Public Rebound

Jane had just signed the divorce papers. It was both sad and a relief at the same time. Her husband, now ex-husband had become increasingly manipulative, his emotion regulation skills seemed to be degenerating and every time he was angry or sad he blamed it on her, as if it was her job to shield

He creeps while I sleep

I’ve always been a heavy drinker and I tend to just pass out on the bed. One night I came in and sort of passed out halfway on the bed on my stomach with my butt and legs hanging off the bed. Though I was relaxed and totally immobile I was still somewhat conscious, just

A stressed-out young athlete meets hippy chick who mellows him the old fashioned way

People expected things from Jason. His parents expected him to get good grades, not just good, but over the top, anything less was unacceptable. His teachers had come to expect quality work from him, his coaches expected him to perform to his fullest. He had been pushed from every direction to excel and perform at