A couple uses an adult board game to entice friends into swapping partners

I never thought we would ever really do it… ever
really have sex with another couple. But, we did! And,
the World didn’t come to a crashing end. In fact, our
relationship is better than ever today, both in and out
of the bedroom. And, it’s all because of a board game.
Thank you Titillation!

We have known Cindy and Jim for several years. Because
of our busy schedules and the distance between our
homes, we are lucky to get together every six weeks or
so. Whenever we go out together, we usually end up at
one of our homes engaging in quiet conversation.
Invariably the conversation ultimately turns to sex.
Still, in the five years we have known Cindy and Jim,
all that has ever happened is talk.

It was about two years after we first met Jim and Cindy
that I realized I had a real lusting for Jim. I’ll
never forget that evening. Jim and Cindy had decided to
spend the night at our house instead of driving home.
The conversation had turned lightly sexual, as was
often the case.

After we retired to our respective rooms, Ted and I
started to fool around. As Ted was feeling me up, he
started telling me how much Jim was admiring my ass and
breasts. It was like my pussy was set on fire. I
started moaning and rubbing myself against Ted. Then
Ted started talking about what might happen if Jim and
I accidentally met in the hallway on the way to the
bathroom. He described Jim slowly approaching me from
behind, lifting my nightshirt, and lowering my panties.
My mind immediately pictured Jim stroking his hard cock
and using it to penetrate my womanhood.

At that point, lust overtook me completely. I pulled
Ted on top of me and inserted his cock in to my slit.
Feverishly, I began rubbing myself against him,
grabbing his ass, alternating between moaning and
gasping for air. The waves of pleasure took hold and
washed across my body. I felt as though every muscle in
my body was quivering from a combination of extreme
sexual excitement and complete emotional release.

After several seconds (it literally seemed like
minutes), Ted spoke.

“Wow, that really got you off,” he said.

“Yeah, what was your first clue,” I responded jokingly.

Sadly, now that the passion had past, I felt guilty. I
know it’s silly, but I felt as though I had just had an
affair. I was immediately concerned about Ted’s
reaction. To my surprise, he wasn’t turned off. If
anything, he seemed more excited than was normal for
our sex play.

Still, I had to ask, “Does that bother you?”

“Of course not,” he replied, so matter-of-factly that
it couldn’t be a lie.

I was relieved.

“In fact,” he continued, “it was a real turn on for me.
It has been a long time since you have been that
animated with me in bed.”

It was true. It wasn’t that Ted was unattractive. Ted’s
brown hair had started to grey and forty was just
around the corner. Still, his 5′ 10″ frame remained
reasonably firm and easily carried his 196 pounds. Nor
was Ted a bad lover. I had been with several men before
meeting Ted, and he was, without a doubt, one of the
most compassionate and tender partners I’d known.

It wasn’t Ted’s endowment either. Ted was as long as
most men I’d known and much thicker than any of them.
It wasn’t that Jim was particularly handsome. He was
certainly good looking, but he was older and a little
heavier than Ted. I admit that I have a certain thing
for older men, but mostly what I found attractive about
Jim was how different he was from Ted.

After sixteen years of marriage, Ted and I had become
accustom to each other. Familiarity, they say, breads
contempt. In the bedroom, familiarity has a certain
security to it. However, it does put a damper on
passion. Until that night, I really hadn’t focused on
how much of my sexual passion was tied to exploration
and discovery.

More than anything, my physical reaction had been
driven by the thought of strange hands caressing my
breast, strange lips kissing my neck, a strange cock
penetrating my pussy, and feeling a strange body
writhing upon mine in the throws of an orgasm.

That night changed things forever. Swinging fantasies
became a mainstay of our sex play, and Jim and Cindy
had a prominent role in many of those fantasies

I was surprised to learn that Ted was actually turned
on by the thought of me fucking other men. For some
reason, don’t ask me to explain it, the thought of
fucking me immediately after I’ve been fucked by
someone else was a particular turn on. Sure, he liked
thinking about fucking other women, but the thought of
sticking his cock into another man’s cum in my pussy
always seemed to always send him into orbit.

For my part, I was never completely comfortable with
the thought of Ted fucking another woman. Sometimes I
found it particularly erotic to think about,
particularly when Ted was fantasizing about fucking
Cindy. Maybe it was Cindy’s age; she is five years
older than me. Or maybe it was the differences between
us. She is shorter with narrow hips, dark black hair
and small round breast. I have large hips, fiery red
hair, and very large breasts. As I said, differences
can be exciting.

All of this brings me to the game. For three years, Ted
and I fantasized about having a foursome with Jim and
Cindy. For the last year, we actively looked for
opportunities to make something happen. However, we
could never quite figure out how to bring up the topic
with our close friends. While we were confident that
Jim would be up for it (guys are generally up for
anything), I was concerned that my close friend Cindy
could never bring herself to let loose. We needed some
way to test the waters and break the ice without it
appearing threatening.

We started investigating games. Sadly, we found that
the vast majority of adult games are designed for two
people, not groups. Those group games that we could
find were either obviously and overly about sex or
titled in a way that we would be embarrassed to suggest
playing them with our friends.

Then, one evening, Ted found Titillation. He discovered
the web site (www.titillationgame.com) by accident,
which is probably the reason we had not found it in the
past. However, the game looked perfect for our purpose.
We decided to take a chance and ordered the game.

Three weeks later, it arrived. Anxiously, we opened the
packaging. We found a game board, a bunch of game
cards, several playing pieces and some dice. At first,
we were under whelmed. But, to be fair, we decided to
give it a play. Boy, were we wrong. We quickly realized
that the game’s combination of intimate questions,
erotic activities and disrobing directions would be
perfect for our purposes. We decided to invite Jim and
Cindy over that weekend to test out the game.

It seemed like Saturday would never arrive. That
evening, Ted and I prepared ourselves for what we were
confident would be a night of sexual fun. To soften
things up a bit, I had called Cindy a few days before
and told her that some friends of ours had lent us a
game. They insisted we give it a try. I warned her that
the game appeared to be a little bit adult, but told
her that I was hoping they’d give it a try with us. I
was surprised when she not only appeared interested,
but seemed eager.

When Jim and Cindy arrived, we quickly suggested that
we enjoy the evening in. Cindy and I sent the guys out
to get take out food.

While the guys were out, Cindy asked me about the game.
I took out the box and showed her the board and the
rules. She started thumbing through a few of the Forum
cards. Forum cards ask questions that players must
answer when they land on a Forum space during the game.

“Wow,” she exclaimed, “these questions are really

“Yes,” I agreed.

“I’m getting hot just reading them,” she continued.
“How does the game work?”

“Easy,” I said. “Roll the dice and move your piece. If
you land on a Forum space or a Titillation space, you
draw a card and do as instructed.”

“What about these spaces labeled ‘Get Naked’ and ‘Nude
Fun’,” she asked.

“They work like losing a hand in strip poker. You
remove one article of clothing. Also, when you pass the
starting point on the board, like passing ‘Go’ in
Monopoly, you get to direct someone else to remove an
article of clothing. If you are already nude when you
land on a ‘Nude Fun’ space, you draw a ‘Nude Fun’

She started thumbing through the Titillation cards.
“These seem tame enough–massaging backs, sitting on
laps, rubbing feet’.”

She was still thumbing through the cards when the boys
returned with the food. We put the game away while we
sat down to eat. After dinner, we retired to our family
room. I was surprised when, after about ten minutes,
Cindy was the first person to bring up the game.

“Honey, I can tell that the game that Ted and Mandy
have is right up your alley.”

“Oh really,” he replied. “How so?”

“It’s all about sex, perfect for a horn-dog like you,”
she giggled.

“Do you want to give it a try?” I asked.

“Sure,” replied Jim as Cindy got up and headed to the
breakfast table.

We sat down alternating boy girl. Ted opened the box
and took out the board. Jim’s eyes opened wide when he
saw some of the spaces on the board.

“Hey, what is the ‘Nude Fun’ and ‘Get Naked’ about on
the board?” he asked.

Ted briefly explained the game. Cindy emphasized the
part of the rules that provided that no player need do
anything that they are not comfortable doing. We rolled
to see who would start. As luck would have it, I had to
go first.

I rolled and landed on a Forum space. I drew the card.
“Have you ever faked an orgasm with your current

“Yes,” I answered truthfully.

“Really?!” exclaimed Cindy.

“You poor boy,” said Jim to Ted.

“You poor girl,” said Cindy.

“Hey, even the best pitcher has an off night
sometimes,” responded Ted.

We all had a good laugh.

Next up was Jim. He rolled and also landed on a Forum

“The last time you engaged in fellatio, was swallowing
involved?” read Jim.

Jim turned a slight shade of red. “No,” he said

Now it was Ted’s turn to tell Jim what a poor boy he

“Cindy, it’s only a little protein.” I commented.

“Yeah, but I’ve never developed a taste for it, if you
know what I mean.”

Next up was Cindy. Her roll landed her on a Get Naked
space. Jim seemed to delight in this as he prodded,
“time to lose some clothes!”

By agreement, we were treating shoes together and socks
together as one article of clothing. Cindy casually
removed her shoes and passed the dice.

Next up was Ted. He rolled and landed on Titillation.
“Pick a player card. Ask that player to fondle your ass
for 30 seconds.”

“What is a ‘Pick a player card,'” asked Jim.

“These white cards,” responded Ted, as he took the top
card reading it. “‘Any player selected by a majority of
the other players.’ OK, who is it going to be,” he
continued as he got up and presented his butt to the

“I vote Cindy,” Jim announced quickly.

“Really?” questioned Cindy.

“Yep!” Jim confirmed.

“What do you say, Mandy?”

“I have to go with Jim,” I responded smiling.

“Well, I guess I am out voted.”

“What do you mean, Cindy, you don’t want to fondle my
ass?” asked Ted in mocking despair.

“I didn’t say that,” replied Cindy as she walked around
the table, placed her palms squarely on my husband’s
butt, and slowly rubbed it.

I felt a little tingle in my pussy as I watched her
hands pass over and over my husband’s tight ass. She
even ran her fingers along the crack down toward his

“There, that should be about 30 seconds,” commented

Ted was noticeably hard when he turned back around and
sat down.

The next several rolls followed the same format.
Sometimes we answered questions, sometimes we
physically interacted with other players, and sometimes
we removed clothing. As the clothing came off, the
excitement level rose.

Sometime after Cindy lost her pants, Ted was directed
to rub her calves and feet for thirty seconds. As his
hands moved up and down her legs, Ted was squarely
staring at the hairy triangle between Cindy’s legs now
barely covered by a thin layer of cotton. I was certain
that I could see a growing dark spot on her panties.

When Jim lost his pants, his boxers left no doubt about
the degree of his excitement.

Cindy, down to just her bra and panties was asked to
identify all of her past lovers. To my surprise and I
am sure Ted’s, Cindy listed off twelve names.

Finally, down to my bra and panties, I landed on a
“Nude Fun” space. Cindy looked like she was about to
call it off. Before she could say anything, I quickly
unfastened my bra and left my large breasts loose. I
could feel Jim’s eyes center on my large nipples as
they stiffened in the excitement and cool air.

“Do you like what you see, Jim,” I asked.

Before he could respond, Cindy answered for him. “You
bet he does. He loves breasts, the bigger, the better.”

“That’s not absolutely true,” protested Jim. “I am an
equal opportunity lover of breasts, big and small.”

Shortly after this, Jim drew a Titillation card that
directed him to pick a player card and play with that
player’s nipples and chest for thirty seconds. The pick
a player card directed Cindy to identify the lucky
recipient. I was certain that she would select herself.

“Mandy,” she announced.

Jim looked at Cindy for a moment and rose from his
chair. I could see his erect cock poking around the
hole in the front of his boxers as he moved towards me.
My pussy was suddenly on fire as I stared at Ted, who
was smiling ear to ear. I felt Jim’s strong hands cup
my breasts and caress them lightly as his fingers
danced over the top of my nipples. He moved his hands
around them, alternating between a light touch and a
small pull. When he was done, both of my nipples and
breasts were standing straight out. I could feel a
puddle in my panties, and I could smell the scent of my

The next major event occurred when Ted lost his boxers
to become completely nude. He stood dramatically and
turned his back to us. Then he slowly moved his hips
back and forth as he slid his boxers down his hips. He
continued to wiggle his tight ass back and forth as he
slowly turned around. Then he fully faced the group.
His cock was only partially erect, but even so its full
girth was plain to see. Cindy’s eyes were locked on
Ted’s member as he slowly took his seat.

“Well Mandy,” Cindy commented, “I can see why you spend
so much time in bed!”

We all laughed.

Cindy was next to loose a piece of clothing. She was
obviously nervous, but appeared determined to press on.
She reached around her back and released her bra. Then
she let it fall off her shoulders revealing two
semicircular globes. I though her breasts were
beautiful although she was clearly unhappy with their
size. Apparently sensing the same thing, Ted was quick
to comment on their beauty.

“Wow, those are perfect!” he exclaimed.

A shy smile came across Cindy’s face. “Do you really
think so?”

“Absolutely, can’t you tell,” Ted responded glancing
briefly at his lap.

Ted’s cock was plainly erect. I even thought I could
detect a slight presence of pre-cum dripping on the

On Ted’s next turn, he drew a Titillation card that
directed him to pick a player card and remove an
article of clothing from that person. The pick a player
card directed that he remove the article from Cindy.

I could tell that Cindy was now completely committed to
the game. As Ted walked over to Cindy, his now fully
erect cock was plainly visible. Cindy stood as Ted
knelt before her. He slowly moved his hands up along
the side of her legs, his face now only a few inches
from her clit. Cindy shivered has his hands slide along
the outside of her thighs and grabbed the waistband of
her panties. Slowly, almost as though he was trying to
memorize every moment of the event, Ted slid the
panties off Cindy’s hips.

Cindy had to slightly part her legs to allow the
panty’s crotch to slide down. Cindy had a beautiful
black bush. Her pussy lips were plainly visible through
the hair. As the panties touched the floor, I could see
that the crotch was completely soaked through. All this
time, Jim was slowly stroking his cock through his
boxers. I could tell that he was not as well endowed as
Ted, but his shaft appeared to be curved significantly
upward. Ted’s cock was straight.

Cindy sat down and Ted returned to his chair. Shortly
thereafter, I lost my panties. I could tell that Jim
wanted to have as good a view of me as Ted had of
Cindy. But, I decided to be a tease and removed my
panties in a way that I didn’t really expose my clit or

Jim lost his boxers and we were finally all nude.

Shortly after Jim lost his boxers, I drew a card asking
me if I ever imaged having sex with someone else while
making love to Ted and to identify that person. I took
a deep breath. I could see that Ted was a little

“Yes, who hasn’t,” I announced. “For example, I’ve
imagined having sex with Jim on a number of occasions.”

“Is he any good?” Cindy asked. I couldn’t tell if Cindy
was serious or just having fun.

“He always gets me off!” I replied.

“That’s more that I can say,” she retorted, laughing.

“Hey, what was it that Ted said, no one bats a
thousand,” Jim interjected.

Play continued until Cindy drew a Titillation card
directing her to sit on Ted’s lap. Ted slid his chair
back from the table. I could see his cock head poking
up from between his legs. So could Cindy as she made a
big show of turning and sitting down.

“Oh, I think I feel something coming up,” she said
wiggling her hips on his lap.

“You’ll feel more than that if you keep it up,” said

“Promises, promises’,” responded Cindy.

Eventually, play returned to me. I landed on Nude Fun.
This was the first time any player had landed on this
type of space while nude. So, I got to draw the first
Nude Fun card.

“Hey, I wondered what those were for,” commented Jim.

The card instructed me to strike six increasingly
naughty poses for men’s magazines. The first three
poses were standing and not too explicit. The third
pose had me leaning over with my breasts dangling in
front of me. For my fourth pose, I squatted down, so
that my shaved pussy was clearly on display with my
lips protruding down. For my fifth pose I got on my
hands and knees and stuck my ass at Jim. Then for my
last pose, I rolled onto my back and spread my legs
wide apart. My vulva was gapping, and I know that my
inner lips were clearly visible to Jim and Cindy.

“Wow, I’d buy that magazine!” Jim stated.

“I know what you’d do with it, too,” continued Cindy.

Play continued as we worked though more Forum cards and
Titillation cards. Then Ted landed on Nude Fun. He
looked at the card and then read it.

“Pick a player card. Ask that player to lick you
wherever you’d like for 30 seconds. No one may remove
clothing as a part of this task.”

Slowly, he drew the pick a player card.

“The player picked by your partner.”

All eyes turned to me. I looked at Cindy and tried to
gauge her reaction. She looked nervous and excited. I
then looked at Jim. He also looked both nervous and
excited. I made a big show of thinking about my

Then, looking squarely at Ted, I announced, “Cindy.”

Cindy sat for a moment and then asked, “Are you sure


“What do you say Jim?” she asked.

“Go for it!”

Slowly she got up and walked to Ted.

“OK big boy, where do you want it?”

Ted stood up, his member at full attention.

Cindy nodded and knelt before him. Slowly, she stuck
out her tongue and gently tickled the tip of Ted’s
head. Then she worked her mouth down one side of his
shaft and up the other making a big show of swirling
her tongue over the head. Then, unexpectedly, she took
his head into her mouth and swallowed him almost down
to his balls. Then she came up smacking her lips and
returned to her seat.

Ted was visibly shaken. Jim was visibly aroused. I was
now certain that the gauntlet had been thrown and that
I’d be taking Jim’s cock into my pussy before the
evening was out.

Little did I know how quickly it would happen. On my
next turn, I landed on a “Nude Fun” space and drew a
card. I drew the card and saw that it was the first of
the Group II Nude Fun cards. These cards direct a
heightened degree of sexual contact.

This was the mother of all Nude Fun cards.

“Pick a player card. Leave the room with that player
and participate in any activity that you agree on for 3
minutes. Return and tell the others what you did. Each
player must return in the same state of clothing as
they left in, but they may remove clothing as a part of
the activity so long as it is put back on before they

I read the card. Everyone was holding their breath. The
pick a player card directed Cindy to choose my partner.
Without hesitation she announced, “Jim, go to it.”

Now it was his turn.

“Are you sure, Cindy?”

“You bet,” she replied with a wink.

We left the breakfast room and went to the family room.

“What do you want to do?” he asked, plainly very
nervous and very excited.

Not to be shy, I grabbed his cock and laid back on the

“I want you to fuck me.”

“Mandy, I am so excited and primed that I may not last
three minutes.”

The words penetrated me to my soul. I don’t think he
could have said anything that would have made me any

“Come fuck me hard. I want you to cum deep in my

His cock was indeed very different from Ted’s. As he
entered me, I could tell that it was not as wide, but I
could feel the head rubbing the top of my vaginal
shaft. I imagined him stroking my G-spot with his head.

I could tell that he was very excited and would not
last long. He quickly set a rapid pace, fucking me
harder and harder. I imagined his balls tightening. I
urged him to orgasm, overcome with lust. It had been
over fifteen years since my pussy had experienced a
cock other than Ted’s. Both it and I were very much
enjoying the moment.

After about two minutes, his body stiffened. I could
feel his head pulsing within me as his cum splashed
against my cervix. This released the wild animal in me.
Crazed, I began rubbing myself against him, urging my
own orgasm. I didn’t have to wait long. Quickly and
violently I came, running my nails across his ass.

We returned to the breakfast room.

“So, what did you do?” asked Ted.

“We fucked, of course,” I said in monotone. “Do you
want to see his cum? It is dripping down my leg.”

The game was now forgotten.

“Absolutely!” replied Ted as he got down on his knees.

Cindy also came over to look.

“Wow, that was quite a load hun.”

“Yep,” said Jim. “She really drained my balls.”

That was when I noticed that Cindy was lightly stroking
Ted’s cock.

“Well Jim, don’t you think its Ted and Cindy’s turn.”


Cindy grabbed Ted’s cock and pulled him towards her.

“Take me from behind,” she said, getting on to her
hands and knees.

Ted didn’t need to be told twice. He positioned himself
behind Cindy’s ass and slowly pushed his head into her

“Oh my God, he is big!” she exclaimed.

Ted set up a good rhythm, pounding Cindy fast and then
slowly. Cindy buried her head into the rug, moaning
loudly with every thrust. The loader she moaned, the
harder Ted thrust. Ted continued to fuck her for a
couple minutes, Cindy getting louder and louder. I
could tell that Ted was really working to hold back his
orgasm, wanting to please Cindy. Cindy started bouncing
hard back against Ted asking him to grab her hips. As
he laid his hands on her hips, Cindy asked Ted to tell
her she was his slut.

“You are my slut.”

She moaned louder.

“You are my fuck toy.”

She moaned even louder.

“Your pussy is my cock’s play thing.”

She moaned even louder.

“I going to make your cunt my cum depository!”

That did it. Cindy threw her head back clearly
orgasming. Feeling her release, Ted let go and started
cumming into her. I knelt behind them and fondled Ted’s
balls. It was wild feeling his cock unloading into
another woman.

After the muscular spasms subsided, Ted withdrew his
cock. Cindy’s pussy was gapping before me covered in
Ted’s cum. I could tell that Ted was spent, but decided
to take a chance. I began sucking his cock while Jim
and Cindy sat back and rested. I could feel him get a
little erect, so I decided to take a further chance. I
looked Ted in the eyes.

“Honey, I have been a very naughty girl. Would you like
to see how naughty?”

Without waiting for an answer, I laid back and spread
my legs.

“Do you see it, honey? Do you see Jim’s cum all up in
my pussy? Boy, he came hard all up and inside me. I was
his extreme pleasure toy.”

It was working, Ted’s cock was really hard.

“Do you know what it felt like when he fucked me? His
hard head slid into me. I could feel his excitement. Do
you want to feel his excitement?”

Ted was over me now.

“Come on. Stick it in me. Come on and feel his slippery
cum deep in my pussy.”

He slid his cock into me.

“Oh, you are so wet!” He exclaimed.

“Its not me, its Jim’s cum. It’s all the way up in me.
I could feel him squirt all the way up against my
cervix. Do you want to know how it felt.”


“It felt wonderful, his cum splashing all up inside


He came. He came harder than I can ever remember him
coming before. He came so hard that he was completely
spent afterwards. I was a complete mess.

How did it end? Well, after I got towels, we had a
drink and discussed what had happened. We all decided
that we had a great time and that we weren’t as jealous
as we thought we’d be. We are planning to get together
again in a couple weeks. Meanwhile, Ted and I are
looking forward to playing the game again with another
couple we know. Thank you Titillation.