Roadside Orgy

Margaret slept until they turned off Highway 95 and started up the mountain. The temperature dropped as they left the heat of the desert behind them. Hank was not quite as confident as he had been back at home even though he was pretty sure Margaret had been unfaithful while she’d been away. He’d called

Rapid bi-sexorgy

“Warm-up?” I panted. “You don’t think we’ll let you go that easily, do you?” Trish purred with seductive menace as she drew closer. “Who knows how long it might be before we see you again?” “We want you to remember us,” chimed in Melissa, in the most sincere voice of which she was probably capable.

Husband and wife stumble on a surprise at the end of their night that will shock them both

My name is Chaby and I’m a father of two and husband to an amazing women. My oldest step-daughter had just turned 18 and started dating. She was often leaving the house late and coming back early in the morning. Her mother and I spent many nights up worrying about her and if she was

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