Nude wrestling

Tom had scouted round the scene for a worthy opponent for his favorite lady wrestler, the lovely Miss Busty Zoe. He really did begin to think no-one would even come close when he found Jenni. At 5’11” she was an inch taller than Zoe and had quite a big body at 44″ though when they

An Erotic Adventure

“Morgane—wake up! I believe we might be in trouble…” Even as I shook Morgane the Strong’s powerful shoulder to awaken her from sleep, the tall warrior woman’s fingers instinctively wrapped themselves around the handle of a longsword that lay on the ground beside her. Like a sleek panther, her muscular body in one smooth motion

The Nude Wrestling Match

I woke up and I knew my life was probably changed forever. Just over a month ago I experienced an evening that could not have been anticipated. Could not have been planned. And one I would never have had wish for … until now. Hi, I’m Kelly and I’m a sophomore majoring in electrical engineering