour Laura continued to
chat on the phone as I pretended to watch the end of the

Hearing Laura, hang up the phone I braced myself for her
wrath. To my surprise Laura came up behind me and rubbed
her boobs against my head. After kissing the top of my
head she asked how I liked tit-milk. Trying to be cool,
I told her it was Ok. Laura laughed and sat in my lap.
After kissing my lips she asked if I wanted another lap
dance. Blushing I said. “OK I’m busted where is the

Laura laughed and admitted that she knew Inga was going
to seduce me with her milky nipples. Stunned I asked why
she hadn’t warned me. Grinning, Laura told me that if
she had warned me, I probably would never let it happen.
After telling her what happened she asked if I had used
a rubber. Wiggling her ass in my lap Laura whispered for
me to take her to bed.

Laura hopped up and I followed her to the bedroom as she
stripped off her clothes. In spite of having my balls
drained by Inga, my cock was stiffening as Laura
beckoned to me from our bed. In a flash I had my clothes
off and I dove face first into her pussy. As my tongue
parted her pussy lips, I could tell Laura really didn’t
need any warm up. However, I love the taste of her pussy
too much to pass up an opportunity to lick it.

Besides having a huge clit Laura has very fat outer lips
that she keeps clean- shaven because she loves to feel
my lips and tongue caresses them. After several minutes,
Laura was ready for my cock and she grabbed my ears to
pull me on top. As my cock slid into her buttery depths,
I marveled at how two pussies could feel so different
yet feel so good.

Several minutes into our fuck Laura asked to get on top.
I grabbed her tightly and rolled over and grabbed one of
her nipples in my mouth. She cooed and began riding on
my cock. When her pussy lips kissed my groin, I
remembered what was so special about her pussy. The only
sounds to be heard were, Laura’s grunts and the slurping
sounds of wet pussy sliding on a hard cock. I guess if
you listened carefully you might hear me sucking on her

We were just too busy to talk until Laura stopped and
asked if I really wanted to see her pussy stretched
around a big black cock. Letting go of her nipple, I
asked if she were thinking of seducing Gordon. Laura
stuck her other nipple in my mouth and asked if I wanted
her to. Knowing Laura had stopped taking the pill in
preparation for starting a family I told her I was
curious about birth control. Leaning forward Laura
kissed me and said she would let me be in charge of her
birth control. She did volunteer to get morning-after
pills incase, I changed my mind.

All of this was just too much and my cock unloaded into
her diaphragm-protected pussy.

As we cuddled, I found myself asking myself how she
would feel about having children that looked like
Inga’s. Laura kissed me and asked how many children I
wanted. Sliding a finger in Laura’s sloppy pussy, I told
her I thought pregnant women were sexy. Laura gave me a
big grin as I said I didn’t think I would get tired of
seeing pregnant women for four or five years if one of
them looked something like me.

Laura began humping at my finger as she told me Inga
wants more babies and was unprotected during her lap
dance. I trembled with excitement and rolled on top of
Laura. As she felt my cock touch her pussy she asked if
I shouldn’t put on a rubber first. Without comment I
lifted my hips and waited as Laura rolled rubber on my
cock. Because I had already had two strong climaxes and
I was wearing a rubber, I didn’t expect to have another

Nevertheless, it wasn’t too long before Laura’s pussy
worked its magic and brought both of us to a climax.

In the kitchen helping Laura with dinner, I said, “I
guess I’ll need another box of rubbers.”

Laura kissed me and told me I should pick up a box of
large ones for Gordon. Several minutes later I pressed
myself against her back and cupped her boobs. Laura
cupped her hands over mine and suggested that I might
want to wait two or three months before getting her
knocked up so Gordon and I would always have a pussy to
play with.


Monday evening Gordon called to invite me to watch the
game. As I hung up, I asked Laura if she wanted to come.
She said she had things to do and for me to have a good
time. Before I closed the door, I told her not to wear
out Fred. Laughing, Laura tossed a dishtowel at me.

The second quarter had just started when the phone rang.
Inga answered the phone and from the way she was talking
I thought it was Laura. After several minutes, Inga
handed the phone to me. Laura asked if I had forgotten
to do something before I left. I didn’t know what she
was talking about until she mentioned that she might
have a visitor during halftime.

I told her it was too soon to be dealing with a mistake
so she should prepare for herself. Laura said she loved
me, and then said that she wanted to talk to Inga again.

With about five minutes to go in the Half Inga came in
and leaned over to kiss Gordon. As she did, her short
skirt rode up exposing her sexy butt. I thought she
whispered something to him before kissing him again then
turning to me. Announcing it was time to feed me, Inga
straddled my legs and had my cock out in one quick
motion. Her pussy sliding down my cock was so
distracting, I didn’t see Inga’s nipple until it poked
me in the eye.

Giggling. Inga apologized for being careless with sharp

Feeling playful I nipped at the offending nipple
catching it with my teeth. Instead of pulling away or
howling she left it in my mouth and caressed my head.
Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Gordon watching the
game as Inga’s pussy muscles stroked my cock. The
kinkiness of the situation added to the thrill plus I
still wasn’t sure Gordon would be happy if he knew what
we were doing.

As the Half ended, Gordon got up and said he was going
to check on his girls. A few minutes later he returned
and leaned over to kiss Inga. I was sure he could see my
cock sticking into his wife but Gordon didn’t let on.
When their lips parted Gordon announced, he was going
out for a few minutes and asked Inga to keep me company.

Hearing the door close, Inga whispered that she was
going to ride my cock every chance she got until her
belly swells with my baby. My cock responded by
twitching and the tingle in my balls increased.
Remembering the last time we had done this I slipped my
hand down to play with her clit. Then just for the hell
of it I let go of her nipple and gave her a love bite
next to her areola.

Feeling my teeth on her creamy breast flesh Inga
shuddered and held my head tightly against her boob. In
a sexy voice, Inga told me to mark her so that Gordon
would see. As I increased the pressure of my teeth and
my suction, Inga’s pussy picked up the pace.

Begging me not to stop Inga began whimpering then went
stiff as a huge climax hit her. The wonderful things her
pussy was doing to my cock triggered my own climax.
Recovering from her climax Inga stared at the vivid love
bite on her boob as her fingers lovingly caressed it.
With tears in her eyes, Inga looked up and asked if it
bothered me to do that to her boob.

I saw her tears and I apologized for being too rough.
Inga kissed me and explained that her tears weren’t from
pain but of joy. I was still confused. Why would anyone
want to be hurt?

Inga said she couldn’t explain it but when she
experienced certain kinds of pain at the right time it
made her climaxes fantastic. I told her about the time
Jack and I gave hickies to Laura and Joan and how they
had scolded us. Inga asked me how I would feel if I knew
that was just an act because they didn’t want us to
think they were strange.

Seeing my confusion, Inga giggled and told me to never
try to figure out how a woman’s mind works. Still
caressing the love bite Inga asked how I would feel if I
saw love bites on Laura. My protective nature sprung
forth as I told her I go after anyone who hurt my wife.
Inga kissed me and asked if would make a difference if
Laura wanted him to give her a love bite during sex.

I asked if she was trying to tell me that Laura wanted
Gordon to give her a love bite. Inga nodded yes before
telling me that she and Laura shared the same interest.
Next she told me that Gordon also had an interest in
rough sex. However, his upbringing made it hard for him
to consider doing it with his wife.

“So he wants to do it with my wife?” I asked in an
inquiring tone.

“Only with your approval,” Inga said.

Denying that this was turning me on was hard, as my cock
was stiffening in her pussy. Hesitantly, I told Inga
that it was all right with me if it was what Laura
wanted. As a small came to Inga’s lips I asked what she
would have done if I said no. Inga said she would call
Gordon and tell him to back off. Explaining that she and
Laura had talked about this and that Gordon knew about
their kinky interest.

My brain was trying to digest all of this when I asked
if her seducing me had anything to do with her husband
wanting to do kinky things with my wife. Grinning, Inga
told me it had everything to do with it because she
wanted someone to kinky things with her.

My cock was now hard as steel as Inga’s pussy muscles
worked their magic. How could I be mad about a set up
like this? After taking a playful nip at Inga’s nipple I
told her to call Gordon. Her fingers were trembling as
she dialed. “Laura, Bob wants to talk to Gordon,” Inga
said nervously.

She handed the phone to me as Gordon said, “Hello.” I
asked if Laura knew he liked leaving love bites on
tender parts of women. He told me Inga had told him not
to ask her just do it. He added that he respected me too
much to do something that would hurt our friendship.

With the phone still to my ear I asked Inga if she
wanted me to do the same things to her and get her
pregnant. Inga answered with a vigorous affirming nod of
her pretty head.

I asked Gordon if he had a problem with that. Sounding
relived, he said that was fine with him. I told him to
have fun but respect Laura’s wishes. Gordon said he
wouldn’t have it any other way and said he would see me
after the game.

Inga kissed me then suggested we go it her bedroom so we
wouldn’t wake the children. With everything out in the
open, I was anxious to explore part of the kinkier side
of sex. Closing the bedroom door, Inga excused herself
and slipped into the bathroom. As I listened to her pee
hissing into toilet I knew I didn’t want to hurt Inga.
However, I thought that pushing the envelope might be
fun if it made her happy. I also wondered about Laura.

Those thoughts vanished as Inga emerged from the
bathroom, for the first time I saw her completely nude.
Seeing me stare at her, she posed in several positions
showing off her trim body. When I commented on the small
patch of blond hair above her pussy. Inga laughed and
told me that was to prove she was a real blond.

Teasing, I asked how do I know that wasn’t dyed also.
Inga thrust her hips at me and told me to check her
roots. Feeling the need to pee. I excused myself and
patted her on her butt as I went into the bathroom.
Returning to the bedroom I saw Inga spread invitingly on
her bed. In no hurry I crawled between her thighs to get
a close up of her pussy. Her outer lips didn’t bulge out
like Laura’s and her clit while still very big was
smaller. The big difference was Inga’s long inner labia.
They hung down like mud flaps on a truck. Curious I
sucked her mud flaps into my mouth. Inga whispered for
me to nibble on them. She responded by gentle humping
motions and softly moaning. Soon she was babbling about
how great I was.

As my own lust built, I stopped worrying about hurting
Inga and focused on bringing her as much pleasure as I
could. With Inga’s guidance I soon had her writhing like
a snake and howling like banshee. Knowing she was having
a climax I started to back off but Inga screamed for me
to do it harder. Increasing the pressure on her clit I
tugged and shook my head like a dog with a new toy.

Inga went into a new sexual climax that was so intense
no sound came from her open mouth as she body went
stiff. Still quivering from her climax, she begged me to
fuck her. When my cock head touched her pussy lips, she
wrapped her legs around my ass and pulled me in. Her
pussy muscles immediately began trying to milk my cock
as Inga pleaded with me to knock her up. The way my cock
was kissing her cervix I was sure it was doing all it
could do to get in her womb.

Incredibly Inga was quickly building to another climax
and my balls were telling me that I was also getting
close. When Inga felt, the first twitches of my climax
she started clawing at my ass cheeks trying to pull me
into her womb. Keeping me locked in her pussy we rolled
on our sides as Inga kissed my nose lightly.

After thanking me for making her feel so good she said
she hoped I had enjoyed having sex with her enough for
me to want to do it again. I told her I did but future
sessions were up to Laura’s approval. As I got dressed
to go home, Inga proudly showed me what I had done to
her pussy. The sight of traces of blood on her swollen
pussy flesh stunned me.

Seeing my reaction Inga took my head in her hands and
insisted that I only did what she wanted and loved it.
“But doesn’t that hurt?” I asked, in disbelief.

Inga kissed my lips then my eyes before saying, “It made
me make a baby and I love making babies.”

Sitting beside Inga, I told her about my plans for
Laura’s breeding. Inga kissed me and told me to make it
fun for all. As I went to leave, Inga reminded me not to
be upset if Laura looked like she did. I was about to
reach for the doorknob when Gordon open my back door and
stepped out. For a second we stood looking at each other
trying to think of something to say.

Gordon started to leave and I said, “You are lucky to
have such a wonderful wife.”

Gordon touched my arm and thanked me for sharing my
wife. I asked if Laura was going to be sore. Gordon said
he hoped I wouldn’t be upset as Laura got a little
carried away. I told him I understood and said I would
like to talk to him tomorrow. Gordon, suggested after
dinner then said good night.

Approaching our bedroom I heard whimpering. Trying to
remain calm, I walked into our bedroom to find Laura
frigging her clit and tugging on a nipple. Seeing me
Laura begged me to pretend she was Inga and bring her to
a climax.

Hearing the distress in her voice, I crawled between her
thighs. There were love bites on the insides of her
thighs, on her labia and teeth marks and drops of blood
covered her clit. Never before had I seen Laura’s clit
so swollen or so red.

“Please don’t look at it, just do what you did to Inga,”
she begged.

All the countless times I had sucked Laura’s clit, I had
always been careful not to let my teeth touch it. Now
she wanted me to bite and tug on it. Blocking out my
thoughts I answered her frantic plea. Laura babbled and
whimpered as I gave her pussy a rough workout. Several
times I started to ease up but she screamed for me to do
it harder.

Finally I tugged hard on her clit and she screamed and
went stiff as a massive climax gripped her. For a moment
I didn’t know what to do then went to the bathroom for
something to clean up her pussy. Returning with witch
hazel and cotton I gently cleaned each mark as I
wondered if things had gone too far. Knowing this wasn’t
the time to discuss it, I turned out the lights and took
Laura in my arms and kissed her.


The following morning Laura slept in. At work I couldn’t
keep my mind on my work as visions of Laura and Inga’s
pussies kept coming to mind. I wasn’t having a problem
with the wife swapping and was looking forward to seeing
Gordon impregnate Laura. What I was worrying about was
causing a health problem for either woman.

By lunchtime I had to call Laura; I had to know how she
was feeling. Laura’s hello was cheerful and upon hearing
my voice brightened more. When I expressed my concern
over our activities Laura laughed and assured me she was
fine but a bit tender. She told me she had been talking
to Inga and she too was fine.

With the possibility of someone walking in my office, I
didn’t want to discuss our sex life any further. I told
her I loved her and promised not to work late. With my
mind somewhat at ease I could make it through the rest
of the day. However I couldn’t get over the way both
Inga and Laura climaxed when I was being so rough with
their clits. I had always thought a clit had to be
treated very tenderly.

On the way home, I decided I had to talk to Laura about
how pain fit into our sex life. Having surfed the porn
sites on the Internet, I knew that people did some
strange things but I figured most of it was faked. After
all way would anyone want to feel pain when sex was
supposed to an expression of love?

Laura was in the kitchen as I walked in. Wiping her
hands, a smile lit her face as she welcomed me home. As
we hugged and kissed I told her I loved her and asked
how her clit was doing. After kissing my nose, Laura
told me to stop being such a worrier.

Giggling, she asked if I wanted to chew on her clit
again. After kissing her I told Laura I needed to talk
to her about it before I could be comfortable with what
we had done. Looking scared and nervous Laura sank into
a nearby chair as she whispered, “Damn, I was afraid of
this when Inga talked me into it.”

Reaching across the table, I took her hand in mine as I
assured her I wasn’t upset and all I wanted was to
understand what was going on. She brightened slightly
and looked at me as she told me she had a confession to
make. Squeezing her hand I told her no matter what she
had done in the past I still loved her. Laura tried to
smile as she told me I needed to hear this if I was
going to understand her.

For the next hour Laura opened her soul and told me
about her sexual awakening. She described how she
discovered that doing things to her “pee-pee” caused
sensations that she liked at an early age. Stopping to
look into my eyes, Laura asked if I ever wondered why
her clit was so much bigger than other women’s.

Smiling, I told her I just thought it was my good luck
to find a girl with such a sexy pussy. Flashing me a
grin, Laura told me that her clit got that way because
she played with it every day, sometimes for hours. Her
grin faded as she told me that in her quest for new
sensations, she learned that mild pain added to sexual
stimulation made her climaxes much stronger.

When she was thirteen, a girlfriend’s older sister
showed her how to use snakebite suction cups on her clit
and nipples. A year later that same girl, gave Laura a
jar of cream, to rub on her clit. Pausing for a minute,
Laura told me that after using four jars, she found out
that the cream contained hormones to make her clit

Curious, I asked if she continued to use it after she
found out what it was doing to her. Laura said her
friend’s sister only gave her another jar before getting
married and moving away.

Knowing real hormone creams can be hard to get and
expensive, I asked why the sister gave her the cream.
Blushing, Laura told me it was payment for allowing the
sister to play with her pussy. Before I could ask what
they did, Laura told me about having needles stuck in
her pussy lips and clit plus all types of clamps. Taking
a deep breath, Laura asked if any of this upset me.

Without pausing, I told her some of it aroused me as I
nodded to the wet spot in my pants. Before either of us
could speak the buzzer on the stove went off. Laura slid
her hand from mine as she went to tend dinner. After
setting down to eat Laura asked if I wanted to call off
our sex play with Gordon and Inga.

Unsure of where her question was leading I asked how she
felt. Laura smiled and accused me of evading the
question. I told her that my emotions were confused and
I could go either way, depending on what she wanted and
I was still excited about her being bred by Gordon.

With her eyes twinkling with mischief, Laura asked if I
wanted to trade babies with Inga. Sticking another fork
full of food in my mouth, I gave myself a moment to
think before saying. She would have to decide as a
mother when the time came. I would support her decision
either way.

As Laura and I cleaned up the kitchen after dinner
Gordon knocked on the door. He seemed a bit nervous as I
welcomed him. He reminded me that I had asked him to
come over to talk. Laura went to him and kissed him
warmly as she pressed herself against him.

Gordon relaxed and glanced at me as his hands move to
cup Laura’s ass. Their embrace lasted a few seconds
before Gordon released her. Suggesting we would be more
comfortable in the den, I led Gordon from the kitchen.

We had been talking over half an hour when Laura stuck
her head in and said she was going over to see Inga.
Gordon told me he had been talking with Inga and she
hoped I would want to continue our swapping games. I
told him that I was a bit shocked to see the state of
Laura’s pussy when I got home and was ready to put a
halt to things last night. However after having time to
think and talk to Laura I was ready to continue if we
made sure the girls didn’t get hurt.

Gordon grinned as he told me Inga wanted me to do her
tonight although she is still tender. After making a
comment about how serious Inga was to get pregnant by
me, I asked how he felt about having a white baby. His
white teeth flashed at me as his face lit up and he
said. “About the same as you feel about you wife wanting
to have my baby.” Smiling back at him I told him we
could trade babies if we chickened out. Gordon laughed
and said it would depend on Laura and Inga, not us.

The ringing of the phone interrupted us. As I reached
for it, I saw that we had been talking for over two
hours. As I said “Hello” Laura asked if I wanted Inga’s
breast milk or should she pump it for her children. I
looked at Gordon and told him. Inga was asking for me.
He shook his head and grinned as he told me to go if I

Turning back to the phone I told Laura I would be over.
Before I hung up, she told me to ask Gordon to wait for
her. After hanging up I told Gordon I had thought the
girls would want to take a night off to let their wounds
heal. He told me that maybe they didn’t want them to
heal too much. Shaking my head in bewilderment, I told
him, Laura asked that he wait here for her.

When I got to Inga’s, Laura met me at the door. With a
twinkle in her eyes and a naughty grin she told me that
they want to “play hurt” and that Inga wanted it just as
hard as last night. I kissed her and asked that she not
get too wild but to tell Gordon to finish even if I came
home before he was done. Laura kissed me as Inga joined
us wearing a sheer negligee.

The love bite I had given her last night was clearly
visible, looking almost like a tattoo on her breast. Her
need to be milked was evident by the wet spots over her
nipples. Laura kissed me passionately and rubbed my
crotch before telling me to be good to Inga.

As she walked out the door, Laura blew me a kiss and
said she would keep the bed warm for me. Turning to
Inga, I asked her if she wanted her itch scratched or
her boobs milked, first. Taking my hand, she led me to
her bedroom as she told me to drain some of her milk
first then drink the rest after I had taken care of her

Lying beside her, I took a nipple in my mouth and
devoured her sweet mother’s like a staving baby without
doing anything more sexual then stroking her. In a
whisper, Inga told me she likes this side plus the rough
stuff and was delighted that Laura and I hadn’t
chickened out after last night.

After spending five minutes on each boob I nibbled my
way down her tummy stopping to give her a love bite just
below her belly button. When Inga realized what, I was
doing she got excited and asked me to make her pussy so
happy it would hurt for days. Yesterday I wouldn’t have
understood her request but now I knew what she wanted
and I wanted to give her exactly that.

This time I didn’t feel guilty about what I was doing
and took great delight in seeing how Inga responded to
my lovemaking. Several times I wondered if Gordon was
doing the same thing to my wife but Inga’s moan or
shudder brought me back.

After bringing Inga to a strong climax with my mouth she
begged me to fuck her. Her pussy felt like melted butter
as my cock bumped into her cervix. She grunted and
wrapped her legs around my ass. Looking into my eyes,
she told me to make sure she was bred. On every down
stroke, I felt her clit bump into my pelvis when my cock
head kissed her cervix. Claiming her clit was overheated
Inga Begged me to hurry.

She didn’t have to worry, because of my pussy eating
activities I was on a short fuse. Again her pussy did
its imitation of a milking machine and I climaxed in
time with Inga. A minute later Inga asked me to get off
because her clit was sore.

Afraid I had gone too far I rolled off and asked if I
had been too rough. She pulled me close and told me I
had been great but her clit couldn’t take any more.
After a tender kiss she told me to go to Laura. As I
dressed Inga told me not to be shocked if Laura’s clit
was worse than last night.

I sat on the bed as if someone knocked the wind out of
me. Inga pulled me to her and told me that she had been
talking to Laura and that Laura wanted Gordon to spend
the whole evening just working on her clit. I told Inga
that wasn’t fair to Gordon.

Laughing, Inga reminded me that my wife knew how to give
a blowjob. I kissed Inga and thanked her for being so
thoughtful. Inga laughed and reminded me that she got
what she wanted and wanted to keep us happy so we could
play more.

Quietly closing my back door, I heard Laura moan loudly
then tell Gordon to do it harder. She moaned louder
followed by heavy breathing and whimpering. Drawn to the
sounds, I slipped my shoes off and eased down the hall
to our bedroom.

Gordon’s black body was between Laura’s pale thighs, his
head shaking as Laura tugged and pinched her nipples.
From the way her belly was quivering it looked like she
was having multiple climaxes and loving everyone.

Suddenly Laura went stiff and arched her back as she
whimpered and began crying. Gordon continued to tug at
her clit until she went limp. Gordon slipped off the bed
and began dressing. As he put on his shoes he asked
Laura if he should tell me he had to leave before she
finished. Slipping down the hall I heard her say yes.

I was standing in the kitchen fumbling with my coat when
Gordon emerged from the hall. As Gordon promised, he
told me Laura still wanted more but he had to go to
Inga. I said good night and went to Laura. She still had
her knees up in the air as she toyed with her nipples.

Even from across the room I could see how red her clit
was. As I climbed between her legs, Laura opened her
eyes and asked me to suck on her clit. In spite of her
clit looking like raw meat the skin hadn’t been broken
and all I tasted was the sweetness of her pussy juices.

To Laura’s delight I began sucking her clit like it was
a small cock. After several minutes she began to whimper
a much softer whimper, a whimper I was used to hearing
when she was building up to a climax.

It was clear Gordon had done a good job of getting Laura
hot because it only took me ten minutes to bring her to
a climax. Turning out the lights and pulling up the
covers, I cuddled up to Laura and fell asleep. Walking
in the kitchen the next morning Laura was singing softly
with a tune on the radio as she fixed my breakfast.
Slipping up behind her I slid my hands in her robe and
cupped her boobs as I kissed her neck.

Moaning softly she pushed her ass against my cock and
put her hands over mine. Speaking softly she told me
Gordon didn’t put his cock in her last night because he
didn’t want to taste the spermicidal jelly she used with
her diaphragm. With my mind already switching to my work
mode, I just kissed her and filed that information away.

Over the next several weeks our sex life calmed down.
Laura and I had soft sex or would swap two or three
times. As Laura got close to her period, I told her she
could let Gordon have sex with her bare back. The first
night Laura took Gordon bare I thought she was going to
fuck him to death.

Twice after I got home, she coaxed him to shoot another
load of sperm in her. However the best part was I
finally got to see Gordon’s big black cock pumping sperm
into my wife. Words can’t describe the feeling I got as
I stood several feet away and saw the globs of sperm
racing up his cock into Laura’s pussy.

Laura’s period came right on time but Inga’s didn’t.
Several days after her period was supposed to be over,
she invited us over and made a show of pissing on the
home pregnancy tester. Sure enough, a + showed in the
window. When we calmed down a bit, Inga asked when I was
going to let Laura get knocked up. I told her I hadn’t
decided but I had planned to tease Laura a little bit

After Laura’s period was over I had her use her
diaphragm with KY jelly instead of the spermicidal jelly
knowing that increased the risk but still leaving things
in doubt. Again she had her period right on time. For
three days after her period I let her have unprotected
sex with Gordon while I used a rubber.

For the next two weeks she used her diaphragm with the
KY jelly then unprotected sex until her period. By now
Inga was over her morning sickness and always feeling
horny. That month I let Laura have unprotected sex until
a full week after her period and only having her use her
diaphragm for the week when she was most likely to get
pregnant. By now everyone was caught up in my game. I
had been carefully monitoring Laura’s cycle and was
pretty sure of her date of ovulation.

To keep everyone guessing I had Laura use her diaphragm
up to the time she was due to ovulate then I let Gordon
shot his sperm in her womb. The next morning I didn’t
say anything about Gordon coming in her and she visited
Gordon and again that night. The following morning put
the morning after pills on the table next to her

Laura sighed and gave me a wistful look before taking
them. For the rest of the month I let her have
unprotected sex but her period came on time. After her
period was finished, I told her it was time for Gordon
to breed her for real and if she wanted she could have
him sleep with her while she was at peek fertility.

Laura hugged and kissed me passionately before asking if
she could run next door and tell Inga and Gordon. I
kissed her again and said I would go with her. Gordon
greeted us with a whisper as he told us that Inga was
putting Heidi to bed. As we made our way to Gordon’s
den, Inga emerged from Heidi’s room wearing panties and
a drop of milk on each nipple. With her belly starting
to swell Inga could have been the poster girl for

The four of us went into the den and closed the door as
Gordon asked what was up. I sat in a love seat making
room for Laura to sit next to me but Inga hopped in my
lap and stuck a nipple in my mouth as Laura walked over
to Gordon. Lifting her skirt, Laura told him it was time
to make her belly swell. Gordon leaned over and pulled
her panties off then gave her a love bite on her tummy.

Suddenly Inga and I didn’t exist for them. Scooping up
Laura, Gordon carried her to his bedroom, leaving Inga
feeding me her delicious milk. Several minutes later,
Inga asked if I wanted to go watch. I kissed her nipple
and told Inga that I’d dreamed of the day when I could
see that black snake in real action. Like two school
kids off to a picnic, Inga and I went hand in hand to
the bedroom.

Without a word Inga and I went to the side of the bed
and knelt on the floor to watch Gordon as he kissed and
nibbled Laura’s boobs. Somehow my clothes came off as
the erotic seen before us and Inga began stroking my

By the time Gordon had worked his way down to Laura’s
pussy Inga had my cock in her pussy. When I started to
pump my cock in Inga’s pussy, she indicated I was just
to hold it there for her pussy to play with. I guess if
anyone had seen us it would have almost looked like a
strange religious ritual, one couple on the altar and
another kneeling in prayer.

The contrast of Gordon’s big black body over Laura’s
slender pale white body was every bit as exciting as I
had dreamed. The howls and whimpers from Laura where
exciting and scary, several times I wanted to stop
Gordon, but Inga’s pussy distracted me just enough to
keep me from interfering.

After a strong climax Laura calmed enough to beg Gordon
to fuck her. As Gordon moved up over Laura, his cock
looked a thick black snake ready to strike. Impatient,
Laura grabbed his cock and guided it to her pussy. When
she had, his cock head in her pussy Laura wrapped her
legs around Gordon’s ass and pulled him in.

The scene must have excited Inga as her pussy became
more active. I leaned forward and pinched her nipples
further inflaming her lust. After fucking me hard for a
minute Inga deliberately slowed, trying to keep pace
with Gordon and Laura.

For his part Gordon moved his hips with long deliberate
strokes. Laura had her hips off the bed and met his
every down stroke with a grunt as Gordon’s big cock hit
bottom. In all of my dreams, I never thought the real
thing could be this exciting. The sights, sounds and
smells were so incredibly intense I hoped it would never
end but I wanted to see Gordon fill Laura’s womb with
his sperm.

Gordon wasn’t in any hurry and neither was Laura. They
were so wrapped up in themselves that they didn’t know
we were there. Then like someone threw a switch, Laura
turned her head toward me and reached out her hand.

“Gordon is going to breed me. Can you see his big cock
fucking me?” Laura said in a dreamy voice.

Reaching out to her hand, I told Laura it was a
wonderful sight and I hoped that I got to see it often.
As we held hands, Laura asked if I wanted Gordon to give
her more than one baby. Giving Laura’s hand a squeeze I
told her two or three would be fine. Looking over at me,
Gordon asked if I liked breeding Inga.

Inga scolded her husband for asking such a question.
Laughing, I told Gordon I was just loaning Inga my cock
and she was doing all the work. Gordon laughed and
commented about Inga’s pussy having a mind of its own.
Laura did something that made Gordon groan and turn his
attention back to her. Sensing that Gordon was getting
close, I pulled out of Inga and moved her so we could
get a closer look at Gordon’s cock and Laura’s pussy.

Inga whispered to me to turn on the overhead light.
After turning on the light I slipped up behind her and
my cock found her hungry pussy. Reunited, we watched
with rapt attention as Gordon’s cock worked up a white
froth that coated their union.

Soon Gordon’s balls tightened and I saw the globs of his
sperm start down his cock shaft. Gordon jammed his cock
hard into Laura and jerked his hips in short jabs that I
knew were driving his sperm in Laura’s womb. In
response, my balls unloaded in Inga’s pussy causing her
to purr with delight.

After resting for a minute Gordon whispered in Laura’s
ear, she kissed him and they separated. A moment later
Laura was on her hands and knees and Gordon was slipping
his still hard cock in her from behind. Gordon made a
few strokes and Laura asked me to bring my cock close
enough so she could suck it. I glanced at Inga and she
grinned and slapped me on my butt.

Lying with my head toward Laura’s hips I had a fantastic
view of her pussy and Gordon’s swinging balls. As I
watched I noticed Laura’s clit wasn’t getting much
contact with Gordon so I reached up and started stroking
it. Laura moaned with delight and sucked my cock with
even more enthusiasm.

Feeling the bed shift I saw Inga crawl along Laura’s
other side and start playing with Laura’s nipples. Laura
lifted her head from my cock and said. “Make it rough.”
Seeing that I couldn’t get my mouth on her clit, I
started pinching and tugging on it. Laura went out of
her fucking mind. The only thing that kept Laura from
waking Inga’s children was my cock in her throat.

When Gordon was finished shooting his sperm in Laura’s
womb he let go of her hips and let Laura slid off his
softening cock. Seeing that magnificent cock dripping
with their juices I lifted my head and kissed it. He
didn’t move or comment, then as I turned to kiss Laura’s
hip Gordon and Inga left.

Laura and I cuddled for a few minutes before she asked
me to go home and get her diaphragm. When I asked if it
wasn’t too late for that she kissed me and told me she
wanted to keep Gordon’s sperm inside. With new energy I
threw on some clothes and dashed home. When I returned,
Inga asked if something was wrong. Holding up Laura’s
diaphragm, I explained my mission. Inga suggested she
take it to Laura in case Laura needed help.

Wearing a bathrobe Gordon appeared and asked if
everything was all right. Touching his arm, I told
Gordon, I was delighted that he was my neighbor and

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