Woman 2 woman

My name is Christine. I’m twenty-six, single and work
in marketing support for a high-tech computer company.
I had to go to Las Vegas for a four-day trade show, and
at the end of the first day of standing in heels talk-
ing to customers for ten hours, my feet and legs were
killing me. One of our sales reps, an attractive
brunette from Seattle, asked me if I wanted to share a
cab back to the hotel. We had struck up a friendship
during the day, and I was happy to have her company.

Her name was Laura and she appeared to be a year or
two older than I was. During our brief lunch break
together, I found out that she was divorced and lived
on her own. She had been with the company for three
years and was very good at sales. While working the
booth, I caught myself admiring Laura’s slim figure:
her legs were long and she wore her skirt about mid-
thigh. She got a lot of second glances from the men
that wandered onto our booth. Her eyes were a deep
shade of green and her dark walnut colored hair flowed
down below her shoulders. Between the two of us, we
seemed to spend more time turning down propositions
for dinner than discussing computer technology.

As the cab pulled away from the convention center and
headed towards the Vegas strip, Laura said, “If I had
one more guy hit on me today . . .”

“Tell me about it,” I said. “Is getting laid the only
reason these guys come here?”

“I spend all my time fighting them off.”

“I just want to get to my room and collapse,” I said.
“My feet are killing me.”

“I feel the same.” Laura brought her right leg up and
took her high heel off, rubbing her foot. Her long
legs parted and her dress rode up her bare thigh.

I’d kill for those legs, I thought, realizing I also
saw a hint of her black panties. I was very proud of
my legs but seeing hers made me determined to start
working out again.

“Think I’ll order room service,” I said, trying not to
be obvious that I was staring. “That way I don’t even
have to go out again.”

Laura caught me looking and smiled. Then she said,
“Hey, I’ve got an idea. Why don’t we order room
service together? We’ll get a bottle of wine and just
relax. It’ll take our minds of the show.”

“I love it,” I said, intrigued with the idea of spend-
ing the evening with this beautiful woman who gave me
a more than casual glimpse at what most of the men at
the booth were dying to get at.

All the people from our company were staying on the
same floor of the hotel, so when Laura and I got off
the elevator and found that our rooms were adjoining,
we started laughing. “You didn’t plan this, did you?”
she asked with a wink.

I wasn’t sure what she meant, but it did make for a
very convenient evening.

“I’ll meet you inside,” I said as we unlocked our re-
spective doors.

I tossed my purse on the bed, slipped my heels and
pantyhose off, removed my earrings and bracelet, and
then went and opened the door between our rooms. Laura
did the same on her side almost simultaneously and we
both laughed again. I really liked the way she smiled,
it made me feel warm and at ease.

“So what shall we have?” Laura said. We sat side by
side on the couch; she placed her arm around my
shoulders and leaned into me to study the menu I held
open in my lap. She had applied a subtle perfume
before she let me in her room, one that I didn’t think
she was wearing in the cab. Was it just to freshen up
or was it meant for me? Either way, the delicate
fragrance was enticing.

After scanning the selections, we chose a couple of
Italian dishes and a bottle Chianti. Waiting for the
food, we relaxed and talked about the show, the com-
pany, and life in general. I felt very comfortable
with Laura and I thought she did the same with me.
She told me about her divorce and how she hadn’t dated
much since. While she spoke, she brought her leg up,
resting her foot on the edge of the couch. Again I
received an alluring view of the inside of her thighs
and a hint of her crotch. I assumed she was just
relaxing and I tried not to stare as I gave her the
rundown on all my failed romances too. I had to admit
I was intrigued with what secrets might lay hidden just
out of view.

The food arrived and it was delicious. We quickly
killed the bottle of wine and ordered a second. I
don’t drink much, and the alcohol went right to my
head. Judging from Laura’s silly giggles, it was
having the same effect on her too.

Finally, we just sat and stared out the window at the
Vegas strip below. “If my feet would only stop
aching,” I said. “I can’t believe I’ve got to endure
this for three more days.”

“I’ve an idea,” Laura said and placed a gentle hand on
the back of my neck. “I used to work as a therapeutic
masseuse. What if I give you a massage? I guarantee
I can make you feel better.”

“Laura, that sounds wonderful.” Despite the pain of
my feet, I was feeling very warm and relaxed from the
wine. I figured a quick massage and I’d be off to bed.

“Okay, but first, you’ve got to get comfortable,” Laura
said. “I want you to strip down to your underwear.”

“Just to do my feet?” I asked.

“Christine, I said I was a therapist. If I can make
your feet feel better, think what I can do to your
legs, back and arms, all of you.”

“This is sounding better all the time,” I said, think-
ing how much I needed to relax before having to do the
show again tomorrow. Without hesitating, I slipped
out of my dress and blouse. Standing in my bare feet
with only my panties and bra, I turned around to find
that Laura had taken off her clothes as well. I could-
n’t hide my surprise as I looked at her shapely body.
She was more beautiful that I imagined. Her skin was
a flawless olive color, her breasts filling her black
silk bra fully. She wore string bikini panties that
tightly clung to the sexy bulge between her legs. So
much so, that I could clearly see the lips of her
vagina through the thin material.

“Are you all right?” she asked.

“Sorry,” I said, shaking my head. “I stood up too
fast and the wine made me dizzy.” What was I doing?
I thought. Here I was alone in a bedroom practically
naked with this beautiful woman and I was staring at
her crotch. Suddenly, my body was hot. I felt my face
flush and the unmistakable tingle between my legs. I
couldn’t believe I was becoming aroused.

“Okay,” Laura said, “lay down on your stomach.

It was a king size bed and I moved to the middle and
rested my head on my arms. I felt her climb on behind
me and I closed my eyes and wondered where this whole
thing was leading.

“Now relax and breathe normally,” she said. “Let me
do all the work. You just enjoy, OK?”

“You’re the boss,” I said as I took a deep breath.

At first I didn’t think she was going to do anything
at all. It was a full thirty seconds before she
touched me. Finally, she took my left foot and started
rubbing it, kneading the bottom and gently working the
tender flesh.

“That’s really nice,” I said, amazed at her ability
to make the aches go away so quickly. She massaged
each toe and them my heel. It was wonderful. Then
she took my right foot and did the same, quickly
relieving the pain and replacing it with pleasure.

I was floating on a cloud, letting my mind drift with
the warmth of the wine and enjoying her gentle but
firm touch. Then Laura went back to my left foot.
This time, she brought my foot up so my lower leg was
sticking up in the air, bent at the knee. I felt her
scoot her body up, positioning her bare legs on each
side of my leg. The touch of her warm skin against
mine made me tremble. Next, she let my foot rest on
her chest, and with a surprise, I realized the top of
my foot was touching her naked breast. Now I knew
what she had done in the thirty seconds before she
started. She had stripped naked.

Laura positioned my foot so her nipple was resting on
my big toe. As she continued the massage, she swayed
her body so her nipple gently rubbed across the top of
my toes and I could feel it grow hard. Then she slid
her hips forward until my knee was in her crotch. I
felt moisture on my skin and I gasped. I had never
touched another woman there in my life. She was wet
and didn’t seem to want to hide the fact as she rubbed
herself on me, using my knee to masturbate.

I felt my pulse quicken and my breathing increase.
What was happening? Should I stop her? Between the
wine and her intimate touch, my body was on fire. I
didn’t know what to do. I had never been intimate
with a woman before. I’d certainly thought about it
from time to time, but that was as far as it went–
only fantasies. Did I want to keep going? Was she
seducing me? Planing to make love to me? Did she
have any idea how turned on I was?

Then, ever so gently, she took my big toe in her warm
mouth and caressed it with her tongue. This sent me
over the edge. My mind raced. I was so aroused, I
couldn’t think straight. I was burning up with the
forbidden desire to have sex with her.

I opened my eyes and looked toward the dresser. In
the mirror, I could see Laura making love to my foot.
Watching her was the sexiest vision I had ever seen.
Then she turned her head and looked into the mirror
and our eyes met. With one glance, I knew this had
been no accident, no spur of the moment idea. From
the instant she had parted her legs for me in the cab
and shown me her forbidden fruit, she had planted the
seed of lesbian lust. The spider had its victim, I
thought, and the victim was dying a sweet death.

While she watched me watching her, she took each toe
into her mouth, licking, sucking, running her wet
tongue between them. With my foot resting on her
breast she brought my other one to her mouth, kissing,
licking, loving.

Her hips moved in a slow, sexy rotation as she ground
her pussy into my bent knee. I could hear her breath-
ing increase and I felt her wetness flowing out onto
my leg. Then she slowed and moved my leg from between
hers. She leaned forward, and with the touch of a
feather, she took the top of my panties and slid them
over my bottom and down my legs. Slipping them off my
upturned feet, she then spread my knees apart and
started rubbing the back of my calves and thighs.

As she worked her way along my legs, she bent over and
I felt her warm breath on my bottom. She kissed my
cheeks and her tongue slipped into my crack. When she
found my anus, she moaned as she spread my cheeks. “You
smell heavenly,” Laura whispered.

I watched her reflection in the mirror through a sexual
fog knowing that I never wanted her to stop. She was
electrifying my body, setting me on fire.

My desire for her was overwhelming.

Laura probed my anus with the tip of her tongue, let-
ting her warm saliva drip onto it before licking me
clean. She pushed her nose in my crack and spent what
seemed like an eternity smelling me giving out little
moans as she explored my bottom. Then she spread my
legs wide and laid down between them. Her hot, wet
mouth moved down until she was softly kissing my pussy.

I was about to explode as the heat built between my
legs. I couldn’t wait for her to put her tongue in
me. My clitoris was throbbing, begging to be sucked.
The inside walls of my vagina quivered in anticipation
of her entering me. I could feel my love juice flowing
out. My heart raced. I closed my eyes and let her
take me to a place only two women can go together. As
I experienced the first lesbian orgasm of my life, I
couldn’t wait to hold Laura in my arms, smother her
with kisses and spend the night making love. And
that’s exactly what we did.

* * *

The next day at the show, I could think of nothing but
her. As we talked to customers or wrote up orders, we
would sneak a smile or wink at each other. Once, she
was standing next to me, and over the noise of the
crowd, she leaned into my ear and whispered, “If you’re
not too busy tonight, maybe we could get together and
fuck each others brains out.”

I hoped no one saw me turn bright red.

We found ourselves alone once in the small employee
break room, and for a delicious thirty seconds, we held
each other tight and French kissed. I adored the sweet
taste of her lipstick, the allure of her perfume, the
softness of her breasts pressing against mine, and her
hot breath as she moaned my name. Another time, Laura
squatted down behind a counter to get some brochures
out of a drawer. When she saw me a few feet away
watching her, she slowly spread her legs and my eyes
grew wide as I realized she wasn’t wearing panties.

“Are you trying to make me come right here?” I whisper-
ed to her a few moments later.

“Of course not,” she whispered back with a giggle.
“I going to make you come tonight after dinner. I
just wanted you to see what you would be eating for

Each day, we played our little sexy games all day keep-
ing each other on the edge of arousal; I have never
been that wet constantly in my life. Then we would
rushed back to the hotel to make love. One night, we
completely forgot to eat–food that is.

It was a tearful scene at the airport when we finally
had to say goodbye at the end of the week. We had made
love that morning in bed and again in the shower, and
almost missed our planes. We spend our last moments
kissing in a stall of the ladies room. As we kissed,
Laura reached under my dress and caressed my pussy.
“God, I’m gonna miss you,” she said. “Especially my
girlfriend down there.” She had started calling my
pussy her girlfriend, and now she used her finger to
push the thin material of my panties up inside me.

“I’d die if I thought I wouldn’t see you again,” I
said, holding her tight.

“There’s a trade show coming up next month in New York.
Will you be there?” she asked.

“Only if you will.”

“I can’t wait,” she said, working her finger into me
and getting it wet. Then she brought it to her nose
and smelled it. “Oh Christine, I want you so bad.”

“I know,” I said, desperately wanting to make love to
her again.

Then she said, “Promise me you won’t fuck anyone be-
tween now and then. Save every drop of that sweet
girl-cum up for me.”

“I’ve already started,” I said.

We headed for our planes, and as we hugged goodbye,
Laura ignored everyone around us and kissed my hard
on the mouth. Then she whispered in my ear, “Christine,
I love you.”

She broke from my arms and ran down the concourse. As
she turned and waved, I knew I was just as much in love
with her, and couldn’t wait for her to be in my arms

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