The Black(cock) Dealer

My boyfriend Dave had been getting me into interracial
sex for a while now. I must admit, at first I thought it
was gross. But now, I find it as hot as he does. Those
monster black cocks are so erotic, so animalistic. So
taboo. I was beginning to have a true lust for a BBC
experience, well it’s what he wanted anyway, wasn’t it?

Soon, my bf had surprised me with a couple “lifelike and
life size” black dildos for us to play with. We would
watch hours and hours of filthy interracial porn and
roll play with me and my BBC toys. I actually fell in
love with both of them! They made me cum so much harder
and so much more intense. If fake BBC made me feel so
good, what would the real thing be like? It’s something
that was always on the back of my mind.

I was beginning to get real good at sucking on them too.
After a lot of practice, I was close to deep-throating
these massive black cocks. Dave would ask me if I think
I could handle the real thing and I would always answer
that I don’t know, but would love to try! This always
sent us to climax after climax.

One thing that really helped me in all this was the use
of some “smoke”. My bf and I would smoke and it would
get us so horny. I would do almost anything he would
suggest. One night we were playing and drinking/smoking,
having a sexy time when Dave told me we were out of
smoke and he got up to get dressed. Dave always handles
this on his own but for some reason, when he asked me if
I wanted to come along this time, I said yes. He was
surprised yet happy and told me it will be real quick.

We drove over to his dealer/friend T’s house. We both
actually went to high school with T. Typical black thug,
gangster type with sagging jeans and gold around his
neck. I hadn’t seen him in over a decade but remember(it
was no secret) that he had a crush on me back in high

Anyway, we walked in and T was in the middle of a huge
fight with a very pretty brunette. After a few minutes,
she stormed out. “Sorry about that you guys,” he says.
He looked at me and smiled saying, “Kathy! Well goddamn!
Long time no see, and you haven’t changed one bit! Still
as fine as you were the day I met you! Come here!” as he
gave me a long tight hug and quick kiss. He shook Dave’s
hand and asked us if we wanted to smoke from his
personal stash? We both said, hell yes!

We went to his room where he went into his closet and I
sat on a couch and Dave sat on the edge of his bed. T
got his stuff and sat down next to me on the couch. He
packed a huge bowl and handed the pipe to me as he lit
it for me. After exhaling a huge cloud of smoke, I felt
that familiar warmth and happiness all over(not to
mention a twinkle between my legs!). I had on a mid-
thigh skirt and t-shirt and every time T would light the
pipe for me, I would notice his eyes looking at me all

I began to think that we should leave soon because he
was making me hornier than ever and I wanted some action
fast! With my head in the clouds, I asked T who was that
pretty girl fighting with him. He told me it was one of
his primary girlfriends and that made me laugh out a
little, not believing him. “What Kathy. Just cause you
never liked me, even way back then in high school when
you knew I liked you… doesn’t mean other fine white
girls don’t find me irresistible!

“Actually, why am I lying… they find my smoke and my
black snake irresistible. But I don’t care. They fall in
love after I give them my black snake!”

I kept giggling and he tells me I don’t understand what
he’s talking about because I’ve never had any black
cock. I was kind of taken back and shocked at his
bluntness when I hear my bf Dave say, “Well, that’s not
entirely true T”.

I look at Dave even more shocked as he smiles at me and
goes on.

“She has a big black cock every single night! Just not a
real one.”

Even more shocked than I am, is T who can’t believe what
he’s hearing. Dave goes on to tell him what we do every
night after smoking and getting high at home. T tells
Dave that he doesn’t believe him, and wants to hear it
from me. I’m sitting there, not knowing what to say!
Dave mentions that maybe after another bowl of his
private stash, I might open up a bit. I laugh again as T
starts getting another bowl together obviously rushing
himself in hopes of getting me to talk.

Half way through our smoke session, T whispers to me, “I
bet those black cock toys make you cum like crazy, huh?”
Talking to a black guy so openly like this… (about
this!!) …is so hot and beginning to drive me crazy! I
put the pipe to my mouth and whisper yes back to him. He
smiles as he lights it for me and this time our eyes are
locked onto one another the whole time.

Just then, Dave’s phone starts to ring and he gets up
and leaves the room to talk. Instantly T asks me how big
are my toys at home. “Show me” he says, and I show him
with my hands. “I’m probably that same size, if not
bigger Kathy. You need to try the real thing, Kathy.”

I just shrug my shoulders as if to say, I don’t know?
Then he screams out to Dave, “Yo Dave! Can I just show
your girl my snake real quick? Just to compare those
fake ones to my real one!”

I stare at him with my mouth open in shock again, as I
hear Dave answer from the living room, “Whatever she
wants is ok by me, as long as I’m there.”

Before I can even get a grip of what was just said, T
has pulled his sweats down to his thighs and my eyes are
locked onto his hard black cock right in front of me!
I’m just staring at it(probably licking my lips!!) when
T grabs one of my hands real quick and places it on his
huge black cock!

“I bet mine feels better, doesn’t it?” he whispers to

I nod yes to him. I love the way my toys feel too, but
his is so warm, so soft and hard at the same time… So
real! My gosh I was going crazy with the dirtiest
thoughts! I wondered if his cock would stretch me like
my toys do… And if he could make me cum as powerful as
my toys do! I was still staring at it with my hand on
it, in a daze, when I heard Dave behind me asking me if
T is bigger than my toys. I was kind of embarrassed and
took my hand quickly off of his black cock.

Dave says, “Hey T. You don’t have any beer in your
fridge. I’m going to go to the liquor store real quick
and get us some.” He looked at me and asked if I was ok
and I nodded yes.

He said he’d be right back and left.

I looked right at T and he looked right at me, both of
us smiling when he says, “Get your hand back on my black
cock slut…”

I keep smiling as I reach out and begin to grasp it,
feeling it, and then slowly stroking on it.

“Bet you want to suck on a real black cock don’t ya
slut?” he asks me.

I don’t even answer him this time. I got down on my
knees on the floor in front of him and pulled his sweat
pants all the way down and off of him. Then I grabbed
his thick black cock and licked the sides of it.

“Oh god damn, Kathy, that’s it!”

Then I went all the way up and put his juicy black cock
in my mouth. I let out a, “MMMMmmmMmm…” and he laughed
a little (I was embarrassed again!). “So mine tastes

I pulled my mouth off of him for a second to say, “A lot
better,” and continued sucking on his beautiful black
cock. All my practicing had paid off because T was
really loving the sucking I was giving him. So was I.

“We don’t have very long baby. Why don’t you climb up on
your first real black cock and see how a real one makes
you feel.”

I would do anything he said at this point, but he was
right. I stood up and pulled my panties down and off,
and climbed on him with my skirt still on. I was looking
down at him as his wonderful black cock was already at
my pussy lips without any guidance. I slowly moved down
on it till his fat cock head was in. Then I would keep
sinking lower and lower on him.

When I finally took him all in me, I smiled at him and
he grabbed me from behind my head and brought my face to
his. Before I knew it, I was now fucking and kissing my
first “real” black man(and loving it!). His hands
roughly squeezed my ass cheeks as I was now bouncing up
and down on him pretty hard! I started to explode!!

It was much different than with my toys because my
climax wouldn’t end! It kept rolling and rolling! Then
he tells me that Dave will be back any minute and before
I could tell him it was ok, he held me down on him hard
as he emptied his fat balls of hot cum deep inside me.
It felt unbelievable and my toys definitely couldn’t do

A few moments later, we heard the front door opening. I
rolled off of him real quick and he stood and pulled his
sweats back on. I couldn’t find my panties and we just
sat there as Dave came in with a six pack.

We drank and smoked more and every time T and I looked
at each other, it was with lust or desire, different for
sure. We left soon thereafter and on the drive Dave
asked me what went on while he was gone. All I had to do
was lift my skirt and show him I lost my panties!! He
loved it!

That wasn’t our last encounter with T, by the way.

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