It was shameful that a pretty cunt

If you were to ask Frank Kazarra what he thought about the building, ten to one he’d say “Magnifico!”
But he’s biased! He not only owns it, he also built it.
The six-story edifice is on the corner of Classic Place and Manor Avenue. It is officially called The Kazarra Apartments but the tenants refer to it as The Apartment. It is a luxury dwelling halfway between the University and the main part of town.
The ground floor is given over to little shops where transients and tenants can buy drugs, liquor, and newspapers. A boutique sells fashionable clothing and gifts for women, while a restaurant caters to the stomach of almost anyone who enters the place.
The five stories above the swank entrance consists of three apartments each. The A apartments having two bedrooms while the B and C’s have only one. There are neither kids nor real senior citizens in any of these fine apartments. The rents are high, of course, but each accommodation has more than generous floor space and features a bar in the living room and a bidet in the bathroom.
The bidet is an innovation not found in too many bathrooms in America. It is a hygienic fixture on which you sit to wash your so-called private parts. Frank Kazarra had spent a month in France, long enough to become fascinated with the laving bowl. That’s why there is one in each of the bathrooms in the fifteen apartments.
The Kazarra Apartments made for easy living. A place for the sensualist, the swinger, the young, and the lovely who can pay the stiff rentals. It is a joint for snobs and has one occupant who is as unique in a bedroom as the bidets are in the bathrooms. She’s a virgin!
If you ask Frank Kazarra what he thinks about his neighbor in 6-B, ten to one he’ll say, “Magnifico!”
And he is right. For her age Conchi Thorne is lovely. Pure would be the better word. And there are many men in this world who would pay a large amount of cash for the pleasure of crashing her virginal gate. But who can blame them? In this modern era virgins above the age nineteen are as scarce as pubic hair on a baby.
Conchi Thorne had been born in the same year that the first volume of Hitler’s Mrin Kampf was published. Her father was a gentle man, a teacher in high school, who had had only one real fling in his life. He served in the Army with General Pershing when that gallant man was in pursuit of Villa.
Like many gringos Corporal Thorne came to admire the Mexican bandit, and if his first child had been a boy he would have named him Pancho. However, the infant was a girl-the one and only issue from his sperm. He was quick to name her Conchilera over the violent protests of the woman who had carried the fetus for nine months.
It is a strange name to give to a girl who had fair skin and nothing of the Latin temperament. The name raised many questions, to be sure, but the nuns in the parochial schools, who started the girl on the road to her doctorate in philosophy, were confused by it. To them, Mary was the ideal name for a girl child.
Conchi proved to be an exceptional pupil from her first day in school and throughout the years that ended her formal education in the Sorbonne in Paris where she received a coveted Ph.D.
The University where Conchi taught philosophy is smaller than many, but unlike some private colleges it is financially sound and well regarded among educators. Best of all it pays its faculty well, leaving Conchi without a speck of worry about money.
In the years since she had left Paris Conchi had changed little in physical dimensions. Where changes had occurred they were for the better. She had gained five pounds in weight and a possible two inches around her waist. And these changes evened out to make her five-foot, seven-inch height a delight to see. After all, one hundred and thirty-five pounds makes Conchi’s body quite voluptuous-the kind of body men see in their fantasies.
Conchi knows that men are sexually attracted to her, but she is without conceit or excessive vanity; and for sure, without any quickening of her sex parts when she is in the company of men. No swelling of clitoris and nipples had ever happened on Conchi’s body-which may be the answer to why she is still a virgin.
Yet the idea of sex with a man neither repels nor seems to frighten her; but it doesn’t stir her to comply with a man’s desire to ravish her either. Yet Conchi’s time may come or, as she said, the purity of her vaginal entrance will go to the grave with her.
Her strange rite of taking her nephew’s sperm by mouth each week had come to her when she remembered the contents of a book she had read years before. It had been a book on health in which the author argued the point that semen gives tonicity to a woman’s flesh. Of course the title and the author of the book were quickly-forgotten, but the argument for the tonic remained in the back of Conchi’s mind until a summer ago when she had gone to Central America with a group studying Mayan culture.

The trip was part pleasure and part professional. Conchi wanted to publish a paper on her own findings and so kept notes on what she saw and what happened on the way.
The group probed deeper into the country than the average tourist-even to tenting with a small band of friendly natives. There were not many left, and most of the tribesmen were in middle age. Yet it was their women who were outstanding.
Unlike most Indian women, they had retained the sheen of youth in their flesh, for the brown skin of these natives was as lovely as that of a fourteen-year-old girl.
It was the witch doctor who told Conchi how it was done.
She asked in her weak Spanish, “How do your women stay so beautiful?”
“They take from the male,” he said. “They take from sex. They take by mouth.” The witch doctor motioned to an attractive female and continued, “They take everyday. It drains the man.”
Conchi nodded in understanding. “Look,” the witch doctor said as his arm moved in a half circle, “no young-no babies. We are vanishing. The women drain the men to remain young.” The witch doctor smiled. “But we like it,” he said.
Conchi looked at the young woman who now stood by the witch doctor. All she wore was a miniskirt made of dried grass.
Conchi said, “Does the witch doctor speak the truth?”
The woman nodded. “Si, everyday, maybe two times.” She pointed first to her crotch, then to her mouth. “Once here,” she said, “once here.” Her golden breasts moved deliciously as she began laughing. “Men like; we like.”
Conchi returned to The Apartment amazed at what she had seen in Central America. She dwelt on the facts as witnessed by herself. She decided that if semen can keep native women young, why not civilized women? It was a thought she wrestled with for a few months.
She developed a “thing” about remaining young and beautiful into her old age. It became a fetish with her; a driving desire to secure some man’s semen.
Then the thought came to her to approach her nephew. He was young and would have a good supply of sperm to give her. Best of all, he wouldn’t talk-she could trust him. And he would not create any problems because she was certain she could control him.
So she approached Keith Broys on New Year’s Eve, forcing herself to proposition him. He was to give his sperm to her for the neat price of twenty-five dollars. He could not touch her in any way; he was to deliver his semen by hand. Keith surprised his aunt: he agreed to a weekly arrangement.
The first time he came to Conchi he was shy-shy about undressing so he would be standing nude before her as he jerked off. But with the photos to quicken him and Conchi’s lovely body exposed to his eyes, he went avidly to work on his large rod. He always produced a fair amount of come-enough to please his pretty aunt’s desire to stay young.
Thus it came about that Conchi could at last swallow a shot of brandy flavored with the sperm into her little glass once each week.
From then on she watched herself in the bathroom mirror and became delighted with the texture of her skin. She could see the flush of health doubly enhance her features and came to believe that her entire body was benefiting from her nephew’s semen.
In reality Conchi didn’t look a day older than thirty-five. She was in such fine shape that it was no mystery why men coveted her body. She was as sexy looking as she was devoid of sexual feelings. It was shameful that a pretty cunt, embellished by brown hair that was thick and curly, should be kept unavailable to the number of proud cocks that would like to make its acquaintance. But that’s how it was and would remain as Conchi’s shapely thighs continued to protect the soft and attractive crease between them.
And if you dared to ask Frank Kazarra what he would like to do to his neighbor in 6-B, the chances are he’d leave his mother tongue for Anglo-Saxon and say, “Fuck her!”
And why not? Wouldn’t you like the chance to crack the crack of a mature virgin? You bet you would-and so would a million other guys. You’d discover that Conchi Thorne is both mature and virginal-a “piece of meat” worth twice the price of an Angus bull in Chicago! The late afternoon sun streamed through the living-room windows of Apartment 3-C. It illuminated a tableau that would have excited Boccaccio.
Gabriel Monthor lay naked on the expensive Persian rug with his head resting on a yellow bolster. His hands were clasped together on his chest as his half-closed eyes watched his playmates work on his eight-inch cock. The service he was getting had already driven him to Ecstasy-ville.
Giving the sensual service were two lovely girls. They were dressed in the uniform of a nurse-complete with pantsets on gorgeous bodies, white caps on blonde hair, with white shoes on small feet.
The girls were on their knees and elbows busy bathing Gab’s cock with their sweet saliva. Their pink tongues curled around the stiff black rod as they moved their heads in unison up and down. Once in a while their tongues touched and they would stop and squeal in delight before continuing up and down the black shaft.
“Suck it a little,” Gab said.
The girls stopped and Doris kissed the glans before her mouth stretched over it. She worked on the great cock with pleasure until her twin sister Donnie pushed her away.
“Let me,” Donnie said.
Doris relinquished the prize pecker so her sister could suck it.
“Play with my balls, Doris,” Gab said.
Doris fondled the bag while Donnie sucked the cock. They switched again and again as Gab’s sensual feelings explored Ecstasyville.
Gab Monthor was a new intern at University Hospital where Doris and Donnie Classman worked in a surgical unit. Gab was a Haitian, the only son of a plantation owner on that voodoo-cursed island. He had graduated from the schools in his homeland before going to Columbia in New York where he received his medical degree.
Wanting his only son to escape the superstition-clouded life on Haiti, the wise father did all he could to make his son’s education complete. Hep to American prejudices, the father warned Gab to expect social and economic barriers.
Gab was intelligent, a hard worker in all his undertakings, and had been sexually alive since childhood. Remembering his father’s words, Gab was hesitant in making advances. He was a proud man, sensitive enough to fear any rebuffs that could come his way.
But that was no stoppage to his fascination with long-legged, full-breasted American girls. Much to his surprise he discovered that his Haitian background was a tremendous advantage-in sex!
It was not long after starting his internship at the hospital that Gab became acquainted with the Classman twins. And in no time at all he was “there”! It was as if these tall, well-stacked, creamy lovelies could sense his superior maleness and were eager to share it with him at anytime. He was in their apartment at all hours and often slept with them in their queen-size bed.
The twenty-two year old twins were willing sex partners who liked the thrust of Gab’s long cock in their sensitive cavities. And Gab had one superb accomplishment: he could hold back his ejaculation close to an hour!
He was doing just that as Doris and Donnie took turns sucking his cock and playing with his balls. A normal man would have shot in the mouth of either twin only minutes after they began to tantalize his sexual equipment-but not Gab.
Doris finally said, “Come on, Gab, my tongue is getting tired.”
“Mine too,” Donnie admitted.
“All right, you splendid bitches,” Gab said. He sat up between the two kneeling girls who had not even disturbed their caps as they worked on his prick. He gave each of them a kiss and stood up.
“Kneel together with your hands behind your backs,” he said.
The girls knelt before Gab, who pushed his cock into Doris’s mouth. He held her blonde head in his hands and stroked his prick in and out with the same movements he used to fuck her cunt.
“Let’s play ‘gets’,” he said.
“What’s that?” Donnie asked as she watched the black prick go in and out of her sister’s mouth.
“The girl who gets my come will have her cunt licked until she screams for mercy.” Gab switched his cock to Donnie’s mouth and stroked it in and out.
“What will the other do while your tongue is at work on the winning slit?” Doris asked as she now watched the licorice stick attack Donnie’s mouth.
“Wow!” Gab said as his balls began to trigger the sensation that would shoot come into Donnie’s mouth. “She can make dinner for us-and if she’s real nice about it, my black beauty will search her cunt from orifice to cervix.”
Gab switched from Donnie back to Doris. Doris pursed her lips and tongued the underside of the big head that filled her mouth. She liked Gab to lick her cunt and wanted to win. She sucked hard and worked her tongue in a trying effort to make Gab shoot in her mouth.
“Wow!” Gab cried as his balls at last sent the come up his shaft and into the red-walled and pink-tongued mouth of Doris Classman. In his intense excitement he gripped her head and pushed his prick so the head of it disappeared under Doris’s tonsils.
Doris instantly pushed Gab away as she began gagging. “God damn, Gab!” she said. “Do you want to choke me to death?”
“I’m sorry, Doris. I get carried away when I come.”
“Carried away?” Donnie said. “You almost die when you shoot your load!”
“Can’t help it,” Gab said. “You splendid bitches send me to the ultimate when I fuck you in the mouth.”
“Never mind our perfection,” Doris said. “Get your own mouth ready to do some fancy licking on my perfect snatch!”
“Why don’t you two come in the kitchen?” Donnie said. “I can watch you while I’m getting dinner ready.”
“Why not?” Doris said. “I can lay on the table while Gab eats my cunt.”
“Good idea,” Gab said.
Donnie kissed him. “You can give me a little feel while I’m working.”
“The pleasure’s mine,” he said.
While this exchange of words took place, Doris slipped off her shoes, stripped off her white pant-set, and unfastened the cap from the bobby pins that held it to her blonde hair. She turned her back to Gab who unhooked her bra so her sweet breasts escaped to freedom. When she slid her white nylon panties down her legs and bent over to pick them up Gab pushed his finger into her full-lipped twat.
“Stop that!” she said. “I want your tongue there!”
“You’re going to get it-but good,” Gab said.
They went to the kitchen and Doris climbed upon the table. She lay on her back and spread her fine legs. Gab sat down in a chair and hitched it forward so he could easily lick the blonde-thatched cunt that seemed so pink and delicious as he bent down to kiss it.
“One thing I’ll say for you,” he said. “You have the best cunt I ever licked.”
“And I have the other,” Donnie said as she took three TV dinners from the refrigerator. She had turned the oven on as soon as she had entered the kitchen; now she unwrapped the packages and placed them on the rack in the oven. After doing that she took off her pants and panties and was nude from the waist down to her white shoes. She looked cute as hell and was now ready for some cunt-handling from Gab.
Doris now lay with her buttocks on the edge of the table and her feet on the back of the chair Gab was using. She bent her knees so her cunt was readily available for Gab’s attention. He had told her before that real blondes have nicer looking twats than do brunettes. He even called their notice to the fact that the inner lips are light colored while their perineum is scarcely darker than the adjacent surfaces. All, Gab told them, was made better by the golden hair that was so soft to touch.
“One thing I like about you, Gab,” Doris said.
Gab, who had parted the plush lips of Doris’s cunt with his thumbs now began fingering the tender inner lips. “What’s that?” he asked.
“Your tongue. It comes out of your mouth like a dog’s.”
Gab laughed as his gentle fingers stretched the tender skin. “The better to lick you, my dear,” he said.
Gab flattened his tongue and slid it over the moist surface of Doris’s cunt. He soon had her sighing with delight. Then he made his tongue rigid and poked it into the vaginal opening, effecting a slight penetration. He fucked her hole with the tip until Doris said, “Oh, glory!”
Donnie became infected by her sister’s apparent enjoyment. She moved to Gab’s side and pulled his hand away from her sister’s twat. She spread her legs and placed the black hand on her pink lined cunt. “Feel it, Gab,” she begged.
Now Gab licked Doris’s cunt while at the same time he felt Donnie’s delight. He stroked the hair on it and then pinched the full lips until Donnie cried, “Not so rough, you black bastard!”
Without missing a lick on Doris’s twat he pushed a finger up Donnie’s and finger-fucked her until she was dancing up and down.
“Oh, glory!” Doris said as Gab now began to concentrate on her small bud. He sucked and licked the tiny rod until Doris felt as if her cunt would burst into flames. “Gab! GAB! Gab! Eat it!” she yelled as the orgasmic pinging of her uterus began. A slight perspiration beaded her upper lip as familiar contractions moved from her ass to cunt, forcing her tiny bud to throb.
“Oh glory!” she said again as she got Gab’s head between her thighs. She squeezed the head as her spasms reached their peak. Gab forced his lips against hers and continued to lick the quivering twat until Doris yelled, “Enough!”
Gab hadn’t neglected Donnie while he brought her sister to the begging point. But now Donnie stopped dancing up and down on Gab’s finger. She said, “How about fucking me now, Gab?”
“I’m hungry,” Gab said.
“And I can’t wait!”
“Fuck her, Gab, or she’ll cry,” Doris said as she released Gab’s head from her soft thighs.
“How was it?” Gab asked.
“You ate it just fine, Gab,” Doris said.
“My dessert,” he said. “Now where’s my dinner?”
“Fuck first,” Donnie said as she bent over the table. Her fulsome ass curved invitingly. Reaching behind her she pulled the lips apart. “Here it is, you black bastard-fuck it!”
Gab stood with his stiffening cock in hand, aiming it at Donnie’s rear end. “Which hole, my splendid bitch?” he asked.
“Not that virgin one-don’t you dare!” she said as Gab pressed the head of his cock against her anus.
“Fuck her, Gab,” Doris said. “I want to watch you perform.”
Gab pushed the length of his prick into Donnie’s waiting cunt. He reached up under her and squeezed her bra-covered breasts. He began the sexual rhythm that ultimately makes the body feel so good.
Doris reached between Gab’s legs and pulled on his balls. “You like to fuck us, don’t you, Gab?”
“Oui, mes amies,” he said as he continued to lurch against the beautiful crack that held so much pleasure. “You are almost the best.”
“Why you big black cock!” Doris said. She pinched Gab’s balls lightly in the palm of her hand. “Who’s best?”
“Let up, you bitch!” Gab yelled.
“Who’s best?”
“You two, you two!” Gab yelled again.
Doris released the bag as Donnie said pantingly, “Fuck, Gab-you almost had me coming.”
Gab returned to his thrusting and soon had Donnie crying. “Man, man, what a nerve-shattering bang!”
Gab moved quicker now.”
“Do it, you black bastard!” Donnie called. “Put it all in!”
Gab stopped. “What do you think I have,” he inquired indignantly, “a ten-foot pole?”
“Give it, give it!” Donnie squealed as Gab’s handsome prick impelled the orgasm that made her sink flat against the table-a partly naked, shaking, satisfied blonde.
Gab pulled his cock from Donnie’s twat. “I’ll save this load for later,” he said, adding, “I’m hungry.”
Without any regard for hygienics the three sat down at the table to eat their TV dinners. Both girls’ cunts remained uncovered while Gab’s prick now nestled between his bare thighs.
Donnie was the first to speak. “What’s with that line, ‘almost best’?”
“Yes,” Doris chimed in. “Who’s better than we are, you big black cock?”
Gab smiled until a forkful of meat loaf reached his lips. He opened his mouth and unloaded the fork. He chewed awhile, deliberately.
“Come on,” Donnie said. “Tell us.”
At last Gab said, “The best is always the woman I haven’t had in bed yet. A new face, a new cunt, perhaps a new kind of experience.”
“Who do you have in mind?” Doris asked sweetly.
Gab chewed on another load of meat loaf before he said, “A woman in this building.”
Donnie pointed her fork at Gab, “I bet I know!” she said.
“I do too!” Doris said. “That woman in 6-B!”
Gab pushed the empty container away and sat back. “I’ll say this: you could be right.”
“Why you black bastard!” Donnie said as she finished the last portion of potatoes on her plate.
“Why you big black cock!” Doris said. “We should kick you the hell out of our apartment!”
Gab laughed-and it turned into a chuckle as he said, “You splendid bitches don’t, believe that I’d fuck anyone else as long as your fine cunts and wet mouths will take my prick?”
“We wouldn’t trust you,” Donnie said.
“You can say that again,” Doris said, getting up from the table and moving to Gab’s side. She reached under the table and pulled Gab’s cock. “When you start putting this in somebody else’s cunt you can count us out.”
“Don’t worry,” Gab said as he made a pass at the twat by his side. “If I do that you can cut it off-and I’ll eat it!”
Donnie came to Gab’s side and both girls kissed his forehead. Doris said, “That we’ll do.”
Donnie said, “Let’s go to bed and play house.”
“What better way to spend an evening?” Gab asked.

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