The story of how I ran into an old lover and seduced him, all with the consent of my husband

It all started innocently enough. I was running some
errands at the local mall of our college town on my day
off. Just the usual stuff, you know, picking up some
food for the dog and cats, getting a prescription
filled, and browsing through the department stores
looking for bargains- one of my favorite hobbies.

As I was looking at some blouses, I overheard a man’s
voice that I recognized, but I couldn’t place. He was
talking to someone else nearby in the same department.
When I turned to look, I recognized him immediately. It
was Randy, someone I had had a fling with in the
distant past, about 30 years before.

It really hadn’t been much of a fling. I had fallen
hard for him when we were both students at the
university. He had sandy brown hair and was a member of
the university soccer team. I remembered thinking that
I couldn’t believe someone as attractive as him could
be interested in a girl like me.

The first time I was alone with him in my apartment
(when he had come over looking for my roommate), I had
impulsively started flirting, then making out with him.
I wound up giving him a blowjob right in the living
room. I felt a little slutty, but at that time I had
multiple boyfriends and was far more adventurous than I
was when I settled down and got married.

As it turned out, Randy had not been interested in me,
but only used me to fulfill his needs. I would blow him
whenever he wanted, dutifully swallowing every drop,
while he never did anything to pleasure me. One night
when I had finished sucking him, I blurted out how much
I liked him. He replied that he did not feel the same
way and that he had a serious girlfriend out of state.
I was only some convenient entertainment. It had been a
real blow to my self esteem.

Now here he was, apparently he was a salesperson in the
department store. I immediately felt very shy and hid
from his sight. However, just the thought of those
adventurous days had made me a little excited.

That night my husband of 30 years and I made love. I
had a crashing orgasm, helped along by my fantasy of
seeing Randy again. I assumed that it would remain only
a fantasy. My husband Jim and I had what I would call a
satisfying sex life. He was quite a considerate lover,
always assuring that I had an orgasm by eating me or
playing with my clit. I enjoyed sex with him, though
his penis is quite small, about 5 inches long when
fully erect and pretty skinny as well.

I remembered that Randy’s cock was much larger, a good
7 and a half to 8 inches long and very thick. I had
always longed to have it in my pussy, but he had never
obliged me, insisting that I suck him off.

Jim and I were very open about our fantasies and
desires, so when he asked me what I was thinking about
when I had my big orgasm, I told him about seeing Randy
that day. Jim knew the whole story about Randy and me,
and even seemed to enjoy hearing about my slutty days.

We talked for a while and lay in the afterglow of our
lovemaking. Suddenly, Jim said, “You know, I bet if
Randy knew what he had missed and how hot you are
still, he’d jump at the chance to have sex with you.” I
liked to think that this was true. I have gotten myself
in shape over the years running about 3 miles a day and
exercising. My breasts are still perky for a woman of
48 years and I am slimmer than I have ever been.

Jim continued, “If you wanted to try and seduce Randy,
I wouldn’t mind, though I would like to see some of the

I laughed and dismissed him, though I knew that he was
serious. He had often brought up the idea of me having
sex with another, and this appeared to be a great turn-
on for him. I always said that it was him who wanted to
have sex with a man. Anyway, I had always assumed that
these fantasies would never become a reality.

However, as the days went by I found myself more and
more consumed with thoughts of Randy and what he would
think of my now. I decided to give him a little show of
what he had missed one day.

Donning a short black skirt with thong underwear, sheer
black hose, high heels, and a clingy top that gave an
ample view of my cleavage, I decided to visit the
department store for a little shopping. I had to admit
I looked sharp as I viewed myself in the mirror. What
could be the harm in a little flirting.

At the store, I spotted Randy. He still looked
handsome and in shape, a quite attractive man. I
approached him as if to ask him a question, pretending
not to recognize him. He recognized me immediately and
gushed about how good I looked. I know I must have
blushed with the attention.

We chatted a while, I found out that he had moved back
to the area recently after divorcing. When he asked if
I was married, I hesitated, and then said no. I don’t
know why I did that but I was enjoying the attention
from him so much. I felt prettier than I ever had
before. He said we should go out some time and I
impulsively asked him to come to dinner at my house. He
immediately accepted.

My head was spinning as I left the mall. What had I
just done? Why hadn’t I told him that I was married?
Deep inside, I knew why. I was hoping to have one last
fling with him. I tearfully confessed to Jim that
evening. Jim seemed taken aback, but then he said that
he wouldn’t mind if I had a one night stand. He did say
that he would like to watch the scene if we could
figure out a way to do it.

When the night came, I was dressed to kill. I was
wearing a red silk blouse without a bra with the first
two buttons undone. My nipples were constantly erect in
that top. I had on a tight knit skirt, black hose,
black shoes, and no panties.

We had devised a hiding place for Jim. He would watch
from our living room closet as the show unfolded. I had
never been so excited in my life. Randy arrived and
greeted me warmly. He was already being more
affectionate than he had ever been when we were in

We had a nice meal and some wine. I made sure to bend
in front of him, nearly revealing my nipples several
times and I could feel his eyes on my ass when I bent
over, which I did often. I suggested we go sit in the
living room and we did so. We were drinking wine with
some music on and the feeling was getting very cozy.

When I sat down in the chair across from him, I let my
skirt ride up my legs. As I crossed my legs, I know he
got a glimpse of my shaved pussy. I know because his
eyes nearly popped out of his head. “Oh Carrie,” he
said. “You look so beautiful.”

I teased him some more, showing more and more of my
pussy as my skirt slid up. “You know Randy,” I said. “I
never could get you to lick my pussy before. Do you
think that you could do it now.”

He immediately got up and walked over to where I was
sitting and kneeled between my legs. What a switch this
was! Now I was the one being serviced! He lifted my
skirt to reveal my twat in all its glory. I threw my
legs over his shoulders as he began licking my clit

Soon I had my legs up in the air as wide apart as I
could get them while he raked his tongue across my open
pussy lips. I could not believe I was exposing myself
like this to a man who wasn’t my husband. Very quickly
I had a shuddering orgasm and groaned loudly.

We began kissing frantically after that and he pulled
my top and skirt off, leaving me clad in only my black
hose. I helped him out of his clothes and took my turn
kneeling in front of him. His cock tasted so good and I
knew I was driving him crazy. I squeezed and kneaded
his hairy balls with my free hand. Then I stood and
leaned over the couch, exposing my ass and pussy to
him. He quickly took his place behind me and began
pumping furiously.

His dick felt bigger than I had had in 30 years and it
was driving me to ecstasy. He reached around and
fondled my breasts, caressing my rock hard nipples.
Suddenly, I felt something I hadn’t felt in 30 years, a
searing orgasm as I was being fucked. That took Randy
over the edge and he spurted his load inside me. It
seemed to go on forever as he groaned over and over.
When he finally pulled out, his cum poured out of my
reddened pussy.

Afterwards, Randy told me how beautiful he thought I
was and he apologized for the way he had treated me in
college. We shared a long kiss at the door.

I had almost forgotten about Jim in the closet. I
found him cum stained and happy. Without my knowledge,
he had taken a video of the whole escapade. We watch it
often now as a prelude to our lovemaking. Randy has
called me often trying to arrange another meeting, but
I have turned him down so far.

It’s kind of fun watching him be the one who is left

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