Bizarre dream

My name is Lesley. It was the summer of 73 I was twenty
two, size ten and a good figure, in my second year
teaching. My husband still a student was working all
hours that god sent in the summer holidays. We ran a
beat up convertible, which he was slowly restoring, to
pristine glory. I was free all day having great fun
racing round with the hood down all over the town.

At weekends he made regular visits to a car breakers
yards in search of prized components and I often went
with him. They seemed to me then to be a peculiarly
masculine environment full at weekends of chaps in
overalls clambering like mountaineers over the dead
cars piled high, or lying sideways on in pools of muddy

One in particular he favoured, they seemed to
specialize in sports cars and the two men at the place
seemed happy to let him know if some particularly
interesting bit had turned up. In the run up to the
holidays we had been there almost every weekend and on
good terms with Andy and Jim who ran the yard.

They would often include Gary and me in a round of tea
if they made one and we would sit around on battered
old settees in the Porta-cabin that was both their
office and storeroom, talking cars and football. Not
surprisingly I had little to say in these discussions
but every now and then Jim or Andy would try to broaden
the conversation into films or something they thought I
could comment on.

Even though Jim was old enough to be my dad and Andy in
his early forties and already bald I had realized that
they quite liked me staying for the occasional cup of
tea. Every now and then I caught them casting sneaky
glances, checking out my legs , or my bum or my bust.
It amused and flattered me that these “old” chaps
should fancy a young girl.

I shouldn�t have been surprised; the walls of the cabin
were covered in posters and pages of pinups and worse
from various men�s magazines. Gary had noticed their
attention and laughingly used to say “they�ll be
pleased to see you,” if my skirt was shorter than usual
or if my prominent nipples showed through my top.

One Wednesday Jim rang to say that a part Gary had
ordered had come in. I volunteered to collect it and he
promised me a cup of tea would be waiting. Smiling to
myself I changed into my shortest black mini, over the
Knee boots and white vest top without a bra. “I�ll give
those two dirty old men something to think about” I
thought. Imagining them trying to ogle me without being
too obvious.

Parking the car outside the yard I picked my way round
the muddier bits to the cabin. Jim was on his own and
to my surprise gave a low whistle of appreciation when
I stepped into the cabin. “You got a hot date or
something ” he joked. I explained I had been intending
to go into town shopping. He carried the part out to
the car for me and then we returned for the promised

Clearing the car and girlie mags from the settee I sat
down. It was very low and it occurred to me that the
slightest parting of my knees would offer a good view
of my knickers. I had my knees firmly pressed when Jim
emerged from the kitchen area behind the office with
the tea. Padding behind him came the biggest dog I�d
seen in a long time. Seeing that I was nervous Jim
passed me a mug of tea and advised me to “take no
notice of him, he�s as soft as kitten.” I asked Jim
what sort of dog it was, as it didn�t look like
anything in particular. He said it was cross between a
Great Dane a Labrador and a German shepherd. Either way
it looked big and fierce but apparently wasn�t.

Timidly I reached out to stroke the thing as it had
wandered over to me. It indulgently allowed me to
ruffle behind its ears and seemed to like the
attention. Then without warning it began pushing its
nose between my knees. Unbalanced in the low chair with
a hot mug of tea in one hand, I was suddenly lying back
on the settee with the dog’s huge nose in my crotch,
trying to push his head away with my free hand.

I knew then I should have worn tights but it was
summer. In the few seconds it took Jim to come round
the counter and pull him away the inside of my thighs
and the gusset of my knickers were moist with the dogs
slobber. The dog was banished to the kitchen and I
stood drying the insides of legs with some tissue from
a toilet roll from the counter while Jim looked on. Jim
apologized and I indignantly asked why the dog would
behave like that.

He laughed at me and said “you�re female aren�t you? He
can smell you and thinks it�s an invitation to a bit of

“But a dog wouldn�t have sex with a woman would it?” I
asked incredulously.

“That dog would,” he said. “And he�d give her a good
seeing to.”

I giggled and said I should be going.

“Well Andy will be sorry to have missed you” said Jim
“But I�m sure Heinz(the dogs name 57 varieties ha ha)
enjoyed meeting you, see you soon.”

Conscious of my still damp gusset I waved and drove

I returned to our flat and busied myself with all the
routine things one does in a home. A bit of washing,
tidying etc. Then I tried a bit of preparatory work for
next term. But all the time the incident with the dog
kept invading my thoughts. Like most people I�d had
fantasies and daydreams about various sexual situations
but it had never crossed my mind that one could have
sex with an animal. I suppose that in my head, dogs
like cats had always been relatively small compared
with a person and other animals like horses though
obviously hugely equipped, just too big and dangerous.

Later in the afternoon I found myself closing the
bedroom curtains and lying on the bed. Slipping off the
now dry knickers I began to stroke my cunt and to work
out a fantasy in which I could somehow get Heinz on its
own and let him fuck me. Unlike most of my fantasies,
which helped me to a powerful orgasm, I did not share
this with Gary.

I think I thought he would find it disgusting or
ridicule it by pretending to be a dog or something.
Over the next couple of weeks we didn�t get down to the
yard, but my fantasy became something of an obsession.
As soon as Gary went out to work I would settle down to
a masturbation session fueled by increasingly elaborate
scenarios, some of them involving Jim and Andy as well
as the dog. Incredibly I didn�t even know what the
penis of a dog looked like and had only ever seen a
couple of small dogs at it in the street.

One Monday morning Gary asked me as he left for work to
go to Jim’s yard and ask him for some switch or other.
Although I knew my fantasies were just that, I was
strangely unsure of myself and initially readied myself
in jeans and tea shirt almost as a defense against any
approach, then at the last minute reverted to a short
print skirt with a matching top that tied across the

Andy was in the yard when tiptoed through the yard
gates on my white platforms. Not the best choice for a
breakers yard but I new they would be appreciated by my
two aged admirers. He came over wiping his hands on his
overalls. We exchanged hello’s and I told him the
details of the part Gary needed. “well Jim’s out and
its still in a car,” he said. “If you can hold the
spanner at the dash board end while I undo the back,
you can take it.”

I agreed to try but before we could start the phone
rang. Andy answered it and said he had to go out for an
hour or so. He suggested I could come back or make
myself a cup of tea and wait. I said I would wait and
agreed to answer the phone if he closed the gates so I
didn’t have to deal with customers. “The dogs in the
back ” said Andy as he pulled away “leave him there if
he bothers you”

Closing the door behind me I entered the cabin and went
the kitchen. Heinz lay asleep on some old carpet at the
back and made no move as I filled the kettle and made a
cup of tea. My heart was beginning to beat faster as I
decided to experiment with my canine fantasy. I put
down the mug and stooped to ruffle the head and neck of
the big brown dog, He roused shuffled to his feet and
shook himself.

I continued to stroke him and talk to him. Unlike our
previous meeting he showed no immediate interest in me.
Standing right in front of him I guided his nose
between my legs till it was only separated from my cunt
by the thin nylon of my knickers. Slowly he began to
take interest, pushing his nose hard against my cunt
trying to force my legs apart. I was a bit scared he
would bite me so was trying to go steady but he seemed
friendly enough just excited and beginning to dribble
his dog drool down my legs.

Breaking away from the dog, I made sure the front door
was locked, Then slipping off my knickers I knelt down
with my face and elbows on the settee and my behind in
the air. This would be more natural for the dog I
thought. After a few minutes he padded over to me and
with a bit of help found my cunt with his nose. I felt
his tongue hot on the entrance to my cunt making
tentative stabs at the crease. Then with increasing
confidence he began to lap at my gash with his rough
tongue scouring the sides as though cleaning his dogs

I felt dirty and great at the same time, the force of
his foraging into my rear pushing me into the grubby
settee. In spite of its enthusiasm the dog was not
quite hitting the spot so I rolled over so I could
guide his head and make sure those rapid strokes of his
firm tongue had the maximum effect. He was getting
really exited lapping at the juices now running from me
and panting with expectation.

I knew I was getting close to an orgasm but wanted to
see how turned on the dog was by me. With a little
effort I pulled his head out of my crotch and pulled
him over me. His cock was poking out from his sheath by
several inches and red and veiny. Reaching under him I
took it in my fingers. It was hard and hot, not the
biggest I’d felt but big enough!

For a few moments I hesitated while the dog began to
try to pump my hand, Then reverting to my previous
kneeling position waited for the animal to do what
should come naturally. He briefly sniffed and licked at
my now engorged cunt lips before scrabbling up on my
back jabbing at my backside with his dick. Guiding him
with one hand between my legs I got his thing to the
entrance and with a thrust he was in.

I could feel his fur against my buttocks as he began to
thrust faster than any man I’ve known before or since.
His cock continued to grow as I shuddered into my first
orgasm. Then I felt a large hard lump pushing at the
entrance to my cunt. I didn’t know about the dog’s
knot. There was no stopping the dog now even if I
wanted to.

The lump forced its way into my cunt like a large
orange but harder and the pace of his fucking seemed to
increase, then he began jerk and I realised he was
shooting his dog spunk into me. His spasms continued
for what seemed like ages and then he seemed to relax.
Expecting him to pull out I waited but instead he
pulled his back leg over me and we remained I realised
stuck together backside to backside. Try as I did his
knot held me secure.

It was in this situation that I heard the gates squeak
open and the sound of Andy’s truck pulling into the
yard. A few moments later the door opened and Andy
stepped into the cabin. His questioning greeting about
phone calls died on his lips as he took in the scene.
Both the dog and I looked at him simultaneously. The
dog started to move towards him trying to drag me with
him but was stopped by my weight.

“Bloody hell!” was all Andy could say. “I thought you
might be a randy bitch, but bloody hell, fucking a dog,
bloody hell.”

Weakly I asked how long we would be stuck together.
“Fuck Knows,” Andy replied. Almost as he replied the
dog pulled away and a stream of fluid ran from my
gaping cunt onto the grubby carpet. The dog began to
lap up the juice from the floor as Andy uttering a
string of disbelieving curses closed the door and
locked it.

I was still on my knees as he turned back to face me,
Heinz was beginning a renewed interest in my cunt. ‘I
suppose you’ll want me to keep this quiet’ said Andy.
Pushing the dog away I began to get to my feet. ‘Don’t
get up’ Andy commanded, and moved toward me unfastening
his overall. It was summer and apart from some slightly
grubby underpants he was naked. He was skinny but
muscular. I must have looked nervous to which he said,
pushing his pants down to his ankles. “Come on, a girl
who fucks dogs, surely won’t mind sucking a man’s

He pushed his cock into my face and I began to suck it.
It was about six inches and medium girth probably about
the same as the dogs. He undid my top and began to roll
and squeeze my nipples. ‘Nice tits ‘he grunted fucking
my face with urgency.

The dog had resumed licking my cunt expertly and I was
beginning to approach another climax. Andy gripped my
head tightly and as he convulsed jets of his stuff
filled my mouth. ‘Swallow that you dog’s bitch’ he
laughed. As he held me tight I had no option. He loosed
me and sat back on the settee. ‘Heinz looks ready for
another fuck.’

I turned around. Sure enough the dogs prick was
protruding fully from its sheath.’ Lets see you two in
action ‘ Andy said and pulled the dog forwards and
lifted him over my back again. It was soon probing for
my cunt with rapid thrusts. Again I reached under to
guide him home. Once in he commenced in earnest,
wrapping his strong forelegs round my waist and pumping
like a machine gun into my cunt.

It was fantastic and I couldn’t help but groan out loud
in appreciation as the hard knot of the dogs dick
forced its way into me for the second time. Andy was
shouting encouragement to the dog. Suddenly I was
coming and shook violently as Heinz continued to plough
my cunt. Abruptly he tensed and again began to jet his
dogs spunk into my sopping fanny.

This time we only remained secured together for a few
seconds. The dog seemed to loose interest and pulled
away, retreating to the corner to lick himself clean.

‘You better get yourself cleaned up’ said Andy as I lay
exhausted on the dirty carpet, dogs sperm dribbling
down my thighs. I got up and shuffled naked into the
kitchen and wiped myself down with some paper towels.

Putting on my clothes I asked ‘Well, are you going to
keep this to yourself?’ Andy gave a sly smile. ‘It
depends, I’ll have to tell Jim, its his dog after all,
but if you want to be fair with us I think we can keep
a secret.’

‘What do you mean?’ I asked cautiously. ‘We could do
with a bit of help in the yard, answering the phones
etc and we could pay you a bit to make it interesting.
There would be some duties though not in the job
description if you get my drift?’

‘Be specific’ I demanded.

‘Well we’d want you to dress nice, when you come to
work, like you do when you go out. You know wear stuff
that shows off your figure. We like it and it will
probably bring in some customers.’ He hesitated, ‘But
you must be happy to suck off or fuck me and Jim and
the dog anytime we feel like it during the working

‘And if I won’t?’

‘Then the story of your little canine copulation may
get heard.’

At this he showed me four or five quite poor Polaroid
photos , which he had somehow taken while I was fucking
the dog the second time. ‘What’s the pay?’

‘I thought three mornings and two afternoons a week
until you finish your holidays at �12.0 a week,’
replied Andy.

Thinking about it, I thought we could do with the cash
and this is on par with what I get per hour anyway, he
could have made me do it without pay and its a limited
time. As it happens it wasn’t an unpleasant experience,
and I wouldn’t mind being fucked by the dog again. ‘Ok,
when do I start?’

‘Tomorrow,’ said Andy grinning broadly as he pulled me
to him and slipped two fingers into my cunt.’

‘See you tomorrow then,’ he said pulling them out,
sniffing and then licking them.

Later I told Gary about the job offer but not about the
‘duties’ and he said ‘well we could do with the money
if you don’t mind working in your holiday.’ The
prospect of the next day both made me nervous and
excited me. Even now I couldn’t really believe I had
been fucked twice by a dog and enjoyed it and sucked
off a man who I barely knew.

Arriving at the yard at 9.0 the next morning I found
Jim and Andy in the cabin having a cup of tea. They
seemed surprised. ‘Didn’t think you would come’ Andy
said. ‘I wasn’t aware I had a choice’ I said quietly.
‘well,’ said Jim. ‘We’ve had a chat and don’t want you
here under duress. We’d like you to come but only if
you want to.’

‘But what about the photos?’ I asked.

‘Here, they’re yours’ and Andy passed them to me. ‘So’
said Jim ‘do you still want the job?’

‘Are the duties the same?’ I asked smiling.

‘Yes,’ confirmed Jim. ‘The money is solely for office
work but you will expected to enthusiastically fuck and
suck me Andy and the dog any time we want during
working hours.’

‘I agree,’ I heard myself saying and handed Andy the
Polaroid’s back. ‘You can keep these as a souvenir.’

‘Lock the gates Andy, there’ll be no customers for an
hour so we can give our new employee some training’
joked Jim.

With that he came behind me, wrapped his arms round me
and began to kiss my neck. His right hand tugged up my
short denim skirt and pushed into my knickers while his
left slipped under my T shirt and began to maul my
breasts. Andy came in and began to undo his overall.

‘Take her top off, lets see them lovely tits,’ I helped
Jim slip off my top and turning round he started
sucking my nipples and had two fingers in my cunt.

Andy called out to me, ‘Come over here.’ He was sitting
back on the settee his cock sticking up. I walked over
to him and lowered myself onto his cock. It slipped in
easily and I began to fuck him. Jim stood in front of
me and dropped his overall round his ankles, thrusting
a short but very fat dick into my face.

Opening my mouth as wide as I could I sucked his cock
in rhythm with my rise and fall on Andy. I could feel
Andy’s cock pulsing inside me and knew he was about to
come, I tightened my cunt muscles round his cock and he
began to spurt into me. Sensing him contract I turned
round to lick his spunky cock bending over to offer my
cunt to Jim. He pushed right into me and bent me down
so his belly was resting on my behind as he almost
immediately jerked to orgasm.

‘Where’s Heinz?’ I asked. Jim staggered to the kitchen
door and opened it. The dog padded in. He came straight
to my cunt, licking the sperm which oozed from it.

‘His dicks out!’ declared Jim.

‘Well lift him on me then,’ I instructed.

Jim lifted the dogs front legs until it was positioned
over me. I could feel its prick stiff against my arse.
For the third time in two days I reached under my body
to guide that canine cock into my well lubricated cunt.
As the dog began its now familiar frenetic pounding of
my cunt Andy’s cock stiffened again in my mouth. The
dogs cock Knot began to swell in the entrance of my

Once again the dogs fucking was bringing me to an
orgasm. Concentrating on Andy’s meat, I was overwhelmed
by a wave of sensation just as the dog jettisoned his
spunk into me. Almost passing out I lost Andy’s dick
which shot a great gob of spunk into my face and hair.
I lay face down in his lap waiting for the dogs Knot to
subside and release me. ‘An excellent first mornings
work’ said Jim laughing.

I worked at the yard over the next couple of weeks,
during which all three took full advantage of the
agreement I’d made. My presence behind the counter
certainly boosted trade and I got a great thrill out of
giving the punters a flash of breast or knicker when I
leant over the counter or bent over to pick up a part
from the bottom shelf.

Jim and Andy loved to call me into the store room when
I was serving a customer and bend me over for a very
quick fuck, or make me give them a rapid blow job.
Either way when I went back to the counter I had spunk
running down my legs or in my hair. I always thought
someone would notice but no one ever commented, and I
got plenty of comments about everything else.

Best of all though was the dog. He loved the smell and
taste of my cunt. Most days when custom was slack I
would slip out of my Knickers and let him loose from
the kitchen area. After a few curious meanderings round
the cabin he would come and shove his nose up my skirt
as I leaned on the counter. Probing and licking my cunt
and arse as though they were the sweetest meats. At
least twice a day I let him fuck me to an orgasm.

Once his dick pushed into my bum which he had already
penetrated with his tongue and after the initial shock
I found I liked the feeling and let him have me that
way a few times. I took care to stop his knot getting
in there though. Jim liked watching me have sex with
the dog, and would sit wanking while the dog thrashed
away at me.

Once, after he watched the dog tonguing my cunt within
seconds of a climax, he asked me to suck off the dog
while he fucked me. I lay on the grubby carpet. Jim got
between my legs with his fat cock and began thrusting.
Calling the dog over I took hold of his dick and pulled
him to my mouth.

Heinz seemed to understand perfectly and semi squatted
and began his rapid jabs. Holding him in my hand I
could control how much dick was in my mouth and feel
his excitement. When he convulsed in climax my mouth
was awash with his come and Jim shot his load into me
at the sight of my lips dribbling dogs sperm.

During my last week at the yard Jim asked me if I
fancied going to a party. He said he knew this
businessman, (a scrap dealer actually) who had wild
parties. ‘He’s got this Great Dane and I’ve sort of
mentioned I know a good looking girl who’s got a thing
about dogs! he wondered if you might go to the party
and put on a bit of a show with his dog.’

I pretended to be annoyed that he had been discussing
me but was quite intrigued. ‘How big is his dog?’ I
asked. Jim told me that from what he remembered he was
bigger than Heinz and probably eight or nine stone in
weight. I said if I could see the dog first I’d think
about it.

The next morning Jim drove me over to a house near the
river at Kew. We went in and met Frank who organised
the parties. He was about thirty bald and wiry. As we
sat in the kitchen a woman who turned out to be his
wife came in with a huge black Great Dane on a lead. He
was quite inquisitive but friendly and happily accepted
my fussing him.

The woman left the room and Frank immediately demanded
to know if I would like to fuck with his dog. It was
strangely embarrassing to be asked so bluntly and I
could feel myself getting hot. ‘I think so, but he may
not be like Jims dog and I can’t be sure it will work,’
I answered.

Jim asked if the wife had left and she had. He
suggested we went into another room where I could test
the dogs reaction to me. Sitting on a very posh settee
called Jake the dog over to me. After pulling up my
loose skirt and slipping off my pants, using the dogs
collar, I gently guided the dogs nose to my cunt. His
head was enormous and I had to open my thighs as wide
as I could. His long rough pink tongue probed
tentatively at the folds of my cunt.

I was already wet being excited by the thought of
fucking this sleek black animal and also that I was
again exposing myself to another complete stranger. As
he continued to lick he became more enthusiastic
pushing his tongue into me and slobbering on my gaping
vagina. I couldn’t reach the dogs dick to see if it was
ready for action so asked Jim. He said the dogs prick
was protruding from its sheath by five or so inches.

‘Pull him off me then so I can turn around.’

They did and he sat there his cock standing up bigger
than any mans I’d had, veined dark red and twitching. I
took off all my clothes as I wanted to feel his fur
against my back. Kneeling down with my head into the
settee I told Jim and Frank to let the dog go. He came
over and resumed his probing of my cunt, then without
any help clambered up over me his front paws on the
settee outside my hands.

The dog began to jab with his cock but could not find
the way in. Once again I had to reach under and place
it at the entrance to my hole. The dogs prick felt long
and hot in my hand as the it strove to push into me.
Feeling the tip of its dick just inside the lips of my
cunt I let go of it and in an instant it was in me and
his hairy belly was snug against my bum.

With each frantic thrust my head was driven into the
settee and the dogs Knot pushed against the entrance to
my cunt. The Dane with its front legs wrapped round me
tightly was now completely in control as it thrust
faster and faster. Its Knot filled the entrance to my
womb completely grinding my clitoris mercilessly as I
groaned to a protracted orgasm.

Weak with sensation I was aware that the dog had
stopped thrusting but that his cock was pulsing inside
me and I could feel the hot jets of his spunk hitting
my insides, something I’d never experienced with any
man. As its convulsions concluded the Dane followed the
example of my previous canine lover and turned his back
on me. We remained joined, my cunt distorted by his
bulbous knot.

Jim and Frank who had been stunned to silence during
this session suddenly came to. Pulling my head out from
the settee they knelt with their trousers round their
knees wanking in front of my face. I managed to summon
enough energy to pull Franks cock into my mouth as he
began to shoot his load. Jim just jerked off over my
face. The dog then pulled away from me and I remained
on all fours sperm dripping from my face and running
from my cunt onto the parquet floor.

A couple of weekends later I went to one of Frank’s
parties where in front of about ten couples I fucked
and sucked off both dogs and then let Frank fuck me up
the arse.

A few weeks later we moved out of the area and I’ve
never been back or god knows what I might have got