Interracial BBW sex

I been enjoying your site while yankin away at my fat dick, but can’t find no interracial stuff, so thought you might like to hear bout my life. I be a large, black man, and my dick is fine. I married, and has a black wife with nice fat fleshy titties, that she love me

The Bar Bet – a Slutty Anita Story

My wife Anita is a slut. I’ve always known it, but for years she thought she was keeping it a secret from me. I didn’t mind because I like it that she is a slut. Recently I revealed that I knew, and after that revelation I had her in a position where she was going

Husband’s surrogate father idea backfires

I just wanted to get this story off my chest. I have been married three years to a beautiful lady named Pam. Physically she is awesome… blonde, blue eyes, 4’10 and a luscious 110 pounds. Pam’s life was hardscrabble, orphaned at an early age and growing up in various foster homes. She found time to

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