Want to whip my aunt? pt 2.

“Sit down, cunt!” William snapped. “What are you talking about?” Kristen gasped, turning on him in a fury. “You stop that at once!”
Viciously she slapped him across the face. On the bed, Irene gave a moan of lust and twisted hard. “Come on, Jacinto, you fucker! Whip me, come on!”
Her ass hunched at him, but he stood there, waiting for William.
William grabbed Kristen’s arm, swung her around and slapped her face. She gasped and put her hand to her cheek.
“Sit down!” he snapped.
“Don’t you dare do that to me!” Kristen screamed, lashing out at him.
He blocked her hand, then slapped her, backhanding her for good measure. Her head rung as she gasped and her legs went weak.
“Manfred, what are you doing?” she screamed. “Look what he’s doing to me!”
Manfred grinned. “You had it coming, Sis. William wants to get into your pants real bad. Seems fair to me.”
“I’m your sister!” Kristen screamed as she was twisted in the chair. “You can’t let this happen to me! I’m a virgin!”
“I knew there was something wrong with you.” Manfred leaned back, his eyes hooded as he watched.
Kristen screamed, but William slapped her face again as he pulled one of her arms up to the top of the chair.
“What are you doing!” Kristen screeched as a leather bond slipped around her wrist. She wailed and pulled, but her arm was suddenly lashed to the top of the chair. “Stop this, no!”
William grabbed her other arm. Kristen screamed at him, but he had another bond on her wrist before she knew what was going on.
“You can’t do this!” she wailed, trying to stand up.
“Come on, Jacinto, whip me!” Irene demanded, her ass heaving up for more.
Jacinto grinned and lashed his girlfriend’s ass with the thin rod while he pushed his rock-hard fucker deeper into Nichole’s sucking mouth. “You wait, bitch! I wanna see your aunt get tied up.”
“Uhhhh, please, Jacinto! Please!” Irene begged, thrusting her whipped ass at him. “I’ll give you anything you want, anything, you know I will!”
“Wait, bitch!” Jacinto yelled, then whipped her again.
“Aagghh!” Irene screamed, jerking on the bed. “Oh, darling, give it to me, please!”
Jacinto slid his cock in and out of Nichole’s willing lips while he watched Kristen’s increasing humiliation.
For her part Kristen stared at her little niece in horror. She vowed that she would get them both away from here somehow.
Jacinto grabbed one of her ankles and began lashing it to the bottom of the chair leg. She screamed, then shivered as William grabbed her other leg and tied it to the bottom of the other chair leg.
“Manfred! For God’s sake, Manfred! What are you doing!” she wailed.
Manfred grinned and turned to Jacinto. “Go on, fella, or you’ll come in her mouth. Irene needs her ass whipped, the little slut.”
“Sure, Manfred,” Jacinto said, then laid the rod across Irene’s asscheeks.
“Ooouuhh!” Irene gasped, her little white panties ripping under the force of the blow. Her ass burned as she clutched the bed clothes, moaning with pain and lust. “Yes, Jacinto, yes!”
Kristen struggled in growing disgust as she watched the terrible display of sadistic passion. But then William’s hand was sliding up her calf and she screeched with terror.

“No, no, you can’t do that!” she gasped. He grinned and ran his hand up her stockings to her knee, pushing her dress up over her thighs.
“No, please, no!” Kristen walled, but nothing stopped him.
Her legs were now exposed and William looked at her with a very appreciative gaze.
Then he took another set of bonds and slid them around Kristen’s knees.
Kristen shrieked and struggled, but he pulled on the ropes hard, forcing her legs open until her thighs were spread wide, her knees lashed firmly to the legs of the chair. She shuddered – her hands were tied to the top of the chair, her knees were spread wide open and lashed tightly, and so were her ankles. She stared up at William as he leaned down and eased her dress up her thighs, inch by inch, enjoying the view that was being slowly revealed.
“Please, don’t do that!” Kristen begged as her wonderful shapely thighs were spread out for him.
He pulled her dress to the tops of her stockings. He whistled with surprise and lust. “Wow! I gotta have some of that for later.”
“No, please!” Kristen wailed, bursting into tears. “Please, don’t do it! Please!”
“Shut the fuck up!” he gasped. “Watch that, you stuck-up bitch!” He pointed at the bed. “That’ll be you if you fuck me around.”
Kristen shuddered in absolute horror as Irene screamed on the bed, the rod cutting into her ass. Her white panties were torn in several places and her ass was a mass of weals and thin lines of deep agony. But Irene was screwing with lust, gasping, as she pushed her face into the covers of the large bed.
“Uuurrrhh! Yes, Jacinto, yes, do it! I was so bad! Aagghh! Yes, yes, whip me, beat me, do it! Aaagghh!” She thrust her ass up for him and he whipped her hard.
Nichole’s soft lips sank over his cockhead, sucking gently on his massive thick fucker. With one hand, she played with his balls, stroking them, urging him on. The fingers of her other hand were down in the crotch of her teddy, rubbing her pussy. She groaned with excitement, working Jacinto’s cock deeper into her mouth.
“Come on, bitch!” Jacinto yelled, whipping Irene’s ass with all his force. “Come for me if you want my cock up your pussy! Nichole’s gonna make me shoot again if you don’t!”
He gasped, his stiff fucker fucking into Nichole’s throat, his chest heaving.
“Ooohh, plow, Jacinto! Plow – harder, faster, whip me! I’ll come for you!” Irene screamed, clutching the bedsheets, her white slip tossing over her back in her frantic heaves. “Aagghh! More, more, hurt me, Jacinto, hurt meeee! Aagghh, yes – I’m coming! Whip me! Whip me!”
The little blonde writhed on the bed, screaming her heart out. Her back was arched, her legs trembling as her high heels dug into the carpet. Her panties were torn, and there was a damp patch on the crotch that had spread almost to the waistband.
“Yeahhh!” Jacinto yelled, lashing Irene’s ass faster and harder, his arm blurring as he laid it in. “You come for me, honey, and I’ll fuck your pussy until you can’t stand!”
“Yesssss! Please!” Irene screamed, grating on the bed as she spumed in lust.
Kristen was getting sick with horror at the sight, but she had something even worse to worry about. William’s hand was sliding into the neck of her dress.
“No, don’t do that!” she screamed.
“Lady,” he said gently, “if you scream at me one more time, I’m gagging you. I don’t like bitches who scream at me!”
“You pervert, you disgusting sadist!” Kristen jerked in the chair, pulling helplessly at the bonds.
His hand came around, holding three hard rubber balls.
Before Kristen knew what he was up to, he had forced all three of them into her mouth and clamped her jaw shut while he rapped a thick black leather strap around her face. She gasped as the leather gag was tightened and the gag-balls filled her mouth. She stared at her brother, who ignored her and watched his daughter coming in obscene lust as her ass was whipped to a pulp.
Kristen gasped, tonguing the gag-balls around in her mouth until she got them into a position where she wasn’t in absolute terror of swallowing them.
William reached into the top of her dress.
Kristen stiffened, all her disgust at the touch of a man rushing over her until she was bathed in a cold sweat. But his hand slid over her neck and down, reaching for her bra and tits.
“Hey, you like watching little bitch get theirs?” William asked, his mouth close to Kristen’s ear. “I’m gonna whip your ass like that, you cunt, you’re going to learn to be good, I promise you that.”
He reached for the top of her bra and Kristen thought she’d pass out with horror. She stared at Irene and shuddered with more terror. She’d die if anybody whipped her like that.

But Irene was screaming for it, heaving, wailing with lust as she came. She gripped the bedclothes. Her ass jerked and she gave a long gurgling moan of climax.
“Yesssss, oouuhh, yessss!” she screamed, then collapsed across the bed, her ass twitching, her body heaving with her frantic breathing. “Ooohh, fuck, that was wonderful! That was just too much! Please, Jacinto, fuck me! Rip my panties off and fuck me! Fill my dirty little cunt right up, I deserve it!”
Jacinto chuckled, then shoved his cock into Nichole’s mouth for a final suck. He pulled out and advanced on his girlfriend’s ass. He gripped what remained of her panties and pulled, ripping them away in a single heave.
Kristen stared with new disgust and horror as she saw the full effect of the whipping on Irene’s ass. It was a darkened mass of lines and welts from the top of the tight curve to the tops of her thighs. Jacinto ran his hand over the crimson flesh and Irene gave a deep shuddering moan of passion.
“Please, Jacinto, fuck me!” she begged.
Jacinto laughed and slid his cock into the slippery crack of her pussy, working on the wet flesh with his hard cockhead. “You gotta thank Nichole too, bitch!”
“Yes, yes, I will! Anything! Just fuck me!” Irene wailed, thrusting her ass back at her boyfriend’s cock. She gave a scream of depraved lust as the thick round head of Jacinto’s prick pushed into her pussy and rubbed softly over her cunt entrance. “More, Jacinto, please, more!”
Jacinto gripped her asscheeks hard, drawing a scream of pain from the little blonde.
“Beg, Nichole!” he growled. “Come on beg her!”
“Uurrhh! Please, Nichole, please come here! I wanna suck your pussy!” Irene wailed, trying to get more of Jacinto’s cock up her cunt.
Nichole giggled and skipped over to the bed, sprawling over the covers, unclipping the crotch of her teddy as she went. She spread her thighs around Irene’s face and grabbed her friend’s hair.
“Come on, honey, suck me!” she demanded. Irene didn’t waste any time. She buried her face in Nichole’s cunt, her tongue flicking out over her friend’s clit. Nichole gave a gasp of pleasure and lay back, pulling Irene’s mouth harder onto her cunt. Then Jacinto gave a yell of lust and plunged his cock into Irene’s cunt to the hilt.
Irene screamed with joy and thrust at him, her white slip slipping down over her ass in her raging lust. Her tits pushed into the bed as she sucked Nichole’s cunt and took the full length of Jacinto’s cock in her sucking cunt.
Kristen’s desperate horror just went on getting worse as she watched the depraved scene. William’s hand was running over her bra, which was all that stood between her lovely tits and his fingers.
He grinned and leaned close to her again.
“You know one of my favorite ways of fucking?” he whispered, his hand sliding over her bra-cups. “I just love to fuck a chick’s tits, you know, sliding it in and out, fuck that’s nice.”
He reached inside Kristen’s bra-cup and she screamed into the gag, jerking up in helpless shivering horror.
“And then, I just love to shoot cum all over her face!” he went on, his fingers almost at Kristen’s tight nipples. “You like getting cum on your face? Fuck, that’s nice, you know that?”
Kristen’s scream was muffled by the gag. His fingers ran over her nipple and twisted the hard fleshy bud. Terrible shivers of disgust rushed through her ass he strained in the chair. “You know, you look like you got the best pair of tits I’ve seen in a long time,” William said thoughtfully.
He withdrew his hand, and Kristen breathed a sigh of relief.
Suddenly he gripped the neck of her dress in both hands and started ripping at it. The material tore downward.
Kristen screamed in terrible horror, tensing like an iron rod, her fingers spasming. The top of her slip came into view, and the cups of her bra underneath that.
William ripped harder, tearing the dress to Kristen’s waist before he stepped back and came around to examine her. He ran his eyes over the heaving mounds of her tits that were almost out of her bra after her struggles.
The three kids fucked on the bed, Jacinto rammed his cock in and out of Irene’s hot fuckhole while she sucked at her friend’s cunt, making Nichole gasp. Nichole crossed her legs over Irene’s back, pulling her in as they both surged up to climax.
“Fuck, you look better all the time!” William laughed, pulling the sides of Kristen’s dress open even farther. “How do ya feel about stripping for me?”
Kristen shook her head adamantly. “How about you and me take a bet?” His eyes looked vicious as he fixed his gaze on her. “I can make you beg to strip before Jacinto comes, how about that?”
Kristen had a headache from the way she was shaking her head.
William laughed. “If you win, you can go, okay? If I win, you blow me. You suck my cock, right?”
Kristen screamed into the gag, still shaking her head. Nothing could make her do something as disgusting as suck a cock.
William moved fast.
Kristen twisted in the chair as he ripped her slip down, then reached for her bra.
Her terror and disgust brought out a cold sweat alt over her body as William put one foot on the edge of the chair, right between her thighs and tugged at her bra.
She lurched forward as he heaved again. The bra was thick and strong, but it couldn’t hold against William’s strength. The catch snapped.
Now Kristen’s luscious tits were in view. He grinned as he looked at her tits. “Fuuuuck! They’re even better than I thought. Shit, you sure kept them well hidden.” Kristen sobbed. He eyed her tits, which were luscious and just the right size for her body. Her nipples looked tight.
William grinned and pulled a couple of pincer devices out of his pocket. They were clamps with screws and tiny serrated jaws.
“Know what these are?”
Kristen stared at him, terror rising in her throat.
“They bite your nipples.” He chuckled. “Just lemme know when you wanna get up and strip for me.”
Kristen shuddered, almost vomiting into the gag. The sheer horror of her situation went on getting worse. She couldn’t believe it as William slid one of the clamps over the trembling bud of her nipple. Her hands struggled helplessly against the bonds, her thighs trembled and she choked into the gag, the taste of the rubber balls making her feel sick.
William turned the screw of the clamp and the first bite of the jaws chewed into Kristen’s nipple.
She gasped, tossing in the chair, staring at the mass of people fucking on the bed. She only had to hold out until Jacinto came, and she was certain she could resist any pain until then. After that she was going straight to the police.
But Jacinto was still fucking Irene, gripping her ass, thrusting deep, his thick cock plunging in and out.
William turned the screw again and Kristen leaped in the chair, agony surging all over her body. She gasped, tears rushing out of her eyes, her tits ringing with pain.

“Ready to strip?” William asked, turning the screw again.
Kristen’s scream burst around the gag as the agony pulsated through her nipple. She heaved, rocking the chair, her eyes pouring tears, her tits in agony as she gasped for breath.
Nichole was coming, screaming with lust, her pussy rubbing all over Irene’s face. And Irene had been climaxing since the fifth or sixth lash of the whip. She spasmed hard, her whipped ass cheeks writhing in Jacinto’s strong grip, her pussy sucking and working at the hard flesh of his cock.
“Yeahhh!” Jacinto growled, fucking Irene with all his force, his cock sinking to the depths of her cunt, churning in her fuck-hole. “Ooooh, shit! That feels sooo good!”
But he wasn’t coming and William was sliding the second clamp onto Kristen’s other nipple. The first one hung from her right tit, each fuck of the metal sending more spasms of pain through her. She pitted her teeth, determined not to give in.
William twisted the screw on the other titclamp, and pain shot through her left tit.
Kristen gasped and tensed in the chair, her body aching with pain.
“Ready to strip?” William asked, holding the tit-screw, waiting.
Kristen shook her head frantically, her tits in agony. She could hear Jacinto yelling as he fucked Irene, but he wasn’t coming yet. She glanced at her brother, but he was ignoring her pain and suffering, making her feel deserted and friendless.
William twisted the screw of the clamp on her left nipple.
Kristen thought she’d pass out. Her nipple felt as if it had been crushed, the pain surging through her tit.
“Ready to strip for me?” William asked, moving his fingers to the other clamp.
Kristen choked and screamed into the gag, her head spinning.
“Yeah, yeah! Ohhh, fuck! This is great!”
Jacinto yelled as his cock slammed in and out of Irene’s spasming cunt.
The little blonde was moaning with satisfaction and passion as she licked and sucked at Nichole’s pussy, taking the girl’s hot cuntlips into her mouth.
“Come on, bitch, tell me you wanna strip for me!” William demanded.
He twisted the screw of the clamp on her left nipple.
Kristen almost broke, the agony was too great to bear. She began thrashing in the chair. Her legs throbbed as she tried to close them.
“Tell me, bitch,” William said softly. He took hold of the tit-clamp and started turning it slowly, tightening the teeth on her shivering nipple bud.
“Uuurrhh!” Kristen gasped, sweat breaking out on her forehead and all over her tits.
She closed her eyes, trying to hold out. William shifted to the other clamp and twisted. The teeth gripped her nipple, crushing it, as he turned the screw.
Kristen knew she’d have to give in. Jacinto was still fucking his cock into Irene’s sopping wet pussy, but he hadn’t come.
The pain was too, great.
“Tell me.” William snarled, twisting the clamp viciously.
Kristen jerked in the chair, nodding her head, her eyes pouring team.
“Fuck, you ready to strip?” William asked, his fingers on the other clamp.
“Uuurrhh.” Kristen gurgled, nodding her head as fast as she could.
William smiled and loosened the tit-clamps. Kristen moaned and sank back in the chair, her tits still throbbing with remaining.
“Okay, you promise not to scream and I’ll take the gag out.”
Kristen nodded again.
He reached for the strap, unwinding it from Kristen’s face and turning it away. She spat the gag-balls out.
“You vicious beast!” Kristen mowed. “You disgust me!”
He grinned and slid his hand over her knee. “Sure, bitch,” he growled. “You know something? I don’t give a shit as long as I get what I want.”
His hand began to slide up the inside of her thigh.

Kristen stiffened, a scream starting in her throat.
“Don’t do it,” he warned. “Not if you wanna get those clamps off.”
Kristen stifled the scream, but her thighs ached from the horror of feeling his hand moving over them.
“Please, please, take them off!” she moaned. He laughed, his vile fingers caressing her stocking tops.
“You get what you get, slut.” He grinned and slid his hand an inch higher, over the creamy white flesh of her thighs. “And I just gotta play with your pussy as Jacinto comes, make you feel good.”

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