It will be raining today. Heavy clouds can be seen. The man who stood alone waiting has his raincoat under his arm. He was an overweight, middle aged man, his hair already balding and profusely sweating. Impatient, he walked to and fro in front of the building. Five minutes late already…they would pay for it…deeply.
The weirdest sex story
Alex looked himself over in the mirror carefully, picking a bit of fluff or lint here and there from his tight, pink, angora sweater dress. The black patent belt around his waist was too wide and tight and the black patent spikes on his feet were too tall for him to ever think of walking
Amanda explains why she likes to deep-throat guys and how she performs her task
I’m not sure she’s doing anything wrong. As I’ve said before, I don’t know why many women can’t deep-throat, even when they say they want to. I do know there are women like me who find it natural and enjoyable to take a cock in their throat. The best I can do is to pay