Santa’s Naughty Bukkake

In the heart of New York City, during the bustling holiday season, Santa Claus, or rather, Nick, was taking a break from his duties at Macy’s. He was enjoying a cup of hot cocoa at a cozy little café when he noticed Nikki, a stunning 28-year-old with fiery red hair, green eyes, and a curvaceous

Cookie Crumbs by Dryad

She quietly closed the door. It took two readings of “The Polar Express”, one “Night before Christmas” and “The Fourth Wise Man” to get the two wiggle worms to fall asleep. Threatening that Santa wouldn’t come until they were asleep didn’t seem to do any good. “Mark, They’re asleep.” She stage whispered down the hall.

Santa fucks at Xmas party

It’s not every day you get to play Santa and I can assure you my sacks were full to the brim. I did my duty and handed out all the Prezzies at the masquerade work Christmas party, tossed out candy canes and generally made everyone smile. I think it was more of a punishment from

Stuff the Stocking

It was Christmas Eve and I was working over the break from college at a Gap in the mall. Earlier that morning, my co-workers and I had had a little X-mas party. Nothing special, eggnog, nuts, and poundcake. After most of the crew had left, it was just me Drew, the new guy, and Chrissy,

Santa’s Helper

My husband Mark and I had finally reached the point of financial security we had been working so hard to achieve. We had been married a little over five years and we were elated because our offer had been approved on the house of our dreams. We were scheduled to move in a few weeks