My bisexual pervert Uncle

Hi, my name is Kay and most just calls me K. I am a married 50-year-old mom from the Midwestern United States. I live a secret life as most have no idea of my kinky past nor of the present fun, I am having. I would like to share some of that kinky past as well as what I am up to now. I might even share some pictures of myself along the very as well.

I was born to a normal family with a loving mother as well as a loving father. I was their only child, as my mother could not have any more after I was born. I had a normal loving and caring childhood. I learned about sex while in grade school thru the 8th grade. It was not until I was fifteen that I had my first experience with sex.

During my early teen years I was a curly haired brown-haired person, about 5 ft and of average weight. I was also blessed with big tits and a hairy pussy both which I inherited from my mother. By the time, I was 16 my tits were close to 36 c’s and my pussy had thick black hair all around it.

I knew all about the birds and the bees. I also knew how and where babies came from. I learned how to play with my pussy from my best friend a girl named Lisa. We had grown up together as well as had gone to the same school and she only lived a few houses from where I did.

She rather introduced me to sex at least the pleasure one can give to them selves while masturbating. It happened like this. We were in the eighth grade then and her parents were going out on Friday night so she asked if I could come over and spend the night. Lisa was the only child so we would have the house to our selves.

I went over to her house right after school. We saw her parents off after they both gave us hugs and kisses. I was a little shocked when her father grabbed me in his arms and pulled me tightly against himself. My big tits smashed into him as well. His lips went to mine and he kissed me as I also felt his hand on my behind.

His name was Frank and as we kissed, my pussy rather tingled but I was unsure as to why that had happened. When Frank broke our kiss and removed his hand from my ass, he winked at me. I watched as Frank went to his daughter Lisa. He kissed her the same way except for his hand ran up and down her butt cheeks as he pulled her into himself.

Lisa broke their kiss and she said, “DADDY, I have a guest,” smiling at me.

Cathy her mother also said, “Frank leave her alone you can have her when we get back now come along before we are late,” shaking her head back and forth at him.

We saw her parents off, went into the living room, and watched some TV. I was still thinking about how her father had kissed normally he just patted my head and told me good-bye. I finally looked over to Janet.

“Lisa, why did your father kiss me like that?” I asked her.

Lisa looked at me and she did not say anything. She moved from the chair she was in and came over and sat next to me on the sofa. Lisa took a hold of my hand.

“K, if I tell you something you have to promise not to ever tell anyone or I and my family will get in big trouble,” Lisa said.

I replied, “I won’t tell and you know I can keep a secret.”

“I am having sex with both of my parents,” Lisa said to me looking into my face.

I just stared at her for a while then replied shockingly, “You are doing what?”

Lisa explained to me last year when her mother was explaining the birds and the bees to her. While doing so her mother touched her all over her body. She also had showed her how she might give pleasure to herself by playing with her pussy.

“Have you played with your pussy yet?” Lisa asked.

I replied by just shaking my head yes which was not the truth. I had never played with it however, I do remember one day sliding up down the climbing bars, as it felt so good down there each time I slid down the pole with my legs wrapped tightly around it. I had told her yes only so she did not think I was not as mature as she was.

Lisa then said, “My mother and I have sex all the time.”

I then asked, “What about your father?” “Have you had sex with him too?”

Lisa replied, “Yes, but only oral sex.”

“Oral sex, what is that?” I asked her.

Lisa laughed and she told me she would be right back. She went back toward the bedrooms and returned with a magazine. She flipped through the magazine showing me photos of a man and a woman engaging in all types of sex.

When Lisa came to the picture of a woman sucking on a man’s cock she said, “That is oral sex.”

Lisa also explained when the man licks out a woman it is oral sex as well. Lisa continued to flip through the magazine and we looked at more pictures. The couple was fucking and the woman played with the man’s cock and she took his cock into her asshole.

Lisa started to rub at her pussy through her shorts as she said, “Go ahead I won’t tell if you don’t tell.”

I watched her and I did everything she was doing. When she stood up and started to undress so did. Lisa was not as mature as I was. Her tits were small, just buds sticking from her cheat with huge nipples. She had hardly any hair on her pussy down before as well. Lisa looked over at my big tits and hairy pussy.

“Your tits are as big as my mother’s and your pussy has even more hair on it than hers,” Lisa said as she sat back down on the sofa.

Lisa placed her feet up onto the sofa and spread her legs apart. I sat back down and got the same way on the sofa with that magazine between us both. Lisa would flip the page while rubbing at her pussy. I watched her and did every thing she did to her pussy. She seemed to enjoy rubbing her finger at the very top of her pussy. I did the same and I found it felt very good. When she got to a picture of the couple fucking, she slipped a finger up into her pussy.

I slipped a finger between my meaty lips and up inside of me. Lisa started to take her finger in and out of her pussy. I did the same as she was doing. In a few minutes, I realized this felt very good. I even slipped another finger into my pussy before she did. We sat there fingering ourselves looking at the magazine.

I suddenly heard Lisa scream, “Fuck me daddy,” repeatedly.

I watched as she now had three fingers in her pussy. She reached up with her other hand and started to pull then pinch on her big hard nipples. Lisa was sort of flopping around on the sofa as well.

I stopped what I was doing and watched her as her eyes went closed and her body shook. She stopped pulling on her nipple and rubbed at the top of her pussy. Her bald pussy was soaking wet and making noise as she rammed her fingers deeper.

She went stiff then moaned loudly letting out a long, “AHHhhh Daddy,” as she settled back down on the sofa.

Lisa removed her fingers and brought them up to her mouth. She licked at them then sucked the wetness from her fingers. Her eyes opened looking at me.

Lisa asked, “Did you get off too?”

“Yes,” I replied not knowing really, what she meant.

However, the third or fourth time we played with our pussies that night. I was flopping around on the sofa as she had. Janet and I took a shower together where we also explored our bodies.

I loved it when she played with my tits, pulling or licking at my nipples. When she had them both hard, she went to suckling from one tit to the other tit. We even fingered each other as we stood in the shower until we both got that feeling of pleasure down there.

We went to her bedroom and climbed into bed both us naked. As we rubbed, each our bodies as I asked her about the oral sex with her father. Lisa told me it was like running a hot dog or a banana in and out of your mouth.

What about that stuff that comes out of his dick?” I asked.

Lisa replied, “It is a little salty but it still tasted good and my father told me I was a good girl for taking it into my mouth.” She smiled at me as she added, “I am sure my father would let you see how it tastes.”

I did not say anything as I was to busy rubbing my hairy pussy again. Lisa and I played with our pussies until we both fell asleep. I awoke early and I felt guilty over what I had done. I dressed and ran home hoping her parents would not be awake as I went out of their house.

Later Lisa called and asked me why I had left. I told her I had because I had started my period. That was a good excuse not to have any type of sex with her or with her father, as I was unsure about him. I did not stay at Lisa’s house for the rest of the school year. However, we did play together from time to time in the near by woods. I also would play with my pussy and my big tits anytime that I was at home. I even did it a few times in the girl’s rest room at school.

When school started, again I would be in the ninth grade. I also started to dress a little differently. I wore dresses, which showed my short lovely tanned legs. I wore tight shorts and tight jeans, which showed off my round ass as well. I also wore low cut tops, which really showed my tits especially after getting my first push up bra.

Boys at school would stare at me well not at me but at my big tits. Hardly anyone ever looked me in my eyes. I also saw boys grabbing their cocks as they looked at me. A few of them even started to rub up against my tits and my butt as I walked down the hall. I did not mind as I enjoyed the new attention I was getting. I also noticed a few girls checking me out as well.

During the school year, I had boys asking me if they could walk me home after school. I would let them, on the way home, we often went into the woods where we kissed, and I allowed a few of them to play with my tits. However, that was as far as it went during that time.

I had never really paid that much attention to boys nor had they to me. At least until they saw just how well my tits developed. In school, I was a tomboy in school, as I played as rough as the boys did and I never put up with boys messing with me back then.

I had an Uncle named Bill, who was a single man. I had never known him to date or ever saw him with a woman. He would watch me when my parents went out or went away on the weekends. Uncle Bill was a rugged man, the outdoor type, big game hunter and angler. He taught me how to hunt and to fish as I grew up at home. I enjoyed my time with him very much. He was like my best boy type friend during that time in my life.

I could also talk to him just about anything. However, when it came to sex he always told me to wait a few more years. Uncle Bill was in his early thirty’s very handsome and built very well as he used to play sports in school.

My Uncle Bill was also a very rich man. He owned his own machine shop, which employed around 60 people. In my early teens, I would go with him to his shop and sweep the floors. The people who worked with him were always telling me someday they would be working for me.

My uncle Bill never got along well with my father for some reason. It would be many years before I was to find out why that was. My Uncle had spoiled me at an early age, as he always would give me gifts. He also would buy me expensive gifts for my birthdays and during the holiday.

My birthday fell a few days after school had left out for the summer. My uncle told me he would give me my sweet 16-birthday present when we went fishing that first, Saturday after school was finished.

When Saturday came along and I went down stairs, my mother was at the kitchen top in just her robe. I hugged and kissed her good morning as I went about getting myself some breakfast. I had on a low cut tank top and a pair of short shorts.

My mother looked at me and she asked, “Is that what you’re wearing to fish in with your Uncle?”

I looked at her and replied, “Yes and Uncle Bill is no pervert besides maybe you should tighten up your own robe as well,” as I looked to see that her tits were hanging out of her robe.

She slipped her tits into her robe then tightened the belt around her robe. As she walked to the counter, I saw that her butt cheeks were also showing from under the back of her robe.

She said something as she walked away and I was not sure but it sounded like she said, “Don’t be to sure about my brother not being a pervert,” as she got another cup of coffee.

My Uncle came walking in through our back door. He walked up to his sister and he hugged her telling her good morning. Uncle Bill lifted the back of her robe as he hugged her.

“I see you still don’t wear panties sis,” Uncle Bill said to her looking past her shoulders to her ass.

“BILLY,” my mother yelled looking at him then at me.

Uncle Bill came over to me and asked, “You ready kiddo the early bird gets the worm as do the fish.”

I replied, “Yes just let me go grab a light jacket.”

I went to the hall closet to get a jacket. I heard my mother talking to my Uncle. I grabbed my jacket and as I started to walk back into the kitchen, I heard my mother say.

“Billy, you keep that worm of yours to yourself today as well,” my mother said.

I saw my Uncle grab at his dick and he replied, “This worm only belongs to you sis.”

“It better be,” my mother replied as she went to my Uncle.

I stopped dead in my track as my Uncle took my mother into his arms. He kissed her deeply and I think he even slipped her some tongue. I stood there in shock as my mother reached down and grabbed and squeezed at his cock. They kissed very passionately not like a brother and sister would or should be doing.

I took a few steps back and yelled, “OK I am ready,” as I neared the kitchen so they could break apart making it seem as if I had not seen what had happened between them.

I ran outside with my Uncle and we got into his truck. As he started his truck, I just sat there not saying anything. He looked over at me and asked me if something was wrong. I shook my head side from side telling him no. As we pulled away, I saw Lisa and her father getting into their car as well.

I looked at them as I said, “Probably going for a morning fuck,” not realizing I had not said it to myself as I had wanted.

“What was that kiddo?” My Uncle asked me.

He had heard what I had said aloud. Therefore, I explained to him about my girlfriend Lisa and her relationship with both her mother and father. I told him I saw nothing wrong with it as long as they played safely.

My uncle Bill smiled at me and replied, “Incest is the best,” giving a little laugh as well.

I gave a little laugh and said, “I guess you should know that as well.”

My uncle laughter stopped as he replied, “You saw, didn’t you.”

He started to explain but I told him I did not care what he and my mother do together. I explained to him sex is just sex and what goes on between you and my mother is not of any concern of mine.

My uncle smiled and he left it at that. We talked about fishing as he drove us the rest of the way to the lake. He kept his small fishing boat docked at the lake as well.

“I wish you had a bigger boat then we could ski or tube behind it when the fish are not biting,” I said to him as we pulled into the marina.

He just smiled at me as we parked. We grabbed our poles and as we walked out onto the dock, I did not see his boat anywhere. My uncle stopped along side of this big fancy boat. The boat had a cabin on it as well as a front and rear sundeck. I asked him where his boat was.

My uncle smiled and said, “Remember that birthday gift I said I had for you.” “Well this is it,” as he pointed to the fancy big boat.

We got on board and he showed me around the boat. It had a kitchen, a head or bathroom to you land lovers. It also had a cabin with a big bed to spend the night on board the boat.

Uncle Bill walked me to the back of the boat and he pointed to the stern just above the water. On the stern of the boat in big fancy letters it read, “MISS K,” My uncle reached into his pocket and pulled out a set of keys.

He tossed them to me as he said, “Happy Birthday Miss K.”

I just stood there staring at him not knowing really what to say, as he had never given me something like this in the past. He explained to me that the boat had to stay in his name until I was 18 but she belonged fully to me and not to let my father or my mother decide else wise.

“They can’t make me take it back like that pony a few years back,” Uncle Bill said to me.

I remember both my mother and father were very upset with him for doing that. In fact, my mother and father almost got divorced back then over it as for some reason my father were very upset with my Uncle however, I never knew why.

“Well say something kiddo,” my Uncle said to me.

I did not say anything instead; I threw my arms around him and hugged him tightly as I thanked him. He hugged me tightly back kissing me on my cheek I also felt my big tits smashing into his own chest. I also felt something poking me down by my pussy.

I broke our hug and stepped back from my Uncle. I looked down to the front of the shorts he had worn. He had a big boner tenting his own shorts from his body.

The last few years I had also felt that boner when I would sit in his lap. Sometimes I would bounce on it, which also caused my tits to bounce. My uncle would remove me from his lap telling me I would get us both in trouble if I kept that doing that.

I smiled at him as I asked, “Did I cause that?” pointing to his boner.

My Uncle smiled back and replied, “Did I cause those?” as he pointed to my tank top where my hard nipples were poking through my tank top. He added, “Come on let me show you how to start Miss K.”

My uncle climbed aboard as I stood there. While his back was to me I gave my pussy a little itch as for some reason, I had the urge to do so. As I joined him in the wheelhouse of the boat, I realized that itch was because I was a little horny.

My uncle showed me how to start it and he helped me get the boat out onto the lake. The boat had all the latest fishing stuff on it. He showed me you could plot a course and set the boat onto automatic and it would take you to that spot.

Once we got there, we tossed out lines in the water and started to troll for walleyes. We were on the fish right away and started catching them left and right. The morning sun was soon the afternoon sun beating down on us from above. It was in the high 80’s as it would be a hot summer that year. My Uncle commented about how hot it was getting and he removed his shirt.

My pussy seemed to tingle as I checked his upper body out as I rubbed between my legs when his back was to me. After I caught the next fish, I stood in front of him and started to pull up my tank top. I told him that I was hot as well. I slipped it over my head. My tank tops have built in bra so my big tits bounced and jiggled in front of him. My uncle stared at my tits then looked back up into my eyes.

“We have the lake to ourselves and I am sure you have seen my mother’s tits before and mine are no different,” I said to him.

“Well I wouldn’t say that as yours are much perkier,” My Uncle replied as he flicked my nipple with his finger.

My nipple instantly got hard and so did the other one. I stood there staring at him as he stared at me. We both suddenly went to each other. He wrapped me in his arms as I wrapped my arms around him. I knew how to kiss from kissing with Janet and other boys from school. His lips touched mine and I opened my mouth letting my tongue slip across his lips. His mouth opened and our tongues danced together. We kissed passionately standing in the middle of the boat.

Uncle Bill’s hand went to my right breast, which he caressed as we kissed. He toyed with both nipples making them grow harder than they were. He broke our kiss and moved his mouth to one of my tits.

“Ahhhh Uncle Bill,” I moaned softly.

Uncle Bill kissed and licked around my tit for a while. I could feel my pussy twitching as well as something hard throbbing against it. Uncle Bill started to suckle on one of my tits and I felt my pussy start to get wet with its juices.

Suddenly alarms started to go off in the boat. We had not been watching nor did we have it on autopilot. The boat was heading into shallow water. Uncle Bill got to the wheel before I did. He turned us back into deeper water as I stood behind him with my tits pressed firmly in his back.

I slipped my hands over his shoulders and played with his manly chest. I started to bump my pussy against his backside. I kissed at his neck as I did that. I removed my hands from his chest and wrapped them around his waist. I started to rub my tits into his back. I was also grinding my pussy into his backside moaning softly as I did.

My uncle looked over his shoulder and said, “You know that is the wrong side right,” giving a little laugh.

I smacked him on his back as I told him I knew that. I told him I also knew where this went as I reached around him and grabbed his cock. As my hand touched his cock through his shorts, I withdrew my hands quickly. I looked around to the front of him to see that boner was twice as big as it was the first time I had seen it.

Luckily a fish got on and I ran back to reel it in. I fought the fish with my big boobs shaking and jiggling. My uncle’s eyes hardly left them except to net my fish. With the fish in the boat, we had gotten our limit for the day.

My uncle suggested we pull up into a back cove and have some lunch. We filet a couple of the walleyes and my Uncle prepared them in the gallery while I watched. As I sat there, I was rubbing my pussy under the table. I thought my Uncle had not seen me doing that.

However he said, “Better save that for after lunch,” smiling at me.

As we had lunch, we talked. My uncle wanted to know how the boys took my big boobs. I told him the boys never look me in my eyes only at my tits. He asked me if I had ever left the boys touch them. I told him yes many times when they walked me home.

“Have you ever done anything else with the boys?” My uncle asked me.

I told him I had left one boy touch my pussy once. I had to pee and as I was peeing, he slipped his hand into my stream of pee then rubbed at my pussy. He asked me if I had ever had oral sex with a boy.

“No, but I have done that with Janet,” I replied.

“So you are bisexual,” my uncle said.

“What is bisexual?” I asked.

My Uncle explained it was when you enjoy sex with both male and female. I told my Uncle what Janet I and had done up to then such as a 69 and had used hot dogs in our pussies. I added that I had never really done anything with a boy.

My pussy was on fire and tingling much as I talked to him. I felt my juices running freely from my hairy pussy. I also felt this dreamy like state as I looked into my Uncle’s eyes. My Uncle looked into my own eyes smiling at me.

He stood up gave a yawn as he said, “I think a quick nap before we head back to the marina,” as he walked to the big bed in the next cabin.

I followed and he lay down onto the bed. He told me to join him and I did. I lie next to him on my back with my tits still exposed. My uncle ran his hands over my boobs making my nipples grow hard again. He leaned over and suckled on one as I moaned softly.

I felt his hand running down my midsection until it was on the mound of my pussy. He rubbed at my pussy through my shorts. My pussy lips seem to part as he rubbed between them. He rubbed faster and pressed harder until I started to bump against his hand.

My uncle kissed me then said, “Your shorts are soaking wet maybe I should remove them.”

I just shook my head yes as my Uncle moved down the bed. He was at my legs and his hands went to me shorts. I lifted up a bit as he pulled my shorts from me. He told me my panties were very cute and that I had a hairy pussy just like my mother.

My uncle slipped my panties from my body. He held them up to his nose and sniffed at them. He told me I smell fresh and horny. My uncle’s hands parted my legs as he moved his face between my legs. He started to kiss his way up one of my thighs.

When he reached my pussy, he licked at one lip then the other pussy lip. He opened my pussy with his hands and I felt his tongue licking at the entrance of my pussy. He started lapping at my pussy like a dog lapping up water. He started to flick his tongue over the clit at the top of my pussy.

“AHhhhh Uncle,” I moaned out softly.

My uncle placed his mouth over my clit and he started to suck at it. My hands went to his head as I pulled his face tightly against my pussy. He would suck my clit then flick his tongue at my pussy. I started to flop around on the bed thinking Lisa never ate my pussy as he was doing now.

I started to tremble as I felt something building up deep within my body. My thighs started to shake and the room seemed to start to spin. My pussy seemed to be on fire and it twitched wildly. I felt him slip one finger up inside my pussy. He felt around and suddenly he touched a spot up inside my pussy.

“AHhh Uncle I have to pee,” I cried out trying to push his head from between my legs.

However, my Uncle dug his finger deeper into my pussy. My eyes went closed and it felt like I was going to pass out or something. Then suddenly this intense pleasure filled my body especially down in my pussy.

“AHHHHHhhhh,” I moaned loudly as I lost all control of my body.

I flopped around on the bed as my pussy twitched and I think I started to pee. My uncle removed his finger and buried his face into my pussy grinding it into my hairy box. My pussy twitched and my juices flowed from my pussy. My uncle gave my pussy a few more licks then climbed up on top of me.

His face glazed in my wetness. He kissed me and I tasted my own juices from his lips and from his tongue as he slipped it into my mouth. I felt something big and hard between my legs pressing into my wet hairy pussy. My uncle broke his kiss and rolled off me lying beside me once more.

I looked to the front of his shorts and saw that big boner sticking up and trying to escape from his shorts. I sat up and slipped my thumbs to the side of his shorts. I yanked them down freeing his cock.

His cock sprang back and forth until it was standing tall and seemed to throb as I looked at it. I had seen some boys cock while in the woods however, my Uncle’s cock was much bigger than theirs was. I would say his cock was around 7 or maybe 8 inches.

My Uncle grabbed my hand and moved it to his cock. My small hand did not wrap around the thickness of his cock. He started to move my hand up and down on his cock. I took over jacking his cock as he removed his hand.

His cock seemed to dance in my hand as I pumped at it. I noticed this clear fluid starting to leak from his cock. It went from leaking to flowing out of the head of his cock. It seemed to make my hand slip up and down his cock better as well.

“Suck it like it was a hot dog,” My uncle said to me.

I leaned over and I first kissed then licked at the head of his cock. I found out that clear stuff tasted very good. I started to lick at the head of his cock cleaning it all from it. I poked my tongue into his pee hole a few times trying to get more of it. My hand was moving faster and I tighten my grip upon his cock.

Suddenly my Uncle went stiff and he cried out, “FUCK going to blow.”

My Uncle’s cock grew and throbbed in my hand. I was licking at his pee hole when it suddenly erupted by spraying thick white globs from his dick. It splashed onto my face hitting me in my lips and on my nose. It twitched two or three times blasting out cum each time. I pumped at his cock milking the last drops from it until he pushed my hand away.

My uncle grabbed me and pulled my face to his. We kissed deeply with him kissing and licking away his cum from my face. He shared his cum from his own tongue as our tongues entwined in our mouths. We finally went to just pecking at each others lips as he held me.

My Uncle broke our kiss as he said, “You are such a good niece.”

“And you are such a good Uncle,” I replied.

He got out of bed and told me maybe we had better jump in the lake to clean ourselves. I followed him topside and with both of us still naked, we jumped into the water together. We swam and kissed then returned to the boat.

He slipped his shorts back on and I slipped mine as we headed back to the marina. As we rounded the bend ending into the marina, I realized my top must have blown out of the boat. I wrapped myself in a towel as we pulled the boat back into our slip.

My uncle tied the boat up and he placed our catch into the cooler. I could not help as the towel barely covered my big tits. I stayed on the boat hoping some of the people standing around would leave. Finally, most of them left except for the person my uncle was talking too his back was to me so I stepped from the boat.

I ran for his truck in the parking lot hoping no one was there. As I got to the passenger door, I reached for it only to find that it locked. When I reached for it the towel, I had wrapped around my tits feel to the ground. Just as I realized my tits were exposed a early teen age boy came around my uncle‘s truck.

His eyes were staring right at my tits. I just stood there looking at him. I could have covered them with my hands however, that did not enter my mind. Instead, I shook and jiggled them at him. I looked to the swim trunks he had worn. The front of them slowly grew outward.

My Uncle came and said, “Stop teasing the boy and get into the truck,” as he unlocked the door.

I climbed in and waved to the boy as he stood there with his mouth hanging open and a boner in his pants. I looked over to my Uncle as I told him I had rather enjoyed exposing myself to that young boy. My uncle just smiled as we drove away from the marina.

On our way home, my Uncle explained that our little fun was to be a secret. I told him I would not tell anyone. He told me I could not even tell Janet as we both could get into trouble.

“I will keep our secret if you answer one question for me?” I asked him.My uncle told me to ask away.

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