Parenting my Crush

Let’s start off with a little about me: My name is Matthew, I am a lawyer in the midwest. My main area of focus is corporate law. I travel all around the world helping large businesses acquire/merge with other medium to large businesses. I married my wife Lex 3 years ago. I spoil the hell

My cousin Ashley

Amazing how some things happen so overwhelmingly fast yet you can’t really forget a second of that brief moment, to this day, I haven’t had a thought that can override that of the first time me and my cousin Ash (Ashley) got to know just how much fun can two cousins have on a stormy

First Time Footjob

It was decades ago, but I’ll remember it like it was yesterday. We had just finished our night of heated foreplay. I was exhausted. I had spent the last hour sucking, kissing, fingering, and kissing the most beautiful vagina I have laid my eyes on. I needed to rest after a long night in heaven.

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