Teaching Swapping 2.

The next morning was a working school day, and Tommy
Singleton awoke earlier than usual, wondering why he was feeling
such a sense of anticipation and excitement. He glanced briefly
at the still sleeping form of his wife Linda, clad only in a short
nightie of sheer nylon that hid nothing of her physical charms
from his view. She was Iying flat on her back, her creamy white
thighs exposed all the way to the softly enticing little triangle
of blonde curls up between their firmly rounded smoothness. He
could see the inviting pink folds of her pussy pouting chastely up
between her slightly spread legs, and he wanted more than anything
at that moment to drop his head down there and thrust his tongue
deep up into her unprotected innocent cunt, but he knew that she
would never permit him to enjoy himself that way — or permit
herself to enjoy it, he added grimly. Hungrily he let his eyes
pass on up over the filmy fabric clinging to her taut white belly
to the delectable little indentation of her navel clearly visible
through the sheer garment and farther up to the sweeping rise of
her fully ripe breasts. Little upward thrusts were made where the
tiny pink buds of her nipples pressed teasingly up against the
thin nylon, and he licked his lips at the delicious sight before
reluctantly turning away to get dressed.
As he finished shaving and looked at himself in the mirror,
he suddenly remembered why he felt so anxious to get out of the
house and off to school. He smiled at his image with a boyish
grin, his brown eyes sparkling with unconcealed joy as he recalled
the conversation with his fellow coach, Fred Furness, the day
before. He could hardly wait to get that phone call he had been
promised. Being involved for so long with the girl he had just
married, it had been easy to forget for the time being that he had
always been attractive to women, and now he found himself bursting
with a renewed energy. He pulled on the loose velour slip-over
sweater that only coaches could get by with in a public school,
unable to resist admiring the way it clung to his muscular
shoulders and chest. Hell I’m practically irresistible, he
grinned into the mirror, and then he left the house quietly,
getting into his yellow sports car with a feeling of elation he
had not experienced for what seemed like years.
Avoiding the usual bull session taking place in the faculty
room at the school, Tommy went directly to his tiny office behind
the gymnasium and watched the telephone as if he could make it
ring with his eyes. When it finally did jingle in two short
bursts after the end of the second period, he was sitting ready to
answer it and held it up to his ear before the bell stopped
“Hello, Fred?” he blurted into the instrument anxiously.
“Hi, is that you, Tommy?” came the soft feminine voice.
It was Grace Furness, Fred’s wife! Her sweetly seductive
voice seemed to flutter inside his ear, making his body ache with
“Yes. Grace?” he stammered. “I-I was expecting to hear from
Fred.” He wondered if something had gone wrong.
“Yes, I know. But I thought it would be better if I called
you myself. I think we ought to have a little talk,” she breathed
into the phone.
“1, uh, fine,” Tommy managed to say. “When would be a good
“How about this afternoon, right after school?” Grace asked.
“Fred tells me you don’t have a practice on for today — he does,
“Right. And I’m free last period too,” he offered, regaining
some of his composure after the shock of hearing her voice instead
of the one he had expected.
“Why don’t you come by as soon as you can then,” Grace
suggested. “We can have a drink and see how we feel. Okay?”
“Okay! Great,” Tommy replied, his pulse beginning to race as
he detected the promise in her voice. “Say about two-thirty or
“If that’s as soon as you can make it, fine with me,” she
teased. Then she laughed and added, “Just don’t waste any time
with those dikes from the women’s physical education department.”
“Don’t worry about that,” Tommy put in, feeling bolder by the
minute as he heard her expressing her own anticipation and
interest. “I never waste time with women who are duds.”
She laughed again, louder this time. “I’m sure you don’t,
lover. See you later.”
“Yeah, later,” Tommy responded, and then they hung up.
It was all he could do to keep his mind on his work until he
finished with the last group of students. When they had finally
dispersed with the buzzer signaling the end of sixth period, Tommy
grabbed up the small bag containing his street clothes without
bothering to change from his coaching shorts. He left the office
in the gym the way it was, knowing that the custodian would lock
up before the day was over and ran to his car in the parking lot.
It was close to three o’clock when Tommy’s wife Linda finally
decided she needed to talk to somebody. She never expected her
husband home before at least four or four-thirty, and she felt she
really needed an outlet for her confused feelings before she had
to face him again.
After thinking about it, she knew there was only one person
who would be willing to listen, and perhaps would have some good
advice for her.
Grace Furness.
She hated to do it, even though she liked Grace well enough
to become close friends with her. But she had formed an almost
instantaneous aversion to Grace’s husband Fred, and she felt this
would always stand in the way of any intimate contact socially
with Grace. Even so, she decided, there just wasn’t anybody else
she could talk to, and Grace was conveniently nearby — you could
see the back windows of the Furness apartment across the courtyard
of the condominium.
Without any further hesitation, not even bothering to call
first since they lived so close, Linda slipped on her sandals with
crepe rubber soles and stepped out of the apartment.
Speaking to the other young wives she encountered on the way,
Linda looked at their unconcerned smiling faces and wondered if
any of them had gone through the same experiences when they were
first married that she was now going through. They all seemed
contented and happy, and it was hard for her to believe that they
could have had any serious problems. She reluctantly admitted to
herself as she waited for the elevator up to the fifth floor that
it was possible her difficulties with Tommy were all her own
It seemed impossible, but maybe she was just too darned
prudish in her outlook on sex, she reflected. She had always
thought of herself as a liberated woman who had rejected the
outdated ways of her parents’ generation, but who was to say that
some of their outmoded thinking about sex hadn’t been so deeply
instilled in her from an early age that she didn’t even know it
was affecting her.
She sighed heavily as the door of the elevator opened onto
the fifth floor corridor. It’ll be difficult, she told herself as
she turned left and started for the Furness’ door, but I’ve got to
try to be absolutely frank with Grace, making it very clear what
it is I want to ask her about. She was trying to form the words
in her mind for all the questions she had — mostly about the
perverse demands Tommy had been making since they were married,
when finally she found herself standing outside the thin wood door
of Grace and Fred’s apartment.
Her index finger was poised over the button of the doorbell,
ready to ring, when suddenly she froze in place, the unexpected
sounds coming to her ears through the door shocking her into
“Let me suck you first,” came the voice of Grace Furness,
husky with passion and desire. She and whoever she was talking to
must have been just inside the foyer entrance to the apartment,
her words were so clear to Linda’s hearing.
There was a mumble of a man’s lower voice saying something
she couldn’t understand, followed by the harsh metallic sound of a
zipper being opened.
“Oohhh, it’s so big and hard, lover,” came Grace’s voice
again. “Can I kiss it here?”
Instead of an answer, Linda heard a low moan of pleasure
unlike anything she had ever heard before. She stood like a stone
statue in the hall, the overpowering sounds rushing through her
mind so loud she thought she must be about to faint and fall to
the floor. The moaning male voice continued for what seemed an
eternity, and then Grace’s voice came to her through the door
“Mmmmmm, you’ve really got a nice prick,” Linda distinctly
heard her say. “Come on into the bedroom. You can hear
everything through these paper-thin doors.”
There came the sound of retreating footsteps inside, and then
there was silence, only the deafening rushing in Linda’s mind
going on and on as she tried to comprehend and accept what she had
just overheard without meaning to eavesdrop.
Abruptly, as though a warning signal had gone off inside her
head, she turned and raced down the hallway to the stairwell, not
willing to wait for the elevator again. She ran until she was
back in her own home, confusion running rampant through her
She had unwittingly discovered something about the wife of
her husband’s friend and colleague which she would have given all
the money in the world not to know. And she had been just about
to ask Grace for personal advice! A wife who was obviously being
unfaithful to her husband.
Of course, Linda reminded herself without being convinced, it
was possible that Grace’s husband had come home from school
earlier than usual, but that wasn’t likely. And besides, the
obscene act Grace must have been performing on the other side of
the closed door to her apartment was almost unthinkable to the
young wife’s mind, even with her own husband. That had been one
of the very subjects she had wanted to ask Grace about if she had
found the courage to do so, but now it seemed forever impossible.
There was only one thing to do, Linda finally decided as she
nervously prepared herself some iced tea to vainly try to calm her
nerves. She would have to try to work it out in her own mind
without any outside help.
She added inwardly to herself, I have to forget that I ever
even thought of going to Grace Furness for advice. I have to
forget that I know anything I shouldn’t. I couldn’t face either
Grace or her husband again knowing that. I wasn’t there. I
wasn’t there, she kept repeating until finally she thought the
unintentional knowledge she had was emptied out of her memory.
But deep in a secret recess of her inner mind, the question
she had not verbalized hung unanswered: Who was the man with Grace

* * *

As Grace led him toward the bedroom, Tommy Singleton felt his
blood rushing wildly through his veins. He just wasn’t able to
believe this fantastic woman. He had come to the door thinking
that the two of them would have a round-about conversation on the
topic he had come to discuss with her, perhaps even ending up with
her saying she couldn’t go through with it with another man than
her husband. But she had totally surprised him.
As soon as the door had closed behind him, she had thrown her
arms around his neck and pulled him down to her, pressing her hot
moist lips against his. Her tongue began spearing into his mouth
hungrily and she groaned hoarsely as though she had been starved
for it for years and years. Her warmly trembling body ground up
against his with all her strength, and as she pressed and squirmed
her loins into his, he was aware of his aching penis beginning to
throb and jerk up inside his restricting jockey-strap under his
gym shorts. He felt the twin mounds of her firmly resilient
breasts pushing tightly into his muscular chest, the thin t-shirt
he wore and her flimsy sheath dress not preventing his feeling the
tiny erect buds of her nipples digging into his skin like hard
Tommy had been sure she was not wearing anything underneath
the thigh-length dress made of some synthetic material. Then,
when he dropped the satchel he was carrying and wrapped his arms
around her, slipping his hands up and down her writhing torso, he
found he was right. He had not felt a brassiere strap, and
lightly gliding his fingertips on down to the gently sloping flare
of her undulating hips, he discovered she was not wearing panties
either. The thought of her ripe young flesh completely naked
under the thin garment clinging to her like icing on a cake
excited him still further, and he thrust his throbbing genitals up
tight against her softly heaving belly, at the same time flicking
his tongue serpent-like around hers darting wetly in and out
between his open lips.
Then the incredulous young husband had scarcely been able to
believe his senses when his friend’s wife slipped her hands
lightly over the rippling muscles on his back and on down to his
buttocks, clenched tightly as he ground his pelvis into hers. She
squeezed them appreciatively in a way no other woman had ever
done, gradually moving her hands around to force them between
their passionately locked loins and without hesitation finding his
blood-inflated cock with her fingers. She fondled his rigidity
experimentally through his gym shorts, up and down its pulsating
length, bringing it to an even greater hardness from her touch,
finally pulling her moist lips away from his own and smiling
seductively up at him.
“Let me suck you,” she told him without the slightest
indication of the shame or repulsion that his wife Linda would
have shown if she had ever been able to give voice to the words.
Then, when she unzipped his gym trunks and pulled the material
down to release his now fully erect penis, she glowed. “It’s so
big and hard.” He had dimly been aware of her bending her head
down close to him as she dropped to her knees and added, “Can I
kiss it there?” Not waiting for an answer, she dipped her head
and placed her hotly searching lips against the pulsing,
moistening tip of his lust-swollen cock.
Yes, yes, kiss it, suck it, he was crying out inside his
brain, hearing his own husky, breathless groans of intense
pleasure echoing inside the tiny foyer as though he were
experiencing it all in a fantasy dream. He closed his eyes in
new-found ecstasy as he felt her lips part into a rounded wet oval
and slip slowly over his inflated cock until it was lodged in her
mouth as far as the ridge encircling the flaring gland on the end.
Then he felt her begin probing the tiny opening with her searing
hot tongue, sending scalding waves of sensation flooding through
his testicles dangling beneath. He thought his whole body would
explode from the exquisite pressure building in his cum-laden
balls as suddenly he felt her gently stroking fingernails running
lightly along the underside of his still swelling shaft. Then
they cupped his heavy testicles with warm reverence, alternately
tickling at them and kneading them as if trying to pump his
swollen aching cock to still greater proportions. Suddenly he
could take it no longer.
With an earth-shattering groan from somewhere deep in his
chest, Tommy clenched his buttocks and thrust his hips forward,
driving his maddeningly throbbing cock as far as he could up into
the hot moist cavern of her mouth, feeling its velvety tip bump up
hard against the back of her throat. She had grunted from the
force of his thrust, squeezing his balls with her fingers until he
thought they would burst like eggs in her hands, and then abruptly
she had stopped what she was doing. He felt the cool air of the
room washing over his turgid shaft coated with her saliva and
opened his eyes to look down at her pulling her wide-open lips
Without another word, his friend’s wife stood up again, her
blue eyes smoky with desire as she grasped his long thickness
tightly with her right hand and began leading him along behind
Her eyes lifted to his and she told him in a voice thick with
passion, “Mmmmm, you’ve got a really nice prick. Come on into the
Now as they entered the bedroom together, Grace’s fingers
gave his painfully hardened cock a final playful squeeze and,
before his very eyes, she raised her arms to lift the scanty
sheath dress over her head with one sweeping motion and threw it
onto a chair. She stood completely naked before his gaze, her
breasts standing out in front of her as firmly as a young girl’s,
the rosy pink nipples erect in the center of their aureoles.
Seeing his lustful eyes fixed on her rounded white mounds, Grace
cupped them in her hands and squeezed them tantalizingly, letting
her fingers play over the upthrust rubbery buds of her nipples.
Her lewdly suggestive action caused his cock to jerk up into even
greater hardness, and she riveted her eyes on its thickness,
watching its pulsating, blood-filled tip a moment before
commenting, “I like it. It’s going to feel good going up inside
me. Oh God, I want it in me.”
Tommy stood transfixed like a saint before a vision of heaven
as her hands slipped down from her breasts over the taut
smoothness of her belly, his eyes following as they traced the
outward-flaring curve of her full hips and then moved slowly
toward the thin curls of the blonde triangle nestled up between
her statuesque, marble-white thighs. She clasped the provocative,
hair-covered mound with both hands, her fingers disappearing into
the barely visible pink layers of flesh surrounding the opening to
her vagina.
My God, what a woman, Tommy thought as he looked on at the
obscene spectacle she was giving him. If only my wife Linda would
act this way sometimes!
In front of him, Grace Furness probed into the pliant outer
flanges of her own moistening cunt, the middle finger of her right
hand finding and massaging the tiny quivering bud of her clitoris.
She groaned loudly this time and pressed her full resilient thighs
tightly together around her fingers, her whole body beginning to
undulate slowly before him like a mesmerizing serpent.
Then, without warning, she flung herself back onto the bed
behind her, drawing up her knees and spreading them wide apart to
reveal to his eyes her pinkly glistening pussy-lips.
“Oh God,” she moaned, staring wide-eyed past the twin mounds
of her upward heaving white breasts at his wildly jerking bone-
hard cock. “Get your clothes off before I die. I want you to
fuck me.” She squirmed and twisted her buttocks tightly down into
the mattress as she repeated the lewd, lust-inciting phrase over
and over, the obscene words on her sensual lips exciting him into
a crescendo of rising passion.
Tommy began desperately stripping his few clothes from his
body, dropping his already opened gym pants and shorts to the
floor and almost ripping off his t-shirt, finally standing over
her writhing body with his cock pointing at the ceiling in nakedly
throbbing erection. Grace Furness lifted her body slightly from
the bed as she arched her back in excitement, as if raising her
openly spreading cunt up to him in sacrifice, her eyes remaining
riveted on his thickly menacing shaft standing out in the air.
Then he lay down on the bed beside her, his breath coming
faster and faster as he pulled her gently undulating body over to
him with his strong young arms. He moved one hand down to the
smoothness of her buttocks and cupped them; they were beautifully
firm and sinewy as he had expected them to be. Her body was warm
and soft against his and she raised her face up hungrily to his,
locking her mouth tightly to him as her hand searched down between
their bodies for the hardness of his penis. Tommy gasped as her
startingly cool fingers closed around his rigidity and pulled him
forcefully closer to her, crushing the full length of her body
against his. She was grinding her pelvis tightly into his loins,
and then she suddenly twisted her body, pulling him over on top of
her, opening her legs wide to take him between them. Their lips
were still moistly pressed together, hers soft and giving under
his harsher pressure, tiny chills flying over his skin as her
tongue darted like a wet penis in and out of his mouth in a motion
to match the obscene thrust of her loins up against his.
His still expanding, throbbing cock was resting hard against
her thighs, pressed into the narrow wetness of her eager cunt that
nibbled like another mouth at its turgid tip-end. She arched her
body for a moment levering them both up off the bed and, reaching
back under her buttocks with both hands, stretched her vaginal
lips slowly apart. She pushed her openly spread pussy-mouth up
into greater contact with the sensitive flesh of his hotly pulsing
hardness and held herself like that for a moment, the gently
clasping slit teasing and sucking at his distended glans.
“Oh God, you feel nice,” she whispered up into his mouth,
slipping her hands out from under her, her nails trailing across
his back, leaving small red welts in their path. He pushed his
hands farther down beneath her, once again cupping the fullness of
her clenching and unclenching ass-cheeks in his palms and jerking
her moistly receptive pussy tighter up against him. He moved up
and down slowly, feeling her beginning a more desperate rotation
under him until her legs, without warning, snaked out wider on
either side of his body, her calves locking against the back of
his thighs, urging him tighter into her.
“Ohhh, fuck me now, darling, fuck me now!” she moaned into
his mouth, her eyes shut tight, her pelvis grinding in little
circles. Tommy groaned as he felt the soft silky hair around her
vagina graze teasingly against the pulsating, blood-filled end of
his cock, forcing it into greater hardness from the excruciating
Unable to hold back another second, Tommy flicked his hips
forward with a sudden cruel thrust that drove his cock with flesh-
separating insistence up into the rubbery hot moistness of her
“Ohhhhhh!” she moaned beneath him, a sensual flutter in her
voice. He felt the warm elastic-like sheath slip wetly over his
nakedly sensitized rod. It entered with a slight resistance of
her velvety flesh, as though she were a virgin being taken for the
first time, except that it was better because he knew she was
controlling her vaginal muscles that way to give him infinitely
more pleasure. He relished the knowledge that it would be like
this every time he fucked her, ’cause he sure didn’t intend for
this to be the last time. This is what the young husband had
hoped for in his own wife, but, if he couldn’t get it there, then
Fred’s wife, Grace could give it to him. He was learning, and
learning fast, what a woman who liked to screw could do, and he
wasn’t going to do without this unbelievable pleasure any longer.
His long thick cock raced steadily up into her cunt to the
deepest reaches of her belly that clasped warm and tight at first
like a moist tongue wrapped around the full aching length of his
hardness, then easier as the inner vaginal walls accepted his
presence and lubricated the way with hotly flowing fluids.
Then, suddenly, he hit bottom, his heavy balls slapping up
hard against the tightly clenched cheeks of her buttocks.
Grace Furness moaned a low animal-like cry beneath him,
twisting reflexively on his skewering penis from the sudden
unexpected pain of his complete penetration, but he thrust harder,
screwing his pelvis even tighter into her loins. He could feel
their pubic hair twisting together as he strove for all he was
worth for the greater contact he was making inside against the
quivering tip of her cervix.
Now she was spitted on his steel-hard length and he lay on
her for a moment to allow the pain of his sudden entry to subside,
proud that he could hurt her this way. It was the age-old ritual
of a man subjugating a woman to his will, and he reveled for a
moment in the power he possessed over another man’s wife impaled
beneath him. Then he flicked the end of his blood-swollen cock
again, bringing another low moan from between her firmly
compressed lips. He had raised his head up from hers now, and he
watched the lust-inciting distortions of her pretty face as it
reflected the feelings his cock was causing inside her body.
Slowly he felt her tensed loins relax under him and begin a
gentle massage-like oscillation around the thick hilt of his cock
buried up inside her like a sensory sword. Tommy ground his
pelvis jammed against hers into the squirming saddle of cuntal
flesh, and she strained up to him, arching her back so that it
lifted them both up off the mattress. She trembled ceaselessly
beneath his body grinding into hers, opening and closing her legs
around his hips like the useless struggle of a butterfly pinned to
a board. Gradually her moans took up a chanting rhythm as old as
man’s world itself, a savage bleating that matched the steady
pulsation now beginning where their loins locked desperately
together and the rhythmic regular in-and-out motion up between her
quivering thighs.
Tommy could feel his cock expanding and growing inside her as
he slowly but surely answered her gentle rocking movements,
pulling his hardness out barely an inch at first before driving it
back in hard against her palpitating womb, then gradually out a
little more, then farther and farther. Finally his cock, now
glistening with her cuntal juices, slipped all the way out until
just the bulging glans at the tip remained embedded inside her,
then he stroked again and again into the warm oily moistness of
her clinging pussy, his testicles each time banging heavily
against her softly rounded buttocks below.
His friend’s blonde wife suddenly threw her arms loosely out
to the sides on the bed, concentrating all her attention on the
blissful sensations their instinctively matched thrusting motions
gave to her body. Tommy raised himself up on his hands spread on
the mattress beside her head, enjoying watching the ecstatic
expressions on her face. Her mouth was hanging slackly open as
she flailed her head from side to side in abandon, her long blonde
hair whipping back and forth on the red colored bedspread,
ceaseless deep-throated guttural sounds escaping from between her
lips with each long smooth stroke of his slowly pistoning cock,
building in intensity as together they accelerated the tempo to a
frantic pace. He let his eyes pass down over the tautly stretched
tendons of her passion-hollowed neck, pausing to greedily relish
the gently heaving vibrant orbs of her breasts, their ruby pink
nipples jutting out like tiny strawberries offered up for him to
devour, and then on down past her quaking white belly to their
merging loins below.
He could see his blood-distended, thick penis withdrawing
almost its full length from the dinging pink lips of her pussy,
then rushing headlong back up into the curl-lined opening. She
was pushing up to meet his thrusts as if she were unable to wait
even a split second for his next entry into her. Each time he
drove it in to the hilt he held it there for an instant, savoring
the delicious sensations it caused as she shuddered violently on
his impaling hard shaft, jerking her loins in a tiny quick
rotation that threatened to make his cum-laden balls explode from
the hot pressure building up there. Again and again she wrenched
her pelvis downward as he began the long slow withdrawal, her warm
moist pussy sucking at him like a million mouths inside her belly
as she felt the ridges of his cock rippling over the quivering
little bud of her clitoris.
She groaned ceaselessly beneath his pounding body, her whole
being throwing itself into the wanton act, thrashing and bucking
under him like a demon gone wild.
Goddamn, she’s a good fuck, Tommy told himself as he watched
her heaving in salacious abandon beneath him like a contortionist
playing the part of a lewd lascivious whore.
“Ohhhhh, it’s good, it’s good! Shove your finger in my ass!
Make me scream, damn it, make me scream!” she coughed up at him in
a lust-maddened daze.
He reached under her between her jerking buttocks as he
continued to drive his cock rhythmically up into the hot wetness
of her cunt. Carefully, he stretched the narrow crevice of her
ass-cheeks wide, searching with the tip of his middle finger for
her anus.
Suddenly he found it.
Small rivulets of warm moisture were running down the
widespread crevice from where his hand could feel his hard rod of
flesh thrusting into her vagina. It moistened the tightly
puckered little rectal ring, lubricating it slightly, and he
probed experimentally for a moment with the tip of his finger.
Then he pushed hard, feeling the anal circle give a little under
the pressure, and suddenly the tight elastic flesh gave way
completely and his finger slipped in up to the first knuckle
joint. She jumped forward away from him, almost crawling on her
back to escape the first excruciating pain. “Ahhhhhhhggh! God,
it hurts!”
He brutally thrust again, sinking into the second knuckle.
“Ugggghhhhh! Yesssss, yesssss! Hurt me! Hurt me more!”
In spite of the pain she was feeling, he felt her suddenly
begin screwing her buttocks, clenched into tight balls of muscle,
back onto his finger until it was sunk all the way to the palm of
his hand. He wriggled it inside the narrow passage, rotating it
around in the rubbery depths of her rectum. He could feel through
the thin wall of flesh separating the two openings the underside
of his cock plunging in and out of her cunt and he began skewering
her between them, maintaining the same rhythm for both as she
groaned on beneath him. His nail caught the tender flesh in her
anus momentarily, scraping her and causing her to jerk, but then
she caught up the endless pace again, opening her legs wide out
over the bed to give him greater access to the dual ravishing of
her loins.
As she pitched crazily under him, Tommy could sense that it
wouldn’t be long before she reached her climax, and he knew he
would be able to hold back a little longer. She had to cum soon,
and he began ramming it into her with long hard hammer-thrusts in
time with his finger hotly sheathed in her anus as she churned
helplessly beneath him on the bed.
He could tell she was near completion as she gripped him
tight between her trembling thighs, opening and closing them
around him in unison with his relentlessly spearing strokes,
warbling meaningless cries from deep within her throat as though
she had no control over her voice. She was approaching closer and
closer the moment she had been working for, and he continued his
merciless double thrusts with all his strength and power.
Then her mouth found a way to form words again.
“Oooooohhhh, fuck it, fuck it hard — hard — HAARRRDDDDD!”
she chanted, mumbling all the lewd and obscene words she could
think of, spurring him on with the sporadic pounding of her heels
on his tightly clenched buttocks. Then she jackknifed her legs up
high, pressing her knees back hard onto her flattened breasts,
offering him full access to her nakedly upturned cunt. Her eyes
rolled uncontrollably in her head, her face tortured and contorted
as she strained for the final explosion so near.
Suddenly she coughed and pulled her thighs up even tighter.
“I’m cumming!” she exclaimed, as if in surprise, her mouth
opening wide in ecstatic abandon. “I’m cumming,” she repeated as
though she had to convince herself. The whole of her pink, widely
stretched young pussy was presented up to him to batter and use as
he wished, her ankles hooked high up over his shoulders, kicking
and dancing high on his sinewy back. He could feel her tiny
throbbing clitoris jerking along the top of his cock like a stick
on a picket fence, her defenselessly upthrust loins squirming
beneath him in the wild uninhibited throes of her abandoned
orgasm. Her words had become incoherent unintelligible syllables
whose meaning was known only to herself, her wide unseeing eyes
gazing as if in wonder at the ceiling.
Jesus, look at the little bitch go, Tommy Singleton thought
as he grinned down from his position on top of her at his friend’s
wife racing out of control for the final climax, gritting his
teeth and clenching his buttocks as tightly as he could to hold
back his own, slaving and sweating over her harder than he ever
had in his life. Abruptly he pulled his finger out of her anus to
give both of them greater freedom of movement.
“I’M CUMMMMMIIINNNNG!” she suddenly screamed again, the words
changing into a prolonged inhuman moan that went on and on like a
piercing note decreeing the end of the world for her. Fred
Furness’ wife flared her nostrils wide like an animal struggling
for its life and screwed herself up on Tommy’s pistoning shaft of
flesh, locking herself to him with all the strength of her thighs
while her spending loins jerked spasmodically against his belly.
He could feel her ass-cheeks clenching his swollen balls beneath
as she shuddered up against him, his throbbing aching cock glued
inside her, the hotly clasping inner walls of her pussy flooding
warm wet fluids around him for what seemed an eternity.
The ecstatic young blonde held her breath for an interminable
moment and then expelled it as though struck in the stomach by a
heavy fist, her body collapsing limply down onto the mattress.
She lay still and unmoving, uncontrollable palpitations of her
well-fucked pussy going on and on like a finally tamed wild animal
pulsing around his tortured cock lodged far up inside her. He
held it pushed deep in her belly, allowing her to rest for a
moment, though it was all he could do to keep from going on
screwing into her moistly clinging young pussy.
God, he had never seen anything like it! Fred hadn’t been
wrong when he’d said this wife of his was quite a woman.
Tommy throbbed the rampant thickness of his penis deep up in
her belly, hoping to bring her passion-drenched cunt to life
“That was nice,” Grace whispered breathlessly. “I haven’t
been fucked like that in a long time.” She clenched the walls of
her butter-soft pussy around his hardness in a grateful gesture
that made him gasp in his efforts to keep from shooting his load
of cum into her right then and there.
He wanted to fuck her more before filling her belly full of
hot white sperm.
“You’re not finished yet,” he hissed down at her, his blood
seething from the aching throb down in his balls.
“God, lover,” she murmured with a lewdly twisted smile of
approval, “you held back a long time.”
“But not much longer,” he muttered, breathing hard. “I’m
right on the edge.”
“Roll over,” she said, smiling sweetly up at him. “You’ve
been doing most of the work. Now it’s my turn since you were so
Reluctantly, he pulled back, slipping his turgid cock-shaft
wetly out of the clinging moist warmth of her vagina. He hated to
pull it out, he was so close to spurting off into her belly, but
he decided to let her have her way. She hadn’t disappointed him
so far, and he didn’t think she would now. He had never done
anything with his own wife Linda but get on top of her and after a
few quick strokes get rid of his load and that was it. She didn’t
like to play in bed, and the limit was one orgasm, for him, and
none for her. He had the impression after the few weeks he had
been married to her that she merely tolerated his love-making,
unable to really enjoy it. He’d tried, but she seemed not to be
interested in getting any fun out of it.
Well, maybe he would learn some things from Grace that he
could use to change Linda’s tune about things. He’d just let his
friend’s wife handle it from now on until he learned a little more
about really pleasing a woman.
As he rolled from the softness of her body over onto his
back, thin white trails of her orgasm followed his rigid cock
across her lower thigh. He had the sudden thought that if this
was doing a favor for his friend Fred who hadn’t been able to make
love to Grace for awhile, it was ten times a greater favor to
himself. That’s what I call a real friend, he smiled to himself.
Then he lifted his head from the mattress to watch what Grace was
going to do.
She turned on her side toward him and, reaching out with her
hand, began stroking him, sliding the loose foreskin flesh up and
down in a slow magical rhythm that caused his ache to increase
almost beyond endurance. Then she rose to her knees and hovered
over him on all fours, her face a scant few inches from the
throbbing bulbous tip of his expectant cock. She held it tightly
between both hands, stroking it between the flat of her palms in a
teasing up and down motion that caused his loins to undulate in
time to her maddening rhythm.
Her blonde head dropped slowly toward his hardness until
suddenly her tongue flicked forward, the tip boring teasingly into
the obscene wetness of the tiny gland on the end. He sucked in
his breath from the sudden renewed contact of her tongue, chills
rippling along the back of his spine, bringing a groan from his
lips. She then brought her mouth down all the way to enclose the
whole sensitive tip in a moistly clasping pressure, her lips
tightening like an elastic hand around it just-below the rubbery
flare of the glans, trapping it completely inside the warm wet
cavern of her mouth.
“Christ!” he groaned out loud into the bedroom, staring down
at her contorted face. The sight of his hard shaft of burgeoning-
cock-flesh sunk halfway between her ovaled lips increased the
sensation of a thousand-fold. His penis was still wet from the
juices of her orgasm and glistened like the trunk of a rain-soaked
tree along the part she had not yet taken between her avidly
working lips. She gently massaged his soft resilient testicles
with one hand and stroked the base of his cock between the thumb
and forefinger of the other as she began to suck rhythmically up
and down. He could feel the animated softness of her tongue
twirling maddeningly around it at the apex of the withdrawal, the
tip flicking magically across the tiny opening of the gland on the
end. He flexed his buttocks, his head still raised, watching the
top of her head bobbing up and down below, the sight of her labors
making it all the more exciting for him.
Grace could feel his throbbing reaction and began to suck at
his cock a little harder, the tips of her sharp teeth digging
gently into the hard resisting flesh, leaving small white trails
where they had scraped the blood along beneath the velvet surface
of the skin. She shifted her position over his thigh without
disengaging her mouth from his cock and kneeled on all fours
between his open legs, reaching under his buttocks to cup them in
her palms, pulling his straining loins tighter to her face. Her
tongue licked round and round the growing glans furiously until
Tommy felt it near the bursting point as she took almost all his
rigid shaft deep into her throat. Though he was certain she would
choke, she continued the erotically titillating sucking on and on.
Huge pools of liquid heat were building deep, deep in his
balls as he watched her lovely face working above his sweating
loins. He could see tiny rivulets of perspiration rolling in thin
driplets from the sides of her body as she bobbed over him like a
demon-goddess gone mad. The muscles of his stomach tightened
until he thought they would snap from the pressure as he arched
his back up off the bed to push even farther between the delicious
moistness of her furiously working lips that clung greedily to his
lewdly thrusting cock.
He groaned under her again and again, his lips twitching
crazily, incoherent mutterings escaping from between his clenched
Suddenly, he gasped.
The moment was here and a low guttural sound started from
somewhere deep in his chest as he felt the white-hot sperm begin
its mad dash from his balls and spurt in thin hot streams into her
endlessly sucking mouth. Her cheeks expanded and hollowed fish-
like as she greedily swallowed the warm flooding cum to keep from
choking. The wanton young wife went on sucking voraciously as her
neighbor’s husband emptied his heavy load of semen into the
wetness of her wildly moaning mouth, his hands tangling cruelly in
her blonde hair, holding her face to the throbbing of his loins as
he shoved his jerking shaft all the way down her continually
swallowing throat. She coughed sporadically to regain her breath,
her Adam’s apple slipping up and down under her skin until finally
he moaned his last body-wracking moan and grunted in complete
sensual fulfillment. Slowly his twitching cock deflated in her
mouth but she continued yet gentler sucking, drawing every
precious drop of the thick warm sperm from his now almost limp
And then he had nothing more to give her.
She had sucked him dry and with a heavy groan he collapsed,
arms widespread, back across the bed. She nibbled softly at his
flaccid useless penis for awhile, her head resting lightly on his
thigh and then crawled up over his unmoving body to cradle his
head against her still heaving breasts. After a moment she leaned
down and kissed him full on the lips.
“Like it, lover?” she whispered softly against his cheek
after the long lingering contact with his mouth.
“Mmmmmm,” was all he could rouse himself to say right then,
looking up into her eyes with an appreciative gleam.
“I know a lot more.”
“Is more possible?” he asked in disbelief.
“You’ll see,” she cooed down at him. “This doesn’t have to
be the only time for us.”
“You’re sure Fred won’t mind if we carry this thing on?”
Tommy asked with apprehension.
“Don’t be silly. He arranged it this time, didn’t he?” she
laughed. “Besides, there was a time before I knew what I was
doing that he used to get his special kicks with other women, and
I have some fun to make up for. This is the first time in years
he hasn’t been right there with a hard-on whenever I was in the
mood, and I’m going to take advantage of the opportunity.”
“Just so Linda doesn’t find out,” Tommy said with a worried
expression. He wanted more than anything else to get his hands on
this wild wife again and as soon as possible, but the thought of
his own wife finding out chilled him inside.
“Bring her along,” Grace told him matter-of-factly. “She
might learn a thing or two.”
“Are you crazy?” Tommy gasped suddenly, rising to one elbow
on the bed. “She would blow her stack. Besides,” he added in a
serious afterthought, “I love her and wouldn’t want to hurt her
feelings. It’s not her fault she was brought up to be so prudish.
If I can control myself, she’ll gradually wake up, the way you
must have
“You’ll have a long wait, but that’s okay by me. This way I
can get mine. That’s selfish on my part, but now that I know what
a good lay you are, you’re going to have to try keeping me
“Is that a threat or a promise?” Tommy asked playfully.
“It’s both,” Grace purred. “If you don’t think up excuses to
get out of the house and come see me often enough, I may just have
to talk to Linda.” She gave him a thin speculative smile that
left no doubt she meant her words.
Tommy felt cold fear rushing through his veins.
“On the other hand, if you just drive away, park somewhere
down the block and walk back when I need you or you need me, then
it’s a promise. It’s simple. And Fred has already promised to
stay out of the way as long as he can’t do anything for me,” she
grinned at him triumphantly.
You little hot-blooded bitch, Tommy thought to himself. He
was beginning to get the picture now. She must have forced Fred
into letting her do what she wanted, and now she was trying the
same on him. Well, he added in his mind, as long as all she
expects from me is a good hard fuck now and then we’ll get along
fine. Meanwhile, I’ll have to fix it so Linda won’t believe a
word of what she says if she gets any ideas.
“I’ll think about it,” he told her. “It’ll be tough coming
very often, but for another turn with you, maybe I can figure
something out.” He was rising from the bed, trying to remember
where he’d left the bag with his street clothes.
She sat up on the bed grinning and reached over with her
fingers to squeeze his deflated penis. “What’s wrong, can’t make
it again?” she cooed up at him.
“Not now, I’ve got to get going. And I’ve got a lot of
thinking to do about this,” he answered, pulling away from her
“Don’t rush it, I can wait a few days until you work things
out. Say, until Thursday about the same time?” she invited him.
He answered from the foyer where he was retrieving his
clothes. “All right, unless I change my mind.” He was determined
not to let her take over his life, no matter how many times they
got in bed together. He walked back into the bedroom already
dressed and stuffed his gym clothes into the satchel. She was
smiling at him from where she sat still stark naked in the middle
of the big bed, her ankles crossed and her knees spread wide
apart, exposing to his view the dilated pink lips of her cunt.
She turned her lips up into a lewdly seductive smile as she
followed his gaze and opened her thighs wider and farther apart.
“You won’t change your mind, lover,” she insinuated. “Will you?”
He looked at the sumptuous feast her body shamelessly offered
him and knew that she was right. He wondered briefly how his
friend Fred Furness had turned his wife into such an insatiable
woman, wishing he could do the same with his young bride-the
sooner the better. “How did you get so turned on to sex?” he
asked, combing his fingers through his hair to straighten his
appearance a little before leaving.
Grace rose and slipped on the scanty mini-length sheath dress
she had removed so hurriedly only a few minutes ago. “I’ll tell
you all about it, with a demonstration, on Thursday when you
come,” the provocative blonde promised. “Deal?”
He hesitated before answering, anxious not to let her get the
upper hand again before finally answering, “It’s a deal. And I’ll
tell you then how things stand — whether I can make it anymore
after that.” She led him toward the door and let him out after
looking cautiously into the hallway for neighbors.
“That’s good enough for me,” she said. “Good-bye, Tommy.
Thanks for a wonderful afternoon. I’m looking forward already to
“Good-bye,” he replied, kissing her lightly on her upraised
lips. He felt a slight tinge of regret rising from his decision
to leave and go home as her tongue delved playfully into his
mouth, causing his battered penis to jerk slightly in his shorts.
Then she closed the door behind him, smiling to herself. She
knew Fred would be pleased when she told him how the plan was
working, and even though she had felt like a cheap two-dollar
whore seducing the innocent young husband, she had really enjoyed
herself while doing it. To top it off, she reflected, Fred would
really give her the fucking of her life that night for going along
with him and pretending she hadn’t been satisfied for a long time
because he was impotent.
Impotent! She chuckled to herself. It was hard to imagine
anything farther from the truth than that.