Cuckolded Peggy

Ron was working at his brother’s adult video store. It
didn’t pay much, but, he figured the fringe benefits
would more than make up for the money. He had been
watching the white wimps reading the interracial books
and renting the same kind of movies. It must really
make them jealous to see all those big, black cocks,
stretching those little white pussies. He was thinking
they probably go to sleep dreaming they have the 10
inch cock, instead of the black dude.

Ron was 28, never been married, and liked it that way.
He was only 5′ 7″, and weighed 170. There wasn’t an
ounce of fat anywhere on his body. He was good looking,
but not someone to die for. His big assets were his
ready smile, easy going manner, and a cock that could
stretch any white pussy in the city.

This one guy had been coming in once or twice a week,
for about a month. He was hooked on black dudes fucking
a white wife in front of their husband. There was
nothing special about him. He wasn’t the athletic type.
Nor, was he especially handsome. Just a white wimp with
his fantasies. He was about the same age as Ron, and he
wore a wedding band. Ron was getting impatient, and
decided to feel this dude out.

“Hey man, you find what you like? Can I help you with
anything? I know where every movie of any subject is

The guy turned beet red before answering. “No, thanks.
These will be alright.”

“Okay, but remember, I’m here to help keep our
customers satisfied.”

“Thanks again.”

“My name is Ron. My brother owns this place and I’m
helping him out until something better comes along.”
Ron gave him that prize winning smile, that could put
Whistler’s mother at ease. Ron picked up the two movies
and looked at the titles. “I see you are interested in
our interracial selection. You would be surprised how
many are curious about black and white sex.”

The guy turned red again, before stammering, “You mean
a lot of guys rent this kind of movie? I thought
something was wrong with me. Everyone I know would
think I was a sick pervert. I thought black guys rented

“No, no, black guys make them. White guys rent them.
There’s nothing unusual about how you feel. Thousands
of husbands have this fantasy of watching their wife
being fucked by a big-dicked black man. A few of the
lucky ones actually get to live out their fantasy. It
takes a strong, loving marriage to survive the

“Why? She wouldn’t love him, just have sex.”

” Haven’t you seen the size of those black cocks? How
many white men have a cock that size? Haven’t you heard
the expression, once you go black, you never go back?
That’s because many women are never satisfied with
their small dicked husband, after experiencing a long,
black cock, all the way up in their stomach.”

“It’s just a fantasy, and will never happen anyway. My
wife would kill or divorce me, if I even brought the
subject up.”

“Does she know you are watching these movies?”

“God, no. She goes to community college three nights a
week. I watch them while she’s at school.”

“Well, it’s time I was closing up. You’re the only
customer I’ve had in the last hour. You want to stop
around the corner and have a cup of coffee?” Ron wanted
to see a picture of this guy’s wife. If she wasn’t a
complete dog, he was going to fuck her and make her a
slut for black cock.

Relaxing over a coffee and feeling more at ease sitting
in a booth, Paul exclaimed, “I didn’t even tell you my
name. It’s Paul.”

Grinning again, Ron said, “Pleased to meet you Paul. If
I’m not being too personal, could I see a picture of
your wife?”

“Sure,” Paul said, while reaching for his wallet. “Her
name is Peggy, but, everyone calls her Peg.”

Ron was amazed that the beautiful brunette in the
picture was married to a nothing like Paul. What the
Hell! She must see something I don’t. Maybe he does
have a donkey dick. One thing for certain, it would be
pure pleasure to fuck her pretty head off. “You have a
very beautiful wife. You are a lucky man. With this
kind of wife, why would you have a fantasy of another
man fucking her? Why would you take the chance of
losing her?”

“I don’t know. Even in high school, and later in
college, whenever I had a girl friend, I had the same
fantasy. I wanted to watch them be fucked by someone
else. It never happened, but, I was always thinking it.
We have been married two years. She was twenty-two when
we married and had never been with a man before. The
first year, I suppressed my feelings, but now, they are
stronger than ever. I watch the movies and masturbate
so often, I can’t get it up to satisfy her.

“Just out of curiosity, how big is your dick?”

Paul got red, and quietly said, “almost six inches.”


“Well, actually five.”

“Five inches satisfied her?”

“I told you, she had never been with another man. I
guess she was satisfied. She never said she wasn’t.
Maybe, when you are in love, any kind of sex is
satisfying. We love and respect each other very much.
She is going to night school, so she will have a better
chance in the work market. We want to start a family in
another three or four years.”

“I’ll tell you now, Paul, if you don’t get this fantasy
out of your head, you won’t be married in another three
or four years. If you’ve had it since high school, you
are not going to get rid of it, unless you get to live
it. What you need is a black man that understands your
problem, and is willing to help you out. You need a
stranger, and one that is clean and free of disease.
Also, you need a man that has the equipment to
completely satisfy your fantasy forever. You want
someone that will exit after the fulfillment of your
fantasy, never to be seen again.”

“How in God’s name could I ever find someone like that?
Even if, by some miracle, I did find someone, how could
I ever get Peg to go along with it?”

“What if I told you that I am willing to be the one to
help you? You seem to be a nice guy and you have a
problem. You have my word that after you watch me fuck
her, I will leave her life forever.”

“You? But, we don’t even know each other. You sound as
if there is no problem getting between her legs. I told
you she has never been with another man, and I don’t
believe she would let another man fuck her. Especially,
a black man. This is my fantasy, not hers.”

“I’ll tell you what. If I can’t fuck her within a week,
you can have all the movies you want for the next year.
Do you have more than one bedroom in your home?”

“Yes, we have three. In a few years, we planned on
needing them. What does that have to do with anything?”

“What if your best friend from college just happened to
be in town and needed a place to stay for a week? You
did have friends in college, didn’t you? You said
‘especially, a black man,’ is she prejudiced?”

“Yes, I had good friends, but I have never talked about
them. It’s a sore spot about me going to college and
her not. No, I don’t think she is prejudiced. We have
never discussed it. When am I supposed to break the
news to her about your visit? What if she says, No?”

“Thanksgiving is coming up. Does she get off extra time
for the holiday?”

“Yes, there’s no school that week.”

“Okay. That’s a week away. That gives you time to
sweeten her up and get her to agree to having an old
college chum come calling. That will give us time to
become better friends and get to know a little about
each other’s past. To be on the safe side, don’t
mention my race. Let it be a surprise when she opens
the door. Oh, something else. Have you and her ever
smoked pot?”

“Pot? We tried it a couple of times. All it did was
make us giggle and get the munchies. It was kind of
fun, but too expensive to become a habit.” Why? You
going to get her high on pot?”

“Why not? A good joint and a bottle of wine will make
her so high, she’ll be out of her mind. We will work
out the details during the next week. Another thing, if
I fuck her the first or second day, you have to let me
stay the whole week and fuck her as often as I like.

“Since I don’t believe you will be able to fuck her the
first time, I agree.”

“Come by the store tomorrow, and we can go over more
details. Here’s my cell number. What’s yours? I have to
call and get invited to visit. Remember? Does your
phone take and send photos?”


“I’ll give you one tomorrow. I want you to take half a
dozen photos of Peg without her knowledge. I need side
views, not full frontal. Preferably, close ups, but if
not, I can edit them. Think you can do that?”

“I guess so. This is getting complicated. Are you sure
this is going to work? I have this obsessive fantasy,
but, I’m still happily married and I want to stay that

“Leave everything to me. It’ll work like a charm. Once
I’m in your home, I’ll handle everything.” Ron was
thinking, you naive fool. You have no idea how well it
will work. Your stupid white boy fantasy is going to
destroy this happy marriage. Better yet, it’s going to
put a black baby in her innocent belly. Then, you can
look at the results of your fantasy for the rest of
your life.

After that evening, everything worked like a good Swiss
watch. Paul got Ron the photos he needed. Peg,
surprisingly, agreed to having an old friend of her
husband’s spend a week in their home. Paul explained
about Ron being a party animal, and since they had no
social life, she believed this might be the chance to
get their marriage back on track. Paul had seemed to be
distant and inattentive lately.

If Ron was a party animal, maybe, they could all go to
a nightclub and dancing. It had been ages since she had
been dancing. If she danced with Ron, would Paul get
jealous? What a wicked thought! But, Paul had never
seen her in another man’s arms. Maybe, she would make
him jealous on purpose. It would serve him right for
all the nights he turned his back and went to sleep.
This mood set the stage for the Saturday morning Ron
knocks on the door!

Before Ron had to go to work for his brother, he had
worked for an escort service and as a part time male
model. He had been fired for going too far with a
client, and she reported him. Modeling jobs were few
and far between right now. He did have a thirty minute
DVD of his prowess with white bitches. This film was
his resume, so to speak. Now, he was going to use it to
break down the barriers in the mind of Peg. He had
taken the six photos of Peg and duplicated each one
twenty times on his computer. He downloaded the DVD and
with his software pushed the edit button.

Now, he could drag and paste the one hundred and twenty
images onto the DVD, anywhere he wished. The short film
had him getting a blow job, eating pussy, and feeding
his cock into white pussy. It took him all afternoon to
drag all the images throughout the film. Some people
doubt that subliminal suggestion works, but Ron knew it

Watching the film, her picture couldn’t be seen, but,
it would register on her mind. He had her face next to
his dick. Her face was there when he was shooting his
cum into the other woman’s mouth. Same thing when he
was devouring her pussy, and fucking her out of her
mind. All he had to do was make sure she got to see the

“See who’s at the door, will you hon?” Paul said, since
he was still shaving.

Peg answered the door, wearing shorts and a halter top.
Weekends were lazy days. She saw a neatly dressed black
man, about three inches taller than herself. He had a
winning smile on his face and was holding a suitcase.
She thought he was some kind of salesman. Nobody smiled
like that, unless he wanted something.

“Yes, can I help you?”

“Hi. You must be Peg. I’m Ron. I hope Paul told you I
was coming.”

“Ron? But, you’re not supposed to be here until

“I caught an earlier flight. I’m sorry if I have caused
a problem.”

“No. No problem, but, we’re not dressed for company.”
Especially, black company, Peg was thinking. I’m going
to kill Paul as soon as I get him alone, she fumed.
“Well, come on in, such as it is. Paul will be down in
a minute. He’s still shaving. Just set your suitcase
down and come into the kitchen. Coffee is hot and I was
ready to have a cup.”

“That sounds great, and again I am sorry for surprising
you like this. I’ll take you and Paul out to dinner to
help make up for it.” Ron said, smiling again.

When Paul came in, he was more surprised than Peg. But
Ron, being a good conversationalist, had everyone at
ease. You couldn’t be in the escort business without
knowing a little about everything. Peg and Paul were
laughing and enjoying themselves. Peg had noticed that
every time she looked at Ron, he seemed to be
memorizing every inch of her body that he could see.

After awhile, Paul said, “Let’s get you settled into
your room, and then how about you and I going to the
driving range and hitting a bucket of balls. We can
catch up on old times.”

“Good.” said Peg, “That will give me a chance to
straighten up this house.”

“The bedroom downstairs is being used for a computer
room, so you’ll have to sleep upstairs, across the
hallway from our room.” Paul apologized. “Don’t worry,
we won’t disturb your sleep.”

Ron unpacked haphazardly, but made sure he left a large
manila envelope laying in plain sight on the dresser.
He had written, ‘My Photos” on the front.

Peg had pretty much cleaned the downstairs and decided
to check the upstairs. She made their bed and walked
across the hall, to see if Ron’s room needed anything.
The first thing she saw, was the envelope. Curiosity
may have killed the cat, but it was not going to kill
her to see what kind of photos were in that envelope.
Pulling out the pictures and seeing the first one,
almost did kill her.

There was a naked Ron, with a huge, half turgid cock,
hanging between his legs. She was so shocked, she
dropped the pictures. Picking them up, she couldn’t
help seeing the others. His dick was erect, and
sticking straight out like a baseball bat. Another, had
a blonde on her knees, kissing the head. Each, was more
explicit that the last. Masturbating, crammed inside a
white pussy, dripping cum into a woman’s mouth. There
must have been a dozen photos of the most disgusting
acts imaginable. What kind of animal had they let into
their house? Why did he carry such pictures? What kind
of person would leave them laying around for anyone to

After Peg had calmed down, she had to admit she had no
business looking at them. If he carried those, what
kind of work did he do? The more she thought about it,
the less disgusting it was. She was actually excited
and became wet between her legs. What would it be like
to touch or kiss a dick that big? Would a woman really
enjoy having her pussy stretched by such a monster?
Could she take all of it inside her small pussy? What
was she thinking? No way was she going to have that
inside her! She had to get her thoughts in order and
calm down!

When Paul and Ron returned, Ron knew from her attitude
that she had seen the photos. She was still polite and
joined the conversation, but now, he caught her looking
at him.

Finally, Peg could keep it back no longer, so she
asked, “Ron, Paul has never said what kind of work you

“Oh, I thought you knew. I’m a male model, and when I
can find it, an actor in adult films. I’ve never been
very ambitious, but I believe in doing something I
enjoy. I have some pictures and a film that I carry to
show prospective employers. My resume, if you wish to
call it that. I earn pretty good money, but I’m not
rich. I have clients all over the country, who call and
want my private services. I could never find a more
enjoyable and exciting line of employment.”

Paul’s mouth had dropped open, but he never said a
word. Peg was now the curious one, and she had to know
what he did. “Are you saying women pay you for your
private services?”

“Yes, of course, and very well, I might add.” Ron said.
“Let’s drop the subject about my life, and go have a
good dinner. You pick the place and I’ll pick up the

After a very good dinner, they were finishing a bottle
of chilled wine. The band was playing soft music and a
few couples were dancing. Paul and Peg were not
drinkers, and both were slightly dizzy. Ron asked,
“Paul, do you mind, if I ask your beautiful wife for a

“Go ahead and ask. I’m going to sit here and relax.”

When Ron asked, Peg was undecided whether to say yes or
no. But, she thought, why not? It’s just a dance and
it’s been so long since I’ve been on a dance floor. She
said, “Sure, but I’m a little rusty. You may have to
guide me.”

Moving onto the floor, Ron held her in a close embrace.
Immediately, she could feel his bulge pressing just
above her pubic mound. She could swear she felt it
moving. She halfheartedly tried pulling away, but he
just held her more tightly. He wasn’t doing anything
inappropriately, so she couldn’t walk off the floor.
She relaxed and went with the flow of the music.

When the song ended and before they could leave the
floor, another began. They continued dancing, but now,
he was lifting her to her tiptoes. In this position,
his semi-hard cock was rubbing against her clitoris.
Everything looked normal to other people, but she was
getting excited and very wet between her legs. The song
ended and he led her back to the table. She was kind of
wobbly, but he had a firm grip on her arm.

“Thank you very much for the dance. You are a wonderful
dancer and light on your feet.” Said Ron.

Peg calmed down, and thought of how foolish she must
be. Why should she get excited dancing with another man
than her husband? Was it because Paul hadn’t been
paying attention to her lately? Was it the atmosphere
and wine she had drunk? Was it because Ron was so good-
looking and so sure of himself? Was it because he was
black and hung like a horse? Whatever the reason, she
was a happily married woman and would always be true to
her husband. Suddenly, she wanted to go home, where it
was safe and secure. “What say we go home. I’m feeling
tired.” Peg said.

On the way home, they stopped and Ron picked up a
bottle of brandy. Sitting in the living room, drinking
coffee with a dash of brandy added, everyone was very
relaxed. Paul was feeling the alcohol, or he would
never have said, “Why don’t we watch your resume film?”

Peg almost agreed to watch it with them, but better
sense prevailed. What kind of woman would she be to
watch a sex film in mixed company? She decided to
retire to the kitchen and straighten up, then take a
shower while the film was showing. Paul loaded and
started the movie. The very first scene was of a naked
Ron laying on his back, while a beautiful brunette was
kissing and licking his cock. Paul let out with a loud,

Peg heard Paul and couldn’t help herself. She had to
see what they were watching. She tiptoed to the kitchen
door and peeked around the corner. She was caught! She
couldn’t have stopped herself watching for all the
money in the world. Ron had positioned himself, so he
could see the kitchen door without turning his head. He
saw Peg immediately, and set back satisfied. Now, she
was his. She could say no, protest, or deny, but she
was his!

Paul watched the film without saying another word. He
had seen a horse’s cock one time. Long and black like
this one. Except, this one had a smaller head before
the massive shaft. He supposed the smaller head made
entry easier. He was speechless! In his mind’s eye, he
kept seeing Peg, sucking and fucking Ron. It was Peg he
saw screaming out her climax, again and again.

He had never heard of subliminal suggestion. He thought
his fantasy was a hundred times more vivid. Now, he
understood why very few marriages survived after the
wife was truly blacked. What could his paltry white
dick do for her? All the books and movies had been
strangers, but now, there was a black man sitting next
to him that was going to fuck his wife. He now had no
doubt that Ron could fuck her. Even though, he knew he
might lose her, he was still excited and had a raging
hard on. Paul cum in his pants, without ever touching

Peg, on the other hand, couldn’t understand what had
happened to her. She kept seeing herself with Ron,
licking and kissing the biggest cock she could imagine.
She knew it was just imagination, but it was her being
fucked over and over, until she was screaming for him
to stop. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t get
the thought out of her mind.

Deep down in her soul, she knew he was going to fuck
her with that monster. She must stop watching! She
forced herself away from the door and upstairs to the
shower. Running water over her body, her fingers crept
to her wet pussy. All it took was a touch, and she had
an orgasm. She needed another drink!

When she came downstairs, Ron and Paul were sipping
brandy, minus the coffee. She poured herself one and
they made idle chatter for a while. Ron carried the
conversation, without ever mentioning the movie. He
knew they each had their own thoughts, and were trying
to sort them out. They were, also, drinking more than
they ever had. Paul wasn’t too drunk, but tipsy.

Peg was out of it, and needed help getting up the
stairs to bed. Ron figured now was a good time to begin
breaking Peg in to black sex. Tonight, he wouldn’t fuck
her in the normal sense of the word. He was going to
tongue fuck her. Even drunk, his long tongue would
drive her crazy.

Helping Paul get her onto the bed, she lay there half
conscious. Paul thought Ron was going to leave the
room, but the fun had just started. Ron said, “Let me
help you undress her. She’s drunk and will never know
what happened. After she’s naked, you suck her breasts
and kiss her. In the meantime, I will be eating her
sweet pussy.”

Paul was stunned. Everything was happening too fast.
This wasn’t part of his fantasy. “But, she’s drunk. I
don’t want to take advantage of her when she is

“She may be helpless, but that won’t lessen the feeling
she will receive from my tongue.” Ron whispered. Paul
was useless, trying to unbutton Peg’s blouse. Ron took
over and had the blouse and bra removed in a flash. He
had to stop and taste those delicious tits. Peg
groaned, as he sucked one, then the other. He couldn’t
wait any longer to taste her pussy. He unzipped her
skirt, and pulled undergarments and skirt down her legs
and off together. The hood of her clitoris could be
seen through her neatly trimmed bush. The lips of her
pussy were a healthy pink, and just begging to be

“Okay, when I begin tongue fucking her, you cover her
mouth with kisses. She’s going to groan and thrash
around. We don’t want her to come completely out of it.
As long as you are holding and kissing her, she will
think she is dreaming.” Saying this, Ron swooped on her
pussy like a hawk diving onto a chicken. He gave her
lips a couple of licks, then opened them with his
fingers. He gently probed with his tongue as far as he
could reach.

Ron had a tongue that could lick the tip of his nose.
He tongue fucked her a few minutes and then licked her
erect clit. After that, he would change off, thrust,
lick, thrust, lick. Her juices were beginning to flow
and she was groaning into Paul’s mouth. Ron had his
mouth tightly over her pussy, and his upper lip and
nose were rubbing her clit. His tongue was as long as
Paul’s measly dick. Peg was going wild!

She was bucking against his tongue, trying to get more.
She was practically sucking Paul’s tongue down her
throat. All of a sudden, she stiffened, and then began
shuddering. She screamed into Paul’s mouth and went
limp. Immediately, Ron was out of his pants, and had
his giant black cock in his hand. He moved up between
her legs on his knees, and placed his dick at the
entrance to her pussy.

“Wait a minute, you can’t fuck her now!” Paul hissed.

“I’m not going to fuck her, but I’m going to get my
rocks off. You just watch and learn.” Ron placed the
head of his cock just inside the lips of her open
pussy, and began masturbating. It only took about five
minutes before he was ready to shoot a gallon of cum.
He shot three big gobs into her open hole and squeezed
it off. “Now, let’s change places. You lick her pussy
while I finish cumming in her mouth. Now, Do It Now!”
Ron growled.

In the meantime, Peg had come around and was making
small purring sounds in her throat. Paul reluctantly
put his mouth on her pussy and began licking. His mouth
was filled with thick, slimy, cum. He had no choice,
but to swallow. After a few licks, he decided it wasn’t
so bad and began licking with a vengeance.

Ron was still squeezing his cock, as he rubbed it over
her lips. He took her chin and parted her lips enough
to get the head of his cock between them. He released
his dick and jet after jet of cum shot into the back of
her mouth and down her throat. Like Paul, she had no
choice, but to swallow. Peg was swallowing by reflex,
whereas, Paul knew what he did. Ron wiped is cock on
her lips, stood up, and said, “Goodnight. Tomorrow, I
fuck her and I fuck her every day for the rest of the
week. I’ll tell you how tomorrow.”

When Ron had closed the door, Paul was so horny, he was
ready to cum in his pants. Getting undressed, he
crawled on top of Peg and stuck in his dick up to the
hilt. She was loose from Ron’s tongue. What would it be
like after his giant cock stretched her? A few strokes
and he was ready to cum again. As he was cumming, he
looked into her eyes, and they were open! She had a
dreamy look in her eyes, and a smile on her wet lips.

“Were you eating my pussy before?”

“Yes, why do you ask?”

“I had the strangest dream. I dreamed you were kissing
me and eating me at the same time. Do you have a tongue
on each end?” She jokingly said. “Whatever you did, I
have never felt so satisfied in my life. Goodnight, my
loving husband….”

Peg was up before Paul and Ron. She had showered and
brushed her teeth. She seemed to have a funny taste in
her mouth and throat, kind of bitter. Memories of her
dream wouldn’t seem to come to the front of her mind.
She seemed to remember sucking and swallowing sperm
from a dick. A dream didn’t come with taste, did it? No
more alcohol for her! A drunk can’t even remember their

Ron woke up and heard Peg rattling around downstairs.
He walked across the hall and shook Paul awake.
“Listen.” He said. “In a couple of hours, I’ll go to
the bathroom and dial your cell. You pretend it’s your
boss, wanting you to come in for a couple of hours.
I’ll see to it that Peg is in the front of the house.
You park around the block and sneak back upstairs.
Before you come downstairs, make sure you have an area
in the closet cleaned for you to stand. Maybe, put in a
chair, so you can sit. When you sneak back in, leave
the door open, so you have a clear line of sight to the
bed. Whatever you do, don’t make any noise, or your
marriage is over.

“You’ve only been here twenty-four hours, and already
you think you can fuck her. What has happened? A week
ago, it was nothing but a fantasy, and now, my wife is
going to fuck another man. She has never been
unfaithful to me. Everything has happened so fast, too
fast! Maybe, we should call the whole thing off. Maybe,
my fantasy is going to cost me too much.”

“You’re not going to back out now. Mention it again,
and I will go tell Peg right now about the complete
plan. What do you think she will do when she finds out
her husband is a pervert, watching sex movies every
time she goes to school?” Worst of all, planning to
watch another man fuck her, and don’t forget, you
already let me eat her pussy. Think she will forgive

“Okay, okay. I’ll do what you say. It just seems as if
I have no control over anything. I didn’t think it
would be this way, that’s all.”

“I’m going to shower, then go downstairs and join Peg.
Get the closet ready and come on down when you’ve got
your feelings under control. Relax, for God’s sake.
This is what you have always dreamed about.”

Peg was sitting at the table, with a cup of coffee. She
was looking at the calendar on the wall, thinking of
Paul not using a condom last night, and when she would
be ovulating. He shouldn’t have cum in her at this time
of the month. Her period was like clockwork, and she
would be unsafe in the next day or two. Only thing is,
a male’s sperm was alive and potent for twenty-four to
forty-eight hours.

He knew he was supposed to always use a condom. They
couldn’t afford to start a family right now. Her
musings were interrupted by Ron walking into the room.
He was shirtless, and wearing a pair of loose pajamas.
His muscular chest was covered in tiny swirls of kinky,
black hair. Now, there’s a sexy looking sight, she was
thinking. Paul never had any hair on his chest, and it
was certainly not muscular. She almost smiled at the

“Pour yourself a cup of coffee. Is Paul awake and
stirring yet? I’m afraid I’m not used to drinking so
much. My head is pounding and my stomach is upset.”

“Paul’s awake and was attempting to get out of bed. I
think he has a hangover to go with yours. Here, let me
massage your temples. That works wonders with a
headache.” Putting action to words, he moved behind her
and began gently massaging her temples, and the sides
of her head.

Peg relaxed and enjoyed the feel of his strong fingers.
Her head did feel much better. She could almost go to
sleep. She came wide awake, and moved her head away
when she heard Paul coming downstairs. When Ron sat in
his chair, she could swear there was a bulge in is
pajamas. Fleetingly, she wondered what it would feel
like to hold in her tiny hands.

After seeing pictures and the movie, she knew one hand
would not go around it! What was she thinking? Was she
going crazy? Once the thought had entered her mind, she
could see herself kissing it. God forbid, she could see
him cramming his cock up her tight pussy! Just then,
Paul walked into the room. She gave him a peck on the
cheek, and excused herself, saying, “It’s my turn to
shower, and I’m going back to bed. I got up too blasted

Ron told Paul. “Hurry up and finish your coffee. This
is a perfect opportunity, and we’re going to take
advantage of it. When I hear her go into the bedroom,
I’ll go up and explain about you having to leave. You
just be in that closet and stay quiet. Your fantasy is
finally coming true.”

Peg left the shower with only a towel wrapped around
her hot body. She had no more than covered herself with
a sheet, when there was a peck on the door. Before she
could say anything, the door opened and Ron walked in.
Without saying a word, he strolled over and sat on the
edge of the bed. She had to scoot over to make room for

“What are you doing coming into my room? Where’s Paul?

“That’s what I came to tell you. Paul got a call from
his boss and had to go to the office. Something about a
mistake on a presentation his boss is making in the
morning. His boss couldn’t make heads or tails out of
his records, and needed Paul to come straighten it out.
Paul said to tell you he was sorry, but, he would be
back in a couple of hours.”

“That’s all well and good, but what are you doing on my
bed? Couldn’t you have told me that from the doorway?”

“I thought you might need your temples massaged again,
or even, a full body massage. I’m very good, you know.”

“I’m sorry for being suspicious, but this is all
strange to me. Paul is the only one that has ever been
in my bedroom. My head does still hurt and you did
wonders with your fingers. I’ll just close my eyes and
relax. If I dose off, let yourself out. Quietly! I want
to sleep until Paul returns.”

Ron’s fingers felt so good, gently rubbing each side of
her head. She was beginning to drift off, when she felt
his lips brushing first one eye, then the other. It
felt so good, she decided not to say anything. Then,
his tongue was tracing the outline of her lips. Her
mouth wasn’t completely closed, and the tip of his
tongue would gently enter her mouth, then withdraw
after a few seconds. She found herself waiting for his
tongue to reenter, and began kissing him back. She was
so relaxed, and his tongue was very gentle. It still
hadn’t entered her mind that she was kissing a man
other than her husband.

He kissed her chin, then her throat. It felt so loving
and romantic, but she was going to have to stop him.
Soon, but, not yet. It felt too good! While her mind
was wandering, he had removed the cover, and was
licking first one breast and then sucking on the other.
What had happened? This wasn’t right! He can’t be
sucking my breasts! I’m a married woman!

“Stop! Stop this instant! Get out of my room! This
isn’t right. This has gone far enough. I would never be
unfaithful to my husband.”

“We’re not doing anything wrong. I’m only relaxing you
and giving you a tongue massage. How could receiving a
massage be unfaithful? I’m your friend. I would never
do anything to hurt you or Paul.” Your headache is
gone, and soon your body will be free of tension or

“Well, I guess it’s okay. I know you’re our friend and
wouldn’t hurt me, or Paul.”

Ron began kissing her again, and his hand was kneading
her breasts. This time when he moved his mouth to her
breasts, she never said anything.

It did feel so good and relaxing, but, she was getting
wet between her legs. Was it natural to get wet during
a massage? He was taking his time, sucking each of her
firm breasts. His hand was rubbing circles on her
stomach. The hand kept going lower and lower, until it
was on the inside of her thighs. She slightly spread
her legs, and his fingers would gently rub her pussy
lips as they were moving from one side of her thighs to
the other.

Peg’s eyes were tightly closed and she was seeing the
film running over and over in her mind. She was getting
hotter and hotter. Her juices were flowing freely now.
His mouth had moved from her breasts to her stomach.
One hand was pinching her nipples, and the other was
now covering her pussy mound. Ron turned his body, so
he could get between her legs and gain full access to
her pussy. It seemed to be so natural to spread her
legs and let Ron wedge his body between them. She
moaned when she felt his tongue flick her clitoris.

Ron knew he had her! She was his to do with as he
pleased. Licking her pussy, he looked toward the
closet. He could see Paul pounding his pitiful dick.
Ron eased his pajamas down and kicked them off. He had
tongue fucked her last night. This morning, he was
following the script of the movie.

He was teasing and driving her out of her mind. He
would lick and nibble on her clit a few more minutes,
then move back up where she could feel his raging cock.
This was exactly what he had done with the brunette in
the film. He knew Peg was reliving each moment, and
couldn’t separate fact from fiction.

Paul watching, was horror stricken with remorse and
guilt. At the same time, he had never seen or
experienced anything so sexually arousing in his life.
Feeling guilty didn’t prevent him from masturbating
like crazy. His dick was limp and lifeless, and she
hadn’t been fucked yet! The fantasy he had desired all
his life, was about to become fact.

He had seen the movie too, and he knew what was coming
next. This would be the climax of all his dreams and
desires. Could he handle it, or would it change him
forever? He was already a creampie eater. What was the
next step into perversion? He knew his guilt would
disappear when Peg was screaming out her climax. He
would take whatever followed, as it came.

Peg was squirming and humping her pussy onto his mouth.
He stopped licking and moved up her body. He began
kissing her, and she was sucking her juices off his
tongue. He took her hand and placed it on his rock hard

Peg was going crazy with lust! She had to be satisfied!
She had never been this hot in her young life. When Ron
put her hand on his giant cock, she instinctively knew
what she was touching. It was big enough to have been
his wrist, but she knew better. His cock was so hard,
yet soft. A moment of lucidity came to her. This wasn’t
getting fucked in a film. This was real! This was
happening to her, and happening right now!

“NO! You Can’t Do This! I’m Married! I can never be
unfaithful to my husband. We have to stop and stop
now!” Strangely, she never moved her hand, or, tried to
get away.

“Shhhhh. It’s okay. Everything is going to be all
right. Think of the film. Remember what we do next? I
fucked you in the movie. Remember? Think of what you
saw, and how many times you climaxed. Remember the
pleasure. Let your mind relax. Let yourself go. Give
yourself to me, just like you did in the film.” He was
whispering in her ear. At the same time, his fingers
were tracing circles on her sensitive clit.

Peg relaxed again, feeling the pleasure from her pussy,
and thinking of the next scene. Her mind and body were
in a turmoil of mixed feelings, and what was real or
unreal. In the meantime, she was squeezing and
releasing his dick. It throbbed, as if, it had a life
of it’s own. She held on, while Ron moved over and
between her legs. Spreading her legs, seemed the
natural thing to do.

His cock was at the entrance to her tiny pussy. “Take
both your hands and spread your pussy lips.”

Without a word, Peg complied. At the moment, she would
have done anything, if it meant putting out the raging
fire that was consuming her body.

With that, he lined up the head of his dick against the
fleecy exterior of Peg’s beautiful cunt. Thanks to the
overflowing liquids in her vagina, he was able to get
the head in. Then, with slow, easy strokes, he
gradually went in an inch at a time.

At first, Peg panicked, as she felt herself being
stretched beyond imagination. But her cunt quickly
accustomed itself to a stimulation she had never known.
But what she was experiencing now was bringing her into
a new world. Pleasure nerves she never knew existed
were being stimulated as her cunt was stretched for the
first time. Only a couple of strokes after Ron inserted
the head of his cock, when only about four inches were
in, Peg experienced an orgasm far more intense than
anything she had ever known. But Ron was going deeper.

With each thrust, more of Ron’s enormous shaft
disappeared beneath the dark curls that marked the
portal to Peg’s love channel. Then Ron would pull out
almost to the limit, and then slowly plunge back in,
descending another inch. Seven inches! Eight inches!

She had never dreamed of being penetrated this deeply,
she had no idea of the pleasure centers inside her that
had never before been plumbed. Now these pleasure
nerves were all going off, and Peg thought she was
losing her sanity. Orgasm after orgasm hit her, each
one bigger than before.

Finally, one more plunge, and Ron’s hot iron dick was
fully lodged inside Peg’s stretched vagina. At ten
inches, Ron had felt his tip touch her cervix. The next
several strokes had stretched it back. Finally, he had
penetrated the last barrier. His shaft filled her love
canal to its stretched out capacity. The head of his
cock was in her womb itself.

Now he began fucking Peg in earnest. Her orgasms
continued to build, each one coming on the heels of the
one before with greater and greater intensity. This
went on for ten, fifteen, twenty minutes

And by now, her orgasms were so intense and coming so
close together that they had run into each other. She
was in a continuous state of orgasm, electricity
running at unimaginable voltage through her frame. She
thought she would die, she had no control of herself.
Perhaps without realizing it, she was moaning, “Oh God,
fuck me! Fuck me! Take me! Fill me with your cum! I
can’t stand it, fuck me, fuck me! Never stop! Fuck me!
Fuck me!”

Peg may not have known she was saying these words, non-
stop. But Ron heard, and relished every word. Ron felt
his climax coming on. He thrust faster and harder, and
brought Peg to an even higher pitch. She was screaming

Then the moment came. Ron’s mammoth engine began
bucking with incredible force. Peg’s pelvis was whipped
violently around by the first bursts. Then she felt the
red-hot sperm, fired directly into her womb. Ron and
Peg held each other closely, lips locked and tongues
entwined in a passionate kiss, each overcome by the
force of what they were feeling. As they descended, Peg
was in a new state. After the fierceness of her
innumerable orgasms, she now felt a tranquility and
contentment that she had never known. She held tightly
to Ron.

He had stolen her dignity, trampled on her most deeply
felt moral beliefs. And it didn’t matter. She would do
absolutely anything for him. No love for her husband,
no moral beliefs, no belief in her own self meant a
thing compared to his black cock. She would do anything
for it, and for what it could do to her.

When Ron finally pulled out, his penis was “shrunken”
to its soft state and Peg held the slimy shaft in her
small hand. Her fingers could reach around it now.

“That was the most incredible fuck I have ever had, and
I can hardly wait for an encore.” Ron said.

“Anytime you want me, I am yours. But, right now, could
I please sleep for a couple of hours? I feel like I
could sleep for a week!” Peg replied.

Ron slowly set up and reached for his pjs. “I’m going
to shower and go downstairs till Paul gets home. I
think we have some serious issues to discuss.”

“No. Please don’t say anything. Let me tell him what
happened, later. He, also, needs to know what is going
to happen in the future. For now, he’s my husband, and
it should come from me.” Peg scooted over to the other
side of the bed, trying to get out of the puddle of cum
under her ass. Even as she moved, more was wetting the
bed. “Before you shower, bring me a towel, will you?”

Bringing the towel, Peg was already asleep. Ron went to
the closet and motioned for Paul to follow him out of
the room.

Paul didn’t know how he felt. He had just witnessed the
most erotic sight of his life. Why was the reality so
unlike his fantasy? He had wanted this for as long as
he could remember, but now it had happened, and he felt
let down. He knew his dick wasn’t up to par with other
men. But, his fantasy didn’t have her having multiple
orgasms and loving it.

Did she have to enjoy it so much? Was she now a slut
for black cock? After this, could he ever make love to
her? Would she even want him to? So many questions, and
no answers. Maybe, Ron could tell him what to do. A
small voice in the back of his mind, seemed to say,
‘Ron is the one that got you into this mess’. The voice
faded away before he could catch the thought.

“Tell me. What happens now? What do I do? How do I face
her, knowing what I do? How can I keep the knowledge
out of my voice and off my face?”

“You’ve been at work. Remember? You know nothing, nor,
suspect anything. This is Sunday, and we are going out
for dinner. Relax. Be yourself for a few hours. If she
finds out you set this up, you’ve lost her.”

“I’ve lost her anyway!”

“Not yet, you haven’t. Peg is not the kind of person to
be unfaithful and not tell you about it. Wait and see.
She will tell you everything this evening. When she
does, be unbelieving, then hurt and outraged. That’s
when I offer a solution to your problems. Since we all
know she is going to let me fuck her again, I will
suggest you join us. With a little persuasion, she will

“Join you? She doesn’t want me, when she has your huge
cock stuck up her pussy!”

“You could watch, without hiding in the closet. You
could suck me, while I’m eating her pussy. You could
lick my cum from her pussy, after she has been well and
truly fucked. You could clean my cock after I have
planted my seed in her belly. See? There are many
things you can do. She might even give you a blow job
while we are fucking.”

“You’re crazy! You’re making me a cuckold!”

“I’m not making you anything. You’re already a cuckold,
and if you want to stay married, you’ll learn to love
and accept it. I’m going to fuck her again this
evening. If you want to be part of it, agree to my
suggestion. If not, you can sit down here and watch
television. No more peeking from the closet.”

Peg came bouncing into the room. She seemed to exude
sex. Paul had never seen such a glow of satisfaction
and contentment on her face. She was absolutely

Getting a cup of coffee and sitting down at the table,
Peg blurted out, “Paul, I fucked Ron this morning while
you were at the office and I have never felt better in
my life. In all my dreams, I never imagined what I was
missing. I am going to continue fucking him, with, or
without your permission. I hope you will understand
what his big, black dick made me feel.

“I still love and respect you, but this is something I
must have. It’s raw, animal sex, and nothing else. He
is three times bigger than you and can satisfy me like
you never will. If you want me to leave, I will. If you
want me to stay and let me get this out of my system, I
will. It’s up to you, but know now, I am going to fuck
him anytime he will have me.” Saying this, Peg
collapsed in her chair and lay her head on her arms.
She had brought up enough courage to tell her feelings,
and now was mentally exhausted.

Paul was speechless! He was stunned beyond words! What
could he say? What could he do? What did he want to do?
He set this up, so, how could he blame Peg? Was it too
easy? Would she have been unfaithful sooner or later,
regardless? NO! No, it was all his fault! How could he
have been so stupid, so naive? Put in her situation,
how could he blame her? Even with all the turmoil
swirling around in his mind, there was still a tingling
sensation in his groin. He wanted it to happen again!
Like her, he needed to get it out of his system.

Ron was stroking Peg’s shoulders, while looking at
Paul. He could see the change in Paul’s face and knew
he had won. Peg was his for a week. He really was
leaving next week. Not because of any promise, but
because there was a convention in Las Vegas he was
definitely going to attend. There was too much money to
be made, to let feelings for a white pussy get in his
way. She would be pregnant before the week was up and
that had been his goal.

One thing, she didn’t know. He was going to bring his
brother around in a few days and introduce him to some
tight, white pussy. By then, Peg would do whatever he
asked. His brother was called Big Jim, and that wasn’t
because of his stature. Ron was big, but, few women
could take all of Jim’s giant pole. He would get her
broken in with his, and let Jim stretch her to the

Paul’s fucking days with his wife were over. Within a
week, Paul might like taking a black cock himself. He
would already clean one and that was only a step from
sucking. Maybe, he would break in Paul’s virgin ass and
get it ready for Jim, also. Might as well keep it in
the family.

“Ron, finally said, “I don’t think anyone feels like
going out to eat. Why don’t we order pizza and stay
inside today. Don’t say anything, or make any decisions
you may regret later. After eating something, why don’t
we all retire to the bedroom and sort this out. It
might look different if we were laying on each side of
Peg and letting our feelings make the decision for us.

“Paul, you never know, you could possibly like watching
and hearing Peg take another man’s cock inside her.
Peg, maybe you would enjoy having the attentions of two
men at the same time. Maybe you could suck Paul, while
I am fucking you. That way, he wouldn’t feel left out.
Why not wait and see what happens?”

Peg raised her head and looked at Paul. He was staring
back at her. Paul slowly nodded his head, as did Peg.
Ron took over the conversation, leading it away from
sex. Soon, each was more comfortable with the other and
everything seemed almost normal.

Late that afternoon, Ron put his arm around Peg’s
shoulders and took Paul by the arm. He steered them
upstairs and to the bedroom. Paul and Peg were too
embarrassed to get undressed. Ron threw his clothes on
the floor and began undressing Peg. Paul slowly removed
his own clothes. Ron and Peg were already on the bed,
with Ron in front and Peg in the middle.

Paul climbed over them to the backside. He brushed
against Ron’s already hard cock and felt another tingle
in his stomach. Was it fear or desire? Ron began
fingering her pussy and she was stroking his monster
baby maker. Paul watched for a few minutes and figured,
“what the hell.” He raised up and began sucking her
breasts, as if he had never seen them before.

Soon, she was moaning from the combination of the
finger in her pussy and her breasts being sucked. Ron
didn’t want to waste any time. He wanted to get the
show on the road and see how far Paul would go. Ron
removed his fingers and replaced them with his long
tongue. Ron reached out and grabbed hold of Paul’s
pitiful hard on and pulled him toward the foot of the
bed. Without admitting it to himself, Paul knew what he
was expected to do. By now, Ron had his shoulder and
was still pushing his head toward his cock.

Ron had turned on his side, and the black pole was
staring Paul in the face. Ron put his hand behind
Paul’s head and steered his mouth toward his final
degradation. At first Paul just let it touch his lips,
but slowly opened his mouth and tongued the head. Ron
was forcing his black tool into Paul’s mouth, and Paul
stopped resisting. He opened wide and accepted his
fate. He was now sucking the black cock that would fuck
his wife.

Thinking of this got him excited, and he began sucking
and licking with more enthusiasm. He couldn’t take all
the monster, but he was using his hand on the remaining
shaft. Peg was groaning and thrashing around. Ron kept
pushing more and more into Paul’s throat. By changing
position, he was able to let the cock slowly force it’s
way down his throat. He still couldn’t take all of it,
but he had a sizable portion in his throat.

For some reason, this was extremely satisfying. Ron
began fucking his mouth and throat. It seemed as if
more and more was going in. Paul wondered if Ron would
cum. Just as he thought this, Ron pulled out and
climbed up Peg’s body. Paul’s mouth strangely felt
empty and he was somehow disappointed.

Ron told Paul, “Take my dick and put it against her
pussy lips. Okay, now spread her pussy and watch my
cock as it fucks a baby in her belly. Can you see how
it is stretching her pussy? Do you see how slick and
ready she is for some real cock?”

Peg had been going out of her mind with pleasure. She
knew when Paul stopped sucking her breasts, but did not
realize he was sucking Ron. She heard Ron tell Paul to
get her pussy ready for his cock and for a moment was
embarrassed to death. As she felt the massive head
enter her, all embarrassment faded. She was still
stretched from this morning, so there was little pain
as he forced himself into her tiny hole. He would
withdraw, and on the downstroke, force another inch or
two inside. She had her first orgasm.

I looked down and saw my pussy swallowing that huge
black python, coal black and glistening from my juices.
The contrast alone sent me off into another orgasm! He
was pushing it in ever so slowly, and then puling out,
going just a little bit deeper that the last thrust. I
began to thrust my hips back up to him, trying to get
more and more of him into my tight wet hole. I don�t
know how many times I came just in this time, but it
was almost like I was in constant orgasm…

Finally I felt him bottom out on my cervix. I looked
down and saw he wasn�t all the way in me. Some of that
thick shaft was still outside of me and he began to
thrust in and out in ever faster pumps… I hadn’t been
filled like this before today. God it was wonderful! My
pussy was beginning to stretch deeper and wider to
allow more of him in, and I was juicing like I�ve never
been wet before. With each of his powerful thrusts he
was getting deeper and deeper in my cervix until
finally I was stretched to the maximum and his huge cum
filled balls were slapping home.

I wrapped my long legs around his waist and pulled him
closer to me. He started to whisper really dirty to me,
asking me if I loved his black dick… Did I want his
thick, potent seed in my womb? Again, I didn�t believe
what was coming out on my mouth! “Oh god yes! Give me
all of your baby making cum! Fill me up with it!”

“Peg, do you want me to plant my black baby seed in
your belly?”

For a moment I began to think rationally, but never
answered. Before I could get my thoughts in order, he
began to pump me even harder and I could almost feel
that huge, hard fat head piercing my cervix, going all
the way into my uterus. It was just enough to send me
off the edge of reality, “Oh god Ron! Give it to me!
Give me all that black cum! Knock me up! Give me a
black baby!”

He gave one final loud grunt and thrust his weapon deep
and I felt that huge horse-cock head swell to bursting.
Flood after flood of hot thick cum filled me and I
could almost feel it drowning the egg that I was sure
was there in all of those millions of baby-makers! As I
slowly came down off the greatest high in the world, I
noticed Paul sitting there with his mouth hanging open.
I said the first thing that came to my mind. “If you
don’t want me pregnant, get down there and suck his cum
out of me.”

Without a word, Paul was between my legs and sucking
for all he was worth. After he must have drank a pint
of cum, his mouth left my pussy. I looked down, and he
was sucking Ron! I almost fainted from shock and
surprise. My Ron, a cocksucker! Maybe, everything was
going to be okay, after all. It was nice to be cleaned
up without having to leave the bed. His sucking was
getting Ron hard again. I do believe Paul was a first
class cocksucker, and he seemed to be enjoying it so

This time, Ron told me to get on my knees. He got
behind me, and began working his half hard cock into my
slick pussy. He kept getting harder and harder, until
it was like an oak log. Ron wasted no time ramming his
cock all the way to the hilt! He was fucking me with
jackhammer strokes and I began cumming over and over. I
was in ecstasy! Heaven on earth must be like this!
Without missing a stroke, he rolled me on my side, and
was fucking me from behind.

Paul immediately slid down and was trying to lick my
swollen clit! I could look down and see his tongue.
Whenever he licked me, he was also licking the shaft of
Ron’s cock. I could feel Ron’s cock swelling and knew I
was going to receive another load of cum. This caused
another orgasm! His dick suddenly disappeared from my
pussy! I was watching Paul’s head, when Ron’s black
cock rammed down his throat.

Ron was cumming in his mouth! God! How erotic! I
couldn’t believe what I was seeing! Paul was swallowing
as fast as he could, but still couldn’t keep it all
inside. He kept his mouth over that monster until every
drop was gone. Then, he was licking his lips as if he
didn’t want to lose a drop of the sweetest nectar he
had ever tasted. My God, there will never be another
day like this one, even if I live to be a hundred!

Each day was pretty much a repeat of the same, until
Wednesday. That’s the night Paul was on his knees,
sucking the juice from Peg’s cum filled pussy. Paul
felt something pressing against his virgin sphincter.
The pressure went away, and he heard Ron spit. Then the
pressure was back and with much more force, his muscle
gave way when the head of Ron’s cock slipped into his

He tried to raise his head and scream, but Ron pushed
his face back into her pussy. Paul could feel the snake
inching itself farther and farther up his shit hole.
When he thought the pain was going to kill him, he felt
Ron’s balls slapping against his buttocks. Ron allowed
him to adjust to the invasion for a minute or two
before beginning a slow fucking motion.

Paul thought he was going to die! He couldn’t stand so
much pain! Peg knew something was wrong and raised her
head to see what was happening. She scooted away from
Paul and stared in open-mouthed amazement. Paul was
beginning to squirm and move his ass. Was he trying to
get off the giant rod, or get more? Paul didn’t know,
either. It was feeling better and better.

The pain was subsiding and being replaced by pleasure.
He saw Peg looking at his plight, and closed his eyes
from her accusing stare. She seemed to be jealous! Ron
was pulling all the way out and slamming back to the
hilt. Paul was groaning with a mixture of pain and
pleasure. Fuck her! He was being fucked and he was
enjoying it! Why should she have all the fun and him be
the clean-up man? Ron reached around him and touched
his little hard prick. Paul came instantly, while Peg
watched each movement. Then, Ron speeded up and Paul
could feel the already giant cock get larger, as Ron
dumped squirt after squirt of cum into his ass.

Ron looked at Peg and told her, “You’re next. I fucked
his ass, so you would know you can take it. It never
killed him and it won’t kill you. You saw the enjoyment
he got. He’s nothing but a fuck slut now. He’ll let you
fuck anybody or anything, as long as you share a

Paul had collapsed with embarrassment and shame when he
heard these words. Life as he knew it had been
destroyed and would never be the same again. He and Peg
were nothing but fuck sluts for black cock. She was
pregnant and would have many black babies before this
was over. He was accepting the truth, and looking at
Peg, realized she had come to the same conclusion.

Anyone wishing to write chapter two, feel free to do

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