Lesbian sex between teen sisters

Anna knelt in her ‘secret place’. It was dark. The only
light came in through a crack in the wall. When her
family had moved into this house a year ago she had found
this small cubby-hole behind a secret panel in her
closet. She had covered the entrance with some clothes
and hadn’t told anyone about it. Whenever she wanted to
be alone, she could come here and nobody could find her.

Tonight she knelt, naked, in her secret place, so she
could ‘pet’ herself. She didn’t know why it felt so good
when she rubbed herself, but she knew she didn’t want her
parents to know. She was sure her mother would tell her
it wasn’t right’. She had overheard her sister getting
lectured about it a few years ago, and now she knew why
her sister did it.

Ana’s sister Barbie was 19 to Ana’s, 18. Through the
crack in the wall she could see into her sister’s room.
She knew that Barbie still petted herself, even after she
was told not to. Now Ana watched through the crack to see
if her sister would do it again tonight. Barbie lay in
bed, still, but not asleep. Ana was about to give up on
her when Barbie sat up in bed suddenly, then went to the
window. Ana couldn’t see the window clearly, but when
Barbie came back into sight, she had a boy with her. It
was Alan Thompson. Ana thought Barbie had stopped going
out with him because their mother didn’t like him. “I
guess not.” Ana thought.

Barbie started kissing the boy and removing his shirt.
She kissed his chest and licked his nipples. Ana thought
how good that must feel as she flicked her own tiny
nipples with her fingers. Barbie was now removing his
pants. Alan closed his eyes and licked his lips a little.
Ana wondered what her sister was going to do. Ana had
never seen a boy’s privates, but her mother had told her
that they were different from hers. She watched intently
as Barbie pulled Alan’s penis from his boxers. It was
long and round and kind of funny looking. Ana almost
giggled at the shape. She could barely make out Alan
saying something like “Suck my cock.” This was followed
by Barbie sushing him so no one would hear.

Ana thought his private part must be called a ‘cock’.
Barbie took Alan’s cock into her mouth. Ana wondered if
she were going to eat it. She was almost relieved when
she saw it emerge again from her sister’s mouth, intact.
Barbie was licking it like a lollypop. She licked for a
minute or so and then some white stuff squirted out of
the end of it into Barbie’s mouth. Ana wondered what that
was, but it looked awfully messy as her sister tried to
clean it up. After Barbie had wiped the stuff up with
some Kleenex, she raised up her nightie and sat down on
her bed. Ana couldn’t see as well, but she could tell
Alan’s hand was doing something. After a minute or two,
Barbie began so jerk around on the bed. Ana decided Alan
must have been petting her and decided it must feel
really good. Barbie finally lay still again. Alan leaned
over her and kissed her again. Then he put his clothes
back on and must have left through the window.

All this time Ana had been petting herself very
slowly. She wanted to make sure she didn’t ‘go over’ as
she called it, too fast. Ana had decided the show was
over for the night, and concentrated on getting herself
off. So she continued petting herself until the
sensations were too much for the little girl and she
almost whimpered as she went ‘over’.

* * *

A few days later, Barbie was out in the backyard in the
pool. Ana knew her parents wouldn’t be home for another 2
hours at least. She slipped into her sister’s bedroom.
Since Ana and Barbie were the only children, they had
always had room to have separate bedrooms. Ana knew that
Barbie kept a lot of things hidden in her dresser
somewhere, but from the view she had in her secret place,
she could never quite tell where. She opened the bottom
drawer and looked through the clothes in it. She didn’t
find anything. She went to the next drawer. Then the

The top drawer was almost too high for her. She pulled it
open a little too far and the drawer slipped out and
dropped to the floor with a loud thud. She hoped her
sister couldn’t hear that out in the pool. She quickly
tried to figure out how to put the drawer back in, when
she noticed something inside the dresser, behind where
the top drawer went. It was some kind of box. She reached
in and pulled the box out. Just then Barbie rushed into
the room. “Ana, are you alright?” she asked before she
noticed the drawer.

“Barbie. I thought you were in the pool.”

“Well I was in the Kitchen getting a drink when I
heard…” She stopped realizing where they were and what
her sister had found.

“What are you doing in here?”

“Looking for this.” Ana held up the long white thing she
had seen her sister use on herself.

“You’re too young for that. What do you know about that?”

“I know you put it in you the other night. And I know
Alan was here.”

“How did you know that?” Barbie glared at her sister.

“I can’t tell. But I will tell Mom and Dad about Alan
unless you show me what to do with this.”

“You little extortionist.” Barbie said almost admiring
her sister’s cunning. “Alright, what do you want to
know?” Barbie was still in her damp one piece bathing
suit. Ana’s red hair was pulled back through a baseball
cap. She had on a pair of shorts and a tube top to keep
cool since it was so hot this summer.

“Get undressed and show me how this thing works.” Barbie
slipped out of her one piece bathing suit and sat on the

“Hand me my box.” Barbie motioned to the box Ana had
found in the dresser. She brought it to her. Barbie
pulled out a tube and the white cylinder. She held up the
white thing and said “This is a vibrator.” She indicated
the tube in her other hand. “This is KY jelly. It makes
things slippery.”

“Where did you get them?” Ana asked.

“Aunt Jenny gave me the vibrator and taught me how to
give a blow job, like I did to Alan. She said it would
help me keep the boys happy, and the vibrator would
keep me happy, and I wouldn’t end up pregnant. I got
the KY at the hospital. It’s been pretty easy to sneak
some out since I’m volunteering as a Candy-stiper on
Tuesday and Thursday mornings this summer.” Barbie
flipped the cap open on the KY and squirted some of the
clear lube onto the vibrator.

“You wanted an education, little sister? Well this is my

She pulled back the lips around her pussy. “And this is
my clitty.” She flicked it lightly with her finger and
bit her lip a bit with pleasure. “Do you ever play with
your clitty, Ana?”

Ana was watching mesmerized by her sister’s lewdness.
She nodded silently.

“Take off your clothes, Ana. I want to see you play with
yourself. Rub your clitty for me.” Ana pulled off her
shorts and underwear at the same time, then removed
her tube top. She had been in control before, but now
she was so rapt at this scene from her dreams before
her, that she could not help but obey. She knelt down
like she had so many times in her secret place, and
began to pet herself.

“I’m about to fuck myself with this vibrator.” Barbie
smeared the jelly around the entire length of the white
shaft. She lay back and slid the vibrator ever so slowly
into her pussy. This time Ana had a superb view of what
was happening. She flicked her clitty as she had seen her
sister do before. She jumped, startled at the intense
pleasure it sent through her.

She did it again. and again. In just a fIn a few minutes
she was going over. She let herself gasp aloud.

“That’s right baby sister. Cum for your big sis. Cum for
me Ana.” Barbie coaxed.

When Ana had partly recovered she could see her sister
pounding the vibrator into herself furiously. Seconds
later, she was cumming too.

After a few minutes both had recovered. “We’d better
clean up quick. Mom and Dad will be home soon.” Ana
agreed and the girls got dressed and cleaned up

* * *

That night, after their parents were asleep, Ana went to
Barbie’s room. “Barbie?” Ana peeked in through the door.

“I expected to see you tonight, sis. More education?”
Ana nodded. She really wanted to see more of Barbie’s
body. Anna closed the door behind her. Barbie was already
nude, and Ana pulled off her gown on her way to Barbie’s
bed. “Is Alan coming again tonight?” “No. His
Grandparents are in town for the next week and he can’t
get out at night. Have you ever let any one else
masturbate you?”


“Why don’t you lay back and let your big sis take care of

Ana lay back on the bed with her legs slightly spread.
Barbie lay between Ana’s legs propped up on one elbow.
She slowly touched the nearly hairless 18 year olds
mound. She rubbed up and down over her vulva. Ana was in
heaven. Involuntarily she spread her legs further, until
they were spread as wide as they could go.

This spreading parted her nether lips and Barbie was
given a good view of her little sister’s pussy. She
rubbed her hand into the slit and up and down. Ana
moaned lightly and bit her lip to keep from being any
louder. Barbie’s hand was slippery with her sisters
juices she began to flick Ana’s little clitoris. Ana
jumped at the first few flicks then settled into the
shear pleasure of the experience. In just a minute her
clitoris was swollen to twice normal size and with one
last flick, she was cumming. This was more intense than
any of her little cums in her secret place had been.
Her little body shuddered over and over, until she
finally calmed after a few minutes.

Barbie smiled at her. “Was that a good cum?”

“That was the best!” Ana said emphatically.

“Can I do you now?”

Barbie smiled again. “I want you to kiss me on my pussy.”

“Okay,” Anna said, puzzled. She wasn’t sure why her
sister wanted her to kiss her on her privates, on her
pussy. But she decided it was worth trying.

Barbie lay back, her large breasts jiggled a bit as she
plopped back. She spread her legs, knowing what would
come next. Ana lay between Barbie’s legs and started to
kiss her on the thigh. She wanted to work her way to her
big sister’s pussy slowly, just to tease her. She had no
idea how erotic this would be to Barbie. Barbie’s
breathing got heavier and she almost moaned a few times.
Finally Ana reached her sister’s moist center. She
kissed her directly on the clit. This time it was
Barbie’s turn to jump in pleasure. Ana began to lick and
suck on Barbie’s clit like a pro. In just minutes, Barbie
was shivering with orgasm.

Ana moved up and sat down beside her sister. Barbie
lay still for a minute then Ana asked, “did YOU have a
good cum, Barbie?”

“It was the Best!” she replied. Both sisters giggled at
the deja vu.

Barbie thought about how much she admired that insatiable
little 18 year old, and how thankful she was for their
fun times together.

Probably the end…

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