All I Want For Christmas is My Mom’s Sweet Ass

I never gave incest any thought, I mean sure I have
had passing thoughts occasionally but I am not some
kind of freak. Yes my mom is young, and I guess I
always knew she was attractive from the way my
friends acted around her. But until I saw her
naked, I really never thought about fucking her.
After that day I stopped thinking of her as my mom,
and in my mind started calling her by her name
Susan. If I had never found those old magazines in
the attic, things might have been very different,
and I would not have been forced to rape my mother.
She really should have gotten rid of them, or
locked them up. In a way this is all her own fault.
I guess I must feel a little guilty though so I am
writing it down to sort things out in my head, and
figure out what to do now.

Thanksgiving was fast approaching and my
grandmother was coming for a visit. Dad had died 2
years earlier when I was 14, but she still tried to
stay in touch especially around the holidays. It
was tough though because mom and grandma do not
like each other. It was an old argument, something
about Grams not wanting her son to marry mom, and
that he could do better. Dad apparently decided
that 5′ 9″ gorgeous blondes, with big, ripe tits,
and firm juicy ass’s don’t grow on trees, and he
married mom as soon as he turned 18 without his
mother’s approval (mom was only 16).

Grams did not go to the wedding or speak to them
for over a year. Money was very tight, and mom’s
family was poor. Grandma had lots of money but she
would not help, hoping to teach them a lesson, and
maybe even split them up. Mom never forgave her,
they were polite around me but it was clear they
did not like each other. Grandma was coming for a
visit. Mom went into a cleaning frenzy. Technically
we have three bedrooms in our house but the third
one is really kind of a storage/sewing/videogame

“THAT woman is not going to talk about my house
being a mess,” she vowed.

I was of course enlisted into the Cleaning Corps,
and soon found myself sorting through piles of
junk, packing it into boxes, and carrying them to
the attic for storage. I had just set a box down,
and in the poor lighting accident knocked over a

“Shit like I really need to do some more
cleaning…Hey what’s this?!

All right Penthouse!”

I thought I had found my dad’s private stash. There
were about 20 magazines all over the floor. As I
looked at them something was weird, they were all
the same issue. The centerfold was a tall leggy
blonde “Dad must have really had a thing for her.
She looks like a younger version of mom… oh shit
oh shit oh shitty shit shit, it IS mom.” The date
on the magazine was a year and a half after I was
born. Money was tight, and mom must have posed to
help out. On the one hand I was proud of her, it
took guts to spread your pussy for the world to
see. On the other hand let’s be honest, seeing your
mom with her pussy spread and a big ol smile on her
face has got to cast her in a new sluttier light. I
felt myself getting hard as I looked at page after
page of my mom’s spread pussy, and heavy tits. But
it was that plump round ass that got to me. I
stayed in the attic for 3 hours that day.

I started to fantasize about putting my face right
in the sweet spot of her ass. What did it smell
like, how did it taste, how would it feel in my
hands, I had to know. Now that my dad was gone mom
said I was the man of the house, I began to feel
that I had a right to fuck my mom, maybe even an
obligation. She was still a young woman, and I knew
she had not dated in the 2 years since dad had
died. Maybe she was waiting for me. When I look
back on it I am sure I never would have acted out
my fantasy if I had not found out what she was
getting me for Christmas. It really is not my
fault, it’s WEBTVs’.

“He is such a good kid and this year I want to get
him something really special. I can’t afford to get
him a car, but by working part time at Sears I have
saved $1,500, and with my employee discount I can
afford to get him a top of the line computer. Oh
Betty he is going to be so surprised,” my mom told
her best friend in hushed tones. I was just coming
down from another session in the attic and
overheard mom’s conversation. A new computer, I
could not believe she was working a part time job
just for me. I was glad that I had gone all out on
her gift too. Some people might think I had it
rough with my dad dying and all, but as far as I
was concerned my mom more than made up for it. Up
until about two months ago I had really wanted a

Oh I used the one at school and the library all the
time, for homework and stuff. But what I really
wanted to do was surf the net, check out the hot
porno sites, and play the best video games. For my
birthday grandma bought me a Playstation, and I had
been renting games from Blockbuster. $5 for 5
nights was a good deal. About two months ago I was
at a friend’s house and saw WEBTV for the first
time. It was great! It could do basically
everything I wanted from a computer, and it only
cost $175. It came with a remote keyboard, I could
actually videotape websites, there was a camcorder
hookup, and printer interface. It would look
awesome on my 25 ” television screen(screw those
dinky 14″ computer monitors).

Who the fuck needed a computer. Give me a
Playstation and a WEBTV any day for a fraction of
the cost. Too bad mom wasted her time working all
those extra hours… It came to me all at once, I
knew how I could use this to seduce my mom. Let me
make this perfectly clear, seduction was my
preferred method. I had no special desire to force
my mom into surrendering her sweet pussy and tender
ass to me (although I did wonder how it would feel
to see her on all fours, to spread her cheeks and
attack her ass. Would she cry, moan, beg for mercy?
I would enjoy licking her hot salty tears from her
face; licking them as they dripped down her neck on
to her sweet, full tits-but only if I had to) If
she cooperated I was perfectly content to make love
to her.

I was committed now. If I had to drug her to get
that ass I would. If she needed a beating to
convince her that I was serious, well… I would
not like it but she had to understand that I had

“John come down here I want to talk to you about
your Christmas gift.” I could tell from the tone in
her voice she could barely contain herself, she was
so happy to be giving me this present. I was pretty
excited to. If all went according to plan I would
soon be unwrapping my mother.

“Mom I know what you are going to say, and I want
to thank you for all the time and energy you put
into getting me this computer. I love you mom. I
don’t want a computer anymore though.” “Well damnit
John what do you want, it wasn’t easy saving for
this, I think it is very unappreciative of you to
turn down my present,” she said almost in tears.

“Mom I am sorry but I just don’t need so expensive
a gift. All I want for Christmas is a WEBTV, and an
adult night out of dinner and dancing with the
woman I love most in the world, you. Please spend
the rest of the money on something nice for

Mom was speechless and began crying from shock. I
went over to her and gave her a quick kiss on the
lips and wrapped her snug in my arms. “You, you
really don’t want anything else, just a WEBTV?” she
sniffled. “And YOU mom. Frankly I don’t care all
that much about the WEBTV, what I really want is
you all to myself for one night. Like a date, Susan
and John out for a night on the town like an old
married couple. If I can have you, like that for
one night, it will be a very merry Christmas

“Wake up sleepy head it’s almost 10 am.”

I woke up with a raging hard on. I had of course
been dreaming of fucking my mom’s ass. Again. It
was starting to be a real pain in the… well ASS.
I did not enjoy waking up sexually frustrated and a
with a wet sticky mess in my pants. Susan was
excited about our date. So excited that she decided
to serve my breakfast in bed.

“Er um Hi mom I was just thinking of you.”

“Slide over mister I made all of your favorites. We
don’t eat together enough anymore. You don’t mind
if I join you?” she asked as she slid into bed next
to me.

My cock was hard, my underwear were crusty, and my
bed had a big wet spot right in the middle.

“No mom I don’t mind at all.”

Susan was wearing a Japanese silk robe my dad had
bought for her. When she got into bed it gapped
open and revealed the sheer satin nightie she had
on underneath. Her large firm breasts, and proud,
pointy nipples were prominently displayed for my
viewing pleasure. They looked so soft and tasty it
was all I could do to refrain from staring at them,
to stop myself from reaching over and popping one
out of her nightie and try sucking some milk to go
with my breakfast danish. “So where are you taking
me tonight for our date,” Susan asked coyly.
“Nothing but the best for my sexy girlfriend, we
are going to the Paladin Club.”

The Paladin Club is the most expensive, exclusive
nightclub in town. I remember my dad took my mom
there for their 10th wedding Anniversary, and that
she loved it. Ordinarily you have to make
reservations a week in advance but they were not
too busy Christmas eve, so I was able to make a
reservation. Mom squealed in delight and gave me a
hug and a kiss. I laughed and pulled her over into
my lap. We used the remote and I held her in my
arms for the next 2 hours and watched TV.

Mom let out this little sigh and kept wiggling that
juicy round bottom right on my cock. I could not
help it I had to cum. So I squeezed her tight and
began to slowly hump my cock ramming it hard into
her satin covered ass. I felt myself slip into
that tight, warm crack, and I went just went wild.
I masked it by pretending to tickle her. I know she
thought I was just innocently hugging, tickling,
and wildly bouncing her in my lap but I was cumming
all over her sweet ass. Good thing the layers of my
underwear, pajamas; her robe, panties and nightie
concealed my sticky wet spunk-blast.

“You are so silly John, stop tickling me before you
make me wet myself.

Now just lie still and watch TV.”

I propped us up with a pillow, and kept my semi
hard cock tight against her ass. Her tits were
hanging over my arms as she leaned back into my

It was perfect. Susan belonged to me, and we both
knew it. She felt so natural, so right, warm, snug
and secure in my lap. I didn’t just want to fuck
this woman, or even rape her into submission
(although I knew I would if I had no other choice).
I wanted her to give herself to me, to surrender
willingly to ME as her lover. I wanted my mother to
want me, no to NEED me as much as I needed her.
Shit if there was any day you can ask for a
miracle, and have a right to expect it to happen,
it has got to be Christmas.

“Thanks for breakfast mom, I love you,” I said as I
folded my arms across her breasts and wrapped her
in a lover’s embrace. I gave her a long kiss on the
cheek, as my dick gave one final spasm and was

All day Susan walked around the house with a silly
grin. She was proud to have such a considerate son.
Tonight would be fun. She had not been out in over
a year. It had been a few months after Ron had died
and some friends had tried to cheer her up, and
reintroduce her to the dating world. She felt sorry
for the poor stockbroker they had brought along.
They had nothing in common, but if the truth be
known, nobody would have been right for her. Ron
had been her lover and best friend for half of her
life. Frankly she doubted if she could ever love
another man. Except John of course. He reminded her
more and more of his father every day. 6′ 2″ 195
lbs good looking, bright, funny; yep he was his
Father’s son all right. Even had that same mane of
unruly brown hair.

“He is going to make some young lady very happy. My
god I don’t know what I would have done without him
these last 2 years. Sometimes she forgot he was not
a little boy anymore. She could not be 100% sure
but it felt like his penis had gotten hard when she
was sitting in his lap this morning. Susan felt a
little guilty. It had been so long since she had a
man’s erection poking her in the ass she had almost
forgotten how good it felt. For a moment she had
allowed herself to pretend it was Ron that was
holding her, instead of her son.

“Oh well no harm no foul, after all John is a
teenage boy he is probably hard half the time
anyway. Nothing wrong with me getting a little
accidental pleasure out of it.” she laughed to
herself. “I am sure he would be grossed out if he
knew what a pervert his old widowed mother is.”

Susan came downstairs in a tight black evening
dress. I could not believe how young she looked.
She walked across the room and reached up to
straighten my tie.

“Well do you like how I look,” she asked as she
twirled around so I could see her lovely rear also.

“Geez mom you look so hot, if you weren’t my mom
I’d have to kiss you right now.”

“Ah, Ah Ah tonight we are not mother and son, you
are my date, so you can’t use that as an excuse,”
she teased, half daring me to kiss her.
Nevertheless she was very surprised when I tipped
her head back and began a slow, insistent kiss. I
loved the taste of her in my mouth. I slowly slid
my arms down her body and lightly pulled her tight
against me. At first she seemed surprised, but she
did not pull away. Finally she started kissing me
back. We kissed deeply for about a minute. It was
not until I slipped my tongue in her mouth and ran
my hands down the crack of her ass that my mother
came to her senses.

“Ummm whoa I guess I should not have dared you to
kiss me, you win, I surrender. I haven’t been
kissed like that in a long time. Who have you been
prac…no don’t tell me, after all I’m NOT your
mother. But I think you got things a little
backwards the kiss comes at the END of the date
mister. Come on its time to go I don’t want to be
late.” With that she straightened my tie again and
we were off to my first and so far only date with
my mom.

We had a private room at the Paladin Club. There
were only a handful of Patrons present. The small
Jazz band played softly in the background, and the
subdued lighting made for a pleasant, romantic
atmosphere. Mom was the kind of woman who liked to
let the man take the lead, so she had given me $300
in the car so I could order, tip, etc. I felt
confident and in charge. I tipped our waiter $40
when we sat down to ensure prompt service(I saw my
dad do it once and had always been impressed). Our
Server never even batted an eyelash when I ordered
a bottle of wine off the list.

“Very good sir, right away, and may I say this is
an excellent choice,” he said as he scurried off to
do my bidding.

If you are trying to seduce someone it really is
nice if you happen to have known them for your
whole life and know all their weaknesses. For
example my mom almost never drinks wine. She always
says it goes straight to her head, and makes her
tipsy even faster than hard liquor. I wanted her
tipsy tonight.

“Come on mom this is a special occasion, drink up.
To the most beautiful woman in the world. I will
love and cherish you always. Merry Christmas mom,”
I toasted her and drained my glass. She followed
suit and I quickly refilled her. By the time we
finished dinner we were on our second bottle. I had
only had two glasses, saying that I had to drive us
home. The band was quite good and I asked mom if
she would like to dance. I waited for a nice slow
song pulled mom into my arms and slowly groped her
in time to the music. Her inhibitions must have
been pretty low because she kept grinding her pussy
into me, and cupping my ass in her hands.

“You got to feel my butt at the house, fair is
fair,” she laughed.

I laughed at her and said “Every time you grab me I
get one kiss in return. So you just keep it up
pretty lady if you DARE.” My mom has a hard time
resisting a dare. Maybe she thought I was kidding
but she continued to playfully pinch and squeeze my
ass for the hour and a half that we were on the
dance floor. Finally it was time to go home.

Mom practically sat in my lap on the ride home. I
drove with one hand and had the other draped over
her shoulder. My fingertips kept “accidentally”
brushing the side of her right breast. It was a
long ride home and I could tell that the constant
flirtation and excessive wine had an effect on
Susan. Her body seemed to be on Autopilot. My
Christmas wish was coming true. She began to
respond to me as a man, as a potential lover. When
we finally got inside the house though the familiar
surroundings seemed to act as a splash of cold
water to mom. She realized our “Date” was over,
and it was time to become “MOM” again.

“John tonight was very, very special to me. I have
not had such a good time in years. Tank you so mush
for being a great son. Oh look it’s after
midnight… it is Christmas let’s open your
present!” she slurred happily.

Went to the tree. There were only two gifts under
it this year. “John open yours first.” she
squealed like a little girl hanging on to my arm. I
ripped open the package of the large box and
surprise surprise it was a brand new WEBTV Plus.

“Thanks mom it’s just what I wanted,” I said and
gave her a hug.

“Goodie, lets open mine now,” Susan said in a
breathless tone. She opened the small jewelry box I
had wrapped and removed the 18 kt gold and Emerald
necklace. Tiny green flakes were interwoven
throughout. There design was simple, four long
flat bars connected by larger emerald beads.

“Oh my god, it’s beautiful John. I love it! Help me
put it on!” she shrieked.

I came around behind her and fastened the clasp
around her neck. “It looks perfect on you mom, just
perfect. Read the inscription I had engraved.”

“Susan I love you. You are mine forever body and
soul, John. “Um… uh thanks John that is very …
sweet, she said in a slightly confused tone.

“I am glad you like it. Ok mom I am ready to unwrap
my main present now.”

Now she was really confused.

“But John there is nothing else. You said all you
wanted was the WEBTV, and a grownup date… what
else is there supposed to be?”

“Well for one thing I warned you that you would owe
me several kisses if you kept playing with my ass.
It’s time to pay up,” I said with a grin as I
boldly began kissing my mother.

My hands were roaming all over her body. Cupping,
prodding and massaging her tender flesh. I started
licking her lips softly, and then went to work on
her neck. For some reason I wanted to leave my mark
on her, to brand my sweet bitch so that anyone
could tell she was my property. I sucked at her
neck loud and sloppy until I was sure it would
leave a nice hickey. The alcohol seemed to be
helping me. Mom was just a tad slow in processing
data due to her over indulgence. All she knew was
that a handsome man was making her feel good in a
way she hadn’t in over 2 years. She let herself
enjoy it, without analyzing until I reached down
and pulled her dress over her head and off.

“John oh no, oh no what have I done. We have to
stop. Don’t feel guilty we both have needs and just
got a little carried away, it is nobody’s fault.
You are my son and I do love you but not in this
way. Let’s call it a night and if you need to we
can discuss this tomorrow,” Susan said as she
gathered he clothes and rushed to her room.

“OK mom, Plan B.”

Mom had already taken her slip, bra and stockings,
off when I entered her room. She was about to put
on a silk teddy , but had stopped now in shock at
my interruption.

“John what are you doing coming in here without
knocking, I am not dressed. Please leave,” she
demanded as she held the teddy up to conceal her
glorious tits.

“I am sorry mom, I would not have thought you were
so shy about nudity. You have a great body mom you
could be a model. Nah you are way to sexy for that,
I got it you could be a Penthouse Centerfold,” I
said with an evil grin.

“You… know, oh god you were never supposed to
find out. John let me explain. Your father and me
were very young, we had no money a new baby, and
were so deep in debt that we were about to be
evicted. Our only choice was to go crawling to your
grandmother begging for a handout or to try
something desperate. I would not ask that woman for
it, spit or shit. Penthouse paid me $10,000. We
paid our rent and bought food with that money for 6
months , until Ron was able to get a good job. I
don’t regret it. If you think less of me for it…
then you are not the man I thought you were,” she
said as she broke into tears.

I quickly scrambled into bed next to her and kissed
her on the cheek and let her lean on me for

“Mom of course I don’t think less of you. I love
you even more for taking care of your family by any
means necessary. No matter what happens don’t you
ever doubt that I love you more than anyone or
anything. Mom I have to tell you something that you
may find difficult to accept at first. I need for
you to try very hard to understand though. Mom I
don’t just love you as a son anymore. I have come
to a decision. You are my woman now. I own you. I
am going to unwrap you, spread you open and fuck
you. Now. I am sure this is a little awkward for
you so for this first time you don’t have to do
anything. Just lay back and I’ll do all the work.”

With that I removed the rest of my clothes and
crawled on top of my mother. I gently took the
teddy from her hands and threw it across the room.
Susan was in a state of extreme denial. She did not
say a word as I slowly pulled her panties of her
warm round bottom.

” Hu what are you doing. John stop sucking my tits
this instant. You cannot be doing this to me. I am
your mother. This is Incest! This is RAPE! My god
what is wrong with you, what the fuck do you think
you are doing!” she screamed at me.

” You want to know what I am gonna do, fine I’ll
tell you. I am gonna “CK” you. First I’ll lick you
all over your body like this. Then I will suck your
sweet tits until your big nipples are nice and firm
like this. Next I’ll stick my finger in your cunt
to see how you taste. I’ll bet you are delicious
when wet. Hm let’s se. Oh mom you taste great an
dare less filling too!. Now it is time to put my
big dick in your hot little snatch, my coCK is
going in your cunt. I plan to fuCK, fuCK, fuCK you
for a long, long time mom. Is it fair, is it right?
Of course not but then I am a priCK, so what do you
expect. I am sorry but I simply don’t have a choice
anymore. I tried to talk myself out of it for
weeks, but I have to have you. I have to.”

“Please John I am your mother. I love you and we
can get past this if you stop right now. It is
wrong to fuck me. My god what if you got me
pregnant. Do you really want to put us through the
shame of that. What would your father think. Please
honey stop right now before you make a terrible

I took my tongue out of my mother’s pussy and
thought about what she was saying. She did have a
point. I did not really want a brother/son.

“Ok mom I wont fuck your pussy on one condition.
Mom you have the sexiest body I have ever seen. I
love your tits, how soft and warm and full they are
in my hands. I love the smell of you, the taste of
your pussy. I just know that once I start fucking
you I will love that too, I will never be able to
get enough. See how wet and hot and tight you are.
Look at how it drools making you ready for me. Face
it mom you are made for me. But as much as I love
your cunt, and your tits, I would give them up for
your juicy, round ass. If you agree to let me fuck
your ass, willingly, enthusiastically, if you will
participate; I promise not to fuck your pussy. Mom
I love you, and I don’t want to rape you. Please it
is Christmas. Surrender your ass to me. I will be
as gentle as I can”, I promised in all sincerity.

My mom kept crying for some time, I held her warm
naked body against min and just rocked her. I
stroked her hair and made soft shushing sounds to
her. My dick was snaking up between her thighs and
I placed both hands on that juicy ass and rubbed
her lightly. I kept whispering ,”It’s ok baby, shh
you have to, don’t worry. It’s not your fault
honey. Let go, surrender. There is nothing you can
do. I need it, I need you,” I said as she laid
shivering and naked in my arms, while I kissed and
played with her luscious body.

Finally she calmed down enough to talk.

“Oh god I can’t believe you are doing this to me-
This is the only way to get you not to fuck me…
all right if you promise to be gentle I will help
you fuck my ass. But only this once. John this can
never happen again. We will just chalk it up to too
much wine, a full moon, Christmas fairy dust,
whatever. If you ever try anything like this again
I will never forgive you.”

“Thanks mom you are the best! Now get on all fours
while I lick your ass.”

I slowly spread Susan’s tight little ass apart. I
loved how her cheeks felt in my hand. For a couple
of minutes I just played with them, Rubbing them
together, pulling them wide apart. My mom’s ass was
like my private accordion. Her little hole kept
winking at me almost teasing me. It was like her
anus was daring me to stick my dick inside it.
First things first I needed to get my mom’s ass
nice and juicy. I began by licking up and down the
crack of her sweaty ass. She tasted delicious! I
drooled my saliva all around until her butt
overflowed. Then I spread her ass wide and shoved
my face in as far as it would go and started
plunging my tongue in.

“John, oh god, oh shit what are you doing! It feels
so good you are going to make me cum!”

Susan screamed in pleasure as she spasmed and her
fuck fluid oozed onto my face. She was rocking back
and forth from side to side and her tits were
waving in the breeze. I began fingering her cunt.
(Damn she is one sloppy pussy). I kept digging
around until I found her clit bump. I got you now
mom.” I said under my breath.

I kept licking her asshole and rubbing my mom’s
cunt until she came a second time.

It was time.

I saddled up behind my mother and she held her ass
cheeks wide open for me. I stuck a finger in her
cunt and gently scooped several fingers of her
juices into her asshole for lubrication. Then I
pressed my 7.5-inch pecker-head against my mom’s
anus and slowly pushed. It wasn’t easy, in fact I
am almost sure that I could not have gotten in
without her help. I took it nice and slow. Finally
after several starts and stops I was deep in my
mother’s ass. I tried to remain calm. Susan was so
hot and tight that I was afraid to fuck for fear I
would come and it would be over.

Eventually I relaxed and began a tentative in/out
thrust. Mom softly rocked back to meet me. She was
great at letting me go at my own pace and then
matching me. I intended to make this last for a
long time. So I brutally pounded my mom’s ass for 5
or 6 strokes, and then Stopped to regain my
control. 5 or 6 soft strokes and then bang 5 or 6
power fucks. Mom met me stroke for stroke. She kept
clenching and unclenching her butt muscles. When I
went in she relaxed, when I tried to come out she
would clinch tightly, If you have never fucked a
woman who knows how to ass fuck, by all means make
it your New Year’s Resolution.

“Whose bitch are you, you beautiful cunt. Mine,
mine, you are finally mine! Gotta reach the bottom,
uh do you, uh feel that mom. I’m never going to
stop. Thi, uh, sweet ass, uh is mine!!” I screamed
as I pounded her harder and harder. I wanted to
make her bleed, just to see if I could.

I could.

Mom’s ass starting making this wet squishy noises,
as I fucked her. I was reaching around her and
playing with her fat titties now. I squeezed and
fondled them both, before settling into a hard
milking motion, All good things must come to an end
though, and the twitch in my balls told me this was
no exception. I did not know how many strokes I had
left but I decided to go out with a bang. I let mom
have it for all I was worth. I let go of her tits
and grabbed her hips. I slammed mom back to meet
each powerfuck into her ass. She was unable to keep
up. Her hair was flying everywhere, her tits were
jiggling, and she was letting out these pathetic
little whimpers and sobbing moans punctuated by
animal grunts as the breath left her body. At some
point I lost it.

“Take it slut, take my dick, take it all. I own
you, I own this ass. Oh fuck, oh fuck mommy I am
cumming. Lick-Suck-Cock-Dick-Fuck-Prick-Stick-in it
in, stickin it all the way in!” I screamed as I
came deep, down in the bottom of my mother’s sweet

I collapsed on her back and laid there for a moment
to catch my breath. I was licking her sweaty back
when I noticed that my mom had not quite been able
to come a third time.

That just wouldn’t do.

“Spread your legs for me mom” I said quietly.

“John no, please you promised…”

“Do it mom, do it now.,” I demanded.

Mom laid there on her back and did not move. Then
slowly, hesitantly she spread her legs apart. I
climbed on top of her and began to kiss her
passionately. I slowly moved to each of her breasts
and fondled and sucked them lovingly. By now my
dick was hard again and it playfully rubbed against
my mother’s pussy lips. I continued planting little
angel kisses all over her flat tummy. I stuck my
tongue in her belly button, and swirled it around
and around. My mom was panting helplessly by the
time I reached her cunt. I started lapping at her
like a thirsty dog determined to lick her clean.
The more I licked the wetter she got. Susan
started thrashing around wildly at this point,
speaking gibberish, and for a minute thought I was
my dead father.

“Fuck me Ron, oh it has been so long baby needs her
daddy, I missed your cock I, need your cock please
fuck me now. I am a good girl, please you can fuck
my ass later but I need that fucking piece of beef-
meat in me NOW!”

I took my cock and placed it at the entrance of my
mother’s snatch. I rubbed it up and down her slit,
and pressed it hard against her clit button. I
glanced down at her and could tell that she knew it
was me. She knew that her son was about to enter
her forbidden hole, and she did NOT say one word to
stop me. She kept trying to reach her pussy so she
could bring herself off, but I kept her arms pinned
over her head. Susan laid there teetering on the
brink of a massive orgasm and did not have the
strength to resist me anymore. Her legs spread even
wider and she bucked her hips towards my dick,
trying to impale herself on my warm shaft.

“Please….oh god….please I need it.” she said in
extreme frustration as a thin stream of cum leaked
out of her. She smelled like sex. I dipped a finger
in her cunt and fed her own juices to her. I began
kissing her deeply, stealing her breath as she
panted and moaned and whimpered for a release that
she had not earned yet.

Not until she acknowledged my right to her body.

“Susan do you want your son to fuck your pussy? Do
you want John to come inside of you?”

“Damn you yes, anything but I HAVE TO CUM. Please
this is embarrassing enough don’t make me beg. Do
anything you want to me, but let me cum. Please
I’ll..suck you later, I’ll be your whore/slut but I
can’t stand it anymore! I need you John, I love
you. Just do it!”

I thought about it. I decided that my mom was not
in her right mind. She needed release so bad she
would say anything to get it. I wanted to be fair.
I had promised not to fuck her pussy, I would keep
my word. I pulled her legs up onto my shoulders and
positioned myself at her ass again. This time I
slid in easily. I rubbed my mom’s clit and fucked
her ass until she exploded, and crumbled in
exhaustion. I slid my fingers inside her juicy
pussy and played inside her cunt. I kept pulling
them out and licking them clean, before dipping
them inside her again. Mom’s contractions on my
fingers felt great.

But I knew something that would feel even better.

I pulled out of her ass with a wet pop and
straddled her face. I presented my fat smelly dick
to her and she began licking and slurping on it
without complaint. She was too tired to deep
throat, but she was able to bring me to orgasm
anyway. She greedily swallowed my cum, and licked
me clean. We held each other and drifted off to a
well-earned and peaceful sleep.

Well that’s my story. It has been 3 days and mom
has barely said a word to me. In retrospect a part
of me wishes that I had never found those damned
Penthouse Magazines or ever heard of WEBTV
(although I have hooked it up and am writing this
story on it). If I have ruined my relationship with
my mother I will never forgive myself. She is all I
have. On the other hand fucking my mom’s sweet ass
was the greatest feeling I ever had. I know that no
matter how many other asses I fuck in my life none
will ever equal my mom’s.

I am going to try to be patient with her. She needs
time to heal to take stock of what has happened. I
am her son, I love her and I will make sure she
gets that time. I just got off the phone with the
Paladin Club to confirm our reservation for
Valentines day. My mom’s ass was very sweet, but I
can’t help but wonder if her pussy just might be
sweeter. We will see. I’ll send this story to
Kristen’s Rape Archive page, and keep you posted.


I set a goal for myself in Jan 98 to write 12
stories by December.(18 as of 4/2000) “Hey Mom
look, Hot damn I did it!” Hmm on second thought
maybe you had better not look at this one. On third
thought, if the truth be known you really don’t
want to be looking at any of this filth and if you
see this then shame on you for being on such a
nasty Website. Hmm maybe I better put a password
on my computer and delete some of these files
before that bitch starts snooping around. The only
one worse than her is my nosey cunt of a sister.

She better watch her cute little ass before she
gets what’s coming to her. Ahem excuse me, I don’t
know where that came from. My mother and sister are
both perfectly lovely ladies who did not deserve
such rude and inappropriate comments directed at
them. (Sigh) It really is weird. I am a nice normal
guy 99% of the time. If I ever commit a crime and
am investigated I just know someone will dig up
these 12 stories.

Neighbors will go on the local news to say that I
was “such a nice boy”, and that they “had no idea I
was such a sicko”. Oh well as long as my life is
already going to be ruined, and as I will no doubt
be going straight to hell; I might as well take as
many of you down there with me as I can. As a
writer of ill repute once said” If I must go to
hell for my ideas, for my fevered delusions, for my
private ramblings that I whisper only in the
quietude of my soul, then please dear Lord let me
take one good friend, to keep me company, one good
woman to warm my heart, and one good book for when
the other two are not enough.”

I have tried 11 different ways to say this, let me
try one more. The story you have just read is total
bullshit. It is not true. It is make believe. Save
yourself a nasty e-mail. I will stipulate to the
following. Rape is bad. I am bad for writing such a
mean ol story, as stated above I do know that I am
going to hell. Yes apparently I am a pervert. I
think that about covers it. Oh wait there is one
more thing that these e-mails usually close with.
Let me say it for you. Fuck me and die!

There now I can rest easy.

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